Esempio n. 1
void InputManager::retrieve()
    for (int i = 0; i < InputAction::TOTAL; i++)
#ifdef USE_SDL2
        const std::string cf = std::string("sdl2")
            + inputActionData[i].configField;
        const std::string cf = inputActionData[i].configField;
        if (!cf.empty())
            mNameMap[cf] = i;
            InputFunction &kf = mKey[i];
            const std::string keyStr = config.getValue(cf, "");
            const size_t keyStrSize = keyStr.size();
            if (keyStr.empty())

            StringVect keys;
            splitToStringVector(keys, keyStr, ',');
            unsigned int i2 = 0;
            for (StringVectCIter it = keys.begin(), it_end = keys.end();
                 it != it_end && i2 < inputFunctionSize; ++ it)
                std::string keyStr2 = *it;
                if (keyStrSize < 2)
                int type = InputType::KEYBOARD;
                if ((keyStr2[0] < '0' || keyStr2[0] > '9')
                    && keyStr2[0] != '-')
                    switch (keyStr2[0])
                        case 'm':
                            type = InputType::MOUSE;
                        case 'j':
                            type = InputType::JOYSTICK;
                    keyStr2 = keyStr2.substr(1);
                const int key = atoi(keyStr2.c_str());
                if (key >= -255 && key < SDLK_LAST)
                    kf.values[i2] = InputItem(type, key);
                    i2 ++;
Esempio n. 2
void ModeListModel::addCustomMode(std::string mode)
    StringVectCIter it = mVideoModes.begin();
    StringVectCIter it_end = mVideoModes.end();
    while (it != it_end)
        if (*it == mode)
        ++ it;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    bool pass = true;

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("");
        pass = pass && perms.empty();

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("a");
        pass = pass
            && (perms.size() == 1)
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "a") != perms.end())

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("ab");
        pass = pass
            && (perms.size() == 2)
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "ab") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "ba") != perms.end())

        StringVect perms = permutation_str_no_dup("abc");
        pass = pass
            && (perms.size() == 6)
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "abc") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "acb") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "bac") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "bca") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "cab") != perms.end())
            && (std::find(perms.begin(), perms.end(), "cba") != perms.end())

    return (pass ? 0 : -1);
Esempio n. 4
void InputManager::retrieve()
    for (int i = 0; i < Input::KEY_TOTAL; i++)
        if (*keyData[i].configField)
            KeyFunction &kf = mKey[i];
            std::string keyStr = config.getValue(keyData[i].configField, "");
            if (keyStr.empty())

            StringVect keys;
            splitToStringVector(keys, keyStr, ',');
            int i2 = 0;
            for (StringVectCIter it = keys.begin(), it_end = keys.end();
                 it != it_end && i2 < KeyFunctionSize; ++ it)
                std::string keyStr2 = *it;
                if (keyStr.size() < 2)
                int type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
                if ((keyStr2[0] < '0' || keyStr2[0] > '9')
                    && keyStr2[0] != '-')
                    switch (keyStr2[0])
                        case 'm':
                            type = INPUT_MOUSE;
                        case 'j':
                            type = INPUT_JOYSTICK;
                    keyStr2 = keyStr2.substr(1);
                int key = atoi(keyStr2.c_str());
                if (key >= -255 && key < SDLK_LAST)
                    kf.values[i2] = KeyItem(type, key);
                    i2 ++;
Esempio n. 5
|	Saves simulated data stored in `sim_pattern_map' to a file named `filename'. If the file already exists, it will be
|	overwritten without warning. If the file does not yet exist, it will be created. The file written will be a valid
|	NEXUS data file suitable for executing in phylogenetic analysis software that reads the NEXUS file format. The
|	supplied `taxon_names' will be used in the matrix command of the NEXUS file to specify the names of the taxa. 
|	Assumes that the number of elements in `taxon_names' equals `pattern_length'. The `datatype' argument should be the
|	correct NEXUS datatype (e.g. "dna", "standard") for the data simulated. The symbols used for the states are 
|	supplied in the `state_symbols' vector. Each element of this vector should be a single-character string. Assumes
|	that no state in any pattern stored in `sim_pattern_map' is greater than or equal to the length of the 
|	`state_symbols' vector (because states are used as indices into `state_symbols').
void SimData::saveToNexusFile(
  const std::string filename,			/**< is the name of the file to create containing the simulated data stored in this object */
  const StringVect & taxon_names,		/**< is a vector containing the taxon names to use in the saved file */
  const std::string datatype,			/**< is a string to be used as the NEXUS datatype (e.g. "dna" or "standard") */	
  const StringVect & state_symbols)		/**< is a vector of strings representing states (e.g. {"A", "C", "G", "T"}). Note that each state symbol should be a string of length 1 (i.e. a single character) */	
	std::cerr << "taxon_names size = " << taxon_names.size() << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "pattern_length   = " << pattern_length << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "taxon_names: |";
	std::copy(taxon_names.begin(), taxon_names.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cerr, "|"));
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(state_symbols.size() > 0);
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(taxon_names.size() == pattern_length);

	// Find length of longest string in taxon_names vector; this is used later for formatting purposes
	// The 2 is included in case apostrophes are needed when taxon names are output in the matrix command
	unsigned length_of_longest_name = 2 + (unsigned)std::max_element(taxon_names.begin(), taxon_names.end(), StringLengthLess())->length();
	std::ofstream outf(filename.c_str());

	outf << "#nexus" << "\n\n";
	outf << "begin data;" << "\n";
	outf << str(boost::format("  dimensions ntax=%d nchar=%d;") % pattern_length % (unsigned)total_count) << "\n";
	outf << "  format datatype=" << datatype << ";" << "\n";
	outf << "  matrix" << "\n";

	// Create a format string to use with boost::format that left-justifies (the "-" flag) the 
	// taxon names in a field of width length_of_longest_name 
	std::string fmtstr = str(boost::format("    %%-%ds") % length_of_longest_name);

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < pattern_length; ++i)
		if (taxon_names[i].find(' ') != std::string::npos)
			std::string s = "'";
			s += taxon_names[i];
			s += "'";
			outf << str(boost::format(fmtstr) % s) << "  ";
			outf << str(boost::format(fmtstr) % taxon_names[i]) << "  ";

#if 1
        // Spit out characters in the order in which they were simulated. While this is a nice feature, 
        // it currently requires storing the data twice (patternVect and sim_pattern_map)
        unsigned nchar = (unsigned)patternVect.size();
        for (unsigned k = 0; k < nchar; ++k)
            unsigned j = (unsigned)patternVect[k][i];
            char s = state_symbols[j][0];
            outf << s;
		for (pattern_map_t::iterator it = sim_pattern_map.begin(); it != sim_pattern_map.end(); ++it)
			// The first member of it is the state, which must be converted from its coded form
			// to the standard symbol for this data type (e.g. A, C, G or T for DNA characters)
			int8_t j = (*it).first[i];

			PHYCAS_ASSERT(j < (int8_t)state_symbols.size());
			char s = state_symbols[j][0];	// use the first (and hopefully only) character in the string at position j

			// The second member of it is the pattern count
			unsigned n = (unsigned)it->second;	//@POL assuming counts not fractional
			for (unsigned k = 0; k < n; ++k)
				outf << s;
		outf << "\n";

	outf << "  ;" << "\n";
	outf << "end;" << "\n";

Esempio n. 6
void SpriteDef::loadAnimation(XmlNodePtr animationNode,
                              Action *action, ImageSet *imageSet,
                              int variant_offset)
    if (!action || !imageSet)

    const std::string directionName =
        XML::getProperty(animationNode, "direction", "");
    const SpriteDirection directionType = makeSpriteDirection(directionName);

    if (directionType == DIRECTION_INVALID)
        logger->log("Warning: Unknown direction \"%s\" used in %s",
                directionName.c_str(), getIdPath().c_str());

    Animation *animation = new Animation;
    action->setAnimation(directionType, animation);

    // Get animation frames
    for_each_xml_child_node(frameNode, animationNode)
        const int delay = XML::getIntProperty(
            frameNode, "delay", 0, 0, 100000);
        int offsetX = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "offsetX", 0) +
        int offsetY = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "offsetY", 0) +
        int rand = XML::getIntProperty(frameNode, "rand", 100, 0, 100);

        offsetY -= imageSet->getHeight() - 32;
        offsetX -= imageSet->getWidth() / 2 - 16;

        if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "frame"))
            const int index = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "index", -1);

            if (index < 0)
                logger->log1("No valid value for 'index'");

            Image *img = imageSet->get(index + variant_offset);

            if (!img)
                logger->log("No image at index %d", index + variant_offset);

            animation->addFrame(img, delay, offsetX, offsetY, rand);
        else if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "sequence"))
            const int start = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "start", -1);
            const int end = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "end", -1);
            const std::string value = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "value", "");
            int repeat = XML::getIntProperty(frameNode, "repeat", 1, 0, 100);

            if (repeat < 1)
                logger->log1("No valid value for 'repeat'");

            if (value.empty())
                if (addSequence(start, end, delay, offsetX, offsetY,
                    variant_offset, repeat, rand, imageSet, animation))

                StringVect vals;
                splitToStringVector(vals, value, ',');
                for (StringVectCIter it = vals.begin(), it_end = vals.end();
                     it != it_end; ++ it)
                    std::string str = *it;
                    size_t idx = str.find("-");
                    if (str == "p")
                        animation->addPause(delay, rand);
                    else if (idx != std::string::npos)
                        int v1 = atoi(str.substr(0, idx).c_str());
                        int v2 = atoi(str.substr(idx + 1).c_str());
                        addSequence(v1, v2, delay, offsetX, offsetY,
                            variant_offset, repeat, rand, imageSet, animation);
                        Image *img = imageSet->get(atoi(
                            str.c_str()) + variant_offset);
                        if (img)
                            animation->addFrame(img, delay,
                                offsetX, offsetY, rand);
        else if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "pause"))
            animation->addPause(delay, rand);
        else if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "end"))
        else if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "jump"))
                frameNode, "action", ""), rand);
        else if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "label"))
            std::string name = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "name", "");
            if (!name.empty())
        else if (xmlNameEqual(frameNode, "goto"))
            std::string name = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "label", "");
            if (!name.empty())
                animation->addGoto(name, rand);
    } // for frameNode