TCanvas* pHitSpecPos( ) { TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("cHitSpecPos","cHitSpecPos",1000,1100); c->Divide(2,2); TVirtualPad* p; TH2D *h; TText t; t.SetTextColor(4); p =c->cd(1); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_BarMinus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,33); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "BARREL MU MINUS"); p =c->cd(2); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_BarPlus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "BARREL MU PLUS"); p =c->cd(3); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_EndMinus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "ENDCAP MU MINUS"); p =c->cd(4); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_EndPlus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "ENDCAP MU PLUS"); return c; }
void PlotImages() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.2); string filename[1]; char buffer[100]; char buffertext[100]; for (int seed=55; seed<56; seed++) { int n=sprintf(buffer, "/home/les67/locust_faketrack_waterfall.root"); const char *file = buffer; TFile* f = TFile::Open(file); if (!((!f)||f->IsZombie())) { TH2D* hspectrogram = GetSpectrogram(file); TH2D* hlabels = GetLabels(hspectrogram, 40e-21); // threshold for labeling goes here. // TGraph* grlabels = GetLabelGraph(hlabels); // PrintLabels(grlabels); // print labels to terminal. hspectrogram->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,0.02); hspectrogram->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(149.e6, 170.e6); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas; n=sprintf(buffertext, "hspectrogram_%d.png", seed); const char *pngname = buffertext; hspectrogram->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.25); hspectrogram->DrawCopy("colz"); /* grlabels->SetMarkerColor(2); grlabels->SetMarkerStyle(8); grlabels->SetMarkerSize(0.6); grlabels->SetLineWidth(3.); grlabels->SetLineColor(2); grlabels->Draw("psame"); */ /* TImage *img = TImage::Create(); img->FromPad(c); img->WriteImage(pngname); delete img; delete hspectrogram; delete c; */ f->Close(); } } }
TCanvas* pHitSpecDet(const std::string& s) { TCanvas* c = new TCanvas( ("HitSpecDet"+s).c_str(), ("HitSpecDet"+s).c_str(), -2); c->SetLogx(); TH2D* h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject(s.c_str()); h->GetXaxis()->SetRange(4,32); std::stringstream str; str<<h->GetTitle(); TText t; t.SetTextColor(4); t.SetTextAlign(11); t.SetTextSize(0.035); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.2, str.str().c_str()); return c; }
void NewCosmicstest(){ //gROOT->Reset(); TStopwatch *clock0 = new TStopwatch(); TFile *fout = new TFile("Cosmictest.root","RECREATE"); bool high = 1; //Float_t z0 = 1400; Float_t z0 = 0; Float_t yTop = 600; Float_t xTop = 300; Float_t zTop = 3650; Float_t xdist = 3000; Float_t zdist = 9000; TH2D *StartXZ = new TH2D("xz","xz;x[cm];z[cm]",30,-(xdist/2),xdist/2,90,z0 - 4500,z0 + 4500); TH1D *StartTheta = new TH1D("#theta","#theta; #theta_Zenith",100,0,2); TH1D *StartPhi = new TH1D("#phi","#phi; #phi",50,0,7); TH1D *StartPHigh = new TH1D("PHigh","P; P[GeV]",100,-1,3); TH1D *StartP = new TH1D("P","P;P[GeV]",100,-1,3); TH1D *StartPLow = new TH1D("PLow","P;P[GeV]",100,-1,3); //TH1D *StartP = new TH1D("P","P;P[GeV]",100,0.1,1000); BinLogX(StartP); BinLogX(StartPHigh); BinLogX(StartPLow); TH2D *StartPTheta = new TH2D("P,Theta","P-Theta;P[GeV];#theta",150,-1,3,50,0,2); BinLogX(StartPTheta); TH2D *MCXZ = new TH2D("MCxz","xz;x[cm];z[cm]",30,-(xdist/2),xdist/2,90,z0 - 4500,z0 + 4500); TH1D *MCTheta = new TH1D("MC#theta","#theta; #theta",100,0,2); TH1D *MCPhi = new TH1D("MC#phi","#phi, #phi",50,0,7); TH1I *MCnTry = new TH1I("nTry","nTry",100,4.6,5); Double_t totalweightsum=0; Double_t px,py,pz,x,y,z,w, weighttest, weight; Int_t nTry,nInside,nEvent,nTest; Co3Rng *fRandomEngine = new Co3Rng(); int EVENTS = 400000; Int_t kmax = 40000; float weight1,weight1Low,weight1High; weight1Low = 123*xdist*zdist/EVENTS/10000; // expected #muons per spill/ #simulated events per spill 174*30*90/500000 cout<<weight1Low<<endl; double I = fRandomEngine->fSpectrumH->Integral(100,1000); weight1High = 2*TMath::Pi()/3*I*xdist*zdist/EVENTS/10000; //weight2 = 900/I; // 1/(mean momentum weight), P_max-P_min/(3*0.3044/2pi) cout<< weight1High<<endl; Float_t weight3 = 4.833931503; // MC average of nTry/nEvents 4.833949997 +- 0.000010494 weight1 = 1; weight = weight1 / weight3; nInside = 0; nEvent = 0; nTest = 0; weighttest = 0; y = 1900; //20m over beam axis w = weight/kmax; clock0->Start(); for(Int_t k = 0;k<kmax;k++){ cout<<k<<endl; nTry =0; for(Int_t i=0;i<EVENTS;i++){ Bool_t hit = 0; do{ // shower characteristics double phi = fRandomEngine->Uniform(0,2*TMath::Pi()); double theta = fRandomEngine->fTheta->GetRandom(); //momentum components px = TMath::Sin(phi)*TMath::Sin(theta); pz = TMath::Cos(phi)*TMath::Sin(theta); py = -TMath::Cos(theta); // start position, area 1120m^2 x = fRandomEngine->Uniform(-xdist/2,xdist/2); z = fRandomEngine->Uniform(z0 - zdist/2, z0 + zdist/2); // claim for flight close to the actual detector if((abs(x-(y+yTop)*px/py) < xTop && abs(z-z0-(y+yTop)*pz/py) < zTop) || (abs(x-(y-yTop)*px/py) < xTop && abs(z-z0-(y-yTop)*pz/py) < zTop)|| abs(y-(x+xTop)*py/px)<yTop && abs(z-z0-(x+xTop)*pz/px)<zTop || abs(y-(x-xTop)*py/px)<yTop && abs(z-z0-(x-xTop)*pz/px)<zTop){ // muon momentum double P; //if (!high) {P = fRandomEngine->NEWstest(theta);} //else {P = fRandomEngine->fSpectrumH->GetRandom();} // high P = fRandomEngine->fSpectrumH->GetRandom(); w = weight1High/weight3/kmax; StartP->Fill(P,w); StartPHigh->Fill(P,w); StartPTheta->Fill(P,theta,w); // low P = fRandomEngine->NEWstest(theta); w = weight1Low/weight3/kmax; StartP->Fill(P,w); StartPLow->Fill(P,w); StartPTheta->Fill(P,theta,w); px = px*P; py = py*P; pz = pz*P; //muon or anti-muon hit = 1; nInside++; // StartP->Fill(P,w); w = weight1Low/weight3/kmax + weight1High/weight3/kmax; StartTheta->Fill(theta,w); // kein Weight! StartPhi->Fill(phi,w); // kein Weight! StartXZ->Fill(x,z,w); // kein Weight! StartPTheta->Fill(P,theta,w); } nTry++; weighttest += w; MCTheta->Fill(theta,w); // kein Weight! MCPhi->Fill(phi,w); MCXZ->Fill(x,z,w); nTest++; }while(!hit); nEvent++; } MCnTry->Fill(1.0*nTry/EVENTS); } clock0->Stop(); delete fRandomEngine; cout<<nEvent<<" events have been generated."<<endl; cout<<"There is a total of "<<nInside<<"/"<<nTest<<" muons that passed close enough to the detector."<<endl; cout<<"Including the given weight this corresponds to "; cout<<kmax*weighttest/xdist/zdist*10000/123.3044<<" spills (1 spill = "<<xdist*zdist*123.3044/10000; cout<<" real cosmic muons = "<<EVENTS<<" simulated events)."<<endl; cout<<weighttest<<endl; clock0->Print(); Double_t meanflux = 0; Int_t binsum = 0; for (Int_t ix = 2; ix<29;ix++){ for (Int_t iz = 2; iz<89;iz++){ binsum++; meanflux += MCXZ->GetBinContent(ix,iz); } } cout<< "meanflux: "<<meanflux/binsum<<" "<< meanflux<<endl<<endl; printf("MCnTry: %.9f +- %.9f",MCnTry->GetMean(),MCnTry->GetMeanError()); cout<<endl<<endl; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",400,400); c1->Divide(1,1); c1->cd(1); MCnTry->DrawCopy(); TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","c4",400,400); c4->Divide(1,1); c4->cd(1); StartPTheta->DrawCopy("SURF2"); gPad->SetLogx(); //TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",400,400); //c2->Divide(1,1); //c2->cd(1); //gPad->SetLogy(); //wei->DrawCopy(); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",1600,800); c3->Divide(4,2); c3->cd(1); StartXZ->DrawCopy("COLZ"); c3->cd(2); //MCP->SetLineColor(kGreen); // MCP->DrawCopy(); //StartP->DrawCopy(); //TF1 *fs = new TF1("fs",NEWs,1,100,2); //fs->FixParameter(0, 0); //fs->FixParameter(1, 500); //StartP->Add(fs,-1); StartP->DrawCopy(); //StartP->Fit(fs,"I"); // //fs->DrawCopy("SAME"); //gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetLogx(); c3->cd(3); MCTheta->SetLineColor(kGreen); MCTheta->DrawCopy(); StartTheta->DrawCopy("SAME"); //TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]*cos(x)*cos(x)",1.57,3.14); //StartTheta->Fit(f1,"","",1.57,3.14); gPad->SetLogy(0); gPad->SetLogx(0); c3->cd(4); MCPhi->SetLineColor(kGreen); MCPhi->DrawCopy(); StartPhi->DrawCopy("SAME"); //TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]*cos(x)*cos(x)",1.57,3.14); //StartTheta->Fit(f1,"","",1.57,3.14); gPad->SetLogy(0); gPad->SetLogx(0); c3->cd(5); MCXZ->DrawCopy("COLZ"); c3->cd(6); //MCP->Divide(StartP); // MCP->DrawCopy(); gPad->SetLogy(0); gPad->SetLogx(0); c3->cd(7); //MCTheta->Divide(StartTheta); MCTheta->DrawCopy(); gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetLogx(0); c3->cd(8); //MCPhi->Divide(StartPhi); MCPhi->DrawCopy(); gPad->SetLogy(0); gPad->SetLogx(0); c3->Update(); c3->SaveAs("Start.png"); StartXZ->Write(); StartTheta->Write(); StartPhi->Write(); StartP->Write(); StartPLow->Write(); StartPHigh->Write(); StartPTheta->Write(); MCXZ->Write(); MCTheta->Write(); MCPhi->Write(); MCnTry->Write(); fout ->Close(); }
void scan2() { /* TFile f1("hist.root"); TFile f2("SysTot.root"); TH1D *datahist = (TH1D*)f1.Get("datahist"); TH1D *fithist = (TH1D*)f1.Get("fithist"); TH1D *totlow = (TH1D*)f2.Get("totlow"); TH1D *tothigh = (TH1D*)f2.Get("tothigh"); */ TF1 *fun1 = new TF1("fun",fun,0,1000,3); TFile f("Output.root"); TH1F *datahist = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f.Get("InvMass")); TH1F *fithist = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f.Get("hist_err")); TH1F *tothigh = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f.Get("SystPlus")); TH1F *totlow = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f.Get("SystMinus")); new TCanvas(); datahist->DrawCopy(); fithist->DrawCopy("same"); gPad->SetEditable(0); /* if (datahist->IsZombie()) { std::cout << "Err! datahist not found " << std::endl; return; } if (fithist->IsZombie()) { std::cout << "Err! err_hist not found " << std::endl; return; } if (tothigh->IsZombie()) { std::cout << "Err! syst_plus hist not found " << std::endl; return; } if (totlow->IsZombie()) { std::cout << "Err! syst_minus hist not found " << std::endl; return; } */ TH1D *p = new TH1D("p","Probability",100,150,900); for (int i = 1; i<=fithist->GetNbinsX(); i++) { double mass = fithist->GetBinCenter(i); if (mass>440 && mass<450) { double sigma = sqrt(2.0)*sqrt(pow(0.135*sqrt(mass/2.0),2)+ pow(0.02*(mass/2.0),2)); cout<< " ===================== mass +/- sigma = " << mass<<"+/-"<<sigma<<endl; int bin1 = fithist->FindBin(mass-sigma/2); int bin2 = fithist->FindBin(mass+sigma/2); cout<<mass<<" "<<bin1<<" "<<bin2<<endl; double data = 0; double bg = 0; double err = 0; for (int j = bin1; j<=bin2; j++) { data+=datahist->GetBinContent(j); bg+=fithist->GetBinContent(j); double err1 = -totlow->GetBinContent(j); double err2 = tothigh->GetBinContent(j); err+=TMath::Max(err1,err2)*bg; //why multiply by bg??? } cout << "Total Data/Bg+/-err in mass window[" << mass << "] = "<< data <<"/ "<< bg << "+/-" << err <<endl; double prob = 0; fun1->SetParameter(0,bg); fun1->SetParameter(1,err); for (int j = int(data+0.001); j<100; j++) { fun1->SetParameter(2,j); //fun1->Print(); //cout << "Evaluating Intrgral for j = " << j << " from x0= " << TMath::Max(0.0,bg-10*err) << " to x1 = " << bg+10*err << endl; double val = fun1->Integral(TMath::Max(0.0,bg-10*err),bg+10*err); //double val = fun1->Integral(TMath::Max(0.0,bg-2*err),bg+2*err); /*for (int z=TMath::Max(0.0,bg-2*err); z < bg+2*err; ++z) { if (c<4) { std::cout << "func at [" << z << "]=" << fun1->Eval(z) << std::endl; } } */ prob += val; } cout<< "Prob for mass[" << mass<<"]="<< prob <<endl; p->SetBinContent(p->FindBin(mass),prob); } } /* delete gRandom; gRandom = (TRandom*) new TRandom3; gRandom->SetSeed(3); TH1D *minp = new TH1D("minp","Minimum Probability of Each PseudoExpt",100,0,0.2); //int nexp = 50000; int nexp = 10; TH1D *htemp = (TH1D*)datahist->Clone("htemp"); for (int iexp = 0; iexp<nexp; iexp++){ //if (iexp%10==0) cout<<iexp<<endl; //generate pseudo-experiments htemp->Reset(); for (int i = 1; i<=htemp->GetNbinsX(); i++){ double mass = htemp->GetBinCenter(i); if (mass>150&&mass<650){ double bg = fithist->GetBinContent(i); double err1 = -totlow->GetBinContent(i); double err2 = tothigh->GetBinContent(i); double err = TMath::Max(err1,err2)*bg; double mean = gRandom->Gaus(bg,err); if (mean<0) mean = 0; htemp->SetBinContent(i,gRandom->Poisson(mean)); } } double minprob = 2.; for (int i = 1; i<=fithist->GetNbinsX(); i++){ double mass = fithist->GetBinCenter(i); if (mass>150&&mass<650){ double sigma = sqrt(2.0)*sqrt(pow(0.135*sqrt(mass/2.0),2)+ pow(0.02*(mass/2.0),2)); //cout<<mass<<" "<<sigma<<endl; int bin1 = fithist->FindBin(mass-sigma/2); int bin2 = fithist->FindBin(mass+sigma/2); //cout<<mass<<" "<<bin1<<" "<<bin2<<endl; double data = 0; double bg = 0; double err = 0; for (int j = bin1; j<=bin2; j++){ data+=htemp->GetBinContent(j); bg+=fithist->GetBinContent(j); double err1 = -totlow->GetBinContent(j); double err2 = tothigh->GetBinContent(j); err+=TMath::Max(err1,err2)*bg; } //cout<<mass<<" "<<data<<" "<<bg<<" "<<err<<endl; double prob = 0; fun1->SetParameter(0,bg); fun1->SetParameter(1,err); for (int j = int(data+0.001); j<100; j++){ fun1->SetParameter(2,j); prob += fun1->Integral(TMath::Max(0.0,bg-10*err),bg+10*err); } if (prob<minprob) minprob=prob; } } minp->Fill(minprob); } */ TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1"); TH2D *fr = new TH2D("fr","",100,150,900,100,1e-5,2); fr->SetStats(0); fr->SetXTitle("M(#gamma,lead jet)(GeV)"); fr->SetYTitle("Prob of fluctuation #geq N_{obs}"); fr->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); fr->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); fr->DrawCopy(); p->SetLineWidth(2); p->DrawCopy("same"); double minp=0; double mgg=0; double minc = 10; for (int i = 1; i<=p->GetNbinsX(); i++) { double bin = p->GetBinCenter(i); double binc = p->GetBinContent(i); if (binc<minc) { minp = binc; mgg = bin; minc = binc; } } cout<<mgg<<" "<<minp<<endl; gPad->SetLogy(); double p1s = 0.00458319; double m1s = 0.0435982; double s3s = 0.000100319; TLine *l1 = new TLine(150,p1s,900,p1s); TLine *l2 = new TLine(150,m1s,900,m1s); TLine *l3 = new TLine(150,s3s,900,s3s); l1->SetLineColor(4); l2->SetLineColor(4); l3->SetLineColor(2); l1->SetLineWidth(2); l2->SetLineWidth(2); l3->SetLineWidth(2); l1->Draw(); l2->Draw(); l3->Draw(); TLatex *t1 = new TLatex(250,m1s/4,"Expected Range for Min. Obs. Prob."); t1->SetTextColor(4); t1->SetTextSize(0.05); t1->Draw(); TLatex *t2 = new TLatex(350,s3s*1.5,"3 #sigma evidence level"); t2->SetTextColor(2); t2->SetTextSize(0.05); t2->Draw(); TLatex *t3 = new TLatex(0.3,0.93,"CDF Run II Preliminary, 2.0 fb^{-1}"); t3->SetNDC(true); t3->SetTextSize(0.06); t3->Draw(); // // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2"); // minp->DrawCopy(); //cout<<minp->GetMean()<<endl; }
int genbod_diff(const char* filename1, const char* filename2, bool ifSave = false) { TFile* f1 = new TFile(filename1,"READ"); TFile* f2 = new TFile(filename2,"READ"); TH2D* numF1 = ((TH2D*) f1->Get("cnumepNonIdEP")); TH2D* numF2 = ((TH2D*) f2->Get("cnumepNonIdEP")); TH2D* denF1 = ((TH2D*) f1->Get("cdenepNonIdEP")); TH2D* denF2 = ((TH2D*) f2->Get("cdenepNonIdEP")); TH2D* numB1 = ((TH2D*) f1->Get("cnumepNonIdEPTrue")); TH2D* numB2 = ((TH2D*) f2->Get("cnumepNonIdEPTrue")); TH2D* denB1 = ((TH2D*) numF1->Clone()); TH2D* denB2 = ((TH2D*) numF2->Clone()); TH2D* numC1 = ((TH2D*) numB1->Clone()); TH2D* numC2 = ((TH2D*) numB2->Clone()); TH2D* denC1 = ((TH2D*) f1->Get("cdenepNonIdEPTrue")); TH2D* denC2 = ((TH2D*) f2->Get("cdenepNonIdEPTrue")); double eta = 1.1; gStyle->SetOptStat(111); //TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas("canv", "GENBOD results", 10,10,800,600); TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas("canv", "GENBOD results", 10,10,1600,1200); canv->Divide(3,3); //TCanvas* canvND = new TCanvas("canvND", "liczniki i mianowniki ", 10,10,800,600); TCanvas* canvND = new TCanvas("canvND", "liczniki i mianowniki ", 10,10,1600,1200); canvND->Divide(2,2); ////// Pure Corr fun TH2D* numdiff = (TH2D*)numF1->Clone(); numdiff->Divide(numF2); canvND->cd(1); numdiff->DrawCopy("colz"); TH2D* dendiff = (TH2D*)denF1->Clone(); dendiff->Divide(denF2); canvND->cd(2); dendiff->DrawCopy("colz"); double sF1 = numF1->GetEntries()/denF1->GetEntries(); numF1->Divide(denF1); numF1->Scale(1./sF1); numF1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-eta,eta); double sF2 = numF2->GetEntries()/denF2->GetEntries(); numF2->Divide(denF2); numF2->Scale(1./sF2); numF2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-eta,eta); canv->cd(1); TH2D* corrF1 = (TH2D*) numF1->Clone(); corrF1->Draw("surf1"); DrawNicely(corrF1, 0,0, filename1); canv->cd(2); TH2D* corrF2 = (TH2D*) numF2->Clone(); corrF2->Draw("surf1"); DrawNicely(corrF2, 0,0, filename2); canv->cd(3); numF1->Divide(numF2); DrawNicely(numF1, 0,0, "Femtoscopic component"); numF1->Draw("colz"); ////// Pure Bkg TH2D* numdiffTrue = (TH2D*)numB1->Clone(); numdiffTrue->Divide(numB2); canvND->cd(3); numdiffTrue->DrawCopy("colz"); double sB1 = numB1->GetEntries()/denB1->GetEntries(); numB1->Divide(denB1); numB1->Scale(1./sB1); numB1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-eta,eta); double sB2 = numB2->GetEntries()/denB2->GetEntries(); numB2->Divide(denB2); numB2->Scale(1./sB2); numB2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-eta,eta); canv->cd(4); TH2D* corrB1 = (TH2D*) numB1->Clone(); corrB1->Draw("surf1"); DrawNicely(corrB1, 0,0, filename1); canv->cd(5); TH2D* corrB2 = (TH2D*) numB2->Clone(); corrB2->Draw("surf1"); DrawNicely(corrB2, 0,0, filename2); canv->cd(6); numB1->Divide(numB2); DrawNicely(numB1, 0,0, "Background component"); numB1->DrawCopy("colz"); ////// Norm Corr fun TH2D* dendiffTrue = (TH2D*)denC1->Clone(); dendiffTrue->Divide(denC2); canvND->cd(4); dendiffTrue->DrawCopy("colz"); double sC1 = numC1->GetEntries()/denC1->GetEntries(); numC1->Divide(denC1); numC1->Scale(1./sC1); numC1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-eta,eta); double sC2 = numC2->GetEntries()/denC2->GetEntries(); numC2->Divide(denC2); numC2->Scale(1./sC2); numC2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-eta,eta); canv->cd(7); TH2D* corrC1 = (TH2D*) numC1->Clone(); corrC1->Draw("surf1"); DrawNicely(corrC1, 0,0, filename1); canv->cd(8); TH2D* corrC2 = (TH2D*) numC2->Clone(); corrC2->Draw("surf1"); DrawNicely(corrC2, 0,0, filename2); canv->cd(9); numC1->Divide(numC2); DrawNicely(numC1, 0,0, "Correlation function"); numC1->DrawCopy("colz"); //save if (ifSave) { canv->Print(Form("diff_%s_%s_global.png",filename1,filename2)); canvND->Print(Form("diff_%s_%s_global_NumDen.png",filename1,filename2)); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void moduleSummary(const char *dirName = "", const char *module_type) { printf("\nmoduleSummary> Starting ...\n"); nChips = 16; startChip = 0; if ( !strcmp(module_type,"a") ) { nChips = 8; startChip = 0; } if ( !strcmp(module_type,"b") ) { nChips = 8; startChip = 8; } sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dirName, fileName); inputFile = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!inputFile) { printf("\nmoduleSummary> ----> COULD NOT FIND %s IN DIRECTORY %s\n", fileName, dirName); printf("moduleSummary> ----> Aborting execution of moduleSummaryPage.C ... \n\n", fileName, dirName); break; } sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dirName, adFileName); inputFile = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!inputFile) { sprintf(adFileName,"%s", fileName); } else { printf("moduleSummary> ----> found separate address decoding file: %s\n", adFileName); fclose (inputFile); } sprintf(fname, "%s/../../macros/criteria.dat", dirName); if ( !readCriteria(fname) ) { printf("\nmoduleSummary> ----> COULD NOT READ GRADING CRITERIA !!!\n"); printf("moduleSummary> ----> Aborting execution of moduleSummaryPage.C ... \n\n", fileName, dirName); break; } TFile *f = new TFile(Form("%s/%s", dirName, fileName)); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetTitle(0); gStyle->SetStatFont(132); gStyle->SetTextFont(132); gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "X"); gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "Y"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.08, "X"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.08, "Y"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.08, "X"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.08, "Y"); gStyle->SetNdivisions(10, "X"); gStyle->SetNdivisions(8, "Y"); gStyle->SetTitleFont(132); gROOT->ForceStyle(); tl = new TLatex; tl->SetNDC(kTRUE); tl->SetTextSize(0.1); ts = new TLatex; ts->SetNDC(kTRUE); ts->SetTextSize(0.09); line = new TLine; line->SetLineColor(kRed); line->SetLineStyle(kDashed); box = new TBox; box->SetFillColor(3); box->SetFillStyle(3004); c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 900, 700); c1->Clear(); c1->Divide(1,4); int EColor[6] = { 4, 8, 6, 1 }; int EMarkerStyle[10] = { 4, 25, 26, 23, 21, 27, 28, 20, 30, 29 }; TH2D *mThreshold = new TH2D("mThreshold", "", 416, 0., 416., 160, 0., 160.); TH2D *mBumps = new TH2D("mBumps", "", 416, 0., 416., 160, 0., 160.); TH2D *mAddr = new TH2D("mAddr", "", 416, 0., 416., 160, 0., 160.); double mThresholdmin(0.), mThresholdmax(255.); const int nfit = 4; TString fitNames[] = {TString("Noise"), TString("Vcal Thr. Width"), TString("Rel. Gain Width"), TString("Pedestal Spread")}; float limitB[] = { noiseB, trimmingB, gainB, pedestalB }; // limit for grading float limitC[] = { noiseC, trimmingC, gainC, pedestalC }; // limit for grading float max[] = { noiseB + 100., trimmingB + 100., gainB + 0.05, pedestalB + 1000. }; // scaling of histogram TH1D *fit[nfit]; TH1D *fitEntries[nfit]; for(int ifit = 0; ifit < nfit; ++ifit) { fit[ifit] = new TH1D(Form("%s", fitNames[ifit].Data()),"", nChips, float(startChip), float(startChip+nChips)); fitEntries[ifit] = new TH1D(Form("n%s", fitNames[ifit].Data()),"", nChips, float(startChip), float(startChip+nChips)); fit[ifit]->SetLineColor(EColor[ifit]); fit[ifit]->SetMarkerColor(EColor[ifit]); fit[ifit]->SetMarkerStyle(EMarkerStyle[ifit]); fit[ifit]->SetMarkerSize(0.5); } for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) { addVcalThreshold(dirName, i, mThreshold); } for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) { addChip("vcals_xtalk", i, mBumps); } TFile *f1 = new TFile(Form("%s/%s", dirName, adFileName)); for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) { addChip("AddressDecoding", i, mAddr);} if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 0 ) { for (int i = 8; i < nChips+8; i++) { removeChip(i, mThreshold, -99); } for (int i = 8; i < nChips+8; i++) { removeChip(i, mBumps, -99); } for (int i = 8; i < nChips+8; i++) { removeChip(i, mAddr, -99); } } if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 8 ) { for (int i = 0; i < nChips; i++) { removeChip(i, mThreshold, -99); } for (int i = 0; i < nChips; i++) { removeChip(i, mBumps, -99); } for (int i = 0; i < nChips; i++) { removeChip(i, mAddr, -99); } } TString noslash(dirName); noslash.ReplaceAll("/", ""); noslash.ReplaceAll("..", ""); c1->cd(1); if ( mThreshold->GetMaximum() < mThresholdmax ) { mThresholdmax = mThreshold->GetMaximum(); } if ( mThreshold->GetMinimum() > mThresholdmin ) { mThresholdmin = mThreshold->GetMinimum(); } mThreshold->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(mThresholdmin,mThresholdmax); mThreshold->DrawCopy("colz"); tl->DrawLatex(0.1, 0.92, "Vcal threshold"); tl->DrawLatex(0.75, 0.92, Form("%s",noslash.Data())); if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 0 ) { box->SetFillColor(29); box->DrawBox( 0, 0, 416, 80); } if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 8 ) { box->SetFillColor(29); box->DrawBox( 0, 80, 416, 160); } c1->cd(2); mBumps->SetMaximum(2.); mBumps->SetMinimum(-2.); mBumps->DrawCopy("colz"); tl->DrawLatex(0.1, 0.92, "Bump bonding map"); if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 0 ) { box->SetFillColor(29); box->DrawBox( 0, 0, 416, 80); } if ( nChips < 16 && startChip == 8 ) { box->SetFillColor(29); box->DrawBox( 0, 80, 416, 160); } c1_3->Divide(3,1); c1_3->cd(1); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.2); gPad->SetLogy(1); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.20); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.01); float V, A; float x_V[250], y_A[250]; int i(0); float iv100(0.); float iv150(0.); float iv150_17(0.); float iv100_17(0.); float variation(0.); float variation_17(0.); FILE *ivFile, *sumWrite, *sumRead, *gradWrite; sprintf(fname, "%s/iv.dat", dirName); ivFile = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!ivFile) { printf("moduleSummary> !!!!!!!!! ----> Could not open file %s to read data\n", fname); } else { fclose(ivFile); ifstream is(fname); char buffer[200]; while (is.getline(buffer, 200, '\n')) { // check that line starts with a number if (buffer[0] != '1' && buffer[0] != '2' && buffer[0] != '3' && buffer[0] != '4' && buffer[0] != '5' && buffer[0] != '6' && buffer[0] != '7' && buffer[0] != '8' && buffer[0] != '9' ) {continue;} sscanf(buffer, "%e %e", &V, &A); x_V[i] = V; y_A[i] = 1e6*A; if ( i > 0 ) { // check that voltage is increasing & find current at 150 V if ( x_V[i] < x_V[i-1] ) { continue; } if ( x_V[i] >= 100. && x_V[i-1] <= 100. ) { iv100 = y_A[i-1] + (100. - x_V[i-1])*(y_A[i] - y_A[i-1])/(x_V[i] - x_V[i-1]); } if ( x_V[i] >= 150. && x_V[i-1] <= 150. ) { iv150 = y_A[i-1] + (150. - x_V[i-1])*(y_A[i] - y_A[i-1])/(x_V[i] - x_V[i-1]); } } i++; } if ( iv100 != 0. ) { variation = iv150/iv100; } else { variation = 0; } if ( i > 0 ) { TGraph *g1 = new TGraph(i,x_V,y_A); g1->Draw("aC"); g1->SetTitle(""); g1->SetLineColor(4); g1->SetLineWidth(2); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Voltage [V]"); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Current [#muA]"); g1->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals(); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); g1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); tl->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.92, "I-V-Curve"); ts->DrawLatex(0.25, 0.78, Form("I(150 V) = %.2f #muA", iv150)); ts->DrawLatex(0.25, 0.65, Form("I_{150}/I_{100} = %.2f ", variation)); } } char mod[20] = noslash.Data(), waf[20] = "", test[20] = "",tmon[20], trim[20], ph[20], cycl[20]; int tday; int dp(0), dm(0), db(0), dt(0), da(0); int root(0), a(0), b(0), c(0); int badRocs[3] = {0, 0, 0}; char iv; float voltage, current; float temp, tempSigma, sollTemp; float cyclMean, cyclSigma; char string[1000]; c1_3->cd(2); sprintf(fname, "%s/summaryTest.txt", dirName); sumRead = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!sumRead) { printf("\nmoduleSummary> !!!!!!!!! ----> File %s does not exist yet...\n", fname); printf("moduleSummary> !!!!!!!!! ----> Module summary not complete!\n\n"); } else { fgets(string, 200, sumRead); // fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s", string, mod); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %s", string, string, waf, test); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %i %i %i %i %i", string, &dp, &dm, &db, &dt, &da); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %s %s %i %i %i", string, string, string, string, string, &a, &b, &c); badRocs[0]=a; badRocs[1]=b; badRocs[2]=c; fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %i", string, string, &root); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %s %s %i %s %s", string, string, string, string, tmon, &tday, string, string); fgets(string, 200, sumRead); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s", string, trim); fgets(string, 200, sumRead); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s", string, ph); fgets(string, 200, sumRead); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %f %f %s %f", string, &temp, &tempSigma, string, &sollTemp); fscanf(sumRead, "%s %s %s %f %f", string, string, cycl, &cyclMean, &cyclSigma); fclose(sumRead); tl->SetTextSize(0.09); tl->SetTextFont(22); double y = 0.92; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Test Summary of %s %s", waf, test)); tl->SetTextFont(132); tl->SetTextSize(0.09); y -= 0.16; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "ROCs > 1% defects: "); tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", badRocs[0])); y -= 0.12; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Dead Pixel: ")); tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", dp)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Mask Defects: "); tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", dm)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Dead Bumps: "); tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", db)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Dead Trimbits: "); tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", dt)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "Address Probl: "); tl->DrawLatex(0.5, y, Form("%i", da)); y = 0.76; tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("Tested on:")); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "Temp. [^{o}C]: "); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "Trim / phCal: "); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "Therm. cycl.: "); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "TBM1: "); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, "TBM2: "); c1_3->cd(3); y = 0.76; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%s %i", tmon, tday)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%.1f +- %.1f", temp, tempSigma)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%s / %s", trim, ph)); y -= 0.11; tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("%s", cycl)); } int result; int tbm1(1), tbm2(1); TParameter<int>* par; y -= 0.11; par = (TParameter<int>*)f->Get("TBM1"); if (par) { tbm1 = par->GetVal(); if (tbm1 == 0) tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "ok"); else tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Err%i", tbm1)); } y -= 0.11; par = (TParameter<int>*)f->Get("TBM2"); if (par) { tbm2 = par->GetVal(); if (tbm2 == 0) tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, "ok"); else tl->DrawLatex(0.01, y, Form("Err%i", tbm2)); } // Convert current to currents at room temperature double Tk = 273.15; double egap = 1.12; double kB = 8.617343E-5; double tTest; // tTest = temp; // --> averaged temperature tTest = sollTemp; double expnt = egap*(1/(Tk+tTest) - 1/(Tk+17))/(2*kB); double fctr = (Tk+17)*(Tk+17)/((Tk+tTest)*(Tk+tTest)); iv150_17 = iv150*fctr*TMath::Exp(expnt); iv100_17 = iv100*fctr*TMath::Exp(expnt); if ( iv100_17 != 0 ) variation_17 = iv150_17/iv100_17; printf("\nmoduleSummary> converted I(150 V, %.0f C) = %.4f to I(150 V, 17 C) = %.4f \n", tTest, iv150, iv150_17); printf("moduleSummary> converted I(100 V, %.0f C) = %.4f to I(100 V, 17 C) = %.4f \n\n", tTest, iv100, iv100_17); if ( iv150_17 != 0 ) { c1_3->cd(3); y = 0.32; tl->DrawLatex(0.25, y, "I(150 V) [T = 17 ^{o}C]"); tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("%.2f #muA", iv150_17)); c1_3->cd(2); } if ( iv100_17 != 0 ) { c1_3->cd(3); y = 0.21; tl->DrawLatex(0.25, y, "I_{150}/I_{100} [T = 17 ^{o}C]"); tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("%.2f", variation_17)); c1_3->cd(2); } sprintf(fname, "%s/summaryTest.txt", dirName); sumWrite = fopen(fname, "a"); fputs(Form("TBM1 %i\n", tbm1), sumWrite); fputs(Form("TBM2 %i\n", tbm2), sumWrite); fputs(Form("I 150 %f \n", iv150_17), sumWrite); fputs(Form("I150/I100 %f \n", variation_17), sumWrite); fputs(Form("iv datapoints %i \n", i), sumWrite); // c1->cd(4); // mAddr->DrawCopy("colz"); // mAddr->SetMaximum(1.); // mAddr->SetMinimum(0.); // tl->DrawLatex(0.1, 0.92, "Address decoding map"); c1_4->Divide(4,1); qualification(dirName, fit, fitEntries); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // makePlot(TH1 *h, const char *title, int pad, double Ymin, double Ymax, double Ylimit) makePlot(fit[i], fitNames[i].Data(), i+1, 0, max[i], limitB[i], limitC[i]); } int grad(0); FILE *missingData; sprintf(fname, "%s/comment_3.txt", dirName); missingData = fopen(fname, "r"); if ( missingData ) { printf("\nmoduleSummary> !!!!!!!!! ----> Found file for missing data: comment_3.txt => GRADE C!\n\n"); grad = 3; fclose(missingData); } else { grad = grading(badRocs, iv150_17, variation_17, fit, fitEntries, limitB, limitC, test); } c1_3->cd(3); tl->SetTextSize(0.09); tl->SetTextFont(22); if (grad == 1) { tl->DrawLatex(0.6, 0.92, "GRADE: A"); fputs("Grade A\n", sumWrite); } if (grad == 2) { tl->DrawLatex(0.6, 0.92, "GRADE: B"); fputs("Grade B\n", sumWrite); } if (grad == 3) { tl->DrawLatex(0.6, 0.92, "GRADE: C"); fputs("Grade C\n", sumWrite); } sprintf(fname, "%s/gradingTest.txt", dirName); gradWrite = fopen(fname, "a"); if (!gradWrite) { printf("\nmoduleSummary> !!!!!!!!! ----> File %s does not exist yet...\n", fname); printf("moduleSummary> !!!!!!!!! ----> Grading data could not be written to file!\n\n"); } else { fputs(Form("Noise %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[0], fitsProblemC[0]), gradWrite); fputs(Form("VcalThrWidth %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[1], fitsProblemC[1]), gradWrite); fputs(Form("RelGainWidth %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[2], fitsProblemC[2]), gradWrite); fputs(Form("PedSpread %i %i\n", fitsProblemB[3], fitsProblemC[3]), gradWrite); fputs(Form("I150V %i %i\n", currentProblemB, currentProblemC), gradWrite); fputs(Form("Iratio %i 0\n", slopeProblemB), gradWrite); } c1->SaveAs(Form("%s/", dirName, waf, test)); c1->SaveAs(Form("%s/%s%s.gif", dirName, waf, test)); printf("\nmoduleSummary> ................................................ finished\n"); }
//_________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t checkPullTree(TString pathTree, TString pathNameThetaMap, TString pathNameSigmaMap, TString mapSuffix, const Int_t collType /*0: pp, 1: pPb, 2: PbPb*/, const Bool_t plotPull = kTRUE, const Double_t downScaleFactor = 1, TString pathNameSplinesFile = "", TString prSplinesName = "", TString fileNameTree = "bhess_PIDetaTree.root", TString treeName = "fTree") { const Bool_t isNonPP = collType != 0; const Double_t massProton = AliPID::ParticleMass(AliPID::kProton); Bool_t recalculateExpecteddEdx = pathNameSplinesFile != ""; TFile* f = 0x0; f = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s", pathTree.Data(), fileNameTree.Data())); if (!f) { std::cout << "Failed to open tree file \"" << Form("%s/%s", pathTree.Data(), fileNameTree.Data()) << "\"!" << std::endl; return -1; } // Extract the data Tree TTree* tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(f->Get(treeName.Data())); if (!tree) { std::cout << "Failed to load data tree!" << std::endl; return -1; } // Extract the splines, if desired TSpline3* splPr = 0x0; if (recalculateExpecteddEdx) { std::cout << "Loading splines to recalculate expected dEdx!" << std::endl << std::endl; TFile* fSpl = TFile::Open(pathNameSplinesFile.Data()); if (!fSpl) { std::cout << "Failed to open spline file \"" << pathNameSplinesFile.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl; return 0x0; } TObjArray* TPCPIDResponse = (TObjArray*)fSpl->Get("TPCPIDResponse"); if (!TPCPIDResponse) { splPr = (TSpline3*)fSpl->Get(prSplinesName.Data()); // If splines are in file directly, without TPCPIDResponse object, try to load them if (!splPr) { std::cout << "Failed to load object array from spline file \"" << pathNameSplinesFile.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl; return 0x0; } } else { splPr = (TSpline3*)TPCPIDResponse->FindObject(prSplinesName.Data()); if (!splPr) { std::cout << "Failed to load splines from file \"" << pathNameSplinesFile.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl; return 0x0; } } } else std::cout << "Taking dEdxExpected from Tree..." << std::endl << std::endl; // Extract the correction maps TFile* fMap = TFile::Open(pathNameThetaMap.Data()); if (!fMap) { std::cout << "Failed to open thetaMap file \"" << pathNameThetaMap.Data() << "\"! Will not additionally correct data...." << std::endl; } TH2D* hMap = 0x0; if (fMap) { hMap = dynamic_cast<TH2D*>(fMap->Get(Form("hRefined%s", mapSuffix.Data()))); if (!hMap) { std::cout << "Failed to load theta map!" << std::endl; return -1; } } TFile* fSigmaMap = TFile::Open(pathNameSigmaMap.Data()); if (!fSigmaMap) { std::cout << "Failed to open simgaMap file \"" << pathNameSigmaMap.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl; return -1; } TH2D* hThetaMapSigmaPar1 = dynamic_cast<TH2D*>(fSigmaMap->Get("hThetaMapSigmaPar1")); if (!hThetaMapSigmaPar1) { std::cout << "Failed to load sigma map for par 1!" << std::endl; return -1; } Double_t c0 = -1; TNamed* c0Info = dynamic_cast<TNamed*>(fSigmaMap->Get("c0")); if (!c0Info) { std::cout << "Failed to extract c0 from file with sigma map!" << std::endl; return -1; } TString c0String = c0Info->GetTitle(); c0 = c0String.Atof(); printf("Loaded parameter 0 for sigma: %f\n\n", c0); if (plotPull) std::cout << "Plotting pull..." << std::endl << std::endl; else std::cout << "Plotting delta'..." << std::endl << std::endl; Long64_t nTreeEntries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); Double_t dEdx = 0.; // Measured dE/dx Double_t dEdxExpected = 0.; // Expected dE/dx according to parametrisation Double_t tanTheta = 0.; // Tangens of (local) theta at TPC inner wall Double_t pTPC = 0.; // Momentum at TPC inner wall UShort_t tpcSignalN = 0; // Number of clusters used for dEdx UChar_t pidType = 0; Int_t fMultiplicity = 0; //Double_t phiPrime = 0; // Only activate the branches of interest to save processing time tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); // Disable all branches tree->SetBranchStatus("pTPC", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("dEdx", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("dEdxExpected", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("tanTheta", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("tpcSignalN", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("pidType", 1); //tree->SetBranchStatus("phiPrime", 1); if (isNonPP) tree->SetBranchStatus("fMultiplicity", 1); tree->SetBranchAddress("dEdx", &dEdx); tree->SetBranchAddress("dEdxExpected", &dEdxExpected); tree->SetBranchAddress("tanTheta", &tanTheta); tree->SetBranchAddress("tpcSignalN", &tpcSignalN); tree->SetBranchAddress("pTPC", &pTPC); tree->SetBranchAddress("pidType", &pidType); //tree->SetBranchAddress("phiPrime", &phiPrime); if (isNonPP) tree->SetBranchAddress("fMultiplicity", &fMultiplicity); // Output file TDatime daTime; TString savefileName = Form("%s%s_checkPullSigma_%04d_%02d_%02d__%02d_%02d.root", fileNameTree.ReplaceAll(".root", "").Data(), recalculateExpecteddEdx ? "_recalcdEdx" : "", daTime.GetYear(), daTime.GetMonth(), daTime.GetDay(), daTime.GetHour(), daTime.GetMinute()); TFile* fSave = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s", pathTree.Data(), savefileName.Data()), "recreate"); if (!fSave) { std::cout << "Failed to open save file \"" << Form("%s/%s", pathTree.Data(), savefileName.Data()) << "\"!" << std::endl; return -1; } const Double_t pBoundLow = 0.1; const Double_t pBoundUp = 5; const Int_t nBins1 = TMath::Ceil(180 / downScaleFactor); const Int_t nBins2 = TMath::Ceil(100 / downScaleFactor); const Int_t nBins3 = TMath::Ceil(60 / downScaleFactor); const Int_t nPbinsForMap = nBins1 + nBins2 + nBins3; Double_t binsPforMap[nPbinsForMap + 1]; Double_t binWidth1 = (1.0 - pBoundLow) / nBins1; Double_t binWidth2 = (2.0 - 1.0 ) / nBins2; Double_t binWidth3 = (pBoundUp - 2.0) / nBins3; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nBins1; i++) { binsPforMap[i] = pBoundLow + i * binWidth1; } for (Int_t i = nBins1, j = 0; i < nBins1 + nBins2; i++, j++) { binsPforMap[i] = 1.0 + j * binWidth2; } for (Int_t i = nBins1 + nBins2, j = 0; i < nBins1 + nBins2 + nBins3; i++, j++) { binsPforMap[i] = 2.0 + j * binWidth3; } binsPforMap[nPbinsForMap] = pBoundUp; TH2D* hPull = new TH2D("hPull", "Pull vs. p_{TPC} integrated over tan(#Theta);p_{TPC} (GeV/c);Pull", nPbinsForMap, binsPforMap, plotPull ? 120 : 240, plotPull ? -6 : -0.6, plotPull ? 6 : 0.6); TH2D* hPullAdditionalCorr = (TH2D*)hPull->Clone("hPullAdditionalCorr"); hPullAdditionalCorr->SetTitle("Pull vs. p_{TPC} integrated over tan(#Theta) with additional dEdx correction w.r.t. tan(#Theta)"); /* const Int_t nThetaHistos = 3; TH2D* hPullTheta[nThetaHistos]; TH2D* hPullAdditionalCorrTheta[nThetaHistos]; Double_t tThetaLow[nThetaHistos] = { 0.0, 0.4, 0.9 }; Double_t tThetaHigh[nThetaHistos] = { 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 }; */ const Int_t nThetaHistos = 10; TH2D* hPullTheta[nThetaHistos]; TH2D* hPullAdditionalCorrTheta[nThetaHistos]; Double_t tThetaLow[nThetaHistos] = { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 }; Double_t tThetaHigh[nThetaHistos] = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 }; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nThetaHistos; i++) { hPullTheta[i] = new TH2D(Form("hPullTheta_%d", i), Form("Pull vs. p_{TPC} for %.2f <= |tan(#Theta)| < %.2f;p_{TPC} (GeV/c);Pull", tThetaLow[i], tThetaHigh[i]), nPbinsForMap, binsPforMap, plotPull ? 120 : 240, plotPull ? -6 : -0.6, plotPull ? 6 : 0.6); hPullAdditionalCorrTheta[i] = new TH2D(Form("hPullAdditionalCorrTheta_%d", i), Form("Pull vs. p_{TPC} for %.2f <= |tan(#Theta)| < %.2f with additional dEdx correction w.r.t. tan(#Theta);p_{TPC} (GeV/c);Pull", tThetaLow[i], tThetaHigh[i]), nPbinsForMap, binsPforMap, plotPull ? 120 : 240, plotPull ? -6 : -0.6, plotPull ? 6 : 0.6); } TF1 corrFuncMult("corrFuncMult", "[0] + [1]*TMath::Max([4], TMath::Min(x, [3])) + [2] * TMath::Power(TMath::Max([4], TMath::Min(x, [3])), 2)", 0., 0.2); TF1 corrFuncMultTanTheta("corrFuncMultTanTheta", "[0] * (x -[2]) + [1] * (x * x - [2] * [2])", -1.5, 1.5); TF1 corrFuncSigmaMult("corrFuncSigmaMul", "TMath::Max(0, [0] + [1]*TMath::Min(x, [3]) + [2] * TMath::Power(TMath::Min(x, [3]), 2))", 0., 0.2); // LHC13b.pass2 if (isNonPP) printf("Using corr Parameters for 13b.pass2\n!"); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, -5.906e-06); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -5.064e-04); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, -3.521e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 2.469e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 0); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, -5.32e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, 1.177e-05); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, -0.5); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, 0.); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 0.); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, 0.); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 0.); /* OK, but PID task was not very satisfying corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, -6.27187e-06); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -4.60649e-04); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, -4.26450e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 2.40590e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 0); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, -5.338e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, 1.220e-05); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, -0.5); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, 7.89237e-05); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, -1.30662e-02); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, 8.91548e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 1.47931e-02); */ /* // LHC11a10a if (isNonPP) printf("Using corr Parameters for 11a10a\n!"); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, 6.90133e-06); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -1.22123e-03); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, 1.80220e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 0.1); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 6.45306e-03); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, -2.85505e-07); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, -1.31911e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, -0.5); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, -4.29665e-05); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 1.37023e-02); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, -6.36337e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 1.13479e-02); */ /* OLD without saturation and large error for negative slopes corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, -4.79684e-05); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 1.49938e-02); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, -7.15269e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 1.06855e-02); */ /* OLD very good try, but with fewer pBins for the fitting corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, 6.88365e-06); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -1.22324e-03); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, 1.81625e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 0.1); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 6.36890e-03); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, -2.85505e-07); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, -1.31911e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, -0.5); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, -4.28401e-05); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 1.24812e-02); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, -5.28531e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 1.25147e-02); */ /*OLD good try corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, 7.50321e-06); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -1.25250e-03); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, 1.85437e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 0.1); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 6.21192e-03); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, -1.43112e-07); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, -1.53e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, 0.3); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, -2.54019e-05); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 8.68883e-03); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, -3.36176e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 1.29230e-02); */ /* // LHC10h.pass2 if (isNonPP) printf("Using corr Parameters for 10h.pass2\n!"); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, 3.21636e-07); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -6.65876e-04); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, 1.28786e-03); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 1.47677e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 0.); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, 7.23591e-08); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, 2.7469e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, -0.5); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, -1.22590e-05); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 6.88888e-03); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, -3.20788e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 1.07345e-02); */ /*OLD bad try corrFuncMult.SetParameter(0, 2.71514e-07); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(1, -6.92031e-04); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(2, 3.56042e-03); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(3, 1.47497e-02); corrFuncMult.SetParameter(4, 0.); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(0, 8.53204e-08); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(1, 2.85591e-06); corrFuncMultTanTheta.SetParameter(2, -0.5); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(0, -6.82477e-06); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(1, 4.97051e-03); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(2, -1.64954e-01); corrFuncSigmaMult.SetParameter(3, 9.21061e-03); */ //TODO NOW TF1* fShapeSmallP = new TF1("fShapeSmallP", "pol5", -0.4, 0.4); fShapeSmallP->SetParameters(1.01712, -0.0202725, -0.260692, 0.261623, 0.671854, -1.14014); for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nTreeEntries; i++) { tree->GetEntry(i); if (dEdx <= 0 || dEdxExpected <= 0 || tpcSignalN <= 10) continue; /* Double_t pT = pTPC*TMath::Sin(-TMath::ATan(tanTheta)+TMath::Pi()/2.0); if ((phiPrime > 0.072/pT+TMath::Pi()/18.0-0.035 && phiPrime < 0.07/pT/pT+0.1/pT+TMath::Pi()/18.0+0.035)) continue; */ if (pidType != kMCid) { if (pidType == kTPCid && pTPC > 0.6) continue; if (pidType == kTPCandTOFid && (pTPC < 0.6 || pTPC > 2.0)) continue; if ((collType == 2) && pidType == kTPCandTOFid && pTPC > 1.0) continue;// Only V0's in case of PbPb above 1.0 GeV/c if (pidType == kV0idPlusTOFrejected) //TODO NOW NEW continue; } if (recalculateExpecteddEdx) { dEdxExpected = 50. * splPr->Eval(pTPC / massProton); //WARNING: What, if MIP is different from 50.? Seems not to be used (tested for pp, MC_pp, PbPb and MC_PbPb), but can in principle happen } //TODO NOW /* if (TMath::Abs(tanTheta) <= 0.4) { Double_t p0 = fShapeSmallP->Eval(tanTheta) - 1.0; // Strength of the correction Double_t p1 = -9.0; // How fast the correction is turned off Double_t p2 = -0.209; // Turn off correction around 0.2 GeV/c Double_t p3 = 1.0; // Delta' for large p should be 1 Double_t corrFactor = TMath::Erf((pTPC + p2) * p1) * p0 + p3 + p0; // Add p0 to have 1 for p3 = 1 and large pTPC dEdxExpected *= corrFactor; }*/ /*TODO old unsuccessful try Double_t thetaGlobalTPC = -TMath::ATan(tanTheta) + TMath::Pi() / 2.; Double_t pTtpc = pTPC * TMath::Sin(thetaGlobalTPC); Double_t pTtpcInv = (pTtpc > 0) ? 1. / pTtpc : 0; Double_t p0 = 1.0; Double_t p1 = 1./ 0.5;//TODO 2.0; Double_t p2 = -0.2;//TODO 0.1 Double_t pTcorrFactor = p0 + (pTtpcInv > p1) * p2 * (pTtpcInv - p1); dEdxExpected *= pTcorrFactor; */ // From the momentum (via dEdxExpected) and the tanTheta of the track, the expected dEdx can be calculated (correctedDeDxExpected). // If the splines are correct, this should give in average the same value as dEdx. // Now valid: Maps created from corrected data with splines adopted to corrected data, so lookup should be for dEdxExpected=dEdxSplines (no further // eta correction) or the corrected dEdx from the track (which should ideally be = dEdxSplines) // Tested with corrected data for LHC10d.pass2: using dEdx for the lookup (which is the corrected value and should ideally be = dEdxSplines): // Results almost the same. Maybe slightly better for dEdxExpected. // No longer valid: Note that the maps take always the uncorrected dEdx w.r.t. // tanTheta, so that correctedDeDxExpected is needed here normally. However, the information for the correction will be lost at some point. // Therefore, dEdxExpected can be used instead and should provide a good approximation. Double_t c1FromSigmaMap = hThetaMapSigmaPar1->GetBinContent(getBinX(hThetaMapSigmaPar1, tanTheta), getBinY(hThetaMapSigmaPar1, 1./dEdxExpected)); Double_t expectedSigma = dEdxExpected * TMath::Sqrt( c0 * c0 + (c1FromSigmaMap * c1FromSigmaMap) / tpcSignalN); Double_t pull = (dEdx - dEdxExpected) / (plotPull ? expectedSigma: dEdxExpected); // Fill pull histo hPull->Fill(pTPC, pull); Double_t tanThetaAbs = TMath::Abs(tanTheta); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nThetaHistos; j++) { if (tanThetaAbs >= tThetaLow[j] && tanThetaAbs < tThetaHigh[j]) { hPullTheta[j]->Fill(pTPC, pull); } } if (!hMap) continue; Double_t correctionFactor = 1.; if (isNonPP) { // 1. Correct eta dependence correctionFactor = hMap->GetBinContent(getBinX(hMap, tanTheta), getBinY(hMap, 1./dEdxExpected)); // 2. Correct for multiplicity dependence: Double_t multCorrectionFactor = 1.; if (fMultiplicity > 0) { Double_t relSlope = corrFuncMult.Eval(1. / (dEdxExpected * correctionFactor)); relSlope += corrFuncMultTanTheta.Eval(tanTheta); multCorrectionFactor = 1. + relSlope * fMultiplicity; } c1FromSigmaMap = hThetaMapSigmaPar1->GetBinContent(getBinX(hThetaMapSigmaPar1, tanTheta), getBinY(hThetaMapSigmaPar1, 1./dEdxExpected)); // Multiplicity dependence of sigma depends on the real dEdx at zero multiplicity, i.e. the eta (only) corrected dEdxExpected value has to be used // since all maps etc. have been created for ~zero multiplicity Double_t relSigmaSlope = corrFuncSigmaMult.Eval(1. / (dEdxExpected * correctionFactor)); Double_t multSigmaCorrectionFactor = 1. + relSigmaSlope * fMultiplicity; dEdxExpected *= correctionFactor * multCorrectionFactor; expectedSigma = dEdxExpected * TMath::Sqrt( c0 * c0 + (c1FromSigmaMap * c1FromSigmaMap) / tpcSignalN); expectedSigma *= multSigmaCorrectionFactor; pull = (dEdx - dEdxExpected) / (plotPull ? expectedSigma: dEdxExpected); } else { correctionFactor = hMap->GetBinContent(getBinX(hMap, tanTheta), getBinY(hMap, 1./dEdxExpected)); c1FromSigmaMap = hThetaMapSigmaPar1->GetBinContent(getBinX(hThetaMapSigmaPar1, tanTheta), getBinY(hThetaMapSigmaPar1, 1./dEdxExpected)); dEdxExpected *= correctionFactor; // If data is not corrected, but the sigma map is for corrected data, re-do analysis with corrected dEdx expectedSigma = dEdxExpected * TMath::Sqrt( c0 * c0 + (c1FromSigmaMap * c1FromSigmaMap) / tpcSignalN); pull = (dEdx - dEdxExpected) / (plotPull ? expectedSigma: dEdxExpected); } pull = (dEdx - dEdxExpected) / (plotPull ? expectedSigma: dEdxExpected); hPullAdditionalCorr->Fill(pTPC, pull); for (Int_t j = 0; j < nThetaHistos; j++) { if (tanThetaAbs >= tThetaLow[j] && tanThetaAbs < tThetaHigh[j]) { hPullAdditionalCorrTheta[j]->Fill(pTPC, pull); } } } /* // Mean, Sigma, chi^2/NDF of pull of different theta bins and all in one plot TCanvas* canvPullMean = new TCanvas("canvPullMean", "canvPullMean", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullMean->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullMean->SetGridx(kTRUE); canvPullMean->SetGridy(kTRUE); TCanvas* canvPullSigma = new TCanvas("canvPullSigma", "canvPullSigma", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullSigma->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullSigma->SetGridx(kTRUE); canvPullSigma->SetGridy(kTRUE); TCanvas* canvPullChi2 = new TCanvas("canvPullChi2", "canvPullChi2", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullChi2->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullChi2->SetGridx(kTRUE); canvPullChi2->SetGridy(kTRUE); TCanvas* canvPull[nThetaHistos + 1]; for (Int_t i = 0, j = nThetaHistos; i < nThetaHistos + 1; i++, j--) { canvPull[i] = new TCanvas(Form("canvPull_%d", i), "canvPull", 100,10,1380,800); canvPull[i]->cd(); canvPull[i]->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPull[i]->SetLogz(kTRUE); canvPull[i]->SetGrid(kTRUE, kTRUE); TH2D* hTemp = 0x0; TString thetaString = ""; if (i == nThetaHistos) { hTemp = hPull; thetaString = "tan(#Theta) integrated"; } else { hTemp = hPullTheta[i]; thetaString = Form("%.2f #leq |tan(#Theta)| < %.2f", tThetaLow[i], tThetaHigh[i]); } normaliseHisto(hTemp); hTemp->FitSlicesY(); hTemp->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(12); hTemp->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); TH1D* hTempMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("%s_1", hTemp->GetName())); hTempMean->SetTitle(Form("mean(pull), %s", thetaString.Data())); hTempMean->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); hTempMean->SetLineWidth(2); hTempMean->SetMarkerStyle(20); TH1D* hTempSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("%s_2", hTemp->GetName())); hTempSigma->SetTitle(Form("#sigma(pull), %s", thetaString.Data())); hTempSigma->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); hTempSigma->SetLineColor(kMagenta); hTempSigma->SetMarkerStyle(20); hTempSigma->SetMarkerColor(kMagenta); hTempSigma->SetLineWidth(2); TH1D* hTempChi2 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("%s_chi2", hTemp->GetName())); hTempChi2->SetTitle(Form("#chi^{2} / NDF (pull), %s", thetaString.Data())); hTempChi2->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); hTempChi2->SetLineColor(kMagenta + 2); hTempChi2->SetMarkerStyle(20); hTempChi2->SetMarkerColor(kMagenta + 2); hTempChi2->SetLineWidth(2); hTemp->DrawCopy("colz"); hTempMean->DrawCopy("same"); hTempSigma->DrawCopy("same"); hTempChi2->Scale(-1./10.); hTempChi2->DrawCopy("same"); hTempChi2->Scale(-10.); canvPullMean->cd(); hTempMean->SetLineColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempMean->SetMarkerColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempMean->DrawCopy((i == 0 ? "" : "same")); canvPullSigma->cd(); hTempSigma->SetLineColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempSigma->SetMarkerColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempSigma->DrawCopy((i == 0 ? "" : "same")); canvPullChi2->cd(); hTempChi2->SetLineColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempChi2->SetMarkerColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempChi2->DrawCopy((i == 0 ? "" : "same")); } canvPullMean->BuildLegend(); canvPullSigma->BuildLegend(); canvPullChi2->BuildLegend(); */ // Histograms with additional correction TCanvas* canvPullMeanCorr = 0x0; TCanvas* canvPullSigmaCorr = 0x0; TCanvas* canvPullChi2Corr = 0x0; TCanvas* canvPullCorr[nThetaHistos + 1]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nThetaHistos + 1; i++) canvPullCorr[i] = 0x0; if (hMap) { // Mean, Sigma, chi^2/NDF of pull of different theta bins and all in one plot canvPullMeanCorr = new TCanvas("canvPullMeanCorr", "canvPullMeanCorr", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullMeanCorr->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullMeanCorr->SetGridx(kTRUE); canvPullMeanCorr->SetGridy(kTRUE); canvPullSigmaCorr = new TCanvas("canvPullSigmaCorr", "canvPullSigmaCorr", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullSigmaCorr->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullSigmaCorr->SetGridx(kTRUE); canvPullSigmaCorr->SetGridy(kTRUE); canvPullChi2Corr = new TCanvas("canvPullChi2Corr", "canvPullChi2Corr", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullChi2Corr->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullChi2Corr->SetGridx(kTRUE); canvPullChi2Corr->SetGridy(kTRUE); for (Int_t i = 0, j = nThetaHistos; i < nThetaHistos + 1; i++, j--) { canvPullCorr[i] = new TCanvas(Form("canvPullCorr_%d", i), "canvPullCorr", 100,10,1380,800); canvPullCorr[i]->cd(); canvPullCorr[i]->SetLogx(kTRUE); canvPullCorr[i]->SetLogz(kTRUE); canvPullCorr[i]->SetGrid(kTRUE, kTRUE); TH2D* hTemp = 0x0; TString thetaString = ""; if (i == nThetaHistos) { hTemp = hPullAdditionalCorr; thetaString = "tan(#Theta) integrated"; } else { hTemp = hPullAdditionalCorrTheta[i]; thetaString = Form("%.2f #leq |tan(#Theta)| < %.2f", tThetaLow[i], tThetaHigh[i]); } normaliseHisto(hTemp); hTemp->FitSlicesY(); hTemp->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(12); hTemp->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); TH1D* hTempMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("%s_1", hTemp->GetName())); hTempMean->SetTitle(Form("mean(pull), %s", thetaString.Data())); hTempMean->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); hTempMean->SetLineWidth(2); hTempMean->SetMarkerStyle(20); TH1D* hTempSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("%s_2", hTemp->GetName())); hTempSigma->SetTitle(Form("#sigma(pull), %s", thetaString.Data())); hTempSigma->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); hTempSigma->SetLineColor(kMagenta); hTempSigma->SetMarkerStyle(20); hTempSigma->SetMarkerColor(kMagenta); hTempSigma->SetLineWidth(2); TH1D* hTempChi2 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(Form("%s_chi2", hTemp->GetName())); hTempChi2->SetTitle(Form("#chi^{2} / NDF (pull), %s", thetaString.Data())); hTempChi2->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(kTRUE); hTempChi2->SetLineColor(kMagenta + 2); hTempChi2->SetMarkerStyle(20); hTempChi2->SetMarkerColor(kMagenta + 2); hTempChi2->SetLineWidth(2); hTemp->DrawCopy("colz"); hTempMean->DrawCopy("same"); hTempSigma->DrawCopy("same"); hTempChi2->Scale(-1./10.); hTempChi2->DrawCopy("same"); hTempChi2->Scale(-10.); canvPullMeanCorr->cd(); hTempMean->SetLineColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempMean->SetMarkerColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempMean->DrawCopy((i == 0 ? "" : "same")); canvPullSigmaCorr->cd(); hTempSigma->SetLineColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempSigma->SetMarkerColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempSigma->DrawCopy((i == 0 ? "" : "same")); canvPullChi2Corr->cd(); hTempChi2->SetLineColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempChi2->SetMarkerColor(1 + ((j >= 9) ? (39 + 2 * (j - 9)) : j)); hTempChi2->DrawCopy((i == 0 ? "" : "same")); } canvPullMeanCorr->BuildLegend(); canvPullSigmaCorr->BuildLegend(); canvPullChi2Corr->BuildLegend(); } fSave->cd(); /*canvPullMean->Write(); canvPullSigma->Write(); canvPullChi2->Write(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nThetaHistos + 1; i++) { canvPull[i]->Write(); }*/ canvPullMeanCorr->Write(); canvPullSigmaCorr->Write(); canvPullChi2Corr->Write(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nThetaHistos + 1; i++) { canvPullCorr[i]->Write(); } TNamed* info = new TNamed(Form("Theta map: %s\n\nSigma map: %s\n\nSplines file: %s\n\nSplines name: %s", pathNameThetaMap.Data(), pathNameSigmaMap.Data(), pathNameSplinesFile.Data(), prSplinesName.Data()), "info"); info->Write(); fSave->Close(); return 0; }
TCanvas* pHitSpecPosGen( ) { TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("cHitSpecPosGen","cHitSpecPosGen",1200,600); c->Divide(2,1); TVirtualPad* p; TH2D *h; TH2D *hAtPhi0; TText t; t.SetTextColor(4); p =c->cd(1); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(0,1); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhiGen_Minus"); hAtPhi0 = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhiGenAtPhi0_Minus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,33); h->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); h->DrawCopy("box"); hAtPhi0->SetLineColor(2); hAtPhi0->DrawCopy("box same"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "BARREL MU MINUS"); std::cout <<h->GetTitle() << std::endl; for (int iy = 1; iy <=h->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { std::cout <<" pt: " << h->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(iy); double xmin=100.; double xAtMax = 0.; double valAtMax = 0.; double xmax=-100.; for (int ix = 1; ix <=h->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { double val = h->GetBinContent(ix,iy); double xbmin = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ix); double xcent = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); double xbmax = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(ix); if (val > valAtMax) { valAtMax = val; xAtMax = xcent; } if (val > 1 && (xbmin < xmin)) xmin = xbmin; if (val > 1 && (xbmax > xmax)) xmax = xbmax; } std::cout <<" set DPHI0 = "<<1.025-xAtMax <<"; set DPHI_MARGIN = " <<std::max( (xAtMax-xmin), (xmax-xAtMax)) <<";" << std::endl; } p =c->cd(2); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,1); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhiGen_Plus"); hAtPhi0 = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhiGenAtPhi0_Plus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); h->DrawCopy("box"); hAtPhi0->SetLineColor(2); hAtPhi0->DrawCopy("box same"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "BARREL MU PLUS"); std::cout <<h->GetTitle() << std::endl; for (int iy = 1; iy <=h->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { std::cout <<" pt: " << h->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(iy); double xmin=100.; double xAtMax = 0.; double valAtMax = 0.; double xmax=-100.; for (int ix = 1; ix <=h->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { double val = h->GetBinContent(ix,iy); double xbmin = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ix); double xcent = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); double xbmax = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(ix); if (val > valAtMax) { valAtMax = val; xAtMax = xcent; } if (val > 1 && (xbmin < xmin)) xmin = xbmin; if (val > 1 && (xbmax > xmax)) xmax = xbmax; } std::cout <<" set DPHI0 = "<<1.025-xAtMax <<"; set DPHI_MARGIN = " <<std::max( (xAtMax-xmin), (xmax-xAtMax)) <<";" << std::endl; } return c; }
void GradeCorrelation(double prob = 0.10, int nCut = 50) { std::cout << "Starting Grade Correlation..." << std::endl; TBenchmark* myBenchmark = new TBenchmark(); myBenchmark->Start("NormMap"); // Get the student TTree prepared in another macro. if (MyFunctions::gradeNormMap.size() == 0) MyFunctions::BuildGradeNormMap(); myBenchmark->Stop("NormMap"); std::cout << "Made GradeNormMap..." << std::endl; // Just a quick look at the data in the Students TTree TFile* f = new TFile("Students.root"); TTree* studentTree = (TTree*)f->Get("Students"); Student* student = 0; studentTree->SetBranchAddress("student", &student); Long64_t nentries = studentTree->GetEntriesFast(); std::cout << "Entries in Students TTree = " << nentries << std::endl; // We want to loop over students and look at pairs of courses taken in different semesters to see if there is // any correlation between graede performance. std::map<std::pair<TString, TString>, CorrelationCalculator> corrMap; // nentries = 1000; myBenchmark->Start("Main Loop"); int nPairAll = 0; for (Long64_t jentry = 0; jentry < nentries; ++jentry) { studentTree->GetEntry(jentry); if (jentry % 1000 == 0) std::cout << "At student " << jentry << std::endl; // std::cout << "Looking at student " << student->Id() << std::endl; student->Finalize(); // Regenerates non-persisted references int nTerms = student->Enrollments().size(); // std::cout << "nTerms = " << nTerms << std::endl; for (int iTerm = 0; iTerm < nTerms - 1; ++iTerm) { const Student::Enrollment iEnrollment = student->Enrollments()[iTerm]; if (!MyFunctions::regularSemester(iEnrollment.term)) continue; for (Student::Grade iGrade : iEnrollment.grades) { if (!MyFunctions::ValidGrade(iGrade.grade)) continue; // Get a prediction for this grade using norm-corrected grades // std::cout << "1" << std::endl; double prediction_i = student->CourseGradePrediction(iGrade, Student::DISTRIBUTION); // std::cout << "2" << std::endl; double delta_i = iGrade.quality - prediction_i; // Find next regular term only bool foundRegTerm = false; for (int jTerm = iTerm + 1; jTerm < nTerms && !foundRegTerm; ++jTerm) { const Student::Enrollment jEnrollment = student->Enrollments()[jTerm]; if (!MyFunctions::regularSemester(jEnrollment.term)) continue; foundRegTerm = true; for (Student::Grade jGrade : jEnrollment.grades) { if (jGrade.course == iGrade.course) continue; if (!MyFunctions::ValidGrade(jGrade.grade)) continue; double prediction_j = student->CourseGradePrediction(jGrade, Student::DISTRIBUTION); double delta_j = jGrade.quality - prediction_j; corrMap[std::make_pair(iGrade.course, jGrade.course)].Add(delta_i, delta_j); ++nPairAll; } } } } } myBenchmark->Stop("Main Loop"); std::cout << "nPairAll = " << nPairAll << std::endl; std::cout << "Unique Pairs = " << corrMap.size() << std::endl; TH1D* rHist = new TH1D("rHist", "Correlation Coefficient, #rho", 120, -1.2, 1.2); TH1D* pHist = new TH1D("pHist", "Probablity Distribution", 100, 0., 1.); TH1D* nHist = new TH1D("nHist", "Number of entries", 100, 0., 2000.); TH2D* pVrHist = new TH2D("pVrHist", "Prob vs. #rho", 100, -1., 1., 100, 0., 1.); myBenchmark->Start("Prune"); for (auto iter = corrMap.begin(); iter != corrMap.end();) { if (iter->second.n() < nCut) { corrMap.erase(iter++); continue; } double p = iter->second.p(); double r = iter->second.r(); // Test for nan? if (p != p) { std::cout << "Found p = nan: n = " << iter->second.n() << std::endl; corrMap.erase(iter++); continue; } if (p < 0.) { corrMap.erase(iter++); continue; } rHist->Fill(r); pHist->Fill(p); nHist->Fill(iter->second.n()); pVrHist->Fill(r, p); if (p < 1. - prob && p > prob) { corrMap.erase(iter++); } else { std::cout << "r = " << iter->second.r() << ", p = " << p << std::endl; ++iter; } } myBenchmark->Stop("Prune"); std::cout << "Post Cut = " << corrMap.size() << std::endl; myBenchmark->Start("Sort"); std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<TString, TString>, CorrelationCalculator>> corrVec(corrMap.begin(), corrMap.end()); std::sort(corrVec.begin(), corrVec.end(), &sortFunc); myBenchmark->Stop("Sort"); int printTop = 50; int printed = 0; for (auto const& entry : corrVec) { std::cout << entry.first.first << " : " << entry.first.second << "\t, n = " << entry.second.n() << "\t, r = " << entry.second.r() << "\t, p = " << entry.second.p() << std::endl; ++printed; if (printed >= printTop) break; } TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Grade Correlation", 1600, 1200); c1->Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); TF1* myGaus = new TF1("myGaus", "gaus", -1., 1.); myGaus->SetParameters(600., 0., 0.2); myGaus->FixParameter(1, 0.); rHist->Fit(myGaus, "0B", "", -1., 0.); rHist->DrawCopy(); myGaus->DrawCopy("SAME"); c1->cd(2); pHist->DrawCopy(); c1->cd(3); nHist->DrawCopy(); c1->cd(4); pVrHist->DrawCopy(); float rt, cp; myBenchmark->Summary(rt, cp); }