// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ?implementation_description // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void TNcdSendableProgress::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { iState = aStream.ReadUint32L(); iOperationId = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iProgress = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iMaxProgress = aStream.ReadInt32L(); }
EXPORT_C void CX509Certificate::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { if (iIssuerName != NULL) //just to check cert is uninitialised { User::Leave(KErrArgument); } iKeyFactory = new(ELeave) TX509KeyFactory; TInt len = aStream.ReadInt32L(); //Read the length of the streamed encoding HBufC8* temp= HBufC8::NewLC(len); TPtr8 ptr=temp->Des(); aStream.ReadL(ptr,len); iEncoding=temp->AllocL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // temp TASN1DecSequence encSeq; TInt pos = 0; CArrayPtrFlat<TASN1DecGeneric>* seq = encSeq.DecodeDERLC(*iEncoding, pos, 3, 3); TASN1DecGeneric* encSigAlg = seq->At(1); iSigningAlgorithm = CX509SigningAlgorithmIdentifier::NewL(encSigAlg->Encoding()); TASN1DecBitString encBS; iSignature = encBS.ExtractOctetStringL(*(seq->At(2))); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//seq CSHA1* hash = CSHA1::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL(hash); iFingerprint = hash->Final(Encoding()).AllocL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//hash ConstructCertL(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSdpMediaField::DoInternalizeL // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSdpMediaField::DoInternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { RStringF media = iPool.OpenFStringL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); CleanupClosePushL(media); SetMediaL(media); CleanupStack::Pop();//media media.Close(); TUint32 port = aStream.ReadUint32L(); //SetPortL(aStream.ReadUint32L()); TUint flag = aStream.ReadUint8L(); if(flag) { SetPortCountL(aStream.ReadUint32L()); } RStringF protocol =iPool.OpenFStringL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); CleanupClosePushL(protocol); SetProtocolL(protocol); CleanupStack::Pop();//protocol protocol.Close(); SetPortL(port); SetFormatListL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); SetInfoL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpConnectionField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iConnectionFields, aStream); SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpBandwidthField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iBandwidthFields, aStream); if(aStream.ReadUint8L()) { SetKey(CSdpKeyField::InternalizeL(aStream)); } SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpAttributeField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iAttributeFields, aStream); SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpFmtAttributeField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iFmtAttrFields, aStream); }
EXPORT_C void CHeaderFooter::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) /** Internalises this object's text content and global format layers from a read stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to internalise objects of this class. This function does not restore any fields, pictures or rich text-specific formatting, so may need to be accompanied by a call to RestoreComponentsL(). @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */ { TUint flags = aStream.ReadInt8L(); iFirstPageToPrintTo = aStream.ReadInt32L(); if (flags & ETextExists) { delete iText; iText = NULL; CreateFormatLayersL(); aStream>> *iParaLayer; aStream>> *iCharLayer; iText = CRichText::NewL(iParaLayer,iCharLayer); iText->SetFieldFactory(this); aStream>> *iText; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XIMPRBuf16Helper::InternalizeL() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void XIMPRBuf16Helper::InternalizeL( RBuf16& aBuf, RReadStream& aStream ) { TInt length = aStream.ReadInt32L(); GrowIfNeededL( aBuf, length ); aStream.ReadL( aBuf, length ); }
EXPORT_C void CPromptData::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) /** Internalizes the prompt data from the specified stream/ @param aStream The read stream */ { Reset(); iClientName.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength16); iVendorName.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength16); aStream >> iClientSid.iId; aStream >> iServerSid.iId; aStream >> iServiceId.iUid; iDestination.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength16); iOpaqueData.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength8); TInt32 count = aStream.ReadUint32L(); for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i) { TInt32 l = aStream.ReadInt32L(); HBufC* d = HBufC::NewMaxLC(l); TPtr wptr = d->Des(); aStream.ReadL(wptr, l); iDescriptions.AppendL(d); CleanupStack::Pop(d); } aStream >> iOptions; aStream >> iFlags; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CIAUpdatePendingNodesFile::InternalizeL // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CIAUpdatePendingNodesFile::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { // If you make changes here, // remember to update ExternalizeL accordingly!!! TInt version( aStream.ReadInt32L() ); // Notice! In the future, some checking maybe required here // to be sure that file version is correct and the data can be // internalized correctly between different versions. if ( version != KVersion ) { // For now, just leave with the corrupt error. User::Leave( KErrCorrupt ); } iPendingNodes.ResetAndDestroy(); TInt count( aStream.ReadInt32L() ); for( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { CIAUpdaterIdentifier* identifier( CIAUpdaterIdentifier::NewLC() ); identifier->InternalizeL( aStream ); iPendingNodes.AppendL( identifier ); CleanupStack::Pop( identifier ); } iIndex = aStream.ReadInt32L(); }
void TBidirectionalEndOfLineContext::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aSource) { iFirstCategory = static_cast<TChar::TBdCategory>(aSource.ReadInt8L()); iFirstStrongCategory = static_cast<TChar::TBdCategory>(aSource.ReadInt8L()); iPositionOfLastStrongCategory = 0; iStartPosOfThisLine = 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- // CDRMEventModify::Internalize // Reads the data of the object from the given stream // (other items were commented in a header). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CDRMEventModify::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aInput) { TInt inputLength = 0; MDRMEvent::InternalizeL(aInput); // Read the length of the HBufC8* inputLength = aInput.ReadInt32L(); // Reserve the HBufC8* if( !iContentID ) { iContentID = HBufC8::NewL(inputLength); } else { iContentID->ReAllocL(inputLength); } // Read the HBufC8* TPtr8 inRead(iContentID->Des()); aInput.ReadL(inRead,inputLength); // this implementation may need to be changed if the size of the enum changes iUniqueID = aInput.ReadUint32L(); };
/** Initialise this object with the contents of RReadStream aStream The descriptor contains an externalised version of an object. This method is typically used to obtain a CProcessInfo object from the core dump server. Any modifications to this method should be synchronised with ExternalizeL(). Also note that the methods used from RReadStream (>> or ReadUint32L) can behave differently, especially for descriptors. @param aStream Stream with streamed object @see ExternalizeL @see RReadStream @pre Call Externalise to obtain the stream containing an externalised version of this object. */ EXPORT_C void CProcessInfo::InternalizeL( RReadStream & aStream ) { TUint32 idLow = aStream.ReadUint32L(); TUint32 idHigh = aStream.ReadUint32L(); iId = MAKE_TUINT64( idHigh, idLow ); // Read the number of character elements in the name. TUint32 nameLength = aStream.ReadUint32L(); if( NULL != iName ) { LOG_MSG( " iName != NULL\n" ); delete iName; iName = NULL; } if ( nameLength > 0 ) { iName = HBufC::NewL( aStream, nameLength ); } else { iName = NULL; } iObserved = static_cast<TBool>(aStream.ReadUint32L()); iSize = aStream.ReadUint32L() ; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLbtTriggerInfo::SetTriggerEntry() // // (other items were commented in a header). // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CLbtTriggerInfo::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { TInt trigType=aStream.ReadInt8L(); if(trigType==1) { iEntry=CLbtSessionTrigger::NewL(); iEntry->InternalizeL(aStream); } else { iEntry=CLbtStartupTrigger::NewL(); iEntry->InternalizeL(aStream); } TInt trigValidity=aStream.ReadInt8L(); if(iDynInfo !=NULL) { delete iDynInfo; iDynInfo=NULL; } iDynInfo=new TLbtTriggerDynamicInfo; switch(trigValidity) { case 1: iDynInfo->iValidity=TLbtTriggerDynamicInfo::EInvalid; break; case 2: iDynInfo->iValidity=TLbtTriggerDynamicInfo::EValid; break; } iDynInfo->iDistanceToLatestLocation=aStream.ReadReal32L() ; }
/** implementation of inherited internalization function */ void CLbsTransmitLocationLogEvent::DoInternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream) { iX3PApp = TUid::Uid(aReadStream.ReadInt32L()); TInt32 len = aReadStream.ReadInt32L(); aReadStream.ReadL(iDestination, len); ReadPosInfo(aReadStream, iPosInfo); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDRMEventAddRemove::Internalize // Reads the data of the object from the given stream // (other items were commented in a header). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CDRMEventAddRemove::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aInput) { TInt inputLength = 0; MDRMEvent::InternalizeL(aInput); // Read the length of the HBufC8* inputLength = aInput.ReadInt32L(); // Reserve the HBufC8* if( !iContentID ) { iContentID = HBufC8::NewL(inputLength); } else { iContentID->ReAllocL(inputLength); } TPtr8 inRead(iContentID->Des()); // Read the HBufC8* aInput.ReadL(inRead, inputLength); // this implementation may need to be changed if the size of the enum changes iStatus = static_cast<TAddRemoveEventStatus>(aInput.ReadInt8L()); };
void CNcdNodeProxy::InternalizeNodeLinkDataL( RReadStream& aStream ) { DLTRACEIN(("")); HBufC* tmpTimeStamp( NULL ); HBufC* tmpCatalogSourceName( NULL ); TBool tmpRemoteFlag( EFalse ); TInt64 tmpExpiredTime( 0 ); CNcdNodeIdentifier* tmpParentIdentifier( NULL ); CNcdNodeIdentifier* tmpRealParentIdentifier( NULL ); // Read the class id of the link TInt tmpInt = aStream.ReadInt32L(); DLINFO(("Classid: %d", tmpInt)); if ( tmpInt != NcdNodeClassIds::ENcdNullObjectClassId ) { InternalizeDesL( tmpTimeStamp, aStream ); CleanupStack::PushL( tmpTimeStamp ); DLINFO(( _L("timestamp: %S"), tmpTimeStamp )); InternalizeDesL( tmpCatalogSourceName, aStream ); CleanupStack::PushL( tmpCatalogSourceName ); DLINFO(( _L("catalogsource: %S"), tmpCatalogSourceName )); tmpRemoteFlag = aStream.ReadInt32L(); DLINFO((_L("remote flag: %d"), tmpRemoteFlag)); aStream >> tmpExpiredTime; DLINFO(("expired time: %d", tmpExpiredTime )); tmpParentIdentifier = CNcdNodeIdentifier::NewLC( aStream ); tmpRealParentIdentifier = CNcdNodeIdentifier::NewLC( aStream ); }
void CContactTextDef::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) /** Internalises a CContactItem object from a read stream. @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */ { this->Reset(); TInt count = aStream.ReadInt32L(); TInt separatorLength = 0; for (TInt i=0; i<count; ++i) { TContactTextDefItem textDefItem; textDefItem.iFieldType.iUid = aStream.ReadInt32L(); separatorLength = aStream.ReadInt32L(); if(separatorLength) { aStream>>textDefItem.iSeperator; } this->AppendL(textDefItem); } TFieldType fieldType; fieldType.iUid = aStream.ReadInt32L(); SetFallbackField(fieldType); SetExactMatchOnly(aStream.ReadInt32L()); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPresenceCacheBuddyInfo::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { iAvailability = (MPresenceBuddyInfo2::TAvailabilityValues)aStream.ReadInt32L( ); HBufC* temp = InternalizeFieldL( aStream ); iBuddyId = temp; iIds.ResetAndDestroy(); iValues.ResetAndDestroy(); HBufC* key = NULL; HBufC8* value = NULL; // internalize expiry time TUint32 time_high = aStream.ReadUint32L(); TUint32 time_low = aStream.ReadUint32L(); iExpiryTime = MAKE_TINT64( time_high, time_low ); TInt count = aStream.ReadInt32L( ); for ( TInt i=0; i < count; i++ ) { key = InternalizeFieldL( aStream ); CleanupStack::PushL( key ); value = InternalizeField8L( aStream ); CleanupStack::Pop( key ); // This takes ownership anyway. SetAnyFieldPtrL( key, value ); } }
void CCntFilter::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) /** Internalises a CCntFilter object from a read stream. @param aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised. */ { // CContactIdArray* iIds; if (iIds) { delete iIds; iIds = NULL; } //TBool CheckIfExists=aStream.ReadInt32L(); if (aStream.ReadInt32L()) { iIds = CContactIdArray::NewL(); iIds->InternalizeL(aStream); } // TTime iSinceDateTime; TInt64 tempInt64; aStream >> tempInt64; iSinceDateTime = TTime(tempInt64); // TInclude iInclude; iInclude = static_cast<TInclude>(aStream.ReadInt32L()); // TInt32 iContactType; iContactType = aStream.ReadInt32L(); // TAny* iReserved1; // TAny* iReserved2; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CXIMPContextEventFilter::InternalizeL() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CXIMPContextEventFilter::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { TInt count = aStream.ReadInt32L(); if( count ) { //We are internalizing data which we have previously externalized // => Internalized array can be directly set as current array CArrayFix< TInt32 >* events = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat< TInt32 >( KXIMPEventListGranurality ); CleanupStack::PushL( events ); for( TInt ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix ) { events->AppendL( aStream.ReadInt32L() ); } delete iAcceptedEvents; iAcceptedEvents = events; CleanupStack::Pop( events ); } else { delete iAcceptedEvents; iAcceptedEvents = NULL; } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TExtensionIntParam::InternalizeL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TExtensionIntParam TExtensionIntParam::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream) { TUint32 id = aReadStream.ReadUint32L(); TUint32 value = aReadStream.ReadUint32L(); return TExtensionIntParam(id, value); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper internalize a descriptor array from a stream // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void MPXUser::InternalizeL( CDesCArray*& aArray, RReadStream& aStream) { delete aArray; aArray = NULL; TInt n=aStream.ReadInt32L(); if( n ) { CDesCArray* array=new(ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(n); CleanupStack::PushL(array); TInt len; for (TInt i=0;i<n;++i) { len=aStream.ReadInt32L(); HBufC* item=HBufC::NewLC(len); TPtr bp = item->Des(); aStream.ReadL(bp,len); array->AppendL(*item); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(item); } CleanupStack::Pop(array); aArray = array; } else { // Dummy aArray = new(ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(1); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDRMEventTimeChange::Internalize // Reads the data of the object from the given stream // (other items were commented in a header). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CDRMEventTimeChange::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aInput) { TInt8 securityLevel = 0; TInt64 timeData = 0; MDRMEvent::InternalizeL(aInput); // input the old time ReadInt64L( timeData, aInput ); iOldTime = timeData; // input the new time ReadInt64L( timeData, aInput ); iNewTime = timeData; // input the old time zone iOldTimeZone = aInput.ReadInt32L(); // input the new time zone iNewTimeZone = aInput.ReadInt32L(); // input the old security level securityLevel = aInput.ReadInt8L(); iOldSecurityLevel = static_cast<DRMClock::ESecurityLevel>(securityLevel); // input the new security level securityLevel = aInput.ReadInt8L(); iNewSecurityLevel = static_cast<DRMClock::ESecurityLevel>(securityLevel); };
void CIntent::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { iIntent = static_cast<TIntent>(aStream.ReadInt32L()); // number of criteria TInt count = aStream.ReadInt32L(); for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++) { MCriteria* criteria = NULL; // Write criteria type ECriteriaType type = static_cast<ECriteriaType>(aStream.ReadInt32L()); // read criteria object from stream if(type == ECriteriaCount) { criteria = CRightsCriteriaCount::NewL(aStream); } else if(type == ECriteriaExpiry) { criteria = CRightsCriteriaExpiry::NewL(aStream); } // Add criteria object to array of criteria CleanupStack::PushL(criteria); AddCriteriaL(criteria); CleanupStack::Pop(criteria); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLbtGeoHybrid::DoInternalizeL() // // (other items were commented in a header). // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CLbtGeoHybrid::DoInternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { TInt count = aStream.ReadInt8L(); for( TInt i=0;i<count;i++ ) { TInt areaType = aStream.ReadInt8L(); if( areaType == 1 ) { CLbtGeoCircle* area= CLbtGeoCircle::NewL(); area->InternalizeL(aStream); iHybridArea.Append( area ); } else if( areaType == 2 ) { CLbtGeoRect* area= CLbtGeoRect::NewL(); area->InternalizeL(aStream); iHybridArea.Append( area ); } else if( areaType == 3 ) { CLbtGeoCell* area= CLbtGeoCell::NewL(); area->InternalizeL(aStream); iHybridArea.Append( area ); } } }
void CClassA::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { TInt maxlen; maxlen = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iVarBuffer = HBufC::NewL(aStream,maxlen); iIntValue = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iUintValue = aStream.ReadUint32L(); }
void CX520AttributeTypeAndValue::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { TInt maxlen; maxlen = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iType = HBufC::NewL(aStream,maxlen); maxlen = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iValue = HBufC8::NewL(aStream,maxlen); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSmlActiveContactSuiteProgressCallback::NotifyProgressL() // Reads progress event related data and notifies observer. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSmlActiveContactSuiteProgressCallback::NotifyProgressL( RReadStream& aStream ) const { TInt8 status = aStream.ReadInt8L(); TInt32 info1 = aStream.ReadInt32L(); TInt32 info2 = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iObserver->OnSyncMLSyncProgress( (MSyncMLProgressObserver::TStatus)status, info1, info2 ); }
void CDeploymentComponentData::ConstructLoadL(RReadStream &aStream) { TUint32 len(aStream.ReadUint32L() ); aStream.ReadL(iDataFileName, len); len = aStream.ReadUint32L(); aStream.ReadL(iMimeType, len); }
// --------------------------------------------------------- // CMsgAddressControlEditorField::InternalizeL // // // --------------------------------------------------------- // void CMsgAddressControlEditorField::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { iEntryString = HBufC::NewL( aStream, KMsgMaxStringLength ); iName = HBufC::NewL( aStream, KMsgMaxStringLength ); iAddress = HBufC::NewL( aStream, KMsgMaxStringLength ); iVerified = aStream.ReadInt32L(); iValidated = aStream.ReadInt32L(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void RCaIdsArray::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream ) { Reset(); TInt count = aStream.ReadInt32L(); for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { AppendL( aStream.ReadInt32L() ); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------- // FavouritesUtil::InternalizeL // --------------------------------------------------------- // void FavouritesUtil::InternalizeL ( CArrayFix<TInt>& aArray, RReadStream& aStream ) { TInt count = aStream.ReadInt32L(); for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { aArray.AppendL( aStream.ReadInt32L() ); } }