Esempio n. 1
void init()
	Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD_RATE); // 115200 by default

	/*There are four debug levels: debug=3, info=2, warn=1, error=0
	 * You can set the debug level by making with DEBUG_VERBOSE_LEVEL
	 * set to the desired level (0-3). Ex make rebuild DEBUG_VERBOSE_LEVEL=2 will
	 * show only info messages and above, will not show debug messages
	 * (they will be removed from the build at compile time, saving flash space)
	 * Functions debugf, debug_d, debug_i, debug_w, and debug_e store the format string
	 * in flash so that the RAM is freed for more important information.
	 * Another useful feature is printing the filename and line number of every debug line
	 * This will require extra space on flash and can be enabled
	 * using make parameter PRINT_FILENAME_AND_LINE=1*/

	debug_d("(DEBUG) message printed on UART0");

	debug_i("(INFO) message printed on UART0");

	debug_w("(WARNING) message printed on UART0");

	debug_e("(ERROR) message printed on UART0");

	/*debugf is equivalent to debug_i*/
	debugf("(INFO) message printed with debugf on UART0");

	 * Notice: The line below disables the debugf output on all UARTs.

	debugf("(DEBUG) don't print me at all");

	 * The debugf output is redirected to UART0
	 * together with the system debug messages.

	debugf("(DEBUG) print me again on UART0");

	 * Serial1 uses UART1, TX pin is GPIO2.
	 * UART1 can not be used to receive data because normally
	 * it's RX pin is occupied for flash chip connection.
	 * If you have a spare serial to USB converter do the following to see the
	 * messages printed on UART1:
	 * - connect converter GND to esp8266 GND
	 * - connect converter RX to esp8266 GPIO2
	HardwareSerial Serial1(UART1);

	 * The line below redirect debug output to UART1
	Serial1.printf("====Debug Information=====\n");

	debugf("(DEBUG) message printed on UART1"); // You should see the debug message in UART1 only.

	procTimer.initializeMs(2000, sayHello).start();


	/// Reading callback example:
	//  * Option 1
	//	Set Serial Callback to global routine:
	//	   Serial.setCallback(onDataCallback);
	// If you want to test local echo set the following callback
	//	   Serial.setCallback(echoCallback);

	// 	* Option 2
	//  Instantiate hwsDelegateDemo which includes Serial Delegate class
Esempio n. 2
void connectOk(IPAddress ip, IPAddress mask, IPAddress gateway) {
//void connectOk() {
	String ipString = WifiStation.getIP().toString();
	Serial.println("I'm CONNECTED to AP_SSID=" + wifi_sid.get(currWifiIndex) + " IP: " + ipString);
	//String ipString = ip.toString();
	Serial.println("IP: " + ipString);


	if (ipString.equals("") || ipString.equals("")) {
// distance sensor
		Serial.println("MODE: LEUZE Distance sensor");

		deltat = 100000;
		reportTimer.initializeMs(100, reportAnalogue).start();

	} else if (ipString.equals("") || ipString.equals("") || ipString.equals("")
			|| ipString.equals("")) {    //
// 4 axis stepper driver
		Serial.println("MODE: 4 Axis Stepper driver");

		Serial.println("Init ended.");
		Serial.println("Type 'help' and press enter for instructions.");

		deltat = 2000;

		if (ipString.equals(""))
			parseGcode("reassign x=0 y=3 e=1 z=2");
		else if (ipString.equals(""))
			parseGcode("reassign x=0 y=1 e=3 z=2");

		reportTimer.initializeMs(300, reportStatus).start();
		hardwareTimer.initializeUs(deltat, StepperTimerInt);
	} else if (ipString.equals("")) {
		Serial.println("MODE: Encoder driver");
		pinMode(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
		digitalWrite(encoder0PinA, HIGH);       // turn on pullup resistor
		pinMode(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
		digitalWrite(encoder0PinB, HIGH);       // turn on pullup resistor

		attachInterrupt(encoder0PinA, doEncoderA, GPIO_PIN_INTR_ANYEDGE);
		attachInterrupt(encoder0PinB, doEncoderB, GPIO_PIN_INTR_ANYEDGE);

		reportTimer.initializeMs(100, reportEncoderPosition).start();
	} else if (ipString.equals("")) {
		Ltc2400Spi = new SPISoft(PIN_DO, PIN_DI, PIN_CK, PIN_SS);
		reportTimer.initializeMs(300, readFromLTC2400).startOnce();
