Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    bool pass = true;

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("");
        pass = pass && perms.empty();

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("a");
        pass = pass
            && (perms.size() == 1)
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "a") != perms.end())

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("ab");
        pass = pass
            && (perms.size() == 2)
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "ab") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "ba") != perms.end())

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("abc");
        pass = pass
            && (perms.size() == 6)
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "abc") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "acb") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "bac") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "bca") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "cab") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "cba") != perms.end())

    return (pass ? 0 : -1);
void GraphicsManager::setVideoMode()
    const int bpp = 0;
    const bool fullscreen = config.getBoolValue("screen");
    const bool hwaccel = config.getBoolValue("hwaccel");
    const bool enableResize = config.getBoolValue("enableresize");
    const bool noFrame = config.getBoolValue("noframe");

#ifdef ANDROID
//    int width = config.getValue("screenwidth", 0);
//    int height = config.getValue("screenheight", 0);
    StringVect videoModes;
    if (videoModes.empty())
        logger->error("no video modes detected");
    std::vector<int> res;
    splitToIntVector(res, videoModes[0], 'x');
    if (res.size() != 2)
        logger->error("no video modes detected");

    int width = res[0];
    int height = res[1];
#elif defined __native_client__
#ifdef USE_SDL2
    // not implimented
    const SDL_VideoInfo* info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
    int width = info->current_w;
    int height = info->current_h;
    int width = config.getIntValue("screenwidth");
    int height = config.getIntValue("screenheight");

    // Try to set the desired video mode
    if (!mainGraphics->setVideoMode(width, height, bpp,
        fullscreen, hwaccel, enableResize, noFrame))
        logger->log(strprintf("Couldn't set %dx%dx%d video mode: %s",
            width, height, bpp, SDL_GetError()));

        const int oldWidth = config.getValueInt("oldscreenwidth", -1);
        const int oldHeight = config.getValueInt("oldscreenheight", -1);
        const int oldFullscreen = config.getValueInt("oldscreen", -1);
        if (oldWidth != -1 && oldHeight != -1 && oldFullscreen != -1)

            config.setValueInt("screenwidth", oldWidth);
            config.setValueInt("screenheight", oldHeight);
            config.setValue("screen", oldFullscreen == 1);
            if (!mainGraphics->setVideoMode(oldWidth, oldHeight, bpp,
                oldFullscreen, hwaccel, enableResize, noFrame))
                logger->safeError(strprintf("Couldn't restore %dx%dx%d "
                    "video mode: %s", oldWidth, oldHeight, bpp,
Esempio n. 3
void Gui::postInit(Graphics *const graphics)
    logger->log1("Initializing GUI...");
    // Set graphics

    // Set input
    guiInput = new SDLInput;

    // Set focus handler
    delete mFocusHandler;
    mFocusHandler = new FocusHandler;

    // Initialize top GUI widget
    WindowContainer *const guiTop = new WindowContainer(nullptr);
    guiTop->setSize(graphics->mWidth, graphics->mHeight);

    const StringVect langs = getLang();
    const bool isJapan = (!langs.empty() && langs[0].size() > 3
        && langs[0].substr(0, 3) == "ja_");
    const bool isChinese = (!langs.empty() && langs[0].size() > 3
        && langs[0].substr(0, 3) == "zh_");

    // Set global font
    const int fontSize = config.getIntValue("fontSize");
    std::string fontFile = config.getValue("font", "");
    if (isJapan)
        fontFile = config.getValue("japanFont", "");
        if (fontFile.empty())
            fontFile = branding.getStringValue("japanFont");
    else if (isChinese)
        fontFile = config.getValue("chinaFont", "");
        if (fontFile.empty())
            fontFile = branding.getStringValue("chinaFont");
    if (fontFile.empty())
        fontFile = branding.getStringValue("font");

    mGuiFont = new Font(fontFile, fontSize);

    // Set particle font
    fontFile = config.getValue("particleFont", "");
    if (isJapan)
        fontFile = config.getValue("japanFont", "");
        if (fontFile.empty())
            fontFile = branding.getStringValue("japanFont");
    else if (isChinese)
        fontFile = config.getValue("chinaFont", "");
        if (fontFile.empty())
            fontFile = branding.getStringValue("chinaFont");
    if (fontFile.empty())
        fontFile = branding.getStringValue("particleFont");

    mInfoParticleFont = new Font(fontFile, fontSize, TTF_STYLE_BOLD);

    // Set bold font
    fontFile = config.getValue("boldFont", "");
    if (fontFile.empty())
        fontFile = branding.getStringValue("boldFont");

    boldFont = new Font(fontFile, fontSize);

    // Set help font
    fontFile = config.getValue("helpFont", "");
    if (fontFile.empty())
        fontFile = branding.getStringValue("helpFont");

    mHelpFont = new Font(fontFile, fontSize);

    // Set secure font
    fontFile = config.getValue("secureFont", "");
    if (fontFile.empty())
        fontFile = branding.getStringValue("secureFont");

    mSecureFont = new Font(fontFile, fontSize);

    // Set npc font
    const int npcFontSize = config.getIntValue("npcfontSize");
    fontFile = config.getValue("npcFont", "");
    if (isJapan)
        fontFile = config.getValue("japanFont", "");
        if (fontFile.empty())
            fontFile = branding.getStringValue("japanFont");
    else if (isChinese)
        fontFile = config.getValue("chinaFont", "");
        if (fontFile.empty())
            fontFile = branding.getStringValue("chinaFont");
    if (fontFile.empty())
        fontFile = branding.getStringValue("npcFont");

    mNpcFont = new Font(fontFile, npcFontSize);


    // Initialize mouse cursor and listen for changes to the option
    config.addListener("customcursor", mConfigListener);
    config.addListener("doubleClick", mConfigListener);