//! Do update for the RB by useing the second test case
TEFUNC void updateRigidBodyForTwo(RigidBodyPtr body) {

	body->setVelocity(lambda * body->getPosition());	

	body->setAngularVelocity(lambda * body->getOrientation().getEulerRotation());

//! Do update for the RB by useing the second test case
TEFUNC void updateRigidBodyForThree(RigidBodyPtr body) {

	body->setAcceleration(lambda * body->getVelocity());

	body->setAngularAcceleration(lambda * body->getAngularVelocity());

	cout << "Accel: " <<  body->getAcceleration() << endl;
//! Do update for the RB by useing the first test case
TEFUNC void updateRigidBodyForOne(RigidBodyPtr body) {

	body->setVelocity(lambda * body->getPosition());	
	body->setAcceleration(lambda * body->getVelocity());

	Vec3 axis;
	float angle;
	body->getOrientation().getAxisAngle(axis, angle);
	Quaternion tmp(lambda * angle, axis);
	body->setAngularAcceleration(lambda * body->getAngularVelocity());