PyObject* FemMeshPy::addQuad(PyObject *args) { int n1,n2,n3,n4; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii",&n1,&n2,&n3,&n4)) return 0; try { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); const SMDS_MeshNode* node3 = meshDS->FindNode(n3); const SMDS_MeshNode* node4 = meshDS->FindNode(n4); if (!node1 || !node2 || !node3 || !node4) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshFace* face = meshDS->AddFace(node1, node2, node3, node4); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add quad"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(face->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } }
TNodeColumn* StdMeshers_RadialPrism_3D::makeNodeColumn( TNode2ColumnMap& n2ColMap, const SMDS_MeshNode* outNode, const SMDS_MeshNode* inNode) { SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = myHelper->GetMeshDS(); int shapeID = myHelper->GetSubShapeID(); if ( myLayerPositions.empty() ) { gp_Pnt pIn = gpXYZ( inNode ), pOut = gpXYZ( outNode ); computeLayerPositions( pIn, pOut ); } int nbSegments = myLayerPositions.size() + 1; TNode2ColumnMap::iterator n_col = n2ColMap.insert( make_pair( outNode, TNodeColumn() )).first; TNodeColumn & column = n_col->second; column.resize( nbSegments + 1 ); column.front() = outNode; column.back() = inNode; gp_XYZ p1 = gpXYZ( outNode ); gp_XYZ p2 = gpXYZ( inNode ); for ( int z = 1; z < nbSegments; ++z ) { double r = myLayerPositions[ z - 1 ]; gp_XYZ p = ( 1 - r ) * p1 + r * p2; SMDS_MeshNode* n = meshDS->AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z() ); meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( n, shapeID ); column[ z ] = n; } return & column; }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addVolume(PyObject *args) { int n1,n2,n3,n4; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii",&n1,&n2,&n3,&n4)) return 0; try { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); const SMDS_MeshNode* node3 = meshDS->FindNode(n3); const SMDS_MeshNode* node4 = meshDS->FindNode(n4); if (!node1 || !node2 || !node3 || !node4) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshVolume* vol = meshDS->AddVolume(node1, node2, node3, node4); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add volume"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(vol->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, e.what()); return 0; } }
bool SMESH_MesherHelper::IsQuadraticSubMesh(const TopoDS_Shape& aSh) { SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = GetMeshDS(); // we can create quadratic elements only if all elements // created on subshapes of given shape are quadratic // also we have to fill myNLinkNodeMap myCreateQuadratic = true; mySeamShapeIds.clear(); myDegenShapeIds.clear(); TopAbs_ShapeEnum subType( aSh.ShapeType()==TopAbs_FACE ? TopAbs_EDGE : TopAbs_FACE ); SMDSAbs_ElementType elemType( subType==TopAbs_FACE ? SMDSAbs_Face : SMDSAbs_Edge ); int nbOldLinks = myNLinkNodeMap.size(); TopExp_Explorer exp( aSh, subType ); for (; exp.More() && myCreateQuadratic; exp.Next()) { if ( SMESHDS_SubMesh * subMesh = meshDS->MeshElements( exp.Current() )) { if ( SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr it = subMesh->GetElements() ) { while(it->more()) { const SMDS_MeshElement* e = it->next(); if ( e->GetType() != elemType || !e->IsQuadratic() ) { myCreateQuadratic = false; break; } else { // fill NLinkNodeMap switch ( e->NbNodes() ) { case 3: AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(0),e->GetNode(1),e->GetNode(2)); break; case 6: AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(0),e->GetNode(1),e->GetNode(3)); AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(1),e->GetNode(2),e->GetNode(4)); AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(2),e->GetNode(0),e->GetNode(5)); break; case 8: AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(0),e->GetNode(1),e->GetNode(4)); AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(1),e->GetNode(2),e->GetNode(5)); AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(2),e->GetNode(3),e->GetNode(6)); AddNLinkNode(e->GetNode(3),e->GetNode(0),e->GetNode(7)); break; default: myCreateQuadratic = false; break; } } } } } } if ( nbOldLinks == myNLinkNodeMap.size() ) myCreateQuadratic = false; if(!myCreateQuadratic) { myNLinkNodeMap.clear(); } SetSubShape( aSh ); return myCreateQuadratic; }
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *FemMeshShapeNetgenObject::execute(void) { #ifdef FCWithNetgen Fem::FemMesh newMesh; Part::Feature *feat = Shape.getValue<Part::Feature*>(); TopoDS_Shape shape = feat->Shape.getValue(); NETGENPlugin_Mesher myNetGenMesher(newMesh.getSMesh(),shape,true); NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis* tet= new NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis(0,1,newMesh.getGenerator()); tet->SetMaxSize(MaxSize.getValue()); tet->SetSecondOrder(SecondOrder.getValue()); tet->SetOptimize(Optimize.getValue()); int iFineness = Fineness.getValue(); tet->SetFineness((NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::Fineness)iFineness); if(iFineness == 5){ tet->SetGrowthRate(GrowthRate.getValue()); tet->SetNbSegPerEdge(NbSegsPerEdge.getValue()); tet->SetNbSegPerRadius(NbSegsPerRadius.getValue()); } myNetGenMesher.SetParameters( tet); newMesh.getSMesh()->ShapeToMesh(shape); myNetGenMesher.Compute(); // throw Base::RuntimeError("Compute Done\n"); SMESHDS_Mesh* data = const_cast<SMESH_Mesh*>(newMesh.getSMesh())->GetMeshDS(); const SMDS_MeshInfo& info = data->GetMeshInfo(); int numFaces = data->NbFaces(); int numNode = info.NbNodes(); //int numTria = info.NbTriangles(); //int numQuad = info.NbQuadrangles(); //int numPoly = info.NbPolygons(); int numVolu = info.NbVolumes(); //int numTetr = info.NbTetras(); //int numHexa = info.NbHexas(); //int numPyrd = info.NbPyramids(); //int numPris = info.NbPrisms(); //int numHedr = info.NbPolyhedrons(); Base::Console().Log("NetgenMesh: %i Nodes, %i Volumes, %i Faces\n",numNode,numVolu,numFaces); FemMesh.setValue(newMesh); return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn; #else return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("The FEM module is built without NETGEN support. Meshing will not work!!!", this); #endif }
double SMESH_MesherHelper::GetNodeU(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const SMDS_MeshNode* n) { double param = 0; const SMDS_PositionPtr Pos = n->GetPosition(); if(Pos->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_EDGE) { const SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>(n->GetPosition().get()); param = epos->GetUParameter(); } else if(Pos->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_VERTEX) { SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = GetMeshDS(); int vertexID = n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId(); const TopoDS_Vertex& V = TopoDS::Vertex(meshDS->IndexToShape(vertexID)); param = BRep_Tool::Parameter( V, E ); } return param; }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addNode(PyObject *args) { double x,y,z; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ddd",&x,&y,&z)) return 0; try { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->AddNode(x,y,z); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add node"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(node->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, e.what()); return 0; } }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addNode(PyObject *args) { double x,y,z; int i = -1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ddd",&x,&y,&z)){ try { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->AddNode(x,y,z); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add node"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(node->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_Clear(); if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dddi",&x,&y,&z,&i)){ try { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->AddNodeWithID(x,y,z,i); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add node"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(node->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "addNode() accepts:\n" "-- addNode(x,y,z)\n" "-- addNode(x,y,z,ElemId)\n"); return 0; }
SMDS_MeshVolume* SMESH_MesherHelper::AddVolume(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1, const SMDS_MeshNode* n2, const SMDS_MeshNode* n3, const SMDS_MeshNode* n4, const int id, const bool force3d) { SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshVolume* elem = 0; if(!myCreateQuadratic) { if(id) elem = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(n1, n2, n3, n4, id); else elem = meshDS->AddVolume(n1, n2, n3, n4); } else { const SMDS_MeshNode* n12 = GetMediumNode(n1,n2,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n23 = GetMediumNode(n2,n3,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n31 = GetMediumNode(n3,n1,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n14 = GetMediumNode(n1,n4,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n24 = GetMediumNode(n2,n4,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n34 = GetMediumNode(n3,n4,force3d); if(id) elem = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(n1, n2, n3, n4, n12, n23, n31, n14, n24, n34, id); else elem = meshDS->AddVolume(n1, n2, n3, n4, n12, n23, n31, n14, n24, n34); } if ( mySetElemOnShape && myShapeID > 0 ) meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape( elem, myShapeID ); return elem; }
SMDS_MeshEdge* SMESH_MesherHelper::AddEdge(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1, const SMDS_MeshNode* n2, const int id, const bool force3d) { SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshEdge* edge = 0; if (myCreateQuadratic) { const SMDS_MeshNode* n12 = GetMediumNode(n1,n2,force3d); if(id) edge = meshDS->AddEdgeWithID(n1, n2, n12, id); else edge = meshDS->AddEdge(n1, n2, n12); } else { if(id) edge = meshDS->AddEdgeWithID(n1, n2, id); else edge = meshDS->AddEdge(n1, n2); } if ( mySetElemOnShape && myShapeID > 0 ) meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape( edge, myShapeID ); return edge; }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addEdge(PyObject *args) { int n1,n2; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii",&n1,&n2)) return 0; try { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); if (!node1 || !node2) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshEdge* edge = meshDS->AddEdge(node1, node2); if (!edge) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add edge"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(edge->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, e.what()); return 0; } }
SMDS_MeshVolume* SMESH_MesherHelper::AddVolume(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1, const SMDS_MeshNode* n2, const SMDS_MeshNode* n3, const SMDS_MeshNode* n4, const SMDS_MeshNode* n5, const SMDS_MeshNode* n6, const SMDS_MeshNode* n7, const SMDS_MeshNode* n8, const int id, const bool force3d) { SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshVolume* elem = 0; if(!myCreateQuadratic) { if(id) elem = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, id); else elem = meshDS->AddVolume(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8); } else { const SMDS_MeshNode* n12 = GetMediumNode(n1,n2,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n23 = GetMediumNode(n2,n3,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n34 = GetMediumNode(n3,n4,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n41 = GetMediumNode(n4,n1,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n56 = GetMediumNode(n5,n6,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n67 = GetMediumNode(n6,n7,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n78 = GetMediumNode(n7,n8,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n85 = GetMediumNode(n8,n5,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n15 = GetMediumNode(n1,n5,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n26 = GetMediumNode(n2,n6,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n37 = GetMediumNode(n3,n7,force3d); const SMDS_MeshNode* n48 = GetMediumNode(n4,n8,force3d); if(id) elem = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n12, n23, n34, n41, n56, n67, n78, n85, n15, n26, n37, n48, id); else elem = meshDS->AddVolume(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n12, n23, n34, n41, n56, n67, n78, n85, n15, n26, n37, n48); } if ( mySetElemOnShape && myShapeID > 0 ) meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape( elem, myShapeID ); return elem; }
SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::AddNode(double x, double y, double z, int ID) { SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = GetMeshDS(); SMDS_MeshNode* node = 0; if ( ID ) node = meshDS->AddNodeWithID( x, y, z, ID ); else node = meshDS->AddNode( x, y, z ); if ( mySetElemOnShape && myShapeID > 0 ) { switch ( myShape.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_SOLID: meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, myShapeID); break; case TopAbs_SHELL: meshDS->SetNodeInVolume( node, myShapeID); break; case TopAbs_FACE: meshDS->SetNodeOnFace( node, myShapeID); break; case TopAbs_EDGE: meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge( node, myShapeID); break; case TopAbs_VERTEX: meshDS->SetNodeOnVertex( node, myShapeID); break; default: ; } } return node; }
void SMESHDS_GroupOnGeom::SetShape( const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) { SMESHDS_Mesh* aMesh = const_cast<SMESHDS_Mesh*>( GetMesh() ); mySubMesh = aMesh->MeshElements( aMesh->AddCompoundSubmesh( theShape )); myShape = theShape; }
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { MESSAGE("NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_3D::Compute with maxElmentsize = " << _maxElementVolume); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); const int invalid_ID = -1; SMESH::Controls::Area areaControl; SMESH::Controls::TSequenceOfXYZ nodesCoords; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // get triangles on aShell and make a map of nodes to Netgen node IDs // ------------------------------------------------------------------- SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh); SMESH_MesherHelper* myTool = &helper; bool _quadraticMesh = myTool->IsQuadraticSubMesh(aShape); typedef map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, int, TIDCompare > TNodeToIDMap; TNodeToIDMap nodeToNetgenID; list< const SMDS_MeshElement* > triangles; list< bool > isReversed; // orientation of triangles TopAbs_ShapeEnum mainType = aMesh.GetShapeToMesh().ShapeType(); bool checkReverse = ( mainType == TopAbs_COMPOUND || mainType == TopAbs_COMPSOLID ); // for the degeneraged edge: ignore all but one node on it; // map storing ids of degen edges and vertices and their netgen id: map< int, int* > degenShapeIdToPtrNgId; map< int, int* >::iterator shId_ngId; list< int > degenNgIds; StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor Adaptor; Adaptor.Compute(aMesh,aShape); for (TopExp_Explorer exp(aShape,TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace = exp.Current(); const SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMeshDSFace = meshDS->MeshElements( aShapeFace ); if ( aSubMeshDSFace ) { bool isRev = false; if ( checkReverse && helper.NbAncestors(aShapeFace, aMesh, aShape.ShapeType()) > 1 ) // IsReversedSubMesh() can work wrong on strongly curved faces, // so we use it as less as possible isRev = SMESH_Algo::IsReversedSubMesh( TopoDS::Face(aShapeFace), meshDS ); SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr iteratorElem = aSubMeshDSFace->GetElements(); while ( iteratorElem->more() ) // loop on elements on a face { // check element const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = iteratorElem->next(); if ( !elem ) return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "Null element encounters"); bool isTraingle = ( elem->NbNodes()==3 || (_quadraticMesh && elem->NbNodes()==6 )); if ( !isTraingle ) { //return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, // SMESH_Comment("Not triangle element ")<<elem->GetID()); // using adaptor const list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes*>* faces = Adaptor.GetTriangles(elem); if(faces==0) { return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, SMESH_Comment("Not triangles in adaptor for element ")<<elem->GetID()); } list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes*>::const_iterator itf = faces->begin(); for(; itf!=faces->end(); itf++ ) { triangles.push_back( (*itf) ); isReversed.push_back( isRev ); // put triange's nodes to nodeToNetgenID map SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triangleNodesIt = (*itf)->nodesIterator(); while ( triangleNodesIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode * node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode *>(triangleNodesIt->next()); if(myTool->IsMedium(node)) continue; nodeToNetgenID.insert( make_pair( node, invalid_ID )); } } } else { // keep a triangle triangles.push_back( elem ); isReversed.push_back( isRev ); // put elem nodes to nodeToNetgenID map SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triangleNodesIt = elem->nodesIterator(); while ( triangleNodesIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode * node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode *>(triangleNodesIt->next()); if(myTool->IsMedium(node)) continue; nodeToNetgenID.insert( make_pair( node, invalid_ID )); } } #ifdef _DEBUG_ // check if a trainge is degenerated areaControl.GetPoints( elem, nodesCoords ); double area = areaControl.GetValue( nodesCoords ); if ( area <= DBL_MIN ) { MESSAGE( "Warning: Degenerated " << elem ); } #endif } // look for degeneraged edges and vetices for (TopExp_Explorer expE(aShapeFace,TopAbs_EDGE); expE.More(); expE.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge aShapeEdge = TopoDS::Edge( expE.Current() ); if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aShapeEdge )) { degenNgIds.push_back( invalid_ID ); int* ptrIdOnEdge = & degenNgIds.back(); // remember edge id int edgeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( aShapeEdge ); degenShapeIdToPtrNgId.insert( make_pair( edgeID, ptrIdOnEdge )); // remember vertex id int vertexID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( TopExp::FirstVertex( aShapeEdge )); degenShapeIdToPtrNgId.insert( make_pair( vertexID, ptrIdOnEdge )); } } } } // --------------------------------- // Feed the Netgen with surface mesh // --------------------------------- int Netgen_NbOfNodes = 0; int Netgen_param2ndOrder = 0; double Netgen_paramFine = 1.; double Netgen_paramSize = pow( 72, 1/6. ) * pow( _maxElementVolume, 1/3. ); double Netgen_point[3]; int Netgen_triangle[3]; int Netgen_tetrahedron[4]; Ng_Init(); Ng_Mesh * Netgen_mesh = Ng_NewMesh(); // set nodes and remember thier netgen IDs bool isDegen = false, hasDegen = !degenShapeIdToPtrNgId.empty(); TNodeToIDMap::iterator n_id = nodeToNetgenID.begin(); for ( ; n_id != nodeToNetgenID.end(); ++n_id ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = n_id->first; // ignore nodes on degenerated edge if ( hasDegen ) { int shapeId = node->GetPosition()->GetShapeId(); shId_ngId = degenShapeIdToPtrNgId.find( shapeId ); isDegen = ( shId_ngId != degenShapeIdToPtrNgId.end() ); if ( isDegen && *(shId_ngId->second) != invalid_ID ) { n_id->second = *(shId_ngId->second); continue; } } Netgen_point [ 0 ] = node->X(); Netgen_point [ 1 ] = node->Y(); Netgen_point [ 2 ] = node->Z(); Ng_AddPoint(Netgen_mesh, Netgen_point); n_id->second = ++Netgen_NbOfNodes; // set netgen ID if ( isDegen ) // all nodes on a degen edge get one netgen ID *(shId_ngId->second) = n_id->second; } // set triangles list< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator tria = triangles.begin(); list< bool >::iterator reverse = isReversed.begin(); for ( ; tria != triangles.end(); ++tria, ++reverse ) { int i = 0; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triangleNodesIt = (*tria)->nodesIterator(); while ( triangleNodesIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode * node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode *>(triangleNodesIt->next()); if(myTool->IsMedium(node)) continue; Netgen_triangle[ *reverse ? 2 - i : i ] = nodeToNetgenID[ node ]; ++i; } if ( !hasDegen || // ignore degenerated triangles, they have 2 or 3 same ids (Netgen_triangle[0] != Netgen_triangle[1] && Netgen_triangle[0] != Netgen_triangle[2] && Netgen_triangle[2] != Netgen_triangle[1] )) { Ng_AddSurfaceElement(Netgen_mesh, NG_TRIG, Netgen_triangle); } } // ------------------------- // Generate the volume mesh // ------------------------- Ng_Meshing_Parameters Netgen_param; Netgen_param.secondorder = Netgen_param2ndOrder; Netgen_param.fineness = Netgen_paramFine; Netgen_param.maxh = Netgen_paramSize; Ng_Result status; try { #if (OCC_VERSION_MAJOR << 16 | OCC_VERSION_MINOR << 8 | OCC_VERSION_MAINTENANCE) > 0x060100 OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS; #endif status = Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh(Netgen_mesh, &Netgen_param); } catch (Standard_Failure& exc) { error(COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION, exc.GetMessageString()); status = NG_VOLUME_FAILURE; } catch (...) { error("Exception in Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh()"); status = NG_VOLUME_FAILURE; } if ( GetComputeError()->IsOK() ) { switch ( status ) { case NG_SURFACE_INPUT_ERROR: error( status, "NG_SURFACE_INPUT_ERROR"); case NG_VOLUME_FAILURE: error( status, "NG_VOLUME_FAILURE"); case NG_STL_INPUT_ERROR: error( status, "NG_STL_INPUT_ERROR"); case NG_SURFACE_FAILURE: error( status, "NG_SURFACE_FAILURE"); case NG_FILE_NOT_FOUND: error( status, "NG_FILE_NOT_FOUND"); }; } int Netgen_NbOfNodesNew = Ng_GetNP(Netgen_mesh); int Netgen_NbOfTetra = Ng_GetNE(Netgen_mesh); MESSAGE("End of Volume Mesh Generation. status=" << status << ", nb new nodes: " << Netgen_NbOfNodesNew - Netgen_NbOfNodes << ", nb tetra: " << Netgen_NbOfTetra); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Feed back the SMESHDS with the generated Nodes and Volume Elements // ------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isOK = ( /*status == NG_OK &&*/ Netgen_NbOfTetra > 0 );// get whatever built if ( isOK ) { // vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec ( Netgen_NbOfNodesNew + 1 ); // insert old nodes into nodeVec for ( n_id = nodeToNetgenID.begin(); n_id != nodeToNetgenID.end(); ++n_id ) { n_id->second ) = n_id->first; } // create and insert new nodes into nodeVec int nodeIndex = Netgen_NbOfNodes + 1; int shapeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( aShape ); for ( ; nodeIndex <= Netgen_NbOfNodesNew; ++nodeIndex ) { Ng_GetPoint( Netgen_mesh, nodeIndex, Netgen_point ); SMDS_MeshNode * node = meshDS->AddNode(Netgen_point[0], Netgen_point[1], Netgen_point[2]); meshDS->SetNodeInVolume(node, shapeID); = node; } // create tetrahedrons for ( int elemIndex = 1; elemIndex <= Netgen_NbOfTetra; ++elemIndex ) { Ng_GetVolumeElement(Netgen_mesh, elemIndex, Netgen_tetrahedron); SMDS_MeshVolume * elt = myTool->AddVolume ( Netgen_tetrahedron[0] ), Netgen_tetrahedron[1] ), Netgen_tetrahedron[2] ), Netgen_tetrahedron[3] )); meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(elt, shapeID ); } } Ng_DeleteMesh(Netgen_mesh); Ng_Exit(); NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RemoveTmpFiles(); return (status == NG_OK); }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addFace(PyObject *args) { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); int n1,n2,n3; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii",&n1,&n2,&n3)) { // old form, deprecated try { const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); const SMDS_MeshNode* node3 = meshDS->FindNode(n3); if (!node1 || !node2 || !node3) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshFace* face = meshDS->AddFace(node1, node2, node3); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(face->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *obj; int ElementId=-1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|i", &PyList_Type, &obj, &ElementId)) { Py::List list(obj); std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> Nodes; for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 Py::Long NoNr(*it); #else Py::Int NoNr(*it); #endif const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode(NoNr); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); Nodes.push_back(node); } SMDS_MeshFace* face=0; if(ElementId != -1) { switch(Nodes.size()){ case 3: face = meshDS->AddFaceWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],ElementId); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add triangular face with given ElementId"); break; case 4: face = meshDS->AddFaceWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],ElementId); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face with given ElementId"); break; case 6: face = meshDS->AddFaceWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],ElementId); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face with given ElementId"); break; case 8: face = meshDS->AddFaceWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],ElementId); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face with given ElementId"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [3|4|6|8] are allowed"); //unknown face type } }else{ switch(Nodes.size()){ case 3: face = meshDS->AddFace(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2]); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add triangular face"); break; case 4: face = meshDS->AddFace(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3]); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face"); break; case 6: face = meshDS->AddFace(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5]); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face"); break; case 8: face = meshDS->AddFace(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7]); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [4|5|6|8] are allowed"); //unknown face type } } return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(face->GetID())); } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "addFace accepts:\n" "-- int,int,int\n" "-- [3|4|6|8 int],[int]\n"); return 0; }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addEdge(PyObject *args) { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); int n1,n2; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii",&n1,&n2)) { try { const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); if (!node1 || !node2) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshEdge* edge = meshDS->AddEdge(node1, node2); if (!edge) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add edge"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(edge->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *obj; int ElementId=-1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|i", &PyList_Type, &obj, &ElementId)) { Py::List list(obj); std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> Nodes; for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 Py::Long NoNr(*it); #else Py::Int NoNr(*it); #endif const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode(NoNr); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); Nodes.push_back(node); } SMDS_MeshEdge* edge=0; if(ElementId != -1) { switch(Nodes.size()){ case 2: edge = meshDS->AddEdgeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],ElementId); if (!edge) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add edge with given ElementId"); break; case 3: edge = meshDS->AddEdgeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],ElementId); if (!edge) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add edge with given ElementId"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [2|3] are allowed"); //unknown edge type } } else { switch(Nodes.size()){ case 2: edge = meshDS->AddEdge(Nodes[0],Nodes[1]); if (!edge) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add edge"); break; case 3: edge = meshDS->AddEdge(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2]); if (!edge) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add edge"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [2|3] are allowed"); //unknown edge type } } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(edge->GetID())); #else return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(edge->GetID())); #endif } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "addEdge accepts:\n" "-- int,int\n" "-- [2|3],[int]\n"); return 0; }
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { netgen::multithread.terminate = 0; netgen::multithread.task = "Volume meshing"; _progressByTic = -1.; SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh); bool _quadraticMesh = helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh(aShape); helper.SetElementsOnShape( true ); int Netgen_NbOfNodes = 0; double Netgen_point[3]; int Netgen_triangle[3]; NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib; Ng_Mesh * Netgen_mesh = ngLib._ngMesh; // vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec; { const int invalid_ID = -1; SMESH::Controls::Area areaControl; SMESH::Controls::TSequenceOfXYZ nodesCoords; // maps nodes to ng ID typedef map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, int, TIDCompare > TNodeToIDMap; typedef TNodeToIDMap::value_type TN2ID; TNodeToIDMap nodeToNetgenID; // find internal shapes NETGENPlugin_Internals internals( aMesh, aShape, /*is3D=*/true ); // --------------------------------- // Feed the Netgen with surface mesh // --------------------------------- TopAbs_ShapeEnum mainType = aMesh.GetShapeToMesh().ShapeType(); bool checkReverse = ( mainType == TopAbs_COMPOUND || mainType == TopAbs_COMPSOLID ); SMESH_ProxyMesh::Ptr proxyMesh( new SMESH_ProxyMesh( aMesh )); if ( _viscousLayersHyp ) { netgen::multithread.percent = 3; proxyMesh = _viscousLayersHyp->Compute( aMesh, aShape ); if ( !proxyMesh ) return false; } if ( aMesh.NbQuadrangles() > 0 ) { netgen::multithread.percent = 6; StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor* Adaptor = new StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor; Adaptor->Compute(aMesh,aShape,proxyMesh.get()); proxyMesh.reset( Adaptor ); } for ( TopExp_Explorer exFa( aShape, TopAbs_FACE ); exFa.More(); exFa.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aShapeFace = exFa.Current(); int faceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( aShapeFace ); bool isInternalFace = internals.isInternalShape( faceID ); bool isRev = false; if ( checkReverse && !isInternalFace && helper.NbAncestors(aShapeFace, aMesh, aShape.ShapeType()) > 1 ) // IsReversedSubMesh() can work wrong on strongly curved faces, // so we use it as less as possible isRev = helper.IsReversedSubMesh( TopoDS::Face( aShapeFace )); const SMESHDS_SubMesh * aSubMeshDSFace = proxyMesh->GetSubMesh( aShapeFace ); if ( !aSubMeshDSFace ) continue; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr iteratorElem = aSubMeshDSFace->GetElements(); while ( iteratorElem->more() ) // loop on elements on a geom face { // check mesh face const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = iteratorElem->next(); if ( !elem ) return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "Null element encounters"); if ( elem->NbCornerNodes() != 3 ) return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "Not triangle element encounters"); // Add nodes of triangles and triangles them-selves to netgen mesh // add three nodes of triangle bool hasDegen = false; for ( int iN = 0; iN < 3; ++iN ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = elem->GetNode( iN ); const int shapeID = node->getshapeId(); if ( node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_EDGE && helper.IsDegenShape( shapeID )) { // ignore all nodes on degeneraged edge and use node on its vertex instead TopoDS_Shape vertex = TopoDS_Iterator( meshDS->IndexToShape( shapeID )).Value(); node = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( TopoDS::Vertex( vertex ), meshDS ); hasDegen = true; } int& ngID = nodeToNetgenID.insert(TN2ID( node, invalid_ID )).first->second; if ( ngID == invalid_ID ) { ngID = ++Netgen_NbOfNodes; Netgen_point [ 0 ] = node->X(); Netgen_point [ 1 ] = node->Y(); Netgen_point [ 2 ] = node->Z(); Ng_AddPoint(Netgen_mesh, Netgen_point); } Netgen_triangle[ isRev ? 2-iN : iN ] = ngID; } // add triangle if ( hasDegen && (Netgen_triangle[0] == Netgen_triangle[1] || Netgen_triangle[0] == Netgen_triangle[2] || Netgen_triangle[2] == Netgen_triangle[1] )) continue; Ng_AddSurfaceElement(Netgen_mesh, NG_TRIG, Netgen_triangle); if ( isInternalFace && !proxyMesh->IsTemporary( elem )) { swap( Netgen_triangle[1], Netgen_triangle[2] ); Ng_AddSurfaceElement(Netgen_mesh, NG_TRIG, Netgen_triangle); } } // loop on elements on a face } // loop on faces of a SOLID or SHELL // insert old nodes into nodeVec nodeVec.resize( nodeToNetgenID.size() + 1, 0 ); TNodeToIDMap::iterator n_id = nodeToNetgenID.begin(); for ( ; n_id != nodeToNetgenID.end(); ++n_id ) nodeVec[ n_id->second ] = n_id->first; nodeToNetgenID.clear(); if ( internals.hasInternalVertexInSolid() ) { netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo; NETGENPlugin_Mesher::AddIntVerticesInSolids( occgeo, (netgen::Mesh&) *Netgen_mesh, nodeVec, internals); } } // ------------------------- // Generate the volume mesh // ------------------------- return ( ngLib._isComputeOk = compute( aMesh, helper, nodeVec, Netgen_mesh)); }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addVolume(PyObject *args) { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); int n1,n2,n3,n4; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii",&n1,&n2,&n3,&n4)) { try { const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); const SMDS_MeshNode* node3 = meshDS->FindNode(n3); const SMDS_MeshNode* node4 = meshDS->FindNode(n4); if (!node1 || !node2 || !node3 || !node4) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshVolume* vol = meshDS->AddVolume(node1, node2, node3, node4); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add volume"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(vol->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *obj; int ElementId=-1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|i", &PyList_Type, &obj, &ElementId)) { Py::List list(obj); std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> Nodes; for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { Py::Int NoNr(*it); const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode(NoNr); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); Nodes.push_back(node); } SMDS_MeshVolume* vol=0; if(ElementId != -1) { switch(Nodes.size()){ case 4: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet4 volume"); break; case 8: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet10 volume"); break; case 10: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet10 volume"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [4|5|6|8|10|13|18] are allowed"); //unknown face type } }else{ switch(Nodes.size()){ case 4: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet4 volume"); break; case 8: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet10 volume"); break; case 10: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet10 volume"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [4|5|6|8|10|13|18] are allowed"); //unknown face type } } return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(vol->GetID())); } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Line constructor accepts:\n" "-- empty parameter list\n" "-- Line\n" "-- Point, Point"); return 0; }
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { MESSAGE("NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_2D_ONLY::Compute()"); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); int faceID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( aShape ); SMESH_MesherHelper helper(aMesh); _quadraticMesh = helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh(aShape); helper.SetElementsOnShape( true ); const bool ignoreMediumNodes = _quadraticMesh; // ------------------------ // get all edges of a face // ------------------------ const TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face( aShape.Oriented( TopAbs_FORWARD )); TError problem; TSideVector wires = StdMeshers_FaceSide::GetFaceWires( F, aMesh, ignoreMediumNodes, problem ); if ( problem && !problem->IsOK() ) return error( problem ); int nbWires = wires.size(); if ( nbWires == 0 ) return error( "Problem in StdMeshers_FaceSide::GetFaceWires()"); if ( wires[0]->NbSegments() < 3 ) // ex: a circle with 2 segments return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, SMESH_Comment("Too few segments: ")<<wires[0]->NbSegments()); // ------------------------- // Make input netgen mesh // ------------------------- Ng_Init(); netgen::Mesh * ngMesh = new netgen::Mesh (); netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo; NETGENPlugin_Mesher::PrepareOCCgeometry( occgeo, F, aMesh ); occgeo.fmap.Clear(); // face can be reversed, which is wrong in this case (issue 19978) occgeo.fmap.Add( F ); vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec; problem = AddSegmentsToMesh( *ngMesh, occgeo, wires, helper, nodeVec ); if ( problem && !problem->IsOK() ) { delete ngMesh; Ng_Exit(); return error( problem ); } // -------------------- // compute edge length // -------------------- double edgeLength = 0; if (_hypLengthFromEdges || (!_hypLengthFromEdges && !_hypMaxElementArea)) { int nbSegments = 0; for ( int iW = 0; iW < nbWires; ++iW ) { edgeLength += wires[ iW ]->Length(); nbSegments += wires[ iW ]->NbSegments(); } if ( nbSegments ) edgeLength /= nbSegments; } if ( _hypMaxElementArea ) { double maxArea = _hypMaxElementArea->GetMaxArea(); edgeLength = sqrt(2. * maxArea/sqrt(3.0)); } if ( edgeLength < DBL_MIN ) edgeLength = occgeo.GetBoundingBox().Diam(); //cout << " edgeLength = " << edgeLength << endl; netgen::mparam.maxh = edgeLength; netgen::mparam.quad = _hypQuadranglePreference ? 1 : 0; //ngMesh->SetGlobalH ( edgeLength ); // ------------------------- // Generate surface mesh // ------------------------- char *optstr = 0; int startWith = MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE; int endWith = MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE; int err = 1; try { #if (OCC_VERSION_MAJOR << 16 | OCC_VERSION_MINOR << 8 | OCC_VERSION_MAINTENANCE) > 0x060100 OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS; #endif #ifdef NETGEN_V5 err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh,netgen::mparam, startWith, endWith); #else err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr); #endif } catch (Standard_Failure& ex) { string comment = ex.DynamicType()->Name(); if ( ex.GetMessageString() && strlen( ex.GetMessageString() )) { comment += ": "; comment += ex.GetMessageString(); } error(COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION, comment); } catch (NgException exc) { error( SMESH_Comment("NgException: ") << exc.What() ); } catch (...) { error(COMPERR_EXCEPTION,"Exception in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh()"); } // ---------------------------------------------------- // Fill the SMESHDS with the generated nodes and faces // ---------------------------------------------------- int nbNodes = ngMesh->GetNP(); int nbFaces = ngMesh->GetNSE(); int nbInputNodes = nodeVec.size(); nodeVec.resize( nbNodes, 0 ); // add nodes for ( int i = nbInputNodes + 1; i <= nbNodes; ++i ) { const MeshPoint& ngPoint = ngMesh->Point(i); SMDS_MeshNode * node = meshDS->AddNode(ngPoint(0), ngPoint(1), ngPoint(2)); nodeVec[ i-1 ] = node; } // create faces bool reverse = ( aShape.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED ); for ( int i = 1; i <= nbFaces ; ++i ) { const Element2d& elem = ngMesh->SurfaceElement(i); vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes( elem.GetNP() ); for (int j=1; j <= elem.GetNP(); ++j) { int pind = elem.PNum(j); const SMDS_MeshNode* node =; if ( reverse ) nodes[ nodes.size()-j ] = node; else nodes[ j-1 ] = node; if ( node->GetPosition()->GetTypeOfPosition() == SMDS_TOP_3DSPACE ) { const PointGeomInfo& pgi = elem.GeomInfoPi(j); meshDS->SetNodeOnFace((SMDS_MeshNode*)node, faceID, pgi.u, pgi.v); } } SMDS_MeshFace* face = 0; if ( elem.GetType() == TRIG ) face = helper.AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2]); else face = helper.AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]); } Ng_DeleteMesh((nglib::Ng_Mesh*)ngMesh); Ng_Exit(); NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RemoveTmpFiles(); return !err; }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addVolume(PyObject *args) { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); int n1,n2,n3,n4; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii",&n1,&n2,&n3,&n4)) { try { const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); const SMDS_MeshNode* node3 = meshDS->FindNode(n3); const SMDS_MeshNode* node4 = meshDS->FindNode(n4); if (!node1 || !node2 || !node3 || !node4) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshVolume* vol = meshDS->AddVolume(node1, node2, node3, node4); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add volume"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(vol->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *obj; int ElementId=-1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|i", &PyList_Type, &obj, &ElementId)) { Py::List list(obj); std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> Nodes; for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 Py::Long NoNr(*it); #else Py::Int NoNr(*it); #endif const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode(NoNr); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); Nodes.push_back(node); } SMDS_MeshVolume* vol=0; if(ElementId != -1) { switch(Nodes.size()){ case 4: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet4 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 5: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Pyra5 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 6: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Penta6 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 8: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Hexa8 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 10: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet10 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 13: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],Nodes[10],Nodes[11],Nodes[12],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Pyra13 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 15: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],Nodes[10],Nodes[11],Nodes[12],Nodes[13],Nodes[14],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Penta15 volume with given ElementId"); break; case 20: vol = meshDS->AddVolumeWithID(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],Nodes[10],Nodes[11],Nodes[12],Nodes[13],Nodes[14],Nodes[15],Nodes[16],Nodes[17],Nodes[18],Nodes[19],ElementId); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Hexa20 volume with given ElementId"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [4|5|6|8|10|13|15|20] are allowed"); //unknown volume type } }else{ switch(Nodes.size()){ case 4: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet4 volume"); break; case 5: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Pyra5 volume"); break; case 6: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Penta6 volume"); break; case 8: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Hexa8 volume"); break; case 10: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Tet10 volume"); break; case 13: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],Nodes[10],Nodes[11],Nodes[12]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Pyra13 volume"); break; case 15: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],Nodes[10],Nodes[11],Nodes[12],Nodes[13],Nodes[14]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Penta15 volume"); break; case 20: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2],Nodes[3],Nodes[4],Nodes[5],Nodes[6],Nodes[7],Nodes[8],Nodes[9],Nodes[10],Nodes[11],Nodes[12],Nodes[13],Nodes[14],Nodes[15],Nodes[16],Nodes[17],Nodes[18],Nodes[19]); if (!vol) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add Hexa20 volume"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [4|5|6|8|10|13|15|20] are allowed"); //unknown volume type } } return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Long(vol->GetID())); } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "addVolume accepts:\n" "-- int,int,int,int\n" "-- [4|5|6|8|10|13|15|20 int],[int]\n"); return 0; }
bool SMESH_Gen::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & aShape, const bool aShapeOnly /*=false*/, const bool anUpward /*=false*/, const ::MeshDimension aDim /*=::MeshDim_3D*/, TSetOfInt* aShapesId /*=0*/) { MESSAGE("SMESH_Gen::Compute"); MEMOSTAT; bool ret = true; SMESH_subMesh *sm = aMesh.GetSubMesh(aShape); const bool includeSelf = true; const bool complexShapeFirst = true; const int globalAlgoDim = 100; SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr smIt; // Fix of Issue 22150. Due to !BLSURF->OnlyUnaryInput(), BLSURF computes edges // that must be computed by Projection 1D-2D when Projection asks to compute // one face only. SMESH_subMesh::compute_event computeEvent = aShapeOnly ? SMESH_subMesh::COMPUTE_SUBMESH : SMESH_subMesh::COMPUTE; if ( anUpward ) // is called from the below code in this method { // =============================================== // Mesh all the sub-shapes starting from vertices // =============================================== smIt = sm->getDependsOnIterator(includeSelf, !complexShapeFirst); while ( smIt->more() ) { SMESH_subMesh* smToCompute = smIt->next(); // do not mesh vertices of a pseudo shape const TopoDS_Shape& shape = smToCompute->GetSubShape(); const TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeType = shape.ShapeType(); if ( !aMesh.HasShapeToMesh() && shapeType == TopAbs_VERTEX ) continue; // check for preview dimension limitations if ( aShapesId && GetShapeDim( shapeType ) > (int)aDim ) { // clear compute state not to show previous compute errors // if preview invoked less dimension less than previous smToCompute->ComputeStateEngine( SMESH_subMesh::CHECK_COMPUTE_STATE ); continue; } if (smToCompute->GetComputeState() == SMESH_subMesh::READY_TO_COMPUTE) { if (_compute_canceled) return false; setCurrentSubMesh( smToCompute ); smToCompute->ComputeStateEngine( computeEvent ); setCurrentSubMesh( NULL ); } // we check all the sub-meshes here and detect if any of them failed to compute if (smToCompute->GetComputeState() == SMESH_subMesh::FAILED_TO_COMPUTE && ( shapeType != TopAbs_EDGE || !SMESH_Algo::isDegenerated( TopoDS::Edge( shape )))) ret = false; else if ( aShapesId ) aShapesId->insert( smToCompute->GetId() ); } //aMesh.GetMeshDS()->Modified(); return ret; } else { // ================================================================ // Apply algos that do NOT require discreteized boundaries // ("all-dimensional") and do NOT support sub-meshes, starting from // the most complex shapes and collect sub-meshes with algos that // DO support sub-meshes // ================================================================ list< SMESH_subMesh* > smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[4]; // for each dim // map to sort sm with same dim algos according to dim of // the shape the algo assigned to (issue 0021217). // Other issues influenced the algo applying order: // 21406, 21556, 21893, 20206 multimap< int, SMESH_subMesh* > shDim2sm; multimap< int, SMESH_subMesh* >::reverse_iterator shDim2smIt; TopoDS_Shape algoShape; int prevShapeDim = -1, aShapeDim; smIt = sm->getDependsOnIterator(includeSelf, complexShapeFirst); while ( smIt->more() ) { SMESH_subMesh* smToCompute = smIt->next(); if ( smToCompute->GetComputeState() != SMESH_subMesh::READY_TO_COMPUTE ) continue; const TopoDS_Shape& aSubShape = smToCompute->GetSubShape(); aShapeDim = GetShapeDim( aSubShape ); if ( aShapeDim < 1 ) break; // check for preview dimension limitations if ( aShapesId && aShapeDim > (int)aDim ) continue; SMESH_Algo* algo = GetAlgo( smToCompute, &algoShape ); if ( algo && !algo->NeedDiscreteBoundary() ) { if ( algo->SupportSubmeshes() ) { // reload sub-meshes from shDim2sm into smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes // so that more local algos to go first if ( prevShapeDim != aShapeDim ) { prevShapeDim = aShapeDim; for ( shDim2smIt = shDim2sm.rbegin(); shDim2smIt != shDim2sm.rend(); ++shDim2smIt ) if ( shDim2smIt->first == globalAlgoDim ) smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[ aShapeDim ].push_back( shDim2smIt->second ); else smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[ aShapeDim ].push_front( shDim2smIt->second ); shDim2sm.clear(); } // add smToCompute to shDim2sm map if ( algoShape.IsSame( aMesh.GetShapeToMesh() )) { aShapeDim = globalAlgoDim; // to compute last } else { aShapeDim = GetShapeDim( algoShape ); if ( algoShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND ) { TopoDS_Iterator it( algoShape ); aShapeDim += GetShapeDim( it.Value() ); } } shDim2sm.insert( make_pair( aShapeDim, smToCompute )); } else // Compute w/o support of sub-meshes { if (_compute_canceled) return false; setCurrentSubMesh( smToCompute ); smToCompute->ComputeStateEngine( computeEvent ); setCurrentSubMesh( NULL ); if ( aShapesId ) aShapesId->insert( smToCompute->GetId() ); } } } // reload sub-meshes from shDim2sm into smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes for ( shDim2smIt = shDim2sm.rbegin(); shDim2smIt != shDim2sm.rend(); ++shDim2smIt ) if ( shDim2smIt->first == globalAlgoDim ) smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[3].push_back( shDim2smIt->second ); else smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[0].push_front( shDim2smIt->second ); // ====================================================== // Apply all-dimensional algorithms supporing sub-meshes // ====================================================== std::vector< SMESH_subMesh* > smVec; for ( aShapeDim = 0; aShapeDim < 4; ++aShapeDim ) { // ------------------------------------------------ // sort list of sub-meshes according to mesh order // ------------------------------------------------ smVec.assign( smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[ aShapeDim ].begin(), smWithAlgoSupportingSubmeshes[ aShapeDim ].end() ); aMesh.SortByMeshOrder( smVec ); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // compute sub-meshes with local uni-dimensional algos under // sub-meshes with all-dimensional algos // ------------------------------------------------------------ // start from lower shapes for ( size_t i = 0; i < smVec.size(); ++i ) { sm = smVec[i]; // get a shape the algo is assigned to if ( !GetAlgo( sm, & algoShape )) continue; // strange... // look for more local algos smIt = sm->getDependsOnIterator(!includeSelf, !complexShapeFirst); while ( smIt->more() ) { SMESH_subMesh* smToCompute = smIt->next(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSubShape = smToCompute->GetSubShape(); const int aShapeDim = GetShapeDim( aSubShape ); //if ( aSubShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ) continue; if ( aShapeDim < 1 ) continue; // check for preview dimension limitations if ( aShapesId && GetShapeDim( aSubShape.ShapeType() ) > (int)aDim ) continue; SMESH_HypoFilter filter( SMESH_HypoFilter::IsAlgo() ); filter .And( SMESH_HypoFilter::IsApplicableTo( aSubShape )) .And( SMESH_HypoFilter::IsMoreLocalThan( algoShape, aMesh )); if ( SMESH_Algo* subAlgo = (SMESH_Algo*) aMesh.GetHypothesis( smToCompute, filter, true)) { if ( ! subAlgo->NeedDiscreteBoundary() ) continue; SMESH_Hypothesis::Hypothesis_Status status; if ( subAlgo->CheckHypothesis( aMesh, aSubShape, status )) // mesh a lower smToCompute starting from vertices Compute( aMesh, aSubShape, aShapeOnly, /*anUpward=*/true, aDim, aShapesId ); } } } // -------------------------------- // apply the all-dimensional algos // -------------------------------- for ( size_t i = 0; i < smVec.size(); ++i ) { sm = smVec[i]; if ( sm->GetComputeState() == SMESH_subMesh::READY_TO_COMPUTE) { const TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeType = sm->GetSubShape().ShapeType(); // check for preview dimension limitations if ( aShapesId && GetShapeDim( shapeType ) > (int)aDim ) continue; if (_compute_canceled) return false; setCurrentSubMesh( sm ); sm->ComputeStateEngine( computeEvent ); setCurrentSubMesh( NULL ); if ( aShapesId ) aShapesId->insert( sm->GetId() ); } } } // loop on shape dimensions // ----------------------------------------------- // mesh the rest sub-shapes starting from vertices // ----------------------------------------------- ret = Compute( aMesh, aShape, aShapeOnly, /*anUpward=*/true, aDim, aShapesId ); } MESSAGE( "VSR - SMESH_Gen::Compute() finished, OK = " << ret); MEMOSTAT; SMESHDS_Mesh *myMesh = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); MESSAGE("*** compactMesh after compute"); myMesh->compactMesh(); // fix quadratic mesh by bending iternal links near concave boundary if ( aShape.IsSame( aMesh.GetShapeToMesh() ) && !aShapesId && // not preview ret ) // everything is OK { SMESH_MesherHelper aHelper( aMesh ); if ( aHelper.IsQuadraticMesh() != SMESH_MesherHelper::LINEAR ) { aHelper.FixQuadraticElements( sm->GetComputeError() ); } } return ret; }
PyObject* FemMeshPy::addFace(PyObject *args) { SMESH_Mesh* mesh = getFemMeshPtr()->getSMesh(); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = mesh->GetMeshDS(); int n1,n2,n3; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii",&n1,&n2,&n3)) { // old form, debrekadet try { const SMDS_MeshNode* node1 = meshDS->FindNode(n1); const SMDS_MeshNode* node2 = meshDS->FindNode(n2); const SMDS_MeshNode* node3 = meshDS->FindNode(n3); if (!node1 || !node2 || !node3) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); SMDS_MeshFace* face = meshDS->AddFace(node1, node2, node3); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add face"); return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(face->GetID())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what()); return 0; } } PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *obj; int ElementId=-1; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|i", &PyList_Type, &obj, &ElementId)) { Py::List list(obj); std::vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> Nodes; for (Py::List::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { Py::Int NoNr(*it); const SMDS_MeshNode* node = meshDS->FindNode(NoNr); if (!node) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get node of the given indices"); Nodes.push_back(node); } SMDS_MeshFace* face=0; switch(Nodes.size()){ case 3: face = meshDS->AddFace(Nodes[0],Nodes[1],Nodes[2]); if (!face) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to add triangular face"); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown node count, [3|4|6|8] are allowed"); //unknown face type } return Py::new_reference_to(Py::Int(face->GetID())); } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Line constructor accepts:\n" "-- empty parameter list\n" "-- Line\n" "-- Point, Point"); return 0; }
bool NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, SMESH_MesherHelper* aHelper) { MESSAGE("NETGENPlugin_NETGEN_3D::Compute with maxElmentsize = " << _maxElementVolume); const int invalid_ID = -1; bool _quadraticMesh = false; typedef map< const SMDS_MeshNode*, int, TIDCompare > TNodeToIDMap; TNodeToIDMap nodeToNetgenID; list< const SMDS_MeshElement* > triangles; SMESHDS_Mesh* MeshDS = aHelper->GetMeshDS(); SMESH_MesherHelper::MType MeshType = aHelper->IsQuadraticMesh(); if(MeshType == SMESH_MesherHelper::COMP) return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, SMESH_Comment("Mesh with linear and quadratic elements given.")); else if (MeshType == SMESH_MesherHelper::QUADRATIC) _quadraticMesh = true; StdMeshers_QuadToTriaAdaptor Adaptor; Adaptor.Compute(aMesh); SMDS_FaceIteratorPtr fIt = MeshDS->facesIterator(); TIDSortedElemSet sortedFaces; // 0020279: control the "random" use when using mesh algorithms while( fIt->more()) sortedFaces.insert( fIt->next() ); TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itFace = sortedFaces.begin(), fEnd = sortedFaces.end(); for ( ; itFace != fEnd; ++itFace ) { // check element const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = *itFace; if ( !elem ) return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, "Null element encounters"); bool isTraingle = ( elem->NbNodes()==3 || (_quadraticMesh && elem->NbNodes()==6 )); if ( !isTraingle ) { //return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, // SMESH_Comment("Not triangle element ")<<elem->GetID()); // using adaptor const list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes*>* faces = Adaptor.GetTriangles(elem); if(faces==0) { return error( COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, SMESH_Comment("Not triangles in adaptor for element ")<<elem->GetID()); } list<const SMDS_FaceOfNodes*>::const_iterator itf = faces->begin(); for(; itf!=faces->end(); itf++ ) { triangles.push_back( (*itf) ); // put triange's nodes to nodeToNetgenID map SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triangleNodesIt = (*itf)->nodesIterator(); while ( triangleNodesIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode * node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode *>(triangleNodesIt->next()); if(aHelper->IsMedium(node)) continue; nodeToNetgenID.insert( make_pair( node, invalid_ID )); } } } else { // keep a triangle triangles.push_back( elem ); // put elem nodes to nodeToNetgenID map SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triangleNodesIt = elem->nodesIterator(); while ( triangleNodesIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode * node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode *>(triangleNodesIt->next()); if(aHelper->IsMedium(node)) continue; nodeToNetgenID.insert( make_pair( node, invalid_ID )); } } } // --------------------------------- // Feed the Netgen with surface mesh // --------------------------------- int Netgen_NbOfNodes = 0; int Netgen_param2ndOrder = 0; double Netgen_paramFine = 1.; double Netgen_paramSize = pow( 72, 1/6. ) * pow( _maxElementVolume, 1/3. ); double Netgen_point[3]; int Netgen_triangle[3]; int Netgen_tetrahedron[4]; Ng_Init(); Ng_Mesh * Netgen_mesh = Ng_NewMesh(); // set nodes and remember thier netgen IDs TNodeToIDMap::iterator n_id = nodeToNetgenID.begin(); for ( ; n_id != nodeToNetgenID.end(); ++n_id ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* node = n_id->first; Netgen_point [ 0 ] = node->X(); Netgen_point [ 1 ] = node->Y(); Netgen_point [ 2 ] = node->Z(); Ng_AddPoint(Netgen_mesh, Netgen_point); n_id->second = ++Netgen_NbOfNodes; // set netgen ID } // set triangles list< const SMDS_MeshElement* >::iterator tria = triangles.begin(); for ( ; tria != triangles.end(); ++tria) { int i = 0; SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr triangleNodesIt = (*tria)->nodesIterator(); while ( triangleNodesIt->more() ) { const SMDS_MeshNode * node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode *>(triangleNodesIt->next()); if(aHelper->IsMedium(node)) continue; Netgen_triangle[ i ] = nodeToNetgenID[ node ]; ++i; } Ng_AddSurfaceElement(Netgen_mesh, NG_TRIG, Netgen_triangle); } // ------------------------- // Generate the volume mesh // ------------------------- Ng_Meshing_Parameters Netgen_param; Netgen_param.secondorder = Netgen_param2ndOrder; Netgen_param.fineness = Netgen_paramFine; Netgen_param.maxh = Netgen_paramSize; Ng_Result status; try { #if (OCC_VERSION_MAJOR << 16 | OCC_VERSION_MINOR << 8 | OCC_VERSION_MAINTENANCE) > 0x060100 OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS; #endif status = Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh(Netgen_mesh, &Netgen_param); } catch (Standard_Failure& exc) { error(COMPERR_OCC_EXCEPTION, exc.GetMessageString()); status = NG_VOLUME_FAILURE; } catch (...) { error("Bad mesh input!!!"); status = NG_VOLUME_FAILURE; } if ( GetComputeError()->IsOK() ) { error( status, "Bad mesh input!!!"); } int Netgen_NbOfNodesNew = Ng_GetNP(Netgen_mesh); int Netgen_NbOfTetra = Ng_GetNE(Netgen_mesh); MESSAGE("End of Volume Mesh Generation. status=" << status << ", nb new nodes: " << Netgen_NbOfNodesNew - Netgen_NbOfNodes << ", nb tetra: " << Netgen_NbOfTetra); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Feed back the SMESHDS with the generated Nodes and Volume Elements // ------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isOK = ( Netgen_NbOfTetra > 0 );// get whatever built if ( isOK ) { // vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec ( Netgen_NbOfNodesNew + 1 ); // insert old nodes into nodeVec for ( n_id = nodeToNetgenID.begin(); n_id != nodeToNetgenID.end(); ++n_id ) { n_id->second ) = n_id->first; } // create and insert new nodes into nodeVec int nodeIndex = Netgen_NbOfNodes + 1; for ( ; nodeIndex <= Netgen_NbOfNodesNew; ++nodeIndex ) { Ng_GetPoint( Netgen_mesh, nodeIndex, Netgen_point ); SMDS_MeshNode * node = aHelper->AddNode(Netgen_point[0], Netgen_point[1], Netgen_point[2]); = node; } // create tetrahedrons for ( int elemIndex = 1; elemIndex <= Netgen_NbOfTetra; ++elemIndex ) { Ng_GetVolumeElement(Netgen_mesh, elemIndex, Netgen_tetrahedron); aHelper->AddVolume ( Netgen_tetrahedron[0] ), Netgen_tetrahedron[1] ), Netgen_tetrahedron[2] ), Netgen_tetrahedron[3] )); } } Ng_DeleteMesh(Netgen_mesh); Ng_Exit(); NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RemoveTmpFiles(); return (status == NG_OK); }
/*! * Special function for search or creation medium node */ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMESH_MesherHelper::GetMediumNode(const SMDS_MeshNode* n1, const SMDS_MeshNode* n2, bool force3d) { TopAbs_ShapeEnum shapeType = myShape.IsNull() ? TopAbs_SHAPE : myShape.ShapeType(); NLink link(( n1 < n2 ? n1 : n2 ), ( n1 < n2 ? n2 : n1 )); ItNLinkNode itLN = myNLinkNodeMap.find( link ); if ( itLN != myNLinkNodeMap.end() ) { return (*itLN).second; } else { // create medium node SMDS_MeshNode* n12; SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = GetMeshDS(); int faceID = -1, edgeID = -1; const SMDS_PositionPtr Pos1 = n1->GetPosition(); const SMDS_PositionPtr Pos2 = n2->GetPosition(); if( myShape.IsNull() ) { if( Pos1->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_FACE ) { faceID = Pos1->GetShapeId(); } else if( Pos2->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_FACE ) { faceID = Pos2->GetShapeId(); } if( Pos1->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_EDGE ) { edgeID = Pos1->GetShapeId(); } if( Pos2->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_EDGE ) { edgeID = Pos2->GetShapeId(); } } if(!force3d) { // we try to create medium node using UV parameters of // nodes, else - medium between corresponding 3d points if(faceID>-1 || shapeType == TopAbs_FACE) { // obtaining a face and 2d points for nodes TopoDS_Face F; if( myShape.IsNull() ) F = TopoDS::Face(meshDS->IndexToShape(faceID)); else { F = TopoDS::Face(myShape); faceID = myShapeID; } gp_XY p1 = GetNodeUV(F,n1,n2); gp_XY p2 = GetNodeUV(F,n2,n1); if ( IsDegenShape( Pos1->GetShapeId() )) p1.SetCoord( myParIndex, p2.Coord( myParIndex )); else if ( IsDegenShape( Pos2->GetShapeId() )) p2.SetCoord( myParIndex, p1.Coord( myParIndex )); //checking if surface is periodic Handle(Geom_Surface) S = BRep_Tool::Surface(F); Standard_Real UF,UL,VF,VL; S->Bounds(UF,UL,VF,VL); Standard_Real u,v; Standard_Boolean isUPeriodic = S->IsUPeriodic(); if(isUPeriodic) { Standard_Real UPeriod = S->UPeriod(); Standard_Real p2x = p2.X()+ShapeAnalysis::AdjustByPeriod(p2.X(),p1.X(),UPeriod); Standard_Real pmid = (p1.X()+p2x)/2.; u = pmid+ShapeAnalysis::AdjustToPeriod(pmid,UF,UL); } else u= (p1.X()+p2.X())/2.; Standard_Boolean isVPeriodic = S->IsVPeriodic(); if(isVPeriodic) { Standard_Real VPeriod = S->VPeriod(); Standard_Real p2y = p2.Y()+ShapeAnalysis::AdjustByPeriod(p2.Y(),p1.Y(),VPeriod); Standard_Real pmid = (p1.Y()+p2y)/2.; v = pmid+ShapeAnalysis::AdjustToPeriod(pmid,VF,VL); } else v = (p1.Y()+p2.Y())/2.; gp_Pnt P = S->Value(u, v); n12 = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z()); meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(n12, faceID, u, v); myNLinkNodeMap.insert(NLinkNodeMap::value_type(link,n12)); return n12; } if (edgeID>-1 || shapeType == TopAbs_EDGE) { TopoDS_Edge E; if( myShape.IsNull() ) E = TopoDS::Edge(meshDS->IndexToShape(edgeID)); else { E = TopoDS::Edge(myShape); edgeID = myShapeID; } double p1 = GetNodeU(E,n1); double p2 = GetNodeU(E,n2); double f,l; Handle(Geom_Curve) C = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, f, l); if(!C.IsNull()) { Standard_Boolean isPeriodic = C->IsPeriodic(); double u; if(isPeriodic) { Standard_Real Period = C->Period(); Standard_Real p = p2+ShapeAnalysis::AdjustByPeriod(p2,p1,Period); Standard_Real pmid = (p1+p)/2.; u = pmid+ShapeAnalysis::AdjustToPeriod(pmid,C->FirstParameter(),C->LastParameter()); } else u = (p1+p2)/2.; gp_Pnt P = C->Value( u ); n12 = meshDS->AddNode(P.X(), P.Y(), P.Z()); meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge(n12, edgeID, u); myNLinkNodeMap.insert(NLinkNodeMap::value_type(link,n12)); return n12; } } } // 3d variant double x = ( n1->X() + n2->X() )/2.; double y = ( n1->Y() + n2->Y() )/2.; double z = ( n1->Z() + n2->Z() )/2.; n12 = meshDS->AddNode(x,y,z); if(edgeID>-1) meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge(n12, edgeID); else if(faceID>-1) meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(n12, faceID); else meshDS->SetNodeInVolume(n12, myShapeID); myNLinkNodeMap.insert(NLinkNodeMap::value_type(link,n12)); return n12; } }
bool StdMeshers_CompositeSegment_1D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh & aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape & aShape) { TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge( aShape ); SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); // Get edges to be discretized as a whole TopoDS_Face nullFace; auto_ptr< StdMeshers_FaceSide > side( GetFaceSide(aMesh, edge, nullFace, true )); //side->dump("IN COMPOSITE SEG"); if ( side->NbEdges() < 2 ) return StdMeshers_Regular_1D::Compute( aMesh, aShape ); // update segment lenght computed by StdMeshers_AutomaticLength const list <const SMESHDS_Hypothesis * > & hyps = GetUsedHypothesis(aMesh, aShape); if ( !hyps.empty() ) { StdMeshers_AutomaticLength * autoLenHyp = const_cast<StdMeshers_AutomaticLength *> (dynamic_cast <const StdMeshers_AutomaticLength * >(hyps.front())); if ( autoLenHyp ) _value[ BEG_LENGTH_IND ]= autoLenHyp->GetLength( &aMesh, side->Length() ); } // Compute node parameters auto_ptr< BRepAdaptor_CompCurve > C3d ( side->GetCurve3d() ); double f = C3d->FirstParameter(), l = C3d->LastParameter(); list< double > params; if ( !computeInternalParameters ( aMesh, *C3d, side->Length(), f, l, params, false )) return false; // Redistribute parameters near ends TopoDS_Vertex VFirst = side->FirstVertex(); TopoDS_Vertex VLast = side->LastVertex(); redistributeNearVertices( aMesh, *C3d, side->Length(), params, VFirst, VLast ); params.push_front(f); params.push_back(l); int nbNodes = params.size(); // Create mesh const SMDS_MeshNode * nFirst = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( VFirst, meshDS ); const SMDS_MeshNode * nLast = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( VLast, meshDS ); if (!nFirst) return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, TComm("No node on vertex ") <<meshDS->ShapeToIndex(VFirst)); if (!nLast) return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH, TComm("No node on vertex ") <<meshDS->ShapeToIndex(VLast)); vector<const SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes( nbNodes, (const SMDS_MeshNode*)0 ); nodes.front() = nFirst; nodes.back() = nLast; // create internal nodes list< double >::iterator parIt = params.begin(); double prevPar = *parIt; Standard_Real u; for ( int iN = 0; parIt != params.end(); ++iN, ++parIt) { if ( !nodes[ iN ] ) { gp_Pnt p = C3d->Value( *parIt ); SMDS_MeshNode* n = meshDS->AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); C3d->Edge( *parIt, edge, u ); meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge( n, edge, u ); // cout << "new NODE: par="<<*parIt<<" ePar="<<u<<" e="<<edge.TShape().operator->() // << " " << n << endl; nodes[ iN ] = n; } // create edges if ( iN ) { double mPar = ( prevPar + *parIt )/2; if ( _quadraticMesh ) { // create medium node double segLen = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(*C3d, prevPar, *parIt); GCPnts_AbscissaPoint ruler( *C3d, segLen/2., prevPar ); if ( ruler.IsDone() ) mPar = ruler.Parameter(); gp_Pnt p = C3d->Value( mPar ); SMDS_MeshNode* n = meshDS->AddNode( p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); //cout << "new NODE "<< n << endl; meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge( n, edge, u ); SMDS_MeshEdge * seg = meshDS->AddEdge(nodes[ iN-1 ], nodes[ iN ], n); meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(seg, edge); } else { C3d->Edge( mPar, edge, u ); SMDS_MeshEdge * seg = meshDS->AddEdge(nodes[ iN-1 ], nodes[ iN ]); meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(seg, edge); } } prevPar = *parIt; } // remove nodes on internal vertices for ( int iE = 1; iE < side->NbEdges(); ++iE ) { TopoDS_Vertex V = side->FirstVertex( iE ); while ( const SMDS_MeshNode * n = SMESH_Algo::VertexNode( V, meshDS )) meshDS->RemoveNode( n ); } // Update submeshes state for all edges and internal vertices, // make them look computed even if none edge or node is set on them careOfSubMeshes( *side, _EventListener ); return true; }
gp_XY SMESH_MesherHelper::GetNodeUV(const TopoDS_Face& F, const SMDS_MeshNode* n, const SMDS_MeshNode* n2) const { gp_Pnt2d uv( 1e100, 1e100 ); const SMDS_PositionPtr Pos = n->GetPosition(); if(Pos->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_FACE) { // node has position on face const SMDS_FacePosition* fpos = static_cast<const SMDS_FacePosition*>(n->GetPosition().get()); uv = gp_Pnt2d(fpos->GetUParameter(),fpos->GetVParameter()); } else if(Pos->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_EDGE) { // node has position on edge => it is needed to find // corresponding edge from face, get pcurve for this // edge and recieve value from this pcurve const SMDS_EdgePosition* epos = static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>(n->GetPosition().get()); SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = GetMeshDS(); int edgeID = Pos->GetShapeId(); TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge(meshDS->IndexToShape(edgeID)); double f, l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E, F, f, l); uv = C2d->Value( epos->GetUParameter() ); // for a node on a seam edge select one of UVs on 2 pcurves if ( n2 && IsSeamShape( edgeID ) ) uv = GetUVOnSeam( uv, GetNodeUV( F, n2, 0 )); } else if(Pos->GetTypeOfPosition()==SMDS_TOP_VERTEX) { if ( int vertexID = n->GetPosition()->GetShapeId() ) { bool ok = true; const TopoDS_Vertex& V = TopoDS::Vertex(GetMeshDS()->IndexToShape(vertexID)); try { uv = BRep_Tool::Parameters( V, F ); } catch (Standard_Failure& exc) { ok = false; } if ( !ok ) { for ( TopExp_Explorer vert(F,TopAbs_VERTEX); !ok && vert.More(); vert.Next() ) ok = ( V == vert.Current() ); if ( !ok ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_ MESSAGE ( "SMESH_MesherHelper::GetNodeUV(); Vertex " << vertexID << " not in face " << GetMeshDS()->ShapeToIndex( F ) ); #endif // get UV of a vertex closest to the node double dist = 1e100; gp_Pnt pn ( n->X(),n->Y(),n->Z() ); for ( TopExp_Explorer vert(F,TopAbs_VERTEX); !ok && vert.More(); vert.Next() ) { TopoDS_Vertex curV = TopoDS::Vertex( vert.Current() ); gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt( curV ); double curDist = p.SquareDistance( pn ); if ( curDist < dist ) { dist = curDist; uv = BRep_Tool::Parameters( curV, F ); if ( dist < DBL_MIN ) break; } } } else { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it( myMesh->GetAncestors( V )); for ( ; it.More(); it.Next() ) { if ( it.Value().ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) { const TopoDS_Edge & edge = TopoDS::Edge( it.Value() ); double f,l; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(edge, F, f, l); if ( !C2d.IsNull() ) { double u = ( V == TopExp::FirstVertex( edge ) ) ? f : l; uv = C2d->Value( u ); break; } } } } } if ( n2 && IsSeamShape( vertexID ) ) uv = GetUVOnSeam( uv, GetNodeUV( F, n2, 0 )); } } return uv.XY(); }
void SMESH_MesherHelper::SetSubShape(const TopoDS_Shape& aSh) { if ( myShape.IsSame( aSh )) return; myShape = aSh; mySeamShapeIds.clear(); myDegenShapeIds.clear(); if ( myShape.IsNull() ) { myShapeID = -1; return; } SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = GetMeshDS(); myShapeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex(aSh); // treatment of periodic faces for ( TopExp_Explorer eF( aSh, TopAbs_FACE ); eF.More(); eF.Next() ) { const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face( eF.Current() ); BRepAdaptor_Surface surface( face ); if ( surface.IsUPeriodic() || surface.IsVPeriodic() ) { for (TopExp_Explorer exp( face, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { // look for a seam edge const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() ); if ( BRep_Tool::IsClosed( edge, face )) { // initialize myPar1, myPar2 and myParIndex if ( mySeamShapeIds.empty() ) { gp_Pnt2d uv1, uv2; BRep_Tool::UVPoints( edge, face, uv1, uv2 ); if ( Abs( uv1.Coord(1) - uv2.Coord(1) ) < Abs( uv1.Coord(2) - uv2.Coord(2) )) { myParIndex = 1; // U periodic myPar1 = surface.FirstUParameter(); myPar2 = surface.LastUParameter(); } else { myParIndex = 2; // V periodic myPar1 = surface.FirstVParameter(); myPar2 = surface.LastVParameter(); } } // store seam shape indices, negative if shape encounters twice int edgeID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( edge ); mySeamShapeIds.insert( IsSeamShape( edgeID ) ? -edgeID : edgeID ); for ( TopExp_Explorer v( edge, TopAbs_VERTEX ); v.More(); v.Next() ) { int vertexID = meshDS->ShapeToIndex( v.Current() ); mySeamShapeIds.insert( IsSeamShape( vertexID ) ? -vertexID : vertexID ); } } // look for a degenerated edge if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( edge )) { myDegenShapeIds.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( edge )); for ( TopExp_Explorer v( edge, TopAbs_VERTEX ); v.More(); v.Next() ) myDegenShapeIds.insert( meshDS->ShapeToIndex( v.Current() )); } } } } }
//============================================================================= bool NETGENPlugin_Mesher::Compute() { #ifdef WNT netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::GlobalMeshingParameters(); #else netgen::MeshingParameters& mparams = netgen::mparam; #endif MESSAGE("Compute with:\n" " max size = " << mparams.maxh << "\n" " segments per edge = " << mparams.segmentsperedge); MESSAGE("\n" " growth rate = " << mparams.grading << "\n" " elements per radius = " << mparams.curvaturesafety << "\n" " second order = " << mparams.secondorder << "\n" " quad allowed = " << mparams.quad); SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr error = SMESH_ComputeError::New(); nglib::Ng_Init(); // ------------------------- // Prepare OCC geometry // ------------------------- netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo; list< SMESH_subMesh* > meshedSM; PrepareOCCgeometry( occgeo, _shape, *_mesh, &meshedSM ); // ------------------------- // Generate the mesh // ------------------------- netgen::Mesh *ngMesh = NULL; SMESH_Comment comment; int err = 0; int nbInitNod = 0; int nbInitSeg = 0; int nbInitFac = 0; // vector of nodes in which node index == netgen ID vector< SMDS_MeshNode* > nodeVec; try { // ---------------- // compute 1D mesh // ---------------- // pass 1D simple parameters to NETGEN if ( _simpleHyp ) { if ( int nbSeg = _simpleHyp->GetNumberOfSegments() ) { // nb of segments mparams.segmentsperedge = nbSeg + 0.1; mparams.maxh = occgeo.boundingbox.Diam(); mparams.grading = 0.01; } else { // segment length mparams.segmentsperedge = 1; mparams.maxh = _simpleHyp->GetLocalLength(); } } // let netgen create ngMesh and calculate element size on not meshed shapes char *optstr = 0; int startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE; int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE; err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr); if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh() at MESHCONST_ANALYSE step"; // fill ngMesh with nodes and elements of computed submeshes err = ! fillNgMesh(occgeo, *ngMesh, nodeVec, meshedSM); nbInitNod = ngMesh->GetNP(); nbInitSeg = ngMesh->GetNSeg(); nbInitFac = ngMesh->GetNSE(); // compute mesh if (!err) { startWith = endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHEDGES; err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr); if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh() at 1D mesh generation"; } // --------------------- // compute surface mesh // --------------------- if (!err) { // pass 2D simple parameters to NETGEN if ( _simpleHyp ) { if ( double area = _simpleHyp->GetMaxElementArea() ) { // face area mparams.maxh = sqrt(2. * area/sqrt(3.0)); mparams.grading = 0.4; // moderate size growth } else { // length from edges double length = 0; TopTools_MapOfShape tmpMap; for ( TopExp_Explorer exp( _shape, TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() ) if( tmpMap.Add(exp.Current()) ) length += SMESH_Algo::EdgeLength( TopoDS::Edge( exp.Current() )); if ( ngMesh->GetNSeg() ) { // we have to multiply length by 2 since for each TopoDS_Edge there // are double set of NETGEN edges or, in other words, we have to // divide ngMesh->GetNSeg() on 2. mparams.maxh = 2*length / ngMesh->GetNSeg(); } else mparams.maxh = 1000; mparams.grading = 0.2; // slow size growth } mparams.maxh = min( mparams.maxh, occgeo.boundingbox.Diam()/2 ); ngMesh->SetGlobalH (mparams.maxh); netgen::Box<3> bb = occgeo.GetBoundingBox(); bb.Increase (bb.Diam()/20); ngMesh->SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), mparams.grading); } // let netgen compute 2D mesh startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE; endWith = _optimize ? netgen::MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE : netgen::MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE; err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr); if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh() at surface mesh generation"; } // --------------------- // generate volume mesh // --------------------- if (!err && _isVolume) { // add ng face descriptors of meshed faces std::map< int, std::pair<int,int> >::iterator fId_soIds = _faceDescriptors.begin(); for ( ; fId_soIds != _faceDescriptors.end(); ++fId_soIds ) { int faceID = fId_soIds->first; int solidID1 = fId_soIds->second.first; int solidID2 = fId_soIds->second.second; ngMesh->AddFaceDescriptor (netgen::FaceDescriptor(faceID, solidID1, solidID2, 0)); } // pass 3D simple parameters to NETGEN const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_3D* simple3d = dynamic_cast< const NETGENPlugin_SimpleHypothesis_3D* > ( _simpleHyp ); if ( simple3d ) { if ( double vol = simple3d->GetMaxElementVolume() ) { // max volume mparams.maxh = pow( 72, 1/6. ) * pow( vol, 1/3. ); mparams.maxh = min( mparams.maxh, occgeo.boundingbox.Diam()/2 ); } else { // length from faces mparams.maxh = ngMesh->AverageH(); } // netgen::ARRAY<double> maxhdom; // maxhdom.SetSize (occgeo.NrSolids()); // maxhdom = mparams.maxh; // ngMesh->SetMaxHDomain (maxhdom); ngMesh->SetGlobalH (mparams.maxh); mparams.grading = 0.4; ngMesh->CalcLocalH(); } // let netgen compute 3D mesh startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME; endWith = _optimize ? netgen::MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME : netgen::MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME; err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr); if (err) comment << "Error in netgen::OCCGenerateMesh()"; } if (!err && mparams.secondorder > 0) { netgen::OCCRefinementSurfaces ref (occgeo); ref.MakeSecondOrder (*ngMesh); } } catch (netgen::NgException exc) { error->myName = err = COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED; comment << exc.What(); } int nbNod = ngMesh->GetNP(); int nbSeg = ngMesh->GetNSeg(); int nbFac = ngMesh->GetNSE(); int nbVol = ngMesh->GetNE(); MESSAGE((err ? "Mesh Generation failure" : "End of Mesh Generation") << ", nb nodes: " << nbNod << ", nb segments: " << nbSeg << ", nb faces: " << nbFac << ", nb volumes: " << nbVol); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Feed back the SMESHDS with the generated Nodes and Elements // ----------------------------------------------------------- SMESHDS_Mesh* meshDS = _mesh->GetMeshDS(); bool isOK = ( !err && (_isVolume ? (nbVol > 0) : (nbFac > 0)) ); if ( true /*isOK*/ ) // get whatever built { // map of nodes assigned to submeshes NCollection_Map<int> pindMap; // create and insert nodes into nodeVec nodeVec.resize( nbNod + 1 ); int i; for (i = nbInitNod+1; i <= nbNod /*&& isOK*/; ++i ) { const netgen::MeshPoint& ngPoint = ngMesh->Point(i); SMDS_MeshNode* node = NULL; bool newNodeOnVertex = false; TopoDS_Vertex aVert; if (i-nbInitNod <= occgeo.vmap.Extent()) { // point on vertex aVert = TopoDS::Vertex(occgeo.vmap(i-nbInitNod)); SMESHDS_SubMesh * submesh = meshDS->MeshElements(aVert); if (submesh) { SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr it = submesh->GetNodes(); if (it->more()) { node = const_cast<SMDS_MeshNode*> (it->next()); pindMap.Add(i); } } if (!node) newNodeOnVertex = true; } if (!node) node = meshDS->AddNode(ngPoint.X(), ngPoint.Y(), ngPoint.Z()); if (!node) { MESSAGE("Cannot create a mesh node"); if ( !comment.size() ) comment << "Cannot create a mesh node"; nbSeg = nbFac = nbVol = isOK = 0; break; } = node; if (newNodeOnVertex) { // point on vertex meshDS->SetNodeOnVertex(node, aVert); pindMap.Add(i); } } // create mesh segments along geometric edges NCollection_Map<Link> linkMap; for (i = nbInitSeg+1; i <= nbSeg/* && isOK*/; ++i ) { const netgen::Segment& seg = ngMesh->LineSegment(i); Link link(seg.p1, seg.p2); if (linkMap.Contains(link)) continue; linkMap.Add(link); TopoDS_Edge aEdge; int pinds[3] = { seg.p1, seg.p2, seg.pmid }; int nbp = 0; double param2 = 0; for (int j=0; j < 3; ++j) { int pind = pinds[j]; if (pind <= 0) continue; ++nbp; double param; if (j < 2) { if (aEdge.IsNull()) { int aGeomEdgeInd = seg.epgeominfo[j].edgenr; if (aGeomEdgeInd > 0 && aGeomEdgeInd <= occgeo.emap.Extent()) aEdge = TopoDS::Edge(occgeo.emap(aGeomEdgeInd)); } param = seg.epgeominfo[j].dist; param2 += param; } else param = param2 * 0.5; if (pind <= nbInitNod || pindMap.Contains(pind)) continue; if (!aEdge.IsNull()) { meshDS->SetNodeOnEdge(, aEdge, param); pindMap.Add(pind); } } SMDS_MeshEdge* edge; if (nbp < 3) // second order ? edge = meshDS->AddEdge([0]),[1])); else edge = meshDS->AddEdge([0]),[1]),[2])); if (!edge) { if ( !comment.size() ) comment << "Cannot create a mesh edge"; MESSAGE("Cannot create a mesh edge"); nbSeg = nbFac = nbVol = isOK = 0; break; } if (!aEdge.IsNull()) meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(edge, aEdge); } // create mesh faces along geometric faces for (i = nbInitFac+1; i <= nbFac/* && isOK*/; ++i ) { const netgen::Element2d& elem = ngMesh->SurfaceElement(i); int aGeomFaceInd = elem.GetIndex(); TopoDS_Face aFace; if (aGeomFaceInd > 0 && aGeomFaceInd <= occgeo.fmap.Extent()) aFace = TopoDS::Face(occgeo.fmap(aGeomFaceInd)); vector<SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes; for (int j=1; j <= elem.GetNP(); ++j) { int pind = elem.PNum(j); SMDS_MeshNode* node =; nodes.push_back(node); if (pind <= nbInitNod || pindMap.Contains(pind)) continue; if (!aFace.IsNull()) { const netgen::PointGeomInfo& pgi = elem.GeomInfoPi(j); meshDS->SetNodeOnFace(node, aFace, pgi.u, pgi.v); pindMap.Add(pind); } } SMDS_MeshFace* face = NULL; switch (elem.GetType()) { case netgen::TRIG: face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2]); break; case netgen::QUAD: face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]); break; case netgen::TRIG6: face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[5],nodes[3],nodes[4]); break; case netgen::QUAD8: face = meshDS->AddFace(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3], nodes[4],nodes[7],nodes[5],nodes[6]); break; default: MESSAGE("NETGEN created a face of unexpected type, ignoring"); continue; } if (!face) { if ( !comment.size() ) comment << "Cannot create a mesh face"; MESSAGE("Cannot create a mesh face"); nbSeg = nbFac = nbVol = isOK = 0; break; } if (!aFace.IsNull()) meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(face, aFace); } // create tetrahedra for (i = 1; i <= nbVol/* && isOK*/; ++i) { const netgen::Element& elem = ngMesh->VolumeElement(i); int aSolidInd = elem.GetIndex(); TopoDS_Solid aSolid; if (aSolidInd > 0 && aSolidInd <= occgeo.somap.Extent()) aSolid = TopoDS::Solid(occgeo.somap(aSolidInd)); vector<SMDS_MeshNode*> nodes; for (int j=1; j <= elem.GetNP(); ++j) { int pind = elem.PNum(j); SMDS_MeshNode* node =; nodes.push_back(node); if (pind <= nbInitNod || pindMap.Contains(pind)) continue; if (!aSolid.IsNull()) { // point in solid meshDS->SetNodeInVolume(node, aSolid); pindMap.Add(pind); } } SMDS_MeshVolume* vol = NULL; switch (elem.GetType()) { case netgen::TET: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]); break; case netgen::TET10: vol = meshDS->AddVolume(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3], nodes[4],nodes[7],nodes[5],nodes[6],nodes[8],nodes[9]); break; default: MESSAGE("NETGEN created a volume of unexpected type, ignoring"); continue; } if (!vol) { if ( !comment.size() ) comment << "Cannot create a mesh volume"; MESSAGE("Cannot create a mesh volume"); nbSeg = nbFac = nbVol = isOK = 0; break; } if (!aSolid.IsNull()) meshDS->SetMeshElementOnShape(vol, aSolid); } } if ( error->IsOK() && ( !isOK || comment.size() > 0 )) error->myName = COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED; if ( !comment.empty() ) error->myComment = comment; // set bad compute error to subshapes of all failed subshapes shapes if ( !error->IsOK() && err ) { for (int i = 1; i <= occgeo.fmap.Extent(); i++) { int status = occgeo.facemeshstatus[i-1]; if (status == 1 ) continue; if ( SMESH_subMesh* sm = _mesh->GetSubMeshContaining( occgeo.fmap( i ))) { SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError(); if ( !smError || smError->IsOK() ) { if ( status == -1 ) smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( error->myName, error->myComment )); else smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED, "Ignored" )); } } } } nglib::Ng_DeleteMesh((nglib::Ng_Mesh*)ngMesh); nglib::Ng_Exit(); RemoveTmpFiles(); return error->IsOK(); }
bool StdMeshers_RadialPrism_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { TopExp_Explorer exp; SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); myHelper = new SMESH_MesherHelper( aMesh ); myHelper->IsQuadraticSubMesh( aShape ); // to delete helper at exit from Compute() std::auto_ptr<SMESH_MesherHelper> helperDeleter( myHelper ); // get 2 shells TopoDS_Solid solid = TopoDS::Solid( aShape ); TopoDS_Shell outerShell = BRepClass3d::OuterShell( solid ); TopoDS_Shape innerShell; int nbShells = 0; for ( TopoDS_Iterator It (solid); It.More(); It.Next(), ++nbShells ) if ( !outerShell.IsSame( It.Value() )) innerShell = It.Value(); if ( nbShells != 2 ) return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE, SMESH_Comment("Must be 2 shells but not ")<<nbShells); // ---------------------------------- // Associate sub-shapes of the shells // ---------------------------------- ProjectionUtils::TShapeShapeMap shape2ShapeMaps[2]; bool mapOk1 = ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation( innerShell, &aMesh, outerShell, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMaps[0]); bool mapOk2 = ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation( innerShell.Reversed(), &aMesh, outerShell, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMaps[1]); if ( !mapOk1 && !mapOk2 ) return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,"Topology of inner and outer shells seems different" ); int iMap; if ( shape2ShapeMaps[0].Extent() == shape2ShapeMaps[1].Extent() ) { // choose an assiciation by shortest distance between VERTEXes double dist1 = 0, dist2 = 0; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape ssIt( shape2ShapeMaps[0]._map1to2 ); for (; ssIt.More(); ssIt.Next() ) { if ( ssIt.Key().ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX ) continue; gp_Pnt pIn = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( ssIt.Key() )); gp_Pnt pOut1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( ssIt.Value() )); gp_Pnt pOut2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( shape2ShapeMaps[1]( ssIt.Key() ))); dist1 += pIn.SquareDistance( pOut1 ); dist2 += pIn.SquareDistance( pOut2 ); } iMap = ( dist1 < dist2 ) ? 0 : 1; } else { iMap = ( shape2ShapeMaps[0].Extent() > shape2ShapeMaps[1].Extent() ) ? 0 : 1; } ProjectionUtils::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap = shape2ShapeMaps[iMap]; // ------------------ // Make mesh // ------------------ TNode2ColumnMap node2columnMap; myLayerPositions.clear(); for ( exp.Init( outerShell, TopAbs_FACE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() ) { // Corresponding sub-shapes TopoDS_Face outFace = TopoDS::Face( exp.Current() ); TopoDS_Face inFace; if ( !shape2ShapeMap.IsBound( outFace, /*isOut=*/true )) { return error(SMESH_Comment("Corresponding inner face not found for face #" ) << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( outFace )); } else { inFace = TopoDS::Face( shape2ShapeMap( outFace, /*isOut=*/true )); } // Find matching nodes of in and out faces ProjectionUtils::TNodeNodeMap nodeIn2OutMap; if ( ! ProjectionUtils::FindMatchingNodesOnFaces( inFace, &aMesh, outFace, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMap, nodeIn2OutMap )) return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,SMESH_Comment("Mesh on faces #") << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( outFace ) << " and " << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( inFace ) << " seems different" ); // Create volumes SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIt = meshDS->MeshElements( inFace )->GetElements(); while ( faceIt->more() ) // loop on faces on inFace { const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faceIt->next(); if ( !face || face->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face ) continue; int nbNodes = face->NbNodes(); if ( face->IsQuadratic() ) nbNodes /= 2; // find node columns for each node vector< const TNodeColumn* > columns( nbNodes ); for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* nIn = face->GetNode( i ); TNode2ColumnMap::iterator n_col = node2columnMap.find( nIn ); if ( n_col != node2columnMap.end() ) { columns[ i ] = & n_col->second; } else { TNodeNodeMap::iterator nInOut = nodeIn2OutMap.find( nIn ); if ( nInOut == nodeIn2OutMap.end() ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("No matching node for "<< nIn->GetID() << " in face "<< face->GetID()); columns[ i ] = makeNodeColumn( node2columnMap, nIn, nInOut->second ); } } StdMeshers_Prism_3D::AddPrisms( columns, myHelper ); } } // loop on faces of out shell return true; }