Esempio n. 1
void QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLiteNodes( const QString& tableName, const QStringList& tagKeys, const QStringList& notNullTagKeys )
  QString sqlInsertPoint = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 VALUES (?" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( tableName ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
    sqlInsertPoint += QString( ",?" );
  sqlInsertPoint += ", GeomFromWKB(?, 4326))";
  sqlite3_stmt* stmtInsert;
  if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mDatabase, sqlInsertPoint.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &stmtInsert, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
    mError = "Prepare SELECT FROM nodes failed.";

  QgsOSMNodeIterator nodes = listNodes();
  QgsOSMNode n;
  while (( n = ).isValid() )
    QgsOSMTags t = tags( false, );

    // skip untagged nodes: probably they form a part of ways
    if ( t.count() == 0 )

    //check not null tags
    bool skipNull = false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < notNullTagKeys.count() && !skipNull; ++i )
      if ( !t.contains( notNullTagKeys[i] ) )
        skipNull = true;

    if ( skipNull )

    QgsGeometry geom = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( n.point() );
    int col = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64( stmtInsert, ++col, );

    // tags
    for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
      if ( t.contains( tagKeys[i] ) )
        sqlite3_bind_text( stmtInsert, ++col, t.value( tagKeys[i] ).toUtf8().constData(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
        sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    sqlite3_bind_blob( stmtInsert, ++col, geom.asWkb(), ( int ) geom.wkbSize(), SQLITE_STATIC );

    int insertRes = sqlite3_step( stmtInsert );
    if ( insertRes != SQLITE_DONE )
      mError = QString( "Error inserting node %1 [%2]" ).arg( ).arg( insertRes );

    sqlite3_reset( stmtInsert );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmtInsert );

  sqlite3_finalize( stmtInsert );
Esempio n. 2
QgsGeometry QgsGeometryAnalyzer::locateBetweenMeasures( double fromMeasure, double toMeasure, const QgsGeometry& lineGeom )
  if ( lineGeom.isEmpty() )
    return QgsGeometry();

  QgsMultiPolyline resultGeom;

  //need to go with WKB and z coordinate until QgsGeometry supports M values
  QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( lineGeom.asWkb(), lineGeom.wkbSize() );

  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = lineGeom.wkbType();
  if ( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::LineString25D && wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString25D )
    return QgsGeometry();

  if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::LineString25D )
    locateBetweenWkbString( wkbPtr, resultGeom, fromMeasure, toMeasure );
  else if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::MultiLineString25D )
    int nLines;
    wkbPtr >> nLines;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nLines; ++i )
      wkbPtr = locateBetweenWkbString( wkbPtr, resultGeom, fromMeasure, toMeasure );
//! Simplifies the specified geometry
bool QgsTopologyPreservingSimplifier::simplifyGeometry( QgsGeometry* geometry ) const
  QgsGeometry* g = geometry->simplify( mTolerance );

  if ( g )
    int wkbSize = g->wkbSize();
    unsigned char *wkb = new unsigned char[ wkbSize ];
    memcpy( wkb, g->asWkb(), wkbSize );
    geometry->fromWkb( wkb, wkbSize );
    delete g;

    return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 4
void QgsLabel::labelPoint( std::vector<labelpoint>& points, QgsFeature & feature )
  QgsGeometry *geometry = feature.geometry();
  const unsigned char *geom = geometry->asWkb();
  size_t geomlen = geometry->wkbSize();
  QGis::WkbType wkbType = geometry->wkbType();
  labelpoint point;

  switch ( wkbType )
    case QGis::WKBPoint25D:
    case QGis::WKBPoint:
    case QGis::WKBLineString25D:
    case QGis::WKBLineString:
    case QGis::WKBPolygon25D:
    case QGis::WKBPolygon:
      labelPoint( point, geom, geomlen );
      points.push_back( point );

    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D:
    case QGis::WKBMultiPoint:
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString25D:
    case QGis::WKBMultiLineString:
    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon25D:
    case QGis::WKBMultiPolygon:
      // Return a position for each individual in the multi-feature
      Q_ASSERT( 1 + sizeof( wkbType ) + sizeof( int ) <= geomlen );
      geom += 1 + sizeof( wkbType );
      int nFeatures = *( unsigned int * )geom;
      geom += sizeof( int );

      const unsigned char *feature = geom;
      for ( int i = 0; i < nFeatures && feature; ++i )
        feature = labelPoint( point, feature, geom + geomlen - feature );
        points.push_back( point );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Unknown geometry type of " + QString::number( wkbType ) );
void QgsGeometryAnalyzer::dissolveFeature( QgsFeature& f, int nProcessedFeatures, QgsGeometry** dissolveGeometry )
  QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = f.geometry();

  if ( !featureGeometry )

  if ( nProcessedFeatures == 0 )
    int geomSize = featureGeometry->wkbSize();
    *dissolveGeometry = new QgsGeometry();
    unsigned char* wkb = new unsigned char[geomSize];
    memcpy( wkb, featureGeometry->asWkb(), geomSize );
    ( *dissolveGeometry )->fromWkb( wkb, geomSize );
    *dissolveGeometry = ( *dissolveGeometry )->combine( featureGeometry );
Esempio n. 6
void QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLiteWays( bool closed, const QString& tableName,
    const QStringList& tagKeys,
    const QStringList& notNullTagKeys )
  Q_UNUSED( tagKeys );

  QString sqlInsertLine = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 VALUES (?" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( tableName ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
    sqlInsertLine += QString( ",?" );
  sqlInsertLine += ", GeomFromWKB(?, 4326))";
  sqlite3_stmt* stmtInsert;
  if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mDatabase, sqlInsertLine.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &stmtInsert, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
    mError = "Prepare SELECT FROM ways failed.";

  QgsOSMWayIterator ways = listWays();
  QgsOSMWay w;
  while (( w = ).isValid() )
    QgsOSMTags t = tags( true, );

    QgsPolyline polyline = wayPoints( );

    if ( polyline.count() < 2 )
      continue; // invalid way

    bool isArea = ( polyline.first() == polyline.last() ); // closed way?
    // filter out closed way that are not areas through tags
    if ( isArea && ( t.contains( "highway" ) || t.contains( "barrier" ) ) )
      // make sure tags that indicate areas are taken into consideration when deciding on a closed way is or isn't an area
      // and allow for a closed way to be exported both as a polygon and a line in case both area and non-area tags are present
      if (( t.value( "area" ) != "yes" && !t.contains( "amenity" ) && !t.contains( "landuse" ) && !t.contains( "building" ) && !t.contains( "natural" ) && !t.contains( "leisure" ) && !t.contains( "aeroway" ) ) || !closed )
        isArea = false;

    if ( closed != isArea )
      continue; // skip if it's not what we're looking for

    //check not null tags
    bool skipNull = false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < notNullTagKeys.count() && !skipNull; ++i )
      if ( !t.contains( notNullTagKeys[i] ) )
        skipNull = true;

    if ( skipNull )

    QgsGeometry geom = closed ? QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( QgsPolygon() << polyline ) : QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( polyline );
    int col = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64( stmtInsert, ++col, );

    // tags
    for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
      if ( t.contains( tagKeys[i] ) )
        sqlite3_bind_text( stmtInsert, ++col, t.value( tagKeys[i] ).toUtf8().constData(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
        sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    if ( !geom.isEmpty() )
      sqlite3_bind_blob( stmtInsert, ++col, geom.asWkb(), ( int ) geom.wkbSize(), SQLITE_STATIC );
      sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    int insertRes = sqlite3_step( stmtInsert );
    if ( insertRes != SQLITE_DONE )
      mError = QString( "Error inserting way %1 [%2]" ).arg( ).arg( insertRes );

    sqlite3_reset( stmtInsert );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmtInsert );

  sqlite3_finalize( stmtInsert );
void QgsPointDisplacementRenderer::drawGroup( const DisplacementGroup& group, QgsRenderContext& context )
  const QgsFeature& feature = group.begin().value().first;
  bool selected = mSelectedFeatures.contains( ); // maybe we should highlight individual features instead of the whole group?

  //get list of labels and symbols
  QStringList labelAttributeList;
  QList< QgsMarkerSymbolV2* > symbolList;
  QgsFeatureList featureList;

  QgsMultiPointV2* groupMultiPoint = new QgsMultiPointV2();
  for ( DisplacementGroup::const_iterator attIt = group.constBegin(); attIt != group.constEnd(); ++attIt )
    labelAttributeList << ( mDrawLabels ? getLabel( attIt.value().first ) : QString() );
    symbolList << dynamic_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolV2*>( attIt.value().second );
    featureList << attIt.value().first;
    groupMultiPoint->addGeometry( attIt.value().first.constGeometry()->geometry()->clone() );

  //calculate centroid of all points, this will be center of group
  QgsGeometry groupGeom( groupMultiPoint );
  QgsGeometry* centroid = groupGeom.centroid();
  QPointF pt;
  QgsConstWkbPtr wkbPtr( centroid->asWkb(), centroid->wkbSize() );
  _getPoint( pt, context, wkbPtr );
  delete centroid;

  //calculate max diagonal size from all symbols in group
  double diagonal = 0;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsMarkerSymbolV2* symbol, symbolList )
    if ( symbol )
      diagonal = qMax( diagonal, QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::convertToPainterUnits( context,
                       M_SQRT2 * symbol->size(),
                       symbol->sizeUnit(), symbol->sizeMapUnitScale() ) );

  QgsSymbolV2RenderContext symbolContext( context, QgsSymbolV2::MM, 1.0, selected );

  QList<QPointF> symbolPositions;
  QList<QPointF> labelPositions;
  double circleRadius = -1.0;
  calculateSymbolAndLabelPositions( symbolContext, pt, symbolList.size(), diagonal, symbolPositions, labelPositions, circleRadius );

  //draw Circle
  if ( circleRadius > 0 )
    drawCircle( circleRadius, symbolContext, pt, symbolList.size() );

  //draw mid point
  if ( labelAttributeList.size() > 1 )
    if ( mCenterSymbol )
      mCenterSymbol->renderPoint( pt, &feature, context, -1, selected );
      context.painter()->drawRect( QRectF( pt.x() - symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 1 ), pt.y() - symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 1 ), symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 2 ), symbolContext.outputLineWidth( 2 ) ) );

  //draw symbols on the circle
  drawSymbols( featureList, context, symbolList, symbolPositions, selected );
  //and also the labels
  drawLabels( pt, symbolContext, labelPositions, labelAttributeList );
Esempio n. 8
bool QgsDb2Provider::addFeatures( QgsFeatureList & flist )
  QgsDebugMsg( "mGeometryColType: " + mGeometryColType );
  int writeCount = 0;
  bool copyOperation = false;

  if ( !mDatabase.isOpen() )
    QString errMsg;
    mDatabase = getDatabase( mConnInfo, errMsg );
    if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
      QgsDebugMsg( "getDatabase failed: " + errMsg );
      return false;
  if ( !mDatabase.transaction() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "transaction failed" );
    return false;
  QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery( mDatabase );
  query.setForwardOnly( true );
  QSqlQuery queryFid = QSqlQuery( mDatabase );
  queryFid.setForwardOnly( true );

  QgsFeature it = 0 );
  QString statement;
  QString values;
  statement = QString( "INSERT INTO %1.%2 (" ).arg( mSchemaName, mTableName );

  bool first = true;

// Get the first geometry and its wkbType as when we are doing drag/drop,
// the wkbType is not passed to the DB2 provider from QgsVectorLayerImport
// Can't figure out how to resolved "unreferenced" wkbType compile message
// Don't really do anything with it at this point
#if 0
  QgsGeometry *geom = it.geometry();
  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = geom->wkbType();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "wkbType: %1" ).arg( wkbType ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mWkbType: %1" ).arg( mWkbType ) );

  QgsAttributes attrs = it.attributes();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "attrs.count: %1" ).arg( attrs.count() ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fields.count: %1" ).arg( mAttributeFields.count() ) );
  if ( mAttributeFields.count() == ( attrs.count() + 1 ) )
    copyOperation = true; // FID is first field but no attribute in attrs
  else if ( mAttributeFields.count() !=  attrs.count() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Count mismatch - failing" );
    return false;

  if ( attrs.count() != mAttributeFields.count() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "field counts don't match" );
//  return false;

  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeFields.count(); ++i )
    QgsField fld = i );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; got field: %2" ).arg( i ).arg( ) );

    if ( )
      continue; // invalid

    if ( mFidColName == )
      continue; // skip identity field

//      if ( mDefaultValues.contains( i ) && mDefaultValues[i] == i ) )
//        continue; // skip fields having default values

    if ( !first )
      statement += ',';
      values += ',';
      first = false;

    statement += QString( "%1" ).arg( );
    values += QString( "?" );

  // append geometry column name
  if ( !mGeometryColName.isEmpty() )
    if ( !first )
      statement += ',';
      values += ',';

    statement += QString( "%1" ).arg( mGeometryColName );

    values += QString( "db2gse.%1(CAST (%2 AS BLOB(2M)),%3)" )
              .arg( mGeometryColType,
                    QString( "?" ),
                    QString::number( mSRId ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( statement );
  QgsDebugMsg( values );
  statement += ") VALUES (" + values + ')';
  QgsDebugMsg( statement );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Prepare statement" );
  // use prepared statement to prevent from sql injection
  if ( !query.prepare( statement ) )
    QString msg = query.lastError().text();
    QgsDebugMsg( msg );
    pushError( msg );
    return false;

  for ( QgsFeatureList::iterator it = flist.begin(); it != flist.end(); ++it )
    attrs = it->attributes();

    int fieldIdx = 0;
    if ( copyOperation )
      fieldIdx = 1;  // skip first (FID) field if copying from shapefile
    int bindIdx = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < attrs.count(); i++ )
      QgsField fld = fieldIdx++ );
      if ( )
        continue; // invalid

      if ( mFidColName == )
        continue; // skip identity field

//      if ( mDefaultValues.contains( i ) && mDefaultValues[i] == i ) )
//        continue; // skip fields having default values

      QVariant::Type type = fld.type();
      if ( i ).isNull() || ! i ).isValid() )
        // binding null values
        if ( type == QVariant::Date || type == QVariant::DateTime )
          query.bindValue( bindIdx,  QVariant( QVariant::String ) );
          query.bindValue( bindIdx,  QVariant( type ) );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Int )
        // binding an INTEGER value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ).toInt() );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Double )
        // binding a DOUBLE value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ).toDouble() );
      else if ( type == QVariant::String )
        // binding a TEXT value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ).toString() );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Time )
        // binding a TIME value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ).toTime().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Date )
        // binding a DATE value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ).toDate().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
      else if ( type == QVariant::DateTime )
        // binding a DATETIME value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ).toDateTime().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
        query.bindValue( bindIdx, i ) );

#if 0
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "bound i: %1; name: %2; value: %3; bindIdx: %4" ).
                   arg( i ).arg( ).arg( i ).toString() ).arg( bindIdx ) );

    if ( !mGeometryColName.isEmpty() )
      QgsGeometry geom = it->geometry();

      QByteArray bytea = QByteArray(( char* )geom.asWkb(), ( int ) geom.wkbSize() );
      query.bindValue( bindIdx,  bytea, QSql::In | QSql::Binary );

    QList<QVariant> list = query.boundValues().values();

// Show bound values
#if 0
    for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; value: %2; type: %3" )
                   .arg( i ).arg( i ).toString().toLatin1().data() ).arg( i ).typeName() ) );
    if ( !query.exec() )
      QString msg = query.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      if ( !mSkipFailures )
        pushError( msg );
        return false;

    statement = QString( "select IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() AS IDENTITY "
                         "FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1" );
//    QgsDebugMsg( statement );
    if ( !queryFid.exec( statement ) )
      QString msg = query.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      if ( !mSkipFailures )
        pushError( msg );
        return false;

    if ( ! )
      QString msg = query.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      if ( !mSkipFailures )
        pushError( msg );
        return false;
    it->setFeatureId( queryFid.value( 0 ).toLongLong() );
//    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "count: %1; featureId: %2" ).arg( writeCount ).arg( queryFid.value( 0 ).toLongLong() ) );
  bool commitStatus = mDatabase.commit();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "commitStatus: %1; write count: %2; featureId: %3" )
               .arg( commitStatus ).arg( writeCount ).arg( queryFid.value( 0 ).toLongLong() ) );
  if ( !commitStatus )
    pushError( "Commit of new features failed" );
    return false;
  return true;
Esempio n. 9
void QgsOSMDatabase::exportSpatiaLiteWays( bool closed, const QString& tableName, const QStringList& tagKeys )
  Q_UNUSED( tagKeys );

  QString sqlInsertLine = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 VALUES (?" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( tableName ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
    sqlInsertLine += QString( ",?" );
  sqlInsertLine += ", GeomFromWKB(?, 4326))";
  sqlite3_stmt* stmtInsert;
  if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2( mDatabase, sqlInsertLine.toUtf8().constData(), -1, &stmtInsert, 0 ) != SQLITE_OK )
    mError = "Prepare SELECT FROM ways failed.";

  QgsOSMWayIterator ways = listWays();
  QgsOSMWay w;
  while (( w = ).isValid() )
    QgsOSMTags t = tags( true, );

    QgsPolyline polyline = wayPoints( );

    if ( polyline.count() < 2 )
      continue; // invalid way

    bool isArea = ( polyline.first() == polyline.last() ); // closed way?
    // some closed ways are not really areas
    if ( isArea && ( t.contains( "highway" ) || t.contains( "barrier" ) ) )
      if ( t.value( "area" ) != "yes" ) // even though "highway" is line by default, "area"="yes" may override that
        isArea = false;

    if ( closed != isArea )
      continue; // skip if it's not what we're looking for

    QgsGeometry* geom = closed ? QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( QgsPolygon() << polyline ) : QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( polyline );
    int col = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64( stmtInsert, ++col, );

    // tags
    for ( int i = 0; i < tagKeys.count(); ++i )
      if ( t.contains( tagKeys[i] ) )
        sqlite3_bind_text( stmtInsert, ++col, t.value( tagKeys[i] ).toUtf8().constData(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );
        sqlite3_bind_null( stmtInsert, ++col );

    sqlite3_bind_blob( stmtInsert, ++col, geom->asWkb(), geom->wkbSize(), SQLITE_STATIC );

    int insertRes = sqlite3_step( stmtInsert );
    if ( insertRes != SQLITE_DONE )
      mError = QString( "Error inserting way %1 [%2]" ).arg( ).arg( insertRes );

    sqlite3_reset( stmtInsert );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmtInsert );
    delete geom;

  sqlite3_finalize( stmtInsert );