Esempio n. 1
bool Solid3EpaPenetrationDepth::CalcPenDepth( SimplexSolverInterface& simplexSolver,
			ConvexShape* convexA,ConvexShape* convexB,
			const SimdTransform& transformA,const SimdTransform& transformB,
			SimdVector3& v, SimdPoint3& pa, SimdPoint3& pb)
    int num_verts = simplexSolver.getSimplex(pBuf, qBuf, yBuf);

    switch (num_verts) 
	case 1:
	    // Touching contact. Yes, we have a collision,
	    // but no penetration.
	    return false;
	case 2:	
	    // We have a line segment inside the Minkowski sum containing the
	    // origin. Blow it up by adding three additional support points.
	    SimdVector3 dir  = (yBuf[1] - yBuf[0]).normalized();
	    int        axis = dir.furthestAxis();
	    static SimdScalar sin_60 = 0.8660254037f;//84438646763723170752941.22474487f;//13915890490986420373529;//
	    SimdQuaternion rot(dir[0] * sin_60, dir[1] * sin_60, dir[2] * sin_60, SimdScalar(0.5));
	    SimdMatrix3x3 rot_mat(rot);
	    SimdVector3 aux1 = dir.cross(SimdVector3(axis == 0, axis == 1, axis == 2));
	    SimdVector3 aux2 = rot_mat * aux1;
	    SimdVector3 aux3 = rot_mat * aux2;
	    pBuf[2] = transformA(convexA->LocalGetSupportingVertex(aux1*transformA.getBasis()));
		qBuf[2] = transformB(convexB->LocalGetSupportingVertex((-aux1)*transformB.getBasis()));
	    yBuf[2] = pBuf[2] - qBuf[2];
	    pBuf[3] = transformA(convexA->LocalGetSupportingVertex(aux2*transformA.getBasis()));
		qBuf[3] = transformB(convexB->LocalGetSupportingVertex((-aux2)*transformB.getBasis()));
	    yBuf[3] = pBuf[3] - qBuf[3];
		pBuf[4] = transformA(convexA->LocalGetSupportingVertex(aux3*transformA.getBasis()));
		qBuf[4] = transformB(convexB->LocalGetSupportingVertex((-aux3)*transformB.getBasis()));
	    yBuf[4] = pBuf[4] - qBuf[4];
	    if (originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[2], yBuf[3], yBuf[4])) 
			pBuf[1] = pBuf[4];
			qBuf[1] = qBuf[4];
			yBuf[1] = yBuf[4];
	    else if (originInTetrahedron(yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[3], yBuf[4])) 
			pBuf[0] = pBuf[4];
			qBuf[0] = qBuf[4];
			yBuf[0] = yBuf[4];
			// Origin not in initial polytope
			return false;
	    num_verts = 4;
	case 3: 
	    // We have a triangle inside the Minkowski sum containing
	    // the origin. First blow it up.
	    SimdVector3 v1     = yBuf[1] - yBuf[0];
	    SimdVector3 v2     = yBuf[2] - yBuf[0];
	    SimdVector3 vv     = v1.cross(v2);
		pBuf[3] = transformA(convexA->LocalGetSupportingVertex(vv*transformA.getBasis()));
		qBuf[3] = transformB(convexB->LocalGetSupportingVertex((-vv)*transformB.getBasis()));
	    yBuf[3] = pBuf[3] - qBuf[3];
		pBuf[4] = transformA(convexA->LocalGetSupportingVertex((-vv)*transformA.getBasis()));
		qBuf[4] = transformB(convexB->LocalGetSupportingVertex(vv*transformB.getBasis()));
	    yBuf[4] = pBuf[4] - qBuf[4];
	    if (originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[4])) 
			pBuf[3] = pBuf[4];
			qBuf[3] = qBuf[4];
			yBuf[3] = yBuf[4];
	    else if (!originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[3]))
			// Origin not in initial polytope
			return false;
	    num_verts = 4;
    // We have a tetrahedron inside the Minkowski sum containing
    // the origin (if GJK did it's job right ;-)
    if (!originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[3])) 
		//	assert(false);
		return false;
	num_facets = 0;
    freeFacet = 0;

    ReplaceMeFacet *f0 = addFacet(0, 1, 2, SimdScalar(0.0), SIMD_INFINITY);
    ReplaceMeFacet *f1 = addFacet(0, 3, 1, SimdScalar(0.0), SIMD_INFINITY);
    ReplaceMeFacet *f2 = addFacet(0, 2, 3, SimdScalar(0.0), SIMD_INFINITY);
    ReplaceMeFacet *f3 = addFacet(1, 3, 2, SimdScalar(0.0), SIMD_INFINITY);
    if (!f0 || f0->getDist2() == SimdScalar(0.0) ||
		!f1 || f1->getDist2() == SimdScalar(0.0) ||
		!f2 || f2->getDist2() == SimdScalar(0.0) ||
		!f3 || f3->getDist2() == SimdScalar(0.0)) 
		return false;
    f0->link(0, f1, 2);
    f0->link(1, f3, 2);
    f0->link(2, f2, 0);
    f1->link(0, f2, 2);
    f1->link(1, f3, 0);
    f2->link(1, f3, 1);
    if (num_facets == 0) 
		return false;
    // at least one facet on the heap.	
    ReplaceMeEdgeBuffer edgeBuffer(20);

    ReplaceMeFacet *facet = 0;
    SimdScalar upper_bound2 = SIMD_INFINITY; 	
    do {
        facet = facetHeap[0];
        std::pop_heap(&facetHeap[0], &facetHeap[num_facets], myFacetComp);
		if (!facet->isObsolete()) 
			assert(facet->getDist2() > SimdScalar(0.0));
			if (num_verts == MaxSupportPoints)
#ifdef DEBUG
				std::cout << "Ouch, no convergence!!!" << std::endl;
				ASSERT_MESSAGE(false,"Error: pendepth calc failed");	
			pBuf[num_verts] = transformA(convexA->LocalGetSupportingVertex((facet->getClosest())*transformA.getBasis()));
			qBuf[num_verts] = transformB(convexB->LocalGetSupportingVertex((-facet->getClosest())*transformB.getBasis()));
			yBuf[num_verts] = pBuf[num_verts] - qBuf[num_verts];

			int index = num_verts++;
			SimdScalar far_dist2 = yBuf[index].dot(facet->getClosest());

			// Make sure the support mapping is OK.
			//assert(far_dist2 > SimdScalar(0.0));
			// this is to avoid problems with implicit-sphere-touching contact
			if (far_dist2 < SimdScalar(0.0))
				return false;

			GEN_set_min(upper_bound2, (far_dist2 * far_dist2) / facet->getDist2());
			if (upper_bound2 <= ReplaceMeAccuracy::depth_tolerance * facet->getDist2()
				|| yBuf[index] == yBuf[(*facet)[0]] 
				|| yBuf[index] == yBuf[(*facet)[1]]
				|| yBuf[index] == yBuf[(*facet)[2]]
			// Compute the silhouette cast by the new vertex
			// Note that the new vertex is on the positive side
			// of the current facet, so the current facet is will
			// not be in the convex hull. Start local search
			// from this facet.
			facet->silhouette(yBuf[index], edgeBuffer);
			if (edgeBuffer.empty()) 
				return false;
			ReplaceMeEdgeBuffer::const_iterator it = edgeBuffer.begin();
			ReplaceMeFacet *firstFacet = 
				addFacet((*it).getTarget(), (*it).getSource(),
						 index, facet->getDist2(), upper_bound2);
			if (!firstFacet) 
			firstFacet->link(0, (*it).getFacet(), (*it).getIndex());
			ReplaceMeFacet *lastFacet = firstFacet;
			for (; it != edgeBuffer.end(); ++it) 
				ReplaceMeFacet *newFacet = 
					addFacet((*it).getTarget(), (*it).getSource(),
							 index, facet->getDist2(), upper_bound2);
				if (!newFacet) 
				if (!newFacet->link(0, (*it).getFacet(), (*it).getIndex())) 
				if (!newFacet->link(2, lastFacet, 1)) 
				lastFacet = newFacet;				
			if (it != edgeBuffer.end()) 
			firstFacet->link(2, lastFacet, 1);
    while (num_facets > 0 && facetHeap[0]->getDist2() <= upper_bound2);
#ifdef DEBUG    
    std::cout << "#facets left = " << num_facets << std::endl;
    v = facet->getClosest();
    pa = facet->getClosestPoint(pBuf);    
    pb = facet->getClosestPoint(qBuf);    
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool Epa::Initialize( SimplexSolverInterface& simplexSolver )
	// Run GJK on the enlarged shapes to obtain a simplex of the enlarged CSO

	SimdVector3 v( 1, 0, 0 );
	SimdScalar squaredDistance = SIMD_INFINITY;

	SimdScalar delta = 0.f;


	int nbIterations = 0;

	while ( true )
		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( ( v.length2() > 0 ) ,"Warning : v has zero magnitude!" );

		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInA = -v * m_transformA.getBasis();
		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInB =  v * m_transformB.getBasis();

		SimdVector3 pInA = m_pConvexShapeA->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInA );
		SimdVector3 qInB = m_pConvexShapeB->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInB );

		SimdPoint3  pWorld = m_transformA( pInA );
		SimdPoint3  qWorld = m_transformB( qInB );

		SimdVector3 w = pWorld - qWorld;
		delta = w );

		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( ( delta <= 0 ) ,"Shapes are disjoint, EPA should have never    been called!" );
		if ( delta > 0.f )
			return false;

		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( !simplexSolver.inSimplex( w ) ,"Shapes are disjoint, EPA should have never been called!" );
		if (simplexSolver.inSimplex( w ))
			return false;

		// Add support point to simplex
		simplexSolver.addVertex( w, pWorld, qWorld );

		bool closestOk = simplexSolver.closest( v );
		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( closestOk ,"Shapes are disjoint, EPA should have never been called!" );
		if (!closestOk)
			return false;
		SimdScalar prevVSqrd = squaredDistance;
		squaredDistance = v.length2();

		// Is v converging to v(A-B) ?
		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( ( ( prevVSqrd - squaredDistance ) > SIMD_EPSILON * prevVSqrd ) ,
				"Shapes are disjoint, EPA should have never been called!" );
		if (( ( prevVSqrd - squaredDistance ) <= SIMD_EPSILON * prevVSqrd ))
			return false;

		if ( simplexSolver.fullSimplex() || ( squaredDistance <= SIMD_EPSILON * simplexSolver.maxVertex() ) )


	SimdPoint3 simplexPoints[ 5 ];
	SimdPoint3 wSupportPointsOnA[ 5 ];
	SimdPoint3 wSupportPointsOnB[ 5 ];

	int nbSimplexPoints = simplexSolver.getSimplex( wSupportPointsOnA, wSupportPointsOnB, simplexPoints );

	// nbSimplexPoints can't be one because cases where the origin is on the boundary are handled
	// by hybrid penetration depth
	EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( ( ( nbSimplexPoints > 1 ) ,( nbSimplexPoints <= 4 ) ) ,
		    "Hybrid Penetration Depth algorithm failed!" );

	int nbPolyhedronPoints = nbSimplexPoints;

	int initTetraIndices[ 4 ] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

	//	Prepare initial polyhedron to start EPA from
	if ( nbSimplexPoints == 1 )
		return false;
	else if ( nbSimplexPoints == 2 )
		// We have a line segment inside the CSO that contains the origin
		// Create an hexahedron ( two tetrahedron glued together ) by adding 3 new points

		SimdVector3 d = simplexPoints[ 0 ] - simplexPoints[ 1 ];

		SimdVector3 v1;
		SimdVector3 v2;
		SimdVector3 v3;

		SimdVector3 e1;

		SimdScalar absx = abs( d.getX() );
		SimdScalar absy = abs( d.getY() );
		SimdScalar absz = abs( d.getZ() );

		if ( absx < absy )
			if ( absx < absz )
				e1.setX( 1 );
				e1.setZ( 1 );
			if ( absy < absz )
				e1.setY( 1 );
				e1.setZ( 1 );

		v1 = d.cross( e1 );

		v2 = v1.rotate( d, 120 * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG );
		v3 = v2.rotate( d, 120 * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG );

		nbPolyhedronPoints = 5;

		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInA =  v1 * m_transformA.getBasis();
		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInB = -v1 * m_transformB.getBasis();

		SimdVector3 p = m_pConvexShapeA->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInA );
		SimdVector3 q = m_pConvexShapeB->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInB );

		SimdPoint3 pWorld = m_transformA( p );
		SimdPoint3 qWorld = m_transformB( q );

		wSupportPointsOnA[ 2 ] = pWorld;
		wSupportPointsOnB[ 2 ] = qWorld;
		simplexPoints[ 2 ]	   = wSupportPointsOnA[ 2 ] - wSupportPointsOnB[ 2 ];

		seperatingAxisInA =  v2 * m_transformA.getBasis();
		seperatingAxisInB = -v2 * m_transformB.getBasis();

		p = m_pConvexShapeA->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInA );
		q = m_pConvexShapeB->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInB );

		pWorld = m_transformA( p );
		qWorld = m_transformB( q );

		wSupportPointsOnA[ 3 ] = pWorld;
		wSupportPointsOnB[ 3 ] = qWorld;
		simplexPoints[ 3 ]	   = wSupportPointsOnA[ 3 ] - wSupportPointsOnB[ 3 ];

		seperatingAxisInA =  v3 * m_transformA.getBasis();
		seperatingAxisInB = -v3 * m_transformB.getBasis();

		p = m_pConvexShapeA->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInA );
		q = m_pConvexShapeB->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInB );

		pWorld = m_transformA( p );
		qWorld = m_transformB( q );

		wSupportPointsOnA[ 4 ] = pWorld;
		wSupportPointsOnB[ 4 ] = qWorld;
		simplexPoints[ 4 ]	   = wSupportPointsOnA[ 4 ] - wSupportPointsOnB[ 4 ];

		if ( TetrahedronContainsOrigin( simplexPoints[ 0 ], simplexPoints[ 2 ], simplexPoints[ 3 ], simplexPoints[ 4 ] ) )
			initTetraIndices[ 1 ] = 2;
			initTetraIndices[ 2 ] = 3;
			initTetraIndices[ 3 ] = 4;
			if ( TetrahedronContainsOrigin( simplexPoints[ 1 ], simplexPoints[ 2 ], simplexPoints[ 3 ], simplexPoints[ 4 ] ) )
				initTetraIndices[ 0 ] = 1;
				initTetraIndices[ 1 ] = 2;
				initTetraIndices[ 2 ] = 3;
				initTetraIndices[ 3 ] = 4;
				// No tetrahedron contains the origin
				assert( false && "Unable to find an initial tetrahedron that contains the origin!" );
				return false;
	else if ( nbSimplexPoints == 3 )
		// We have a triangle inside the CSO that contains the origin
		// Create an hexahedron ( two tetrahedron glued together ) by adding 2 new points

		SimdVector3 v0 = simplexPoints[ 2 ] - simplexPoints[ 0 ];
		SimdVector3 v1 = simplexPoints[ 1 ] - simplexPoints[ 0 ];
		SimdVector3 triangleNormal = v0.cross( v1 );

		nbPolyhedronPoints = 5;

		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInA =  triangleNormal * m_transformA.getBasis();
		SimdVector3 seperatingAxisInB = -triangleNormal * m_transformB.getBasis();

		SimdVector3 p = m_pConvexShapeA->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInA );
		SimdVector3 q = m_pConvexShapeB->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInB );

		SimdPoint3 pWorld = m_transformA( p );
		SimdPoint3 qWorld = m_transformB( q );

		wSupportPointsOnA[ 3 ] = pWorld;
		wSupportPointsOnB[ 3 ] = qWorld;
		simplexPoints[ 3 ]	   = wSupportPointsOnA[ 3 ] - wSupportPointsOnB[ 3 ];

		// We place this check here because if the tetrahedron contains the origin
		// there is no need to sample another support point
		if ( !TetrahedronContainsOrigin( simplexPoints[ 0 ], simplexPoints[ 1 ], simplexPoints[ 2 ], simplexPoints[ 3 ] ) )
			seperatingAxisInA = -triangleNormal * m_transformA.getBasis();
			seperatingAxisInB =  triangleNormal * m_transformB.getBasis();

			p = m_pConvexShapeA->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInA );
			q = m_pConvexShapeB->LocalGetSupportingVertex( seperatingAxisInB );

			pWorld = m_transformA( p );
			qWorld = m_transformB( q );

			wSupportPointsOnA[ 4 ] = pWorld;
			wSupportPointsOnB[ 4 ] = qWorld;
			simplexPoints[ 4 ]	   = wSupportPointsOnA[ 4 ] - wSupportPointsOnB[ 4 ];

			if ( TetrahedronContainsOrigin( simplexPoints[ 0 ], simplexPoints[ 1 ], simplexPoints[ 2 ], simplexPoints[ 4 ] ) )
				initTetraIndices[ 3 ] = 4;
				// No tetrahedron contains the origin
				assert( false && "Unable to find an initial tetrahedron that contains the origin!" );
				return false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	else if ( nbSimplexPoints == 4 )
		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( TetrahedronContainsOrigin( simplexPoints ) ,"Initial tetrahedron does not contain the origin!" );

	SimdPoint3 wTetraPoints[ 4 ] = { simplexPoints[ initTetraIndices[ 0 ] ],
									 simplexPoints[ initTetraIndices[ 1 ] ],
									 simplexPoints[ initTetraIndices[ 2 ] ],
									 simplexPoints[ initTetraIndices[ 3 ] ] };

	SimdPoint3 wTetraSupportPointsOnA[ 4 ] = { wSupportPointsOnA[ initTetraIndices[ 0 ] ],
											   wSupportPointsOnA[ initTetraIndices[ 1 ] ],
											   wSupportPointsOnA[ initTetraIndices[ 2 ] ],
											   wSupportPointsOnA[ initTetraIndices[ 3 ] ] };

	SimdPoint3 wTetraSupportPointsOnB[ 4 ] = { wSupportPointsOnB[ initTetraIndices[ 0 ] ],
											   wSupportPointsOnB[ initTetraIndices[ 1 ] ],
											   wSupportPointsOnB[ initTetraIndices[ 2 ] ],
											   wSupportPointsOnB[ initTetraIndices[ 3 ] ] };

	if ( !m_polyhedron.Create( simplexPoints, wSupportPointsOnA, wSupportPointsOnB, nbPolyhedronPoints ) )
	if ( !m_polyhedron.Create( wTetraPoints, wTetraSupportPointsOnA, wTetraSupportPointsOnB, 4 ) )
		// Failed to create initial polyhedron
		EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( false ,"Failed to create initial polyhedron!" );
		return false;

	// Add initial faces to priority queue

#ifdef _DEBUG
	//m_polyhedron._dbgSaveToFile( "epa_start.dbg" );

	std::list< EpaFace* >& faces = m_polyhedron.GetFaces();

	std::list< EpaFace* >::iterator facesItr( faces.begin() );

	while ( facesItr != faces.end() )
		EpaFace* pFace = *facesItr;

		if ( !pFace->m_deleted )
//			if ( pFace->m_planeDistance >= 0 )
//			{
//				m_polyhedron._dbgSaveToFile( "epa_start.dbg" );
//				assert( false && "Face's plane distance equal or greater than 0!" );
//			}

			if ( pFace->IsAffinelyDependent() )
				EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( false ,"One initial face is affinely dependent!" );
				return false;

			if ( pFace->m_vSqrd <= 0 )
				EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( false ,"Face containing the origin!" );
				return false;

			if ( pFace->IsClosestPointInternal() )
				m_faceEntries.push_back( pFace );
				std::push_heap( m_faceEntries.begin(), m_faceEntries.end(), CompareEpaFaceEntries );


#ifdef _DEBUG
	//m_polyhedron._dbgSaveToFile( "epa_start.dbg" );

	EPA_DEBUG_ASSERT( !m_faceEntries.empty() ,"No faces added to heap!" );

	return true;