Esempio n. 1
//! init virtual fucntion inheritance
void Classhierarchy::inheritVirtualFunctions()
        // prepare LUT for multiple declarations
        //map<SgNode *, set<SgNode *> > multDec;
        property_map< dbgType, boost::vertex_classhierarchy_t>::type chMap = boost::get( boost::vertex_classhierarchy, *this );
        graph_traits< dbgType >::vertex_iterator vi,vend;
        tie(vi,vend) = vertices( *this );
        //graph_traits< dbgType >::vertex_descriptor par=*vi, succ=*vi;

        // output info
        for(; vi!=vend; vi++) {
                //cerr << " BCH v i"<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;
                for( set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[*vi].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[*vi].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        SgFunctionDeclaration *funcDec = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        //cerr << " BCH chd " << funcDec->get_mangled_name().str()<< endl; // debug
                        //cerr << " BCH chd " << funcDec->get_mangled_name().str()<< " "<< (int)funcDec->get_type() << endl; // debug

        // search for multiple declarations
        tie(vi,vend) = vertices( *this );
        for(; vi!=vend; vi++) {
                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[*vi].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[*vi].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        SgFunctionDeclaration *funcDec = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        bool found = true;
                        while(found) {
                                found = false;
                                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chdComp = chMap[*vi].defined.begin(); 
                                                (chdComp!= chMap[*vi].defined.end())&&(!found); ) {
                                        SgFunctionDeclaration *compDec = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chdComp );
                                        if(chdComp != chd) {
                                                //if( compDec->get_type() == funcDec->get_type() ) { // ??? TODO fix type comparison?
                                                if(compareFunctionDeclarations(compDec, funcDec)) {
                                                        //cerr << " BCH REM " << funcDec->get_mangled_name().str()<< " " << compDec->get_mangled_name().str() << endl; // debug
                                                        chMap[*vi].multDeclarations[ funcDec ].insert( compDec );
                                                        found = true;
                                                        chMap[*vi].defined.erase( chdComp ); // should return new iterator in newer STL standard??
                                                        //chVertexData::iterator chdComp2 = (chMap[*vi]).erase( chdComp );
                                                        //chdComp = chdComp2;
                //cerr << " BCH removing i"<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;
                                        if(!found) chdComp++;
                        } // found
                //if( get( vertex_dbg_data,  *this , *vi).get_id() == edges[i].get_sourceId() ) {
                //par = *vi;
                //parFound = true;

        //typedef std::deque< boostVert > container;
        //cerr << " TOPO START " << endl;
        std::deque< dbgVertex > torder;
        try {
                boost::topological_sort(*this, std::back_inserter(torder));
        } catch(boost::not_a_dag) {
                cerr << "CH -  BOOST ERROR: NOT A DAG!!!!!??? " << endl;
                assert( false );
        //cerr << " TOPO END " << endl;

        //cerr << " -- " << endl; // debug
        for( std::deque< dbgVertex >::iterator vi=torder.begin(); vi!=torder.end(); vi++) {
                dbgVertex srcVert = *vi; // current vertex in the topo order
                //cerr << "XTOPO v i"<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;

                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[srcVert].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[srcVert].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        SgFunctionDeclaration *defMF = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        bool erased = true;
                        while(erased) {
                                erased = false;
                                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator inhd= chMap[srcVert].inherited.begin(); 
                                                inhd!= chMap[srcVert].inherited.end() && (!erased); ) {
                                        SgFunctionDeclaration *inhMF = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *inhd );
                                        if(compareFunctionDeclarations(defMF, inhMF)) {
                                                // own function overrides, so delete old one
                                                chMap[srcVert].inherited.erase( *inhd );
                                                erased = true;
                //cerr << "  TOPO MF:"<< defMF->get_mangled_name().str()<< " overrides MF:"<< inhMF->get_mangled_name().str() << endl; // debug
                                        if(!erased) inhd++;
                // add to inherited functions
                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[srcVert].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[srcVert].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        chMap[srcVert].inherited.insert( *chd );

                // inherit own methods to child classes
                graph_traits<dbgType>::in_edge_iterator ii,iend;
                tie(ii,iend) = in_edges(*vi, *this);
                for(; ii!=iend; ii++) {
                        //dbgVertex srcVert = source(*ii,*this);
                        // methods inherited from this class to the other one
                        dbgVertex child = source(*ii, *this);
                //cerr << " T inherits to "<< get(vertex_index,*this,child)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, child)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, child) << endl;
                        //for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[srcVert].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[srcVert].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[srcVert].inherited.begin(); chd!= chMap[srcVert].inherited.end(); chd++) {
                                SgFunctionDeclaration *inhFunc = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                                bool virt = false;
                //cerr << "  TOPO v srch1" << endl;
                                if(inhFunc->isVirtual()) virt = true;
                                // also check multiple declarations
                //cerr << "  TOPO v srch2" << endl;
                                if(!virt) {
                                        for(set<SgNode *>::iterator si=chMap[srcVert].multDeclarations[inhFunc].begin(); 
                                                        si != chMap[srcVert].multDeclarations[inhFunc].end(); si++) {
                                                SgFunctionDeclaration *inhDup = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *si );
                                                if(inhDup->isVirtual()) virt = true;
                //cerr << "  TOPO v srch "<< inhDup->get_mangled_name().str() << endl; // debug
                                        // TODO check virtual inheritance? other declarations?
                                if(virt) {
                                        //cerr << " VIRT " << inhFunc->get_mangled_name().str() << endl; // debug
                                        // and now... ??
                                chMap[child].inherited.insert( inhFunc );
                        //cerr << " BOOST v <<< " << get(vertex_index1, *this, boost::target(*ii,*this) )<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, boost::target(*ii,*this) ) << endl; // debug


        // add own methods to all inherited ones
        for( std::deque< dbgVertex >::iterator vi=torder.begin(); vi!=torder.end(); vi++) {

Esempio n. 2
//! search for all possible (virtual) function calls 
Classhierarchy::searchMemberFunctionCalls(SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* mfCall)
        vector<SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*> retvec;
        property_map< dbgType, boost::vertex_classhierarchy_t>::type chMap = boost::get( boost::vertex_classhierarchy, *this );

        SgClassDefinition *classDef  = mfCall->get_scope();
        SgName                                           classname = classDef->get_qualified_name(); // MANGLE
        string                                           cnamestr  = classname.str();
        graph_traits< dbgType >::vertex_iterator vi,vend;
        dbgVertex vdesc = *vi;
        bool foundVertex = false;
        tie(vi,vend) = vertices( *this );
        for(; vi!=vend; vi++) {
                //cerr << " BCH v i"<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;
                if( get(vertex_dbg_data, *this, *vi).get_typeName() == cnamestr ) {
                        //cerr << " SMF srch "<< cnamestr <<" vi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl;
                        vdesc = *vi;
                        foundVertex = true;
        if(!foundVertex) { cerr << " SMF srch "<< cnamestr <<" vi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,*vi)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, *vi)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, *vi) << endl; }
        assert( foundVertex );

        set<dbgVertex> treeset;
        treeset.insert( vdesc );

        // first find "highest" class in CH that still provides this MF
        dbgVertex vhighest = vdesc; // first assume its the current one
        graph_traits<dbgType>::out_edge_iterator oi,oend;
        tie(oi,oend) = out_edges( vdesc, *this);
        for(; oi!=oend; oi++) {
                //cerr << " SMF inherits from "<< get(vertex_index,*this,target(*oi,*this))<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, target(*oi,*this))<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, target(*oi,*this)) << endl;
                // does any of the base classes implement the member function?
                bool noParentImpl = true; 
                // check if this base class also implements MF
                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[target(*oi,*this)].inherited.begin(); 
                                chd!= chMap[target(*oi,*this)].inherited.end(); chd++) {
                        SgFunctionDeclaration *inhFunc = isSgFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        bool virt = false;
                        //cerr << "  TOPO v srch1" << endl;
                        if(inhFunc->isVirtual()) virt = true;
                        if( (virt) && (compareFunctionDeclarations(inhFunc,mfCall)) ) {
                                // remeber for traversal
                                treeset.insert( target(*oi, *this) );
                                noParentImpl = false;
                if(noParentImpl) {
                        // we found it
                        vhighest = target(*oi, *this);
        //cerr << " SMF high "<< cnamestr <<" vi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,vhighest)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, vhighest)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, vhighest) << endl; 

        // now traverse class hierachy downwards, for all children that implement this function, add to set
        set<dbgVertex> tovisit;
        set<dbgVertex> visited;
        tovisit.insert( vhighest );
        //hier weiter
        while( tovisit.size() > 0 ) {
                dbgVertex currVert = *(tovisit.begin());
                tovisit.erase( currVert );
                visited.insert( currVert );
        //cerr << " SMF visi "<< get(vertex_index,*this,currVert)<< " i1" << get(vertex_index1, *this, currVert)<<","<< get(vertex_name, *this, currVert) << endl; 
                for(set<SgNode*>::iterator chd= chMap[currVert].defined.begin(); chd!= chMap[currVert].defined.end(); chd++) {
                        SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*inhFunc = isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration( *chd );
                        if(compareFunctionDeclarations(inhFunc,mfCall)) {
                                retvec.push_back( inhFunc );
                graph_traits<dbgType>::in_edge_iterator ii,iend;
                tie(ii,iend) = in_edges( currVert, *this);
                for(; ii!=iend; ii++) {
                        dbgVertex child = source(*ii, *this);
                        // only insert of not already visited
                        set<dbgVertex>::iterator found = visited.find( child );
                        if(found == visited.end()) 
                                tovisit.insert( child );

        //retvec.push_back( mfCall );
        return retvec;