int MainWindow::getDataMetadata( const int i_CodecInput, const int i_OutputFormat, const QString &s_MetadataIn, QStringList &sl_DataMetadataList, structURL URL[], const int i_NumOfFiles ) { int n = 0; int j = 0; int i_line = 0; int stopProgress = 0; int i_DatePos = -1; int i_TimePos = -1; int i_DateTimePos = -1; int i_ElevationPos = -1; int i_EventLabelPos = -1; int i_CampaignLabelPos = -1; int i_AreaNamePos = -1; int i_GearNamePos = -1; int i_LatitudePos = -1; int i_LongitudePos = -1; QStringList sl_Input; QString s_Metadata = ""; QString s_EventLabel = ""; QString s_Header = ""; QString s_LatLon = ""; bool b_containsPosition = false; sl_DataMetadataList.clear(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b_containsPosition = getDataMetadataPosition( s_MetadataIn, i_DatePos, i_TimePos, i_DateTimePos, i_ElevationPos, i_EventLabelPos, i_CampaignLabelPos, i_AreaNamePos, i_GearNamePos, i_LatitudePos, i_LongitudePos ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ( n = readFile( s_MetadataIn.section( "\t", _FILENAMEPOS, _FILENAMEPOS ), sl_Input, i_CodecInput ) ) < 1 ) return( n ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch ( i_OutputFormat ) { case _FORMAT_KMLFILE: initProgress( i_NumOfFiles, s_MetadataIn.section( "\t", _FILENAMEPOS, _FILENAMEPOS ), tr( "Creating Google Earth import file" ), n ); break; case _FORMAT_SHAPE_METADATA: case _FORMAT_SHAPE_DATA: initProgress( i_NumOfFiles, s_MetadataIn.section( "\t", _FILENAMEPOS, _FILENAMEPOS ), tr( "Creating shapefile" ), n ); break; default: initProgress( i_NumOfFiles, s_MetadataIn.section( "\t", _FILENAMEPOS, _FILENAMEPOS ), tr( "Creating file" ), n ); break; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i_line = s_MetadataIn.section( "\t", _NUMOFHEADERLINESPOS, _NUMOFHEADERLINESPOS ).toInt()-1; if ( i_line ) == "*/" ) ++i_line; for ( int i=0; i<NumOfSections( i_line ) ); ++i ) { s_Header = i_line ).section( "\t", i, i ); if ( ( s_Header.startsWith( "url", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == true ) || ( s_Header.startsWith( "uri", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == true ) || ( s_Header.startsWith( "persistent identifier", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == true ) ) { if ( ++j <= _MAX_NUM_OF_URLS ) { URL[j].position = i; if ( s_Header.contains( "@" ) == true ) URL[j].TitleURL = s_Header.section( "@", 1, 1 ); else URL[j].TitleURL = s_Header; } } } stopProgress = incProgress( i_NumOfFiles, i_line ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++i_line; parseData( i_line, i_line ), s_MetadataIn, i_AreaNamePos, i_CampaignLabelPos, i_EventLabelPos, i_GearNamePos, i_DatePos, i_TimePos, i_DateTimePos, i_LatitudePos, i_LongitudePos, i_ElevationPos, URL, s_Metadata ); addToMetadataList( s_Metadata, s_EventLabel, s_LatLon, sl_DataMetadataList ); stopProgress = incProgress( i_NumOfFiles, i_line ); if ( b_containsPosition == true ) { while ( ( ++i_line < n ) && ( stopProgress != _APPBREAK_ ) ) { parseData( i_line, i_line ), s_MetadataIn, i_AreaNamePos, i_CampaignLabelPos, i_EventLabelPos, i_GearNamePos, i_DatePos, i_TimePos, i_DateTimePos, i_LatitudePos, i_LongitudePos, i_ElevationPos, URL, s_Metadata ); addToMetadataList( s_Metadata, s_EventLabel, s_LatLon, sl_DataMetadataList ); stopProgress = incProgress( i_NumOfFiles, i_line ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resetProgress( i_NumOfFiles ); return( _NOERROR_ ); }
AboutPlugins::AboutPlugins( Config *_config, QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags f ) : KDialog( parent, f ), config( _config ), currentPlugin( 0 ) { setCaption( i18n("About plugins") ); setWindowIcon( KIcon("preferences-plugin") ); setButtons( KDialog::Close ); setButtonFocus( KDialog::Close ); QWidget *widget = new QWidget( this ); setMainWidget( widget ); QHBoxLayout *box = new QHBoxLayout( widget ); QVBoxLayout *pluginListBox = new QVBoxLayout( widget ); box->addLayout( pluginListBox ); QLabel *installedPlugins = new QLabel( i18n("Installed plugins:"), this ); pluginListBox->addWidget( installedPlugins ); QListWidget *pluginsList = new QListWidget( this ); pluginListBox->addWidget( pluginsList ); connect( pluginsList, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(currentPluginChanged(const QString&)) ); QStringList pluginNames; QList<CodecPlugin*> codecPlugins = config->pluginLoader()->getAllCodecPlugins(); for( int i=0; i<codecPlugins.count(); i++ ) { pluginNames +=>name(); } pluginNames.sort(); pluginsList->addItems( pluginNames ); pluginNames.clear(); QList<FilterPlugin*> filterPlugins = config->pluginLoader()->getAllFilterPlugins(); for( int i=0; i<filterPlugins.count(); i++ ) { pluginNames +=>name(); } pluginNames.sort(); pluginsList->addItems( pluginNames ); pluginNames.clear(); QList<ReplayGainPlugin*> replaygainPlugins = config->pluginLoader()->getAllReplayGainPlugins(); for( int i=0; i<replaygainPlugins.count(); i++ ) { pluginNames +=>name(); } pluginNames.sort(); pluginsList->addItems( pluginNames ); pluginNames.clear(); QList<RipperPlugin*> ripperPlugins = config->pluginLoader()->getAllRipperPlugins(); for( int i=0; i<ripperPlugins.count(); i++ ) { pluginNames +=>name(); } pluginNames.sort(); pluginsList->addItems( pluginNames ); pluginsList->setFixedWidth( 180 ); box->addSpacing( 10 ); QVBoxLayout *pluginInfoBox = new QVBoxLayout( widget ); box->addLayout( pluginInfoBox ); aboutPluginLabel = new QLabel( this ); aboutPluginLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); aboutPluginLabel->setWordWrap( true ); aboutPluginLabel->setTextFormat( Qt::RichText ); pluginInfoBox->addWidget( aboutPluginLabel ); connect( aboutPluginLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(showProblemInfo(const QString&)) ); pluginInfoBox->addStretch(); QHBoxLayout *configurePluginBox = new QHBoxLayout( widget ); pluginInfoBox->addLayout( configurePluginBox ); configurePlugin = new KPushButton( KIcon("configure"), "", widget ); configurePlugin->hide(); configurePluginBox->addWidget( configurePlugin ); configurePluginBox->addStretch(); connect( configurePlugin, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(configurePluginClicked()) ); pluginsList->setCurrentRow(0); QListWidgetItem *currentItem = pluginsList->currentItem(); if( currentItem ) { currentPluginChanged( currentItem->text() ); } setInitialSize( QSize(500,300) ); KSharedConfig::Ptr conf = KGlobal::config(); KConfigGroup group = conf->group( "AboutPlugins" ); restoreDialogSize( group ); }
NewX509::NewX509(QWidget *parent) :QDialog(parent) { int i; eku_nid = *MainWindow::eku_nid; dn_nid = *MainWindow::dn_nid; aia_nid = *MainWindow::aia_nid; attr_nid << NID_pkcs9_unstructuredName << NID_pkcs9_challengePassword; QStringList keys; setupUi(this); /* temporary storage for creating temporary X509V3_CTX */ ctx_cert = NULL; for (i=0; i < dn_nid.count(); i++) keys << QString(OBJ_nid2ln(dn_nid[i])); extDNlist->setKeys(keys); extDNlist->setInfoLabel(extDNinfo); connect(extDNlist->itemDelegateForColumn(1), SIGNAL(setupLineEdit(const QString &, QLineEdit *)), this, SLOT(setupExtDNwidget(const QString &, QLineEdit *))); setWindowTitle(XCA_TITLE); for (i=0; i<tabWidget->count(); i++) { tabnames << tabWidget->tabText(i); } nsImg->setPixmap(*MainWindow::nsImg); serialNr->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("[0-9a-fA-F]*"), this)); QStringList strings; // are there any useable private keys ? newKeyDone(""); // any PKCS#10 requests to be used ? strings = MainWindow::reqs->getDesc(); if (strings.isEmpty()) { fromReqCB->setDisabled(true); fromReqCB->setChecked(false); } else { reqList->insertItems(0, strings); } on_fromReqCB_clicked(); // How about signing certificates ? strings = MainWindow::certs->getSignerDesc(); if (strings.isEmpty()) { foreignSignRB->setDisabled(true); } else { certList->insertItems(0, strings); } #ifdef WG_QA_SERIAL selfQASignRB = new QRadioButton(signerBox); setTabOrder(serialNr, selfQASignRB); setTabOrder(selfQASignRB, foreignSignRB); selfQASignRB->setText(tr( "Create a &self signed certificate with a MD5-hashed QA serial")); QBoxLayout *l = (QBoxLayout *)signerBox->layout(); l->insertWidget(1, selfQASignRB); #endif // set dates to now and now + 1 year validNumber->setText("1"); validRange->setCurrentIndex(2); on_applyTime_clicked(); // settings for the templates .... strings.clear(); strings = MainWindow::temps->getDescPredefs(); tempList->insertItems(0, strings); // setup Extended keyusage for (i=0; i < eku_nid.count(); i++) ekeyUsage->addItem(OBJ_nid2ln(eku_nid[i])); // setup Authority Info Access for (i=0; i < aia_nid.count(); i++) aiaOid->addItem(OBJ_nid2ln(aia_nid[i])); // init the X509 v3 context X509V3_set_ctx(&ext_ctx, NULL , NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); X509V3_set_ctx_nodb(&ext_ctx); QList<QLabel *> nameLabel; nameLabel << LcountryName << LstateOrProvinceName << LlocalityName << LorganisationName << LorganisationalUnitName << LcommonName << LemailAddress; for(int i=0; i<nameLabel.count(); i++) { nameLabel[i]->setText(OBJ_nid2ln(name_nid[i])); QString tt = nameLabel[i]->toolTip(); nameLabel[i]->setToolTip(QString("[%1] %2"). arg(OBJ_nid2sn(name_nid[i])).arg(tt)); name_ptr[i] = (QLineEdit *)nameLabel[i]->buddy(); setupLineEditByNid(name_nid[i], name_ptr[i]); } // Setup Request Attributes if (attrWidget->layout()) delete attrWidget->layout(); QGridLayout *attrLayout = new QGridLayout(attrWidget); attrLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); attrLayout->setSpacing(6); attrLayout->setMargin(0); attr_edit.clear(); for (i=0; i < attr_nid.count(); i++) { QLabel *label; QLineEdit *edit; int nid = attr_nid[i]; label = new QLabel(this); label->setText(QString(OBJ_nid2ln(nid))); label->setToolTip(QString(OBJ_nid2sn(nid))); edit = new QLineEdit(this); attr_edit << edit; attrLayout->addWidget(label, i, 0); attrLayout->addWidget(edit, i, 1); setupLineEditByNid(nid, edit); } // last polish on_certList_currentIndexChanged(0); certList->setDisabled(true); tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); attrWidget->hide(); pt = none; notAfter->setEndDate(true); }
void Recognizer::parseFile(const QString & infileName, const QString & outfileName) { QFile inFile(infileName); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return; QFile outFile(outfileName); if (!outfileName.isEmpty() && ! | QIODevice::Text)) return; // use textstream instead of direct file reading for prevent // problems with different RETURN symbol on different platforms // textstream always returns trimmed string QTextStream in(&inFile); QTextStream out(&outFile); QStringList lineList; QString line; do { line = in.readLine(); lineList.append(line); // 4 lines read so starting to process them if (lineList.count() == 4) { QString accountNumber = decodeValue(lineList); ErrorCode code = checkSum(accountNumber); // correct errors if possible QStringList possibleVariants; if (code == ILL || code == ERR) { code = errorCorrection(lineList, &possibleVariants); } QString formattedString; // was value corrected or or it's iginal if (possibleVariants.size() == 1) formattedString.append(possibleVariants[0]); else formattedString.append(accountNumber); // status if (code == AMB) { formattedString += " " + errorToString(code) + " [\'" + possibleVariants.join("\',\'") + "\']"; } else formattedString += " " + errorToString(code); if (outfileName.isEmpty()) std::cout << formattedString.toStdString() << std::endl; else out << formattedString << "\n"; lineList.clear(); possibleVariants.clear(); } } while(!line.isNull()); inFile.close(); if (outFile.isOpen()) outFile.close(); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { QString defaultContext = "@default"; MetaTranslator fetchedTor; QByteArray codecForTr; QByteArray codecForSource; QStringList tsFileNames; QStringList uiFileNames; bool verbose = false; bool noObsolete = false; bool metSomething = false; int numFiles = 0; bool standardSyntax = true; bool metTsFlag = false; int i; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( qstrcmp(argv[i], "-ts") == 0 ) standardSyntax = false; } for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( qstrcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0 ) { printUsage(); return 0; } else if ( qstrcmp(argv[i], "-noobsolete") == 0 ) { noObsolete = true; continue; } else if ( qstrcmp(argv[i], "-verbose") == 0 ) { verbose = true; continue; } else if ( qstrcmp(argv[i], "-version") == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 version %s\n", QT_VERSION_STR ); return 0; } else if ( qstrcmp(argv[i], "-ts") == 0 ) { metTsFlag = true; continue; } numFiles++; QString fullText; if ( !metTsFlag ) { QFile f( argv[i] ); if ( ! ) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 char buf[100]; strerror_s(buf, sizeof(buf), errno); fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 error: Cannot open file '%s': %s\n", argv[i], buf ); #else fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 error: Cannot open file '%s': %s\n", argv[i], strerror(errno) ); #endif return 1; } QTextStream t( &f ); fullText = t.readAll(); f.close(); } QString oldDir = QDir::currentPath(); QDir::setCurrent( QFileInfo(argv[i]).path() ); if ( standardSyntax ) { fetchedTor = MetaTranslator(); codecForTr.clear(); codecForSource.clear(); tsFileNames.clear(); uiFileNames.clear(); QMap<QString, QString> tagMap = proFileTagMap( fullText ); QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; for ( it = tagMap.begin(); it != tagMap.end(); ++it ) { QStringList toks = it.value().split(' '); QStringList::Iterator t; for ( t = toks.begin(); t != toks.end(); ++t ) { if ( it.key() == "SOURCES" ) { fetchtr_py( (*t).toAscii(), &fetchedTor, defaultContext.toAscii(), true, codecForSource ); metSomething = true; } else if ( it.key() == "TRANSLATIONS" ) { tsFileNames.append( *t ); metSomething = true; } else if ( it.key() == "CODEC" || it.key() == "DEFAULTCODEC" || it.key() == "CODECFORTR" ) { codecForTr = (*t).toLatin1(); fetchedTor.setCodecForTr(codecForTr); } else if ( it.key() == "CODECFORSRC" ) { codecForSource = (*t).toLatin1(); } else if ( it.key() == "FORMS" ) { fetchtr_ui( (*t).toAscii(), &fetchedTor, defaultContext.toAscii(), true); } } } updateTsFiles( fetchedTor, tsFileNames, codecForTr, noObsolete, verbose ); if ( !metSomething ) { fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 warning: File '%s' does not look like a" " project file\n", argv[i] ); } else if ( tsFileNames.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 warning: Met no 'TRANSLATIONS' entry in" " project file '%s'\n", argv[i] ); } } else { if ( metTsFlag ) { if ( QString(argv[i]).toLower().endsWith(".ts") ) { QFileInfo fi( argv[i] ); if ( !fi.exists() || fi.isWritable() ) { tsFileNames.append( argv[i] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 warning: For some reason, I cannot" " save '%s'\n", argv[i] ); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "pylupdate4 error: File '%s' lacks .ts extension\n", argv[i] ); } } else { QFileInfo fi(argv[i]); if ( fi.suffix() == "py" || fi.suffix() == "pyw" ) { fetchtr_py( fi.fileName().toAscii(), &fetchedTor, defaultContext.toAscii(), true, codecForSource ); } else { fetchtr_ui( fi.fileName().toAscii(), &fetchedTor, defaultContext.toAscii(), true); } } } QDir::setCurrent( oldDir ); } if ( !standardSyntax ) updateTsFiles( fetchedTor, tsFileNames, codecForTr, noObsolete, verbose ); if ( numFiles == 0 ) { printUsage(); return 1; } return 0; }
QgsDelimitedTextFile::Status QgsDelimitedTextFile::parseQuoted( QStringList &fields ) { fields.clear(); // Find the first non-blank line to read QString buffer; Status status = nextLine( buffer, true ); if ( status != RecordOk ) return status; mRecordLineNumber = mLineNumber; QString field; // String in which to accumulate next field bool escaped = false; // Next char is escaped bool quoted = false; // In quotes QChar quoteChar = 0; // Actual quote character used to open quotes bool started = false; // Non-blank chars in field or quotes started bool ended = false; // Quoted field ended int cp = 0; // Pointer to the next character in the buffer int cpmax = buffer.size(); // End of string while ( true ) { QChar c = buffer[cp]; cp++; // If end of line then if escaped or buffered then try to get more... if ( cp > cpmax ) { if ( quoted || escaped ) { status = nextLine( buffer, false ); if ( status != RecordOk ) return status; field.append( '\n' ); cp = 0; cpmax = buffer.size(); escaped = false; continue; } break; } // If escaped, then just append the character if ( escaped ) { field.append( c ); escaped = false; continue; } // Determine if this is a special character - test each class in turn // Note that delimiters are not valid as quotes or escape character // // Somewhat convoluted logic around quote and escape chars is // to enforce logic for escape characters that are also quote characters. // These escapes can only escape themselves and only in quotes using them // as delimiters! bool isQuote = false; bool isEscape = false; bool isDelim = mDelimChars.contains( c ); if ( ! isDelim ) { bool isQuoteChar = mQuoteChar.contains( c ); isQuote = quoted ? c == quoteChar : isQuoteChar; isEscape = mEscapeChar.contains( c ); if ( isQuoteChar && isEscape ) isEscape = isQuote; } // Start or end of quote ... if ( isQuote ) { // quote char in quoted field if ( quoted ) { // if is also escape and next character is quote, then // escape the quote.. if ( isEscape && buffer[cp] == quoteChar ) { field.append( quoteChar ); cp++; } // Otherwise end of quoted field else { quoted = false; ended = true; } } // quote char at start of field .. start of quoted fields else if ( ! started ) { field.clear(); quoteChar = c; quoted = true; started = true; } // Cannot have a quote embedded in a field else { fields.clear(); return RecordInvalid; } } // If escape char, then next char is escaped... else if ( isEscape ) { escaped = true; } // If within quotes, then append to the string else if ( quoted ) { field.append( c ); } // If it is a delimiter, then end of field... else if ( isDelim ) { if ( mMaxFields <= 0 || fields.size() < mMaxFields ) { // If wasn't quoted, then trim.. if ( mTrimFields && ! ended ) field = field.trimmed(); if ( ! field.isEmpty() || ended || ! mDiscardEmptyFields ) fields.append( field ); } // Clear the field field.clear(); started = false; ended = false; } // Whitespace is permitted before the start of a field, or // after the end.. else if ( c.isSpace() ) { if ( ! ended ) field.append( c ); } // Other chars permitted if not after quoted field else { if ( ended ) { fields.clear(); return RecordInvalid; } field.append( c ); started = true; } } // If reached the end of the record, then add the last field... if ( started && ( mMaxFields <= 0 || fields.size() < mMaxFields ) ) { if ( mTrimFields && ! ended ) field = field.trimmed(); if ( ! field.isEmpty() || ended || ! mDiscardEmptyFields ) fields.append( field ); } return RecordOk; }
bool AACEncoder::encode(const QString &sourceFile, const AudioFileModel_MetaInfo &metaInfo, const unsigned int duration, const QString &outputFile, volatile bool *abortFlag) { QProcess process; QStringList args; const QString baseName = QFileInfo(outputFile).fileName(); switch(m_configRCMode) { case SettingsModel::VBRMode: args << "-q" << QString().sprintf("%.2f", double(qBound(0, m_configBitrate * 5, 100)) / 100.0); break; case SettingsModel::ABRMode: args << "-br" << QString::number(qBound(8, index2bitrate(m_configBitrate), 400) * 1000); break; case SettingsModel::CBRMode: args << "-cbr" << QString::number(qBound(8, index2bitrate(m_configBitrate), 400) * 1000); break; default: THROW("Bad rate-control mode!"); break; } if(m_configEnable2Pass && (m_configRCMode == SettingsModel::ABRMode)) { args << "-2pass"; } switch(m_configProfile) { case 1: args << "-lc"; //Forces use of LC AAC profile break; case 2: args << "-he"; //Forces use of HE AAC profile break; case 3: args << "-hev2"; //Forces use of HEv2 AAC profile break; } if(!m_configCustomParams.isEmpty()) args << m_configCustomParams.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); args << "-if" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); args << "-of" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary_enc, args)) { return false; } bool bTimeout = false; bool bAborted = false; int prevProgress = -1; QRegExp regExp("Processed\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds"); QRegExp regExp_pass1("First\\s+pass:\\s+processed\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds"); QRegExp regExp_pass2("Second\\s+pass:\\s+processed\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds"); while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("NeroAacEnc process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine(); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(regExp_pass1.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp_pass1.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (duration > 0)) { int newProgress = qRound((static_cast<double>(progress) / static_cast<double>(duration)) * 50.0); if(newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = qMin(newProgress + 2, 99); } } } else if(regExp_pass2.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp_pass2.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (duration > 0)) { int newProgress = qRound((static_cast<double>(progress) / static_cast<double>(duration)) * 50.0) + 50; if(newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = qMin(newProgress + 2, 99); } } } else if(regExp.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (duration > 0)) { int newProgress = qRound((static_cast<double>(progress) / static_cast<double>(duration)) * 100.0); if(newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = qMin(newProgress + 2, 99); } } } else if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit statusUpdated(100); emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } emit messageLogged("\n-------------------------------\n"); args.clear(); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); if(!metaInfo.title().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:title=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.title())); if(!metaInfo.artist().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:artist=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.artist())); if(!metaInfo.album().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:album=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.album())); if(!metaInfo.genre().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:genre=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.genre())); if(!metaInfo.comment().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:comment=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.comment())); if(metaInfo.year()) args << QString("-meta:year=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.year())); if(metaInfo.position()) args << QString("-meta:track=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.position())); if(!metaInfo.cover().isEmpty()) args << QString("-add-cover:%1:%2").arg("front", metaInfo.cover()); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary_tag, args)) { return false; } bTimeout = false; while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("NeroAacTag process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine(); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } return true; }
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { //! [0] QStringList fonts; fonts << "Arial" << "Helvetica" << "Times" << "Courier"; //! [0] //! [1] for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); ++i) cout << << endl; //! [1] //! [2] QStringListIterator javaStyleIterator(fonts); while (javaStyleIterator.hasNext()) cout << << endl; //! [2] //! [3] QStringList::const_iterator constIterator; for (constIterator = fonts.constBegin(); constIterator != fonts.constEnd(); ++constIterator) cout << (*constIterator).toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl; //! [3] //! [4] QString str = fonts.join(","); // str == "Arial,Helvetica,Times,Courier" //! [4] //! [5] //! [6] QStringList list; //! [5] list = str.split(","); // list: ["Arial", "Helvetica", "Times", "Courier"] //! [6] //! [7] QStringList monospacedFonts = fonts.filter(QRegExp("Courier|Fixed")); //! [7] //! [8] QStringList files; files << "$QTDIR/src/moc/moc.y" << "$QTDIR/src/moc/moc.l" << "$QTDIR/include/qconfig.h"; files.replaceInStrings("$QTDIR", "/usr/lib/qt"); // files: [ "/usr/lib/qt/src/moc/moc.y", ...] //! [8] QString str1, str2, str3; //! [9] QStringList longerList = (QStringList() << str1 << str2 << str3); //! [9] list.clear(); //! [10] list << "Bill Murray" << "John Doe" << "Bill Clinton"; //! [11] QStringList result; //! [11] result = list.filter("Bill"); // result: ["Bill Murray", "Bill Clinton"] //! [10] result.clear(); //! [12] foreach (const QString &str, list) { if (str.contains("Bill")) result += str; } //! [12] list.clear(); //! [13] list << "alpha" << "beta" << "gamma" << "epsilon"; list.replaceInStrings("a", "o"); // list == ["olpho", "beto", "gommo", "epsilon"] //! [13] list.clear(); //! [14] list << "alpha" << "beta" << "gamma" << "epsilon"; list.replaceInStrings(QRegExp("^a"), "o"); // list == ["olpha", "beta", "gamma", "epsilon"] //! [14] list.clear(); //! [15] list << "Bill Clinton" << "Murray, Bill"; list.replaceInStrings(QRegExp("^(.*), (.*)$"), "\\2 \\1"); // list == ["Bill Clinton", "Bill Murray"] //! [15] }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QString defaultContext = "@default"; MetaTranslator fetchedTor; QCString codec; QStringList tsFileNames; bool verbose = FALSE; bool noObsolete = FALSE; bool metSomething = FALSE; int numFiles = 0; bool standardSyntax = TRUE; bool metTsFlag = FALSE; int i; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( qstrcmp( argv[i], "-ts" ) == 0 ) standardSyntax = FALSE; } for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( qstrcmp( argv[i], "-help" ) == 0 ) { printUsage(); return 0; } else if ( qstrcmp( argv[i], "-noobsolete" ) == 0 ) { noObsolete = TRUE; continue; } else if ( qstrcmp( argv[i], "-verbose" ) == 0 ) { verbose = TRUE; continue; } else if ( qstrcmp( argv[i], "-version" ) == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "lupdate version %s\n", QT_VERSION_STR ); return 0; } else if ( qstrcmp( argv[i], "-ts" ) == 0 ) { metTsFlag = TRUE; continue; } numFiles++; QString fullText; if ( !metTsFlag ) { QFile f( argv[i] ); if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "lupdate error: Cannot open file '%s': %s\n", argv[i], strerror( errno ) ); return 1; } QTextStream t( &f ); fullText =; f.close(); } QString oldDir = QDir::currentDirPath(); QDir::setCurrent( QFileInfo( argv[i] ).dirPath() ); if ( standardSyntax ) { fetchedTor = MetaTranslator(); codec.truncate( 0 ); tsFileNames.clear(); QMap<QString, QString> tagMap = proFileTagMap( fullText ); QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; for ( it = tagMap.begin(); it != tagMap.end(); ++it ) { QStringList toks = QStringList::split( ' ', ); QStringList::Iterator t; for ( t = toks.begin(); t != toks.end(); ++t ) { if ( it.key() == "HEADERS" || it.key() == "SOURCES" ) { fetchtr_cpp( *t, &fetchedTor, defaultContext, TRUE ); metSomething = TRUE; } else if ( it.key() == "INTERFACES" || it.key() == "FORMS" ) { fetchtr_ui( *t, &fetchedTor, defaultContext, TRUE ); fetchtr_cpp( *t + ".h", &fetchedTor, defaultContext, FALSE ); metSomething = TRUE; } else if ( it.key() == "TRANSLATIONS" ) { tsFileNames.append( *t ); metSomething = TRUE; } else if ( it.key() == "CODEC" || it.key() == "DEFAULTCODEC" ) { codec = ( *t ).latin1(); } else if ( it.key() == "WPDEFINITIONS" ) { lookForDefinitions( *t, "*.xml", &fetchedTor, &fetchtr_xml ); } else if ( it.key() == "WPSCRIPTS" ) { lookForDefinitions( *t, "*.py", &fetchedTor, &fetchtr_py ); } } } updateTsFiles( fetchedTor, tsFileNames, codec, noObsolete, verbose ); if ( !metSomething ) { fprintf( stderr, "lupdate warning: File '%s' does not look like a" " project file\n", argv[i] ); } else if ( tsFileNames.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( stderr, "lupdate warning: Met no 'TRANSLATIONS' entry in" " project file '%s'\n", argv[i] ); } } else { if ( metTsFlag ) { if ( QString( argv[i] ).lower().endsWith( ".ts" ) ) { QFileInfo fi( argv[i] ); if ( !fi.exists() || fi.isWritable() ) { tsFileNames.append( argv[i] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "lupdate warning: For some reason, I cannot" " save '%s'\n", argv[i] ); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "lupdate error: File '%s' lacks .ts extension\n", argv[i] ); } } else { QFileInfo fi( argv[i] ); if ( QString( argv[i] ).lower().endsWith( ".ui" ) ) { fetchtr_ui( fi.fileName(), &fetchedTor, defaultContext, TRUE ); fetchtr_cpp( QString( fi.fileName() ) + ".h", &fetchedTor, defaultContext, FALSE ); } else if ( QString( argv[i] ).lower().endsWith( ".xml" ) ) { fetchtr_xml( fi.fileName(), &fetchedTor, 0, TRUE ); } else if ( QString( argv[i] ).lower().endsWith( ".py" ) ) { fetchtr_py( fi.fileName(), &fetchedTor, 0, TRUE ); } else { fetchtr_cpp( fi.fileName(), &fetchedTor, defaultContext, TRUE ); } } } QDir::setCurrent( oldDir ); } if ( !standardSyntax ) updateTsFiles( fetchedTor, tsFileNames, codec, noObsolete, verbose ); if ( numFiles == 0 ) { printUsage(); return 1; } return 0; }
void DbPlugin::getIndexHistory (BarData *barData, QDateTime &startDate) { QString s = "List"; QString s2; getData(s, s2); QStringList l = QStringList::split(":", s2, FALSE); if (! l.count()) return; QDict<Bar> lookup; lookup.setAutoDelete(TRUE); int loop; int count = 0; for (loop = 0; loop < (int) l.count(); loop = loop + 2) { float weight = l[loop + 1].toFloat(); if (weight == 0) weight = 1; loadIndexData(l[loop], lookup, startDate, weight, barRange, barLength); count++; } l.clear(); QDictIterator<Bar> it(lookup); for (; it.current(); ++it) { Bar *r = it.current(); if (r->getOI() == count) { r->setOpen(r->getOpen() / count); r->setHigh(r->getHigh() / count); r->setLow(r->getLow() / count); r->setClose(r->getClose() / count); if (r->getOpen() > r->getHigh()) r->setHigh(r->getOpen()); if (r->getOpen() < r->getLow()) r->setLow(r->getOpen()); if (r->getClose() > r->getHigh()) r->setHigh(r->getClose()); if (r->getClose() < r->getLow()) r->setLow(r->getClose()); r->getDateTimeString(FALSE, s); l.append(s); } else lookup.remove(it.currentKey()); } l.sort(); for (loop = l.count() - 1; loop > -1; loop--) { Bar *r = lookup.find(l[loop]); if (r) { QDateTime dt; r->getDate(dt); Bar tr; tr.setDate(dt); tr.setOpen(r->getOpen()); tr.setHigh(r->getHigh()); tr.setLow(r->getLow()); tr.setClose(r->getClose()); barData->prepend(tr); } } }
KateConfigDialog::KateConfigDialog(KateMainWindow *parent, Kate::View *view) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::TreeList, i18n("Configure"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Help, KDialogBase::Ok, parent, "configdialog") { KConfig *config = KateApp::self()->config(); KWin::setIcons(winId(), KateApp::self()->icon(), KateApp::self()->miniIcon()); actionButton(KDialogBase::Apply)->setEnabled(false); mainWindow = parent; setMinimumSize(600, 400); v = view; pluginPages.setAutoDelete(false); editorPages.setAutoDelete(false); QStringList path; setShowIconsInTreeList(true); path.clear(); path << i18n("Application"); setFolderIcon(path, SmallIcon("kate", KIcon::SizeSmall)); path.clear(); // BEGIN General page path << i18n("Application") << i18n("General"); QFrame *frGeneral = addPage(path, i18n("General Options"), BarIcon("gohome", KIcon::SizeSmall)); QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout(frGeneral); lo->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); config->setGroup("General"); // GROUP with the one below: "Appearance" QButtonGroup *bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("&Appearance"), frGeneral); lo->addWidget(bgStartup); // show full path in title config->setGroup("General"); cb_fullPath = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Show full path in title"), bgStartup); cb_fullPath->setChecked(mainWindow->viewManager()->getShowFullPath()); QWhatsThis::add(cb_fullPath, i18n("If this option is checked, the full document path will be shown in the window caption.")); connect(cb_fullPath, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); // GROUP with the one below: "Behavior" bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("&Behavior"), frGeneral); lo->addWidget(bgStartup); // sync the konsole ? cb_syncKonsole = new QCheckBox(bgStartup); cb_syncKonsole->setText(i18n("Sync &terminal emulator with active document")); cb_syncKonsole->setChecked(parent->syncKonsole); QWhatsThis::add(cb_syncKonsole, i18n("If this is checked, the built in Konsole will <code>cd</code> to the directory " "of the active document when started and whenever the active document changes, " "if the document is a local file.")); connect(cb_syncKonsole, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); // modified files notification cb_modNotifications = new QCheckBox(i18n("Wa&rn about files modified by foreign processes"), bgStartup); cb_modNotifications->setChecked(parent->modNotification); QWhatsThis::add(cb_modNotifications, i18n("If enabled, when Kate receives focus you will be asked what to do with " "files that have been modified on the hard disk. If not enabled, you will " "be asked what to do with a file that has been modified on the hard disk only " "when that file gains focus inside Kate.")); connect(cb_modNotifications, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); // GROUP with the one below: "Meta-informations" bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Meta-Information"), frGeneral); lo->addWidget(bgStartup); // save meta infos cb_saveMetaInfos = new QCheckBox(bgStartup); cb_saveMetaInfos->setText(i18n("Keep &meta-information past sessions")); cb_saveMetaInfos->setChecked(KateDocManager::self()->getSaveMetaInfos()); QWhatsThis::add(cb_saveMetaInfos, i18n("Check this if you want document configuration like for example " "bookmarks to be saved past editor sessions. The configuration will be " "restored if the document has not changed when reopened.")); connect(cb_saveMetaInfos, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); // meta infos days QHBox *hbDmf = new QHBox(bgStartup); hbDmf->setEnabled(KateDocManager::self()->getSaveMetaInfos()); QLabel *lDmf = new QLabel(i18n("&Delete unused meta-information after:"), hbDmf); sb_daysMetaInfos = new QSpinBox(0, 180, 1, hbDmf); sb_daysMetaInfos->setSpecialValueText(i18n("(never)")); sb_daysMetaInfos->setSuffix(i18n(" day(s)")); sb_daysMetaInfos->setValue(KateDocManager::self()->getDaysMetaInfos()); lDmf->setBuddy(sb_daysMetaInfos); connect(cb_saveMetaInfos, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), hbDmf, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(sb_daysMetaInfos, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); lo->addStretch(1); // :-] works correct without autoadd // END General page path.clear(); // BEGIN Session page path << i18n("Application") << i18n("Sessions"); QFrame *frSessions = addPage(path, i18n("Session Management"), BarIcon("history", KIcon::SizeSmall)); lo = new QVBoxLayout(frSessions); lo->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); // GROUP with the one below: "Startup" bgStartup = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Elements of Sessions"), frSessions); lo->addWidget(bgStartup); // restore view config cb_restoreVC = new QCheckBox(bgStartup); cb_restoreVC->setText(i18n("Include &window configuration")); config->setGroup("General"); cb_restoreVC->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("Restore Window Configuration", true)); QWhatsThis::add(cb_restoreVC, i18n("Check this if you want all your views and frames restored each time you open Kate")); connect(cb_restoreVC, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); QRadioButton *rb1, *rb2, *rb3; sessions_start = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Behavior on Application Startup"), frSessions); lo->add(sessions_start); sessions_start->setRadioButtonExclusive(true); sessions_start->insert(rb1 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Start new session"), sessions_start), 0); sessions_start->insert(rb2 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Load last-used session"), sessions_start), 1); sessions_start->insert(rb3 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Manually choose a session"), sessions_start), 2); config->setGroup("General"); QString sesStart(config->readEntry("Startup Session", "manual")); if(sesStart == "new") sessions_start->setButton(0); else if(sesStart == "last") sessions_start->setButton(1); else sessions_start->setButton(2); connect(rb1, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(rb2, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(rb3, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); sessions_exit = new QButtonGroup(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Behavior on Application Exit or Session Switch"), frSessions); lo->add(sessions_exit); sessions_exit->setRadioButtonExclusive(true); sessions_exit->insert(rb1 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Do not save session"), sessions_exit), 0); sessions_exit->insert(rb2 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Save session"), sessions_exit), 1); sessions_exit->insert(rb3 = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Ask user"), sessions_exit), 2); config->setGroup("General"); QString sesExit(config->readEntry("Session Exit", "save")); if(sesExit == "discard") sessions_exit->setButton(0); else if(sesExit == "save") sessions_exit->setButton(1); else sessions_exit->setButton(2); connect(rb1, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(rb2, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(rb3, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); lo->addStretch(1); // :-] works correct without autoadd // END Session page path.clear(); // file selector page path << i18n("Application") << i18n("File Selector"); QVBox *page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("File Selector Settings"), BarIcon("fileopen", KIcon::SizeSmall)); fileSelConfigPage = new KFSConfigPage(page, "file selector config page", mainWindow->fileselector); connect(fileSelConfigPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); path.clear(); path << i18n("Application") << i18n("Document List"); page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("Document List Settings"), BarIcon("view_text", KIcon::SizeSmall)); filelistConfigPage = new KFLConfigPage(page, "file list config page", mainWindow->filelist); connect(filelistConfigPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); path.clear(); path << i18n("Application") << i18n("Plugins"); /*QVBox **/ page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("Plugin Manager"), BarIcon("connect_established", KIcon::SizeSmall)); KateConfigPluginPage *configPluginPage = new KateConfigPluginPage(page, this); connect(configPluginPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); // Tools->External Tools menu path.clear(); path << i18n("Application") << i18n("External Tools"); page = addVBoxPage(path, i18n("External Tools"), BarIcon("configure", KIcon::SizeSmall)); configExternalToolsPage = new KateExternalToolsConfigWidget(page, "external tools config page"); connect(configExternalToolsPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); // editor widgets from kwrite/kwdialog path.clear(); path << i18n("Editor"); setFolderIcon(path, SmallIcon("edit", KIcon::SizeSmall)); for(uint i = 0; i < KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPages(); i++) { path.clear(); path << i18n("Editor") << KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPageName(i); /*QVBox **/ page = addVBoxPage(path, KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPageFullName(i), KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPagePixmap(i, KIcon::SizeSmall)); KTextEditor::ConfigPage *cPage = KTextEditor::configInterfaceExtension(v->document())->configPage(i, page); connect(cPage, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotChanged())); editorPages.append(cPage); } KatePluginList &pluginList(KatePluginManager::self()->pluginList()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pluginList.size(); ++i) { if(pluginList[i].load && Kate::pluginConfigInterfaceExtension(pluginList[i].plugin)) addPluginPage(pluginList[i].plugin); } enableButtonSeparator(true); dataChanged = false; unfoldTreeList(); }
BarcodeGenerator::BarcodeGenerator(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QDialog(parent), paintBarcodeTimer(NULL) { ui.setupUi(this); setObjectName(name); setModal(true); connect(&thread, SIGNAL(renderedImage(QString)),this, SLOT(updatePreview(QString))); /* * We extract the barcode information from the BWIPP metadata which looks like this: * * % --BEGIN ENCODER gs1-128-- * % --REQUIRES preamble raiseerror renlinear code128-- * % --DESC: GS1-128 * % --EXAM: (01)95012345678903(3103)000123 * % --EXOP: includetext * % --RNDR: renlinear * */ QFile f(ScPaths::instance().shareDir() + QString("/plugins/")); if(! { qDebug()<<"Barcodegenerator unable to open "<<f.fileName(); return; } QTextStream ts(&f); QString bwipp = ts.readAll(); f.close(); QRegExp rx( "[\\r\\n]+% --BEGIN (RESOURCE|RENDERER|ENCODER) ([\\w-]+)--[\\r\\n]+" "(.*[\\r\\n]+)?" "(%%BeginResource.*[\\r\\n]+)" "% --END \\1 \\2--[\\r\\n]+"); rx.setMinimal(true); int pos = 0; while ( (pos = rx.indexIn(bwipp, pos)) != -1 ) { int len=rx.matchedLength(); QString restype=rx.cap(1); QString resname=rx.cap(2); QString reshead=rx.cap(3); QString resbody=rx.cap(4); resbodys[resname]=resbody; if (restype=="ENCODER") { QRegExp rxhead( "% --REQUIRES (.*)--[\\r\\n]+" "% --DESC:(.*)[\\r\\n]+" "% --EXAM:(.*)[\\r\\n]+" "% --EXOP:(.*)[\\r\\n]+" "% --RNDR:(.*)[\\r\\n]+" ); rxhead.indexIn(reshead); resreqs[resname]=rxhead.cap(1).trimmed(); resdescs[resname]=rxhead.cap(2).trimmed(); resexams[resname]=rxhead.cap(3).trimmed(); resexops[resname]=rxhead.cap(4).trimmed(); resrndrs[resname]=rxhead.cap(5).trimmed(); encoderlist.append(resname); } pos+=len; } foreach (const QString& enc, encoderlist) map[resdescs[enc]] = BarcodeType(enc, resexams[enc], resexops[enc]); /* * Ultimately all of this static data about the capabilities of each barcode * encoder will be replaced by data read from the metadata, when * such data exists... * */ // Content for the version and ecc combos resvers["qrcode"]="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40"; resecls["qrcode"]="L,Q,M,H"; resvers["gs1qrcode"]=resvers["qrcode"]; resecls["gs1qrcode"]=resecls["qrcode"]; resvers["hibcqrcode"]=resvers["qrcode"]; resecls["hibcqrcode"]=resecls["qrcode"]; resvers["microqrcode"]="M1,M2,M3,M4"; resecls["microqrcode"]="L,Q,M,H"; resvers["datamatrix"]="10x10,12x12,14x14,16x16,18x18,20x20,22x22,24x24,26x26,32x32,36x36,40x40,44x44,48x48,52x52,64x64,72x72,80x80,88x88,96x96,104x104,120x120,132x132,144x144,8x18,8x32,12x26,12x36,16x36,16x48"; resecls["datamatrix"]=""; resvers["gs1datamatrix"]=resvers["datamatrix"]; resecls["gs1datamatrix"]=resvers["datamatrix"]; resvers["hibcdatamatrix"]=resvers["datamatrix"]; resecls["hibcdatamatrix"]=resecls["datamatrix"]; resvers["azteccode"]="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32"; resvlbl["azteccode"]="Layers"; resecls["azteccode"]="5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95"; resvers["azteccodecompact"]="1,2,3,4"; resvlbl["azteccodecompact"]=resvlbl["azteccode"]; resecls["azteccodecompact"]=resecls["azteccode"]; resvers["pdf417"]="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30"; resvlbl["pdf417"]="Columns"; resecls["pdf417"]="1,2,3,4,5"; resvers["pdf417compact"]=resvers["pdf417"]; resvlbl["pdf417compact"]=resvlbl["pdf417"]; resecls["pdf417compact"]=resecls["pdf417"]; resvers["hibcpdf417"]=resvers["pdf417"]; resvlbl["hibcpdf417"]=resvlbl["pdf417"]; resecls["hibcpdf417"]=resecls["pdf417"]; resvers["micropdf417"]="1x11,1x14,1x17,1x20,1x24,1x28,2x8,2x11,2x14,2x17,2x20,2x23,2x26,3x6,3x8,3x10,3x12,3x15,3x20,3x26,3x32,3x38,3x44,4x4,4x6,4x8,4x10,4x12,4x15,4x20,4x26,4x32,4x38,4x44"; resecls["micropdf417"]=""; resvers["hibcmicropdf417"]=resvers["micropdf417"]; resecls["hibcmicropdf417"]=resecls["micropdf417"]; resvers["hanxin"]="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84"; resecls["hanxin"]="L1,L2,L3,L4"; // Which options checkboxes are enabled for each encoder QStringList includetextAvail=encoderlist; foreach (const QString& enc, includetextAvail) resincludetextAvail[enc]=true; QStringList guardwhitespaceAvail; guardwhitespaceAvail << "ean13" << "ean8" << "isbn" << "ismn" << "issn" << "ean13composite" << "ean8composite"; foreach (const QString& enc, guardwhitespaceAvail) resguardwhitespaceAvail[enc]=true; QStringList includecheckAvail; includecheckAvail << "bc412" << "channelcode" << "code11" << "code2of5" << "coop2of5" << "datalogic2of5" << "iata2of5" << "industrial2of5" << "matrix2of5" << "code39" << "code39ext" << "code93" << "code93ext" << "interleaved2of5" << "msi" << "rationalizedCodabar"; foreach (const QString& enc, includecheckAvail) resincludecheckAvail[enc]=true; QStringList includecheckintextAvail; includecheckintextAvail << "bc412" << "code11" << "code2of5" << "coop2of5" << "datalogic2of5" << "iata2of5" << "industrial2of5" << "matrix2of5" << "code39" << "code39ext" << "interleaved2of5" << "japanpost" << "msi" << "planet" << "plessey" << "postnet" << "rationalizedCodabar" << "royalmail"; foreach (const QString& enc, includecheckintextAvail) resincludecheckintextAvail[enc]=true; QStringList parseAvail; parseAvail << "azteccode" << "azteccodecompact" << "codablockf" << "hibccodablockf" << "code128" << "hibccode128" << "code16k" << "code39ext" << "code49" << "code93ext" << "codeone" << "datamatrix" << "hibcdatamatrix" << "maxicode" << "micropdf417" << "hibcmicropdf417" << "pdf417" << "hibcpdf417" << "pdf417compact" << "posicode" << "qrcode" << "hibcqrcode" << "microqrcode" << "telepen" << "hanxin"; foreach (const QString& enc, parseAvail) resparseAvail[enc]=true; QStringList parsefncAvail; parsefncAvail << "codablockf" << "code128" << "code16k" << "code49" << "code93" << "codeone" << "datamatrix" << "posicode" << "qrcode" << "microqrcode"; foreach (const QString& enc, parsefncAvail) resparsefncAvail[enc]=true; // Building up the bcFamilyCombo grouping the formats for readablity ui.bcFamilyCombo->addItem(tr("Select a barcode family")); // to prevent 1st gs call ui.bcFamilyCombo->insertSeparator(999); // Building up the bcCombo grouping the formats for readablity ui.bcCombo->addItem(tr("Select a barcode format")); // to prevent 1st gs call ui.bcCombo->insertSeparator(999); QString familyName; QStringList bcNames; bcNames << "EAN-13" << "EAN-8" << "UPC-A" << "UPC-E" << "ISBN" << "ISMN" << "ISSN"; familyName = tr("Point of Sale"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "GS1-14" << "GS1 Data Matrix" << "GS1 QR Code" << "GS1-128" << "ITF-14" << "SSCC-18"; familyName = tr("Supply Chain"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "QR Code" << "Micro QR Code" << "Data Matrix" << "Aztec Code" << "Compact Aztec Code" << "Aztec Runes" << "PDF417" << "Compact PDF417" << "MicroPDF417" << "Han Xin Code"; familyName = tr("Two-dimensional symbols"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "Code 128" << "Code 39" << "Code 39 Extended" << "Code 93" << "Code 93 Extended" << "Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF)"; familyName = tr("One-dimensional symbols"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional" << "GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional" << "GS1 DataBar Expanded" << "GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked" << "GS1 DataBar Truncated" << "GS1 DataBar Stacked" << "GS1 DataBar Limited"; familyName = tr("GS1 DataBar family"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "AusPost 4 State Customer Code" << "Deutsche Post Identcode" << "Deutsche Post Leitcode" << "Japan Post 4 State Customer Code" << "Royal Dutch TPG Post KIX" << "Royal Mail 4 State Customer Code" << "USPS Intelligent Mail" << "USPS PLANET" << "USPS POSTNET"; familyName = tr("Postal symbols"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "Italian Pharmacode" << "Pharmaceutical Binary Code" << "Two-track Pharmacode" << "Pharmazentralnummer (PZN)" << "HIBC Codablock F" << "HIBC Code 128" << "HIBC Code 39" << "HIBC Data Matrix" << "HIBC MicroPDF417" << "HIBC PDF417" << "HIBC QR Code"; familyName = tr("Pharmaceutical symbols"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "Code 11" << "Codabar" << "Code 25" << "COOP 2 of 5" << "Datalogic 2 of 5" << "IATA 2 of 5" << "Industrial 2 of 5" << "Matrix 2 of 5" << "MSI Modified Plessey" << "Plessey UK" << "PosiCode" << "Telepen" << "Telepen Numeric"<< "Code 16K" << "Codablock F" << "Code 49" << "Code One"; familyName = tr("Less-used symbols"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); bcNames.clear(); bcNames << "EAN-13 Composite" << "EAN-8 Composite" << "UPC-A Composite" << "UPC-E Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Expanded Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Truncated Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Stacked Composite" << "GS1 DataBar Limited Composite" << "GS1-128 Composite"; familyName = tr("GS1 Composite symbols"); familyList.append(familyName); familyItems.insert(familyName, bcNames); ui.bcFamilyCombo->addItems(familyList); /* * End of the hard-coded data * */ guiColor = ui.codeEdit->palette().color(QPalette::Window); ui.okButton->setText(CommonStrings::tr_OK); ui.cancelButton->setText(CommonStrings::tr_Cancel); ui.resetButton->setIcon(IconManager::instance()->loadIcon("u_undo16.png")); if (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->PageColors.contains("Black")) { lnColor = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->PageColors["Black"]; txtColor = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->PageColors["Black"]; ui.linesLabel->setToolTip("Black"); ui.txtLabel->setToolTip("Black"); } else { ui.linesLabel->setToolTip("n.a."); ui.txtLabel->setToolTip("n.a."); } if (ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->PageColors.contains("White")) { bgColor = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc->PageColors["White"]; ui.bgLabel->setToolTip("White"); } else ui.bgLabel->setToolTip("n.a."); paintColorSample(ui.linesLabel, lnColor); paintColorSample(ui.txtLabel, txtColor); paintColorSample(ui.bgLabel, bgColor); paintBarcodeTimer=new QTimer(this); paintBarcodeTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(paintBarcodeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(paintBarcode())); connect(ui.bcFamilyCombo, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(bcFamilyComboChanged())); connect(ui.bcCombo, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(bcComboChanged())); connect(ui.bgColorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(bgColorButton_pressed())); connect(ui.lnColorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(lnColorButton_pressed())); connect(ui.txtColorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(txtColorButton_pressed())); connect(ui.okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(okButton_pressed())); connect(ui.cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancelButton_pressed())); connect(ui.codeEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(codeEdit_textChanged(QString))); connect(ui.resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(resetButton_clicked())); bcComboChanged(); }
SummaryView::SummaryView(SummaryViewPrivate* d, QWidget* parent) :QWidget(parent) , d_ptr(d) { setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/Icons/Logo.png")); if(QMetaType::type("Waterfall")==QMetaType::UnknownType) qRegisterMetaType<Waterfall>("Waterfall"); setWindowTitle("Stress Scenario"); setMinimumSize(1024,768); QStringList HeadersStrings; d->MainWidget=new QTabWidget(this); d->StructureTable = new QTableWidget(this); HeadersStrings << "Bond" << "Pro rata Group" << "Currency" << "Original Amount" << "Current Amount" << "Bond Factor" << "Implied CE" << "Reference Rate" << "Coupon" << "Price" << "IRR" << "WAL" << "DM" << "Loss" ; d->StructureTable->setRowCount(0); d->StructureTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); d->StructureTable->setColumnCount(HeadersStrings.size()); d->StructureTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HeadersStrings); d->StructureTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); d->StructureTable->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->StructureTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); d->StructureTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); d->StructureTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->StructureTable, "Structure"); d->WatStructView = new WaterfallViewer(this); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->WatStructView, "Waterfall Structure"); d->MtgTable = new QTableWidget(this); d->MtgTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); d->MtgTable->setColumnCount(8); d->MtgTable->setRowCount(0); HeadersStrings.clear(); HeadersStrings << "Date" << "Outstanding" << "Interest" << "Principal" << "Prepayments" << "Accrued Interest" << "Loss on Principal" << "Loss on Interests"; d->MtgTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HeadersStrings); d->MtgTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); d->MtgTable->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->MtgTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); d->MtgTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->MtgTable, "Mortgages Results"); QWidget* TranchesWidget=new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout* TranchesLay=new QHBoxLayout(TranchesWidget); d->TranchesArea = new QStackedWidget(TranchesWidget); d->TranchesList = new QListWidget(TranchesWidget); d->TranchesList->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Expanding); connect(d->TranchesList, &QListWidget::currentRowChanged, d->TranchesArea, &QStackedWidget::setCurrentIndex); TranchesLay->addWidget(d->TranchesList); TranchesLay->addWidget(d->TranchesArea); d->MainWidget->addTab(TranchesWidget, "Tranches Results"); QWidget* CallTranchesWidget=new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout* CallTranchesLay=new QHBoxLayout(CallTranchesWidget); d->CallTranchesArea = new QStackedWidget(CallTranchesWidget); d->CallTranchesList = new QListWidget(CallTranchesWidget); d->CallTranchesList->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Expanding); connect(d->CallTranchesList, &QListWidget::currentRowChanged, d->CallTranchesArea, &QStackedWidget::setCurrentIndex); CallTranchesLay->addWidget(d->CallTranchesList); CallTranchesLay->addWidget(d->CallTranchesArea); d->MainWidget->addTab(CallTranchesWidget, "Call Tranches Results"); d->ExpensesTable = new QTableWidget(this); d->ExpensesTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); //ExpensesTable->setColumnCount(6); d->ExpensesTable->setRowCount(0); HeadersStrings.clear(); /*HeadersStrings << "Date" << "Senior Expenses" << "Senior Fees" << "Junior Fees" << "Annualized Excess Spread" << "WA Cost of Funding"; ExpensesTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HeadersStrings);*/ d->ExpensesTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); d->ExpensesTable->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->ExpensesTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); d->ExpensesTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->ExpensesTable, "Waterfall Infos"); d->ReinvestmentsTable = new QTableWidget(this); d->ReinvestmentsTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); HeadersStrings.clear(); HeadersStrings << "Date" << "Funds Reinvested" ; d->ReinvestmentsTable->setRowCount(0); d->ReinvestmentsTable->setColumnCount(2); d->ReinvestmentsTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HeadersStrings); d->ReinvestmentsTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); d->ReinvestmentsTable->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->ReinvestmentsTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); d->ReinvestmentsTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->ReinvestmentsTable, "Reinvestments"); d->GICTable = new QTableWidget(this); d->GICTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); HeadersStrings.clear(); HeadersStrings << "Date" << "Interest On Revenues Cash" << "Interest On Principal Cash" << "Interest On Reserve Funds" << "Interest On Re-investable Cash" ; d->GICTable->setRowCount(0); d->GICTable->setColumnCount(5); d->GICTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HeadersStrings); d->GICTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); d->GICTable->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); d->GICTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); d->GICTable->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->GICTable, "GIC"); d->ChartPlotter = new ChartsWidget(this); d->MainWidget->addTab(d->ChartPlotter, "Charts"); QHBoxLayout* mainLay=new QHBoxLayout(this); mainLay->addWidget(d->MainWidget); //connect(MainWidget,SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),this,SLOT(AdjustTableSizes())); }
/** * Set up the constants * */ void Analyzer::setupConstants() { if (luaL_loadfile(L, qPrintable(scriptName)) || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0)) { throw "Error loading script \"" + scriptName + "\""; } // get extensions lua_getglobal (L, EXTENSIONS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { extensions.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } // get language name lua_getglobal (L, LANGUAGE_FIELD); langName = QString(lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); // get grammars lua_getglobal (L, MAIN_GRAMMAR_FIELD); mainGrammar = QString(lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); if (mainGrammar.isEmpty()) throw "No main grammar specified in script \"" + scriptName + "\""; lua_getglobal (L, SUB_GRAMMARS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { subGrammars[QString(lua_tostring(L, -2))] = QString(lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } // get paired tokens (e.g BEGIN/END, {/}, </>) lua_getglobal (L, PAIRED_TOKENS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { pairedTokens.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } // get selectable tokens (can be selected and moved) lua_getglobal (L, SELECTABLE_TOKENS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { selectableTokens.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } // get multi-text tokens (can contain more lines of text) lua_getglobal (L, MULTI_TEXT_TOKENS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { multiTextTokens.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } // get floating tokens lua_getglobal (L, FLOATING_TOKENS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { floatingTokens.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } // get multiline comment support lua_getglobal (L, MULTILINE_SUPPORT_FIELD); multilineSupport = QString(lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); QStringList tokens; // get line tokens lua_getglobal (L, LINE_COMMENT_TOKENS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { tokens.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } commentTokens["line"] = tokens; tokens.clear(); // get multiline tokens lua_getglobal (L, MULTILINE_COMMENT_TOKENS_FIELD); lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { tokens.append(QString(lua_tostring(L, -1))); lua_pop(L, 1); } commentTokens["multiline"] = tokens; }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icon/train")); //------------------------------* Drag and Drop *-------------------------------------- this->setAcceptDrops(true); ui->tabWidget->setAcceptDrops(false); //----------------------------------* config *----------------------------------------- visitorMode = false; if(visitorMode == true) this->setWindowTitle(QString::fromLocal8Bit("车票管理系统(访客模式)")); else this->setWindowTitle(QString::fromLocal8Bit("车票管理系统(管理员模式)")); this->configInfo << "admin" << "admin" << "C:\\Users\\Magnolias\\Desktop\\trainExport.txt" << "C:\\Users\\Magnolias\\Desktop\\ticketExport.txt" << "C:\\Users\\Magnolias\\Desktop\\train.txt" << "C:\\Users\\Magnolias\\Desktop\\ticket.txt" << "true" << "false"; QFile configFile("train.conf"); if(configFile.exists()) { bool flag = true; if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { flag = false; } if(flag == true) { this->configInfo.clear(); QTextStream in(&configFile); while(!in.atEnd()) this->configInfo << in.readLine(); configFile.close(); } } if(this-> == "true") trainRoutes.setAutoExport(true); else trainRoutes.setAutoExport(false); if(this-> == "true") trainRoutes.setAutoImport(true); else trainRoutes.setAutoImport(false); trainRoutes.setTrainExportPath (this->; trainRoutes.setTicketExportPath(this->; trainRoutes.setTrainImportPath (this->; trainRoutes.setTicketImportPath(this->; //--------------------------------* signal-slots *---------------------------------------- connect(ui->importButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::importDialog); connect(ui->exportButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::exportDialog); connect(ui->refreshButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::refreshTable); connect(ui->removeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::deleteRoute); connect(ui->sellButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::sellTicketDialog); connect(ui->refundButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::refundTicketDialog); connect(ui->addButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::addTrainDialog); connect(ui->modifyButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::modifyTrainDialog); connect(ui->queryButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::queryDialog); connect(ui->routeQueryButton,&QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::openRouteQueryDialog); //-----------------------------------* menu *-------------------------------------------- QMenu *fileMenu = ui->menuBar->addMenu(QString::fromLocal8Bit("文件")); QMenu *configMenu = ui->menuBar->addMenu(QString::fromLocal8Bit("选项")); QMenu *helpMenu = ui->menuBar->addMenu(QString::fromLocal8Bit("帮助")); QAction *configAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/config.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("首选项"), this); connect(configAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::configDialog); configMenu->addAction(configAction); QAction *exportAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/export.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("导出车次"), this); connect(exportAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::saveToFile); fileMenu->addAction(exportAction); QAction *ticketsExportAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/export.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("导出票价"), this); connect(ticketsExportAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::ticketsSaveToFile); fileMenu->addAction(ticketsExportAction); QAction *importAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/import.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("导入"), this); connect(importAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::importDialog); fileMenu->addAction(importAction); QAction *onlineImportAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/import.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("从网络导入"), this); connect(onlineImportAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::onlineLoadingDialog); fileMenu->addAction(onlineImportAction); QAction *emptyAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/refresh.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("清空"), this); connect(emptyAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::removeAll); fileMenu->addAction(emptyAction); QAction *helpAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/icon/help.png"), QString::fromLocal8Bit("用户手册"), this); connect(helpAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::helpDialog); helpMenu->addAction(helpAction); //-----------------------------------* table *----------------------------------- //train Table initialize trainTable = new QTableWidget(this); trainTable->setColumnCount(9); trainTable->setRowCount(0); connect(trainTable, &QTableWidget::cellDoubleClicked, this, &MainWindow::modifyTrainDialog); QStringList headers; headers << QString::fromLocal8Bit("班次号") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("始发站") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("终点站") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("发车时间") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("行车时间") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("票价") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("额定载客量") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("余票数") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("路线/余票"); trainTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers); trainTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); // uneditable trainTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);//select entire row trainTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); //hide vertical header trainTable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);//single selection //table width trainTable->resizeColumnsToContents(); trainTable->resizeRowsToContents(); trainTable->setColumnWidth(0, 65); trainTable->setColumnWidth(1, 75); trainTable->setColumnWidth(2, 75); trainTable->setColumnWidth(3, 140); trainTable->setColumnWidth(5, 60); trainTable->setColumnWidth(8, 115); //ticket table init ticketTable = new QTableWidget(this); ticketTable->setColumnCount(8); ticketTable->setRowCount(0); ticketTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); // uneditable ticketTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); ticketTable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); //single selection ticketTable->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false);//hide vertical header //table header headers.clear(); headers << QString::fromLocal8Bit("订单号") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("购票人") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("车次号") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("始发站") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("终点站") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("票价") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("票数") << QString::fromLocal8Bit("总价"); ticketTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers); //table width ticketTable->resizeColumnsToContents(); ticketTable->resizeRowsToContents(); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(0,100 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(1, 72 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(2, 68 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(3, 78 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(4, 78 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(5, 62 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(6, 60 * 1.27); ticketTable->setColumnWidth(7, 70 * 1.27); //add table ui->tabWidget->addTab(trainTable, QString::fromLocal8Bit("火车")); ui->tabWidget->addTab(ticketTable, QString::fromLocal8Bit("订单")); //----------------------------------* time label *------------------------------------ timeLabel = new QLabel(this); QVBoxLayout *timeLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); timeLayout->addWidget(timeLabel); ui->groupBox->setLayout(timeLayout); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [&](){timeLabel->setText(" " + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));}); timer->start(1000); }
void PPPL_AnalyseLog(QStringList &list, QStringList &result) { QString msg; const char *rmsg = "Remote message: "; result.clear(); // setup the analysis database struct { const char *regexp; const char *answer; } hints[] = { {"Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean", I18N_NOOP("You have launched pppd before the remote server " \ "was ready to establish a PPP connection.\n" "Please use the terminal-based login to verify") }, {"Serial line is looped back", I18N_NOOP("You have not started the PPP software on the peer system.") }, {"AP authentication failed", I18N_NOOP("Check that you supplied the correct username and password.")} , {"is locked by pid", I18N_NOOP("You should not pass 'lock' as an argument to pppd. " "Check /etc/ppp/options and ~/.ppprc") }, {"CP: timeout sending", I18N_NOOP("The remote system does not seem to answer to\n" "configuration request. Contact your provider.") }, {"unrecognized option", I18N_NOOP("You have passed an invalid option to pppd. See 'man pppd' " "for a complete list of valid arguments.") }, // terminator {0,0} }; // scan the log for keywords and try to offer any help for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { // look for remote message int pos = (*it).indexOf(rmsg); if (pos != -1) { QString str = (*it); str.remove(0, pos + strlen(rmsg)); if(!str.isEmpty()) { msg = i18n("Notice that the remote system has sent the following" " message:\n\"%1\"\nThis may give you a hint why the" " connection has failed.", str); result.append(msg); } } // check in the hint database for(uint k = 0; hints[k].regexp != 0; k++) { QRegExp rx(hints[k].regexp); QString l(*it); if(l.contains(rx)) { result.append(i18n(hints[k].answer)); break; } } } if (result.isEmpty()) result.append(i18n("Unable to provide help.")); }
// Refresh plugin listing. void qtractorPluginSelectForm::refresh (void) { m_ui.PluginListView->clear(); qtractorPluginFactory *pPluginFactory = qtractorPluginFactory::getInstance(); if (pPluginFactory == NULL) return; // FIXME: Should this be a global (singleton) registry? if (pPluginFactory->types().isEmpty()) { // Tell the world we'll take some time... QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); const bool bRescan = m_ui.PluginRescanPushButton->isVisible(); if (bRescan) m_ui.PluginRescanPushButton->hide(); m_ui.DialogButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setEnabled(false); m_ui.PluginScanProgressBar->show(); pPluginFactory->scan(); m_ui.PluginScanProgressBar->hide(); m_ui.DialogButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setEnabled(true); if (bRescan) m_ui.PluginRescanPushButton->show(); // We're formerly done. QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } if (m_pPluginList == NULL) { stabilize(); return; } const unsigned short iChannels = m_pPluginList->channels(); const bool bMidi = m_pPluginList->isMidi(); QString sSearch = m_ui.PluginSearchComboBox->currentText().simplified(); const QRegExp rx(sSearch.replace(QRegExp("[\\s]+"), ".*"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); QStringList cols; QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items; QListIterator<qtractorPluginType *> type_iter(pPluginFactory->types()); while (type_iter.hasNext()) { qtractorPluginType *pType =; const QString& sFilename = pType->filename(); const QString& sName = pType->name(); if (rx.isEmpty() || rx.indexIn(sName) >= 0 || rx.indexIn(sFilename) >= 0) { // Try primary instantiation... const int iAudioIns = pType->audioIns(); const int iAudioOuts = pType->audioOuts(); const int iMidiIns = pType->midiIns(); const int iMidiOuts = pType->midiOuts(); const int iControlIns = pType->controlIns(); const int iControlOuts = pType->controlOuts(); // All that to check whether it will get properly instantiated. const unsigned short iInstances = pType->instances(iChannels, bMidi); cols.clear(); cols << sName; cols << QString("%1:%2").arg(iAudioIns).arg(iAudioOuts); cols << QString("%1:%2").arg(iMidiIns).arg(iMidiOuts); cols << QString("%1:%2").arg(iControlIns).arg(iControlOuts); QStringList modes; if (pType->isEditor()) modes << tr("GUI"); if (pType->isConfigure()) modes << tr("EXT"); if (pType->isRealtime()) modes << tr("RT"); if (modes.isEmpty()) cols << "-"; else cols << modes.join(","); cols << sFilename; cols << QString::number(pType->index()); cols << QString::number(iInstances); cols << qtractorPluginType::textFromHint(pType->typeHint()); QTreeWidgetItem *pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(cols); if (iInstances < 1) { pItem->setFlags(pItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable); const int iColumnCount = m_ui.PluginListView->columnCount(); const QPalette& pal = m_ui.PluginListView->palette(); const QColor& rgbForeground = pal.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::WindowText); for (int i = 0; i < iColumnCount; ++i) pItem->setForeground(i, rgbForeground); } pItem->setTextAlignment(1, Qt::AlignHCenter); // Audio pItem->setTextAlignment(2, Qt::AlignHCenter); // MIDI pItem->setTextAlignment(3, Qt::AlignHCenter); // Controls pItem->setTextAlignment(4, Qt::AlignHCenter); // Modes items.append(pItem); } } m_ui.PluginListView->addTopLevelItems(items); QHeaderView *pHeader = m_ui.PluginListView->header(); m_ui.PluginListView->sortItems( pHeader->sortIndicatorSection(), pHeader->sortIndicatorOrder()); m_ui.PluginResetToolButton->setEnabled(!rx.isEmpty()); stabilize(); }
int PPPL_MakeLog(QStringList &list) { int pid = -1, newpid; char buffer[1024], *p; const char *pidp; int fd; fd = Requester::rq->openSysLog(); if(fd < 0) { list.append(i18n("Cannot open any of the following logfiles:")); const char * const * logFile = &kppp_syslog[0]; while(*logFile) { list.append(*logFile); logFile++; } return 1; } FILE *f = fdopen(fd, "r"); while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) != 0) { // pppd line ? p = (char *)strstr(buffer, "pppd["); if(p == 0) continue; pidp = p += strlen("pppd["); while(*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; if(*p != ']') continue; /* find out pid of pppd */ sscanf(pidp, "%d", &newpid); if(newpid != pid) { pid = newpid; list.clear(); } if(buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] == '\n') buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0'; list.append(buffer); } fclose(f); if(list.isEmpty()) return 2; /* clear security related info */ const char *keyword[] = {"name = \"", "user=\"", "password=\"", 0}; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { QByteArray tmp = (*it).toLocal8Bit(); for(int j = 0; keyword[j] != 0; j++) { char *p; if( (p = (char *)strstr(, keyword[j])) != 0) { p += strlen(keyword[j]); while(*p && *p != '"') *p++ = 'X'; } } } return 0; }
/** * @brief TimerWindow::updateTimeData 同步时间到数据库 */ void TimerWindow::updateTimeData() { qDebug()<<"\nupdateTimeData()"; User &user = User::getInstance(); //未登录时,直接返回 if(!user.isLogined()){ qDebug()<<"not login"; return; } QString u_id = QString::number(user.getUserId()); #ifdef USE_DB_HELPER int result; //获取当前时间 QString date; // result = db.getNowDate(date); // if(result != db.e_result::excuteSueecss){ // emit signalSetStatus(tr("Get time error!code:") + QString::number(result),true); // return; // } QString sql; QStringList params; nowDate = QDate::fromString(date, "yyyy-MM-dd"); // qDebug()<<"lastDate"<<lastDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // qDebug()<<"nowDate"<<nowDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if(lastDate == nowDate){ qDebug()<<"lastDate == nowDate"; //更新时间 sql = "UPDATE times SET times = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND date = ?"; params.append(QString::number(todayTime)); params.append(u_id); params.append(date); // result = db.excuteSqlTran(sql, params); // if(result != db.e_result::excuteSueecss){ // emit signalSetStatus(tr("Update time error!code:")+QString::number(result),true); // return; // } }else{ qDebug()<<"lastDate != nowDate"; //如果lastDate不存在 // if(!db.existDate(u_id, lastDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))){ // //插入lastDate // sql = "INSERT INTO times(user_id, date) VALUES(?, ?)"; // params.clear(); // params.append(u_id); // params.append(lastDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")); // result = db.excuteSqlTran(sql, params); //// qDebug()<<"insert " + QString::number(result); // if(result != db.e_result::excuteSueecss){ // emit signalSetStatus(tr("Insert last error!code:")+QString::number(result),true); // return; // } // } //更新lastDate的时间 sql = "UPDATE times SET times = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND date = ?"; params.clear(); params.append(QString::number(todayTime)); params.append(u_id); params.append(date); // result = db.excuteSqlTran(sql, params); // qDebug()<<"update " + QString::number(result); // if(result != db.e_result::excuteSueecss){ // emit signalSetStatus(tr("Update last error!code:")+QString::number(result),true); // return; // } //如果nowDate不存在 // if(!db.existDate(u_id, nowDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))){ // //插入nowDate的时间 // sql = "INSERT INTO times(user_id, date) VALUES(?, ?)"; // params.clear(); // params.append(u_id); // params.append(date); // result = db.excuteSqlTran(sql, params); // // qDebug()<<"insert2 " + QString::number(result); //// if(result != db.e_result::excuteSueecss){ //// emit signalSetStatus(tr("Update error!code:")+QString::number(result),true); //// return; //// } // }else{ // //某日已有时间数据在数据库,而该日又重装了计时器则会进入这里(很少遇到), // //因为重装后lastDate默认为1970-01-01,导致nowDate != lastDate。 // //这里应该要获取用户该日和该周时间,与现在计时器的时间相加再更 // //新到数据库!但这里不打算这样做,而是直接不要这个更新周期所得的时间(也不多)。 // //所以什么都不处理。 // } // if(lastDate != nowDate){ // //更新注册表lastDate // settings.beginGroup("UserInfo"); // settings.setValue("lastDate",date); // settings.endGroup(); // } lastDate = nowDate; todayTime = 0; } #else //获取当前时间 //lastDate == nowDate //更新时间 //lastDate != nowDate //lastDate不存在 //插入lastDate //更新lastDate //nowDate不存在 //插入nowDate //更新注册表lastDate #endif qDebug()<<"end updateTimeData()"; }
AbstractCommand::ReturnCodes Record::record() { if (! checkInRepository()) return NotInRepo; moveToRoot(CheckFileSystem); if (m_mode != Unset) m_all = m_mode == AllChanges; const bool needHunks = !m_all || m_patchName.isEmpty(); ChangeSet changeSet; changeSet.fillFromCurrentChanges(rebasedArguments(), needHunks); changeSet.waitForFinishFirstFile(); bool shouldDoRecord = changeSet.count() > 0; if (!shouldDoRecord) { Logger::warn() << "No changes!" << endl; return Ok; } QString email = m_author; if (email.isEmpty()) email = getenv("EMAIL"); QStringList environment; if (! email.isEmpty()) { QRegExp re("(.*) <([@\\S]+)>"); if (re.exactMatch(email)) { // meaning its an email AND name environment << "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="+ re.cap(1); environment << "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="+ re.cap(1); environment << "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="+ re.cap(2); environment << "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="+ re.cap(2); } else if (m_author.isEmpty()) { // if its an account or shell wide option; just use the git defs. environment << "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="+ email; environment << "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="+ email; } else { Logger::error() << "Author format invalid. Please provide author formatted like; `name <email@host>\n"; return InvalidOptions; } } if (shouldDoRecord && !m_all && m_mode != Index) { // then do interview HunksCursor cursor(changeSet); cursor.setConfiguration(m_config); Interview interview(cursor, name()); interview.setUsePager(shouldUsePager()); if (! interview.start()) { Logger::warn() << "Cancelled." << endl; return UserCancelled; } } if (shouldDoRecord && !m_all && m_mode != Index) { // check if there is anything selected shouldDoRecord = changeSet.hasAcceptedChanges(); if (! shouldDoRecord) { Logger::warn() << "Ok, if you don't want to record anything, that's fine!" <<endl; return UserCancelled; } } if (dryRun()) return Ok; if ((m_editComment || m_patchName.isEmpty()) && getenv("EDITOR")) { class Deleter : public QObject { public: Deleter() : commitMessage(0) { } ~Deleter() { if (commitMessage) commitMessage->remove(); } QFile *commitMessage; }; Deleter parent; QFile *commitMessage; int i = 0; do { commitMessage = new QFile(QString("vng-record-%1").arg(i++), &parent); } while (commitMessage->exists()); parent.commitMessage = commitMessage; // make sure the file is removed from FS. if (! commitMessage->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { Logger::error() << "Vng failed. Could not create a temporary file for the record message '" << commitMessage->fileName() << "`\n"; return WriteError; } const char * defaultCommitMessage1 = "\n***END OF DESCRIPTION***"; // we will look for this string later const char * defaultCommitMessage2 = "\nPlace the long patch description above the ***END OF DESCRIPTION*** marker.\n\nThis patch contains the following changes:\n\n"; if (! m_patchName.isEmpty()) commitMessage->write(m_patchName); else commitMessage->write("\n", 1); commitMessage->write(defaultCommitMessage1, strlen(defaultCommitMessage1)); commitMessage->write(defaultCommitMessage2, strlen(defaultCommitMessage2)); QBuffer buffer; changeSet.writeDiff(buffer, m_all ? ChangeSet::AllHunks : ChangeSet::UserSelection); ChangeSet actualChanges; actualChanges.fillFromDiffFile(buffer); QTextStream out (commitMessage); for (int i=0; i < actualChanges.count(); ++i) { File file = actualChanges.file(i); file.outputWhatsChanged(out, m_config, true, false); } for (int i=0; i < changeSet.count(); ++i) { File file = changeSet.file(i); if (file.isBinary() && (m_all || file.binaryChangeAcceptance() == Vng::Accepted)) out << "M " << QString::fromLocal8Bit(file.fileName()); else if (file.fileName().isEmpty() && (m_all || file.renameAcceptance() == Vng::Accepted)) out << "D " << QString::fromLocal8Bit(file.oldFileName()); } out.flush(); commitMessage->close(); QDateTime modification = QFileInfo(*commitMessage).lastModified(); QString command = QString("%1 %2").arg(getenv("EDITOR")).arg(commitMessage->fileName()); int rc = system(command.toAscii().data()); if (rc != 0) { // this will keep patchName empty and we fall through to the interview. Logger::warn() << "Vng-Warning: Could not start editor '" << getenv("EDITOR") << "`\n"; Logger::warn().flush(); } else if (modification == QFileInfo(*commitMessage).lastModified()) { Logger::warn() << "unchanged, won't record\n"; return UserCancelled; } else { // get data until the separator line. commitMessage->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); m_patchName = commitMessage->readAll(); commitMessage->close(); int cuttoff = m_patchName.indexOf(defaultCommitMessage1); if (cuttoff > 0) m_patchName.truncate(cuttoff); for (int i = m_patchName.length()-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (m_patchName[i] == '\n' || m_patchName[i] == '\r' || m_patchName[i] == ' ') m_patchName.resize(i); // shrink else break; } } } if (m_patchName.isEmpty()) m_patchName = Interview::ask("What is the patch name? ").toUtf8(); ReturnCodes rc = addFilesPerAcceptance(changeSet, m_all); if (rc != Ok) return rc; QProcess git; QStringList arguments; arguments << "write-tree"; GitRunner runner(git, arguments); rc = runner.start(GitRunner::WaitForStandardOutput); if (rc != Ok) { Logger::error() << "Git write-tree failed!, aborting record\n"; return rc; } char buf[1024]; Vng::readLine(&git, buf, sizeof(buf)); QString tree(buf); git.waitForFinished(); // patiently wait for it to finish.. Logger::debug() << "The tree got git ref; " << tree; Logger::debug().flush(); // flush since we do an ask next arguments.clear(); git.setEnvironment(environment); arguments << "commit-tree" << tree.left(40); if (!m_config.isEmptyRepo()) arguments << "-p" << "HEAD" ; runner.setArguments(arguments); rc = runner.start(GitRunner::WaitUntilReadyForWrite); if (rc != Ok) { Logger::error() << "Git commit-tree failed!, aborting record\n"; return rc; } git.write(m_patchName); git.write("\n"); git.closeWriteChannel(); Vng::readLine(&git, buf, sizeof(buf)); QString commit(buf); Logger::debug() << "commit is ref; " << commit; git.waitForFinished(); // patiently wait for it to finish.. if (commit.isEmpty()) { Logger::error() << "Git update-ref failed to produce a reference!, aborting record\n"; return GitFailed; } m_sha1 = commit.left(40); arguments.clear(); arguments << "update-ref" << "HEAD" << m_sha1; runner.setArguments(arguments); rc = runner.start(GitRunner::WaitUntilFinished); if (rc != Ok) { Logger::error() << "Git update-ref failed!, aborting record\n"; return rc; } // We removed files from the index in case they were freshly added, but the user didn't want it in this commit. // we have to re-add those files. arguments.clear(); arguments << "update-index" << "--add"; for (int i=0; i < changeSet.count(); ++i) { File file = changeSet.file(i); if (! file.oldFileName().isEmpty()) continue; // not a new added file. if (file.renameAcceptance() == Vng::Rejected) arguments.append(file.fileName()); } if (arguments.count() > 2) { runner.setArguments(arguments); runner.start(GitRunner::WaitUntilFinished); } int endOfLine = m_patchName.indexOf('\n'); if (endOfLine > 0) m_patchName.truncate(endOfLine); Logger::warn() << "Finished recording patch `" << m_patchName << "'" << endl; return Ok; }
QgsAbout::QgsAbout() : QDialog( NULL, Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint ) // Modeless dialog with close button only #else QgsAbout::QgsAbout() : QDialog( NULL ) // Normal dialog in non Mac-OS #endif { setupUi( this ); init(); } QgsAbout::~QgsAbout() { } void QgsAbout::init() { setPluginInfo(); // set the 60x60 icon pixmap QPixmap icon( QgsApplication::iconsPath() + "qgis-icon-60x60.png" ); qgisIcon->setPixmap( icon ); //read the authors file to populate the svn committers list QStringList lines; // // Load the authors (svn committers) list // QFile file( QgsApplication::authorsFilePath() ); if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream( &file ); // Always use UTF-8 stream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); QString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' //ignore the line if it starts with a hash.... if ( line.left( 1 ) == "#" ) continue; QStringList myTokens = line.split( "\t", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); lines << myTokens[0]; } file.close(); lstDevelopers->clear(); lstDevelopers->insertItems( 0, lines ); if ( lstDevelopers->count() > 0 ) { lstDevelopers->setCurrentRow( 0 ); } } lines.clear(); // // Now load up the contributors list // QFile file2( QgsApplication::contributorsFilePath() ); printf( "Reading contributors file %s.............................................\n", file2.fileName().toLocal8Bit().constData() ); if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream( &file2 ); // Always use UTF-8 stream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); QString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' //ignore the line if it starts with a hash.... if ( line.left( 1 ) == "#" ) continue; lines += line; } file2.close(); lstContributors->clear(); lstContributors->insertItems( 0, lines ); if ( lstContributors->count() > 0 ) { lstContributors->setCurrentRow( 0 ); } } // read the SPONSORS file and populate the text widget QFile sponsorFile( QgsApplication::sponsorsFilePath() ); #ifdef QGISDEBUG printf( "Reading sponsors file %s.............................................\n", sponsorFile.fileName().toLocal8Bit().constData() ); #endif if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QString sponsorHTML = "" + tr( "<p>QGIS sponsorship programme:" "contribute to QGIS development</p>" ) + "<hr>" "<table width='100%'>" "<tr><th>" + tr( "Name" ) + "</th>" "<th>" + tr( "Website" ) + "</th></tr>"; QString website; QTextStream sponsorStream( &sponsorFile ); // Always use UTF-8 sponsorStream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); QString sline; while ( !sponsorStream.atEnd() ) { sline = sponsorStream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' //ignore the line if it starts with a hash.... if ( sline.left( 1 ) == "#" ) continue; QStringList myTokens = sline.split( "|", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if ( myTokens.size() == 0 ) { continue; } else if ( myTokens.size() > 1 ) { website = "<a href=\"" + myTokens[1].remove( ' ' ) + "\">" + myTokens[1] + "</a>"; } else { website = " "; } sponsorHTML += "<tr>"; sponsorHTML += "<td>" + myTokens[0] + "</td><td>" + website + "</td>"; // close the row sponsorHTML += "</tr>"; } sponsorHTML += "</table>"; QString myStyle = QgsApplication::reportStyleSheet(); txtSponsors->clear(); txtSponsors->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet( myStyle ); txtSponsors->setHtml( sponsorHTML ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "sponsorHTML:%1" ).arg( sponsorHTML.toAscii().constData() ) ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "txtSponsors:%1" ).arg( txtSponsors->toHtml().toAscii().constData() ) ); } // read the DONORS file and populate the text widget QFile donorsFile( QgsApplication::donorsFilePath() ); #ifdef QGISDEBUG printf( "Reading donors file %s.............................................\n", donorsFile.fileName().toLocal8Bit().constData() ); #endif if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QString donorsHTML = "" + tr( "<p>For a list of individuals and institutions who have contributed " "money to fund QGIS development and other project costs see " "<a href=\"\">" "</a></p>" ); /*QString website; QTextStream donorsStream( &donorsFile ); // Always use UTF-8 donorsStream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); QString sline; while ( !donorsStream.atEnd() ) { sline = donorsStream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' //ignore the line if it starts with a hash.... if ( sline.left( 1 ) == "#" ) continue; QStringList myTokens = sline.split( "|", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if ( myTokens.size() > 1 ) { website = "<a href=\"" + myTokens[1].remove( ' ' ) + "\">" + myTokens[1] + "</a>"; } else { website = " "; } donorsHTML += "<tr>"; donorsHTML += "<td>" + myTokens[0] + "</td><td>" + website + "</td>"; // close the row donorsHTML += "</tr>"; } donorsHTML += "</table>";*/ QString myStyle = QgsApplication::reportStyleSheet(); txtDonors->clear(); txtDonors->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet( myStyle ); txtDonors->setHtml( donorsHTML ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "donorsHTML:%1" ).arg( donorsHTML.toAscii().constData() ) ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "txtDonors:%1" ).arg( txtDonors->toHtml().toAscii().constData() ) ); } // read the TRANSLATORS file and populate the text widget QFile translatorFile( QgsApplication::translatorsFilePath() ); #ifdef QGISDEBUG printf( "Reading translators file %s.............................................\n", translatorFile.fileName().toLocal8Bit().constData() ); #endif if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QString translatorHTML = "" + tr( "<p>The following have contributed to QGIS" " by translating the user interface or documentation</p>" ) + "<hr>" "<table width='100%'>" "<tr><th>" + tr( "Language" ) + "</th>" "<th>" + tr( "Names" ) + "</th></tr>"; QString website; QTextStream translatorStream( &translatorFile ); // Always use UTF-8 translatorStream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); QString sline; while ( !translatorStream.atEnd() ) { sline = translatorStream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' //ignore the line if it starts with a hash.... if ( sline.left( 1 ) == "#" ) continue; QStringList myTokens = sline.split( "|", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if ( myTokens.size() > 1 ) { website = myTokens[1]; } else { website = " "; } translatorHTML += "<tr>"; translatorHTML += "<td>" + myTokens[0] + "</td><td>" + website + "</td>"; // close the row translatorHTML += "</tr>"; } translatorHTML += "</table>"; QString myStyle = QgsApplication::reportStyleSheet(); txtTranslators->clear(); txtTranslators->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet( myStyle ); txtTranslators->setHtml( translatorHTML ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "translatorHTML:%1" ).arg( translatorHTML.toAscii().constData() ) ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "txtTranslators:%1" ).arg( txtTranslators->toHtml().toAscii().constData() ) ); } }
void KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults() { QStringList kdedirList; // begin KDEDIRS QString kdedirs = readEnvPath("KDEDIRS"); if (!kdedirs.isEmpty()) { tokenize(kdedirList, kdedirs, QChar(KPATH_SEPARATOR)); } else { QString kdedir = readEnvPath("KDEDIR"); if (!kdedir.isEmpty()) { kdedir = KShell::tildeExpand(kdedir); kdedirList.append(kdedir); } } #ifndef Q_OS_WIN //no default KDEDIR on win32 defined kdedirList.append(KDEDIR); #endif #ifdef __KDE_EXECPREFIX QString execPrefix(__KDE_EXECPREFIX); if (execPrefix!="NONE") kdedirList.append(execPrefix); #endif #ifdef __linux__ const QString linuxExecPrefix = executablePrefix(); if ( !linuxExecPrefix.isEmpty() ) kdedirList.append( linuxExecPrefix ); #endif // We treat root differently to prevent a "su" shell messing up the // file permissions in the user's home directory. QString localKdeDir = readEnvPath(getuid() ? "KDEHOME" : "KDEROOTHOME"); if (!localKdeDir.isEmpty()) { if (localKdeDir[localKdeDir.length()-1] != '/') localKdeDir += '/'; } else { localKdeDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde/"; } if (localKdeDir != "-/") { localKdeDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localKdeDir); addPrefix(localKdeDir); } QStringList::ConstIterator end(kdedirList.end()); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = kdedirList.begin(); it != end; ++it) { QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it); addPrefix(dir); } // end KDEDIRS // begin XDG_CONFIG_XXX QStringList xdgdirList; QString xdgdirs = readEnvPath("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"); if (!xdgdirs.isEmpty()) { tokenize(xdgdirList, xdgdirs, QChar(KPATH_SEPARATOR)); } else { xdgdirList.clear(); xdgdirList.append("/etc/xdg"); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN xdgdirList.append(kfsstnd_defaultprefix() + "/etc/xdg"); #else xdgdirList.append(KDESYSCONFDIR "/xdg"); #endif } QString localXdgDir = readEnvPath("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (!localXdgDir.isEmpty()) { if (localXdgDir[localXdgDir.length()-1] != '/') localXdgDir += '/'; } else { localXdgDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.config/"; } localXdgDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localXdgDir); addXdgConfigPrefix(localXdgDir); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = xdgdirList.begin(); it != xdgdirList.end(); ++it) { QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it); addXdgConfigPrefix(dir); } // end XDG_CONFIG_XXX // begin XDG_DATA_XXX xdgdirs = readEnvPath("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); if (!xdgdirs.isEmpty()) { tokenize(xdgdirList, xdgdirs, QChar(KPATH_SEPARATOR)); } else { xdgdirList.clear(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = kdedirList.begin(); it != kdedirList.end(); ++it) { QString dir = *it; if (dir[dir.length()-1] != '/') dir += '/'; xdgdirList.append(dir+"share/"); } xdgdirList.append("/usr/local/share/"); xdgdirList.append("/usr/share/"); } localXdgDir = readEnvPath("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (!localXdgDir.isEmpty()) { if (localXdgDir[localXdgDir.length()-1] != '/') localXdgDir += '/'; } else { localXdgDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.local/share/"; } localXdgDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localXdgDir); addXdgDataPrefix(localXdgDir); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = xdgdirList.begin(); it != xdgdirList.end(); ++it) { QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it); addXdgDataPrefix(dir); } // end XDG_DATA_XXX uint index = 0; while (types[index] != 0) { addResourceType(types[index], kde_default(types[index])); index++; } addResourceDir("home", QDir::homeDirPath()); }
void MainWindow::on_BTN_START_clicked() { ui->BTN_START->setEnabled(false); ui->BTN_ADD->setEnabled(true); if (m_pScheAlgo) { delete m_pScheAlgo; m_pScheAlgo = nullptr; } QStringList header; header << "" << "" << "" << "" << ""; ui->TABLE_RUN->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_WAIT->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header << "" << "" << ""; ui->TABLE_FINISH->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header.clear(); header << "进程名" << "需要运行时间(s)" << "到达时间" << "已运行时间(S)"; ui->TABLE_RUN->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_WAIT->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_FINISH->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); if (ui->FCFS->isChecked()) { m_pScheAlgo = new FCFS; m_Status = STATUS_FCFS; } else if (ui->LEVEL->isChecked()) { m_pScheAlgo = new LEVEL; m_Status = STATUS_LEVEL; QStringList header; header << "" << "" << "" << "" << ""; ui->TABLE_RUN->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_WAIT->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header << "" << "" << ""; ui->TABLE_FINISH->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header.clear(); header << "进程名" << "需要运行时间(s)" << "到达时间" << "已运行时间(S)" << "优先级"; ui->TABLE_RUN->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_WAIT->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_FINISH->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); } else if(ui->RR->isChecked()) { m_pScheAlgo = new RR(ui->lineEdit->text().toInt()); m_Status = STATUS_RR; } else if(ui->SJF->isChecked()) { m_pScheAlgo = new SJF; m_Status = STATUS_SJF; } else if(ui->HRRN->isChecked()) { m_pScheAlgo = new HRRN; m_Status = STATUS_HRRN; QStringList header; header << "" << "" << "" << "" << "" ; ui->TABLE_RUN->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_WAIT->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header << "" << "" << ""; ui->TABLE_FINISH->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header.clear(); header << "进程名" << "需要运行时间(s)" << "到达时间" << "已运行时间(S)" << "已等待时间(S)"; ui->TABLE_RUN->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); ui->TABLE_WAIT->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); header << "完成时刻" << "周转时间(S)" << "带权周转时间(S)"; ui->TABLE_FINISH->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header); } m_pScheAlgo->AddWidget(this); m_Timer->start(1000); }
void QueryDB::execQuery( const QString& db_path , const QString& query , QueryResult& q_result ) { sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; int rc = 0 ; int col, cols; q_result.clear(); rc = sqlite3_open( db_path.toAscii().data() , &db ); if( rc ) { return ; } rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, query.toUtf8().data() , -1, &stmt, 0); if( rc ) { return ; } cols = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); for( col=0; col<cols; col++) { char *sql_buffer = NULL ; sql_buffer = (char*)sqlite3_column_name( stmt, col ) ; QString name = QString::fromUtf8( (const char*)sql_buffer ) ; q_result.appendColumnName( name , col ); } QStringList row ; cols = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); // execute the statement do { rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); switch( rc ){ case SQLITE_DONE: break; case SQLITE_ROW: row.clear(); // print results for this row for( col=0; col<cols; col++) { const unsigned char *sql_buffer = NULL ; sql_buffer = sqlite3_column_text( stmt, col ) ; row.append( QString::fromUtf8( (const char*)sql_buffer ) ) ; } q_result.appendResultRow( row ) ; break; default: break; } } while ( rc == SQLITE_ROW ) ; // finalize the statement to release resources sqlite3_finalize(stmt); sqlite3_close( db ) ; }
void AboutPlugins::currentPluginChanged( const QString& pluginName ) { currentPlugin = config->pluginLoader()->backendPluginByName( pluginName ); if( !currentPlugin ) { aboutPluginLabel->setText( "" ); return; } QStringList info; info += i18n("About plugin %1:",pluginName); info += i18n("Plugin type: %1",currentPlugin->type()); QMap<QString,QString> binaries = currentPlugin->binaries; QStringList binariesString; if( binaries.count() > 0 ) { binariesString += i18n("Backend binaries:"); } for( int i=0; i<binaries.count(); i++ ) { if( !binaries.values().at(i).isEmpty() ) binariesString += i18n("%1 (found at: %2)",binaries.keys().at(i),"<span style=\"color:green\">" + binaries.values().at(i) + "</span>"); else binariesString += "<span style=\"color:red\">" + i18n("%1 (not found)",binaries.keys().at(i)) + "</span>"; } info += binariesString.join("<br>"); problemInfos.clear(); if( currentPlugin->type() == "codec" ) { CodecPlugin *codecPlugin = (CodecPlugin*)currentPlugin; QStringList codecsString; QMap<QString,bool> encodeCodecs; QMap<QString,bool> decodeCodecs; QList<ConversionPipeTrunk> codecTable = codecPlugin->codecTable(); for( int i=0; i<codecTable.count(); i++ ) { if( != "wav" && ( !encodeCodecs.contains( || !encodeCodecs[] ) ) encodeCodecs[] =; if( != "wav" && ( !decodeCodecs.contains( || !decodeCodecs[] ) ) decodeCodecs[] =; } codecsString += i18n("Supported codecs:"); QStringList list; for( int i=0; i<encodeCodecs.count(); i++ ) { const QString codecName = encodeCodecs.keys().at(i); problemInfos["encode-"+codecName] = i18n("Currently deactivated.") + "\n\n" + config->pluginLoader()->pluginEncodeProblems( pluginName, codecName ); list += encodeCodecs.values().at(i) ? "<span style=\"color:green\">" + codecName + "</span>" : "<a style=\"color:red\" href=\"encode-"+codecName+"\">" + codecName + "</a>"; } codecsString += i18n("Encode: %1",list.join(", ")); list.clear(); for( int i=0; i<decodeCodecs.count(); i++ ) { const QString codecName = decodeCodecs.keys().at(i); problemInfos["decode-"+codecName] = i18n("Currently deactivated.") + "\n\n" + config->pluginLoader()->pluginDecodeProblems( pluginName, codecName ); list += decodeCodecs.values().at(i) ? "<span style=\"color:green\">" + codecName + "</span>" : "<a style=\"color:red\" href=\"decode-"+codecName+"\">" + codecName + "</a>"; } codecsString += i18n("Decode: %1",list.join(", ")); info += codecsString.join("<br>"); } else if( currentPlugin->type() == "filter" ) { CodecPlugin *codecPlugin = (CodecPlugin*)currentPlugin; QStringList codecsString; QMap<QString,bool> encodeCodecs; QMap<QString,bool> decodeCodecs; QList<ConversionPipeTrunk> codecTable = codecPlugin->codecTable(); for( int i=0; i<codecTable.count(); i++ ) { if( != "wav" && ( !encodeCodecs.contains( || !encodeCodecs[] ) ) encodeCodecs[] =; if( != "wav" && ( !decodeCodecs.contains( || !decodeCodecs[] ) ) decodeCodecs[] =; } codecsString += i18n("Supported codecs:"); QStringList list; for( int i=0; i<encodeCodecs.count(); i++ ) { const QString codecName = encodeCodecs.keys().at(i); problemInfos["encode-"+codecName] = i18n("Currently deactivated.") + "\n\n" + config->pluginLoader()->pluginEncodeProblems( pluginName, codecName ); list += encodeCodecs.values().at(i) ? "<span style=\"color:green\">" + codecName + "</span>" : "<a style=\"color:red\" href=\"encode-"+codecName+"\">" + codecName + "</a>"; } codecsString += i18n("Encode: %1",list.join(", ")); list.clear(); for( int i=0; i<decodeCodecs.count(); i++ ) { const QString codecName = decodeCodecs.keys().at(i); problemInfos["decode-"+codecName] = i18n("Currently deactivated.") + "\n\n" + config->pluginLoader()->pluginDecodeProblems( pluginName, codecName ); list += decodeCodecs.values().at(i) ? "<span style=\"color:green\">" + codecName + "</span>" : "<a style=\"color:red\" href=\"decode-"+codecName+"\">" + codecName + "</a>"; } codecsString += i18n("Decode: %1",list.join(", ")); info += codecsString.join("<br>"); } else if( currentPlugin->type() == "replaygain" ) { ReplayGainPlugin *replaygainPlugin = (ReplayGainPlugin*)currentPlugin; QStringList codecs; QList<ReplayGainPipe> codecTable = replaygainPlugin->codecTable(); for( int i=0; i<codecTable.count(); i++ ) { const QString codecName =; problemInfos["replaygain-"+codecName] = i18n("Currently deactivated.") + "\n\n" + config->pluginLoader()->pluginReplayGainProblems( pluginName, codecName ); codecs += ? "<span style=\"color:green\">" + codecName + "</span>" : "<a style=\"color:red\" href=\"replaygain-"+codecName+"\">" + codecName + "</a>"; } info += QString( i18n("Supported codecs:") + "<br>" + codecs.join(", ") ); } else if( currentPlugin->type() == "ripper" ) { } aboutPluginLabel->setText( info.join("<br><br>") ); if( currentPlugin->isConfigSupported(BackendPlugin::General,"") ) { configurePlugin->setText( i18n("Configure %1 ...",currentPlugin->name()) ); configurePlugin->show(); } else { configurePlugin->hide(); } }
int main(/*int argc, char *argv[]*/) { const QString suffix = QString("_b%1_d%2").arg(BEST_N).arg(DILATION); const QDir testFolder("/home/emredog/LIRIS-data/test/"); const QDir bboxMainFolder("/home/emredog/Documents/ADSC_NUS_Harl_result_code_v2/HumanDetectionResults/"); QStringList filters; //get video folders: //QStringList vidFolders = testFolder.entryList(filters, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name); QStringList bboxFolders = bboxMainFolder.entryList(filters, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name); filters.clear(); filters << "*.txt"; //for each video for (int i=0; i<bboxFolders.length(); i++) { QFile trackFile(testFolder.absoluteFilePath(bboxFolders[i].left(7).append(suffix).append(".track"))); if (! | QIODevice::WriteOnly)) continue; QTextStream out(&trackFile); //write frame number //QDir vidFolder(testFolder.absoluteFilePath(vidFolders[i])); QDir bboxFolder(bboxMainFolder.absoluteFilePath(bboxFolders[i])); QStringList bboxFilesForAVideo = bboxFolder.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Name); for (int frameNr=0; frameNr<bboxFilesForAVideo.length(); frameNr++) { QList<Rect> bestBBoxes = getBestBoundingBox(bboxFolder.absoluteFilePath(bboxFilesForAVideo[frameNr]), 3); if (bestBBoxes.isEmpty()) { continue; } else if (bestBBoxes.length() == 1) //only one rectangle, dilate it: { if (bestBBoxes[0].width > 0) //valid rectangle? { Rect dilated = dilateRectangle(bestBBoxes[0], DILATION); out << frameNr+1 << " " << dilated.x << " " << dilated.y << " " << dilated.width << " " << dilated.height << "\n"; } } else //more than one rectangles, create a new rectangle that contains all bounding boxes { int topLeftMinX = INT_MAX, topLeftMinY = INT_MAX, botRightMaxX = INT_MIN, botRightMaxy = INT_MIN; //get topmost-leftmost point and bottommost-rightmost point of all available bounding boxes foreach(Rect rect, bestBBoxes) { if ( < topLeftMinX) topLeftMinX =; if ( < topLeftMinY) topLeftMinY =; if ( > botRightMaxX) botRightMaxX =; if ( > botRightMaxy) botRightMaxy =; } Rect containerRect(Point(topLeftMinX, topLeftMinY), Point(botRightMaxX, botRightMaxy)); Rect dilated = dilateRectangle(containerRect, DILATION); out << frameNr+1 << " " << containerRect.x << " " << containerRect.y << " " << containerRect.width << " " << containerRect.height << "\n"; } } out.flush(); trackFile.close(); } }
bool QgsCoordinateTransformContext::readXml( const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &, QStringList &missingTransforms ) { d.detach(); d->mLock.lockForWrite(); d->mSourceDestDatumTransforms.clear(); #if 0 d->mSourceDatumTransforms.clear(); d->mDestDatumTransforms.clear(); #endif const QDomNodeList contextNodes = element.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "transformContext" ) ); if ( contextNodes.count() < 1 ) { d->mLock.unlock(); return true; } missingTransforms.clear(); bool result = true; const QDomElement contextElem = 0 ).toElement(); // src/dest transforms const QDomNodeList srcDestNodes = contextElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "srcDest" ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < srcDestNodes.size(); ++i ) { const QDomElement transformElem = i ).toElement(); QString key1 = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "source" ) ); QString key2 = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "dest" ) ); QString value1 = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "sourceTransform" ) ); QString value2 = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "destTransform" ) ); Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_PUSH int datumId1 = -1; int datumId2 = -1; //warn if value1 or value2 is non-empty, yet no matching transform was found if ( !value1.isEmpty() ) { datumId1 = QgsDatumTransform::projStringToDatumTransformId( value1 ); if ( datumId1 < 0 ) { result = false; missingTransforms << value1; } } if ( !value2.isEmpty() ) { datumId2 = QgsDatumTransform::projStringToDatumTransformId( value2 ); if ( datumId2 < 0 ) { result = false; missingTransforms << value2; } } Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_POP d->mSourceDestDatumTransforms.insert( qMakePair( key1, key2 ), QgsDatumTransform::TransformPair( datumId1, datumId2 ) ); } #if 0 // src transforms const QDomNodeList srcNodes = contextElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "source" ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < srcNodes .size(); ++i ) { const QDomElement transformElem = i ).toElement(); QString key = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ); QString value = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "transform" ) ); if ( value.isEmpty() ) continue; int datumId = QgsCoordinateTransform::projStringToDatumTransformId( value ); //TODO - throw warning if datumId is -1 d->mSourceDatumTransforms.insert( key, datumId ); } // dest transforms const QDomNodeList destNodes = contextElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "dest" ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < destNodes.size(); ++i ) { const QDomElement transformElem = i ).toElement(); QString key = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ); QString value = transformElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "transform" ) ); if ( value.isEmpty() ) continue; int datumId = QgsCoordinateTransform::projStringToDatumTransformId( value ); //TODO - throw warning if datumId is -1 d->mDestDatumTransforms.insert( key, datumId ); } #endif d->mLock.unlock(); return result; }
/** * Add entries to a variable. Will just add the variables to the existing line, removing duplicates * Will preserve += constructs and make sure that the variable only has one copy of the value across * all += constructs * @param fileName * @param variables key=value string of entries to add * @param add true= add these key,value pairs, false = remove. You can have empty values for an add - the whole line is * removed. For adding, we will not add an empty line. */ void AutoProjectTool::addRemoveMakefileam(const QString &fileName, QMap<QString, QString> variables, bool add) { // input file reading QFile fin(fileName); if (! { return ; } QTextStream ins(&fin); // output file writing. QFile fout(fileName + "#"); if (! { fin.close(); return ; } QTextStream outs(&fout); // variables QRegExp re("^(#kdevelop:[ \t]*)?([A-Za-z][@A-Za-z0-9_]*)[ \t]*([:\\+]?=)[ \t]*(.*)$"); // build key=map of values to add // map can be empty.we never add an empty key, but do remove empty keys from the file.. QDict< QMap<QString, bool> > interest; for (QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it0 = variables.begin(); it0 != variables.end(); ++it0) { kdDebug(9020) << "key (" << add<<"): " << it0.key() << "="<< << endl; QMap<QString, bool>* set = new QMap<QString, bool>(); if (! { QStringList variableList = QStringList::split(' ',; for (uint i = 0; i < variableList.count(); i++) { set->insert(variableList[i], true); } } interest.insert(it0.key(), set); } bool multiLine = false; QString lastLhs; QStringList lastRhs; QMap<QString, QString> seenLhs; while (!fin.atEnd()) { QString s = ins.readLine(); if (re.exactMatch(s)) { QString lhs = re.cap(2); QMap<QString, bool>* ourRhs = interest.find(lhs); if (!ourRhs) { // not interested in this line at all // write it out as is.. outs << s << endl; } else { // we are interested in this line.. QString rhs = re.cap(4).stripWhiteSpace(); if (rhs[ rhs.length() - 1 ] == '\\') { // save it for when we have the whole line.. multiLine = true; lastLhs = lhs; rhs.setLength(rhs.length() - 1); lastRhs += QStringList::split(" ", rhs); } else { // deal with it now. QStringList bits = QStringList::split(" ", rhs); if (add) { // we are adding our interested values to this line and writing it // add this line to we we want to add to remove duplicates. for (uint index = 0; index < bits.size(); index++) { QMap<QString, bool>::iterator findEntry = ourRhs->find(bits[index]); if (findEntry == ourRhs->end()) { // we haven't seen it, so add it, so we don't add it again later.. ourRhs->insert(bits[index], true); } // else we have this value in our 'to add list' , it is either already been // added, so we don't want to add it again, or it hasn't been added, in which // case we will do so soon. so we can ignore this now.. } // now write the line out if it is not going to be empty. QString newLine(lhs); if (seenLhs.find(lhs) == seenLhs.end()) { newLine += " = "; seenLhs[lhs] = ""; } else { newLine += " += "; } int len = newLine.length(); bool added = false; QValueList<QString> keys = ourRhs->keys(); for (uint count = 0; count < keys.size(); count++) { // if out entry is true, add it.. if ((*ourRhs)[keys[count]]) { added = true; len += keys[count].length() + 1; if (len > 80) { newLine += "\\\n\t"; len = 8; } newLine += keys[count]; newLine += ' '; // set our value so we don't add it again. (*ourRhs)[keys[count]] = false; } } // only print it out if there was a value to add.. if (added) { newLine.setLength(newLine.length() - 1); outs << newLine << endl; } } else { // we are removing our interested values from this line // special case - no values, remove the line.. if (!ourRhs->empty()) { // check if any of these values are down to remove. QString newLine(lhs); if (seenLhs.find(lhs) == seenLhs.end()) { newLine += " = "; seenLhs[lhs] = ""; } else { newLine += " += "; } int len = newLine.length(); bool added = false; for (QStringList::Iterator posIter = bits.begin(); posIter != bits.end();posIter++) { QMap<QString, bool>::iterator findEntry = ourRhs->find(*posIter); if (findEntry == ourRhs->end()) { // we do not want to remove it.. added = true; len += (*posIter).length() + 1; if (len > 80) { newLine += "\\\n\t"; len = 8; } newLine += (*posIter); newLine += ' '; } // else we have this value in our 'to remove list', so don't add it. } // only print it out if there was a value on it.. if (added) { newLine.setLength(newLine.length() - 1); outs << newLine << endl; } } }//if (add) }//if ( rhs[ rhs.length() - 1 ] == '\\' ) }//if ( found == interest.end()) } else if (multiLine) { s = s.stripWhiteSpace(); // we are only here if were interested in this line.. if (s[s.length()-1] == '\\') { s.setLength(s.length() - 1); // still more multi line we wait for.. } else { // end of the multi line.. multiLine = false; } lastRhs += QStringList::split(" ", s); if (!multiLine) { // now we have to deal with this multiLine value.. // ourRhs will always be a value, as we only get multiLine if we're interested in it.. QMap<QString, bool>* ourRhs = interest.find(lastLhs); if (add) { // we are adding our interested values to this line and writing it // add this line to we we want to add to remove duplicates. for (uint index = 0; index < lastRhs.size(); index++) { QMap<QString, bool>::iterator findEntry = ourRhs->find(lastRhs[index]); if (findEntry == ourRhs->end()) { // we haven't seen it, so add it, so we don't add it again later.. ourRhs->insert(lastRhs[index], true); } // else we have this value in our 'to add list' , it is either already been // added, so we don't want to add it again, or it hasn't been added, in which // case we will do so soon. so we can ignore this now.. } // now write the line out if it is not going to be empty. QString newLine(lastLhs); if (seenLhs.find(lastLhs) == seenLhs.end()) { newLine += " = "; seenLhs[lastLhs] = ""; } else { newLine += " += "; } int len = newLine.length(); bool added = false; QValueList<QString> keys = ourRhs->keys(); for (uint count = 0; count < keys.size(); count++) { // if out entry is true, add it.. if ((*ourRhs)[keys[count]]) { added = true; len += keys[count].length() + 1; if (len > 80) { newLine += "\\\n\t"; len = 8; } newLine += keys[count]; newLine += ' '; // set our value so we don't add it again. (*ourRhs)[keys[count]] = false; } } // only print it out if there was a value to add.. if (added) { newLine.setLength(newLine.length() - 1); outs << newLine << endl; } } else { // we are removing our interested values from this line // special case - no values, remove the line.. if (!ourRhs->empty()) { // check if any of these values are down to remove. QString newLine(lastLhs); if (seenLhs.find(lastLhs) == seenLhs.end()) { newLine += " = "; seenLhs[lastLhs] = ""; } else { newLine += " += "; } int len = newLine.length(); bool added = false; for (QStringList::Iterator posIter = lastRhs.begin(); posIter != lastRhs.end();posIter++) { QMap<QString, bool>::iterator findEntry = ourRhs->find(*posIter); if (findEntry == ourRhs->end()) { // we do not want to remove it.. added = true; len += (*posIter).length() + 1; if (len > 80) { newLine += "\\\n\t"; len = 8; } newLine += (*posIter); newLine += ' '; } // else we have this value in our 'to remove list', so don't add it. } // only print it out if there was a value on it.. if (added) { newLine.setLength(newLine.length() - 1); outs << newLine << endl; } } } lastLhs.setLength(0); lastRhs.clear(); } } else { // can write this line out.. // not a match, not a multi line, outs << s << endl; } } if (add) { QDictIterator<QMap<QString, bool> > it(interest); for (; it.current(); ++it) { QString lhs = it.currentKey(); QMap<QString, bool>* ourRhs = it.current(); QString newLine(lhs); if (seenLhs.find(lhs) == seenLhs.end()) { newLine += " = "; seenLhs[lastLhs] = ""; } else { newLine += " += "; } int len = newLine.length(); bool added = false; QValueList<QString> keys = ourRhs->keys(); for (uint count = 0; count < keys.size(); count++) { if ((*ourRhs)[keys[count]]) { added = true; len += keys[count].length() + 1; if (len > 80) { newLine += "\\\n\t"; len = 8; } newLine += keys[count]; newLine += ' '; // set our value so we don't add it again. (*ourRhs)[keys[count]] = false; } } // only print it out if there was a value to add.. if (added) { newLine.setLength(newLine.length() - 1); outs << newLine << endl; } } } interest.setAutoDelete(true); interest.clear(); fin.close(); fout.close(); QDir().rename(fileName + "#", fileName); }
static void parseClass(const QString& name, const QString& in) { Class cl; = name; QStringList sl = in.split("\n"); QStringList methodDescription; QRegExp re("@P ([^\\s]+)\\s+([^\\s]+)(.*)"); // matches Q_INVOKABLE void mops(int a); // comment QRegExp re1("Q_INVOKABLE +([^ ]+) +([^;]+); */*(.*)"); QRegExp re2("Q_INVOKABLE +([^ ]+) +([^\\{]+)\\{"); QRegExp re3("Q_INVOKABLE +([^ ]+) +(\\w+\\([^\\)]*\\))\\s+const\\s*([^\\{]*)\\{"); QRegExp reD("//@ (.*)"); QRegExp re4 ("class +(\\w+) *: *public +(\\w+) *\\{"); QRegExp re4b("class +(\\w+) *: *public +(\\w+), *public"); Q_ASSERT(re1.isValid() && re2.isValid() && re3.isValid()); bool parseClassDescription = true; foreach(const QString& s, sl) { if (re.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { //@P parseClassDescription = false; Prop p; = re.cap(1); p.type = re.cap(2); p.description = re.cap(3); cl.props.append(p); } else if (re2.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; Proc p; p.type = re2.cap(1); = re2.cap(2); p.description = methodDescription; methodDescription.clear(); cl.procs.append(p); } else if (re1.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; Proc p; p.type = re1.cap(1); = re1.cap(2); p.description = methodDescription; methodDescription.clear(); cl.procs.append(p); } else if (re3.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; Proc p; p.type = re3.cap(1); = re3.cap(2); p.description = methodDescription; methodDescription.clear(); cl.procs.append(p); } else if ((reD.indexIn(s, 0) != -1)) { if (parseClassDescription) cl.description.append(reD.cap(1)); else methodDescription.append(reD.cap(1)); } else if (s.startsWith("///")) { QString ss = s.mid(3); if (parseClassDescription) cl.description.append(ss); else methodDescription.append(ss); } else if (re4.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; QString parent = re4.cap(2).simplified(); if (name == re4.cap(1).simplified()) { cl.parent = parent; } else { printf("?<%s>!=<%s> derived from <%s>\n", qPrintable(name), qPrintable(re4.cap(1).simplified()), qPrintable(parent)); } } else if (re4b.indexIn(s, 0) != -1) { parseClassDescription = false; QString parent = re4b.cap(2).simplified(); if (name == re4b.cap(1).simplified()) { cl.parent = parent; } else { printf("?<%s>!=<%s> derived from <%s>\n", qPrintable(name), qPrintable(re4b.cap(1).simplified()), qPrintable(parent)); } } } classes.append(cl); }
MythSocket *RemoteFile::openSocket(bool control) { QUrl qurl(path); QString dir; QString host =; int port = qurl.port(); dir = qurl.path(); if (qurl.hasQuery()) #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) dir += "?" + QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( qurl.query(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toLocal8Bit()); #else dir += "?" + QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(qurl.encodedQuery()); #endif if (qurl.hasFragment()) dir += "#" + qurl.fragment(); QString sgroup = qurl.userName(); MythSocket *lsock = new MythSocket(); QString stype = (control) ? "control socket" : "file data socket"; QString loc = QString("RemoteFile::openSocket(%1): ").arg(stype); if (port <= 0) { port = GetMythDB()->GetSettingOnHost("BackendServerPort", host).toInt(); // if we still have no port use the default if (port <= 0) port = 6543; } if (!lsock->ConnectToHost(host, port)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + QString("Could not connect to server %1:%2") .arg(host).arg(port)); lsock->DecrRef(); return NULL; } QString hostname = GetMythDB()->GetHostName(); QStringList strlist; #ifndef IGNORE_PROTO_VER_MISMATCH if (!gCoreContext->CheckProtoVersion(lsock)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + QString("Failed validation to server %1:%2").arg(host).arg(port)); lsock->DecrRef(); return NULL; } #endif if (control) { strlist.append(QString("ANN Playback %1 %2").arg(hostname).arg(false)); if (!lsock->SendReceiveStringList(strlist)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + QString("Could not read string list from server %1:%2") .arg(host).arg(port)); lsock->DecrRef(); return NULL; } } else { strlist.push_back(QString("ANN FileTransfer %1 %2 %3 %4") .arg(hostname).arg(writemode) .arg(usereadahead).arg(timeout_ms)); strlist << QString("%1").arg(dir); strlist << sgroup; QStringList::const_iterator it = possibleauxfiles.begin(); for (; it != possibleauxfiles.end(); ++it) strlist << *it; if (!lsock->SendReceiveStringList(strlist)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + QString("Did not get proper response from %1:%2") .arg(host).arg(port)); strlist.clear(); strlist.push_back("ERROR"); strlist.push_back("invalid response"); } if (strlist.size() >= 3) { it = strlist.begin(); ++it; recordernum = (*it).toInt(); ++it; filesize = (*(it)).toLongLong(); ++it; for (; it != strlist.end(); ++it) auxfiles << *it; } else if (0 < strlist.size() && strlist.size() < 3 && strlist[0] != "ERROR") { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + QString("Did not get proper response from %1:%2") .arg(host).arg(port)); strlist.clear(); strlist.push_back("ERROR"); strlist.push_back("invalid response"); } } if (strlist.empty() || strlist[0] == "ERROR") { lsock->DecrRef(); lsock = NULL; if (strlist.empty()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + "Failed to open socket, timeout"); } else { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, loc + "Failed to open socket" + ((strlist.size() >= 2) ? QString(", error was %1").arg(strlist[1]) : QString(", remote error"))); } } return lsock; }