// Description: Highlights the routes with the heigher pheromone intesity
//              starting from the Nest. If the Food source is not reached
//              after a given number of tries, stop the search and draw the
//              result.
bool __fastcall Civilization::FindMainRoads(int Ntries, TImage *ImageBox, const int RWidth, const float Scale)
 // Start from the Anthill...
 City *CurrentCity = Nest;
 TList *MainRoads = new TList();

 while(CurrentCity!=FoodSourceCity && Ntries>0)

     int PheroLevel = -MAXINT;
     Route *CurrentRoad = NULL;
     City* NextCity;
     Route* thisRoad;
     // the following loop select the best road acording to the pheromone level
     for(int j=0; j<Roads->Count; j++)
       thisRoad = (Route*)Roads->Items[j];
       // if the road has a conection with the current city...
       NextCity = thisRoad->GetConection(CurrentCity);

       // Test the highest Pheromone level among the possible roads...

       // if 'thisRoad' was not used before...
       if(NextCity!=NULL && MainRoads->IndexOf(thisRoad)==-1)
         if(thisRoad->GetPheromone() > PheroLevel)
           CurrentRoad = thisRoad;
           PheroLevel = thisRoad->GetPheromone();
     // Go to next city using the selected road...
     if(CurrentCity!=NULL && CurrentRoad!=NULL)
       CurrentCity = CurrentRoad->GetConection(CurrentCity);

 // Draw the MainRoad
  // Draw all the roads
 for(int i=0; i<MainRoads->Count; i++)
   ImageBox->Canvas->Pen->Width = RWidth;
   ImageBox->Canvas->Pen->Width = 1;

 return (Ntries>0)?true:false;
// Description: Evaluates the next move of all agents in the population.
//              For all ants in the colony...
//              - if traveling, walk one more step
//              - if in the food source not carrying food, pick food
//              - if in the nest carrying food, leave food
//              - else (in another city), choose next route
int Civilization::NextTurn()

 if(TurnsRemaining==0)   // If it's time to evolve the population...
   NaturalSelection();   // ...perform Natural Selection

 Epoch++;                // Update next turn number

 // For all ants in the colony...
 for(int i=0; i<Ants->Count; i++)
   // Select an Ant...
   Ant* thisAnt = (Ant*)Ants->Items[i];
   // If it's traveling, walk a little more...
   if(thisAnt->IsOnTheRoad()) thisAnt->Walk();
    else { //... else, if the ant is on a city, ...
          // See if the ant reached the Civilization's Food Souce...
          if( (thisAnt->TargetCity==FoodSourceCity) && !thisAnt->CarryingFood() )
          // ... or in the Nest carrying food, ...
          if( (thisAnt->TargetCity==Nest) && thisAnt->CarryingFood() )
            thisAnt->LeaveFood();        // ... leave food
            FoodCollected++;             // ... add one more food to the colony

            thisAnt->RememberCity();     // ... start again ...
            int *ThisYear = new int;
            *ThisYear = Epoch;
          // if the ant is carring food, follow its own trail back to the Anthill
          if( thisAnt->CarryingFood() )
            City *CurrentCity = thisAnt->TargetCity;
            City *BackCity = thisAnt->GetNextCity();
            for(int j=0; j<Roads->Count; j++)
              Route* thisRoad = (Route*)Roads->Items[j];
              // if the road has a conection with the current city...
              City* NextCity = thisRoad->GetConection(CurrentCity);
              if(NextCity!=NULL && NextCity==BackCity)
                thisAnt->TargetCity = NextCity;
                thisAnt->Road = thisRoad;
                if(thisAnt->Road!=NULL) thisAnt->PutPheromone();
            // ... or select a new way to go.
            // Search all cities that have a road to this one
            float CurrentLevel = -MaxInt;
            // Save the TargetCity for comparisons...
            City *CurrentCity = thisAnt->TargetCity;
            for(int j=0; j<Roads->Count; j++)
              Route* thisRoad = (Route*)Roads->Items[j];
              // if the road has a conection with the current city...
              City* NextCity = thisRoad->GetConection(CurrentCity);
              // ... test the Will Level
                float Level = thisAnt->GetTendency(thisRoad->GetPheromone());
                if(Level > CurrentLevel)
                  CurrentLevel = Level;
                  // Set the distance to the next target city
                  // Select a new Target City and Route:
                  thisAnt->TargetCity = NextCity;
                  thisAnt->Road = thisRoad;
             } // end of Road Search

            if(thisAnt->Road!=NULL) thisAnt->PutPheromone();
            // After a target city was selected, remember it...
           } // end of new path selection
   // Draw Ants...
  } // end of Ants Movements

 // Pheromone Evaporation...
 for(int j=0; j<Roads->Count; j++)

 // Show Current Status on the main window
 LabelEpoch->Caption = "Turn: " + IntToStr(Epoch) + '\n' + "Population: " + IntToStr(Ants->Count) + '\n' +
                       "Food Collected: " + IntToStr(FoodCollected);

 return Epoch;