bool loadTPL(Translator &translator, QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd) { // Hack: Check if the template is utf8 QTextStream testStream; testStream.setDevice( &dev ); QString testContent = testStream.readAll(); if ( ( testContent.startsWith( QLatin1String("{*?template charset="), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && ( testContent.startsWith( QLatin1String("{*?template charset=utf8?*}"), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || testContent.startsWith( QLatin1String("{*?template charset=utf-8?*}"), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) ) || cd.m_assumeUtf8 ) { stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8") ); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode( true ); } else { stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForLocale() ); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode( false ); } stream.setDevice( &dev ); 0 ); // we need to rewind it because the testStream has read all data on the QIODevice parse( &translator, cd.m_sourceDir.path() + QDir::separator() + cd.m_sourceFileName ); return true; }
void Speech::speak(QString command, bool stdIn, const QString &text, const QString &language, int encoding, QTextCodec *codec) { if (text.length () > 0) { // 1. prepare the text: // 1.a) encode the text QTextStream ts (encText, IO_WriteOnly); if (encoding == Local) ts.setEncoding (QTextStream::Locale); else if (encoding == Latin1) ts.setEncoding (QTextStream::Latin1); else if (encoding == Unicode) ts.setEncoding (QTextStream::Unicode); else ts.setCodec (codec); ts << text; // 1.b) create a temporary file for the text tempFile.setAutoDelete(true); QTextStream* fs = tempFile.textStream(); if (encoding == Local) fs->setEncoding (QTextStream::Locale); else if (encoding == Latin1) fs->setEncoding (QTextStream::Latin1); else if (encoding == Unicode) fs->setEncoding (QTextStream::Unicode); else fs->setCodec (codec); *fs << text; *fs << endl; QString filename = tempFile.file()->name(); tempFile.close(); // 2. prepare the command: command = prepareCommand (command, encText, filename, language); // 3. create a new process process << command; connect(&process, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(processExited(KProcess *))); connect(&process, SIGNAL(wroteStdin(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(wroteStdin(KProcess *))); connect(&process, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int))); connect(&process, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int))); // 4. start the process if (stdIn) { process.start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All); if (encText.size() > 0) process.writeStdin(encText, encText.size()); else process.closeStdin(); } else process.start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput); }
QTextDocument* KateProject::notesDocument () { /** * already there? */ if (m_notesDocument) return m_notesDocument; /** * else create it */ m_notesDocument = new QTextDocument (this); m_notesDocument->setDocumentLayout (new QPlainTextDocumentLayout (m_notesDocument)); /** * and load text if possible */ if (QFile *inFile = projectLocalFile ("notes.txt")) { { QTextStream inStream (inFile); inStream.setCodec ("UTF-8"); m_notesDocument->setPlainText (inStream.readAll ()); } delete inFile; } /** * and be done */ return m_notesDocument; }
bool WordsCounter::saveResult (const QString &fileName) const { QFile file (fileName); if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return false; } QTextStream stream (&file); stream.setCodec ("UTF-8"); typedef QMultiMap<int, QString> SortByCount; SortByCount sortByCount; for (Words::const_iterator it = words_.begin(), end = words_.end(); it != end; ++it) { sortByCount.insert (it.value(), it.key()); } for (SortByCount::const_iterator it = sortByCount.begin(), end = sortByCount.end(); it != end; ++it) { stream << it.value() << ": " << it.key() << endl; } return true; }
void ExtractImages::acceptImage(DomImage *image) { QString format = image->elementData()->attributeFormat(); QString extension = format.left(format.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))).toLower(); QString fname = m_imagesDir.absoluteFilePath(image->attributeName() + QLatin1Char('.') + extension); *m_output << " <file>images/" << image->attributeName() << QLatin1Char('.') + extension << "</file>\n"; QFile f; f.setFileName(fname); const bool isXPM_GZ = format == QLatin1String("XPM.GZ"); QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::WriteOnly; if (isXPM_GZ) openMode |= QIODevice::Text; if (! { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create image file %s: %s", qPrintable(fname), qPrintable(f.errorString())); return; } if (isXPM_GZ) { QTextStream *imageOut = new QTextStream(&f); imageOut->setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); CPP::WriteIconData::writeImage(*imageOut, QString(), image); delete imageOut; } else { CPP::WriteIconData::writeImage(f, image); } f.close(); }
bool TextManager::openFile(const QString &filePath, const QString &generatorName, const text::LanguageInfo &language) { QFile file(filePath); QTextStream *inStream = nullptr; if (!file.isOpen() && | QIODevice::Text)) { inStream = new QTextStream(&file); inStream->setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); QScintillaTextEdit *area = new QScintillaTextEdit(); area->setCurrentLanguage(language); area->setText(inStream->readAll()); mText.insert(filePath, area); mPath.insert(area, filePath); mPathType.insert(filePath, true); mModified.insert(filePath, QPair<bool, bool>(false, false)); mGeneratorName.insert(filePath, generatorName); mCodeBlockManager.addNewCode(filePath); connect(area, SIGNAL(textWasModified(text::QScintillaTextEdit*)) , this, SLOT(setModified(text::QScintillaTextEdit*))); return true; }
bool Deck::importFromTxt(QString fileName) { const QChar sep('\t'); QTextStream s; QFile file(fileName); | QIODevice::Text); if(!file.isOpen()) return false; s.setDevice(&file); s.setCodec("UTF-8"); QStringList sl; QString l = s.readLine(); while (!s.atEnd()) { sl = l.split(sep); if(sl.size()>1) { Card *card = new Card(); card->updateFront(sl[0]); card->updateBack(sl[1]); addCard(card); } l = s.readLine(); }; return true; }
bool AtomicXmlFile::saveDocument(const QDomDocument& doc, QString fileName) const { bool result = false; QFile file(fileName); if (! { return result; } QTextStream text; text.setDevice(&file); text.setCodec("UTF-8"); text << doc.toString(); result = file.error() == QFile::NoError; file.close(); // QFile error checking should be enough, but to be completely sure that // XML is well-formed we could try to parse data we just had written: // if (result) { // QDomDocument temp; // result = loadDocument(&temp, fileName); // } return result; }
void CsvExporter::startFile(QIODevice *file, const QString& encoding, const QString& title) { Q_UNUSED(title); // Output stream in requested encoding m_out = new QTextStream(file); m_out->setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding.toUtf8())); }
void PluginBc_CuentasAnuales2ODS::balanceSituacionODS ( CAnuales tipus ) { BL_FUNC_DEBUG /// Se genera el Balance de Situacion en formato ODS (Hoja de calculo /// BUG: Se necesita usar .toQString('.') porque sino los decimales no /// aparecen bien en OpenOffice. Creo que es un bug del script de conversion de .py a .ods QString archivosalida; bool error = false; switch ( tipus ) { case CAAASL: archivosalida = cuentaAnualAsociancionSinLucro (); break; case CAPGC07: archivosalida = cuentaAnualCAPGC07(); break; case CAPYMES08: archivosalida = cuentaAnualCAPYMES08(); break; case CAAPGC08: archivosalida = cuentaAnualCAAPGC08(); break; case CAPGC08: archivosalida = cuentaAnualCAPGC08(); break; default: blMsgError ( _ ( "ERROR: Funcion no implementada todavia." ) ); break; } QString archivod = g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_USER ) + ""; QString cadena = "rm " + g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_USER ) + "canualesods.ods"; system ( cadena.toLatin1() ); cadena = "rm " + archivod; system ( cadena.toLatin1() ); QFile file ( archivod ); if ( ( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream ( &file ); stream.setCodec ( "UTF-8" ); stream << archivosalida.toLatin1(); file.close(); } else blMsgError ( _ ( "ERROR: No se ha podido crear el archivo" ) ); cadena = " cd " + g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_USER ) + "; python " + archivod; system ( cadena.toLatin1() ); cadena = g_confpr->value( CONF_ODS ) + " " + g_confpr->value( CONF_DIR_USER ) + "canualesods.ods &"; system ( cadena.toLatin1() ); }
void FlashcardsDeck::writeDeck (QTextStream& stream) { stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < usedColumns.size(); i++) stream << usedColumns[i] << ((i + 1) == usedColumns.size() ? "\n" : "\t"); for (std::map <int, QString>& row : exportData) for (unsigned i = 0; i < usedColumns.size(); i++) stream << row[i] << ((i + 1) == usedColumns.size() ? "\n" : "\t"); }
void PageGenerator::beginSubPage(const Location& location, const QString& fileName) { QFile *outFile = new QFile(outputDir() + "/" + fileName); if (!outFile->open(QFile::WriteOnly)) location.fatal(tr("Cannot open output file '%1'") .arg(outFile->fileName())); QTextStream *out = new QTextStream(outFile); out->setCodec("ISO-8859-1"); outStreamStack.push(out); }
bool qstring_save (const QString &fileName, const QString &data, const char *enc) { QFile file (fileName); if (! (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text)) return false; QTextStream out (&file); out.setCodec (enc); out << data; return true; }
// 打开日志文件 log.txt,如果不是当天创建的,则使用创建日期把其重命名为 yyyy-MM-dd.log,并重新创建一个 log.txt void LogHandlerPrivate::openAndBackupLogFile() { // 总体逻辑: // 1. 程序启动时 logFile 为 NULL,初始化 logFile,有可能是同一天打开已经存在的 logFile,所以使用 Append 模式 // 2. logFileCreatedDate is null, 说明日志文件在程序开始时不存在,所以记录下创建时间 // 3. 程序运行时检查如果 logFile 的创建日期和当前日期不相等,则使用它的创建日期重命名,然后再生成一个新的 log.txt 文件 makeSureLogDirectory(); // 如果日志所在目录不存在,则创建 QString logPath = logDir.absoluteFilePath("log.txt"); // 日志的路径 // [[1]] 程序启动时 logFile 为 NULL if (NULL == logFile) { logFile = new QFile(logPath); logOut = (logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) ? new QTextStream(logFile) : NULL; if (NULL != logOut) { logOut->setCodec("UTF-8"); } // [[2]] 如果文件是第一次创建,则创建日期是无效的,把其设置为当前日期 if (logFileCreatedDate.isNull()) { logFileCreatedDate = QDate::currentDate(); } // TODO: 可以检查日志文件超过 30 个,删除 30 天前的日志文件 } // [[3]] 程序运行时如果创建日期不是当前日期,则使用创建日期重命名,并生成一个新的 log.txt if (logFileCreatedDate != QDate::currentDate()) { logFile->flush(); logFile->close(); delete logOut; delete logFile; QString newLogPath = logDir.absoluteFilePath(logFileCreatedDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd.log"));; QFile::copy(logPath, newLogPath); // Bug: 按理说 rename 会更合适,但是 rename 时最后一个文件总是显示不出来,需要 killall Finder 后才出现 QFile::remove(logPath); // 删除重新创建,改变创建时间 logFile = new QFile(logPath); logOut = (logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) ? new QTextStream(logFile) : NULL; logFileCreatedDate = QDate::currentDate(); if (NULL != logOut) { logOut->setCodec("UTF-8"); } } }
bool docengine::read(QIODevice *io, QsciScintillaqq* sci, QString encoding) { if( !sci ) return false; if(!io->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; QFile *file = static_cast<QFile*>(io); QFileInfo fi(*file); QString readEncodedAs = generalFunctions::getFileMimeEncoding(fi.absoluteFilePath()); QTextStream stream ( io ); QString txt; stream.setCodec((encoding != "") ? encoding.toUtf8() : readEncodedAs.toUtf8()); stream.setCodec(readEncodedAs.toUtf8()); txt = stream.readAll(); io->close(); sci->clear(); sci->append(txt); return true; }
Subtitle Subtitle::Parser::parse(const QString &fileName) { Subtitle sub; QFile file(fileName); if (! return sub; QTextStream in; in.setDevice(&file); in.setCodec(m_enc.toLocal8Bit()); m_all = in.readAll(); m_name = fileName; m_pos = 0; _parse(sub); return sub; }
/** \param fich \return **/ bool BlConfiguration::readConfig ( QString fich ) { QFile arch ( fich ); if ( ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG QString cadaux1 = "Leyendo configuracion: '" + fich + "'\n"; fprintf ( stderr, "%s\n", cadaux1.toLatin1().constData() ); #endif QTextStream in ( &arch ); // Esto es necesario para que se lean bien los caracteres especiales in.setCodec("UTF-8"); while ( !in.atEnd() ) { QString cad = in.readLine(); /// Hacemos la lectura de lineas de configuracion multilinea. while ( cad.endsWith ( "\\" ) ) { cad = cad.left ( cad.length() - 2 ); QString cod = in.readLine().trimmed(); // Si hay un comentario se pasa directamente a la siguiente linea aunque si el comentario termina en punto y como se lo da por finalizado. if (cod.startsWith("#")) { if (cod.endsWith(";")) cod = ";"; else cod = "\\"; } // end if cad = cad + cod; } // end while QString simplificada = cad.simplified(); QStringList list = simplificada.split ( QRegExp ( "\\s+" ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { if ( list[0] == name( i ) && name( i ) != "" ) { cad = cad.right ( cad.length() - name( i ).length() ); cad = cad.trimmed(); m_valores[i] = cad; } // end if } // end for } // end while arch.close(); #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG fprintf ( stderr, "%s", "FIN Leyendo configuracion\n" ); #endif return true; } // end if return false; }
bool FQTermConfig::saveToStream(QTextStream &os) { QString strLine, strSection; Section::iterator iStr; os.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); for (StrSecMap::iterator iSec = data.begin(); iSec != data.end(); ++iSec) { os << '[' << iSec.key() << "]\n"; for (iStr = iSec.value().begin(); iStr != iSec.value().end(); ++iStr) { os << iStr.key() << '=' << iStr.value() << '\n'; } os << '\n'; } return true; }
void QgsGPSData::writeXML( QTextStream& stream ) { stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF8" ) ); stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" << "<gpx version=\"1.0\" creator=\"QGIS\">\n"; for ( WaypointIterator wIter = waypoints.begin(); wIter != waypoints.end(); ++wIter ) wIter->writeXML( stream ); for ( RouteIterator rIter = routes.begin(); rIter != routes.end(); ++rIter ) rIter->writeXML( stream ); for ( TrackIterator tIter = tracks.begin(); tIter != tracks.end(); ++tIter ) tIter->writeXML( stream ); stream << "</gpx>\n"; stream << flush; }
QString InFile::readAll(QString const &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); | QIODevice::Text); if (!file.isOpen()) { throw qReal::Exception((fileName + " - file open operation failed").toUtf8()); } QTextStream input; input.setDevice(&file); input.setCodec("UTF-8"); QString text = input.readAll(); file.close(); return text; }
QString FileUtils::readFromFile(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); | QIODevice::Text); if (!file.isOpen()) { throw FailedToOpenFileException(file); } QTextStream input; input.setDevice(&file); input.setCodec("UTF-8"); const QString result = input.readAll(); file.close(); return result; }
ListAllAffixes(item_types type) { this->type=type; QString t=interpret_type(type); file=new QFile(QString("%1.list").arg(t)); file->remove(); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { theSarf->out<<"Error openning file\n"; return; } dout=new QTextStream(file); dout->setCodec("utf-8"); map=(type==PREFIX?database_info.map_prefix:database_info.map_suffix); }
/*protected*/ QTextStream* getBufferedReader(File* file) { QTextStream* in = NULL; // try { // in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8")); // NOI18N // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // return NULL; // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // log.error("UTF-8 encoding not supported"); // return NULL; // } QFile* qFile = new QFile(file->getPath()); if(!qFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return NULL; in = new QTextStream(qFile); in->setCodec("UTF8"); return in; }
QString FileUtils::readFromFile(QString const &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); | QIODevice::Text); if (!file.isOpen()) { qDebug() << "Failed to open file" << fileName; throw "Failed to open file"; } QTextStream input; input.setDevice(&file); input.setCodec("UTF-8"); QString const result = input.readAll(); file.close(); return result; }
void Plugin::Init (ICoreProxy_ptr) { QFile embedderJS (":/plugins/azoth/plugins/embedmedia/resources/scripts/embedder.js"); if (! (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to open script file" << embedderJS.errorString (); return; } QTextStream content (&embedderJS); content.setCodec (QTextCodec::codecForName ("UTF-8")); ScriptContent_ = content.readAll (); }
void QGoogleTranslator::finishedSlot(QNetworkReply* reply) { // Reathising attributes of the reply // e.g. the HTTP QTextStream stream ( &file ); QVariant statusCodV = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); // Or the target URL if it was a rethisirect: QVariant redirectionTargetUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); QTextStream stream ( reply ); stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); QString strTmp; strTmp = stream.readAll(); QVariant response = Json::parse(strTmp); emit translationFinished(response.toMap ().value ("responseData") .toMap ().value ("translatedText").toString ()); }
bool CSVOldFormatConverter::convertTeachers(QString csvDirPath) { QFile teachersCsv(csvDirPath + "/Преподаватели.csv"); QTextStream teachersStream; teachersStream.setDevice(&teachersCsv); teachersStream.setCodec("UTF-8"); if (! { return false; } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO teacher (name) VALUES (?)"); while (!teachersStream.atEnd()) { query.addBindValue(teachersStream.readLine().split(';').at(0).simplified()); if (!query.exec()) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * @brief HtmlExportStrategy::exportNoteAud * @param a * @return */ QString HtmlExportStrategy::exportNoteAud(Audio* a) { QString nom = NotesManager::getInstance()->getFilename(a->getId()); QString exp; QTextStream flux (&exp); flux.setCodec("UTF-8"); // Génération du flux correspondant à l'HTML flux<<"<audio src="; flux<<"\""<<nom<<".oga\" controls />"<<endl; flux<<"\""<<nom<<".oga\" controls>"<<endl; flux<<"<a href =\""<<nom<<".oga\">Download song <a/>"<<endl; flux<<"</audio>"<<endl; flux<<"<audio controls>"<<endl; flux<<"<source src=\""<<nom<<".mp3\" />"<<endl; flux<<"<source src=\""<<nom<<".ogg\" />"<<endl; flux<<"<p>Description alternative</p>"<<endl; flux<<"</audio>"<<endl; return exp; }
bool open(void){ R_ASSERT(temporary_write_file==NULL); R_ASSERT(read_file==NULL); if (type==WRITE) { R_ASSERT(is_binary==false); // not supported yet temporary_write_file = new QTemporaryFile(); if (temporary_write_file->open()==false) goto failed; } else { read_file = new QFile(filename); if (is_binary) { if (read_file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)==false) goto failed; } else { if (read_file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)==false) goto failed; } } stream = new QTextStream(file()); stream->setCodec("UTF-8"); return true; failed: if (temporary_write_file!=NULL) { delete temporary_write_file; temporary_write_file = NULL; } if (read_file!=NULL) { delete read_file; read_file = NULL; } return false; }
bool CSVOldFormatConverter::convertFaculties(QString csvDirPath) { QFile facultiesCsv(csvDirPath + "/Факультет.csv"); QTextStream facultiesStream; facultiesStream.setDevice(&facultiesCsv); facultiesStream.setCodec("UTF-8"); if (! { return false; } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO university_faculty (name) VALUES (?)"); while (!facultiesStream.atEnd()) { query.addBindValue(facultiesStream.readLine().split(';').at(1)); if (!query.exec()) { return false; } } return true; }