bool text_helper::firstColumnIsIncrimental(QTextStream &stream, const QString &delimiter) { qint64 streamStartingPosition = stream.pos(); double firstColumnValue, prevFirstColumnValue = 0; bool firstColumnIsIncrimental = true; QString line = QString(); QStringList strings; bool ok; //Read out the first line (possibly header) line = QString(stream.readLine()); while (!stream.atEnd()) { line = QString(stream.readLine()); QStringList strings = line.split(delimiter); //Lets determine if we can use the first column as an X-axis firstColumnValue = strings.value(0).toDouble(&ok); if (!ok || (firstColumnValue < prevFirstColumnValue)) { firstColumnIsIncrimental = false; break; } prevFirstColumnValue = firstColumnValue; } //Reposition the stream; return firstColumnIsIncrimental; }
bool Csv::readFile() { QFile file(fullPath); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return false; QString str; QTextStream in; QTextStream in1(&file); str = in1.readAll(); file.close(); in.setString(&str); //set progressBar max value maxValueProgbar = str.length(); //Parser QStringList outList; LexerCsv mylex; connect(&mylex, SIGNAL(returnedToken(int)), this, SLOT(checkProgressStream(int)), Qt::DirectConnection); QString header = in.readLine(); if (header.startsWith("CALIBRATION VALUES V")) { char ch; //parse "Description Header" for "unit delimiter, string delimiter, comment; mylex.getNextToken(in); if (mylex.getToken() == Float) { mylex.getNextToken(in); if (mylex.getToken() == ValueSeparator && (mylex.getLexem() == "," || mylex.getLexem() == ";" || mylex.getLexem() == "\t")) { mylex.valueSeparator = mylex.getLexem().at(0); mylex.getNextToken(in); if (mylex.getToken() == Text && (mylex.getLexem() == "," || mylex.getLexem() == ".")) { mylex.decimalPointSeparator = mylex.getLexem().at(0); in >> ch; if (ch == mylex.valueSeparator) { in >> mylex.commentIndicator; in >> ch; if (ch == mylex.valueSeparator) { char c1, c2; in >> c1; in >> c2; if (c1 == c2) mylex.stringDelimiter = c1; else { showError("CSV description Header : parser error at line " + QString::number(mylex.getLine()) + " with lexem " + QString(mylex.getLexem().c_str())); return false; } }
bool loadTPL(Translator &translator, QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd) { // Hack: Check if the template is utf8 QTextStream testStream; testStream.setDevice( &dev ); QString testContent = testStream.readAll(); if ( ( testContent.startsWith( QLatin1String("{*?template charset="), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && ( testContent.startsWith( QLatin1String("{*?template charset=utf8?*}"), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || testContent.startsWith( QLatin1String("{*?template charset=utf-8?*}"), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) ) || cd.m_assumeUtf8 ) { stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8") ); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode( true ); } else { stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForLocale() ); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode( false ); } stream.setDevice( &dev ); 0 ); // we need to rewind it because the testStream has read all data on the QIODevice parse( &translator, cd.m_sourceDir.path() + QDir::separator() + cd.m_sourceFileName ); return true; }
void Entity::handleTag( const Comment* openingTag, const Comment* closingTag, QTextStream& file, QIODevice& output) {>getCommentEnd()+1); while (!file.atEnd()) { qint64 pos=file.pos(); if (pos>=closingTag->getCommentStart()){>getCommentEnd()+1); break; } QChar c1; file >> c1; const Comment* p= isSpecial(pos); if (p!=nullptr){ if (p->isAutoClosing()){ // output.write(p->comment); // output.write("<!--REMOVESTART-->"); p->output(this,output); // output.write("<!--REMOVEEND-->"); } else { const Comment* closingTag=findClosingTag(p,file); if (closingTag != nullptr){ QBuffer buf;|QBuffer::Text); handleTag(p,closingTag,file,buf); buf.close(); if (false /*p->getTag()==STYLE_START*/){ //embedded_styles.append(buf.buffer()); } else { output.write(buf.buffer()); } } } } else if (isInOuput(pos)){ if (openingTag->isHTML() && c1=='\n'){ output.write(QString("<BR/>").toUtf8()); } else { if (!c1.isNonCharacter()) output.write(QString(c1).toUtf8()); } } } return ; }
int MathTest::openDefaults(QpFile& inFile, QTextStream& stream, bool builtin) { // Default Test Parameters // ===================================================== // // Test Selection, number of problems, and time allowed // // Number of Time in // Test Problems Seconds // Add 2 10 10 // Subtract 2 10 15 // Multiply 2 10 25 // Divide 2 10 30 // // Grade Level 1 (2nd grade level) // // userName "" (NULL) // QString defStr = QString( "2 10 10 \n" "2 10 15 \n" "2 10 25 \n" "2 10 30 \n" "1 \n " ); QString defaultFileName; int status; if(userNameEdit->text() != "") defaultFileName = "mt-" % userNameEdit->text() % ".txt"; else defaultFileName = "mt-default.txt"; QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> flags = QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text; inFile.setQuietOnSuccess(true); if((status = inFile.get(defaultFileName, flags)) != qpfile::fFailed) stream.setDevice(&inFile); else { stream.setString(&defStr); pMsg->sendInfo("Using built-in default test parameters."); } if((status == qpfile::fCreated) && builtin) stream << defStr;; return status; }
void QmlProfilerDetailsRewriter::rewriteDetailsForLocation(QTextStream &textDoc, QmlJS::Document::Ptr doc, int requestId, const QmlDebug::QmlEventLocation &location) { PropertyVisitor propertyVisitor; QmlJS::AST::Node *node = propertyVisitor(doc->ast(), location.line, location.column); if (!node) return; qint64 startPos = node->firstSourceLocation().begin(); qint64 len = node->lastSourceLocation().end() - startPos;; QString details ='\n'), QLatin1Char(' ')).simplified(); emit rewriteDetailsString(requestId, details); }
void loadConfig(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(configDir + fileName);; QString line, property; QTextStream stream; stream.setString(&line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); while (!file.atEnd()) { line = file.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty() || line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\n' || (line[0] == '\r' && line[1] == '\n')) continue; if (line[0] == '[') { property = line.mid(1, line.indexOf(']') - 1); } else {; loadProperty(property, stream); } } file.close(); }
void text_helper::checkAndProcessColumnHeaders( QTextStream &stream, const QString &delimiter, QList<QVariantMap> &metaData, int firstDataColumn ) { qint64 streamStartingPosition = stream.pos(); QString line = QString(stream.readLine()); QStringList strings = line.split(delimiter); bool headerFound = true; int column; QVariantMap variantMap; //Check if the first line is not a header (only contains spaces, numbers, decimal points) QRegExp re("^[ .0-9]*$"); if (re.exactMatch(line)) { //reset stream and return; headerFound = false; } for (column = firstDataColumn; column < strings.size(); column++) { variantMap.clear(); if (headerFound) { if (strings.value(column).size() != 0) { variantMap["Key Field"] = strings.value(column); variantMap["Data Source"] = column; } } else { //Use column number as the header variantMap["Key Field"] = QString(tr("Column ")) + QString::number(column); variantMap["Data Source"] = column; } if (!variantMap.isEmpty()) metaData.append(variantMap); } }
QString text_helper::autoDetectDelimiter(QTextStream &stream) { const QString delimiters[] = {"\t", ",", " "}; qint64 streamStartingPosition = stream.pos(); QVector<QString> possibleDelimiters; QString line = QString(); QStringList strings; int i; while (!stream.atEnd() && (possibleDelimiters.size() != 1)) { line = QString(stream.readLine()); possibleDelimiters.clear(); if (line.isEmpty()) continue; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { strings.clear(); strings = line.split(delimiters[i]); if ( strings.size() != 1 ) { possibleDelimiters.append(delimiters[i]); } } } //qDebug() << "Best guess from auto delim format->" << possibleDelimiters.first() << possibleDelimiters.size(); //Reposition the stream; if (!possibleDelimiters.empty()) { return possibleDelimiters.first(); } //Something went wrong, lets pick whatever is first and run with it. Maybe there is only 1 column return delimiters[0]; }
/// /// \brief SpecMap::SpecMap /// Main function for processing data from text files to create SpecMap objects. /// Currently written to accept files in "wide" format, will be expanded to deal /// with different ASCII formats later with conditionals. /// \param inputstream a text stream derived from the input file /// \param main_window the main window of the app /// \param directory the working directory /// SpecMap::SpecMap(QTextStream &inputstream, QMainWindow *main_window, QString *directory) { //Set up variables unrelated to hyperspectral data: map_list_widget_ = main_window->findChild<QListWidget *>("mapsListWidget"); map_loading_count_ = 0; principal_components_calculated_ = false; partial_least_squares_calculated_ = false; z_scores_calculated_ = false; directory_ = directory; int i, j; wall_clock timer; /*Read the first line to get the wavelength*/; cout << "Loading wavelength vector..." << endl; timer.tic(); QString wavelength_string = inputstream.readLine(); QStringList wavelength_string_list = wavelength_string.split("\t", QString::SkipEmptyParts); int columns = wavelength_string_list.size(); wavelength_.set_size(columns); for(i=0; i<columns; ++i){ wavelength_(i) =; } double seconds = timer.toc(); cout << "Reading wavelength took " << seconds <<" s." << endl; i=0; j=0; QString spectra_string; QStringList spectra_string_list; QProgressDialog progress("Counting rows...", "Cancel", 0, 100, NULL); progress.setWindowTitle("Loading Dataset"); progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); int rows = 0; cout << "Counting rows..." << endl; timer.tic(); while(inputstream.readLine()!=NULL){ ++rows; } progress.setValue(1); progress.setRange(0,rows+1); spectra_.set_size(rows, columns); x_.set_size(rows); y_.set_size(rows); seconds = timer.toc(); cout << "Counting rows and resizing took " << seconds << " s." << endl; cout << "Reading spectra, x, and y..." << endl; progress.setLabelText("Parsing spectra..."); timer.tic();; inputstream.readLine(); //discard it to advance to next line for(i=0; i<rows; ++i){ spectra_string=inputstream.readLine(); spectra_string_list = spectra_string.split("\t", QString::SkipEmptyParts); x_(i) =; spectra_string_list.removeAt(0); y_(i) =; spectra_string_list.removeAt(0); for (j=0; j<columns; ++j){ spectra_(i,j) =; } if (progress.wasCanceled()){ constructor_canceled_ = true; return; } progress.setValue(i); } seconds = timer.toc(); constructor_canceled_ = false; cout << "Reading x, y, and spectra took " << seconds << " s." << endl; }
/*! \brief Load opt file \param in QTextStream which holds the opt.txt file NOTICE(panqing): Before loading opt data, dat and prn data are already loaded. mainEdgeAttrList is filled. TODO(panqing): showNameList and attrNameList are needed to be set */ int DataIO::loadOptData(QTextStream &in) { QString line; // One line of the file QStringList lineList; // Items in one line, seperated by some delimiters const int lengthThreshold = 10; // Recognize one line as a recording by its length quint16 xPos, yPos, halfSceneWidth, halfSceneHeight, maxX=0, maxY=0, minX=50000, minY=50000; quint32 subSegPartID = 0, lastSubSegPartID = 0; while (!(line = in.readLine()).contains("SegmentId")) ; qint64 filePos=in.pos(); // 当前文件位置 while ((line = in.readLine()).length() >= lengthThreshold) { lineList = line.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // 先遍历所有血管段一遍,得到最大/最小坐标 xPos =; yPos =; if (xPos>maxX) maxX=xPos; if (yPos>maxY) maxY=yPos; if (xPos<minX) minX=xPos; if (yPos<minY) minY=yPos; xPos =; yPos =; if (xPos>maxX) maxX=xPos; if (yPos>maxY) maxY=yPos; if (xPos<minX) minX=xPos; if (yPos<minY) minY=yPos; } halfSceneWidth=(maxX-minX)/2; halfSceneHeight=(maxY-minY)/2; ResManager::getSceneRect().setRect(0,0,halfSceneWidth*2*1.1,halfSceneHeight*2*1.1);; while ((line = in.readLine()).length() >= lengthThreshold) { EdgeAttr *edgeAttr = NULL; lineList = line.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); quint16 segName =; for (int i=0;i<edgeAttrList.size();++i) { if (segName==edgeAttrList[i]->getIntAttr(EdgeAttr::SEGNAME)) { edgeAttr=edgeAttrList[i]; break; } } lastSubSegPartID = subSegPartID; // Store the last sub segment part id subSegPartID =; // Acquire the sub segment part id of the new line // The last sub segment part id is 99 // Change the last sub segment part id to its previous id plus 1 // For example, 0, 1, 2, 99 --> 0, 1, 2, 3 if (subSegPartID == 99) subSegPartID = lastSubSegPartID + 1; quint32 startNodeIndex, endNodeIndex; // StartNode // if the node is an subNodeItem, the index of the node is set as coeff*subIndex+nodeIndex if ( >= 0) startNodeIndex =; else startNodeIndex = + coeff*subSegPartID; if (!nodeHash.contains(startNodeIndex)) { xPos =; yPos =; if (startNodeIndex < coeff) { MainNodeItem *mainNodeItem = new MainNodeItem(NULL, startNodeIndex); mainNodeItem->setPos(xPos-halfSceneWidth-minX, yPos-halfSceneHeight-minY); nodeHash.insert(startNodeIndex, mainNodeItem); } else { SubNodeItem *subNodeItem = new SubNodeItem(NULL, startNodeIndex); subNodeItem->setPos(xPos-halfSceneWidth-minX, yPos-halfSceneHeight-minY); nodeHash.insert(startNodeIndex, subNodeItem); } } // EndNode if ( >= 0) endNodeIndex =; else endNodeIndex = + coeff*(1+subSegPartID); if (!nodeHash.contains(endNodeIndex)) { xPos =; yPos =; if (endNodeIndex < coeff) { MainNodeItem *mainNodeItem = new MainNodeItem(NULL, endNodeIndex); mainNodeItem->setPos(xPos-halfSceneWidth-minX, yPos-halfSceneHeight-minY); nodeHash.insert(endNodeIndex, mainNodeItem); } else { SubNodeItem *subNodeItem = new SubNodeItem(NULL, endNodeIndex); subNodeItem->setPos(xPos-halfSceneWidth-minX, yPos-halfSceneHeight-minY); nodeHash.insert(endNodeIndex, subNodeItem); } } SubEdgeItem *subEdgeItem = new SubEdgeItem(nodeHash[startNodeIndex], nodeHash[endNodeIndex], edgeAttr); edgeItemList.append(subEdgeItem); subEdgeItem->setEdgeAttr(edgeAttr); } return 0; }
void MibEditor::ExtractMIBfromRFC(void) { QRegExp module_regexp("^[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9-]*) *(PIB-)?DEFINITIONS *(::=)? *(BEGIN)? *$"); QRegExp page_regexp("\\[[pP]age [iv0-9]*\\] *"); QRegExp macro_regexp("^[ \t]*[A-Za-z0-9-]* *MACRO *::="); QRegExp end_regexp("^[ \t]*END[ \t]*$"); QRegExp blankline_regexp("^[ \t]*$"); QRegExp blank_regexp("[^ \t]"); QRegExp leadingspaces_regexp("^([ ]*)"); QRegExp draft_regexp("^[ ]*Internet[ \\-]Draft"); QFile file_in("empty"); QFile file_tmpout("empty"); QFile file_out("empty"); QTextStream in(&file_in); QTextStream tmpout; QTextStream out; QString line; QString module; QStringList modules; QString dir = NULL, filename = NULL; int skipmibfile = 0, skip = 0, skipped = 0, macro = 0, n = 0; // Open RFC file filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(s->MainUI()->MIBFile, tr("Open RFC file"), "", "RFC files (*.txt);;All Files (*.*)"); if (!filename.isEmpty()) { file_in.setFileName(filename); if (! | QFile::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("Cannot read file %1: %2\n") .arg(file_in.fileName()) .arg(file_in.errorString())); return; } } else return; // Ask for directory where to save MIB files dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(s->MainUI()->MIBFile, tr("Select destination folder for MIB files"), ""); if (dir.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("No directory selected. Aborting.\n")); file_in.close(); return; } if (!QFileInfo(dir).isWritable()) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("Directory not writable by this user. Aborting.\n")); file_in.close(); return; } // Extract & save each modules ... // Process each line while (in.atEnd() != true) { line = in.readLine(); if (draft_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) continue; // Start of module if (module_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) { module = module_regexp.cap(1); skip = 9; skipped = -1; macro = 0; n = 0; // Create temporary output file file_tmpout.setFileName(QDir::tempPath()+"/"+module+".tmp"); file_tmpout.remove(); if (! | QFile::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("Cannot create file %1: %2. Abort.\n") .arg(file_tmpout.fileName()) .arg(file_tmpout.errorString())); file_in.close(); return; } tmpout.setDevice(&file_tmpout); // Create output file file_out.setFileName(dir+"/"+module); if (file_out.exists()) { QMessageBox mb(QMessageBox::Question, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("The file %1 already exist.\n") .arg(file_out.fileName())); QPushButton *ob = mb.addButton(tr("Overwrite"), QMessageBox::YesRole); QPushButton *sb = mb.addButton(tr("Skip"), QMessageBox::NoRole); mb.exec(); if (mb.clickedButton() == ob) { // overwrite skipmibfile = 0; } else if (mb.clickedButton() == sb) { // skip skipmibfile = 1; } } else skipmibfile = 0; if (!skipmibfile) { file_out.remove(); if (! | QFile::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("Cannot create file %1: %2. Skipping.\n") .arg(file_out.fileName()) .arg(file_out.errorString())); skipmibfile = 1; } else out.setDevice(&file_out); } } // At the end of a page we start the counter skipped to skip the // next few lines. if (page_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) skipped = 0; // If we are skipping... if (skipped >= 0) { skipped++; // If we have skipped enough lines to the top of the next page... if (skipped >= skip) { skipped = -1; } else { // Finish skipping, if we find a non-empty line, but not before // we have skipped four lines. remember the miminum of lines // we have ever skipped to keep empty lines in a modules that // appear near the top of a page. if ((skipped >= 4) && (blank_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1)) { if (skipped < skip) skip = skipped; skipped = -1; } } } // So, if we are not skipping and inside a module, remember the line. if ((skipped == -1) && (module.length() > 0)) { n++; tmpout << line << endl; } // Remember when we enter a macro definition if (macro_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) macro = 1; // End of module if (end_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) { if (macro == 0) { tmpout.flush();; int strip = 99, p = 0; while (tmpout.atEnd() != true) { line = tmpout.readLine(); // Find the minimum column that contains non-blank // characters in order to cut a blank prefix off. // Ignore lines that only contain white spaces. if (blankline_regexp.indexIn(line) == -1) { if (leadingspaces_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) { p = leadingspaces_regexp.cap(1).length(); if ((p < strip) && (line.length() > p)) strip = p; } } }; if (!skipmibfile) { int num_bl = 0; while (tmpout.atEnd() != true) { line = tmpout.readLine(); // For each block of consecutive blank lines, // remove all lines but one. if (blankline_regexp.indexIn(line) != -1) { num_bl++; continue; } else { if (num_bl > 0) out << endl; num_bl = 0; } out << line.remove(0, strip) << endl; } out.flush(); file_out.close(); modules << module; } file_tmpout.remove(); module = ""; } else { macro = 0; } } } file_in.close(); if(modules.size() > 0) { QString module_list; for (int i = 0; i < modules.size(); i++) { module_list += "\n\t"; module_list += modules[i]; } QMessageBox::information(NULL, tr("SnmpB: Extract MIB from RFC"), tr("%1 MIB module(s) have been extracted. \ The following MIB file(s) were created: %2") .arg(modules.size()) .arg(module_list)); }
void MathTest::getMaxops() { // The following are the default maxima for left and right operands // for the respective arithmetic operations and grade levels. // // Max Operand Values for the given grade levels // // Grade Level 1 2 3 4 // // Add Lop 10 50 100 1000 // Rop 10 10 100 500 // Sub Lop 10 20 100 1000 // Rop 10 10 100 500 // Mul Lop 3 10 13 20 // Rop 3 10 13 20 // Div Lop 3 10 13 20 // Rop 3 10 13 20 // QString qsMaxops = QString( "10 10 50 10 100 100 1000 500 \n" "10 10 50 10 100 100 1000 500 \n" "10 3 10 10 15 15 20 20 \n" "10 3 10 10 15 15 20 20 \n" ); int status; QString buff; QTextStream stream; QpFile maxopsFile(pMsg); QString maxopsFileName = "mt-maxops.txt"; QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> flags = QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text; if((status = maxopsFile.get(maxopsFileName, flags, true)) != qpfile::fFailed) stream.setDevice(&maxopsFile); else { stream.setString(&qsMaxops); //pMsg->sendInfo("Using built-in default test parameters."); } if(status == qpfile::fCreated) stream << qsMaxops;; // Get the Operand Maxima // int j, k; for(j = 0; j < op_boundary; ++j) { for(k = 0; k < gl_boundary; ++k) { TESTPARM *pt = &testMatrix[j]; stream >> buff; pt->maxops.iaLop[k] = QString(buff).toInt(); stream >> buff; pt->maxops.iaRop[k] = QString(buff).toInt(); } } if(maxopsFile.exists()) maxopsFile.close(); }