/** * Set the start date of the timetable. * @param tile Not used. * @param flags Operation to perform. * @param p2 Various bitstuffed elements * - p2 = (bit 0-19) - Vehicle ID. * - p2 = (bit 20) - Set to 1 to set timetable start for all vehicles sharing this order * @param p2 The timetable start date. * @param text Not used. * @return The error or cost of the operation. */ CommandCost CmdSetTimetableStart(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text) { bool timetable_all = HasBit(p1, 20); Vehicle *v = Vehicle::GetIfValid(GB(p1, 0, 20)); if (v == NULL || !v->IsPrimaryVehicle() || v->orders.list == NULL) return CMD_ERROR; CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(v->owner); if (ret.Failed()) return ret; /* Don't let a timetable start more than 15 years into the future or 1 year in the past. */ Date start_date = (Date)p2; if (start_date < 0 || start_date > MAX_DAY) return CMD_ERROR; if (start_date - _date > 15 * DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR) return CMD_ERROR; if (_date - start_date > DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR) return CMD_ERROR; if (timetable_all && !v->orders.list->IsCompleteTimetable()) return CMD_ERROR; if (flags & DC_EXEC) { SmallVector<Vehicle *, 8> vehs; if (timetable_all) { for (Vehicle *w = v->orders.list->GetFirstSharedVehicle(); w != NULL; w = w->NextShared()) { *vehs.Append() = w; } } else { *vehs.Append() = v; } int total_duration = v->orders.list->GetTimetableTotalDuration(); int num_vehs = vehs.Length(); if (num_vehs >= 2) { QSortT(vehs.Begin(), vehs.Length(), &VehicleTimetableSorter); } int base = vehs.FindIndex(v); for (Vehicle **viter = vehs.Begin(); viter != vehs.End(); viter++) { int idx = (viter - vehs.Begin()) - base; Vehicle *w = *viter; w->lateness_counter = 0; ClrBit(w->vehicle_flags, VF_TIMETABLE_STARTED); /* Do multiplication, then division to reduce rounding errors. */ w->timetable_start = start_date + idx * total_duration / num_vehs / DAY_TICKS; SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, w->index); } } return CommandCost(); }
NetworkHTTPSocketHandler::NetworkHTTPSocketHandler(SOCKET s, HTTPCallback *callback, const char *host, const char *url, const char *data, int depth) : NetworkSocketHandler(), recv_pos(0), recv_length(0), callback(callback), data(data), redirect_depth(depth), sock(s) { size_t bufferSize = strlen(url) + strlen(host) + strlen(_openttd_revision) + (data == NULL ? 0 : strlen(data)) + 128; char *buffer = AllocaM(char, bufferSize); DEBUG(net, 7, "[tcp/http] requesting %s%s", host, url); if (data != NULL) { seprintf(buffer, buffer + bufferSize - 1, "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: OpenTTD/%s\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", url, host, _openttd_revision, (int)strlen(data), data); } else { seprintf(buffer, buffer + bufferSize - 1, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: OpenTTD/%s\r\n\r\n", url, host, _openttd_revision); } ssize_t size = strlen(buffer); ssize_t res = send(this->sock, (const char*)buffer, size, 0); if (res != size) { /* Sending all data failed. Socket can't handle this little bit * of information? Just fall back to the old system! */ this->callback->OnFailure(); delete this; } *_http_connections.Append() = this; }
/* Text Effects */ TextEffectID AddTextEffect(StringID msg, int center, int y, uint8 duration, TextEffectMode mode) { if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return INVALID_TE_ID; TextEffectID i; for (i = 0; i < _text_effects.Length(); i++) { if (_text_effects[i].string_id == INVALID_STRING_ID) break; } if (i == _text_effects.Length()) _text_effects.Append(); TextEffect *te = _text_effects.Get(i); /* Start defining this object */ te->string_id = msg; te->duration = duration; te->params_1 = GetDParam(0); te->params_2 = GetDParam(1); te->mode = mode; /* Make sure we only dirty the new area */ te->width_normal = 0; te->UpdatePosition(center, y, msg); return i; }
template <> inline Array *GetParam(ForceType<Array *>, HSQUIRRELVM vm, int index, SQAutoFreePointers *ptr) { SQObject obj; sq_getstackobj(vm, index, &obj); sq_pushobject(vm, obj); sq_pushnull(vm); SmallVector<int32, 2> data; while (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_next(vm, -2))) { SQInteger tmp; if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &tmp))) { *data.Append() = (int32)tmp; } else { sq_pop(vm, 4); throw sq_throwerror(vm, _SC("a member of an array used as parameter to a function is not numeric")); } sq_pop(vm, 2); } sq_pop(vm, 2); Array *arr = (Array*)MallocT<byte>(sizeof(Array) + sizeof(int32) * data.Length()); arr->size = data.Length(); memcpy(arr->array, data.Begin(), sizeof(int32) * data.Length()); *ptr->Append() = arr; return arr; }
/** * Create a new connecter for the given address * @param address the (un)resolved address to connect to */ TCPConnecter::TCPConnecter(const NetworkAddress &address) : connected(false), aborted(false), killed(false), sock(INVALID_SOCKET), address(address) { *_tcp_connecters.Append() = this; if (!ThreadObject::New(TCPConnecter::ThreadEntry, this, &this->thread)) { this->Connect(); } }
static void Load_RAIL() { _railtype_list.Clear(); LabelObject lo; int index; while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) { SlObject(&lo, _label_object_desc); *_railtype_list.Append() = (RailTypeLabel)lo.label; } }
/** * Get a SaveLoad array for a link graph job. The settings struct is derived from * the global settings saveload array. The exact entries are calculated when the function * is called the first time. * It's necessary to keep a copy of the settings for each link graph job so that you can * change the settings while in-game and still not mess with current link graph runs. * Of course the settings have to be saved and loaded, too, to avoid desyncs. * @return Array of SaveLoad structs. */ const SaveLoad *GetLinkGraphJobDesc() { static SmallVector<SaveLoad, 16> saveloads; static const char *prefix = "linkgraph."; /* Build the SaveLoad array on first call and don't touch it later on */ if (saveloads.Length() == 0) { size_t offset_gamesettings = cpp_offsetof(GameSettings, linkgraph); size_t offset_component = cpp_offsetof(LinkGraphJob, settings); size_t prefixlen = strlen(prefix); int setting = 0; const SettingDesc *desc = GetSettingDescription(setting); while (desc->save.cmd != SL_END) { if (desc->desc.name != NULL && strncmp(desc->desc.name, prefix, prefixlen) == 0) { SaveLoad sl = desc->save; char *&address = reinterpret_cast<char *&>(sl.address); address -= offset_gamesettings; address += offset_component; *(saveloads.Append()) = sl; } desc = GetSettingDescription(++setting); } const SaveLoad job_desc[] = { SLE_VAR(LinkGraphJob, join_date, SLE_INT32), SLE_VAR(LinkGraphJob, link_graph.index, SLE_UINT16), SLE_END() }; int i = 0; do { *(saveloads.Append()) = job_desc[i++]; } while (saveloads[saveloads.Length() - 1].cmd != SL_END); } return &saveloads[0]; }
static void Load_WAYP() { /* Precaution for when loading failed and it didn't get cleared */ _old_waypoints.Clear(); int index; while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) { OldWaypoint *wp = _old_waypoints.Append(); memset(wp, 0, sizeof(*wp)); wp->index = index; SlObject(wp, _old_waypoint_desc); } }
/** * Refits a vehicle (chain). * This is the vehicle-type independent part of the CmdRefitXXX functions. * @param v The vehicle to refit. * @param only_this Whether to only refit this vehicle, or to check the rest of them. * @param num_vehicles Number of vehicles to refit (not counting articulated parts). Zero means the whole chain. * @param new_cid Cargotype to refit to * @param new_subtype Cargo subtype to refit to. 0xFF means to try keeping the same subtype according to GetBestFittingSubType(). * @param flags Command flags * @param auto_refit Refitting is done as automatic refitting outside a depot. * @return Refit cost. */ static CommandCost RefitVehicle(Vehicle *v, bool only_this, uint8 num_vehicles, CargoID new_cid, byte new_subtype, DoCommandFlag flags, bool auto_refit) { CommandCost cost(v->GetExpenseType(false)); uint total_capacity = 0; uint total_mail_capacity = 0; num_vehicles = num_vehicles == 0 ? UINT8_MAX : num_vehicles; VehicleSet vehicles_to_refit; if (!only_this) { GetVehicleSet(vehicles_to_refit, v, num_vehicles); /* In this case, we need to check the whole chain. */ v = v->First(); } static SmallVector<RefitResult, 16> refit_result; refit_result.Clear(); v->InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain(); byte actual_subtype = new_subtype; for (; v != NULL; v = (only_this ? NULL : v->Next())) { /* Reset actual_subtype for every new vehicle */ if (!v->IsArticulatedPart()) actual_subtype = new_subtype; if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && !vehicles_to_refit.Contains(v->index) && !only_this) continue; const Engine *e = v->GetEngine(); if (!e->CanCarryCargo()) continue; /* If the vehicle is not refittable, or does not allow automatic refitting, * count its capacity nevertheless if the cargo matches */ bool refittable = HasBit(e->info.refit_mask, new_cid) && (!auto_refit || HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_AUTO_REFIT)); if (!refittable && v->cargo_type != new_cid) continue; /* Determine best fitting subtype if requested */ if (actual_subtype == 0xFF) { actual_subtype = GetBestFittingSubType(v, v, new_cid); } /* Back up the vehicle's cargo type */ CargoID temp_cid = v->cargo_type; byte temp_subtype = v->cargo_subtype; if (refittable) { v->cargo_type = new_cid; v->cargo_subtype = actual_subtype; } uint16 mail_capacity = 0; uint amount = e->DetermineCapacity(v, &mail_capacity); total_capacity += amount; /* mail_capacity will always be zero if the vehicle is not an aircraft. */ total_mail_capacity += mail_capacity; if (!refittable) continue; /* Restore the original cargo type */ v->cargo_type = temp_cid; v->cargo_subtype = temp_subtype; bool auto_refit_allowed; CommandCost refit_cost = GetRefitCost(v, v->engine_type, new_cid, actual_subtype, &auto_refit_allowed); if (auto_refit && !auto_refit_allowed) { /* Sorry, auto-refitting not allowed, subtract the cargo amount again from the total. */ total_capacity -= amount; total_mail_capacity -= mail_capacity; if (v->cargo_type == new_cid) { /* Add the old capacity nevertheless, if the cargo matches */ total_capacity += v->cargo_cap; if (v->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) total_mail_capacity += v->Next()->cargo_cap; } continue; } cost.AddCost(refit_cost); /* Record the refitting. * Do not execute the refitting immediately, so DetermineCapacity and GetRefitCost do the same in test and exec run. * (weird NewGRFs) * Note: * - If the capacity of vehicles depends on other vehicles in the chain, the actual capacity is * set after RefitVehicle() via ConsistChanged() and friends. The estimation via _returned_refit_capacity will be wrong. * - We have to call the refit cost callback with the pre-refit configuration of the chain because we want refit and * autorefit to behave the same, and we need its result for auto_refit_allowed. */ RefitResult *result = refit_result.Append(); result->v = v; result->capacity = amount; result->mail_capacity = mail_capacity; result->subtype = actual_subtype; } if (flags & DC_EXEC) { /* Store the result */ for (RefitResult *result = refit_result.Begin(); result != refit_result.End(); result++) { Vehicle *u = result->v; if (u->cargo_type != new_cid) { u->cargo.Truncate(u->cargo_cap); } else if (u->cargo_cap > result->capacity) { u->cargo.Truncate(u->cargo_cap - result->capacity); } u->cargo_type = new_cid; u->cargo_cap = result->capacity; u->cargo_subtype = result->subtype; if (u->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT) { Vehicle *w = u->Next(); if (w->cargo_cap > result->mail_capacity) { w->cargo.Truncate(w->cargo_cap - result->mail_capacity); } w->cargo_cap = result->mail_capacity; } } } refit_result.Clear(); _returned_refit_capacity = total_capacity; _returned_mail_refit_capacity = total_mail_capacity; return cost; }
/* Allocate a new Sound */ SoundEntry *AllocateSound() { SoundEntry *sound = _sounds.Append(); MemSetT(sound, 0); return sound; }
/** * Try to add a fios item set with the given filename. * @param filename the full path to the file to read * @param basepath_length amount of characters to chop of before to get a relative filename * @return true if the file is added. */ bool FiosFileScanner::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename) { const char *ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext == NULL) return false; char fios_title[64]; fios_title[0] = '\0'; // reset the title; FiosType type = this->callback_proc(this->mode, filename, ext, fios_title, lastof(fios_title)); if (type == FIOS_TYPE_INVALID) return false; for (const FiosItem *fios = _fios_items.Begin(); fios != _fios_items.End(); fios++) { if (strcmp(fios->name, filename) == 0) return false; } FiosItem *fios = _fios_items.Append(); #ifdef WIN32 struct _stat sb; if (_tstat(OTTD2FS(filename), &sb) == 0) { #else struct stat sb; if (stat(filename, &sb) == 0) { #endif fios->mtime = sb.st_mtime; } else { fios->mtime = 0; } fios->type = type; strecpy(fios->name, filename, lastof(fios->name)); /* If the file doesn't have a title, use its filename */ const char *t = fios_title; if (StrEmpty(fios_title)) { t = strrchr(filename, PATHSEPCHAR); t = (t == NULL) ? filename : (t + 1); } strecpy(fios->title, t, lastof(fios->title)); str_validate(fios->title, lastof(fios->title)); return true; } /** * Fill the list of the files in a directory, according to some arbitrary rule. * @param mode The mode we are in. Some modes don't allow 'parent'. * @param callback_proc The function that is called where you need to do the filtering. * @param subdir The directory from where to start (global) searching. */ static void FiosGetFileList(SaveLoadDialogMode mode, fios_getlist_callback_proc *callback_proc, Subdirectory subdir) { struct stat sb; struct dirent *dirent; DIR *dir; FiosItem *fios; int sort_start; char d_name[sizeof(fios->name)]; _fios_items.Clear(); /* A parent directory link exists if we are not in the root directory */ if (!FiosIsRoot(_fios_path)) { fios = _fios_items.Append(); fios->type = FIOS_TYPE_PARENT; fios->mtime = 0; strecpy(fios->name, "..", lastof(fios->name)); strecpy(fios->title, ".. (Parent directory)", lastof(fios->title)); } /* Show subdirectories */ if ((dir = ttd_opendir(_fios_path)) != NULL) { while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { strecpy(d_name, FS2OTTD(dirent->d_name), lastof(d_name)); /* found file must be directory, but not '.' or '..' */ if (FiosIsValidFile(_fios_path, dirent, &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) && (!FiosIsHiddenFile(dirent) || strncasecmp(d_name, PERSONAL_DIR, strlen(d_name)) == 0) && strcmp(d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(d_name, "..") != 0) { fios = _fios_items.Append(); fios->type = FIOS_TYPE_DIR; fios->mtime = 0; strecpy(fios->name, d_name, lastof(fios->name)); snprintf(fios->title, lengthof(fios->title), "%s" PATHSEP " (Directory)", d_name); str_validate(fios->title, lastof(fios->title)); } } closedir(dir); } /* Sort the subdirs always by name, ascending, remember user-sorting order */ { SortingBits order = _savegame_sort_order; _savegame_sort_order = SORT_BY_NAME | SORT_ASCENDING; QSortT(_fios_items.Begin(), _fios_items.Length(), CompareFiosItems); _savegame_sort_order = order; } /* This is where to start sorting for the filenames */ sort_start = _fios_items.Length(); /* Show files */ FiosFileScanner scanner(mode, callback_proc); if (subdir == NO_DIRECTORY) { scanner.Scan(NULL, _fios_path, false); } else { scanner.Scan(NULL, subdir, true, true); } QSortT(_fios_items.Get(sort_start), _fios_items.Length() - sort_start, CompareFiosItems); /* Show drives */ FiosGetDrives(); _fios_items.Compact(); } /** * Get the title of a file, which (if exists) is stored in a file named * the same as the data file but with '.title' added to it. * @param file filename to get the title for * @param title the title buffer to fill * @param last the last element in the title buffer * @param subdir the sub directory to search in */ static void GetFileTitle(const char *file, char *title, const char *last, Subdirectory subdir) { char buf[MAX_PATH]; strecpy(buf, file, lastof(buf)); strecat(buf, ".title", lastof(buf)); FILE *f = FioFOpenFile(buf, "r", subdir); if (f == NULL) return; size_t read = fread(title, 1, last - title, f); assert(title + read <= last); title[read] = '\0'; str_validate(title, last); FioFCloseFile(f); }