void wCatalogEditor::checkUserFields( QStringList &lst) { aCfgItem item = md->find(catId); int fid; if(item.isNull()) return; item = md->findChild(item,md_element); for(int i=0; i< md->count(item,md_field); i++) { aCfgItem mdi = md->findChild(item,md_field,i); int ind = lst.findIndex(QString("uf%1").arg(md->attr(mdi,mda_id))); if(ind!=-1) { lst.insert(lst.at(i),lst[ind]); lst.remove(lst.at(ind+1)); } else { ind = lst.findIndex(QString("text_uf%1").arg(md->attr(mdi,mda_id))); if(ind!=-1) { lst.insert(lst.at(i),lst[ind]); lst.remove(lst.at(ind+1)); } } } }
int help(QStringList commands) { //qDebug() << "help(" << commands.join(" ") << ")" << endl; /** * Check input */ if(commands.size() < 2 ) { errorStream << "Error: help(" << commands.join(" ") << ") has not enough parameters (help cmd ...)" << endl; return 1; } if(commands.at(0)!="help") { errorStream << "Error: help(" << commands.join(" ") << ") is no valid call (help cmd ...)" << endl; return 1; } commands.pop_front(); commands.insert(0, "usage"); usage(commands); commands.pop_front(); commands.insert(0, "description"); description(commands); return 0; }
QStringList NFCHandler::parseIngredient(QString ing){ QStringList list; QStringList result; list = ing.split(")", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for(int i=0; i<list.length(); i++){ QStringList looplist; looplist = list.at(i).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // Get rid of leading ( QString type = looplist.at(0); type = type.remove(QChar('('), Qt::CaseInsensitive).trimmed(); if(type.toStdString() == "name"){ result.insert(0, looplist.at(1).trimmed()); } else if(type.toStdString() == "amount"){ result.insert(1,looplist.at(1).trimmed()); } } return result; }
void TREE_SECIM_KERNEL::ADD_CHILD_ITEM (QStringList column_datas,int number_of_child, bool select_item_if_multi_row_enable) { bool item_is_selected = false; if (m_is_multi_row EQ true) { if (select_item_if_multi_row_enable EQ false) { column_datas.insert (0 , QString("ADD_CHECK_BOX")); column_datas << QString("ADD_CHECK_BOX"); } else { column_datas.insert (0 , QString("ADD_SELECTED_CHECK_BOX")); column_datas << QString("ADD_SELECTED_CHECK_BOX"); item_is_selected = true; } } BASE_TREE_KERNEL::ADD_CHILD_ITEM(column_datas,number_of_child); if (item_is_selected EQ true) { QTreeWidgetItem * item = GET_LAST_ADDED_ITEM(); if ( item NE NULL ) { m_selected_items << item; } } }
void ConnectionDialog::saveAndAccept () { if (serverEdit->currentText ().isEmpty () || roomEdit->currentText ().isEmpty () || nickEdit->currentText ().isEmpty ()) { QMessageBox::critical (this, "", tr ("Parameters is not valid")); return; } fSettings settings; if (serverEdit->findText (serverEdit->currentText (), Qt::MatchFixedString) == -1) { QStringList l = settings.value("Connection/Servers", QStringList ()).toStringList (); l.insert(0, serverEdit->currentText ()); settings.setValue("Connection/Servers", l); } if (roomEdit->findText (roomEdit->currentText (), Qt::MatchFixedString) == -1) { QStringList l = settings.value("Connection/Rooms_" + serverEdit->currentText (), QStringList ()).toStringList (); l.insert(0, roomEdit->currentText ()); settings.setValue("Connection/Rooms_" + serverEdit->currentText (), l); } if (nickEdit->findText (nickEdit->currentText (), Qt::MatchFixedString) == -1) { QStringList l = settings.value("Connection/Nicks_" + serverEdit->currentText (), QStringList ()).toStringList (); l.insert(0, nickEdit->currentText ()); settings.setValue("Connection/Nicks_" + serverEdit->currentText (), l); } settings.setValue("Connection/LastServer", serverEdit->currentIndex ()); settings.setValue("Connection/LastRoom_" + serverEdit->currentText (), roomEdit->currentIndex ()); settings.setValue("Connection/LastNick_" + serverEdit->currentText (), nickEdit->currentIndex ()); accept (); }
void Ut_MApplicationExtensionManager::testOrdering() { MWidget extensionWidget1; setupGoodExtension(true, &extensionWidget1); gMDesktopEntryStub->stubSetReturnValue("fileName", QString(APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DATA_DIR) + "/test"); QSharedPointer<const MApplicationExtensionMetaData> metaData(new MApplicationExtensionMetaData("")); // order with one entry QStringList order; order << "test"; setupTestSubject(QString(), QString(), order); setupGoodExtension(true, &extensionWidget1); QCOMPARE(manager->instantiateInProcessExtension(metaData), true); verifyOrderCreatedInDataStore(0); // order with three entries order.insert(0, "test2"); order.insert(1, ""); setupTestSubject(QString(), QString(), order); setupGoodExtension(true, &extensionWidget1); QCOMPARE(manager->instantiateInProcessExtension(metaData), true); verifyOrderCreatedInDataStore(2); // check that unordered entry goes to correct place gMDesktopEntryStub->stubSetReturnValue("fileName", QString(APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DATA_DIR) + "/unordered"); setupGoodExtension(true, &extensionWidget1); QCOMPARE(manager->instantiateInProcessExtension(metaData), true); verifyOrderCreatedInDataStore(1); // check the first entry gMDesktopEntryStub->stubSetReturnValue("fileName", QString(APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DATA_DIR) + "/test2"); setupGoodExtension(true, &extensionWidget1); QCOMPARE(manager->instantiateInProcessExtension(metaData), true); verifyOrderCreatedInDataStore(0); }
static bool alsactl(QStringList & args) { if(usePulse) { QProcess p; args.insert(0, "alsactl"); args.insert(0, "--"); qLog(AudioState) << "pasuspender " << args; p.start("pasuspender", args); p.waitForFinished(-1); return true; } qLog(AudioState) << "alsactl " << args; for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QProcess p; p.start("alsactl", args); p.waitForFinished(-1); QString output = p.readAllStandardOutput(); output += p.readAllStandardError(); if(output.length() == 0) return true; qWarning() << "alsactl returned " << output << ", running kill-snd-card-users.sh"; QProcess::execute("kill-snd-card-users.sh"); } return false; }
bool MQLUtil::rewriteMetadata(QString &query, const QString &group, const QString &name, const QString ¬es) { QStringList lines = query.split("\n"); QString groupline; QString nameline; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (groupRE.indexIn(lines.at(i)) >= 0) { if (groupRE.cap(2).trimmed().compare(group.trimmed(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) groupline = lines.takeAt(i--); else lines.removeAt(i--); } else if (nameRE.indexIn(lines.at(i)) >= 0) { if (nameRE.cap(2).trimmed().compare(name.trimmed(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) nameline = lines.takeAt(i--); else lines.removeAt(i--); } else if (notesRE.indexIn(lines.at(i)) >= 0) { lines.removeAt(i--); while (dashdashRE.indexIn(lines.at(++i)) >= 0) lines.removeAt(i--); } } QStringList noteslines = notes.split("\n"); if (noteslines.size() > 0) { if (! noteslines.at(0).contains(notesRE)) noteslines.replace(0, "-- Notes: " + noteslines.at(0)); for (int i = 1; i < noteslines.size(); i++) if (dashdashRE.indexIn(noteslines.at(i)) < 0) noteslines.replace(i, "-- " + noteslines.at(i)); } if (groupline.isEmpty()) lines.insert(0, "-- Group: " + group); else lines.insert(0, groupline); if (nameline.isEmpty()) lines.insert(1, "-- Name: " + name); else lines.insert(1, nameline); for (int i = 0; i < noteslines.size(); i++) lines.insert(i + 2, noteslines.at(i)); query = lines.join("\n"); return true; }
vCardProperty vCardProperty::createGeographicPosition(qreal latitude, qreal longitude, const vCardParamList& params) { QStringList values; values.insert(vCardProperty::Latitude, QString("%1").arg(latitude)); values.insert(vCardProperty::Longitude, QString("%1").arg(longitude)); return vCardProperty(VC_GEOGRAPHIC_POSITION, values, params); }
GDB::GDB() : sawPrompt_(false), currentCmd_(0) { process_ = new KProcess(this); process_->setOutputChannelMode( KProcess::SeparateChannels ); connect(process_, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(readyReadStandardOutput())); connect(process_, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), SLOT(readyReadStandardError())); connect(process_, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(processFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); connect(process_, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), SLOT(processErrored(QProcess::ProcessError))); KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "GDB Debugger"); QString gdb = config.readEntry("GDB Path", "gdb"); QStringList arguments; arguments << "--interpreter=mi2" << "-quiet"; QString shell = config.readEntry("Debugger Shell"); if( !shell.isEmpty() ) { shell = shell.simplified(); QString shell_without_args = shell.split(QChar(' ')).first(); QFileInfo info( shell_without_args ); /*if( info.isRelative() ) { shell_without_args = build_dir + "/" + shell_without_args; info.setFile( shell_without_args ); }*/ if( !info.exists() ) { KMessageBox::information( qApp->activeWindow(), i18n("Could not locate the debugging shell '%1'.", shell_without_args ), i18n("Debugging Shell Not Found") ); // FIXME: throw, or set some error message. return; } arguments.insert(0, gdb ); arguments.insert(0, shell); process_->setShellCommand( KShell::joinArgs( arguments ) ); } else { process_->setProgram( gdb, arguments ); } process_->start(); emit userCommandOutput(shell + " " + gdb + " --interpreter=mi2 -quiet\n" ); }
QString ClawsMailSettings::writeColor(const QColor& col) { QStringList list; list.insert(0, QString::number(col.red())); list.insert(1, QString::number(col.green())); list.insert(2, QString::number(col.blue())); if (col.alpha() != 255) list.insert(3, QString::number(col.alpha())); return list.join(QLatin1String(",")); }
bool UserCommandManager::VerifyMessage (const QString& msg, const QString& channelName) { const int pos = msg.indexOf (' '); QString cmd; if (msg.startsWith ('/')) cmd = msg.mid (1, pos).trimmed ().toLower (); else cmd = msg.left (pos).trimmed ().toLower (); if (!Command2Action_.contains (cmd)) return false; QString message; QStringList messageList; if (pos != -1) { message = msg.mid (pos).trimmed (); messageList = message.split (' '); } if (cmd == "me") { messageList.insert (1, channelName); messageList.insert (2, "ACTION"); } else if (cmd == "part" && message.isEmpty ()) messageList << channelName; //TODO message for part else if (cmd == "join" && !message.isEmpty ()) { QStringList channelList = messageList.first ().split (','); for (int i = 0; i < channelList.count (); ++i) { const QString& channel = channelList.at (i); if (!channel.startsWith ('#') && !channel.startsWith ('+') && !channel.startsWith ('&') && !channel.startsWith ('!')) channelList [i].prepend ('#'); } QString passwords; if (messageList.count () == 2) passwords = messageList.last (); messageList.clear (); messageList << channelList.join (",") << passwords; } else if (cmd == "kick" && !message.isEmpty ()) if (ISH_->IsParticipantExists (messageList.first ())) messageList.insert (0, channelName); Command2Action_ [cmd] (messageList); return true; }
vCardProperty vCardProperty::createName(const QString& firstname, const QString& lastname, const QString& additional, const QString& prefix, const QString& suffix, const vCardParamList& params) { QStringList values; values.insert(vCardProperty::Lastname, lastname); values.insert(vCardProperty::Firstname, firstname); values.insert(vCardProperty::Additional, additional); values.insert(vCardProperty::Prefix, prefix); values.insert(vCardProperty::Suffix, suffix); return vCardProperty(VC_NAME, values, params); }
NCSLocalApplicationBridge::~NCSLocalApplicationBridge() { m_process->disconnect(); if (m_destroyProcess) { m_process->kill(); m_process->waitForFinished(); QProcess checker; QStringList checkParams; checkParams << m_name; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX checker.start("pidof",checkParams,QIODevice::ReadOnly); checker.waitForFinished(-1); #elif Q_OS_WINDOWS params.insert(0,"/v"); params.insert(1,"/fo"); params.insert(2,"csv"); params.insert(3,"|"); params.insert(4,"findstr"); params.insert(5,"/i"); checker.start("tasklist",checkParams,QIODevice::ReadOnly); checker.waitForFinished(-1); #endif QStringList pids = QString(checker.readAllStandardOutput()).split( " "); QString pidString = pids.first(); pidString.replace("\r\n",""); pidString.replace('\n',""); if (pidString != "") { QProcess killer; QStringList killParams; killParams << pidString; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX killer.start("kill",killParams,QIODevice::ReadOnly); killer.waitForFinished(-1); #elif Q_OS_WINDOWS killParams.insert(0,"-f"); killParams.insert(1,"/PID"); killer.start("taskkill",killParams,QIODevice::ReadOnly); killer.waitForFinished(-1); #endif } } }
void QMplayer::play(QStringList & args) { showScreen(QMplayer::ScreenPlay); if(useBluetooth < 0) { QFile f("/etc/asound.conf"); if(f.exists() && f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QByteArray text = f.readAll(); f.close(); useBluetooth = ((text.indexOf("pcm.bluetooth") >= 0) && QMessageBox::question(this, tr("qmplayer"), tr("Use bluetooth headset?"), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes); } } if(useBluetooth > 0) { args.insert(0, "alsa:device=bluetooth"); args.insert(0, "-ao"); } PLAY: process = new QProcess(this); connect(process, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(processFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); process->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); process->start("mplayer", args, QIODevice::ReadWrite); if(!process->waitForStarted(5000)) { delete(process); process = NULL; if(QMessageBox::question(this, tr("qmplayer"), tr("Program MPlayer must be downloaded. Please make sure you have internet connection and press yes to confirm download"), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { showScreen(QMplayer::ScreenDownload); if(installMplayer()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("qmplayer"), tr("MPlayer installed sucessfully")); goto PLAY; } QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("qmplayer"), tr("Failed to install MPlayer")); showScreen(QMplayer::ScreenInit); } return; } }
/** * @brief Adds the VALARM block to the ics data */ bool CalendarItem::addVALARMBlockToICS() { // make a copy of the data QHash<QString, QString> icsDataHashCopy = icsDataHash; QStringList icsDataKeyListCopy = icsDataKeyList; bool foundBegin = false; for (int i = 0; i < icsDataKeyList.size(); ++i) { QString key = icsDataKeyList.at(i); QString value = icsDataHash.value(key); // look for the VTODO begin block if (key.startsWith("BEGIN") && (value == "VTODO")) { foundBegin = true; } // add the VALARM block at the end of the VTODO block if (foundBegin && key.startsWith("END") && (value == "VTODO")) { QString addKey; addKey = findFreeHashKey(&icsDataHashCopy, "BEGIN"); icsDataHashCopy[addKey] = "VALARM"; icsDataKeyListCopy.insert(i, addKey); addKey = findFreeHashKey(&icsDataHashCopy, "ACTION"); icsDataHashCopy[addKey] = "DISPLAY"; icsDataKeyListCopy.insert(++i, addKey); addKey = findFreeHashKey(&icsDataHashCopy, "DESCRIPTION"); icsDataHashCopy[addKey] = "Reminder"; icsDataKeyListCopy.insert(++i, addKey); addKey = findFreeHashKey(&icsDataHashCopy, "TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME"); icsDataHashCopy[addKey] = alarmDate.toUTC().toString(ICS_DATETIME_FORMAT); icsDataKeyListCopy.insert(++i, addKey); addKey = findFreeHashKey(&icsDataHashCopy, "END"); icsDataHashCopy[addKey] = "VALARM"; icsDataKeyListCopy.insert(++i, addKey); // write the data back and end icsDataHash = icsDataHashCopy; icsDataKeyList = icsDataKeyListCopy; return true; } } return false; }
//### KDE5:Consider merging the setApplicationPath and setApplicationName methods into one. void KCrash::setApplicationPath(const QString& path) { s_appPath = qstrdup(QFile::encodeName(path).constData()); //if the appName has also been specified, update s_autoRestartCommand to be in the form "absolutePath/appName" if (s_appName) { delete[] s_autoRestartCommand; QFileInfo appExecutable(QDir(path), QFile::decodeName(s_appName)); QByteArray cmd = QFile::encodeName(appExecutable.absoluteFilePath()); s_autoRestartCommand = qstrdup(cmd.constData()); } QStringList args = KCmdLineArgs::allArguments(); args[0] = s_autoRestartCommand; // replace argv[0] with full path above if (!args.contains("--nocrashhandler")) args.insert(1, "--nocrashhandler"); delete[] s_autoRestartCommandLine; s_autoRestartArgc = args.count(); s_autoRestartCommandLine = new char* [args.count() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < args.count(); ++i) { s_autoRestartCommandLine[i] = qstrdup(QFile::encodeName(args.at(i)).constData()); } s_autoRestartCommandLine[args.count()] = 0; }
void SettingsTab::loadSettings() { settings->beginGroup(plugin->getPluginId()); recDevBox->setCurrentText(settings->value("device", "").toString()); recsDir->setText(settings->value("recsDir", "").toString()); channels->setCurrentIndex(settings->value("channels", 1).toInt()-1); bitrate->setCurrentText(QString("%1 kbit/s").arg(settings->value("bitrate", 64).toInt())); sampleRate->setCurrentText(QString("%1 Hz").arg(settings->value("sampleRate", 44100).toInt())); QString fmt = settings->value("filenameFormat", "%n% %yyyy%-%MM%-%dd% %hh%.%mm%").toString(); QStringList fmts; fmts << "%n% %yyyy%-%MM%-%dd% %hh%.%mm%" << "%yyyy%-%MM%-%dd% %n%" << "%n%"; if(!fmts.contains(fmt)) { fmts.insert(0, fmt); } filenameFmt->clear(); filenameFmt->addItems(fmts); filenameFmt->setCurrentIndex(fmts.indexOf(fmt)); settings->endGroup(); }
void PluginChoooserWidget::loadImpl() { clear(); Config group = Config().group("plugins/list"); QStandardItem *parent_item = m_model->invisibleRootItem(); QList<QWeakPointer<Plugin> > plugins = pluginsList(); QStringList helper; for (int i = 0; i < plugins.size(); i++) { const PluginInfo &info = plugins.at(i).data()->info(); QLatin1String class_name(plugins.at(i).data()->metaObject()->className()); if (!m_plugin_items.contains(info.name())) { QIcon icon = info.icon(); if (icon.isNull() || !icon.availableSizes().count()) icon = Icon("applications-system"); QString name = info.name(); int index = qLowerBound(helper, name) - helper.constBegin(); helper.insert(index, name); ServiceItem *item = new ServiceItem(icon, name); item->setToolTip(html(info)); item->setCheckable(true); item->setData(true,ServiceItem::ExclusiveRole); item->setData(info.description().toString(), DescriptionRole); item->setCheckState((group.value(class_name, true) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked)); parent_item->insertRow(index, item); m_plugin_items.insert(class_name, item); m_plugins.insert(class_name, plugins.at(i).data()); } } }
QStringList QgsDelimitedTextProvider::splitLine( QString line, QString delimiterType, QString delimiter ) { QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Attempting to split the input line: " + line + " using delimiter " + delimiter, 3 ); QStringList parts; if ( delimiterType == "regexp" ) parts = line.split( QRegExp( delimiter ) ); else parts = line.split( delimiter ); QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Split line into " + QString::number( parts.size() ) + " parts", 3 ); if ( delimiterType == "plain" ) { QChar delim; int i = 0, first = parts.size(); while ( i < parts.size() ) { if ( delim == 0 && ( parts[i][0] == '"' || parts[i][0] == '\'' ) ) { delim = parts[i][0]; first = i; continue; } if ( delim != 0 && parts[i][ parts[i].length() - 1 ] == delim ) { parts[first] = parts[first].mid( 1 ); parts[i] = parts[i].left( parts[i].length() - 1 ); if ( first < i ) { QStringList values; while ( first <= i ) { values << parts[first]; parts.takeAt( first ); i--; } parts.insert( first, values.join( delimiter ) ); } first = -1; delim = 0; } i++; if ( i == parts.size() && first >= 0 ) { i = first + 1; first = -1; delim = 0; } } } return parts; }
//Change the current Cursor Theme bool LTHEME::setCursorTheme(QString cursorname){ //qDebug() << "Set Cursor Theme:" << cursorname; QStringList info = LUtils::readFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.icons/default/index.theme"); bool insection = false; bool changed = false; QString newval = "Inherits="+cursorname; for(int i=0; i<info.length() && !changed; i++){ if(info[i]=="[Icon Theme]"){ insection = true; }else if( info[i].startsWith("[") && insection){ //Section does not have the setting - add it info.insert(i, newval); changed =true; }else if( info[i].startsWith("[") ){ insection = false; }else if(insection && info[i].startsWith("Inherits=")){ info[i] = newval; //replace the current setting changed = true; } } //end loop over file contents if(!changed){ //Could not change the file contents for some reason if(insection){ info << newval; } //end of file while in the section else{ info << "[Icon Theme]" << newval; } //entire section missing from file } //Now save the file //qDebug() << "Done saving the cursor:" << info; return LUtils::writeFile(QDir::homePath()+"/.icons/default/index.theme", info, true); }
/****************************************************************************** * Called when the New From Template action is clicked. * Creates a popup menu listing all alarm templates, in sorted name order. */ void TemplateMenuAction::slotInitMenu() { KMenu* m = menu(); m->clear(); mOriginalTexts.clear(); // Compile a sorted list of template names int i, end; QStringList sorted; KAEvent::List templates = KAlarm::templateList(); for (i = 0, end = templates.count(); i < end; ++i) { QString name = templates[i]->templateName(); int j = 0; for (int jend = sorted.count(); j < jend && QString::localeAwareCompare(name, sorted[j]) > 0; ++j) ; sorted.insert(j, name); } for (i = 0, end = sorted.count(); i < end; ++i) { QAction* act = m->addAction(sorted[i]); mOriginalTexts[act] = sorted[i]; // keep original text, since action text has shortcuts added } }
QString tvNetworkControl::byteArrayToHexaString(const QByteArray &array, bool needHexConversion) const { QString hex; if (needHexConversion) { hex = QString(array.toHex()); } else { hex = QString(array); } int byteCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hex.size() + 1; i++) { //add a space to make groups of bytes if ((i+1) % 3) { hex.insert(i++, ' '); byteCount++; } } // big hack to break lines, ugly but it works QStringList byteList = hex.split(' '); for (double i = 1; i < (byteCount / 16.0) + 1; i++) { byteList.insert(i * 17, "<br>"); } // make it nicer, still super hacky but it does the trick hex = byteList.join(" "); hex.replace(QString("<br> "), QString("<br>")); return hex; }
void SakbotWrapper::saveResult(QString path) { // get the path QStringList components = path.split('/'); components.insert(components.length()-1,"Method1"); path = components.join("/"); // get the image and masks cv::Mat image; cv::Mat shadow; cv::Mat segmentation; m_sakbot.getImage( image ); m_sakbot.getShadowMask( shadow ); m_sakbot.getSegmentationMask( segmentation ); // draw the shadow's contours std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours; cv::findContours(shadow,contours,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); cv::drawContours(image,contours,-1,cv::Scalar(0,255,0),1); // draw the segmentation's contours cv::findContours(segmentation,contours,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); cv::drawContours(image,contours,-1,cv::Scalar(0,0,255),1); // save the image cv::imwrite(path.toStdString(), image); }
bool PhDocumentWindow::openDocument(const QString &fileName) { if(fileName != _settings->currentDocument()) resetDocument(); if(_watcher.addPath(fileName)) PHDEBUG << "now watching " << fileName; _settings->setCurrentDocument(fileName); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) _settings->setLastDocumentFolder(QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath()); this->setWindowTitle(fileName); QStringList recentDocList = _settings->recentDocumentList(); recentDocList.removeAll(fileName); recentDocList.insert(0, fileName); while(recentDocList.size() > _settings->maxRecentDocument()) recentDocList.removeLast(); _settings->setRecentDocumentList(recentDocList); updateRecentDocumentMenu(); addFilePermission(fileName); return true; }
void Terminal::doExecute() { logMessage("Terminal::doExecute()"); if (!txtCommand->text().isEmpty()) { QSettings settings; QStringList list = settings.value("CommandDialog/RecentCommands").value<QStringList>(); list.insert(0, txtCommand->text()); // remove last item (over 50), empty strings and duplicates list.removeAll(""); // list.removeDuplicates(); while (list.count() > 50) list.removeAt(list.count()-1); txtCommand->model()->setStringList(list); settings.setValue("CommandDialog/RecentCommands", list); // command doPrintStdout(">>> " + txtCommand->text() + "\n", Qt::black); // execute command doWriteResult(runPythonScript(txtCommand->text())); } txtCommand->clear(); txtCommand->setFocus(); }
QString BApplicationPrivate::findImage(const QString &subdir, const QString &name, const QStringList &preferredFormats) { if (!testInit("BApplicationPrivate")) return ""; if (subdir.isEmpty() || name.isEmpty()) return ""; QString bfn = QFileInfo(name).baseName(); QStringList suffixes; foreach (const QByteArray &ba, QImageReader::supportedImageFormats()) suffixes << QString(ba); int indsvg = suffixes.indexOf("svg"); if (indsvg >= 0) suffixes.insert(indsvg, "svgz"); for (int i = preferredFormats.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const QString &fmt = preferredFormats.at(i); if (suffixes.contains(fmt)) { suffixes.removeAll(fmt); suffixes.prepend(fmt); } } foreach (const QString &suff, suffixes) { if (suff.isEmpty()) continue; QString fn = BDirTools::findResource(subdir + "/" + bfn + "." + suff, BDirTools::GlobalOnly); if (!fn.isEmpty()) return fn; } return ""; }
void CreatorDialog::printVars() { // print vars QStringList list; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_varsCount; i++) list.insert(0, QString(m_vars[i])); m_varsLine->setText(list.join(",")); }
static void entryCreated(const QString &url, int insertChildAt, QStringList &existingEntries) { const QString fileName = Functions::fileName(url); if (insertChildAt < 0 || insertChildAt >= existingEntries.count()) existingEntries.append(fileName); else existingEntries.insert(insertChildAt, fileName); }
void MainWindow::on_add_clicked() { QStringList options = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(); options.insert(0, "add"); //The fires option is the command. sendToDaemon(options); // addItems(core->addSong()); }