int SvgView::renderText(const QStringRef &text) { scene->clear(); QRectF currentMarginsRect; if (changeMargins) currentMarginsRect = QRectF(QPointF(sheetRect.topRight().x() - marginsRect.topRight().x(), marginsRect.topLeft().y()), QPointF(sheetRect.bottomRight().x() - marginsRect.bottomLeft().x(), marginsRect.bottomRight().y())); else currentMarginsRect = marginsRect; scene->addRect(sheetRect); scene->addRect(currentMarginsRect, QPen(Qt::darkGray)); QPointF cursor(currentMarginsRect.x(), currentMarginsRect.y()); int endOfSheet = 0; for (QChar symbol : text) { qreal letterWidth = fontSize * dpmm / 4, letterHeight = fontSize * dpmm; //don't try to go beyond the right margin if (cursor.x() > (currentMarginsRect.x() + currentMarginsRect.width() - letterWidth)) { if (symbol.isSpace()) //ignore whitespace-symbols at the end of the current line continue; cursor += QPointF(currentMarginsRect.x() - cursor.x(), letterHeight + lineSpacing * dpmm); } //stop rendering when you reach the end of sheet if (cursor.y() > currentMarginsRect.bottomRight().y() - letterHeight) return endOfSheet; if (symbol.isSpace()) { switch (symbol.toLatin1()) { case '\t': cursor += QPointF(letterWidth * spacesInTab, 0.0); endOfSheet++; continue; case '\n': cursor += QPointF(currentMarginsRect.x() - cursor.x(), letterHeight + lineSpacing * dpmm); endOfSheet++; continue; default: cursor += QPointF(letterWidth, 0.0); endOfSheet++; continue; } } if (!font.contains(symbol)) { cursor += QPointF(letterWidth, 0.0); endOfSheet++; continue; } QGraphicsSvgItem *letter = new QGraphicsSvgItem(font.values(symbol).at(qrand() % font.values(symbol).size())); if (useCustomFontColor) { QGraphicsColorizeEffect *colorEffect = new QGraphicsColorizeEffect(); colorEffect->setColor(fontColor); letter->setGraphicsEffect(colorEffect); } letter->setScale(letterHeight / letter->boundingRect().height()); letterWidth = letter->boundingRect().width() * letter->scale() + letterSpacing * dpmm; letter->setPos(cursor); cursor += QPointF(letterWidth, 0.0); scene->addItem(letter); endOfSheet++; } return endOfSheet; }
/** Retrieve the named tile from the WMS server. A tileCompleted signal will * be emitted when the tile is ready. */ void WMSRequester::retrieveTile(const QString& tileName, const QString& surface, const QRectF& tileRect, unsigned int tileSize, vesta::TextureMap* texture) { if (!m_surfaces.contains(surface)) { // Surface not defined return; } QString fileName = tileFileName(tileName, surface); QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); if (fileInfo.exists()) { QImage image(fileName); emit imageCompleted(tileName, image); return; } LatLongBoundingBox tileBox(tileRect.x(), tileRect.y(), tileRect.x() + tileRect.width(), tileRect.y() + tileRect.height()); SurfaceProperties surfaceProps = m_surfaces[surface]; unsigned int wmsTileWidth = surfaceProps.tileWidth; unsigned int wmsTileHeight = surfaceProps.tileHeight; LatLongBoundingBox topLeft = surfaceProps.topLeft; double tileLongExtent = tileBox.east - tileBox.west; double tileLatExtent = tileBox.north - tileBox.south; double requestedResolution = tileLongExtent / double(tileSize); double baseWmsResolution = (topLeft.east - topLeft.west) / double(wmsTileWidth); unsigned int wmsLevel = 0; while (requestedResolution < baseWmsResolution / (1 << wmsLevel)) { wmsLevel++; } double wmsTileLongExtent = (topLeft.east - topLeft.west) / (1 << wmsLevel); double wmsTileLatExtent = (topLeft.north - topLeft.south) / (1 << wmsLevel); topLeft.east = topLeft.west + wmsTileLongExtent; topLeft.south = topLeft.north - wmsTileLatExtent; int westIndex = int(floor((tileBox.west - topLeft.west) / wmsTileLongExtent)); int southIndex = int(floor((tileBox.south - topLeft.south) / wmsTileLatExtent)); int eastIndex = int(ceil((tileBox.east - topLeft.west) / wmsTileLongExtent)); int northIndex = int(ceil((tileBox.north - topLeft.south) / wmsTileLatExtent)); TileAssembly* tileAssembly = new TileAssembly; tileAssembly->tileImage; tileAssembly->requestCount = 0; tileAssembly->tileName = tileName; tileAssembly->surfaceName = surface; tileAssembly->tileWidth = tileSize; tileAssembly->tileHeight = tileSize; tileAssembly->texture = texture; for (int lat = southIndex; lat < northIndex; ++lat) { for (int lon = westIndex; lon < eastIndex; ++lon) { LatLongBoundingBox bbox; bbox.west = topLeft.west + lon * wmsTileLongExtent; bbox.south = topLeft.south + lat * wmsTileLatExtent; bbox.east = bbox.west + wmsTileLongExtent; bbox.north = bbox.south + wmsTileLatExtent; QString urlString = createWmsUrl(surfaceProps.requestUrl, bbox, surfaceProps.tileWidth, surfaceProps.tileHeight); TileBuildOperation op; op.tile = tileAssembly; op.subrect = QRectF(float(tileSize * (bbox.west - tileBox.west) / tileLongExtent), -float(tileSize * (bbox.north - tileBox.north) / tileLatExtent), tileSize * wmsTileLongExtent / tileLongExtent, tileSize * wmsTileLatExtent / tileLatExtent); op.urlString = urlString; op.tile->requestCount++; if (m_dispatchedRequestCount < MaxOutstandingNetworkRequests) { requestTile(op); } else { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_queuedTiles.append(op); } } } }
void DebugDialog::debug(QString prefix, const QRectF &rect, DebugLevel debug, QObject *ancestor) { QString msg = prefix+QString(" rect: x=%1 y=%2 w=%3 h=%4") .arg(rect.x()).arg(rect.y()).arg(rect.width()).arg(rect.height()); DebugDialog::debug(msg,debug,ancestor); }
QSGNode *QQuickImage::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *) { Q_D(QQuickImage); QSGTexture *texture = d->sceneGraphRenderContext()->textureForFactory(d->pix.textureFactory(), window()); // Copy over the current texture state into the texture provider... if (d->provider) { d->provider->m_smooth = d->smooth; d->provider->m_mipmap = d->mipmap; d->provider->updateTexture(texture); } if (!texture || width() <= 0 || height() <= 0) { delete oldNode; return 0; } QSGImageNode *node = static_cast<QSGImageNode *>(oldNode); if (!node) { d->pixmapChanged = true; node = d->sceneGraphContext()->createImageNode(); } QRectF targetRect; QRectF sourceRect; QSGTexture::WrapMode hWrap = QSGTexture::ClampToEdge; QSGTexture::WrapMode vWrap = QSGTexture::ClampToEdge; qreal pixWidth = (d->fillMode == PreserveAspectFit) ? d->paintedWidth : d->pix.width() / d->devicePixelRatio; qreal pixHeight = (d->fillMode == PreserveAspectFit) ? d->paintedHeight : d->pix.height() / d->devicePixelRatio; int xOffset = 0; if (d->hAlign == QQuickImage::AlignHCenter) xOffset = qCeil((width() - pixWidth) / 2.); else if (d->hAlign == QQuickImage::AlignRight) xOffset = qCeil(width() - pixWidth); int yOffset = 0; if (d->vAlign == QQuickImage::AlignVCenter) yOffset = qCeil((height() - pixHeight) / 2.); else if (d->vAlign == QQuickImage::AlignBottom) yOffset = qCeil(height() - pixHeight); switch (d->fillMode) { default: case Stretch: targetRect = QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()); sourceRect = d->pix.rect(); break; case PreserveAspectFit: targetRect = QRectF(xOffset, yOffset, d->paintedWidth, d->paintedHeight); sourceRect = d->pix.rect(); break; case PreserveAspectCrop: { targetRect = QRect(0, 0, width(), height()); qreal wscale = width() / qreal(d->pix.width()); qreal hscale = height() / qreal(d->pix.height()); if (wscale > hscale) { int src = (hscale / wscale) * qreal(d->pix.height()); int y = 0; if (d->vAlign == QQuickImage::AlignVCenter) y = qCeil((d->pix.height() - src) / 2.); else if (d->vAlign == QQuickImage::AlignBottom) y = qCeil(d->pix.height() - src); sourceRect = QRectF(0, y, d->pix.width(), src); } else { int src = (wscale / hscale) * qreal(d->pix.width()); int x = 0; if (d->hAlign == QQuickImage::AlignHCenter) x = qCeil((d->pix.width() - src) / 2.); else if (d->hAlign == QQuickImage::AlignRight) x = qCeil(d->pix.width() - src); sourceRect = QRectF(x, 0, src, d->pix.height()); } } break; case Tile: targetRect = QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()); sourceRect = QRectF(-xOffset, -yOffset, width(), height()); hWrap = QSGTexture::Repeat; vWrap = QSGTexture::Repeat; break; case TileHorizontally: targetRect = QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()); sourceRect = QRectF(-xOffset, 0, width(), d->pix.height()); hWrap = QSGTexture::Repeat; break; case TileVertically: targetRect = QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()); sourceRect = QRectF(0, -yOffset, d->pix.width(), height()); vWrap = QSGTexture::Repeat; break; case Pad: qreal w = qMin(qreal(d->pix.width()), width()); qreal h = qMin(qreal(d->pix.height()), height()); qreal x = (d->pix.width() > width()) ? -xOffset : 0; qreal y = (d->pix.height() > height()) ? -yOffset : 0; targetRect = QRectF(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, w, h); sourceRect = QRectF(x, y, w, h); break; }; qreal nsWidth = (hWrap == QSGTexture::Repeat) ? d->pix.width() / d->devicePixelRatio : d->pix.width(); qreal nsHeight = (vWrap == QSGTexture::Repeat) ? d->pix.height() / d->devicePixelRatio : d->pix.height(); QRectF nsrect(sourceRect.x() / nsWidth, sourceRect.y() / nsHeight, sourceRect.width() / nsWidth, sourceRect.height() / nsHeight); if (targetRect.isEmpty() || !qIsFinite(targetRect.width()) || !qIsFinite(targetRect.height()) || nsrect.isEmpty() || !qIsFinite(nsrect.width()) || !qIsFinite(nsrect.height())) { delete node; return 0; } if (d->pixmapChanged) { // force update the texture in the node to trigger reconstruction of // geometry and the likes when a atlas segment has changed. if (texture->isAtlasTexture() && (hWrap == QSGTexture::Repeat || vWrap == QSGTexture::Repeat || d->mipmap)) node->setTexture(texture->removedFromAtlas()); else node->setTexture(texture); d->pixmapChanged = false; } node->setMipmapFiltering(d->mipmap ? QSGTexture::Linear : QSGTexture::None); node->setHorizontalWrapMode(hWrap); node->setVerticalWrapMode(vWrap); node->setFiltering(d->smooth ? QSGTexture::Linear : QSGTexture::Nearest); node->setTargetRect(targetRect); node->setInnerTargetRect(targetRect); node->setSubSourceRect(nsrect); node->setMirror(d->mirror); node->setAntialiasing(d->antialiasing); node->update(); return node; }
void ChooseGeneralBox::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) { //============================================================ //||========================================================|| //|| 萩僉夲�揖米薦議冷繍 || //|| ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ || //|| | | | | | | | | | | || //|| | g1 | | g2 | | g3 | | g4 | | g5 | || //|| | | | | | | | | | | || //|| !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! || //|| ______ ______ ______ ______ || //|| | | | | | | | | || //|| | g6 | | g7 | | g8 | | g9 | || //|| | | | | | | | | || //|| !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! || //|| ---------------------------------------------- || //|| \/ || //|| ______ ______ || //|| | | | | || //|| | hg | | dg | || //|| | | | | || //|| !!!!!! !!!!!! || //|| __________ || //|| | 鳩協 | || //|| !!!!!!!!!! || //|| ========================= || //|| || //============================================================ // // //================================================== //|| 岑失岑泳鉱心麼繍 || //||==============================================|| //|| || //|| __________________ || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| | | || //|| !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! || //|| || //|| ================== || //|| || confirm || || //|| ================== || //|| || //================================================== painter->save(); painter->setBrush(QBrush(G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxBackgroundColor)); QRectF rect = boundingRect(); const int x = rect.x(); const int y = rect.y(); const int w = rect.width(); const int h = rect.height(); painter->drawRect(QRect(x, y, w, h)); painter->drawRect(QRect(x, y, w, top_dark_bar)); G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxTitleFont.paintText(painter, QRect(x, y, w, top_dark_bar), Qt::AlignCenter, single_result ? tr("Please select one general") : tr("Please select the same nationality generals")); painter->restore(); painter->setPen(G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxBorderColor); painter->drawRect(QRect(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2)); if (single_result) return; int split_line_y = top_blank_width + G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + card_bottom_to_split_line; if (general_number > 5) split_line_y += (card_to_center_line + G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight); QPixmap line = G_ROOM_SKIN.getPixmap(QSanRoomSkin::S_SKIN_KEY_CHOOSE_GENERAL_BOX_SPLIT_LINE); const int line_length = boundingRect().width() - 2 * left_blank_width; painter->drawPixmap(left_blank_width, split_line_y, line, (line.width() - line_length) / 2, y, line_length, line.height()); QPixmap seat = G_ROOM_SKIN.getPixmap(QSanRoomSkin::S_SKIN_KEY_CHOOSE_GENERAL_BOX_DEST_SEAT); QRect seat1_rect( - G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth - card_to_center_line - 2, split_line_y + split_line_to_card_seat - 2, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth + 4, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + 4); painter->drawPixmap(seat1_rect, seat); IQSanComponentSkin::QSanSimpleTextFont font = G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_chooseGeneralBoxDestSeatFont; font.paintText(painter, seat1_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("head_general")); QRect seat2_rect( + card_to_center_line - 2, split_line_y + split_line_to_card_seat - 2, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalWidth + 4, G_COMMON_LAYOUT.m_cardNormalHeight + 4); painter->drawPixmap(seat2_rect, seat); font.paintText(painter, seat2_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, tr("deputy_general")); }
void WTextSourceViewerLine::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { QRectF lineRect; QPoint pos=e->pos(); if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; pos.setY(pos.y()+translation_y); int i; QBitArray hidden_lines; hidden_lines.resize(number_of_lines); for (i=0;i<number_of_lines;i++) hidden_lines[i]=true; int current_line=-1; int block_end=-1; int block_start=-1; bool hide_current_line=true; bool found=false; for (QTextBlock textBlock=text_document_p->begin(); textBlock!=text_document_p->end(); { TextSourceInstrumentationData *instrumentationData=dynamic_cast<TextSourceInstrumentationData*> (textBlock.userData()); if (instrumentationData) { lineRect=text_document_p->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(textBlock); QRectF hitRect(0,lineRect.y(),width(),lineRect.height()); hidden_lines[instrumentationData->current_line-1]=false; if (hitRect.contains(pos)) { current_line = instrumentationData->current_line; hide_current_line = (instrumentationData->instrumentations.isEmpty()) ; if (hide_current_line) found=true; } if (instrumentationData->instrumentations.isEmpty()) { block_end=instrumentationData->current_line; if (block_start==-1) block_start=instrumentationData->current_line; } else { if (!hide_current_line) found=false; if (found) { found=false; for (i=block_start-1;i<=block_end-1;i++) hidden_lines[i]=hide_current_line; } block_end=-1; block_start=-1; } } } if (found) { found=false; for (i=block_start-1;i<=block_end-1;i++) hidden_lines[i]=hide_current_line; } if (current_line<0) { e->accept(); return; } int scroll_to_line=current_line; if (!hide_current_line) { int i; for (i=current_line;i<number_of_lines && hidden_lines[i];i++) hidden_lines[i]=false; for (i=current_line-2;i>=0 && hidden_lines[i];i--) hidden_lines[i]=false; } else { for (int i=current_line;i<number_of_lines && hidden_lines[i];i++) scroll_to_line=i+2; } emit hideLines(scroll_to_line,hidden_lines); e->accept(); }
void SdfRenderer::render(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bounds) { current_size_x = static_cast<int>(bounds.width()); current_size_y = static_cast<int>(bounds.height()); mStartX = static_cast<int>(bounds.x()); mStartY = static_cast<int>(bounds.y()); this->painter = painter; QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode node = docElem.firstChild(); while(!node.isNull()) { QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); if(!elem.isNull()) { if (elem.tagName()=="line") { line(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="ellipse") { ellipse(elem); } else if (elem.tagName() == "arc") { arc(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="background") { background(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="text") { draw_text(elem); } else if (elem.tagName()=="rectangle") { rectangle(elem); } else if (elem.tagName()=="polygon") { polygon(elem); } else if (elem.tagName()=="point") { point(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="path") { path_draw(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="stylus") { stylus_draw(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="curve") { curve_draw(elem); } else if(elem.tagName()=="image") { image_draw(elem); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } this->painter = 0; }
/*! Paints the gantt item \a idx using \a painter and \a opt */ void ItemDelegate::paintGanttItem( QPainter* painter, const StyleOptionGanttItem& opt, const QModelIndex& idx ) { if ( !idx.isValid() ) return; const ItemType typ = static_cast<ItemType>( idx.model()->data( idx, ItemTypeRole ).toInt() ); const QString& txt = opt.text; QRectF itemRect = opt.itemRect; QRectF boundingRect = opt.boundingRect; boundingRect.setY( itemRect.y() ); boundingRect.setHeight( itemRect.height() ); //qDebug() << "itemRect="<<itemRect<<", boundingRect="<<boundingRect; painter->save(); QPen pen = defaultPen( typ ); if ( opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) pen.setWidth( 2*pen.width() ); painter->setPen( pen ); painter->setBrush( defaultBrush( typ ) ); qreal pw = painter->pen().width()/2.; switch( typ ) { case TypeTask: if ( itemRect.isValid() ) { // TODO qreal pw = painter->pen().width()/2.; pw-=1; QRectF r = itemRect; r.translate( 0., r.height()/6. ); r.setHeight( 2.*r.height()/3. ); painter->setBrushOrigin( itemRect.topLeft() ); painter->save(); painter->translate( 0.5, 0.5 ); painter->drawRect( r ); bool ok; qreal completion = idx.model()->data( idx, KDGantt::TaskCompletionRole ).toDouble( &ok ); if ( ok ) { qreal h = r.height(); QRectF cr( r.x(), r.y()+h/4. + 1, r.width()*completion/100., h/2. - 2 ); painter->fillRect( cr, painter->pen().brush() ); } painter->restore(); Qt::Alignment ta; switch( opt.displayPosition ) { case StyleOptionGanttItem::Left: ta = Qt::AlignLeft; break; case StyleOptionGanttItem::Right: ta = Qt::AlignRight; break; case StyleOptionGanttItem::Center: ta = Qt::AlignCenter; break; } painter->drawText( boundingRect, ta, txt ); } break; case TypeSummary: if ( opt.itemRect.isValid() ) { // TODO pw-=1; const QRectF r = QRectF( opt.itemRect ).adjusted( -pw, -pw, pw, pw ); QPainterPath path; const qreal deltaY = r.height()/2.; const qreal deltaX = qMin( r.width()/qreal(2), deltaY ); path.moveTo( r.topLeft() ); path.lineTo( r.topRight() ); path.lineTo( QPointF( r.right(), + 2.*deltaY ) ); //path.lineTo( QPointF( r.right()-3./2.*delta, + delta ) ); path.quadTo( QPointF( r.right()-.5*deltaX, + deltaY ), QPointF( r.right()-2.*deltaX, + deltaY ) ); //path.lineTo( QPointF( r.left()+3./2.*delta, + delta ) ); path.lineTo( QPointF( r.left() + 2.*deltaX, + deltaY ) ); path.quadTo( QPointF( r.left()+.5*deltaX, + deltaY ), QPointF( r.left(), + 2.*deltaY ) ); path.closeSubpath(); painter->setBrushOrigin( itemRect.topLeft() ); painter->save(); painter->translate( 0.5, 0.5 ); painter->drawPath( path ); painter->restore(); Qt::Alignment ta; switch( opt.displayPosition ) { case StyleOptionGanttItem::Left: ta = Qt::AlignLeft; break; case StyleOptionGanttItem::Right: ta = Qt::AlignRight; break; case StyleOptionGanttItem::Center: ta = Qt::AlignCenter; break; } painter->drawText( boundingRect, ta | Qt::AlignVCenter, txt ); } break; case TypeEvent: /* TODO */ //qDebug() << opt.boundingRect << opt.itemRect; if ( opt.boundingRect.isValid() ) { const qreal pw = painter->pen().width() / 2. - 1; const QRectF r = QRectF( opt.rect ).adjusted( -pw, -pw, pw, pw ); QPainterPath path; const qreal delta = static_cast< int >( r.height() / 2 ); path.moveTo( delta, 0. ); path.lineTo( 2.*delta, delta ); path.lineTo( delta, 2.*delta ); path.lineTo( 0., delta ); path.closeSubpath(); painter->save(); painter->translate( r.topLeft() ); painter->translate( 0.5, 0.5 ); painter->drawPath( path ); painter->restore(); Qt::Alignment ta; switch( opt.displayPosition ) { case StyleOptionGanttItem::Left: ta = Qt::AlignLeft; break; case StyleOptionGanttItem::Right: ta = Qt::AlignRight; break; case StyleOptionGanttItem::Center: ta = Qt::AlignCenter; break; } painter->drawText( boundingRect, ta | Qt::AlignVCenter, txt ); } break; default: break; } painter->restore(); }
QPointF QuickGridDefinition::cellPoint(QRectF rect, int row, int column) { return QPointF(columnOffset(column) * rect.width() + rect.x(), rowOffset(row) * rect.height() + rect.y()); }
void EventsSceneArrowTmpItem::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); QRectF rect = boundingRect(); //painter->fillRect(rect, QColor(255, 0, 0, 30)); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int penWidth = 2; QColor color = Qt::black; switch(mState) { case eNormal: color = Qt::black; break; case eAllowed: color = QColor(77, 180, 62); break; case eForbidden: color = Qt::red; break; default: break; } painter->setPen(QPen(color, penWidth, Qt::DashLine)); painter->drawLine(mXFrom, mYFrom, mXTo, mYTo); // arrows float angle_rad = atanf(rect.width() / rect.height()); float angle_deg = angle_rad * 180. / M_PI; QPainterPath path; int arrow_w = 10; int arrow_l = 15; path.moveTo(-arrow_w/2, arrow_l/2); path.lineTo(arrow_w/2, arrow_l/2); path.lineTo(0, -arrow_l/2); path.closeSubpath(); float posX = rect.width()/2; float posY = rect.height()/2; if(mXFrom < mXTo && mYFrom > mYTo) { painter->save(); painter->translate(rect.x() + posX, rect.y() + posY); painter->rotate(angle_deg); painter->fillPath(path, color); painter->restore(); } else if(mXFrom < mXTo && mYFrom < mYTo) { painter->save(); painter->translate(rect.x() + posX, rect.y() + posY); painter->rotate(180 - angle_deg); painter->fillPath(path, color); painter->restore(); } else if(mXFrom > mXTo && mYFrom < mYTo) { painter->save(); painter->translate(rect.x() + posX, rect.y() + posY); painter->rotate(180 + angle_deg); painter->fillPath(path, color); painter->restore(); } else if(mXFrom > mXTo && mYFrom > mYTo) { painter->save(); painter->translate(rect.x() + rect.width()/2, rect.y() + rect.height()/2); painter->rotate(-angle_deg); painter->fillPath(path, color); painter->restore(); } // Message switch(mState) { case eAllowed: case eForbidden: { float w = 40; float h = 40; QRectF r(rect.x() + (rect.width() - w)/2, rect.y() + (rect.height() - h)/2, w, h); painter->setBrush(Qt::white); painter->drawEllipse(r); if(mState == eAllowed) { painter->drawText(r, Qt::AlignCenter, "OK"); } else { painter->setPen(QPen(color, penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap)); painter->drawLine(r.x() + r.width()/4, r.y() + r.height()/4, r.x() + 3*r.width()/4, r.y() + 3*r.height()/4); painter->drawLine(r.x() + r.width()/4, r.y() + 3*r.height()/4, r.x() + 3*r.width()/4, r.y() + r.height()/4); } } default: break; } }
void QZint::render(QPainter & painter, const QRectF & paintRect, AspectRatioMode mode) { encode(); bool textdone; int comp_offset = 0, xoffset = m_whitespace, j, main_width = 0, addon_text_height = 0; int yoffset = 0; QString caption = QString::fromUtf8((const char *)m_zintSymbol->text, -1); QFont fontSmall(fontstyle); fontSmall.setPixelSize(fontPixelSizeSmall); QFont fontLarge(fontstyle); fontLarge.setPixelSize(fontPixelSizeLarge); if (m_lastError.length()) { painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(paintRect,Qt::AlignCenter,m_lastError); return; }; painter.setClipRect(paintRect,Qt::IntersectClip); qreal xtr=paintRect.x(); qreal ytr=paintRect.y(); int zrow_height=m_zintSymbol->height; int zrows=0; for (int i=0;i<m_zintSymbol->rows;i++) { zrow_height-=m_zintSymbol->row_height[i]; if (!m_zintSymbol->row_height[i]) zrows++; } if (zrows) { zrow_height/=zrows; for (int i=0;i<m_zintSymbol->rows;i++) if (!m_zintSymbol->row_height[i]) m_zintSymbol->row_height[i]=zrow_height; } else m_zintSymbol->height-=zrow_height; qreal gwidth=m_zintSymbol->width; qreal gheight=m_zintSymbol->height; if (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE) { gheight*=(maxi_width); gwidth*=(maxi_width+1); } qreal xsf=1; qreal ysf=1; qreal textoffset = 0; gwidth+=((m_border==BOX)?m_borderWidth*2:0); gheight+=((m_border!=NO_BORDER)?m_borderWidth*2:0); if(QString((const char*)m_zintSymbol->text).isEmpty() == false) { textoffset = 9; gheight += textoffset; } else { textoffset = 0; } gwidth+=m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width*2; switch(mode) { case IgnoreAspectRatio: xsf=(qreal)paintRect.width()/gwidth; ysf=(qreal)paintRect.height()/gheight; break; case KeepAspectRatio: if (paintRect.width()/gwidth<paintRect.height()/gheight) { ysf=xsf=(qreal)paintRect.width()/gwidth; ytr+=(qreal)(paintRect.height()-gheight*ysf)/2; } else { ysf=xsf=(qreal)paintRect.height()/gheight; xtr+=(qreal)(paintRect.width()-gwidth*xsf)/2; } break; case CenterBarCode: xtr+=((qreal)paintRect.width()-gwidth*xsf)/2; ytr+=((qreal)paintRect.height()-gheight*ysf)/2; break; } painter.setBackground(QBrush(m_bgColor)); painter.fillRect(paintRect,QBrush(m_bgColor)); painter.translate(xtr,ytr); painter.scale(xsf,ysf); QPen p; p.setColor(m_fgColor); p.setWidth(m_borderWidth); painter.setPen(p); QPainterPath pt; if(m_zintSymbol->symbology != BARCODE_MAXICODE) { /* Draw boundary bars or boxes around the symbol */ switch(m_border) { case BOX: painter.fillRect(0,m_borderWidth,m_borderWidth,m_zintSymbol->height,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset + m_borderWidth,m_borderWidth,m_borderWidth,m_zintSymbol->height,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(0,0,m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset + m_borderWidth + m_borderWidth,m_borderWidth,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(0,m_zintSymbol->height + m_borderWidth,m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset + m_borderWidth + m_borderWidth, m_borderWidth,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.translate(m_borderWidth+m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width,m_borderWidth); yoffset = m_borderWidth; break; case BIND: painter.fillRect(0,0,m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset,m_borderWidth,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(0,m_zintSymbol->height + m_borderWidth,m_zintSymbol->width + xoffset + xoffset, m_borderWidth,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.translate(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width,m_borderWidth); yoffset = m_borderWidth; break; default: painter.translate(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width,0); break;; } } while(!(module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, comp_offset))) { comp_offset++; } xoffset = comp_offset; /* Set up some values for displaying EAN and UPC symbols correctly */ main_width = m_zintSymbol->width; if ((((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX) && (m_zintSymbol->rows == 1)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX_CC)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_ISBNX)) { switch(caption.size()) { case 13: /* EAN 13 */ case 16: case 19: if(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width == 0) { m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = 10; } main_width = 96 + comp_offset; break; default: main_width = 68 + comp_offset; break; } } if (((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA) && (m_zintSymbol->rows == 1)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA_CC)) { if(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width == 0) { m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = 10; } main_width = 96 + comp_offset; } if (((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE) && (m_zintSymbol->rows == 1)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE_CC)) { if(m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width == 0) { m_zintSymbol->whitespace_width = 10; } main_width = 51 + comp_offset; } p.setWidth(1); painter.setPen(p); if (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE) { /* Draw Maxicode with hexagons */; painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); for (int r=0;r<m_zintSymbol->rows;r++) { for (int c=0;c<m_zintSymbol->width;c++) { if (module_set(r, c)) { qreal col=(qreal)c*(maxi_width+1)+(r%2)*((maxi_width+1)/2); qreal row=(qreal)r*(maxi_width+1)*0.868; QPainterPath pt; pt.moveTo(col+maxi_width/2, row); pt.lineTo(col+maxi_width, row+maxi_diagonal/4); pt.lineTo(col+maxi_width, row+(maxi_diagonal-maxi_diagonal/4)); pt.lineTo(col+maxi_width/2, row+maxi_diagonal); pt.lineTo(col, row+(maxi_diagonal-maxi_diagonal/4)); pt.lineTo(col, row+maxi_diagonal/4); pt.lineTo(col+maxi_width/2, row); painter.fillPath(pt,QBrush(m_fgColor)); } } } p.setWidth(maxi_width); painter.setPen(p); const qreal w=maxi_width+1; painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(14.5*w,16.5*w*0.868),w,w); painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(14.5*w,16.5*w*0.868),w+w*1.5,w+w*1.5); painter.drawEllipse(QPointF(14.5*w,16.5*w*0.868),w+w*3,w+w*3); painter.restore(); } else { /* Draw all other symbols with rectangles */ int y=0; for (int row=0;row<m_zintSymbol->rows;row++) { for (int i=0;i<m_zintSymbol->width;i++) { if (module_set(row, i)) { int ed = module_set(row, i); int linewidth=0; for (int j=i;j<m_zintSymbol->width;j++,linewidth++) if (ed != module_set(row, j)) break; QColor color; color=m_fgColor; if(!((i > main_width) && (row == m_zintSymbol->rows - 1))) { painter.fillRect(i,y,linewidth,m_zintSymbol->row_height[row],QBrush(color)); } else { painter.fillRect(i,y + 8,linewidth,m_zintSymbol->row_height[row] - 3,QBrush(color)); addon_text_height = y; } } } /* Add row binding */ if(((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_CODE16K) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_CODE49)) && (row != 0)) { painter.fillRect(0,y - 1,m_zintSymbol->width,2,QBrush(m_fgColor)); } y+=m_zintSymbol->row_height[row]; } } textdone = false; if(m_hidetext == false) { painter.setFont(fontSmall); if(((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_EANX_CC)) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_ISBNX)) { /* Add bridge and format text for EAN */ switch(caption.size()) { case 8: case 11: case 14: painter.fillRect(0 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(2 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(32 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(34 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(64 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(66 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(3 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 29, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0,4)); painter.drawText(35 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 29, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(4,4)); if(caption.size() == 11) { /* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(76 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9,2)); }; if(caption.size() == 14) { /* EAN-5 */ painter.drawText(76 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9,5)); }; painter.setFont(fontSmall); textdone = true; break; case 13: case 16: case 19: painter.fillRect(0 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(2 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(46 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(48 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(92 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(94 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(xoffset - 7, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 7, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0,1)); painter.drawText(3 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 43, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(1,6)); painter.drawText(49 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 43, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(7,6)); if(caption.size() == 16) { /* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(14,2)); }; if(caption.size() == 19) { /* EAN-5 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(14,5)); }; painter.setFont(fontSmall); textdone = true; break; } if(textdone == false) { painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(0, m_zintSymbol->height, m_zintSymbol->width, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption); painter.setFont(fontSmall); textdone = true; } } if((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCA_CC)) { /* Add bridge and format text for UPC-A */ int block_width; bool latch = true; j = 0 + comp_offset; do { block_width = 0; do { block_width++; } while (module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j + block_width) == module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j)); if(latch == true) { /* a bar */ painter.fillRect(j + xoffset - comp_offset,m_zintSymbol->height,block_width,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); latch = false; } else { /* a space */ latch = true; } j += block_width; } while (j < 11 + comp_offset); painter.fillRect(46 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(48 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); latch = true; j = 85 + comp_offset; do { block_width = 0; do { block_width++; } while (module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j + block_width) == module_set(m_zintSymbol->rows - 1, j)); if(latch == true) { /* a bar */ painter.fillRect(j + xoffset - comp_offset,m_zintSymbol->height,block_width,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); latch = false; } else { /* a space */ latch = true; } j += block_width; } while (j < 96 + comp_offset); painter.drawText(xoffset - 7, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0,1)); painter.drawText(96 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(11,1)); painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(11 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 35, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(1,5)); painter.drawText(49 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 35, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(6,5)); if(caption.size() == 15) { /* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(13,2)); }; if(caption.size() == 18) { /* EAN-5 */ painter.drawText(104 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(13,5)); }; painter.setFont(fontSmall); textdone = true; } if((m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE) || (m_zintSymbol->symbology == BARCODE_UPCE_CC)) { /* Add bridge and format text for UPC-E */ painter.fillRect(0 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(2 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(46 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(48 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.fillRect(50 + xoffset,m_zintSymbol->height,1,5,QBrush(m_fgColor)); painter.drawText(xoffset - 7, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(0,1)); painter.drawText(51 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset + 2, 7, 7,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(7,1)); painter.setFont(fontLarge); painter.drawText(3 + xoffset, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, 43, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(1,6)); if(caption.size() == 11) { /* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(60 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 20, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9,2)); }; if(caption.size() == 14) { /* EAN-2 */ painter.drawText(60 + xoffset, addon_text_height, 47, 9,Qt::AlignCenter, caption.mid(9,5)); }; painter.setFont(fontSmall); textdone = true; } } /* if (m_hidetext == false) */ if((m_hidetext == false) && (textdone == false)) { /* Add text to any other symbol */ painter.drawText(0, m_zintSymbol->height + yoffset, m_zintSymbol->width, 7, Qt::AlignCenter, caption); } painter.restore(); }
void ModelScene::refresh() { // clear existing scene // clear model items for (ModelItemGraphics* MItemG : m_GraphicsItems) { removeItem(MItemG); delete MItemG; } m_GraphicsItems.clear(); // clear connections for (ConnectorGraphics* ConnG : m_GraphicsConnections) { removeItem(ConnG); delete ConnG; } m_GraphicsConnections.clear(); clear(); const std::list<openfluid::fluidx::ModelItemDescriptor*>& Items = m_Model.items(); std::list<openfluid::fluidx::ModelItemDescriptor*>::const_iterator itb = Items.begin(); std::list<openfluid::fluidx::ModelItemDescriptor*>::const_iterator ite = Items.end(); std::list<openfluid::fluidx::ModelItemDescriptor*>::const_iterator it; unsigned int SimCount = 0; unsigned int GenCount = 0; // add model items for (it = itb; it!= ite; ++it) { if ((*it)->isEnabled()) { QString ID = QString::fromStdString(m_Model.getID(*it)); QVariant ConfigPos = openfluid::base::RunContextManager::instance()->getProjectConfigValue("builder.model.graphicalview",ID); QPoint Position(0,0); if (ConfigPos.type() == QVariant::Point) Position = ConfigPos.toPoint(); else { QRectF CurrentRect = itemsBoundingRect(); Position.setX(int(CurrentRect.x()+CurrentRect.width()/2)); Position.setY(int(CurrentRect.y()+CurrentRect.height()/2)); } if ((*it)->getType() == openfluid::ware::WareType::SIMULATOR && openfluid::machine::SimulatorSignatureRegistry::instance()->isSimulatorAvailable(ID.toStdString())) { SimCount++; SimulatorGraphics* SimG = new SimulatorGraphics(QPoint(0,0), ID, SimCount+GenCount, openfluid::machine::SimulatorSignatureRegistry::instance() ->signature(ID.toStdString())); addItem(SimG); SimG->moveBy(Position.x(),Position.y()); SimG->initialize(); m_GraphicsItems.append(SimG); connect(SimG,SIGNAL(srcEditAsked(const QString&,bool)),this,SLOT(notifySrcEditAsked(const QString&,bool))); } else if ((*it)->getType() == openfluid::ware::WareType::GENERATOR)
void QwtScaleWidget::drawTitle( QPainter *painter, QwtScaleDraw::Alignment align, const QRectF &rect ) const { QRectF r = rect; double angle; int flags = d_data->title.renderFlags() & ~( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignVCenter ); switch ( align ) { case QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale: angle = -90.0; flags |= Qt::AlignTop; r.setRect( r.left(), r.bottom(), r.height(), r.width() - d_data->titleOffset ); break; case QwtScaleDraw::RightScale: angle = -90.0; flags |= Qt::AlignTop; r.setRect( r.left() + d_data->titleOffset, r.bottom(), r.height(), r.width() - d_data->titleOffset ); break; case QwtScaleDraw::BottomScale: angle = 0.0; flags |= Qt::AlignBottom; r.setTop( + d_data->titleOffset ); break; case QwtScaleDraw::TopScale: default: angle = 0.0; flags |= Qt::AlignTop; r.setBottom( r.bottom() - d_data->titleOffset ); break; } if ( d_data->layoutFlags & TitleInverted ) { if ( align == QwtScaleDraw::LeftScale || align == QwtScaleDraw::RightScale ) { angle = -angle; r.setRect( r.x() + r.height(), r.y() - r.width(), r.width(), r.height() ); } } painter->save(); painter->setFont( font() ); painter->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Text ) ); painter->translate( r.x(), r.y() ); if ( angle != 0.0 ) painter->rotate( angle ); QwtText title = d_data->title; title.setRenderFlags( flags ); title.draw( painter, QRectF( 0.0, 0.0, r.width(), r.height() ) ); painter->restore(); }
void PianoView::drawBackground(QPainter* p, const QRectF& r) { if (staff == 0) return; Score* _score = staff->score(); setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); QRectF r1; r1.setCoords(-1000000.0, 0.0, 480.0, 1000000.0); QRectF r2; r2.setCoords(ticks + MAP_OFFSET, 0.0, 1000000.0, 1000000.0); QColor bg(0x71, 0x8d, 0xbe); p->fillRect(r, bg); if (r.intersects(r1)) p->fillRect(r.intersected(r1), bg.darker(150)); if (r.intersects(r2)) p->fillRect(r.intersected(r2), bg.darker(150)); // // draw horizontal grid lines // qreal y1 = r.y(); qreal y2 = y1 + r.height(); qreal kh = 13.0; qreal x1 = r.x(); qreal x2 = x1 + r.width(); // int key = floor(y1 / 75); int key = floor(y1 / kh); qreal y = key * kh; for (; key < 75; ++key, y += kh) { if (y < y1) continue; if (y > y2) break; p->setPen(QPen((key % 7) == 5 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray)); p->drawLine(QLineF(x1, y, x2, y)); } // // draw vertical grid lines // static const int mag[7] = { 1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 }; Pos pos1 = pix2pos(x1); Pos pos2 = pix2pos(x2); //--------------------------------------------------- // draw raster //--------------------------------------------------- int bar1, bar2, beat, tick; pos1.mbt(&bar1, &beat, &tick); pos2.mbt(&bar2, &beat, &tick); int n = mag[magStep < 0 ? 0 : magStep]; bar1 = (bar1 / n) * n; // round down if (bar1 && n >= 2) bar1 -= 1; bar2 = ((bar2 + n - 1) / n) * n; // round up for (int bar = bar1; bar <= bar2;) { Pos stick(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), bar, 0, 0); if (magStep > 0) { double x = double(pos2pix(stick)); if (x > 0) { p->setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray, 0.0)); p->drawLine(x, y1, x, y2); } else { p->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0.0)); p->drawLine(x, y1, x, y1); } } else { int z = stick.timesig().timesig().numerator(); for (int beat = 0; beat < z; beat++) { if (magStep == 0) { Pos xx(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), bar, beat, 0); int xp = pos2pix(xx); if (xp < 0) continue; if (xp > 0) { p->setPen(QPen(beat == 0 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray, 0.0)); p->drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } else { p->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0.0)); p->drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } } else { int k; if (magStep == -1) k = 2; else if (magStep == -2) k = 4; else if (magStep == -3) k = 8; else if (magStep == -4) k = 16; else k = 32; int n = (MScore::division * 4) / stick.timesig().timesig().denominator(); for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { Pos xx(_score->tempomap(), _score->sigmap(), bar, beat, (n * i)/ k); int xp = pos2pix(xx); if (xp < 0) continue; if (xp > 0) { p->setPen(QPen(i == 0 && beat == 0 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray, 0.0)); p->drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } else { p->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0.0)); p->drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y2); } } } } } if (bar == 0 && n >= 2) bar += (n-1); else bar += n; } }
void QSGPropertyAnimator::updateProperty(QObject *target, const QString& p) { QSGAnimatedProperty *ap = m_controller->registeredProperty(p, target); if (ap && m_duration > 0) { if (m_elapsed > m_startTime && ((m_elapsed < m_startTime + m_loops * m_duration) || (m_loops < 0))) { QVariant value = ap->value(); qreal tx = int(m_elapsed - m_startTime) % int(m_duration); switch (value.type()) { case QMetaType::Double: value = QVariant(m_from.toReal() + (m_to.toReal() - m_from.toReal()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); break; case QMetaType::QColor: { QColor from = qvariant_cast<QColor>(m_from); QColor to = qvariant_cast<QColor>(m_to); QColor result = qvariant_cast<QColor>(value); result.setRed( + ( - * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setGreen( + ( - * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setBlue( + ( - * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setAlpha(from.alpha() + (to.alpha() - from.alpha()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::Int: value = QVariant(m_from.toInt() + (m_to.toInt() - m_from.toInt()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); break; case QMetaType::QSize: { QSize from = m_from.toSize(); QSize to = m_to.toSize(); QSize result = value.toSize(); result.setWidth(from.width() + (to.width() - from.width()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setHeight(from.height() + (to.height() - from.height()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::QSizeF: { QSizeF from = m_from.toSize(); QSizeF to = m_to.toSize(); QSizeF result = value.toSize(); result.setWidth(from.width() + (to.width() - from.width()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setHeight(from.height() + (to.height() - from.height()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::QPoint: { QPoint from = m_from.toPoint(); QPoint to = m_to.toPoint(); QPoint result = value.toPoint(); result.setX(from.x() + (to.x() - from.x()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setY(from.y() + (to.y() - from.y()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::QPointF: { QPointF from = m_from.toPointF(); QPointF to = m_to.toPointF(); QPointF result = value.toPointF(); result.setX(from.x() + (to.x() - from.x()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setY(from.y() + (to.y() - from.y()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::QRect: { QRect from = m_from.toRect(); QRect to = m_to.toRect(); QRect result = value.toRect(); result.setX(from.x() + (to.x() - from.x()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setY(from.y() + (to.y() - from.y()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setWidth(from.width() + (to.width() - from.width()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setHeight(from.height() + (to.height() - from.height()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::QRectF: { QRectF from = m_from.toRectF(); QRectF to = m_to.toRectF(); QRectF result = value.toRectF(); result.setX(from.x() + (to.x() - from.x()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setY(from.y() + (to.y() - from.y()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setWidth(from.width() + (to.width() - from.width()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setHeight(from.height() + (to.height() - from.height()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } case QMetaType::QVector3D: { QVector3D from = qvariant_cast<QVector3D>(m_from); QVector3D to = qvariant_cast<QVector3D>(m_to); QVector3D result = qvariant_cast<QVector3D>(value); result.setX(from.x() + (to.x() - from.x()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setY(from.y() + (to.y() - from.y()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); result.setZ(from.z() + (to.z() - from.z()) * m_easing.valueForProgress(tx / m_duration)); value = result; break; } default: break; } ap->setValue(value); } } }
void MandelbrotWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /* event */) { QPainter painter(this); painter.fillRect(rect(), Qt::black); if (instances[0].pixmap.isNull()) { painter.setPen(Qt::white); painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, tr("Rendering initial image, please wait...")); return; } int textWidth, pointCur; QRectF screen; QString textStat; QRectF wholescreen = QRectF(0, 0, this->width(), this->height()); //Amir QFontMetrics metrics = painter.fontMetrics(); for (int rowCur=0; rowCur< rowMax; rowCur++) //Amir for (int colCur=0; colCur< colMax; colCur++) //Amir { pointCur = rowCur * colMax + colCur; screen = QRectF(colCur * this->width() / colMax, rowCur * this->height() / rowMax, this->width() / colMax - borderThreshold , this->height() / rowMax - borderThreshold); //Amir if (instances[pointCur].curScale == instances[pointCur].pixmapScale) { // painter.drawPixmap(pixmapOffset, pixmap); painter.drawPixmap(screen, instances[pointCur].pixmap, wholescreen); //Amir } else { // double scaleFactor = pixmapScale / curScale; // int newWidth = int(pixmap[pointCur].width() * scaleFactor); // int newHeight = int(pixmap[pointCur].height() * scaleFactor); // int newX = pixmapOffset.x() + (pixmap[pointCur].width() - newWidth) / 2; // int newY = pixmapOffset.y() + (pixmap[pointCur].height() - newHeight) / 2;; // painter.translate(newX, newY); // painter.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); // QRectF exposed = painter.matrix().inverted().mapRect(rect()).adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1); painter.drawPixmap(screen, instances[pointCur].pixmap, wholescreen); //Amir //painter.drawPixmap(exposed, pixmap, exposed); painter.restore(); } if (instances[pointCur].renderingDone) { textStat = tr("Process Done"); textWidth = metrics.width(textStat); } else { textStat = tr("Process Pass ") + QString(instances[pointCur].renderingDoneLevel+0x30); textWidth = metrics.width(textStat); } painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 127)); painter.drawRect(screen.x(), screen.y() + screen.height() -20, 100, 20); painter.setPen(Qt::white); painter.drawText(screen.x() + 3, screen.y() + screen.height() - 5, textStat); } QString text = tr("Use mouse wheel or the '+' and '-' keys to zoom. " "Press and hold left mouse button to scroll."); // QFontMetrics metrics = painter.fontMetrics(); textWidth = metrics.width(text); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 127)); painter.drawRect((width() - textWidth) / 2 - 5, 0, textWidth + 10, metrics.lineSpacing() + 5); painter.setPen(Qt::white); painter.drawText((width() - textWidth) / 2, metrics.leading() + metrics.ascent(), text); }
void Worker::run() { while (1) { res->requestSemaphore.acquire(1); if (die) { break; } // get next page to render res->requestMutex.lock(); int page, width, index; map<int,pair<int,int> >::iterator less = res->requests.lower_bound(res->center_page); map<int,pair<int,int> >::iterator greater = less--; if (greater != res->requests.end()) { if (greater != res->requests.begin()) { // favour nearby page, go down first if (greater->first + less->first <= res->center_page * 2) { page = greater->first; index = greater->second.first; width = greater->second.second; res->requests.erase(greater); } else { page = less->first; index = less->second.first; width = less->second.second; res->requests.erase(less); } } else { page = greater->first; index = greater->second.first; width = greater->second.second; res->requests.erase(greater); } } else { page = less->first; index = less->second.first; width = less->second.second; res->requests.erase(less); } res->requestMutex.unlock(); // check for duplicate requests res->k_page[page].mutex.lock(); if (res->k_page[page].status[index] == width && res->k_page[page].rotation[index] == res->rotation) { res->k_page[page].mutex.unlock(); continue; } int rotation = res->rotation; res->k_page[page].mutex.unlock(); // open page #ifdef DEBUG cerr << " rendering page " << page << " for index " << index << endl; #endif Poppler::Page *p = res->doc->page(page); if (p == NULL) { cerr << "failed to load page " << page << endl; continue; } // render page float dpi = 72.0 * width / res->get_page_width(page); QImage img = p->renderToImage(dpi, dpi, -1, -1, -1, -1, static_cast<Poppler::Page::Rotation>(rotation)); if (img.isNull()) { cerr << "failed to render page " << page << endl; continue; } // invert to current color setting if (res->inverted_colors) { img.invertPixels(); } // put page res->k_page[page].mutex.lock(); if (!res->k_page[page].img[index].isNull()) { res->k_page[page].img[index] = QImage(); // assign null image } // adjust all available images to current color setting if (res->k_page[page].inverted_colors != res->inverted_colors) { res->k_page[page].inverted_colors = res->inverted_colors; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { res->k_page[page].img[i].invertPixels(); } res->k_page[page].thumbnail.invertPixels(); } res->k_page[page].img[index] = img; res->k_page[page].status[index] = width; res->k_page[page].rotation[index] = rotation; res->k_page[page].mutex.unlock(); res->garbageMutex.lock(); res->garbage.insert(page); // TODO add index information? res->garbageMutex.unlock(); emit page_rendered(page); // collect goto links res->link_mutex.lock(); if (res->k_page[page].links == NULL) { res->link_mutex.unlock(); QList<Poppler::Link *> *links = new QList<Poppler::Link *>; QList<Poppler::Link *> l = p->links(); links->swap(l); res->link_mutex.lock(); res->k_page[page].links = links; } if (res->k_page[page].text == NULL) { res->link_mutex.unlock(); QList<Poppler::TextBox *> text = p->textList(); // assign boxes to lines // make single parts from chained boxes set<Poppler::TextBox *> used; QList<SelectionPart *> selection_parts; Q_FOREACH(Poppler::TextBox *box, text) { if (used.find(box) != used.end()) { continue; } used.insert(box); SelectionPart *p = new SelectionPart(box); selection_parts.push_back(p); Poppler::TextBox *next = box->nextWord(); while (next != NULL) { used.insert(next); p->add_word(next); next = next->nextWord(); } } // sort by y coordinate qStableSort(selection_parts.begin(), selection_parts.end(), selection_less_y); QRectF line_box; QList<SelectionLine *> *lines = new QList<SelectionLine *>(); Q_FOREACH(SelectionPart *part, selection_parts) { QRectF box = part->get_bbox(); // box fits into line_box's line if (!lines->empty() && box.y() <= && box.bottom() > { float ratio_w = box.width() / line_box.width(); float ratio_h = box.height() / line_box.height(); if (ratio_w < 1.0f) { ratio_w = 1.0f / ratio_w; } if (ratio_h < 1.0f) { ratio_h = 1.0f / ratio_h; } if (ratio_w > 1.3f && ratio_h > 1.3f) { lines->back()->sort(); lines->push_back(new SelectionLine(part)); line_box = part->get_bbox(); } else { lines->back()->add_part(part); } // it doesn't fit, create new line } else { if (!lines->empty()) { lines->back()->sort(); } lines->push_back(new SelectionLine(part)); line_box = part->get_bbox(); } } if (!lines->empty()) { lines->back()->sort(); } res->link_mutex.lock(); res->k_page[page].text = lines; }
/** * This benchmark runs a series of huge strokes on a canvas with a * particular configuration of the swapper/pooler and history * management. After the test is done you can visualize the results * with the GNU Octave. Please use kis_low_memory_show_report.m file * for that. */ void KisLowMemoryBenchmark::benchmarkWideArea(const QString presetFileName, const QRectF &rect, qreal vstep, int numCycles, bool createTransaction, int hardLimitMiB, int softLimitMiB, int poolLimitMiB, int index) { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = new KisPaintOpPreset(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + presetFileName); LOAD_PRESET_OR_RETURN(preset, presetFileName); /** * Initialize image and painter */ const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE, HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE, colorSpace, "stroke sample image"); KisLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "temporary for stroke sample", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, colorSpace); KisLayerSP layerExtra = new KisPaintLayer(image, "temporary for threading", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, colorSpace); image->addNode(layer, image->root()); image->addNode(layerExtra, image->root()); KisPainter *painter = new KisPainter(layer->paintDevice()); painter->setPaintColor(KoColor(Qt::black, colorSpace)); painter->setPaintOpPreset(preset, layer, image); /** * A simple adapter that will store all the transactions for us */ KisSurrogateUndoAdapter undoAdapter; /** * Reset configuration to the desired settings */ KisImageConfig config; qreal oldHardLimit = config.memoryHardLimitPercent(); qreal oldSoftLimit = config.memorySoftLimitPercent(); qreal oldPoolLimit = config.memoryPoolLimitPercent(); const qreal _MiB = 100.0 / KisImageConfig::totalRAM(); config.setMemoryHardLimitPercent(hardLimitMiB * _MiB); config.setMemorySoftLimitPercent(softLimitMiB * _MiB); config.setMemoryPoolLimitPercent(poolLimitMiB * _MiB); KisTileDataStore::instance()->testingRereadConfig(); /** * Create an empty the log file */ QString fileName; fileName = QString("log_%1_%2_%3_%4_%5.txt") .arg(createTransaction) .arg(hardLimitMiB) .arg(softLimitMiB) .arg(poolLimitMiB) .arg(index); QFile logFile(fileName); | QFile::Truncate); QTextStream logStream(&logFile); logStream.setFieldWidth(10); logStream.setFieldAlignment(QTextStream::AlignRight); /** * Start painting on the image */ QTime cycleTime; QTime lineTime; cycleTime.start(); lineTime.start(); qreal rectBottom = rect.y() + rect.height(); for (int i = 0; i < numCycles; i++) { cycleTime.restart(); QLineF line(rect.topLeft(), rect.topLeft() + QPointF(rect.width(), 0)); if (createTransaction) { painter->beginTransaction(); } KisDistanceInformation currentDistance; while(line.y1() < rectBottom) { lineTime.restart(); KisPaintInformation pi1(line.p1(), 0.0); KisPaintInformation pi2(line.p2(), 1.0); painter->paintLine(pi1, pi2, ¤tDistance); painter->device()->setDirty(painter->takeDirtyRegion()); logStream << "L 1" << i << lineTime.elapsed() << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTilesInMemory() * 16 << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTiles() * 16 << createTransaction << endl; line.translate(0, vstep); } painter->device()->setDirty(painter->takeDirtyRegion()); if (createTransaction) { painter->endTransaction(&undoAdapter); } // comment/uncomment to emulate user waiting after the stroke QTest::qSleep(1000); logStream << "C 2" << i << cycleTime.elapsed() << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTilesInMemory() * 16 << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTiles() * 16 << createTransaction << config.memoryHardLimitPercent() / _MiB << config.memorySoftLimitPercent() / _MiB << config.memoryPoolLimitPercent() / _MiB << endl; } config.setMemoryHardLimitPercent(oldHardLimit * _MiB); config.setMemorySoftLimitPercent(oldSoftLimit * _MiB); config.setMemoryPoolLimitPercent(oldPoolLimit * _MiB); delete painter; }
rect drawing_context::get_fill_extents() { QRectF rect = path_.boundingRect(); return {{float(rect.x()), float(rect.y())}, {float(rect.width()), float(rect.height())}}; }
int GraphPathRenderer::needRedraw(QRectF tileRect) { TileManager *tm = m_data->tiles; int index = tm->get_tile_num(tileRect.x(), tileRect.y()); return m_data->redrawFlags[index]; }
// Apply a simple variant type to a DOM property static bool applySimpleProperty(const QVariant &v, bool translateString, DomProperty *dom_prop) { switch (v.type()) { case QVariant::String: { DomString *str = new DomString(); str->setText(v.toString()); if (!translateString) str->setAttributeNotr(QStringLiteral("true")); dom_prop->setElementString(str); } return true; case QVariant::ByteArray: dom_prop->setElementCstring(QString::fromUtf8(v.toByteArray())); return true; case QVariant::Int: dom_prop->setElementNumber(v.toInt()); return true; case QVariant::UInt: dom_prop->setElementUInt(v.toUInt()); return true; case QVariant::LongLong: dom_prop->setElementLongLong(v.toLongLong()); return true; case QVariant::ULongLong: dom_prop->setElementULongLong(v.toULongLong()); return true; case QVariant::Double: dom_prop->setElementDouble(v.toDouble()); return true; case QVariant::Bool: dom_prop->setElementBool(v.toBool() ? QFormBuilderStrings::instance().trueValue : QFormBuilderStrings::instance().falseValue); return true; case QVariant::Char: { DomChar *ch = new DomChar(); const QChar character = v.toChar(); ch->setElementUnicode(character.unicode()); dom_prop->setElementChar(ch); } return true; case QVariant::Point: { DomPoint *pt = new DomPoint(); const QPoint point = v.toPoint(); pt->setElementX(point.x()); pt->setElementY(point.y()); dom_prop->setElementPoint(pt); } return true; case QVariant::PointF: { DomPointF *ptf = new DomPointF(); const QPointF pointf = v.toPointF(); ptf->setElementX(pointf.x()); ptf->setElementY(pointf.y()); dom_prop->setElementPointF(ptf); } return true; case QVariant::Color: { DomColor *clr = new DomColor(); const QColor color = qvariant_cast<QColor>(v); clr->setElementRed(; clr->setElementGreen(; clr->setElementBlue(; const int alphaChannel = color.alpha(); if (alphaChannel != 255) clr->setAttributeAlpha(alphaChannel); dom_prop->setElementColor(clr); } return true; case QVariant::Size: { DomSize *sz = new DomSize(); const QSize size = v.toSize(); sz->setElementWidth(size.width()); sz->setElementHeight(size.height()); dom_prop->setElementSize(sz); } return true; case QVariant::SizeF: { DomSizeF *szf = new DomSizeF(); const QSizeF sizef = v.toSizeF(); szf->setElementWidth(sizef.width()); szf->setElementHeight(sizef.height()); dom_prop->setElementSizeF(szf); } return true; case QVariant::Rect: { DomRect *rc = new DomRect(); const QRect rect = v.toRect(); rc->setElementX(rect.x()); rc->setElementY(rect.y()); rc->setElementWidth(rect.width()); rc->setElementHeight(rect.height()); dom_prop->setElementRect(rc); } return true; case QVariant::RectF: { DomRectF *rcf = new DomRectF(); const QRectF rectf = v.toRectF(); rcf->setElementX(rectf.x()); rcf->setElementY(rectf.y()); rcf->setElementWidth(rectf.width()); rcf->setElementHeight(rectf.height()); dom_prop->setElementRectF(rcf); } return true; case QVariant::Font: { DomFont *fnt = new DomFont(); const QFont font = qvariant_cast<QFont>(v); const uint mask = font.resolve(); if (mask & QFont::WeightResolved) { fnt->setElementBold(font.bold()); fnt->setElementWeight(font.weight()); } if (mask & QFont::FamilyResolved) fnt->setElementFamily(; if (mask & QFont::StyleResolved) fnt->setElementItalic(font.italic()); if (mask & QFont::SizeResolved) fnt->setElementPointSize(font.pointSize()); if (mask & QFont::StrikeOutResolved) fnt->setElementStrikeOut(font.strikeOut()); if (mask & QFont::UnderlineResolved) fnt->setElementUnderline(font.underline()); if (mask & QFont::KerningResolved) fnt->setElementKerning(font.kerning()); if (mask & QFont::StyleStrategyResolved) { const QMetaEnum styleStrategy_enum = metaEnum<QAbstractFormBuilderGadget>("styleStrategy"); fnt->setElementStyleStrategy(QLatin1String(styleStrategy_enum.valueToKey(font.styleStrategy()))); } dom_prop->setElementFont(fnt); } return true; #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR case QVariant::Cursor: { const QMetaEnum cursorShape_enum = metaEnum<QAbstractFormBuilderGadget>("cursorShape"); dom_prop->setElementCursorShape(QLatin1String(cursorShape_enum.valueToKey(qvariant_cast<QCursor>(v).shape()))); } return true; #endif case QVariant::KeySequence: { DomString *s = new DomString(); s->setText(qvariant_cast<QKeySequence>(v).toString(QKeySequence::PortableText)); dom_prop->setElementString(s); } return true; case QVariant::Locale: { DomLocale *dom = new DomLocale(); const QLocale locale = qvariant_cast<QLocale>(v); const QMetaEnum language_enum = metaEnum<QAbstractFormBuilderGadget>("language"); const QMetaEnum country_enum = metaEnum<QAbstractFormBuilderGadget>("country"); dom->setAttributeLanguage(QLatin1String(language_enum.valueToKey(locale.language()))); dom->setAttributeCountry(QLatin1String(country_enum.valueToKey(; dom_prop->setElementLocale(dom); } return true; case QVariant::SizePolicy: { DomSizePolicy *dom = new DomSizePolicy(); const QSizePolicy sizePolicy = qvariant_cast<QSizePolicy>(v); dom->setElementHorStretch(sizePolicy.horizontalStretch()); dom->setElementVerStretch(sizePolicy.verticalStretch()); const QMetaEnum sizeType_enum = metaEnum<QAbstractFormBuilderGadget>("sizeType"); dom->setAttributeHSizeType(QLatin1String(sizeType_enum.valueToKey(sizePolicy.horizontalPolicy()))); dom->setAttributeVSizeType(QLatin1String(sizeType_enum.valueToKey(sizePolicy.verticalPolicy()))); dom_prop->setElementSizePolicy(dom); } return true; case QVariant::Date: { DomDate *dom = new DomDate(); const QDate date = qvariant_cast<QDate>(v); dom->setElementYear(date.year()); dom->setElementMonth(date.month()); dom->setElementDay(; dom_prop->setElementDate(dom); } return true; case QVariant::Time: { DomTime *dom = new DomTime(); const QTime time = qvariant_cast<QTime>(v); dom->setElementHour(time.hour()); dom->setElementMinute(time.minute()); dom->setElementSecond(time.second()); dom_prop->setElementTime(dom); } return true; case QVariant::DateTime: { DomDateTime *dom = new DomDateTime(); const QDateTime dateTime = qvariant_cast<QDateTime>(v); dom->setElementHour(dateTime.time().hour()); dom->setElementMinute(dateTime.time().minute()); dom->setElementSecond(dateTime.time().second()); dom->setElementYear(; dom->setElementMonth(; dom->setElementDay(; dom_prop->setElementDateTime(dom); } return true; case QVariant::Url: { DomUrl *dom = new DomUrl(); const QUrl url = v.toUrl(); DomString *str = new DomString(); str->setText(url.toString()); dom->setElementString(str); dom_prop->setElementUrl(dom); } return true; case QVariant::StringList: { DomStringList *sl = new DomStringList; sl->setElementString(qvariant_cast<QStringList>(v)); dom_prop->setElementStringList(sl); } return true; default: break; } return false; }
void setRect( const QRectF& rc ) { rect_ = QRect( int( rc.x() ), int( rc.y() ), int( rc.width() + 1 ), int( rc.height() + 1 ) ); }
void ContentWindowGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event) { // on Mac we've seen that mouse events can go to the wrong graphics item // this is due to the bug: // here we ignore the event if it shouldn't have been sent to us, which ensures // it will go to the correct item... if(boundingRect().contains(event->pos()) == false) { event->ignore(); return; } // button dimensions float buttonWidth, buttonHeight; getButtonDimensions(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); // item rectangle and event position QRectF r = boundingRect(); QPointF eventPos = event->pos(); // check to see if user clicked on the close button if(fabs((r.x()+r.width()) - eventPos.x()) <= buttonWidth && fabs(r.y() - eventPos.y()) <= buttonHeight) { close(); return; } // move to the front of the GUI display moveToFront(); ContentWindowManagerPtr contentWindow = getContentWindowManager(); if (!contentWindow) return; if (selected()) { contentWindow->getInteractionDelegate().mousePressEvent(event); return; } contentWindow->getContent()->blockAdvance( true ); // check to see if user clicked on the resize button if(fabs((r.x()+r.width()) - eventPos.x()) <= buttonWidth && fabs((r.y()+r.height()) - eventPos.y()) <= buttonHeight) { resizing_ = true; } // check to see if user clicked on the fullscreen button else if(fabs(r.x() - eventPos.x()) <= buttonWidth && fabs((r.y()+r.height()) - eventPos.y()) <= buttonHeight) { toggleFullscreen(); } else if(fabs(((r.x()+r.width())/2) - eventPos.x() - buttonWidth) <= buttonWidth && fabs((r.y()+r.height()) - eventPos.y()) <= buttonHeight && g_configuration->getOptions()->getShowMovieControls( )) { contentWindow->setControlState( ControlState(contentWindow->getControlState() ^ STATE_PAUSED) ); } else if(fabs(((r.x()+r.width())/2) - eventPos.x()) <= buttonWidth && fabs((r.y()+r.height()) - eventPos.y()) <= buttonHeight && g_configuration->getOptions()->getShowMovieControls( )) { contentWindow->setControlState( ControlState(contentWindow->getControlState() ^ STATE_LOOP) ); } else moving_ = true; QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event); }
void FlowDesigner::paintComponentLinks(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &bounds, const Component &comp) { QFontMetrics metrics = painter->fontMetrics(); QPen pen(Qt::red, 1); QBrush brush(Qt::red); painter->setPen(pen); float xPos = 0; float yPos = 0; // Draw any connections QPainterPath linkPath; int idx = 0; for (Port *port : comp.getPorts()) { const std::set<Port *> &connections = port->getConnections(); if (connections.size() > 0) { QRectF portBounds = calculatePortBoundingBox(*port, bounds); for (const Port *conn : connections) { // Determine who should draw the link if (comp.getProperty("id") > conn->getComponent()->getProperty("id")) continue; QRectF receivingCompBounds = calculateBoundingBox(*conn->getComponent()); QRectF receivingBounds = calculatePortBoundingBox(*conn, receivingCompBounds); float startX = portBounds.x() + 0.5f * portBounds.width(); float startY = portBounds.y() + 0.5f * portBounds.height(); float endX = receivingBounds.x() + 0.5f * receivingBounds.width(); float endY = receivingBounds.y() + 0.5f * receivingBounds.height(); float middleX = (startX + endX) / 2; float middleY = (startY + endY) / 2; linkPath.moveTo(startX, startY); linkPath.cubicTo(startX, startY, middleX, startY, middleX, middleY); linkPath.cubicTo(middleX, middleY, middleX, endY, endX, endY); } } idx++; } painter->drawPath(linkPath); // // Now draw the input/output circles // QPainterPath circlePath; QPainterPath circlePathFilled; idx = 0; for (Port *port : comp.getPorts()) { QString text = QString::fromStdString(port->getName()); QRectF portBounds = calculatePortBoundingBox(*port, bounds); if (port->isConnected()) { circlePathFilled.addEllipse(portBounds); } else { circlePath.addEllipse(portBounds); } idx++; } painter->drawPath(circlePath); painter->fillPath(circlePathFilled, brush); }
/*! \brief Draw the raster data \param painter Painter \param xMap X-Scale Map \param yMap Y-Scale Map \param canvasRect Contents rectangle of the plot canvas */ void QwtPlotRasterItem::draw( QPainter *painter, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QRectF &canvasRect ) const { if ( canvasRect.isEmpty() || d_data->alpha == 0 ) return; const bool doCache = qwtUseCache( d_data->cache.policy, painter ); const QwtInterval xInterval = interval( Qt::XAxis ); const QwtInterval yInterval = interval( Qt::YAxis ); /* Scaling an image always results in a loss of precision/quality. So we always render the image in paint device resolution. */ QwtScaleMap xxMap, yyMap; qwtTransformMaps( painter->transform(), xMap, yMap, xxMap, yyMap ); QRectF paintRect = painter->transform().mapRect( canvasRect ); QRectF area = QwtScaleMap::invTransform( xxMap, yyMap, paintRect ); const QRectF br = boundingRect(); if ( br.isValid() && !br.contains( area ) ) { area &= br; if ( !area.isValid() ) return; paintRect = QwtScaleMap::transform( xxMap, yyMap, area ); } QRectF imageRect; QImage image; QRectF pixelRect = pixelHint(area); if ( !pixelRect.isEmpty() ) { // pixel in target device resolution const double dx = qAbs( xxMap.invTransform( 1 ) - xxMap.invTransform( 0 ) ); const double dy = qAbs( yyMap.invTransform( 1 ) - yyMap.invTransform( 0 ) ); if ( dx > pixelRect.width() && dy > pixelRect.height() ) { /* When the resolution of the data pixels is higher than the resolution of the target device we render in target device resolution. */ pixelRect = QRectF(); } } if ( pixelRect.isEmpty() ) { if ( QwtPainter::roundingAlignment( painter ) ) { // we want to have maps, where the boundaries of // the aligned paint rectangle exactly match the area paintRect = qwtAlignRect(paintRect); qwtAdjustMaps(xxMap, yyMap, area, paintRect); } // When we have no information about position and size of // data pixels we render in resolution of the paint device. image = compose(xxMap, yyMap, area, paintRect, paintRect.size().toSize(), doCache); if ( image.isNull() ) return; // Remove pixels at the boundaries, when explicitly // excluded in the intervals imageRect = qwtStripRect(paintRect, area, xxMap, yyMap, xInterval, yInterval); if ( imageRect != paintRect ) { const QRect r( qRound( imageRect.x() - paintRect.x()), qRound( imageRect.y() - paintRect.y() ), qRound( imageRect.width() ), qRound( imageRect.height() ) ); image = image.copy(r); } } else { if ( QwtPainter::roundingAlignment( painter ) ) paintRect = qwtAlignRect(paintRect); // align the area to the data pixels QRectF imageArea = qwtExpandToPixels(area, pixelRect); if ( imageArea.right() == xInterval.maxValue() && !( xInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum ) ) { imageArea.adjust(0, 0, pixelRect.width(), 0); } if ( imageArea.bottom() == yInterval.maxValue() && !( yInterval.borderFlags() & QwtInterval::ExcludeMaximum ) ) { imageArea.adjust(0, 0, 0, pixelRect.height() ); } QSize imageSize; imageSize.setWidth( qRound( imageArea.width() / pixelRect.width() ) ); imageSize.setHeight( qRound( imageArea.height() / pixelRect.height() ) ); image = compose(xxMap, yyMap, imageArea, paintRect, imageSize, doCache ); if ( image.isNull() ) return; imageRect = qwtStripRect(paintRect, area, xxMap, yyMap, xInterval, yInterval); if ( ( image.width() > 1 || image.height() > 1 ) && testPaintAttribute( PaintInDeviceResolution ) ) { // Because of rounding errors the pixels // need to be expanded manually to rectangles of // different sizes image = qwtExpandImage(image, xxMap, yyMap, imageArea, area, paintRect, xInterval, yInterval ); } } painter->save(); painter->setWorldTransform( QTransform() ); QwtPainter::drawImage( painter, imageRect, image ); painter->restore(); }
QRectF OverlayUser::scaledRect(const QRectF &qr, qreal scale) { return QRectF(qr.x() * scale, qr.y() * scale, qr.width() * scale, qr.height() * scale); }
void LinePlotCanvas::paint(QPainter *painter) { if (!updateTriggered()) return; resetTrigger(); LinePlot *plot = qobject_cast<LinePlot*>(parent()); if (!plot) return; Axis2DBase *monAxis = plot->axis2d(); NDArray &xArray = plot->xData(), &yArray = plot->yData(); bool emptyX = (plot->xSize() == 0); int N = (emptyX) ? plot->ySize() : qMin( plot->xSize(), plot->ySize() ); if (!monAxis || N == 0 || yArray.type() == NDArray::Unknown) return; // Nothing to do NDArrayTyped<qreal> yData = yArray.convert<qreal>(); QRectF lim = monAxis->limits(); // Get the transform params QTransform tran = Util::plotToView(QSizeF(plot->width(), plot->height()), lim, monAxis->xAxis()->inverted(), monAxis->yAxis()->inverted()); qreal tx, ty, sx, sy, limx, limy; Util::plotToView(plot->width(), plot->height(), lim, monAxis->xAxis()->inverted(), monAxis->yAxis()->inverted(), tx, ty, sx, sy); limx = lim.x(); limy = lim.y(); bool is_lines = (plot->line()->style() != "."); if (is_lines && N < 2) return; // Nothing to draw // Allow the printer state to be restored painter->save(); // painter->setTransform(QTransform()); preparePainter(painter, plot); if (is_lines) { QPainterPath path; int starty = plot->startIndexY(); auto y = yData.begin() + starty; if (emptyX) { // Get the first point int startx = 0; qreal x = 0; DRAW_LINES(x, *y); } else { auto xData = xArray.convert<qreal>(); // Get the first point int startx = plot->startIndexX(); auto x = xData.begin() + startx; DRAW_LINES(*x, *y); } // qDebug() << "Path:" << path; painter->drawPath(path); } else { // Just drawing markers, therefore no need to "cut" lines, etc qreal radius = painter->pen().widthF() * 0.5; qreal px, py; if (emptyX) { int x = 0; auto y = yData.begin(); DRAW_DOTS(x, *y); } else { auto xData = xArray.convert<qreal>(); auto x = xData.begin(), y = yData.begin(); DRAW_DOTS(*x, *y); } } // Restore the painter to its former glory painter->restore(); }
void OverlayUser::updateLayout() { QPixmap pm; if (scene()) uiSize = iroundf(scene()->sceneRect().height() + 0.5); prepareGeometryChange(); for (int i=0;i<4;++i) qgpiName[i]->setPixmap(pm); qgpiAvatar->setPixmap(pm); qgpiChannel->setPixmap(pm); { QImageReader qir(QLatin1String("skin:muted_self.svg")); QSize sz = qir.size(); sz.scale(SCALESIZE(MutedDeafened), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); qir.setScaledSize(sz); qgpiMuted->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(; } { QImageReader qir(QLatin1String("skin:deafened_self.svg")); QSize sz = qir.size(); sz.scale(SCALESIZE(MutedDeafened), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); qir.setScaledSize(sz); qgpiDeafened->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(; } qgpiMuted->setPos(alignedPosition(scaledRect(os->qrfMutedDeafened, uiSize * os->fZoom), qgpiMuted->boundingRect(), os->qaMutedDeafened)); qgpiMuted->setZValue(1.0f); qgpiMuted->setOpacity(os->fMutedDeafened); qgpiDeafened->setPos(alignedPosition(scaledRect(os->qrfMutedDeafened, uiSize * os->fZoom), qgpiDeafened->boundingRect(), os->qaMutedDeafened)); qgpiDeafened->setZValue(1.0f); qgpiDeafened->setOpacity(os->fMutedDeafened); qgpiAvatar->setPos(0.0f, 0.0f); qgpiAvatar->setOpacity(os->fAvatar); for (int i=0;i<4;++i) { qgpiName[i]->setPos(0.0f, 0.0f); qgpiName[i]->setZValue(2.0f); qgpiName[i]->setOpacity(os->fUserName); } qgpiChannel->setPos(0.0f, 0.0f); qgpiChannel->setZValue(3.0f); qgpiChannel->setOpacity(os->fChannel); QRectF childrenBounds = os->qrfAvatar | os->qrfChannel | os->qrfMutedDeafened | os->qrfUserName; bool haspen = (os->qcBoxPen != os->qcBoxFill) && (! qFuzzyCompare(os->qcBoxPen.alphaF(), static_cast<qreal>(0.0f))); qreal pw = haspen ? qMax<qreal>(1.0f, os->fBoxPenWidth * uiSize * os->fZoom) : 0.0f; qreal pad = os->fBoxPad * uiSize * os->fZoom; QPainterPath pp; pp.addRoundedRect(childrenBounds.x() * uiSize * os->fZoom + -pw / 2.0f - pad, childrenBounds.y() * uiSize * os->fZoom + -pw / 2.0f - pad, childrenBounds.width() * uiSize * os->fZoom + pw + 2.0f * pad, childrenBounds.height() * uiSize * os->fZoom + pw + 2.0f * pad, 2.0f * pw, 2.0f * pw); qgpiBox->setPath(pp); qgpiBox->setPos(0.0f, 0.0f); qgpiBox->setZValue(-1.0f); qgpiBox->setPen(haspen ? QPen(os->qcBoxPen, pw) : Qt::NoPen); qgpiBox->setBrush(qFuzzyCompare(os->qcBoxFill.alphaF(), static_cast<qreal>(0.0f)) ? Qt::NoBrush : os->qcBoxFill); qgpiBox->setOpacity(1.0f); if (! cuUser) { switch (tsColor) { case Settings::Passive: qsName = Overlay::tr("Silent"); break; case Settings::Talking: qsName = Overlay::tr("Talking"); break; case Settings::Whispering: qsName = Overlay::tr("Whisper"); break; case Settings::Shouting: qsName = Overlay::tr("Shout"); break; } } }
void Clock::setViewRect(const QRectF &rect) { if (clock) clock->setPos(rect.x(), rect.y()); }
void PlexyDayController::setViewRect(const QRectF &rect) { if (mWidget) { mWidget->setPos(rect.x(), rect.y()); } }