Esempio n. 1
void PreAndPostOrderTraversal::preOrderVisit(SgNode* n) {

        SgFunctionDeclaration * dec = isSgFunctionDeclaration(n);
        if (dec != NULL) {
                cout << "Found function declaration " << dec->get_name().getString();
                Sg_File_Info * start = dec->get_startOfConstruct();
                Sg_File_Info * end = dec->get_endOfConstruct();
                if(start->isCompilerGenerated()) {
                        cout << ", which is compiler-generated" << endl;
                } else {
                        cout << " in file " << start->get_raw_filename() << ", " << start->get_file_id() << " from line " << 
                            start->get_line() << ", col " << start->get_col() << " to line " << 
                            end->get_line() << ", col " << end->get_col() << endl;
                SgFunctionType * type = dec->get_type();
                SgType * retType = type->get_return_type();
        cout << "Return type: " << retType->unparseToString() << endl;
        SgFunctionParameterList * params = dec->get_parameterList();
        SgInitializedNamePtrList & ptrList = params->get_args();
        if(!ptrList.empty()) {
            cout << "Parameter types: ";
            for(SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator j = ptrList.begin(); j != ptrList.end(); j++) {
                SgType * pType = (*j)->get_type();
                cout << pType->unparseToString() << " ";
            cout << endl;
        cout << "Linkage: " << dec->get_linkage() << endl;
               cout << endl;

        SgFunctionDefinition * def = isSgFunctionDefinition(n);
        if (def != NULL) {
                cout << "Found function definition " << def->get_declaration()->get_name().getString();
                Sg_File_Info * start = def->get_startOfConstruct();
                Sg_File_Info * end = def->get_endOfConstruct();
                if(start->isCompilerGenerated()) {
                        cout << ", which is compiler-generated" << endl;
                } else {
                        cout << " in file " << start->get_raw_filename() << " from line " << start->get_line() << ", col " << start->get_col() << " to line " << end->get_line() << ", col " << end->get_col() << endl;
                SgBasicBlock * body = def->get_body();
        Sg_File_Info * bodyStart = body->get_startOfConstruct();
        Sg_File_Info * bodyEnd =   body->get_endOfConstruct();
        cout << "Function body from line " << bodyStart->get_line() << ", col " << bodyStart->get_col() << " to line " << bodyEnd->get_line() << ", col " << bodyEnd->get_col() << endl; 
        cout << endl;
Esempio n. 2
 virtual void visit(SgNode *n) 
      SgDeclarationStatement *ds = isSgDeclarationStatement(n);
      SgFunctionDeclaration *fn = isSgFunctionDeclaration(n);
      if (!Doxygen::isRecognizedDeclaration(ds)) return;
      if (fn) 
           list<DoxygenComment *> *commentList = Doxygen::getCommentList(fn);
           bool isVoid = fn->get_type()->get_return_type()->variantT() == V_SgTypeVoid;
           for (list<DoxygenComment *>::iterator i = commentList->begin(); i != commentList->end(); ++i) 
                DoxygenComment *c = *i;
                if (isVoid) 
                     c->attach(c->originalFile, c->originalFile->group("Functions returning void"));
Esempio n. 3
void SystemDependenceGraph::build()
    boost::unordered_map<CFGVertex, Vertex> cfgVerticesToSdgVertices;
    boost::unordered_map<SgNode*, Vertex>   astNodesToSdgVertices;

    //map<SgFunctionCallExp*, vector<SDGNode*> > funcCallToArgs;

    vector<CallSiteInfo> functionCalls;

    map<SgNode*, vector<Vertex> > actualInParameters;
    map<SgNode*, vector<Vertex> > actualOutParameters;

    map<SgNode*, Vertex> formalInParameters;
    map<SgNode*, Vertex> formalOutParameters;

    vector<SgFunctionDefinition*> funcDefs = 
        SageInterface::querySubTree<SgFunctionDefinition>(project_, V_SgFunctionDefinition);
    foreach (SgFunctionDefinition* funcDef, funcDefs)
        SgFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl = funcDef->get_declaration();

        CFG* cfg = new CFG(funcDef, cfgNodefilter_);
        functionsToCFGs_[funcDecl] = cfg;

        // For each function, build an entry node for it.
        SDGNode* entry = new SDGNode(SDGNode::Entry);
        entry->astNode = funcDef;
        //entry->funcDef = funcDef;
        Vertex entryVertex = addVertex(entry);
        functionsToEntries_[funcDecl] = entryVertex;

        // Add all out formal parameters to SDG.
        const SgInitializedNamePtrList& formalArgs = funcDecl->get_args();
        foreach (SgInitializedName* initName, formalArgs)
            // If the parameter is passed by reference, create a formal-out node.
            if (isParaPassedByRef(initName->get_type()))
                SDGNode* formalOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::FormalOut);
                formalOutNode->astNode = initName;
                Vertex formalOutVertex = addVertex(formalOutNode);
                formalOutParameters[initName] = formalOutVertex;

                // Add a CD edge from call node to this formal-out node.
                addTrueCDEdge(entryVertex, formalOutVertex);

        // A vertex representing the returned value.
        Vertex returnVertex;

        // If the function returns something, build a formal-out node.
        if (!isSgTypeVoid(funcDecl->get_type()->get_return_type()))
            SDGNode* formalOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::FormalOut);
            // Assign the function declaration to the AST node of this vertex to make
            // it possible to classify this node into the subgraph of this function.
            formalOutNode->astNode = funcDecl;
            returnVertex = addVertex(formalOutNode);
            formalOutParameters[funcDecl] = returnVertex;

            // Add a CD edge from call node to this formal-out node.
            addTrueCDEdge(entryVertex, returnVertex);

        // Add all CFG vertices to SDG.
        foreach (CFGVertex cfgVertex, boost::vertices(*cfg))
            if (cfgVertex == cfg->getEntry() || cfgVertex == cfg->getExit())

            SgNode* astNode = (*cfg)[cfgVertex]->getNode();

            // If this node is an initialized name and it is a parameter, make it 
            // as a formal in node.
            SgInitializedName* initName = isSgInitializedName(astNode);
            if (initName && isSgFunctionParameterList(initName->get_parent()))
                SDGNode* formalInNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::FormalIn);
                formalInNode->astNode = initName;
                Vertex formalInVertex = addVertex(formalInNode);
                formalInParameters[initName] = formalInVertex;

                cfgVerticesToSdgVertices[cfgVertex] = formalInVertex;
                astNodesToSdgVertices[astNode] = formalInVertex;

                // Add a CD edge from call node to this formal-in node.
                addTrueCDEdge(entryVertex, formalInVertex);

            // Add a new node to SDG.
            SDGNode* newSdgNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::ASTNode);
            //newSdgNode->cfgNode = (*cfg)[cfgVertex];
            newSdgNode->astNode = astNode;
            Vertex sdgVertex = addVertex(newSdgNode);

            cfgVerticesToSdgVertices[cfgVertex] = sdgVertex;
            astNodesToSdgVertices[astNode] = sdgVertex;

            // Connect a vertex containing the return statement to the formal-out return vertex.
            if (isSgReturnStmt(astNode)
                    || isSgReturnStmt(astNode->get_parent()))
                SDGEdge* newEdge = new SDGEdge(SDGEdge::DataDependence);
                addEdge(sdgVertex, returnVertex, newEdge);                

            // If this CFG node contains a function call expression, extract its all parameters
            // and make them as actual-in nodes.

            if (SgFunctionCallExp* funcCallExpr = isSgFunctionCallExp(astNode))
                CallSiteInfo callInfo;
                callInfo.funcCall = funcCallExpr;
                callInfo.vertex = sdgVertex;

                // Change the node type.
                newSdgNode->type = SDGNode::FunctionCall;
                vector<SDGNode*> argsNodes;

                // Get the associated function declaration.
                SgFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl = funcCallExpr->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration();
                if (funcDecl == NULL) 
                const SgInitializedNamePtrList& formalArgs = funcDecl->get_args();

                SgExprListExp* args = funcCallExpr->get_args();
                const SgExpressionPtrList& actualArgs = args->get_expressions();
                if (formalArgs.size() != actualArgs.size())
                    cout << "The following function has variadic arguments:\n";
                    cout << funcDecl->get_file_info()->get_filename() << endl;
                    cout << funcDecl->get_name() << formalArgs.size() << " " << actualArgs.size() << endl;

                for (int i = 0, s = actualArgs.size(); i < s; ++i)
                    // Make sure that this parameter node is added to SDG then we
                    // change its node type from normal AST node to a ActualIn arg.

                    Vertex paraInVertex =[i]);
                    SDGNode* paraInNode = (*this)[paraInVertex]; 
                    paraInNode->type = SDGNode::ActualIn;


                    // Add a CD edge from call node to this actual-in node.
                    addTrueCDEdge(sdgVertex, paraInVertex);

                    // If the parameter is passed by reference, create a parameter-out node.
                    if (isParaPassedByRef(formalArgs[i]->get_type()))
                        SDGNode* paraOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::ActualOut);
                        paraOutNode->astNode = actualArgs[i];

                        // Add an actual-out parameter node.
                        Vertex paraOutVertex = addVertex(paraOutNode);

                        // Add a CD edge from call node to this actual-out node.
                        addTrueCDEdge(sdgVertex, paraOutVertex);

                if (!isSgTypeVoid(funcDecl->get_type()->get_return_type())) 
                    // If this function returns a value, create a actual-out vertex.
                    SDGNode* paraOutNode = new SDGNode(SDGNode::ActualOut);
                    paraOutNode->astNode = funcCallExpr;

                    // Add an actual-out parameter node.
                    Vertex paraOutVertex = addVertex(paraOutNode);
                    callInfo.isVoid = false;
                    callInfo.returned = paraOutVertex;

                    // Add a CD edge from call node to this actual-out node.
                    addTrueCDEdge(sdgVertex, paraOutVertex);

                //funcCallToArgs[funcCallExpr] = argsNodes;

        // Add control dependence edges.
        addControlDependenceEdges(cfgVerticesToSdgVertices, *cfg, entryVertex);
Esempio n. 4
SgFunctionDeclaration * CudaOutliner::generateFunction ( SgBasicBlock* s,
                                                         const string& func_name_str,
                                                         ASTtools::VarSymSet_t& syms,
							 MintHostSymToDevInitMap_t hostToDevVars,
							 const ASTtools::VarSymSet_t& pdSyms,
                                                         const ASTtools::VarSymSet_t& psyms,
                                                         SgScopeStatement* scope)
  //Create a function named 'func_name_str', with a parameter list from 'syms'                                                             
  //pdSyms specifies symbols which must use pointer dereferencing if replaced during outlining,  
  //only used when -rose:outline:temp_variable is used                                                                                     
  //psyms are the symbols for OpenMP private variables, or dead variables (not live-in, not live-out)    

  ROSE_ASSERT ( s && scope);

  // step 1: perform necessary liveness and side effect analysis, if requested.     
  // ---------------------------------------------------------                                                                           
  std::set< SgInitializedName *> liveIns, liveOuts;
  // Collect read-only variables of the outlining target                                                                                
  std::set<SgInitializedName*> readOnlyVars;
  if (Outliner::temp_variable||Outliner::enable_classic)
      SgStatement* firstStmt = (s->get_statements())[0];
      if (isSgForStatement(firstStmt)&& Outliner::enable_liveness)
          LivenessAnalysis * liv = SageInterface::call_liveness_analysis (SageInterface::getProject());
	  SageInterface::getLiveVariables(liv, isSgForStatement(firstStmt), liveIns, liveOuts);
      if (0)//Outliner::enable_debug)
          cout<<"  INFO:Mint: CudaOutliner::generateFunction()---Found "<<readOnlyVars.size()<<" read only variables..:";
          for (std::set<SgInitializedName*>::const_iterator iter = readOnlyVars.begin();
               iter!=readOnlyVars.end(); iter++)
            cout<<" "<<(*iter)->get_name().getString()<<" ";
          cout<<"CudaOutliner::generateFunction() -----Found "<<liveOuts.size()<<" live out variables..:";
          for (std::set<SgInitializedName*>::const_iterator iter = liveOuts.begin();
               iter!=liveOuts.end(); iter++)
            cout<<" "<<(*iter)->get_name().getString()<<" ";
    //step 2. Create function skeleton, 'func'.             
    // -----------------------------------------                
  SgName func_name (func_name_str);
  SgFunctionParameterList *parameterList = buildFunctionParameterList();
  SgType* func_Type = SgTypeVoid::createType ();
  SgFunctionDeclaration* func = createFuncSkeleton (func_name, func_Type ,parameterList, scope);

  //adds __global__ keyword 
  ROSE_ASSERT (func);

  // Liao, 4/15/2009 , enforce C-bindings  for C++ outlined code 
  // enable C code to call this outlined function                                                                                
  // Only apply to C++ , pure C has trouble in recognizing extern "C"                                                    
  // Another way is to attach the function with preprocessing info:                                                     
  // #if __cplusplus                                                                                                           
  // extern "C"                                                                                                              
  // #endif                                                                                                                                
  // We don't choose it since the language linkage information is not explicit in AST                                                           
  if ( SageInterface::is_Cxx_language() || is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language() \
       || is_mixed_Fortran_and_Cxx_language() || is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language() )
      // Make function 'extern "C"'                                                                                                                                         
      func->set_linkage ("C");

  //step 3. Create the function body                                                                                       
  // -----------------------------------------                                                                                              
  // Generate the function body by deep-copying 's'.                                                                                       
  SgBasicBlock* func_body = func->get_definition()->get_body();
  ROSE_ASSERT (func_body != NULL);

  // This does a copy of the statements in "s" to the function body of the outlined function.                                             
  ROSE_ASSERT(func_body->get_statements().empty() == true);

  // This calls AST copy on each statement in the SgBasicBlock, but not on the block, so the                                          
  // symbol table is setup by AST copy mechanism and it is  setup properly
  SageInterface::moveStatementsBetweenBlocks (s, func_body);

  if (Outliner::useNewFile)

  //step 4: variable handling, including:                                                                                                  
  // -----------------------------------------                                                                                             
  //   create parameters of the outlined functions                                                                                        
  //   add statements to unwrap the parameters if wrapping is requested
  //   add repacking statements if necessary                                                                                               
  //   replace variables to access to parameters, directly or indirectly                                                                  
  //   do not wrap parameters 
  Outliner::enable_classic = true;

  functionParameterHandling(syms, hostToDevVars, pdSyms, psyms, readOnlyVars, liveOuts, func);
  ROSE_ASSERT (func != NULL);
  // Retest this...  // Copied the similar fix from the rose outliner                        
  //     Liao 2/6/2013. It is essential to rebuild function type after the parameter list is finalized.
  //     The original function type was build using empty parameter list.
  SgType* stale_func_type = func->get_type();
  func->set_type(buildFunctionType(func->get_type()->get_return_type(), buildFunctionParameterTypeList(func->get_parameterList())));
  SgFunctionDeclaration* non_def_func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(func->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration ()) ;
  ROSE_ASSERT (non_def_func != NULL);
  ROSE_ASSERT (stale_func_type == non_def_func->get_type());

  ROSE_ASSERT(func->get_definition()->get_body()->get_parent() == func->get_definition());


  return func;
Esempio n. 5
//searches for locations where types may be connected through assignment, passing as argument and returns
//then passes the associated node along with the expression to link variables.
int Analysis::variableSetAnalysis(SgProject* project, SgType* matchType, bool base){
  RoseAst wholeAST(project);
  list<SgVariableDeclaration*> listOfGlobalVars = SgNodeHelper::listOfGlobalVars(project);
  if(listOfGlobalVars.size() > 0){
    for(auto varDec : listOfGlobalVars){
      SgInitializedName* initName = SgNodeHelper::getInitializedNameOfVariableDeclaration(varDec);
      if(!initName) continue;
      SgInitializer* init = initName->get_initializer();
      if(!init) continue;
      SgType* keyType = initName->get_type();
      if(!checkMatch(base, keyType, matchType)) continue;
      addToMap(varDec, varDec);  
      if(!isArrayPointerType(keyType)) continue;
      SgExpression* exp = init;
      linkVariables(varDec, keyType, exp);
  list<SgFunctionDefinition*> listOfFunctionDefinitions = SgNodeHelper::listOfFunctionDefinitions(project);
  for(auto funDef : listOfFunctionDefinitions){  
    SgInitializedNamePtrList& initNameList = SgNodeHelper::getFunctionDefinitionFormalParameterList(funDef);
    SgFunctionDeclaration* funDec = funDef->get_declaration();
    if(checkMatch(base, funDec->get_type()->get_return_type(), matchType)) addToMap(funDec, funDec);
    for(auto init : initNameList) if(checkMatch(base, init->get_type(), matchType)) addToMap(init, init);
    RoseAst ast(funDef);
    for(RoseAst::iterator i = ast.begin(); i!=ast.end(); i++){
      SgNode* key = nullptr;
      SgType* keyType = nullptr;
      SgExpression* exp = nullptr;
      if(SgAssignOp* assignOp = isSgAssignOp(*i)){
        SgExpression* lhs = assignOp->get_lhs_operand();
        if(SgVarRefExp* varRef = isSgVarRefExp(lhs)){
          keyType = varRef->get_type();
          if(!isArrayPointerType(keyType)) continue;    
          SgVariableSymbol* varSym = varRef->get_symbol();
	  key = varSym->get_declaration()->get_declaration();
        exp = assignOp->get_rhs_operand();
      else if(SgVariableDeclaration* varDec = isSgVariableDeclaration(*i)){
        SgInitializedName* initName = SgNodeHelper::getInitializedNameOfVariableDeclaration(varDec);
        if(!initName) continue;
        if(checkMatch(base, matchType, initName->get_type())) addToMap(varDec, varDec);
        SgInitializer* init = initName->get_initializer();
        if(!init) continue;
        keyType = initName->get_type();
        if(!isArrayPointerType(keyType)) continue;
        key = initName->get_declaration();
        exp = init;
      else if(SgFunctionCallExp* callExp = isSgFunctionCallExp(*i)){
        SgFunctionDefinition* funDef = SgNodeHelper::determineFunctionDefinition(callExp);
        if(!funDef) continue;
        SgInitializedNamePtrList& initNameList = SgNodeHelper::getFunctionDefinitionFormalParameterList(funDef);
        SgExpressionPtrList& expList = callExp->get_args()->get_expressions();
        auto initIter = initNameList.begin();
        auto expIter  = expList.begin(); 
        while(initIter != initNameList.end()){
            if(checkMatch(base, matchType, (*initIter)->get_type())) linkVariables((*initIter), (*initIter)->get_type(), (*expIter));
      else if(SgReturnStmt* ret = isSgReturnStmt(*i)){
        exp = ret->get_expression();
        keyType = exp->get_type();
        if(!isArrayPointerType(keyType)) continue;
        key = funDec;
      if(!checkMatch(base, keyType, matchType)) continue;
      if(key && keyType && exp) linkVariables(key, keyType, exp);
  for(auto i = setMap.begin(); i != setMap.end(); ++i){
    bool intersect = false;
    set<SgNode*>* found = nullptr;
    for(auto j = listSets.begin(); j != listSets.end(); ++j){
      intersect = setIntersect(*j, i->second);
      if((*j)->count(i->first)) intersect = true;
      if(found != nullptr && intersect){ 
        inPlaceUnion(found, i->second);
        inPlaceUnion(found, *j);
        j = listSets.erase(j);
      else if(intersect){
        inPlaceUnion(*j, i->second);
        found = *j;
      set<SgNode*>* copy = copySet(i->second);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void SimpleInstrumentation::visit ( SgNode* astNode )
          case V_SgFunctionCallExp:
               SgFunctionCallExp *functionCallExp = isSgFunctionCallExp(astNode);
               SgExpression *function = functionCallExp->get_function();
               switch (function->variantT())
                    case V_SgFunctionRefExp:
                         SgFunctionRefExp *functionRefExp = isSgFunctionRefExp(function);
                         SgFunctionSymbol *symbol = functionRefExp->get_symbol();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(symbol != NULL);
                         SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration = symbol->get_declaration();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(functionDeclaration != NULL);
                         if (symbol == functionSymbol)
                           // Now we know that we have found the correct function call 
                           // (even in the presence of overloading or other forms of hidding)
                           // Now fixup the symbol and type of the SgFunctionRefExp object to 
                           // reflect the new function to be called (after this we still have to 
                           // fixup the argument list in the SgFunctionCallExp.

                           // We only want to build the decalration once (and insert it into the global scope)
                           // after that we save the symbol and reuse it.
                              if (newFunctionSymbol == NULL)
                                   SgFunctionType* originalFunctionType = isSgFunctionType(functionSymbol->get_type());
                                   ROSE_ASSERT(originalFunctionType != NULL);
                                   newFunctionSymbol = buildNewFunctionDeclaration (TransformationSupport::getStatement(astNode),originalFunctionType);

                              ROSE_ASSERT(newFunctionSymbol != NULL);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(newFunctionSymbol->get_type() != NULL);


                         cerr<<"warning: unrecognized variant: "<<function->class_name();

          case V_SgFunctionDeclaration:
               SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(astNode);
               string functionName = functionDeclaration->get_name().str();
               if (functionName == "send")
                    SgFunctionType *functionType = functionDeclaration->get_type();
                    ROSE_ASSERT(functionType != NULL);
                    bool foundFunction = false;
                    if (functionType->get_return_type()->unparseToString() == "ssize_t")
                         SgTypePtrList & argumentList = functionType->get_arguments();
                         SgTypePtrList::iterator i = argumentList.begin();
                         if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "int" )
                              if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "const void *" )
                                   if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "size_t" )
                                        if ( (*i++)->unparseToString() == "int" )
                                             foundFunction = true;

                    if (foundFunction == true)
                      // Now get the sysmbol using functionType
                         SgScopeStatement *scope = functionDeclaration->get_scope();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(scope != NULL);
                         functionSymbol = scope->lookup_function_symbol (functionName,functionType);
            // No other special cases