Esempio n. 1
bool EpaPenetrationDepthSolver::HybridPenDepth( SimplexSolverInterface& simplexSolver,
												ConvexShape* pConvexA, ConvexShape* pConvexB,
												const SimdTransform& transformA, const SimdTransform& transformB,
												SimdPoint3& wWitnessOnA, SimdPoint3& wWitnessOnB,
											    SimdScalar& penDepth, SimdVector3& v )
	SimdScalar squaredDistance = SIMD_INFINITY;
	SimdScalar delta = 0.f;

	const SimdScalar margin     = pConvexA->GetMargin() + pConvexB->GetMargin();
	const SimdScalar marginSqrd = margin * margin;


	int nbIterations = 0;

	while ( true )
		assert( ( v.length2() > 0 ) && "Warning: v is the zero vector!" );

		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInA = -v * transformA.getBasis();
		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInB =  v * transformB.getBasis();

		SimdVector3 pInA = pConvexA->LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin( seperatingAxisInA );
		SimdVector3 qInB = pConvexB->LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin( seperatingAxisInB );

		SimdPoint3  pWorld = transformA( pInA );
		SimdPoint3  qWorld = transformB( qInB );

		SimdVector3 w = pWorld - qWorld;
		delta = w );

		// potential exit, they don't overlap
		if ( ( delta > 0 ) && ( ( delta * delta / squaredDistance ) > marginSqrd ) )
			// Convex shapes do not overlap
			// Returning true means that Hybrid's result is ok and there's no need to run EPA
			penDepth = 0;
			return true;

		//exit 0: the new point is already in the simplex, or we didn't come any closer
		if ( ( squaredDistance - delta <= squaredDistance * g_GJKMaxRelErrorSqrd ) || simplexSolver.inSimplex( w ) )
			simplexSolver.compute_points( wWitnessOnA, wWitnessOnB );

			assert( ( squaredDistance > 0 ) && "squaredDistance is zero!" );
			SimdScalar vLength = sqrt( squaredDistance );

			wWitnessOnA -= v * ( pConvexA->GetMargin() / vLength );
			wWitnessOnB += v * ( pConvexB->GetMargin() / vLength );

			penDepth = pConvexA->GetMargin() + pConvexB->GetMargin() - vLength;

			// Returning true means that Hybrid's result is ok and there's no need to run EPA
			return true;

		//add current vertex to simplex
		simplexSolver.addVertex( w, pWorld, qWorld );

		//calculate the closest point to the origin (update vector v)
		if ( !simplexSolver.closest( v ) )
			simplexSolver.compute_points( wWitnessOnA, wWitnessOnB );

			assert( ( squaredDistance > 0 ) && "squaredDistance is zero!" );
			SimdScalar vLength = sqrt( squaredDistance );

			wWitnessOnA -= v * ( pConvexA->GetMargin() / vLength );
			wWitnessOnB += v * ( pConvexB->GetMargin() / vLength );

			penDepth = pConvexA->GetMargin() + pConvexB->GetMargin() - vLength;

			// Returning true means that Hybrid's result is ok and there's no need to run EPA
			return true;

		SimdScalar previousSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;
		squaredDistance = v.length2();

		//are we getting any closer ?
		if ( previousSquaredDistance - squaredDistance <= SIMD_EPSILON * previousSquaredDistance ) 
			simplexSolver.backup_closest( v );
			squaredDistance = v.length2();

			simplexSolver.compute_points( wWitnessOnA, wWitnessOnB );

			assert( ( squaredDistance > 0 ) && "squaredDistance is zero!" );
			SimdScalar vLength = sqrt( squaredDistance );

			wWitnessOnA -= v * ( pConvexA->GetMargin() / vLength );
			wWitnessOnB += v * ( pConvexB->GetMargin() / vLength );

			penDepth = pConvexA->GetMargin() + pConvexB->GetMargin() - vLength;

			// Returning true means that Hybrid's result is ok and there's no need to run EPA
			return true;

		if ( simplexSolver.fullSimplex() || ( squaredDistance <= SIMD_EPSILON * simplexSolver.maxVertex() ) )
			// Convex Shapes intersect - we need to run EPA
			// Returning false means that Hybrid couldn't do anything for us
			// and that we need to run EPA to calculate the pen depth
			return false;

Esempio n. 2
bool calcPenDepth()
	// Ryn Hybrid Pen Depth and EPA if necessary

	SimdVector3 v( 1, 0, 0 );

	SimdScalar squaredDistance = SIMD_INFINITY;
	SimdScalar delta = 0.f;

	const SimdScalar margin     = g_pConvexShapes[ 0 ]->GetMargin() + g_pConvexShapes[ 1 ]->GetMargin();
	const SimdScalar marginSqrd = margin * margin;

	SimdScalar maxRelErrorSqrd = 1e-3 * 1e-3;


	while ( true )
		assert( ( v.length2() > 0 ) && "Warning: v is the zero vector!" );

		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInA = -v * g_convexShapesTransform[ 0 ].getBasis();
		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInB =  v * g_convexShapesTransform[ 1 ].getBasis();

		SimdVector3 pInA = g_pConvexShapes[ 0 ]->LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin( seperatingAxisInA );
		SimdVector3 qInB = g_pConvexShapes[ 1 ]->LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin( seperatingAxisInB );

		SimdPoint3  pWorld = g_convexShapesTransform[ 0 ]( pInA );
		SimdPoint3  qWorld = g_convexShapesTransform[ 1 ]( qInB );

		SimdVector3 w = pWorld - qWorld;
		delta = w );

		// potential exit, they don't overlap
		if ( ( delta > 0 ) && ( ( delta * delta / squaredDistance ) > marginSqrd ) )
			// Convex shapes do not overlap
			return false;

		//exit 0: the new point is already in the simplex, or we didn't come any closer
		if ( ( squaredDistance - delta <= squaredDistance * maxRelErrorSqrd ) || simplexSolver.inSimplex( w ) )
			simplexSolver.compute_points( g_wWitnesses[ 0 ], g_wWitnesses[ 1 ] );

			assert( ( squaredDistance > 0 ) && "squaredDistance is zero!" );
			SimdScalar vLength = sqrt( squaredDistance );

			g_wWitnesses[ 0 ] -= v * ( g_pConvexShapes[ 0 ]->GetMargin() / vLength );
			g_wWitnesses[ 1 ] += v * ( g_pConvexShapes[ 1 ]->GetMargin() / vLength );

			return true;

		//add current vertex to simplex
		simplexSolver.addVertex( w, pWorld, qWorld );

		//calculate the closest point to the origin (update vector v)
		if ( !simplexSolver.closest( v ) )
			simplexSolver.compute_points( g_wWitnesses[ 0 ], g_wWitnesses[ 1 ] );

			assert( ( squaredDistance > 0 ) && "squaredDistance is zero!" );
			SimdScalar vLength = sqrt( squaredDistance );

			g_wWitnesses[ 0 ] -= v * ( g_pConvexShapes[ 0 ]->GetMargin() / vLength );
			g_wWitnesses[ 1 ] += v * ( g_pConvexShapes[ 1 ]->GetMargin() / vLength );

			return true;

		SimdScalar previousSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;
		squaredDistance = v.length2();

		//are we getting any closer ?
		if ( previousSquaredDistance - squaredDistance <= SIMD_EPSILON * previousSquaredDistance ) 
			simplexSolver.backup_closest( v );
			squaredDistance = v.length2();

			simplexSolver.compute_points( g_wWitnesses[ 0 ], g_wWitnesses[ 1 ] );

			assert( ( squaredDistance > 0 ) && "squaredDistance is zero!" );
			SimdScalar vLength = sqrt( squaredDistance );

			g_wWitnesses[ 0 ] -= v * ( g_pConvexShapes[ 0 ]->GetMargin() / vLength );
			g_wWitnesses[ 1 ] += v * ( g_pConvexShapes[ 1 ]->GetMargin() / vLength );

			return true;

		if ( simplexSolver.fullSimplex() || ( squaredDistance <= SIMD_EPSILON * simplexSolver.maxVertex() ) )
			// Run EPA

	return epaPenDepthSolver.CalcPenDepth( simplexSolver, g_pConvexShapes[ 0 ], g_pConvexShapes[ 1 ],
		g_convexShapesTransform[ 0 ], g_convexShapesTransform[ 1 ], v,
		g_wWitnesses[ 0 ], g_wWitnesses[ 1 ], 0 );