Esempio n. 1
 * The primitive is not cloned, nor is it unaltered; <b>this</b> points to
 * the pointer returned by this method (typically <b>primitive</b>).
 * \return primitive <i>unless the geometry of the underlying primitive is 
 * inconsistent, degenerate, or non-convex<i>; in that case,  
 * a corrected primitive will be returned.
PrimitivePtr CollisionGeometry::set_geometry(PrimitivePtr primitive)
  Quatd EYE;

  if (_single_body.expired())
    throw std::runtime_error("CollisionGeometry::set_geometry() called before single body set!");

  SingleBodyPtr sb(_single_body);
  RigidBodyPtr rb = dynamic_pointer_cast<RigidBody>(sb);
  if (rb && !Quatd::rel_equal(rb->get_pose()->q, EYE))
    std::cerr << "CollisionGeometry::set_primitive() warning - rigid body's orientation is not identity." << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  At the rigid body's current orientation (" << AAngled(rb->get_pose()->q) << ")" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  the primitive will have the orientation (" << AAngled(primitive->get_pose()->q) << ")" << std::endl;

  // save the primitive
  _geometry = primitive;

  // add this to the primitive
  CollisionGeometryPtr cg = dynamic_pointer_cast<CollisionGeometry>(shared_from_this());

  return primitive;
Esempio n. 2
/// Sets the pointer to the inboard link for this joint (and updates the spatial axes, if the outboard link has been set)
void Joint::set_inboard_link(RigidBodyPtr inboard, bool update_pose)
  _inboard_link = inboard;
  if (!inboard)

  // add this joint to the outer joints

  // setup F's pose relative to the inboard
  set_inboard_pose(inboard->get_pose(), update_pose);

  // update articulated body pointers, if possible
  if (!inboard->get_articulated_body() && !_abody.expired())
  else if (inboard->get_articulated_body() && _abody.expired())

  // the articulated body pointers must now be equal; it is
  // conceivable that the user is updating the art. body pointers in an
  // unorthodox manner, but we'll look for this anwyway...
  if (!_abody.expired())
    ArticulatedBodyPtr abody1(inboard->get_articulated_body());
    ArticulatedBodyPtr abody2(_abody);
    assert(abody1 == abody2);
Esempio n. 3
/// Determines (and sets) the value of Q from the axes and the inboard link and outboard link transforms
void UniversalJoint::determine_q(VectorNd& q)
  const unsigned X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2;

  // get the outboard link
  RigidBodyPtr outboard = get_outboard_link();

  // verify that the outboard link is set
  if (!outboard)
    throw std::runtime_error("determine_q() called on NULL outboard link!");

  // set proper size for q

  // get the poses of the joint and outboard link
  shared_ptr<const Pose3d> Fj = get_pose();
  shared_ptr<const Pose3d> Fo = outboard->get_pose();

  // compute transforms
  Transform3d wTo = Pose3d::calc_relative_pose(Fo, GLOBAL); 
  Transform3d jTw = Pose3d::calc_relative_pose(GLOBAL, Fj);
  Transform3d jTo = jTw * wTo;

  // determine the joint transformation
  Matrix3d R = jTo.q;

  // determine q1 and q2 -- they are uniquely determined by examining the rotation matrix
  // (see get_rotation())
  q[DOF_1] = std::atan2(R(Z,Y), R(Y,Y));
  q[DOF_2] = std::atan2(R(X,Z), R(X,X));   
Esempio n. 4
/// Sets the location of this joint with specified inboard and outboard links
void Joint::set_location(const Point3d& point, RigidBodyPtr inboard, RigidBodyPtr outboard) 
  assert(inboard && outboard);

  // convert p to the inboard and outboard links' frames
  Point3d pi = Pose3d::transform_point(inboard->get_pose(), point);
  Point3d po = Pose3d::transform_point(outboard->get_pose(), point);

  // set _F's and Fb's origins
  _F->x = Origin3d(pi);
  _Fb->x = Origin3d(po);

  // invalidate all outboard pose vectors

  // set inboard and outboard links
  set_inboard_link(inboard, false);
  set_outboard_link(outboard, false);
Esempio n. 5
/// Gets the farthest point from this geometry
double CollisionGeometry::get_farthest_point_distance() const
  // get the primitive from this
  PrimitivePtr primitive = get_geometry();

  // get the vertices
  vector<Point3d> verts;
  if (verts.empty())
    return 0.0;

  // get the rigid body pose in P's frame
  RigidBodyPtr rb = dynamic_pointer_cast<RigidBody>(get_single_body());
  Point3d rbX = Pose3d::transform_point(verts.front().pose, Point3d(0,0,0,rb->get_pose()));
  // find which point is closest
  double max_dist = 0.0;
  for (unsigned i=0; i< verts.size(); i++)
    max_dist = std::max(max_dist, (verts[i] - rbX).norm()); 

  return max_dist; 