double pValueFromPoint2PointDissimilarity(IDataSet * data, IDataSet * mcData) { std::cout << "GC: calculating T stat for data" << std::endl; double T = calculateTstatistic( data, mcData ); char buffer[20]; sprintf( buffer, "Tdata = %f", T ); cout << buffer << endl; int nPerm = 25; vector<double> Tvalues = permutation( data, mcData, nPerm ); int count = 0; vector<double>::iterator Titer; for ( Titer = Tvalues.begin(); Titer != Tvalues.end(); ++Titer ){ if ( T < *Titer ) count++; } double pvalue = count/double(nPerm); string fileName = ResultFormatter::GetOutputFolder(); fileName.append("/tvalues.root"); TFile * outputFile = new TFile(fileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"); TNtuple * ntuple = new TNtuple("tvalues", "tvalues", "T:Tdata:pvalue"); for ( int i = 0; i < nPerm; i++ ) ntuple->Fill(Tvalues[i], T, pvalue); ntuple->Write(); outputFile->Close(); delete outputFile; return pvalue; }
int main(){ std::vector<double> initparams; initparams.push_back(5.0); FFF::FitSimple fit(&myNLL,&myMC); FFF::DataWrapper* data = fit.GenerateData(initparams); std::cout << "The correct answer is 5.0, with a likelihood of 0.0" << std::endl; std::vector<double> results = fit.MigradFit(initparams,data); std::cout << "Migrad: " << results[0] << " L=" << results[1] << std::endl; TNtuple *lspace = fit.MCMCMapLikelihood(initparams,data); TFile f("lspace.root","RECREATE"); lspace->Write(); f.Close(); results = fit.MCMCFit(initparams,data); std::cout << "MCMC: " << results[0] << " L=" << results[1] << std::endl; results = fit.SAnnealFit(initparams,data); std::cout << "SAnneal: " << results[0] << " L=" << results[1] << std::endl; // You can also do normal minuit2 stuff ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase* migradfunc = fit.GetMinuit2FCNBase(data); std::vector<double> verrors; for (size_t i=0;i<initparams.size();i++) verrors.push_back(0.0); //FIXME ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters mnParams(initparams,verrors); ROOT::Minuit2::MnMigrad migrad(*migradfunc,mnParams); ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum theMin = migrad(); //FIXME maxfcn, tol ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters migradresult = theMin.UserParameters(); ROOT::Minuit2::MnMinos minos(*migradfunc,theMin); std::pair<double, double> errors = minos(0); std::cout << "Minos errors:" << std::endl; std::cout << migradresult.Params()[0] << " +" << errors.second << " -" << -1*errors.first << std::endl; return 0; }
void testPicoD0EventRead(TString filename) { gROOT->LoadMacro("$STAR/StRoot/StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/macros/loadSharedLibraries.C"); loadSharedLibraries(); gSystem->Load("StPicoDstMaker"); gSystem->Load("StPicoD0Maker"); TFile* f = new TFile(filename.Data()); TTree* T = (TTree*)f->Get("T"); StPicoD0Event* event = new StPicoD0Event(); T->SetBranchAddress("dEvent",&event); TFile ff("read_test.root","RECREATE"); TNtuple* nt = new TNtuple("nt","","m:pt:eta:phi:theta:" "decayL:kDca:pDca:dca12:cosThetaStar"); StKaonPion* kp = 0; for(Int_t i=0;i<100000;++i) { T->GetEntry(i); TClonesArray* arrKPi = event->kaonPionArray(); for(int idx=0;idx<event->nKaonPion();++idx) { kp = (StKaonPion*)arrKPi->At(idx); nt->Fill(kp->m(),kp->pt(),kp->eta(),kp->phi(),kp->pointingAngle(), kp->decayLength(),kp->kaonDca(),kp->pionDca(),kp->dcaDaughters(),kp->cosThetaStar()); } } nt->Write(); ff.Close(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TApplication theApp(srcName.Data(), &argc, argv); //============================================================================= if (argc<5) return -1; TString sPath = argv[1]; if (sPath.IsNull()) return -1; TString sFile = argv[2]; if (sFile.IsNull()) return -1; TString sJetR = argv[3]; if (sJetR.IsNull()) return -1; TString sSjeR = argv[4]; if (sSjeR.IsNull()) return -1; //============================================================================= sPath.ReplaceAll("#", "/"); //============================================================================= double dJetR = -1.; if (sJetR=="JetR02") dJetR = 0.2; if (sJetR=="JetR03") dJetR = 0.3; if (sJetR=="JetR04") dJetR = 0.4; if (sJetR=="JetR05") dJetR = 0.5; if (dJetR<0.) return -1; cout << "Jet R = " << dJetR << endl; //============================================================================= double dSjeR = -1.; if (sSjeR=="SjeR01") dSjeR = 0.1; if (sSjeR=="SjeR02") dSjeR = 0.2; if (sSjeR=="SjeR03") dSjeR = 0.3; if (sSjeR=="SjeR04") dSjeR = 0.4; if (dSjeR<0.) return -1; cout << "Sub-jet R = " << dSjeR << endl; //============================================================================= const double dJetsPtMin = 0.001; const double dCutEtaMax = 1.6; const double dJetEtaMax = 1.; const double dJetAreaRef = TMath::Pi() * dJetR * dJetR; fastjet::GhostedAreaSpec areaSpc(dCutEtaMax); fastjet::JetDefinition jetsDef(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, dJetR, fastjet::BIpt_scheme, fastjet::Best); fastjet::AreaDefinition areaDef(fastjet::active_area_explicit_ghosts,areaSpc); fastjet::Selector selectJet = fastjet::SelectorAbsEtaMax(dJetEtaMax); fastjet::JetDefinition subjDef(fastjet::kt_algorithm, dSjeR, fastjet::BIpt_scheme, fastjet::Best); //============================================================================= std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInput; const Double_t dCut = TMath::TwoPi() / 3.; //============================================================================= enum { kWgt, kXsc, kLje, kLjr, kLtk, kLtr, kJet, kAje, kMje, k1sz, k1sA, k1sm, k1sr, k2sz, k2sA, k2sm, k2sr, kDsm, kDsr, kVar }; TFile *file = TFile::Open(Form("%s.root",sFile.Data()), "NEW"); TNtuple *nt = new TNtuple("nt", "", "fWgt:fXsc:fLje:fLjr:fLtk:fLtr:fJet:fAje:fMje:f1sj:f1sA:f1sm:f1sr:f2sj:f2sA:f2sm:f2sr:fDsm:fDsr"); //============================================================================= HepMC::IO_GenEvent ascii_in(Form("%s/%s.hepmc",sPath.Data(),sFile.Data()), std::ios::in); HepMC::GenEvent *evt = ascii_in.read_next_event(); while (evt) { fjInput.resize(0); double dLtk = -1.; TVector3 vPar, vLtk; for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p=evt->particles_begin(); p!=evt->particles_end(); ++p) if ((*p)->status()==1) { double dEta = (*p)->momentum().eta(); if (TMath::Abs(dEta)>dCutEtaMax) continue; double dTrk = (*p)->momentum().perp(); double dPhi = (*p)->momentum().phi(); vPar.SetPtEtaPhi(dTrk, dEta, dPhi); fjInput.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(vPar.Px(), vPar.Py(), vPar.Pz(), vPar.Mag())); if (dTrk>dLtk) { dLtk = dTrk; vLtk.SetPtEtaPhi(dTrk, dEta, dPhi); } } //============================================================================= fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea clustSeq(fjInput, jetsDef, areaDef); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> includJets = clustSeq.inclusive_jets(dJetsPtMin); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> selectJets = selectJet(includJets); //============================================================================= if (selectJets.size()>0) { std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sortedJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(selectJets); TVector3 vLje; vLje.SetPtEtaPhi(sortedJets[0].pt(), sortedJets[0].eta(), sortedJets[0].phi()); TVector3 vJet; int kJrl = -1; double dJrl = -1.; int kTrl = -1; double dTrl = -1.; for (int j=0; j<sortedJets.size(); j++) { double dJet = sortedJets[j].pt(); sortedJets[j].set_user_index(-1); vJet.SetPtEtaPhi(dJet, sortedJets[j].eta(), sortedJets[j].phi()); if (TMath::Abs(vJet.DeltaPhi(vLje))>dCut) { sortedJets[j].set_user_index(1); if (dJet>dJrl) { dJrl = dJet; kJrl = j; } } if (TMath::Abs(vJet.DeltaPhi(vLtk))>dCut) { sortedJets[j].set_user_index(2); if (dJet>dTrl) { dTrl = dJet; kTrl = j; } } } //============================================================================= TVector3 v1sj, v2sj; for (int j=0; j<sortedJets.size(); j++) { Float_t dVar[kVar]; for (Int_t i=0; i<kVar; i++) dVar[i] = -1.; dVar[kWgt] = 1.; dVar[kXsc] = 1.; vJet.SetPtEtaPhi(sortedJets[j].pt(), sortedJets[j].eta(), sortedJets[j].phi()); //============================================================================= dVar[kLje] = vLje.Pt(); if (sortedJets[j].user_index()==1) { dVar[kLjr] = ((kJrl==j) ? 1.5 : 0.5); } dVar[kLtk] = vLtk.Pt(); if (sortedJets[j].user_index()==2) { dVar[kLtr] = ((kTrl==j) ? 1.5 : 0.5); } //============================================================================= dVar[kJet] = sortedJets[j].pt(); dVar[kAje] = sortedJets[j].area(); dVar[kMje] = sortedJets[j].m(); //============================================================================= fastjet::Filter trimmer(subjDef, fastjet::SelectorPtFractionMin(0.)); fastjet::PseudoJet trimmdJet = trimmer(sortedJets[j]); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> trimmdSj = trimmdJet.pieces(); double d1sj = -1.; int k1sj = -1; double d2sj = -1.; int k2sj = -1; for (int i=0; i<trimmdSj.size(); i++) { double dIsj = trimmdSj[i].pt(); if (dIsj<0.001) continue; if (dIsj>d1sj) { d2sj = d1sj; k2sj = k1sj; d1sj = dIsj; k1sj = i; } else if (dIsj>d2sj) { d2sj = dIsj; k2sj = i; } } //============================================================================= if (d1sj>0.) { v1sj.SetPtEtaPhi(d1sj, trimmdSj[k1sj].eta(), trimmdSj[k1sj].phi()); dVar[k1sz] = d1sj; dVar[k1sA] = trimmdSj[k1sj].area(); dVar[k1sm] = trimmdSj[k1sj].m(); dVar[k1sr] = v1sj.DeltaR(vJet); } if (d2sj>0.) { v2sj.SetPtEtaPhi(d2sj, trimmdSj[k2sj].eta(), trimmdSj[k2sj].phi()); dVar[k2sz] = d2sj; dVar[k2sA] = trimmdSj[k2sj].area(); dVar[k2sm] = trimmdSj[k2sj].m(); dVar[k2sr] = v2sj.DeltaR(vJet); } if ((d1sj>0.) && (d2sj>0.)) dVar[kDsr] = v2sj.DeltaR(v1sj); nt->Fill(dVar); } } //============================================================================= delete evt; ascii_in >> evt; } //============================================================================= file->cd(); nt->Write(); file->Close(); //============================================================================= TString sXsec = sFile; sXsec.ReplaceAll("out", "xsecs"); file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/xsecs/%s.root",sPath.Data(),sXsec.Data()), "READ"); TH1D *hPtHat = (TH1D*)file->Get("hPtHat"); hPtHat->SetDirectory(0); TH1D *hWeightSum = (TH1D*)file->Get("hWeightSum"); hWeightSum->SetDirectory(0); TProfile *hSigmaGen = (TProfile*)file->Get("hSigmaGen"); hSigmaGen->SetDirectory(0); file->Close(); //============================================================================= sFile.ReplaceAll("out", "wgt"); file = TFile::Open(Form("%s.root",sFile.Data()), "NEW"); hPtHat->Write(); hWeightSum->Write(); hSigmaGen->Write(); file->Close(); //============================================================================= cout << "DONE" << endl; //============================================================================= return 0; }
void buildtupledata(TString code)//(TString collision = "PbPbBJet", TString jetalgo = "akVs4PFJetAnalyzer") { if (!dt(code)) { cout<<"Not data: "<<code<<", exiting..."<<endl; return;} bool PbPb = isPbPb(code); TString sample = getSample(code); jettree = getjettree(code); subTag = subTagging(code); Init(PbPb, sample); TString outputfilenamedj = outputfolder+"/"+code+"_djt.root"; TString outputfilenameinc = outputfolder+"/"+code+"_inc.root"; TString outputfilenameevt = outputfolder+"/"+code+"_evt.root"; TString djvars = TString("run:lumi:event:prew:triggermatched:bin:vz:hiHF:hltCSV60:hltCSV80:hltCaloJet40:hltCaloJet60:hltCaloJet80:hltPFJet60:hltPFJet80:dijet:")+ "hltCalo60jtpt:hltCalo60jtphi:hltCalo60jteta:hltCalo80jtpt:hltCalo80jtphi:hltCalo80jteta:hltCSV60jtpt:hltCSV60jtphi:hltCSV60jteta:hltCSV80jtpt:hltCSV80jtphi:hltCSV80jteta:"+ "rawpt1:jtpt1:jtphi1:jteta1:discr_csvV1_1:svtxm1:discr_prob1:svtxdls1:svtxpt1:svtxntrk1:nsvtx1:nselIPtrk1:"+ "rawpt2:jtpt2:jtphi2:jteta2:discr_csvV1_2:svtxm2:discr_prob2:svtxdls2:svtxpt2:svtxntrk2:nsvtx2:nselIPtrk2:dphi21:"+ "rawpt3:jtpt3:jtphi3:jteta3:discr_csvV1_3:svtxm3:discr_prob3:svtxdls3:svtxpt3:svtxntrk3:nsvtx3:nselIPtrk3:dphi31:dphi32:"+ "SLord:rawptSL:jtptSL:jtphiSL:jtetaSL:discr_csvV1_SL:svtxmSL:discr_probSL:svtxdlsSL:svtxptSL:svtxntrkSL:nsvtxSL:nselIPtrkSL:dphiSL1"; for (auto w:weights) cout<<w<<"\t"; cout<<endl; int totentries = 0; //now fill histos TFile *foutdj = new TFile(outputfilenamedj,"recreate"); TNtuple *ntdj = new TNtuple("nt","ntdj",djvars); TFile *foutinc = new TFile(outputfilenameinc,"recreate"); TNtuple *ntinc = new TNtuple("nt","ntinc","prew:goodevent:bin:vz:hiHF:hltCSV60:hltCSV80:hltCaloJet40:hltCaloJet60:hltCaloJet80:hltPFJet60:hltPFJet80:rawpt:jtpt:jtphi:jteta:discr_csvV1:svtxm:discr_prob:svtxdls:svtxpt:svtxntrk:nsvtx:nselIPtrk"); TFile *foutevt = new TFile(outputfilenameevt,"recreate"); TNtuple *ntevt = new TNtuple("nt","ntinc","prew:bin:vz:hiHF:hltCSV60:hltCSV80"); for (unsigned i=0;i<subfoldernames.size();i++) { //get all files for unmerged forests auto files = list_files(TString::Format("%s/%s/",samplesfolder.Data(),subfoldernames[i].Data())); for (auto filename:files) { cout<<endl<<"Processing file "<<filename<<endl; TFile *f = new TFile(filename); TString treename = jettree;//f->Get(jettree) != 0 ? jettree : "ak3PFJetAnalyzer"; TTreeReader reader(treename,f); TTreeReaderValue<int> nref(reader, "nref"); TTreeReaderArray<float> rawpt(reader, "rawpt"); TTreeReaderArray<float> jtpt(reader, "jtpt"); TTreeReaderArray<float> jteta(reader, "jteta"); TTreeReaderArray<float> jtphi(reader, "jtphi"); TTreeReaderArray<float> discr_csvV1(reader, "discr_csvV1"); TTreeReaderArray<float> discr_prob(reader, "discr_prob"); TTreeReaderArray<float> svtxm(reader, "svtxm"); TTreeReaderArray<float> svtxdls(reader, "svtxdls"); TTreeReaderArray<float> svtxpt(reader, "svtxpt"); TTreeReaderArray<int> svtxntrk(reader, "svtxntrk"); TTreeReaderArray<int> nsvtx(reader, "nsvtx"); TTreeReaderArray<int> nselIPtrk(reader, "nselIPtrk"); TTreeReaderArray<float> *muMax=0, *muMaxTRK=0, *muMaxGBL=0; if (PbPb) { muMax = new TTreeReaderArray<float> (reader, "muMax"); muMaxTRK = new TTreeReaderArray<float>(reader, "muMaxTRK"); muMaxGBL = new TTreeReaderArray<float>(reader, "muMaxGBL"); } //HLT_HIPuAK4CaloBJetCSV80_Eta2p1_v1 HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet80_Eta5p1_v1 TString calojet40trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4CaloJet40_Eta5p1_v1" : "HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet40_Eta5p1_v1"; TString calojet40triggerv2 = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4CaloJet40_Eta5p1_v1" : "HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet40_Eta5p1_v2"; TString calojet60trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4CaloJet60_Eta5p1_v1" : "HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet60_Eta5p1_v1"; TString calojet80trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4CaloJet80_Eta5p1_v1" : "HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet80_Eta5p1_v1"; //dummy vars in PbPb case TString pfjet60trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4PFJet60_Eta5p1_v1" : "LumiBlock"; TString pfjet80trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4PFJet80_Eta5p1_v1" : "LumiBlock"; TString csv60trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4PFBJetBCSV60_Eta2p1_v1" : "HLT_HIPuAK4CaloBJetCSV60_Eta2p1_v1"; TString csv80trigger = !PbPb ? "HLT_AK4PFBJetBCSV80_Eta2p1_v1" : "HLT_HIPuAK4CaloBJetCSV80_Eta2p1_v1"; //PbPb pprimaryVertexFilter && pclusterCompatibilityFilter do nothing vector<TString> filterNames; if (PbPb) filterNames = {"pcollisionEventSelection", "HBHENoiseFilterResultRun2Loose"}; else filterNames = {"pPAprimaryVertexFilter", "HBHENoiseFilterResultRun2Loose", "pBeamScrapingFilter"}; TTreeReader readerhlt("hltanalysis/HltTree",f); TTreeReaderValue<int> PFJet60(readerhlt, pfjet60trigger); TTreeReaderValue<int> PFJet80(readerhlt, pfjet80trigger); TTreeReaderValue<int> CaloJet40(readerhlt, calojet40trigger); TTreeReaderValue<int> CaloJet40v2(readerhlt, calojet40triggerv2); TTreeReaderValue<int> CaloJet60(readerhlt, calojet60trigger); TTreeReaderValue<int> CaloJet80(readerhlt, calojet80trigger); TTreeReaderValue<int> CSV60(readerhlt, csv60trigger); TTreeReaderValue<int> CSV80(readerhlt, csv80trigger); TTreeReader readercsv60object("hltobject/HLT_HIPuAK4CaloBJetCSV60_Eta2p1_v",f); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > csv60pt(readercsv60object, "pt"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > csv60eta(readercsv60object, "eta"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > csv60phi(readercsv60object, "phi"); TTreeReader readercsv80object("hltobject/HLT_HIPuAK4CaloBJetCSV80_Eta2p1_v",f); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > csv80pt(readercsv80object, "pt"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > csv80eta(readercsv80object, "eta"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > csv80phi(readercsv80object, "phi"); TTreeReader readerCalo60object("hltobject/HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet60_Eta5p1_v",f); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > calo60pt(readerCalo60object, "pt"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > calo60eta(readerCalo60object, "eta"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > calo60phi(readerCalo60object, "phi"); TTreeReader readerCalo80object("hltobject/HLT_HIPuAK4CaloJet80_Eta5p1_v",f); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > calo80pt(readerCalo80object, "pt"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > calo80eta(readerCalo80object, "eta"); TTreeReaderValue<vector<Double_t> > calo80phi(readerCalo80object, "phi"); TTreeReader readerevt("hiEvtAnalyzer/HiTree",f); TTreeReaderValue<float> vz(readerevt, "vz"); TTreeReaderValue<int> bin(readerevt, "hiBin"); TTreeReaderValue<float> hiHF(readerevt, "hiHF"); TTreeReaderValue<unsigned int> run(readerevt, "run"); TTreeReaderValue<unsigned int> lumi(readerevt, "lumi"); TTreeReaderValue<unsigned long long> event(readerevt, "evt"); TTreeReader readerskim("skimanalysis/HltTree",f); vector<TTreeReaderValue<int> *>filters; for (auto f:filterNames) filters.push_back(new TTreeReaderValue<int>(readerskim, f)); cout<<"added filters"<<endl; int nev = reader.GetEntries(true); cout<<nev<<endl; totentries+=nev; int onep = nev/100; int evCounter = 0; TTimeStamp t0; //for testing - only 10% of data //while (evCounter<2*onep && reader.Next()) { //go full file while (reader.Next()) { readerhlt.Next(); readerevt.Next(); readerskim.Next(); readercsv60object.Next(); readercsv80object.Next(); readerCalo60object.Next(); readerCalo80object.Next(); evCounter++; if (evCounter%onep==0) { std::cout << std::fixed; TTimeStamp t1; cout<<" \r"<<evCounter/onep<<"% "<<" total time "<<(int)round((t1-t0)*nev/(evCounter+.1))<<" s "<<flush; } int bPFJet60 = !PbPb ? *PFJet60 : 1; int bPFJet80 = !PbPb ? *PFJet80 : 1; //int jet40 = *CaloJet40 || *CaloJet40v2; float weight = 1; if (!PbPb) weight = getweight(subfoldernames[i], bPFJet60, bPFJet80); if (PbPb && sample=="j60") weight = *CaloJet60;//only calojet 40 ntevt->Fill(weight, *bin, *vz, *hiHF, *CSV60, *CSV80); if (weight==0) continue; //good event is vertex cut and noise cuts bool goodevent = abs(*vz)<15; for (auto f:filters) goodevent&=*(*f); int ind1=-1, ind2=-1, ind3=-1, indSL=-1; //indices of leading/subleading jets in jet array int indTrigCSV60=-1, indTrigCSV80=-1, indTrigCalo60=-1, indTrigCalo80=-1; int SLord = 0; bool foundJ1=false, foundJ2 = false, foundJ3 = false, foundSL = false; //found/not found yet, for convenience bool triggermatched = false; if (goodevent) for (int j=0;j<*nref;j++) { //acceptance selection if (abs(jteta[j])>1.5) continue; //muon cuts if (PbPb) { if((*muMax)[j]/rawpt[j]>0.95) continue; if( ((*muMaxTRK)[j]-(*muMaxGBL)[j]) / ((*muMaxTRK)[j]+(*muMaxGBL)[j]) > 0.1) continue; } if (!foundJ1) { //looking for the leading jet ind1 = j; foundJ1=true; if (PbPb) { indTrigCSV60 = triggeredLeadingJetCSV(jtphi[j], jteta[j], *csv60pt, *csv60phi, *csv60eta); indTrigCSV80 = triggeredLeadingJetCSV(jtphi[j], jteta[j], *csv80pt, *csv80phi, *csv80eta); indTrigCalo60 = triggeredLeadingJetCalo(jtphi[j], jteta[j], *calo60pt, *calo60phi, *calo60eta); indTrigCalo80 = triggeredLeadingJetCalo(jtphi[j], jteta[j], *calo80pt, *calo80phi, *calo80eta); } triggermatched = !PbPb || indTrigCSV60!=-1 || indTrigCSV80!=-1; } else if (foundJ1 && !foundJ2) { ind2 = j; foundJ2 = true; } else if (foundJ1 && foundJ2 && !foundJ3) { ind3 = j; foundJ3 = true; } //we need ordinal number of SL jets, so counting until found //indSL != SLord because some jets are not in acceptance region if (!foundSL) SLord++; //ind1!=j otherwise SL will be = J1 if (foundJ1 && ind1!=j && !foundSL && discr_csvV1[j]>0.9) { indSL = j; foundSL = true; } //at this point foundLJ = true always, so triggermatched is determined vector<float> vinc = {weight, (float)triggermatched, (float) *bin, *vz, *hiHF,(float)*CSV60, (float)*CSV80,(float)*CaloJet40, (float)*CaloJet60, (float)*CaloJet80, (float)bPFJet60,(float)bPFJet80, rawpt[j], jtpt[j], jtphi[j], jteta[j], discr_csvV1[j],svtxm[j],discr_prob[j], svtxdls[j],svtxpt[j],(float)svtxntrk[j],(float)nsvtx[j],(float)nselIPtrk[j]}; ntinc->Fill(&vinc[0]); } //fill dijet ntuple vector<float> vdj; vdj = {(float)*run, (float)*lumi, (float)*event, weight, (float)triggermatched, (float)*bin, *vz,*hiHF, (float)*CSV60, (float)*CSV80,(float)*CaloJet40,(float)*CaloJet60, (float)*CaloJet80,(float)bPFJet60,(float)bPFJet80, foundJ1 && foundJ2 ? (float)1 : (float)0, indTrigCalo60!=-1 ? (float)(*calo60pt)[indTrigCalo60] : NaN, indTrigCalo60!=-1 ? (float)(*calo60phi)[indTrigCalo60] : NaN, indTrigCalo60!=-1 ? (float)(*calo60eta)[indTrigCalo60] : NaN, indTrigCalo80!=-1 ? (float)(*calo80pt)[indTrigCalo80] : NaN, indTrigCalo80!=-1 ? (float)(*calo80phi)[indTrigCalo80] : NaN, indTrigCalo80!=-1 ? (float)(*calo80eta)[indTrigCalo80] : NaN, indTrigCSV60!=-1 ? (float)(*csv60pt)[indTrigCSV60] : NaN, indTrigCSV60!=-1 ? (float)(*csv60phi)[indTrigCSV60] : NaN, indTrigCSV60!=-1 ? (float)(*csv60eta)[indTrigCSV60] : NaN, indTrigCSV80!=-1 ? (float)(*csv80pt)[indTrigCSV80] : NaN, indTrigCSV80!=-1 ? (float)(*csv80phi)[indTrigCSV80] : NaN, indTrigCSV80!=-1 ? (float)(*csv80eta)[indTrigCSV80] : NaN, foundJ1 ? rawpt[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? jtpt[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? jtphi[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? jteta[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? discr_csvV1[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? svtxm[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? discr_prob[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? svtxdls[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? svtxpt[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? (float)svtxntrk[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? (float)nsvtx[ind1] : NaN, foundJ1 ? (float)nselIPtrk[ind1] : NaN, foundJ2 ? rawpt[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? jtpt[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? jtphi[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? jteta[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? discr_csvV1[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? svtxm[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? discr_prob[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? svtxdls[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? svtxpt[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? (float)svtxntrk[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? (float)nsvtx[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 ? (float)nselIPtrk[ind2] : NaN, foundJ2 && foundJ1 ? acos(cos(jtphi[ind2]-jtphi[ind1])) : NaN, foundJ3 ? rawpt[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? jtpt[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? jtphi[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? jteta[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? discr_csvV1[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? svtxm[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? discr_prob[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? svtxdls[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? svtxpt[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? (float)svtxntrk[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? (float)nsvtx[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 ? (float)nselIPtrk[ind3] : NaN, foundJ3 && foundJ1 ? acos(cos(jtphi[ind3]-jtphi[ind1])) : NaN, foundJ3 && foundJ2 ? acos(cos(jtphi[ind3]-jtphi[ind2])) : NaN, foundSL ? (float)SLord : NaN, foundSL ? rawpt[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? jtpt[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? jtphi[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? jteta[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? discr_csvV1[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? svtxm[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? discr_prob[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? svtxdls[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? svtxpt[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? (float)svtxntrk[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? (float)nsvtx[indSL] : NaN, foundSL ? (float)nselIPtrk[indSL] : NaN, foundSL && foundJ1 ? acos(cos(jtphi[indSL]-jtphi[ind1])) : NaN}; ntdj->Fill(&vdj[0]); } f->Close(); } } foutevt->cd(); ntevt->Write(); foutevt->Close(); foutdj->cd(); ntdj->Write(); foutdj->Close(); foutinc->cd(); ntinc->Write(); foutinc->Close(); cout<<endl; cout<<"Total input entries "<<totentries<<endl; //making centrality-dependent ntuples //PutInCbins(outputfolder, code, {{0,40}, {80,200}}); if (PbPb && sample=="bjt"){ auto w = calculateWeightsBjet(outputfilenamedj); updatePbPbBtriggerweight(outputfilenamedj,w); updatePbPbBtriggerweight(outputfilenameinc,w); updatePbPbBtriggerweight(outputfilenameevt,w); } else { updateweight(outputfilenamedj); updateweight(outputfilenameinc); updateweight(outputfilenameevt); } }
TF1 *bFeedDownFraction(double ptMin=20,double ptMax=25) { /* TFile *infMCP = new TFile("miniNtuplePrompt.root"); TFile *infMCNP = new TFile("miniNtupleNonPrompt.root"); TFile *infData = new TFile("miniData.root"); */ TFile *infMCP = new TFile("ntD_EvtBase_20160303_Dfinder_20160302_pp_Pythia8_prompt_D0_dPt0tkPt0p5_pthatweight.root"); TFile *infMCNP = new TFile("ntD_EvtBase_20160303_Dfinder_20160302_pp_Pythia8_nonprompt_D0_dPt0tkPt0p5_pthatweight.root"); // TFile *infData = new TFile("miniData.root"); TFile *infData = new TFile("ppData.root"); TTree *tMCP = (TTree*)infMCP->Get("ntDkpi"); TTree *tMCNP = (TTree*)infMCNP->Get("ntDkpi"); TTree *tMCPHI = (TTree*)infMCP->Get("ntHi"); TTree *tMCNPHI = (TTree*)infMCNP->Get("ntHi"); TTree *tData = (TTree*)infData->Get("ntDkpi"); tMCP->AddFriend(tMCPHI); tMCNP->AddFriend(tMCNPHI); TFile *outf = new TFile(Form("output-%.0f-%.0f.root",ptMin,ptMax),"recreate"); TNtuple *nt = new TNtuple("nt","","ptMin:ptMax:Frac:FracErr"); TCanvas *cSideband = new TCanvas("cSideband","Data Sideband",1200,1200); cSideband->Divide(2,2); cSideband->cd(1); TCut cutpp ="Dy>-1.&&Dy<1.&&Dtrk1highPurity&&Dtrk2highPurity&&Dtrk1Pt>2.0&&Dtrk2Pt>2.0&&(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>3.5&&(DlxyBS/DlxyBSErr)>2.5&&Dchi2cl>0.05&&Dalpha<0.12&&Dtrk1PtErr/Dtrk1Pt<0.1&&Dtrk2PtErr/Dtrk2Pt<0.1&&abs(Dtrk1Eta)<2.0&&abs(Dtrk2Eta)<2.0&&Dtrk1Algo>3&&Dtrk1Algo<8&&Dtrk2Algo>3&&Dtrk2Algo<8&&(Dtrk1PixelHit+Dtrk1StripHit)>=11&&(Dtrk2PixelHit+Dtrk2StripHit)>=11&&(Dtrk1Chi2ndf/(Dtrk1nStripLayer+Dtrk1nPixelLayer)<0.15)&&(Dtrk2Chi2ndf/(Dtrk2nStripLayer+Dtrk2nPixelLayer)<0.15)"; TCut cutmc="(Dgen==23333||Dgen==23344)"; TCut cutpt=Form("Dpt>%f&&Dpt<%f",ptMin,ptMax); TCut cutSignal = "abs(Dmass-1.8649)<0.025"; TCut cutSideband = "abs(Dmass-1.8649)>0.075&&abs(Dmass-1.8649)<0.1"; // TCut weightfuncFtionreco="((TMath::Erf((log(DsvpvDisErr))*(Dgenpt*Dgenpt*(-0.001)+0.1021*Dgenpt+1.247)+(Dgenpt*Dgenpt*(-0.0032)+0.2912*Dgenpt+6.8275))+1))*(pow(10,-0.168499*Dgenpt+3.872855+Dgenpt*Dgenpt*0.000556)+pow(10,-0.068599*Dgenpt+2.512265+Dgenpt*Dgenpt*0.000331))"; TCut weightfunctionreco = "pthatweight"; int nBin=20; double binL=3.5; double binH=103.5; double fitRangeL=3.5; double fitRangeH=100.5; if (ptMax<=6) { fitRangeH=43.5; binH=43.5; } float bins[6+1]={3.5,5.5,8.5,10.5,20.5,30.5,50.5}; TH1D *hSideband = new TH1D("hSideband","Sideband",nBin,binL,binH); TH1D *hData = new TH1D("hData","Data",nBin,binL,binH); TH1D *hMCPSignal = new TH1D("hMCPSignal","Prompt",nBin,binL,binH); TH1D *hMCNPSignal = new TH1D("hMCNPSignal","Non-prompt",nBin,binL,binH); TH1D *hMCPSideband = new TH1D("hMCPSideband","",nBin,binL,binH); TH1D *hMCNPSideband = new TH1D("hMCNPSideband","",nBin,binL,binH); hSideband->Sumw2(); hData->Sumw2(); hMCPSignal->Sumw2(); hMCNPSignal->Sumw2(); tData->Draw("(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>>hSideband",cutpt&&cutpp&&cutSideband); tData->Draw("(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>>hData",cutpt&&cutpp&&cutSignal); tMCP->Draw("(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>>hMCPSignal",weightfunctionreco*(cutpt&&cutpp&&cutSignal&&cutmc)); //tMCP->Draw("(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>>hMCPSideband",cutpt&&cutpp&&cutSideband); tMCNP->Draw("(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>>hMCNPSignal",weightfunctionreco*(cutpt&&cutpp&&cutSignal&&cutmc)); //tMCNP->Draw("(DsvpvDistance/DsvpvDisErr)>>hMCNPSideband",cutpt&&cutpp&&cutSideband); hSideband->Scale(1./1.); hData->Add(hSideband,-1); normalize(hData,1); normalize(hMCPSignal,2); normalize(hMCNPSignal,4); normalize(hSideband,kGreen+2); TF1 *fSideband = new TF1("fSideband","[0]*(exp([1]*x+[2])+[3]*exp([4]*x+[5])+[6]*exp([7]*x+[8]))"); TF1 *fMCPSignal = new TF1("fMCPSignal","[0]*(exp([1]*x+[2])+[3]*exp([4]*x+[5])+[6]*exp([7]*x+[8]))"); TF1 *fMCNPSignal = new TF1("fMCNPSignal","[0]*(exp([1]*x+[2])+[3]*exp([4]*x+[5])+[6]*exp([7]*x+[8]))"); fSideband->SetParameters(0,-0.1,0.2,-0,-2,0.006,-0.01,-0.11,-0.04,0,0.001); fMCNPSignal->SetParameters(0,-0.1,0.1,-0,-0.02,0.006,-0.01,-0.11,-0.04,0,0.001); fMCPSignal->SetParameters(0,-0.1,0.1,-0,-0.02,0.006,-0.01,-0.11,-0.04,0,0.001); // fMCNPSignal->FixParameter(3,0); // fMCPSignal->FixParameter(3,0); fMCPSignal->SetParLimits(1,-100,0); fMCPSignal->SetParLimits(4,-100,0); fMCPSignal->SetParLimits(7,-100,0); fMCNPSignal->SetParLimits(1,-100,0); fMCNPSignal->SetParLimits(4,-100,0); fMCNPSignal->SetParLimits(7,-100,0); fMCPSignal->SetParLimits(0,0,1e10); fMCPSignal->SetParLimits(3,0,1e10); fMCPSignal->SetParLimits(6,0,1e10); fMCNPSignal->SetParLimits(0,0,1e10); fMCNPSignal->SetParLimits(3,0,1e10); fMCNPSignal->SetParLimits(6,0,1e10); hSideband->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hSideband->Fit("fSideband"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); double normSideband = hSideband->Integral(0,0.12); cSideband->cd(2); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCPSignal->Fit("fMCPSignal"," m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); double normMCPSignal = hMCPSignal->Integral(0,0.12); cSideband->cd(3); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","LL q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal"," q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); hMCNPSignal->Fit("fMCNPSignal","m q","",fitRangeL,fitRangeH); double normMCNPSignal = hMCNPSignal->Integral(0,0.12); string sSideband = Form("(%e)*(exp((%e)*x+(%e))+(%e)*exp((%e)*x+(%e))+(%e)*exp((%e)*x+(%e)))",fSideband->GetParameter(0),fSideband->GetParameter(1),fSideband->GetParameter(2),fSideband->GetParameter(3),fSideband->GetParameter(4),fSideband->GetParameter(5),fSideband->GetParameter(6),fSideband->GetParameter(7),fSideband->GetParameter(8)); string sMCPSignal = Form("(%e)*(exp((%e)*x+(%e))+(%e)*exp((%e)*x+(%e))+(%e)*exp((%e)*x+(%e)))",fMCPSignal->GetParameter(0),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(1),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(2),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(3),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(4),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(5),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(6),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(7),fMCPSignal->GetParameter(8)); string sMCNPSignal = Form("(%e)*(exp((%e)*x+(%e))+(%e)*exp((%e)*x+(%e))+(%e)*exp((%e)*x+(%e)))",fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(0),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(1),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(2),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(3),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(4),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(5),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(6),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(7),fMCNPSignal->GetParameter(8)); string function; function="0*("+sSideband+")+[1]*([2]*"+sMCPSignal+"+(1-[2])*("+sMCNPSignal+"))"; string functionNP; functionNP="0*("+sSideband+")+[1]*(0*"+sMCPSignal+"+(1-[2])*("+sMCNPSignal+"))"; TCanvas *cFit = new TCanvas("cFit","Fit",600,600); TF1 *f = new TF1("f",function.c_str()); f->SetParameters(1,0.1,0.9,0,0.1); f->SetParLimits(0,0,1000); f->SetParLimits(2,-1,2); f->SetLineColor(2); f->SetFillColor(2); f->SetFillStyle(3001); f->Draw("same"); hData->SetAxisRange(fitRangeL,fitRangeH,"X"); hData->Fit("f","LL"); hData->Fit("f","LL"); hData->Fit("f","LL"); hData->Fit("f","LL"); hData->Fit("f","m"); hData->SetXTitle("Flight Distance Significance"); hData->SetYTitle("Event Fraction"); TF1 *fNP = new TF1("fNP",functionNP.c_str()); fNP->SetParameters(f->GetParameter(0),f->GetParameter(1),f->GetParameter(2)); fNP->SetRange(fitRangeL,fitRangeH*2); fNP->SetLineColor(4); fNP->SetFillStyle(3001); fNP->SetFillColor(4); hData->SetStats(0); hData->Draw("same"); fNP->Draw("same"); cout <<fNP->Integral(3.5,60)/f->Integral(3.5,60)<<endl; TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.5,0.7,0.9,0.9); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->AddEntry(hData,"pp data","pl"); leg->AddEntry(f,Form("Prompt Fraction %.1f #pm %.1f %%",100*f->GetParameter(2),100*f->GetParError(2)),""); leg->AddEntry(f,"Prompt D^{0}","f"); leg->AddEntry(fNP,"Non-Prompt D^{0}","f"); leg->Draw(); cSideband->cd(4); hMCPSignal->Draw("hist"); hSideband->Draw("hist same"); hMCNPSignal->Draw("hist same"); hData->Draw("same"); nt->Fill(ptMin,ptMax,f->GetParameter(2),f->GetParError(2)); nt->Write(); outf->Write(); // outf->Close(); return f; }
void Bd2JpsiKst_reflections::Loop() { gROOT->ProcessLine(".x /Users/gcowan/lhcb/lhcbStyle.C"); if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); //TH1D * mKK = new TH1D("mKK", "mKK", 100, 0.99, 1.050); TH1D * mKK = new TH1D("mKK", "mKK", 100, 1.45, 1.55); //TH1D * mKK = new TH1D("mKK", "mKK", 100, 0.4, 0.6); TH1D * mKpi = new TH1D("mKpi", "mKpi", 100, 0.826, 0.966); TH1D * massHisto = new TH1D("mBd_DTF", "mBd_DTF", 100, 5.15, 5.4); TH1D * mBd = new TH1D("mBd", "mBd", 100, 5.15, 5.4); TH1D * mBs = new TH1D("mBs", "mBs", 100, 5.20, 5.55); //TH1D * mB_lower = new TH1D("lower_sideband", "lower_sideband", 100, 5.15, 5.4); //TH1D * mB_upper = new TH1D("upper_sideband", "upper_sideband", 100, 5.15, 5.4); //TH1D * mB_lower = new TH1D("lower_sideband", "lower_sideband", 60, 5.3, 5.45); // for looking at Bs -> JpsiKK where K -> pi misid //TH1D * mB_upper = new TH1D("upper_sideband", "upper_sideband", 60, 5.3, 5.45);// for looking at Bs -> JpsiKK where K -> pi misid TH1D * mB_lower = new TH1D("lower_sideband", "lower_sideband", 40, 5.55, 5.7); TH1D * mB_upper = new TH1D("upper_sideband", "upper_sideband", 40, 5.55, 5.7); TH1D * mJpsi_ = new TH1D("mJpsi", "mJpsi", 100, 3.03, 3.15); TH1D * mJpsi_constr = new TH1D("mJpsi_constr", "mJpsi", 100, 3.03, 3.15); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; TFile * file = TFile::Open("reflection_upper_sideband.root", "RECREATE"); TNtuple * tuple = new TNtuple("DecayTree","DecayTree", "mass"); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { //for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<1000;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; double mpi = 139.57018; double mK = 493.68; double mmu = 105.658; double mJpsi = 3096.916; double mp = 938.27; TLorentzVector Kplus(K1_Px, K1_Py, K1_Pz, sqrt(K1_Px*K1_Px+K1_Py*K1_Py+K1_Pz*K1_Pz + mK*mK)); TLorentzVector Piminus(Pi1_Px, Pi1_Py, Pi1_Pz, sqrt(Pi1_Px*Pi1_Px+Pi1_Py*Pi1_Py+Pi1_Pz*Pi1_Pz + mpi*mpi)); TLorentzVector KplusWrong(K1_Px, K1_Py, K1_Pz, sqrt(K1_Px*K1_Px+K1_Py*K1_Py+K1_Pz*K1_Pz + mpi*mpi)); //TLorentzVector PiminusWrong(Pi1_Px, Pi1_Py, Pi1_Pz, sqrt(Pi1_Px*Pi1_Px+Pi1_Py*Pi1_Py+Pi1_Pz*Pi1_Pz + mK*mK)); TLorentzVector PiminusWrong(Pi1_Px, Pi1_Py, Pi1_Pz, sqrt(Pi1_Px*Pi1_Px+Pi1_Py*Pi1_Py+Pi1_Pz*Pi1_Pz + mp*mp)); TLorentzVector muplus(Mu1_Px, Mu1_Py, Mu1_Pz, sqrt(Mu1_P*Mu1_P + mmu*mmu)); TLorentzVector muminus(Mu2_Px, Mu2_Py, Mu2_Pz, sqrt(Mu2_P*Mu2_P + mmu*mmu)); TLorentzVector Jpsi = muplus + muminus; TLorentzVector Jpsi_constr(Mu2_Px+Mu1_Px, Mu2_Py+Mu1_Py, Mu2_Pz+Mu1_Pz, sqrt(Jpsi.P()*Jpsi.P() + mJpsi*mJpsi)); TLorentzVector KK = Kplus + PiminusWrong; // testing Bs -> JpsiKK hypothesis //TLorentzVector KK = Piminus + KplusWrong; // testing Bd -> Jpsi pipi hypothesis TLorentzVector Kpi = Kplus + Piminus; TLorentzVector B = Jpsi_constr + Kpi; TLorentzVector BKK = Jpsi_constr + KK; mKK->Fill(KK.M()/1000.); mKpi->Fill(Kpi.M()/1000.); mBd->Fill(B.M()/1000.); massHisto->Fill(Bd_M/1000.); mJpsi_->Fill(Jpsi.M()/1000.); mJpsi_constr->Fill(Jpsi_constr.M()/1000.); if (Bd_M > 5320) mB_upper->Fill(BKK.M()/1000.); if (Bd_M < 5230) mB_lower->Fill(BKK.M()/1000.); if (Bd_M > 5320) tuple->Fill(BKK.M()); } tuple->Write(); file->Close(); std::cout << "Number of B candidates " << mBs->GetEntries() << std::endl; TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("c","c",1600,1200); c->SetBottomMargin(0); c->Divide(3,2, 0.01, 0.01); c->cd(1); mKK->Draw(); mKK->SetTitle(""); //mKK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(KK) [GeV/c^{2}]"); mKK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(Kp) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(2); mJpsi_->Draw(); mJpsi_->SetTitle(""); mJpsi_->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(#mu#mu) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(3); mKpi->Draw(); mKpi->SetTitle(""); mKpi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(K#pi) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(4); massHisto->Draw(); //massHisto->SetMaximum(1500); mBd->SetLineColor(kRed); mBd->Draw("same"); massHisto->SetTitle(""); massHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("DTF m(J/#psi K#pi) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(5); mB_lower->Draw(); mB_lower->SetTitle(""); mB_lower->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi Kp) [GeV/c^{2}]"); //mB_lower->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi KK) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(6); mB_upper->Draw(); mB_upper->SetTitle(""); mB_upper->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi Kp) [GeV/c^{2}]"); //mB_upper->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi KK) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->SaveAs("plots_Bd2JpsiKst_reflections.pdf"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { TFile *f; TFile *newf; TNtuple *ntuple; TNtuple *newntuple; TH1F *h1; TF1 *func; TString Metal; TString dataLoc; Int_t dataSL; if(argc < 5 || argc > 6){ std::cout << "The number of arguments is incorrect" << std::endl; return 0; } dataLoc = argv[1]; PHI_MIN = (Double_t) std::stod(argv[2]); PHI_MAX = (Double_t) std::stod(argv[3]); N_PHI = (Int_t) std::stoi(argv[4]); if(argc >= 6) Metal = argv[5]; dataSL = dataLoc.Length(); if(dataLoc(dataSL-1, 1) != "/"){ dataLoc = dataLoc + "/"; } std::cout << "The following settings are being used" << std::endl; std::cout << "Data Directory = " << dataLoc << std::endl; std::cout << PHI_MIN << " < PHI < " << PHI_MAX << ", N_PHI = " << N_PHI << std::endl; if(argc == 6) std::cout << "Running only for Metal "<< Metal << std::endl; else std::cout << "Running all Metals" << std::endl; Float_t Q2, Xb, Zh, Pt, Phi, Val, Err; Float_t A, Ac, Acc; Float_t AErr, AcErr, AccErr; Float_t ChiSQ; Int_t nentries, empty; if(Metal == "") N_METAL = 6; else N_METAL = 1; for(Int_t met = 0; met < N_METAL; met++){ if(Metal == ""){ if(met == 0) Metal = "C"; else if(met == 1) Metal = "Fe"; else if(met == 2) Metal = "Pb"; else if(met == 3) Metal = "D_C"; else if(met == 4) Metal = "D_Fe"; else if(met == 5) Metal = "D_Pb"; } if(dataLoc == "") f = new TFile("../Gen5DimData/" + Metal + "_5_dim_dist.root", "READ"); else f = new TFile(dataLoc + Metal + "_5_dim_dist.root", "READ"); ntuple = (TNtuple*) f->Get("fit_data"); nentries = ntuple->GetEntries(); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Xb", &Xb); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Q2", &Q2); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Xb", &Xb); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Zh", &Zh); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Pt", &Pt); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Phi", &Phi); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Val", &Val); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Err", &Err); newntuple = new TNtuple("AAcAcc_data", "AAcAcc_data", "Q2:Xb:Zh:Pt:A:AErr:Ac:AcErr:Acc:AccErr:ChiSQ"); func = new TF1("fit", "[0]+TMath::Cos(x*TMath::Pi()/180)*[1]+TMath::Cos(2*x*TMath::Pi()/180)*[2]"); newf = new TFile(Metal + "newphihist.root", "RECREATE"); newf->cd(); for(Int_t i = 0; i < nentries; i = i + N_PHI){ ntuple->GetEntry(i); h1 = new TH1F((const char*) Form("PhiDist Q2=%.3f Xb=%.3f Zh=%.3f Pt=%.3f", Q2, Xb, Zh, Pt), (const char*) Form("PhiDist Q2=%.3f Xb=%.3f Zh=%.3f Pt=%.3f", Q2, Xb, Zh, Pt), N_PHI, PHI_MIN, PHI_MAX); empty = 0; for(Int_t j = 1; j <= N_PHI; j++){ ntuple->GetEntry(i+j-1); h1->SetBinContent(j, Val); if(h1->GetBinContent(j) == 0) empty++; h1->SetBinError(j, Err*1.04); } if(empty <= (N_PHI - MIN_BIN)){ h1->Fit(func, "q"); h1->Write(); if(func->GetNDF() != 0){ ChiSQ = func->GetChisquare(); A = func->GetParameter(0); AErr = func->GetParError(0); Ac = func->GetParameter(1); AcErr = func->GetParError(1); Acc = func->GetParameter(2); AccErr = func->GetParError(2); newntuple->Fill(Q2, Xb, Zh, Pt, A, AErr, Ac, AcErr, Acc, AccErr, ChiSQ); } } h1->Delete(); } Metal = ""; delete ntuple; newf->cd(); newntuple->Write(); newntuple->Delete(); newf->Close(); delete newf; f->Close(); delete f; } return 0; }
void createGlauberTree(Int_t nEvents, const char *outFileName) { AliPDG::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(); TDatabasePDG::Instance(); // Run loader TFolder *folder = new TFolder("myfolder","myfolder"); AliRunLoader* rl = new AliRunLoader(folder); rl->MakeHeader(); rl->MakeStack(); AliStack* stack = rl->Stack(); //AliHeader* rheader = rl->GetHeader(); AliGenHijing *genHi = new AliGenHijing(-1); genHi->SetStack(stack); genHi->SetEnergyCMS(2760); genHi->SetReferenceFrame("CMS"); genHi->SetProjectile("A", 208, 82); genHi->SetTarget ("A", 208, 82); genHi->SetPtHardMin (2.3); genHi->SetImpactParameterRange(0.,30); genHi->SetJetQuenching(0); // enable jet quenching genHi->SetShadowing(1); // enable shadowing genHi->SetDecaysOff(1); // neutral pion and heavy particle decays switched off genHi->Init(); MyHeader *myheader = new MyHeader; MyResponse *myresp = new MyResponse; TFile *outFile = TFile::Open(outFileName, "RECREATE"); outFile->SetCompressionLevel(5); TDirectory::TContext context(outFile); TTree *tree = new TTree("glaubertree", "Glauber tree"); tree->Branch("header",&myheader, 32*1024, 99); tree->Branch("response",&myresp, 32*1024, 99); TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("gnt", "Glauber ntuple", "npart:ncoll:b"); Double_t etas[] = {-10,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,10}; TH1D *hNEta = new TH1D("hNeta","",12,etas); TH1D *hEtEta = new TH1D("hEteta","",12,etas); // create events and fill them for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; ++iEvent) { cout << "Event " << iEvent+1 << "/" << nEvents << endl;; stack->Reset(); hNEta->Reset(); hEtEta->Reset(); genHi->Generate(); AliStack *s = genHi->GetStack(); const TObjArray *parts = s->Particles(); Int_t nents = parts->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i<nents; ++i) { TParticle *p = (TParticle*)parts->At(i); //p->Print(); TParticlePDG *pdg = p->GetPDG(1); Int_t c = (Int_t)(TMath::Abs(pdg->Charge())); if (c!=0) { hNEta->Fill(p->Eta()); hEtEta->Fill(p->Eta(),p->Pt()); } } AliGenHijingEventHeader *h = (AliGenHijingEventHeader*)genHi->CollisionGeometry(); myheader->fNATT = nents; myheader->fEATT = h->TotalEnergy(); myheader->fJATT = h->HardScatters(); myheader->fNT = h->TargetParticipants(); myheader->fNP = h->ProjectileParticipants(); myheader->fN00 = h->NwNw(); myheader->fN01 = h->NwN(); myheader->fN10 = h->NNw(); myheader->fN11 = h->NN(); myheader->fBB = h->ImpactParameter(); myheader->fRP = h->ReactionPlaneAngle(); myheader->fPSn = h->ProjSpectatorsn(); myheader->fPSp = h->ProjSpectatorsp(); myheader->fTSn = h->TargSpectatorsn(); myheader->fTSp = h->TargSpectatorsn(); myresp->fEtch0p = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(0.5)); myresp->fEtch1p = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(1.5)); myresp->fEtch2p = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(2.5)); myresp->fEtch3p = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(3.5)); myresp->fEtch4p = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(4.5)); myresp->fEtch5p = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(5.5)); myresp->fEtchrp = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(10.5)); myresp->fEtch0n = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-0.5)); myresp->fEtch1n = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-1.5)); myresp->fEtch2n = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-2.5)); myresp->fEtch3n = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-3.5)); myresp->fEtch4n = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-4.5)); myresp->fEtch5n = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-5.5)); myresp->fEtchrn = hEtEta->GetBinContent(hEtEta->FindBin(-10.5)); myresp->fNch0p = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(0.5)); myresp->fNch1p = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(1.5)); myresp->fNch2p = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(2.5)); myresp->fNch3p = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(3.5)); myresp->fNch4p = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(4.5)); myresp->fNch5p = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(5.5)); myresp->fNchrp = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(10.5)); myresp->fNch0n = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-0.5)); myresp->fNch1n = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-1.5)); myresp->fNch2n = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-2.5)); myresp->fNch3n = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-3.5)); myresp->fNch4n = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-4.5)); myresp->fNch5n = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-5.5)); myresp->fNchrn = hNEta->GetBinContent(hNEta->FindBin(-10.5)); tree->Fill(); if (ntuple) { Int_t np = h->TargetParticipants() + h->ProjectileParticipants(); Int_t nc = h->NwNw() + h->NwN() + h->NNw() + h->NN(); Double_t b = h->ImpactParameter(); ntuple->Fill(np,nc,b); } } // end of event loop tree->Write(); ntuple->Write(); outFile->Close(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void makeSmearedTable(const int nbins = 100, const string label = "HFtowersPlusTrunc", const char * tag = "CentralityTable_HFtowersPlusTrunc_SmearedGlauber_sigma74_eff0_v5", int eff = 0) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); const char * inputMCforest = Form("/tmp/azsigmon/HiForest_pPb_Hijing_NEWFIX_v2.root"); ProduceResponsePlots2(inputMCforest); bool plot = false; if(plot) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); Npart_vs_PtGenPlusEta4[0]->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); PtGenPlusEta4_vs_HFplusEta4[0]->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas(); Npart_vs_PtGenMinusEta4[0]->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas(); PtGenMinusEta4_vs_HFminusEta4[0]->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas(); Npart_vs_Ngentrk[0]->Draw("colz"); TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas(); Ngentrk_vs_Ntracks[0]->Draw("colz"); } bool binHFplusTrunc ="HFtowersPlusTrunc") == 0; bool binHFminusTrunc ="HFtowersMinusTrunc") == 0; bool binTracks ="Tracks") == 0; if (binHFplusTrunc) { getProjections(Npart_vs_PtGenPlusEta4[eff],Proj1,"Proj1",1,30); getProjections(PtGenPlusEta4_vs_HFplusEta4[eff],Proj2,"Proj2",1,140); } else if (binHFminusTrunc) { getProjections(Npart_vs_PtGenMinusEta4[0],Proj1,"Proj1",1,30); getProjections(PtGenMinusEta4_vs_HFminusEta4[0],Proj2,"Proj2",1,140); } else if (binTracks) { getProjections(Npart_vs_Ngentrk[0],Proj1,"Proj1",1,30); getProjections(Ngentrk_vs_Ntracks[0],Proj2,"Proj2",1,200); } //input Glauber ntuple const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); //const char * infilename = Form("/afs/"); TChain * t = new TChain("nt_p_Pb"); t->Add(infilename); //output //const char* outfilename = "out/tables_Glauber2012B_AmptResponse_d20130116_v4.root"; //const char* outfilename = "out/tables_Glauber2012B_EposLHCResponse_d20130118_v4.root"; const char* outfilename = "out/tables_Glauber2012B_HijingResponse_d20130130_v5.root"; TFile * outf = new TFile(outfilename,"update"); outf->cd(); TDirectory* dir = outf->mkdir(tag); dir->cd(); TNtuple* nt = new TNtuple("nt","","HFbyPt:genPt:Bin:b:Npart:Ncoll:Nhard"); CentralityBins * outputTable = new CentralityBins(Form("run%d",1), tag, nbins); outputTable->table_.reserve(nbins); ofstream txtfile("out/output.txt"); txtfile << "Input Glauber tree: " << infilename << endl << "Input MC HiForest HIJING" << endl; //Setting up variables and branches double binboundaries[nbins+1]; vector<float> values; float b, npart, ncoll, nhard, parameter; t->SetBranchAddress("B",&b); t->SetBranchAddress("Npart",&npart); t->SetBranchAddress("Ncoll",&ncoll); nhard = 0; //Event loop 1 unsigned int Nevents = t->GetEntries(); txtfile << "Number of events = " << Nevents << endl << endl; for(unsigned int iev = 0; iev < Nevents; iev++) { if(iev%20000 == 0) cout<<"Processing event: " << iev << endl; t->GetEntry(iev); if (binHFplusTrunc) parameter = getHFplusByPt(npart); if (binHFminusTrunc) parameter = getHFminusByPt(npart); if (binTracks) parameter = getTracksByGen(npart); values.push_back(parameter); } if("b") == 0) sort(values.begin(),values.end(),descend); else sort(values.begin(),values.end()); //Finding the bin boundaries txtfile << "-------------------------------------" << endl; txtfile << << " based cuts are: " << endl; txtfile << "("; int size = values.size(); binboundaries[nbins] = values[size-1]; for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { int entry = (int)(i*(size/nbins)); if(entry < 0 || i == 0) binboundaries[i] = 0; else binboundaries[i] = values[entry]; txtfile << binboundaries[i] << ", "; } txtfile << binboundaries[nbins] << ")" << endl << "-------------------------------------" << endl; // Determining Glauber results in various bins TH2D* hNpart = new TH2D("hNpart","",nbins,binboundaries,40,0,40); TH2D* hNcoll = new TH2D("hNcoll","",nbins,binboundaries,40,0,40); TH2D* hNhard = new TH2D("hNhard","",nbins,binboundaries,50,0,50); TH2D* hb = new TH2D("hb","",nbins,binboundaries,600,0,30); for(unsigned int iev = 0; iev < Nevents; iev++) { if( iev % 20000 == 0 ) cout<<"Processing event : " << iev << endl; t->GetEntry(iev); if (binHFplusTrunc) parameter = getHFplusByPt(npart); if (binHFminusTrunc) parameter = getHFminusByPt(npart); if (binTracks) parameter = getTracksByGen(npart); hNpart->Fill(parameter,npart); hNcoll->Fill(parameter,ncoll); hNhard->Fill(parameter,nhard); hb->Fill(parameter,b); int bin = hNpart->GetXaxis()->FindBin(parameter) - 1; if(bin < 0) bin = 0; if(bin >= nbins) bin = nbins - 1; nt->Fill(parameter, et, bin, b, npart, ncoll, nhard); } TCanvas *cf = new TCanvas(); TF1* fGaus = new TF1("fb","gaus(0)",0,2); fitSlices(hNpart,fGaus); fitSlices(hNcoll,fGaus); fitSlices(hNhard,fGaus); fitSlices(hb,fGaus); TH1D* hNpartMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNpart_1"); TH1D* hNpartSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNpart_2"); TH1D* hNcollMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNcoll_1"); TH1D* hNcollSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNcoll_2"); TH1D* hNhardMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNhard_1"); TH1D* hNhardSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNhard_2"); TH1D* hbMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hb_1"); TH1D* hbSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hb_2"); txtfile<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; txtfile<<"# Bin NpartMean NpartSigma NcollMean NcollSigma bMean bSigma BinEdge"<<endl; for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++){ int ii = nbins-i; outputTable->table_[i].n_part_mean = hNpartMean->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].n_part_var = hNpartSigma->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].n_coll_mean = hNcollMean->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].n_coll_var = hNcollSigma->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].b_mean = hbMean->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].b_var = hbSigma->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].n_hard_mean = hNhardMean->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].n_hard_var = hNhardSigma->GetBinContent(ii); outputTable->table_[i].bin_edge = binboundaries[ii-1]; txtfile << i << " " << hNpartMean->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hNpartSigma->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hNcollMean->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hNcollSigma->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hbMean->GetBinContent(ii) << " " <<hbSigma->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << binboundaries[ii-1] << " " <<endl; } txtfile<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; outf->cd(); dir->cd(); outputTable->Write(); nt->Write(); for(int ih = 0; ih < nhist; ih++) { Npart_vs_PtGenPlusEta4[ih]->Write(); PtGenPlusEta4_vs_HFplusEta4[ih]->Write(); Npart_vs_PtGenMinusEta4[ih]->Write(); PtGenMinusEta4_vs_HFminusEta4[ih]->Write(); Npart_vs_Ngentrk[ih]->Write(); Ngentrk_vs_Ntracks[ih]->Write(); } outf->Write(); txtfile.close(); }
void jettrigger() { TFile *f = new TFile("jettrig.root"); TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("nt"); //Declaration of leaves types Float_t pt; Float_t eta; Float_t phi; Float_t mass; Float_t jt40; Float_t jt60; Float_t jt80; Float_t jt100; Float_t pscl40; Float_t pscl60; Float_t pscl80; Float_t pscl100; // Set branch addresses. nt->SetBranchAddress("pt",&pt); nt->SetBranchAddress("eta",&eta); nt->SetBranchAddress("phi",&phi); nt->SetBranchAddress("mass",&mass); nt->SetBranchAddress("jt40",&jt40); nt->SetBranchAddress("jt60",&jt60); nt->SetBranchAddress("jt80",&jt80); nt->SetBranchAddress("jt100",&jt100); nt->SetBranchAddress("pscl40",&pscl40); nt->SetBranchAddress("pscl60",&pscl60); nt->SetBranchAddress("pscl80",&pscl80); nt->SetBranchAddress("pscl100",&pscl100); TFile *fout = new TFile("jettrig_withweight.root","recreate"); TNtuple *ntout = new TNtuple("ntweight","ntweight","pt:eta:phi:mass:jt40:jt60:jt80:jt100:pscl40:pscl60:pscl80:weightJet:weight12003"); //TTree *ntout=new TTree("ntweight","ntweight"); ntout->SetDirectory(fout); /* ntout->Branch("pt",&pt); ntout->Branch("eta",&eta); ntout->Branch("phi",&phi); ntout->Branch("mass",&mass); ntout->Branch("jt40",&jt40); ntout->Branch("jt60",&jt60); ntout->Branch("jt80",&jt80); ntout->Branch("jt100",&jt100); ntout->Branch("pscl40",&pscl40); ntout->Branch("pscl60",&pscl60); ntout->Branch("pscl80",&pscl80); ntout->Branch("pscl100",&pscl100); ntout->Branch("weight",&weight); */ Long64_t nentries = nt->GetEntries(); cout<<nentries<<endl; int oneperc = nentries/100; Long64_t nbytes = 0; //#ifndef __CINT__ //#pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(dynamic) //#endif for (Long64_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) { nbytes += nt->GetEntry(i); if (i % oneperc == 0) cout<<"\r"<<i/oneperc<<"% "<<flush; float weightJet = 0, weight12003 = 0; if (jt40 && !jt60 && !jt80 && !jt100) weight12003 = 1/pscl40; if (jt60 && !jt80 && !jt100) weight12003 = 1; if (jt80 && !jt100) weight12003 = 1; if (jt100) weight12003 = 1; if (jt40 && pt>40 && pt<60) weightJet = pscl40; if (jt60 && pt>60 && pt<80) weightJet = pscl60; if (jt80 && pt>80 && pt<100) weightJet = pscl80; if (jt100 && pt>100) weightJet = pscl100; //#ifndef __CINT__ //#pragma omp ordered //#endif ntout->Fill(pt,eta,phi,mass,jt40,jt60,jt80,jt100,pscl40,pscl60,pscl80,weightJet,weight12003); } cout<<endl; cout<<ntout->GetEntries()<<endl; ntout->Write(); fout->Close(); f->Close(); f = new TFile("jettrig_withweight.root"); nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ntweight"); cout<<nt->GetEntries()<<endl; f->Close(); }
void swaps::Loop() { gROOT->ProcessLine(".x /home/gcowan/lhcb/lhcbStyle.C"); if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); TH1D * mKK = new TH1D("mKK", "mKK", 100, 0.99, 1.050); TH1D * mKpi = new TH1D("mKpi", "mKpi", 100, 0.826, 0.966); TH1D * mKp = new TH1D("mKp", "mKp", 50, 1.45, 1.55); TH1D * massHisto = new TH1D("mJpsiKK_DTF", "mJpsiKK_DTF", 100, 5.20, 5.55); TH1D * mBs = new TH1D("mJpsiKK", "mJpsiKK", 100, 5.20, 5.55); TH1D * mBsVeto = new TH1D("mJpsiKKveto", "mJpsiKKveto", 100, 5.20, 5.55); //TH1D * mBsKpi = new TH1D("upper_Bs_sideband", "mJpsiKpi", 40, 5.21, 5.41); //TH1D * mBspiK = new TH1D("lower_Bs_sideband", "mJpsipiK", 40, 5.04, 5.24); TH1D * mBsKpi = new TH1D("upper_Bs_sideband", "mJpsiKpi", 40, 5.51, 5.71); TH1D * mBspiK = new TH1D("lower_Bs_sideband", "mJpsipiK", 40, 5.34, 5.54); TH1D * mJpsi_ = new TH1D("mJpsi", "mJpsi", 100, 3.03, 3.15); TH1D * mJpsi_constr = new TH1D("mJpsi_constr", "mJpsi", 100, 3.03, 3.15); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; TFile * file = TFile::Open("reflection_upper_sideband.root", "RECREATE"); TNtuple * tuple = new TNtuple("DecayTree","DecayTree", "mass"); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { //for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<1000;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if ( !(sel_cleantail==1&&sel==1&&(triggerDecisionUnbiased==1||triggerDecisionBiasedExcl==1)&&time>.3&&time<14&&sigmat>0&&sigmat<0.12 // &&(Kplus_pidK-Kplus_pidp)>-5 // &&(Kminus_pidK-Kminus_pidp)>-5 ) ) continue; //double mpi = 139.57018; double mK = 493.68; double mmu = 105.658; double mJpsi = 3096.916; double mpi = 938.27; TLorentzVector Kplus(Kplus_PX, Kplus_PY, Kplus_PZ, sqrt(Kplus_PX*Kplus_PX+Kplus_PY*Kplus_PY+Kplus_PZ*Kplus_PZ + mK*mK)); TLorentzVector Kminus(Kminus_PX, Kminus_PY, Kminus_PZ, sqrt(Kminus_PX*Kminus_PX+Kminus_PY*Kminus_PY+Kminus_PZ*Kminus_PZ + mK*mK)); TLorentzVector KplusWrong(Kplus_PX, Kplus_PY, Kplus_PZ, sqrt(Kplus_PX*Kplus_PX+Kplus_PY*Kplus_PY+Kplus_PZ*Kplus_PZ + mpi*mpi)); TLorentzVector KminusWrong(Kminus_PX, Kminus_PY, Kminus_PZ, sqrt(Kminus_PX*Kminus_PX+Kminus_PY*Kminus_PY+Kminus_PZ*Kminus_PZ + mpi*mpi)); TLorentzVector muplus(muplus_PX, muplus_PY, muplus_PZ, sqrt(muplus_P*muplus_P + mmu*mmu)); TLorentzVector muminus(muminus_PX, muminus_PY, muminus_PZ, sqrt(muminus_P*muminus_P + mmu*mmu)); TLorentzVector Jpsi = muplus + muminus; TLorentzVector Jpsi_constr(muminus_PX+muplus_PX, muminus_PY+muplus_PY, muminus_PZ+muplus_PZ, sqrt(Jpsi.P()*Jpsi.P() + mJpsi*mJpsi)); TLorentzVector KK = Kplus + Kminus; TLorentzVector Kpi = Kplus + KminusWrong; TLorentzVector piK = KplusWrong + Kminus; TLorentzVector B = Jpsi_constr + KK; TLorentzVector BKpi = Jpsi_constr + Kpi; TLorentzVector BpiK = Jpsi_constr + piK; //if ( ((BpiK.M() > 5600 && BpiK.M() < 5640) || (BKpi.M() > 5600 && BKpi.M() < 5640)) ) mBsVeto->Fill(mass/1000.); //if ( ( Kpi.M() > 1490 && Kpi.M() < 1550 ) || ( piK.M() > 1490 && piK.M() < 1550 ) ) continue;//mBsVeto->Fill(mass/1000.); mKK->Fill(KK.M()/1000.); mKp->Fill(Kpi.M()/1000.); mKp->Fill(piK.M()/1000.); mBs->Fill(B.M()/1000.); massHisto->Fill(mass/1000.); mJpsi_->Fill(Jpsi.M()/1000.); mJpsi_constr->Fill(Jpsi_constr.M()/1000.); if (mass > 5420) mBsKpi->Fill(BKpi.M()/1000.); if (mass > 5420) mBsKpi->Fill(BpiK.M()/1000.); if (mass < 5330) mBspiK->Fill(BKpi.M()/1000.); if (mass < 5330) mBspiK->Fill(BpiK.M()/1000.); if (mass > 5400) tuple->Fill(BKpi.M()); if (mass > 5400) tuple->Fill(BpiK.M()); } tuple->Write(); file->Close(); std::cout << "Number of B candidates " << mBs->GetEntries() << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of B candidates after Lambda_b veto" << mBsVeto->GetEntries() << std::endl; gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("c","c",1600,1200); c->Divide(3,2); c->cd(1); mKK->Draw(); mKK->SetTitle(""); mKK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(KK) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(2); mJpsi_->Draw(); mJpsi_->SetTitle(""); mJpsi_->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(#mu#mu) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(3); //mKp->Draw(); mKp->SetTitle(""); mKp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(Kp) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(4); massHisto->Draw(); //massHisto->SetMaximum(1500); mBs->SetLineColor(kRed); mBs->Draw("same"); mBsVeto->SetLineColor(kOrange); mBsVeto->Draw("same"); massHisto->SetTitle(""); massHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("DTF m(J/#psi K^{+}K^{-}) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(5); mBspiK->Draw(); mBspiK->SetTitle(""); //mBspiK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi K#pi) [GeV/c^{2}]"); mBspiK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi Kp) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->cd(6); mBsKpi->Draw(); mBsKpi->SetTitle(""); //mBsKpi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi K#pi) [GeV/c^{2}]"); mBsKpi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m(J/#psi Kp) [GeV/c^{2}]"); c->SaveAs("plots_swaps.pdf"); }
void plot_moments(char * filename, char * outputfilename) { TFile * f = TFile::Open(filename); TTree * t = (TTree*)f->Get("partial"); //TF1 * f1 = new TF1("f1", myfunction1, -1, 1, 3); //TF1 * f2 = new TF1("f2", myfunc, -1, 1, 2); TF1 * f1 = new TF1("f1","([0] + x*[1] +(3.*x*x-1.)/2.*[2])/5.", -1, 1); TF1 * f2 = new TF1("f2", "-1./sqrt(2.)/5.*([0]*sqrt(1.-x*x) + [1]*sqrt(3./4.)*2.*sqrt(1.-x*x)*x)", -1, 1); TF1 * f3 = new TF1("f3","[0]*(1-x*x)/5*sqrt(3./8.)", -1, 1); f1->SetParameter(0, 10000*0.1); // G020 = 0.1 f1->SetParameter(1, 10000*0.2); // G021 = 0.2 f1->SetParameter(2, 10000*0.1); // G022 = 0.1 f2->SetParameter(0, 10000*0.5); //G121 = 0.5 f2->SetParameter(1, 10000*0.2); //G122 = 0.2 f3->SetParameter(0, 10000*0.3); //G222 = 0.3 f1->SetLineColor(kRed); f2->SetLineColor(kRed); f3->SetLineColor(kRed); f1->SetLineWidth(3); f2->SetLineWidth(3); f3->SetLineWidth(3); TFile * outfile = TFile::Open(outputfilename, "RECREATE"); TNtuple * tup = new TNtuple("coeffs","coeff", "f1_G020:f1_G021:f1_G022:f2_G121:f2_G122:f3_G222:f1_status:f2_status:f3_status"); TH1D * h1 = new TH1D("h1", "h1", 100, -1., 1.); TH1D * h2 = new TH1D("h2", "h1", 100, -1., 1.); TH1D * h3 = new TH1D("h3", "h1", 100, -1., 1.); h1->Sumw2(); h2->Sumw2(); h3->Sumw2(); TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("c","c",1200, 1000); c->Divide(3,2); c->cd(1); t->Draw("cosThetaL","","goff"); c->cd(2); t->Draw("cosThetaK","","goff"); c->cd(3); t->Draw("phi","","goff"); c->cd(4); cout << "Doing Fit 1" << endl; t->Draw("cosThetaL>>h1", "D002","goff"); TFitResultPtr f1_result = h1->Fit(f1, "RS"); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cosThetaL (weighted with D_{0,0}^{2})"); f1->Draw("samegoff"); int f1_status = gMinuit->fStatus; c->cd(5); cout << "Doing Fit 2" << endl; t->Draw("cosThetaL>>h2", "D102","goff"); TFitResultPtr f2_result = h2->Fit(f2, "RS"); h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cosThetaL (weighted with D_{1,0}^{2})"); f2->Draw("samegoff"); int f2_status = gMinuit->fStatus; c->cd(6); cout << "Doing Fit 3" << endl; t->Draw("cosThetaL>>h3", "D202","goff"); h3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cosThetaL (weighted with D_{2,0}^{2})"); c->Update(); TFitResultPtr f3_result = h3->Fit(f3, "RS"); f3->Draw("samegoff"); int f3_status = gMinuit->fStatus; tup->Fill(f1->GetParameter(0), f1->GetParameter(1), f1->GetParameter(2) , f2->GetParameter(0), f2->GetParameter(1) , f3->GetParameter(0) , f1_status, f2_status, f3_status ); tup->Write(); outfile->Close(); //c->SaveAs("B2Kstll_partial_moments_l_2.pdf"); }
void anatup( Double_t pBeam=3.3077729, Int_t Did=19) // Analyse ee events, and write tuples { gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C"); rootlogon(); FILE *fp; Int_t NTmax=100000; // Int_t NFmax=10; // max number of files // Int_t NTmax=100; // max number per file Int_t NEVcount=0; // max number per file // Int_t NTmax=10000; // Int_t NTmax=200; Int_t ip=0; Int_t iPart=3; Double_t mProt= 0.938272; Double_t mElec= 0.000511; Double_t mMuon= 0.105658; Double_t mPion= 0.139570; Double_t mZero= 0.134977; Double_t mZeroFit= 0.13; // Double_t mZeroCut= 0.06; Double_t mZeroCut= 0.02; // Double_t pBeam=4.00000; Double_t eBeam=sqrt(pBeam*pBeam+mProt*mProt); Double_t eSystem=eBeam+mProt; Double_t mElec2 = mElec*mElec; Double_t mZero2= mZero*mZero; Double_t radeg=180./3.1415926535; // electroncuts // Double_t EmcCUT=0.8; // Double_t SttCUT=0.5; Double_t EmcCUT=0.5; Double_t SttCUT=0.5; Double_t DiscCUT=0.5; Double_t DrcCUT=0.5; Double_t MuonCUT=0.5; Double_t MvdCUT=0.5; Double_t TOTCUT=0.50; Double_t TOT90CUT=0.90; Double_t TOT95CUT=0.95; Double_t TOT98CUT=0.98; Double_t TOT99CUT=0.99; // Set up the Lorentzvectors of the system TLorentzVector target(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mProt); Double_t eBeam=sqrt(pBeam*pBeam+mProt*mProt); TLorentzVector beam(0.0, 0.0, pBeam, eBeam); TLorentzVector W = beam + target; TVector3 bSigma(0,0,-W.Pz()/W.E()); // Construct filenames TString Directory[]={"rfiles3/","rootfiles/" // vandewie ,"ee01/","ee02/","ee03/","ee04/","ee05/" // gosia + photos ,"ee06/","ee07/","ee08/","ee09/","ee10/" ,"ee11/","ee12/","ee13/","ee14/","ee15/" ,"ee16/","ee17/" ,"eeno01/","eeno02/","eeno03/","eeno04/" // gosia + nophotos }; TString name = "_complete.root"; TString inRecoFile = Directory[Did]+"reco"+name; TString inDigiFile = Directory[Did]+"digi"+name; TString inSimFile = Directory[Did]+"sim"+name; TString inPidFile = Directory[Did]+"pid"+name; TString outAnaFile = Directory[Did]+"ana"+name; TFile *out = TFile::Open(outAnaFile,"RECREATE"); TNtuple* NTev = new TNtuple("NTev","NTev", "p1MC:th1MC:ph1MC:p2MC:th2MC:ph2MC:costhMC:Q2:p1:th1:ph1:EMC1:NX1:pEMC1:pSTT1:pDIS1:pDRC1:pMVD1:pCOM1:p2:th2:ph2:EMC2:NX2:pEMC2:pSTT2:pDIS2:pDRC2:pMVD2:pCOM2:bestTH:bestPH:bestCOST",68000); Float_t atuple[33]; cout << "filename:" << inPidFile << endl; TFile *inFile = TFile::Open(inPidFile,"READ"); TTree *lhe=(TTree *) inFile->Get("cbmsim") ; TFile *outFile = TFile::Open(outAnaFile,"new"); // adding other files as friends lhe->AddFriend("cbmsim",inSimFile); lhe->AddFriend("cbmsim",inDigiFile); PndEmcMapper::Init(6); // get the data (correspondage with Inspect in TBrowser) TClonesArray* cCand_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidCandidate"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidChargedCand", &cCand_array); TClonesArray* nCand_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidCandidate"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidNeutralCand", &nCand_array); TClonesArray* mc_array=new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("MCTrack", &mc_array); TClonesArray* stthit_array=new TClonesArray("PndSttHit"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("STTHit", &stthit_array); TClonesArray* sttpoint_array=new TClonesArray("PndSttPoint"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("STTPoint", &sttpoint_array); TClonesArray* cluster_array=new TClonesArray("PndEmcCluster"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("EmcCluster",&cluster_array); TClonesArray* digi_array=new TClonesArray("PndEmcSharedDigi"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("EmcSharedDigi",&digi_array); TClonesArray* bump_array=new TClonesArray("PndEmcBump"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("EmcBump",&bump_array); TClonesArray* drc_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidProbability"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidAlgoDrc", &drc_array); TClonesArray* disc_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidProbability"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidAlgoDisc", &disc_array); TClonesArray* mvd_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidProbability"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidAlgoMvd", &mvd_array); TClonesArray* stt_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidProbability"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidAlgoStt", &stt_array); TClonesArray* emcb_array=new TClonesArray("PndPidProbability"); lhe->SetBranchAddress("PidAlgoEmcBayes", &emcb_array); // canvas and stuff gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"X"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"Y"); gStyle->SetLineWidth(2); gStyle->SetHistLineWidth(2); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"X"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"Y"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); int off=32; int start=250; cMA = new TCanvas("cMA","cMA",200,0, 1000, 1000); cMA->Divide(3,3); // cMCelec1 = new TCanvas("cMCelec1","cMCelec1",250,0, 1200, 1000); // cMCelec1->Divide(3,2); // histos TH1F *h_costheta_mc = new TH1F("h_costheta_mc","cos_theta_ep",20,-1,1); TH1F *h_costheta = new TH1F("h_costheta","cos_theta_ep",20,-1,1); TH1F *h_costheta_sel = new TH1F("h_costheta_sel","cos_theta_ep",20,-1,1); TH1F *h_efficiency = new TH1F("h_efficiency","efficiency",20,-1,1); TH1F *h_theta = new TH1F("h_theta","theta_ep",400,-400,400); TH1F *h_dtheta = new TH1F("h_dtheta","dtheta_ep",100,170,190); TH1F *h_dphi = new TH1F("h_dphi","dphi_ep",100,170,190); TH1D* hcutE = new TH1D("hcutE" ,"hcutE",50,-eSystem,eSystem); TH1D* hcutx = new TH1D("hcutx" ,"hcutx",50,-1,1); TH1D* hcuty = new TH1D("hcuty" ,"hcuty",50,-1,1); TH1D* hcutz = new TH1D("hcutz" ,"hcutz",50,-1,1); TH1D* hMCz = new TH1D("hMCz" ,"hMCz",50,0,eSystem); TH1D* hpt2 = new TH1D("hpt2" ,"hpt2",50,0,4); TH1D* hpair = new TH1D("hpair" ,"hpair",11,-0.5,10.5); cout << " finished histos " << endl; // process the data // Lorentz vectors MV TLorentzVector mcTrack[4]; TLorentzVector QQ_MC; // loop over events Double_t MCEnergy, MCTheta, MCPhi; Double_t MC1Energy, MC1Theta, MC1Phi; Double_t MC2Energy, MC2Theta, MC2Phi; NTevents=lhe->GetEntriesFast(); cout << "NTevents: " << NTevents << endl; if(NTevents>NTmax) NTevents=NTmax; for (Int_t j=0; j< NTevents ; j++) { lhe->GetEntry(j); // kinematics NEVcount++; if(j%1000 == 0) cout << "event: " << j << endl; // cout << "processing event: " << j<< endl ; Int_t nmc = mc_array->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t ncCand=cCand_array->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nnCand=nCand_array->GetEntriesFast(); if(j<5) { cout << " nMC: " << mc_array->GetEntriesFast() ; cout << " ncCand: " << cCand_array->GetEntriesFast() << endl; cout << " nnCand: " << nCand_array->GetEntriesFast() << endl; } // Loop over electron tracks, store in mcTrack[0,1], pizero_MC, QQ_MC Float_t mc_pp = 0, mc_E = 0, mc_mass = 0; Float_t mc_px = 0, mc_py = 0, mc_pz = 0; Int_t mc_pdg; Int_t nepi=0; Int_t mc0=0, mc1=1; if(Did>1) {mc0=1; mc1=2;} // positron PndMCTrack *mctrack = (PndMCTrack*)mc_array->At(mc0); // Int_t MotherID = mctrack->GetMotherID(); // mc_pdg = (int) (mctrack->GetPdgCode()); mc_pp = mctrack->GetMomentum().Mag(); mc_px = mctrack->GetMomentum().Px(); mc_py = mctrack->GetMomentum().Py(); mc_pz = mctrack->GetMomentum().Pz(); mc_E=TMath::Sqrt(mc_pp*mc_pp+mElec2); mcTrack[0].SetPxPyPzE(mc_px,mc_py,mc_pz,mc_E); // electron PndMCTrack *mctrack = (PndMCTrack*)mc_array->At(mc1); // Int_t MotherID = mctrack->GetMotherID(); // mc_pdg = (int) (mctrack->GetPdgCode()); mc_pp = mctrack->GetMomentum().Mag(); mc_px = mctrack->GetMomentum().Px(); mc_py = mctrack->GetMomentum().Py(); mc_pz = mctrack->GetMomentum().Pz(); mc_E=TMath::Sqrt(mc_pp*mc_pp+mElec2); mcTrack[1].SetPxPyPzE(mc_px,mc_py,mc_pz,mc_E); // elec1 MC1Energy = mcTrack[0].E(); MC1Theta = radeg*(mcTrack[0].Theta()); MC1Phi = radeg*(mcTrack[0].Phi()); // hmc1E->Fill(MC1Energy); // hmc1TH->Fill(MC1Theta); // hmc1PH->Fill(MC1Phi); // elec2 MC2Energy = mcTrack[1].E(); MC2Theta = radeg*(mcTrack[1].Theta()); MC2Phi = radeg*(mcTrack[1].Phi()); // hmc1E->Fill(MC2Energy); // hmc1TH->Fill(MC2Theta); // hmc1PH->Fill(MC2Phi); // quadrivecteur double elecMC=mcTrack[0].Angle(mcTrack[1].Vect()); // double Q2=4*mcTrack[0].E()*mcTrack[1].E()*(sin(elecMC/2))*(sin(elecMC/2)); QQ_MC=mcTrack[0]+mcTrack[1]; double Q2=QQ_MC.M2(); // hmcQ2->Fill(Q2); TLorentzVector *elecMC0 = new TLorentzVector(mcTrack[0].Px(), mcTrack[0].Py(), mcTrack[0].Pz(), mcTrack[0].E()); TLorentzVector *elecMC1 = new TLorentzVector(mcTrack[1].Px(), mcTrack[1].Py(), mcTrack[1].Pz(), mcTrack[1].E()); // boost elecMC0->Boost(bSigma); elecMC1->Boost(bSigma); Double_t THMC0=radeg*(elecMC0->Theta()); Double_t THMC1=radeg*(elecMC1->Theta()); Double_t THtot=THMC0+THMC1; Double_t COSTMC=TMath::Cos(elecMC0->Theta()); h_costheta_mc-> Fill(COSTMC); // print some event data if(j<5) { cout << "event:" << j << endl; cout << "MC-eepi:" << MC1Energy << " " << MC2Energy << endl; cout << "theta:" << MC1Theta << " " << MC2Theta << endl; cout << "phi:" << MC1Phi << " " << MC2Phi << endl; cout << "THMC0:" << THMC0 << "THMC1:" << THMC1 << endl; cout << "THtot:" << THtot << " Q2:" << Q2 << endl; } // fill tuple atuple[0]=MC1Energy; atuple[1]=MC1Theta; atuple[2]=MC1Phi; atuple[3]=MC2Energy; atuple[4]=MC2Theta; atuple[5]=MC2Phi; atuple[6]=COSTMC; atuple[7]=Q2; // print some event data if(j<5) { cout << "event:" << j << endl; cout << "MC-eepi:" << MC1Energy << " " << MC2Energy << " " << MCEnergy << endl; cout << "theta:" << MC1Theta << " " << MC2Theta << " " << MCTheta << endl; cout << "phi:" << MC1Phi << " " << MC2Phi << " " << MCPhi << endl; cout << "COSTMC:" << COSTMC << " Q2:" << Q2 << endl; } // Analysis starts here // loop over charged candidate tracks Float_t cc_pp = 0, cc_E = 0, cc_mass = 0, cc_TH = 0; Float_t cc_px = 0, cc_py = 0, cc_pz = 0; TLorentzVector reTrack[4], QQ_RE; Int_t nelec_pair = 0; Double_t bestTH=-999; Double_t bestPH=-999; Double_t bestCOST=-999; Int_t ix=-1, iy=-1; for (Int_t nc1 = 0; nc1 < ncCand; nc1++) { PndPidCandidate *pc1 = (PndPidCandidate*)cCand_array->At(nc1); Int_t Charge1 = pc1->GetCharge(); if (Charge1<0) continue; cc_pp = pc1->GetMomentum().Mag(); // if (cc_pp>eSystem) continue; cc_px = pc1->GetMomentum().Px(); cc_py = pc1->GetMomentum().Py(); cc_pz = pc1->GetMomentum().Pz(); cc_E=TMath::Sqrt(cc_pp*cc_pp+mElec2); reTrack[0].SetPxPyPzE(cc_px,cc_py,cc_pz,cc_E); for (Int_t nc2 = 0; nc2 < ncCand; nc2++) { PndPidCandidate *pc2 = (PndPidCandidate*)cCand_array->At(nc2); Int_t Charge2 = pc2->GetCharge(); if (Charge2>0) continue; cc_pp = pc2->GetMomentum().Mag(); // if (cc_pp>eSystem) continue; cc_px = pc2->GetMomentum().Px(); cc_py = pc2->GetMomentum().Py(); cc_pz = pc2->GetMomentum().Pz(); cc_E=TMath::Sqrt(cc_pp*cc_pp+mElec2); reTrack[1].SetPxPyPzE(cc_px,cc_py,cc_pz,cc_E); nelec_pair++; // selection on best kinematics // elec1 RE1Energy = reTrack[0].E(); RE1Theta = radeg*(reTrack[0].Theta()); RE1Phi = radeg*(reTrack[0].Phi()); // elec2 RE2Energy = reTrack[1].E(); RE2Theta = radeg*(reTrack[1].Theta()); RE2Phi = radeg*(reTrack[1].Phi()); // quadrivecteur double elecRE=reTrack[0].Angle(reTrack[1].Vect()); // double Q2=4*mcTrack[0].E()*mcTrack[1].E()*(sin(elecMC/2))*(sin(elecMC/2)); QQ_RE=reTrack[0]+reTrack[1]; double Q2=QQ_RE.M2(); // Center of mass angle of electrons // boost vector TLorentzVector *elecRE0 = new TLorentzVector(reTrack[0].Px(), reTrack[0].Py(), reTrack[0].Pz(), reTrack[0].E()); TLorentzVector *elecRE1 = new TLorentzVector(reTrack[1].Px(), reTrack[1].Py(), reTrack[1].Pz(), reTrack[1].E()); elecRE0->Boost(bSigma); elecRE1->Boost(bSigma); Double_t THRE0=radeg*(elecRE0->Theta()); Double_t COSTRE=TMath::Cos(elecRE0->Theta()); Double_t THRE1=radeg*(elecRE1->Theta()); Double_t PHRE0=radeg*(elecRE0->Phi()); Double_t PHRE1=radeg*(elecRE1->Phi()); Double_t THtot=THRE0+THRE1; Double_t PHtot=PHRE0-PHRE1; if(PHtot< -90) PHtot+360; if(abs(THtot-180) < abs(bestTH-180)) { bestTH=THtot; bestPH=PHtot; bestCOST=COSTRE; ix=nc1; iy=nc2; } // print some event data if(j<5) { cout << "event:" << j << endl; cout << "RE-eepi:" << RE1Energy << " " << RE2Energy << endl; cout << "theta:" << RE1Theta << " " << RE2Theta << endl; cout << "phi:" << RE1Phi << " " << RE2Phi << endl; cout << "THRE0:" << THRE0 << "THRE1:" << THRE1 << endl; cout << "THtot:" << THtot << " Q2:" << Q2 << endl; cout << "PHtot:" << PHtot << endl; } } // nc2 } // nc1 h_costheta-> Fill(COSTRE); h_dtheta->Fill(bestTH); h_dphi->Fill(bestPH); hpair->Fill((double) nelec_pair); // Rebelotte with the best solution if(nelec_pair<1) continue; // PndPidCandidate *pc1 = (PndPidCandidate*)cCand_array->At(ix); PndPidCandidate *pc2 = (PndPidCandidate*)cCand_array->At(iy); // positron cc_pp = pc1->GetMomentum().Mag(); cc_px = pc1->GetMomentum().Px(); cc_py = pc1->GetMomentum().Py(); cc_pz = pc1->GetMomentum().Pz(); cc_E=TMath::Sqrt(cc_pp*cc_pp+mElec2); reTrack[0].SetPxPyPzE(cc_px,cc_py,cc_pz,cc_E); // electron cc_pp = pc2->GetMomentum().Mag(); cc_px = pc2->GetMomentum().Px(); cc_py = pc2->GetMomentum().Py(); cc_pz = pc2->GetMomentum().Pz(); cc_E=TMath::Sqrt(cc_pp*cc_pp+mElec2); reTrack[1].SetPxPyPzE(cc_px,cc_py,cc_pz,cc_E); // elec1 // detector data PndPidProbability *drc_ele = (PndPidProbability *)drc_array->At(ix); PndPidProbability *disc_ele = (PndPidProbability *)disc_array->At(ix); PndPidProbability *mvd_ele = (PndPidProbability *)mvd_array->At(ix); PndPidProbability *stt_ele = (PndPidProbability *)stt_array->At(ix); PndPidProbability *emcb_ele = (PndPidProbability *)emcb_array->At(ix); Double_t k_drc_e = drc_ele->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_disc_e = disc_ele->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_mvd_e = mvd_ele->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_stt_e = stt_ele->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_emcb_e = emcb_ele->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t xx_e = (k_drc_e/(1-k_drc_e))*(k_disc_e/(1-k_disc_e)) *(k_mvd_e/(1-k_mvd_e))*(k_stt_e/(1-k_stt_e)) *(k_emcb_e/(1-k_emcb_e)); Double_t k_comb_e = xx_e/(xx_e+1); atuple[ 8]=reTrack[0].P(); atuple[ 9]=reTrack[0].Theta(); atuple[10]=reTrack[0].Phi(); atuple[11]=pc1->GetEmcRawEnergy(); atuple[12]=pc1->GetEmcNumberOfCrystals(); atuple[13]=k_emcb_e; atuple[14]=k_stt_e; atuple[15]=k_disc_e; atuple[16]=k_drc_e; atuple[17]=k_mvd_e; atuple[18]=k_comb_e; // elec2 PndPidProbability *drc_posi = (PndPidProbability *)drc_array->At(iy); PndPidProbability *disc_posi = (PndPidProbability *)disc_array->At(iy); PndPidProbability *mvd_posi = (PndPidProbability *)mvd_array->At(iy); PndPidProbability *stt_posi = (PndPidProbability *)stt_array->At(iy); PndPidProbability *emcb_posi = (PndPidProbability *)emcb_array->At(iy); Double_t k_drc_p = drc_posi->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_disc_p = disc_posi->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_mvd_p = mvd_posi->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_stt_p = stt_posi->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t k_emcb_p = emcb_posi->GetElectronPidProb(); Double_t xx_p = (k_drc_p/(1-k_drc_p))*(k_disc_p/(1-k_disc_p)) *(k_mvd_p/(1-k_mvd_p))*(k_stt_p/(1-k_stt_p)) *(k_emcb_p/(1-k_emcb_p)); Double_t k_comb_p = xx_p/(xx_p+1); atuple[19]=reTrack[1].P(); atuple[20]=reTrack[1].Theta(); atuple[21]=reTrack[1].Phi(); atuple[22]=pc2->GetEmcRawEnergy(); atuple[23]=pc2->GetEmcNumberOfCrystals(); atuple[24]=k_emcb_p; atuple[25]=k_stt_p; atuple[26]=k_disc_p; atuple[27]=k_drc_p; atuple[28]=k_mvd_p; atuple[29]=k_comb_p; atuple[30]=bestTH; atuple[31]=bestPH; atuple[32]=bestCOST; NTev->Fill(atuple); if(j<5) { cout << "k_comb_e:" << k_comb_e<< " k_comb_p:" << k_comb_p << endl; } // standard cuts for histos Bool_t com_ele_1 = drc_ele->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && disc_ele->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && mvd_ele->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && stt_ele->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && emcb_ele->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05; Bool_t com_ele_2 = k_comb_e > 0.9; Bool_t com_ele_3 = pc1->GetEmcNumberOfCrystals() > 5; Bool_t com_ele_4 = bestTH >=178. && bestTH <= 182.; Bool_t com_ele_5 = bestPH >=178. && bestPH <= 182.; Bool_t com_posi_1 = drc_posi->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && disc_posi->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && mvd_posi->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && stt_posi->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05 && emcb_posi->GetElectronPidProb() > 0.05; Bool_t com_posi_2 = k_comb_p > 0.9; Bool_t com_posi_3 = pc2->GetEmcNumberOfCrystals() > 5; if(j<5) { cout << com_ele_1 << com_ele_2 << com_ele_3 << com_ele_4 << com_ele_4 << com_posi_1 << com_posi_2 << com_posi_3 << endl; } if (com_ele_1&&com_ele_2&&com_ele_3&&com_ele_4 &&com_ele_5&&com_posi_1&&com_posi_2&&com_posi_3) { h_costheta_sel->Fill(bestCOST); } } // loop j over events cout << " NEVcount: " << NEVcount << endl; h_efficiency->Divide(h_costheta_sel,h_costheta_mc,1,1,"B"); // output cMA->cd(1);gPad->SetLogy(); h_costheta_mc->Draw(); cMA->cd(2);gPad->SetLogy(); h_costheta->Draw(); cMA->cd(3);gPad->SetLogy(); h_costheta_sel->Draw(); cMA->cd(4);gPad->SetLogy(); h_efficiency->Draw(); cMA->cd(5);gPad->SetLogy(); h_dtheta->Draw(); cMA->cd(6);gPad->SetLogy(); h_dphi->Draw(); cMA->cd(7); hpair->Draw(); cMA->cd(0); out->cd(); hpair->Write(); h_costheta_mc->Write(); h_costheta->Write(); h_costheta_sel->Write(); h_efficiency->Write(); h_dtheta->Write(); h_dphi->Write(); NTev->Write(); out->Save(); cout << " Yahoo! " << endl; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int outtype = 1; if (argc == 2) { outtype = atoi(argv[1]); cout << "output type will be " << outtype << endl; } else if (argc > 2) { cout << "fakedata takes 0 or 1 arguments" << endl; exit(1); } int status = 0; TFile *tf = new TFile("sin.root", "recreate"); TTree *tt = new TTree("interF_1", "Just a continuous sine wave"); INTERINFO fi; tt->Branch("fi", &fi, "i/L:t_ant/D:t_ret/D:x/D:y/D:z/D:ycen/D:zcen/D:rad/D:vx/D:vy/D:vz/D/:theta/D:Ef/D:fW_t/D:phase/D:dphdt/D:omega/D"); //set antenna: double xend = 45; TNtuple *runcard = new TNtuple("runcard", "run parameters", "i:repeat:xi:yi:zi:ekin:thetai:phii:mass:charge:phasei:nscatters:n_temp:imp:x_ant:t_del:atten"); float ntarray[18]; double aphase = 0; ntarray[14] = xend; runcard->Fill(ntarray); runcard->Write(); int imax = 440000; switch (outtype) { default: //pure sine cout << "doing sine" << endl; for (int i = 0; i<imax; i++) { fi.i = i; fi.x = 50. * TMath::Sin(2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.00007); fi.Ef = TMath::Sin(2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.01); aphase = fmod((2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.00007), (TMath::Pi() * 2)); if ((aphase >= TMath::Pi() / 2.0) && (aphase < 3.0 * TMath::Pi() / 2.0)) { fi.vx = -1; } else { fi.vx = 1; } tt->Fill(); } break; case 1: //sine with gaps that cause a phase shift cout << "doing sine with gaps and phase shift per gap" << endl; int ngaps = 0; double phase = TMath::Pi() / 3.0; int counted = 0; for (int i = 0; i<imax; i++) { fi.i = i; fi.x = 50. * TMath::Sin(2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.00007); if ((fi.x > xend) || (fi.x < -xend)){ //fi.Ef = 0; fi.Ef = TMath::Sin(2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.01 + (ngaps * phase)); if (counted == 0) { ngaps++; counted = 1; } } else { fi.Ef = TMath::Sin(2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.01 + (ngaps * phase)); if (counted == 1) { counted = 0; } } aphase = fmod((2 * TMath::Pi() * i * 0.00007), (TMath::Pi() * 2)); if ((aphase >= TMath::Pi() / 2.0) && (aphase < 3.0 * TMath::Pi() / 2.0)) { fi.vx = -1; } else { fi.vx = 1; } tt->Fill(); } break; } tt->Write(); tf->Close(); return status; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TApplication theApp(srcName.Data(), &argc, argv); //============================================================================= if (argc<5) return -1; TString sPath = argv[1]; if (sPath.IsNull()) return -1; TString sFile = argv[2]; if (sFile.IsNull()) return -1; TString sJetR = argv[3]; if (sJetR.IsNull()) return -1; TString sSjeR = argv[4]; if (sSjeR.IsNull()) return -1; //============================================================================= sPath.ReplaceAll("#", "/"); //============================================================================= double dJetR = -1.; if (sJetR=="JetR02") dJetR = 0.2; if (sJetR=="JetR03") dJetR = 0.3; if (sJetR=="JetR04") dJetR = 0.4; if (sJetR=="JetR05") dJetR = 0.5; if (dJetR<0.) return -1; cout << "Jet R = " << dJetR << endl; //============================================================================= double dSjeR = -1.; if (sSjeR=="SjeR01") dSjeR = 0.1; if (sSjeR=="SjeR02") dSjeR = 0.2; if (sSjeR=="SjeR03") dSjeR = 0.3; if (sSjeR=="SjeR04") dSjeR = 0.4; if (dSjeR<0.) return -1; cout << "Sub-jet R = " << dSjeR << endl; //============================================================================= const double dJetsPtMin = 0.001; const double dCutEtaMax = 1.6; const double dJetEtaMax = 1.; const double dJetAreaRef = TMath::Pi() * dJetR * dJetR; fastjet::GhostedAreaSpec areaSpc(dCutEtaMax); fastjet::JetDefinition jetsDef(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, dJetR, fastjet::E_scheme, fastjet::Best); fastjet::AreaDefinition areaDef(fastjet::active_area_explicit_ghosts,areaSpc); fastjet::Selector selectJet = fastjet::SelectorAbsEtaMax(dJetEtaMax); fastjet::JetDefinition subjDef(fastjet::kt_algorithm, dSjeR, fastjet::E_scheme, fastjet::Best); //============================================================================= std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInput; const double dMass = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(211)->Mass(); //============================================================================= enum { kWgt, kJet, kAje, kMje, k1sz, k1sA, k1sr, k1sm, k2sz, k2sA, k2sr, k2sm, kDsr, kIsm, kVar }; TFile *file = TFile::Open(Form("%s.root",sFile.Data()), "NEW"); TNtuple *nt = new TNtuple("nt", "", "fWgt:fJet:fAje:fMje:f1sj:f1sA:f1sr:f1sm:f2sj:f2sA:f2sr:f2sm:fDsr:fIsm"); //============================================================================= HepMC::IO_GenEvent ascii_in(Form("%s/%s.hepmc",sPath.Data(),sFile.Data()), std::ios::in); HepMC::GenEvent *evt = ascii_in.read_next_event(); while (evt) { fjInput.resize(0); TLorentzVector vPar; for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p=evt->particles_begin(); p!=evt->particles_end(); ++p) if ((*p)->status()==1) { vPar.SetPtEtaPhiM((*p)->momentum().perp(), (*p)->momentum().eta(), (*p)->momentum().phi(), dMass); if ((TMath::Abs(vPar.Eta())<dCutEtaMax)) { fjInput.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(vPar.Px(), vPar.Py(), vPar.Pz(), vPar.E())); } } //============================================================================= fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea clustSeq(fjInput, jetsDef, areaDef); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> includJets = clustSeq.inclusive_jets(dJetsPtMin); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> selectJets = selectJet(includJets); TLorentzVector vJet, v1sj, v2sj, vIsj; for (int j=0; j<selectJets.size(); j++) { double dJet = selectJets[j].pt(); vJet.SetPtEtaPhiM(dJet, selectJets[j].eta(), selectJets[j].phi(), selectJets[j].m()); fastjet::Filter trimmer(subjDef, fastjet::SelectorPtFractionMin(0.)); fastjet::PseudoJet trimmdJet = trimmer(selectJets[j]); std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> trimmdSj = trimmdJet.pieces(); double d1sj = -1.; int k1sj = -1; double d2sj = -1.; int k2sj = -1; for (int i=0; i<trimmdSj.size(); i++) { double dIsj = trimmdSj[i].pt(); if (dIsj<0.001) continue; if (dIsj>d1sj) { d2sj = d1sj; k2sj = k1sj; d1sj = dIsj; k1sj = i; } else if (dIsj>d2sj) { d2sj = dIsj; k2sj = i; } } //============================================================================= Float_t dVar[] = { 1., dJet, selectJets[j].area(), selectJets[j].m(), d1sj, -1., -1., -1., d2sj, -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. }; if (d1sj>0.) { v1sj.SetPtEtaPhiM(d1sj, trimmdSj[k1sj].eta(), trimmdSj[k1sj].phi(), trimmdSj[k1sj].m()); dVar[k1sr] = v1sj.DeltaR(vJet); dVar[k1sm] = trimmdSj[k1sj].m(); dVar[k1sA] = trimmdSj[k1sj].area(); } if (d2sj>0.) { v2sj.SetPtEtaPhiM(d2sj, trimmdSj[k2sj].eta(), trimmdSj[k2sj].phi(), trimmdSj[k2sj].m()); dVar[k2sr] = v2sj.DeltaR(vJet); dVar[k2sm] = trimmdSj[k2sj].m(); dVar[k2sA] = trimmdSj[k2sj].area(); } if ((d1sj>0.) && (d2sj>0.)) { vIsj = v1sj + v2sj; dVar[kIsm] = vIsj.M(); dVar[kDsr] = v2sj.DeltaR(v1sj); } nt->Fill(dVar); } //============================================================================= delete evt; ascii_in >> evt; } //============================================================================= file->cd(); nt->Write(); file->Close(); //============================================================================= TString sXsec = sFile; sXsec.ReplaceAll("out", "xsecs"); file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/xsecs/%s.root",sPath.Data(),sXsec.Data()), "READ"); TH1D *hPtHat = (TH1D*)file->Get("hPtHat"); hPtHat->SetDirectory(0); TH1D *hWeightSum = (TH1D*)file->Get("hWeightSum"); hWeightSum->SetDirectory(0); TProfile *hSigmaGen = (TProfile*)file->Get("hSigmaGen"); hSigmaGen->SetDirectory(0); file->Close(); //============================================================================= sFile.ReplaceAll("out", "wgt"); file = TFile::Open(Form("%s.root",sFile.Data()), "NEW"); hPtHat->Write(); hWeightSum->Write(); hSigmaGen->Write(); file->Close(); //============================================================================= cout << "DONE" << endl; return 0; }
void toyMC(int run,int nevt) { f = new TFile("output.root"); // Random Seed gRandom->SetSeed( run ); TH3F *nhits = (TH3F*) f->FindObjectAny("nhits"); TFile *outf = new TFile (Form("exp-%05d.root",run),"recreate"); TNtuple *ntmatched = new TNtuple("ntmatched","","eta1:matchedeta:phi1:matchedphi:deta:dphi:signalCheck:tid:r1id:r2id:evtid:nhit1:sid:ptype"); TNtuple *ntHit1 = new TNtuple("ntHit1","","eta1:phi1:nhit1"); TNtuple *ntHit2 = new TNtuple("ntHit2","","eta2:phi2:nhit1"); for (int i=0;i<nevt;i++) { vector<double> hits1; vector<double> hits2; vector<Tracklet> protoTracklets; vector<Tracklet> recoTracklets; double mult,nhit1,nhit2; nhits->GetRandom3(mult,nhit1,nhit2); hits1.clear(); hits2.clear(); if (i% 1000 == 000 ) cout <<"Run: "<<run<<" Event "<<i<<" "<<(int)mult<<" "<<(int)nhit1<<" "<<hits1.size()<<" "<<(int)nhit2<<" "<<hits2.size()<<endl; genLayer1((int)nhit1,hits1); genLayer2((int)nhit2,hits2); for (int j=0;j<(int) hits1.size();j+=2) { ntHit1->Fill(hits1[j],hits1[j+1],mult); for (int k=0;k<(int)hits2.size();k+=2) { ntHit2->Fill(hits2[k],hits2[k+1],mult); Tracklet mytracklet(hits1[j],hits2[k],hits1[j+1],hits2[k+1]); mytracklet.setIt1(j/2); mytracklet.setIt2(k/2); protoTracklets.push_back(mytracklet); } } recoTracklets = cleanTracklets(protoTracklets,0); for (int j=0;j<(int)recoTracklets.size();j++) { float var[100]; var[0] = recoTracklets[j].eta1(); var[1] = recoTracklets[j].eta2(); var[2] = recoTracklets[j].phi1(); var[3] = recoTracklets[j].phi2(); var[4] = recoTracklets[j].deta(); var[5] = recoTracklets[j].dphi(); var[6] = 0; var[7] = recoTracklets[j].getId(); var[8] = recoTracklets[j].getId1(); var[9] = recoTracklets[j].getId2(); var[10] = i; var[11] = (int)mult; var[12] = recoTracklets[j].getSId(); var[13] = recoTracklets[j].getType(); ntmatched->Fill(var); } } ntmatched->Write(); ntHit1->Write(); ntHit2->Write(); outf->Close(); }
void StandardHypoTestDemo(const char* infile = "", const char* workspaceName = "combined", const char* modelSBName = "ModelConfig", const char* modelBName = "", const char* dataName = "obsData", int calcType = 0, // 0 freq 1 hybrid, 2 asymptotic int testStatType = 3, // 0 LEP, 1 TeV, 2 LHC, 3 LHC - one sided bool newHypoTest = true, int ntoys = 5000, const char* hypoTestGraphFile = "hypoTestGraph.root", bool useNC = false, const char * nuisPriorName = 0) { /* Other Parameter to pass in tutorial apart from standard for filename, ws, modelconfig and data type = 0 Freq calculator type = 1 Hybrid calculator type = 2 Asymptotic calculator testStatType = 0 LEP = 1 Tevatron = 2 Profile Likelihood = 3 Profile Likelihood one sided (i.e. = 0 if mu < mu_hat) ntoys: number of toys to use useNumberCounting: set to true when using number counting events nuisPriorName: name of prior for the nnuisance. This is often expressed as constraint term in the global model It is needed only when using the HybridCalculator (type=1) If not given by default the prior pdf from ModelConfig is used. extra options are available as global paramwters of the macro. They major ones are: generateBinned generate binned data sets for toys (default is false) - be careful not to activate with a too large (>=3) number of observables nToyRatio ratio of S+B/B toys (default is 2) printLevel */ // disable - can cause some problems //ToyMCSampler::SetAlwaysUseMultiGen(true); SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat::SetAlwaysReuseNLL(true); ProfileLikelihoodTestStat::SetAlwaysReuseNLL(true); RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat::SetAlwaysReuseNLL(true); //RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(0); // to change minimizers // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultStrategy(0); // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMinimizer("Minuit2"); // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultTolerance(1); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First part is just to access a user-defined file // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* filename = ""; if (!strcmp(infile,"")) { filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root"; bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code // if file does not exists generate with histfactory if (!fileExist) { #ifdef _WIN32 cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl; return; #endif // Normally this would be run on the command line cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl; gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory ."); gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml"); cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl; cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl; cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl; } } else filename = infile; // Try to open the file TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); // if input file was specified byt not found, quit if(!file ){ cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tutorial starts here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the workspace out of the file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName); if(!w){ cout <<"workspace not found" << endl; return; } w->Print(); // get the modelConfig out of the file ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName); // get the modelConfig out of the file RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName); // make sure ingredients are found if(!data || !sbModel){ w->Print(); cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl; return; } // make b model ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName); // case of no systematics // remove nuisance parameters from model if (noSystematics) { const RooArgSet * nuisPar = sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters(); if (nuisPar && nuisPar->getSize() > 0) { std::cout << "StandardHypoTestInvDemo" << " - Switch off all systematics by setting them constant to their initial values" << std::endl; RooStats::SetAllConstant(*nuisPar); } if (bModel) { const RooArgSet * bnuisPar = bModel->GetNuisanceParameters(); if (bnuisPar) RooStats::SetAllConstant(*bnuisPar); } } if (!bModel ) { Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","The background model %s does not exist",modelBName); Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Copy it from ModelConfig %s and set POI to zero",modelSBName); bModel = (ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone(); bModel->SetName(TString(modelSBName)+TString("B_only")); RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first()); if (!var) return; double oldval = var->getVal(); var->setVal(0); //bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var, *w->var("lumi")) ); bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) ); var->setVal(oldval); } if (!sbModel->GetSnapshot() || poiValue > 0) { Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no snapshot - make one using model poi",modelSBName); RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first()); if (!var) return; double oldval = var->getVal(); if (poiValue > 0) var->setVal(poiValue); //sbModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var, *w->var("lumi") ) ); sbModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) ); if (poiValue > 0) var->setVal(oldval); //sbModel->SetSnapshot( *sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest() ); } // part 1, hypothesis testing SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat * slrts = new SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf()); // null parameters must includes snapshot of poi plus the nuisance values RooArgSet nullParams(*bModel->GetSnapshot()); //Obtains parameters of the null Hypothesis if (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) nullParams.add(*bModel->GetNuisanceParameters()); //Add nuisance parameters to the null hypothesis slrts->SetNullParameters(nullParams); RooArgSet altParams(*sbModel->GetSnapshot()); //Obtains parameters of the alternate Hypothesis if (sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) altParams.add(*sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters());//Add nuisance parameters to the alternate hypothesis slrts->SetAltParameters(altParams); ProfileLikelihoodTestStat * profll = new ProfileLikelihoodTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf()); RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat * ropl = new RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf(), sbModel->GetSnapshot()); ropl->SetSubtractMLE(false); if (testStatType == 3) profll->SetOneSidedDiscovery(1); profll->SetPrintLevel(printLevel); // profll.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize); // slrts.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize); // ropl.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize); AsymptoticCalculator::SetPrintLevel(printLevel); HypoTestCalculatorGeneric * hypoCalc = 0; // note here Null is B and Alt is S+B if (calcType == 0) hypoCalc = new FrequentistCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel); else if (calcType == 1) hypoCalc= new HybridCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel); else if (calcType == 2) hypoCalc= new AsymptoticCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel); if (calcType == 0) ((FrequentistCalculator*)hypoCalc)->SetToys(ntoys, ntoys/nToysRatio); if (calcType == 1) ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->SetToys(ntoys, ntoys/nToysRatio); if (calcType == 2 ) { if (testStatType == 3) ((AsymptoticCalculator*) hypoCalc)->SetOneSidedDiscovery(true); if (testStatType != 2 && testStatType != 3) Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Only the PL test statistic can be used with AsymptoticCalculator - use by default a two-sided PL"); } // check for nuisance prior pdf in case of nuisance parameters if (calcType == 1 && (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() || sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters() )) { RooAbsPdf * nuisPdf = 0; if (nuisPriorName) nuisPdf = w->pdf(nuisPriorName); // use prior defined first in bModel (then in SbModel) if (!nuisPdf) { Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","No nuisance pdf given for the HybridCalculator - try to deduce pdf from the model"); if (bModel->GetPdf() && bModel->GetObservables() ) nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*bModel,"nuisancePdf_bmodel"); else nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*sbModel,"nuisancePdf_sbmodel"); } if (!nuisPdf ) { if (bModel->GetPriorPdf()) { nuisPdf = bModel->GetPriorPdf(); Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","No nuisance pdf given - try to use %s that is defined as a prior pdf in the B model",nuisPdf->GetName()); } else { Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Cannnot run Hybrid calculator because no prior on the nuisance parameter is specified or can be derived"); return; } } assert(nuisPdf); Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Using as nuisance Pdf ... " ); nuisPdf->Print(); const RooArgSet * nuisParams = (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() ) ? bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() : sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters(); RooArgSet * np = nuisPdf->getObservables(*nuisParams); if (np->getSize() == 0) { Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Prior nuisance does not depend on nuisance parameters. They will be smeared in their full range"); } delete np; ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*nuisPdf); ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*nuisPdf); } // hypoCalc->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*sbModel->GetPriorPdf()); // hypoCalc->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*bModel->GetPriorPdf()); ToyMCSampler * sampler = (ToyMCSampler *)hypoCalc->GetTestStatSampler(); if (sampler && (calcType == 0 || calcType == 1) ) { // look if pdf is number counting or extended if (sbModel->GetPdf()->canBeExtended() ) { if (useNC) Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Pdf is extended: but number counting flag is set: ignore it "); } else { // for not extended pdf if (!useNC) { int nEvents = data->numEntries(); Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Pdf is not extended: number of events to generate taken from observed data set is %d",nEvents); sampler->SetNEventsPerToy(nEvents); } else { Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","using a number counting pdf"); sampler->SetNEventsPerToy(1); } } if (data->isWeighted() && !generateBinned) { Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Data set is weighted, nentries = %d and sum of weights = %8.1f but toy generation is unbinned - it would be faster to set generateBinned to true\n",data->numEntries(), data->sumEntries()); } if (generateBinned) sampler->SetGenerateBinned(generateBinned); // set the test statistic if (testStatType == 0) sampler->SetTestStatistic(slrts); if (testStatType == 1) sampler->SetTestStatistic(ropl); if (testStatType == 2 || testStatType == 3) sampler->SetTestStatistic(profll); } HypoTestResult * htr = hypoCalc->GetHypoTest(); htr->SetPValueIsRightTail(true); htr->SetBackgroundAsAlt(false); htr->Print(); // how to get meaningfull CLs at this point? delete sampler; delete slrts; delete ropl; delete profll; if (calcType != 2) { HypoTestPlot * plot = new HypoTestPlot(*htr,100); plot->SetLogYaxis(true); plot->Draw(); plot->SamplingDistPlot::DumpToFile(hypoTestGraphFile,"RECREATE"); } else { std::cout << "Asymptotic results " << std::endl; } // look at expected significances // found median of S+B distribution if (calcType != 2) { SamplingDistribution * altDist = htr->GetAltDistribution(); HypoTestResult htExp("Expected Result"); htExp.Append(htr); // find quantiles in alt (S+B) distribution double p[5]; double q[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { double sig = -2 + i; p[i] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sig,1); } std::vector<double> values = altDist->GetSamplingDistribution(); TMath::Quantiles( values.size(), 5, &values[0], q, p, false); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { htExp.SetTestStatisticData( q[i] ); double sig = -2 + i; std::cout << " Expected p -value and significance at " << sig << " sigma = " << htExp.NullPValue() << " significance " << htExp.Significance() << " sigma " << std::endl; } } else { // case of asymptotic calculator for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { double sig = -2 + i; // sigma is inverted here double pval = AsymptoticCalculator::GetExpectedPValues( htr->NullPValue(), htr->AlternatePValue(), -sig, false); std::cout << " Expected p -value and significance at " << sig << " sigma = " << pval << " significance " << ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c(pval,1) << " sigma " << std::endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FROM HERE ON IT HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO SAVE THE RESULTS IN TREES IN A .ROOT FILE //Declare the variable in which the hypothesis test results will be stored Double_t p_value, significance_t, cl_b, cl_sb, cl_s ; if(newHypoTest){ TNtuple *resultsHypoTest = new TNtuple("resultsHypoTest", "resultsHypoTest", "p_value:significance_t:cl_b:cl_sb:cl_s"); //Store the current results resultsHypoTest->Fill(htr->NullPValue(),htr->Significance(),htr->CLb(),htr->CLsplusb(),htr->CLs()) ; // Save the NTuple to a .root file TFile* f_hypoTestResults = new TFile("resultsHypoTestDisc.root","RECREATE") ; resultsHypoTest->Write() ; f_hypoTestResults->Close() ; } else{ // Open the .root that contains the NTuple and add the newly calculated results TFile* f_hypoTestResults = new TFile("resultsHypoTestDisc.root","UPDATE") ; //Get the NTuple from the file TNtuple *resultsHypoTest = (TNtuple*)f_hypoTestResults->Get("resultsHypoTest"); resultsHypoTest->Fill(htr->NullPValue(),htr->Significance(),htr->CLb(),htr->CLsplusb(),htr->CLs()) ; //IF YOU WANT A DIFFERENT BRANCH FOR EACH TEST resultsHypoTest->Write(); f_hypoTestResults->Close(); //*/ /*// IF YOU ONLY WNAT ONE BRANCH WITH ALL VALUES INSIDE IT. keep the latest ntuple header only resultsHypoTest->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); f_hypoTestResults->Close(); //*/ } }
void makeTable(int nbins = 40, const string label = "HFhits", const char * tag = "Preliminary_NoEffCor_AMPT_d1107", const char* dataset = "DATA"){ bool DATA = false; bool SIM = true; bool MC = false; double EFF = 1; double MXS = 1. - EFF; // Retrieving data int maxEvents = -200; vector<int> runnums; // const char* infileName = Form("/net/hisrv0001/home/yetkin/hidsk0001/analysis/prod/%s_RECO_391/test.root",dataset); const char* infileName = Form("/net/hisrv0001/home/yetkin/hidsk0001/centrality/prod/%s/test.root",dataset); // TFile* infile = new TFile(infileName,"read"); TChain* t = new TChain("HltTree"); // TChain* t = new TChain("hltanalysis/HltTree"); t->Add(infileName); // Creating output table TFile* outFile = new TFile("tables_d1108.root","update"); TDirectory* dir = outFile->mkdir(tag); dir->cd(); TNtuple* nt = new TNtuple("nt","","hf:bin:b:npart:ncoll:nhard"); CentralityBins* bins = new CentralityBins("noname","Test tag", nbins); bins->table_.reserve(nbins); TH1D::SetDefaultSumw2(); int runMC = 1; TFile * inputMCfile; CentralityBins* inputMCtable; if(DATA){ inputMCfile = new TFile("tables_d1103.root","read"); inputMCtable = (CentralityBins*)inputMCfile->Get("CentralityTable_HFhits40_AMPT2760GeV_v1_mc_MC_38Y_V12/run1"); } // Setting up variables & branches double binboundaries[nbinsMax+1]; vector<float> values; float b,npart,ncoll,nhard,hf,hfhit,eb,ee,etmr,parameter; int npix,ntrks; // TTree* t = (TTree*)infile->Get("HltTree"); int run; if(SIM){ t->SetBranchAddress("b",&b); t->SetBranchAddress("Npart",&npart); t->SetBranchAddress("Ncoll",&ncoll); t->SetBranchAddress("Nhard",&nhard); } t->SetBranchAddress("hiHFhit",&hfhit); t->SetBranchAddress("hiHF",&hf); t->SetBranchAddress("hiEB",&eb); t->SetBranchAddress("hiEE",&ee); t->SetBranchAddress("hiET",&etmr); t->SetBranchAddress("hiNpix",&npix); t->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracks",&ntrks); t->SetBranchAddress("Run",&run); bool binNpart ="Npart") == 0; bool binNcoll ="Ncoll") == 0; bool binNhard ="Nhard") == 0; bool binB ="b") == 0; bool binHF ="HFtowers") == 0; bool binHFhit ="HFhits") == 0; bool binEB ="EB") == 0; bool binEE ="EE") == 0; bool binETMR ="ETMR") == 0; bool binNpix ="PixelHits") == 0; bool binNtrks ="Ntracks") == 0; // Determining bins of cross section // loop over events unsigned int events=t->GetEntries(); for(unsigned int iev = 0; iev < events && (maxEvents < 0 || iev< maxEvents); ++iev){ if( iev % 100 == 0 ) cout<<"Processing event : "<<iev<<endl; t->GetEntry(iev); if(binNpart) parameter = npart; if(binNcoll) parameter = ncoll; if(binNhard) parameter = nhard; if(binB) parameter = b; if(binHF) parameter = hf; if(binHFhit) parameter = hfhit; if(binEB) parameter = eb; if(binEE) parameter = ee; if(binETMR) parameter = etmr; if(binNpix) parameter = npix; if(binNtrks) parameter = ntrks; values.push_back(parameter); if(runnums.size() == 0 || runnums[runnums.size()-1] != run) runnums.push_back(run); } if("b") == 0) sort(values.begin(),values.end(),descend); else sort(values.begin(),values.end()); double max = values[events-1]; binboundaries[nbins] = max; cout<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<<<" based cuts are : "<<endl; cout<<"("; int bin = 0; double dev = events; for(int i = 0; i< nbins; ++i){ // Find the boundary int entry = (int)(i*(dev/nbins)); binboundaries[i] = values[entry]; cout<<" "<<binboundaries[i]; if(i < nbins - 1) cout<<","; else cout<<")"<<endl; } cout<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; if(!DATA){ // Determining Glauber results in various bins dir->cd(); TH2D* hNpart = new TH2D("hNpart","",nbins,binboundaries,500,0,500); TH2D* hNcoll = new TH2D("hNcoll","",nbins,binboundaries,2000,0,2000); TH2D* hNhard = new TH2D("hNhard","",nbins,binboundaries,250,0,250); TH2D* hb = new TH2D("hb","",nbins,binboundaries,300,0,30); for(unsigned int iev = 0; iev < events && (maxEvents < 0 || iev< maxEvents); ++iev){ if( iev % 100 == 0 ) cout<<"Processing event : "<<iev<<endl; t->GetEntry(iev); if(binNpart) parameter = npart; if(binNcoll) parameter = ncoll; if(binNhard) parameter = nhard; if(binB) parameter = b; if(binHF) parameter = hf; if(binHFhit) parameter = hfhit; if(binEB) parameter = eb; if(binEE) parameter = ee; if(binETMR) parameter = etmr; if(binNpix) parameter = npix; if(binNtrks) parameter = ntrks; hNpart->Fill(parameter,npart); hNcoll->Fill(parameter,ncoll); hNhard->Fill(parameter,nhard); hb->Fill(parameter,b); int bin = hNpart->GetXaxis()->FindBin(parameter) - 1; if(bin < 0) bin = 0; if(bin >= nbins) bin = nbins - 1; nt->Fill(hf,bin,b,npart,ncoll,nhard); } // Fitting Glauber distributions in bins to get mean and sigma values dir->cd(); TF1* fGaus = new TF1("fb","gaus(0)",0,2); fGaus->SetParameter(0,1); fGaus->SetParameter(1,0.04); fGaus->SetParameter(2,0.02); fitSlices(hNpart,fGaus); fitSlices(hNcoll,fGaus); fitSlices(hNhard,fGaus); fitSlices(hb,fGaus); TH1D* hNpartMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNpart_1"); TH1D* hNpartSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNpart_2"); TH1D* hNcollMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNcoll_1"); TH1D* hNcollSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNcoll_2"); TH1D* hNhardMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNhard_1"); TH1D* hNhardSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNhard_2"); TH1D* hbMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hb_1"); TH1D* hbSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hb_2"); cout<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"# Bin NpartMean NpartSigma NcollMean NcollSigma bMean bSigma BinEdge"<<endl; // Enter values in table for(int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i){ int ii = nbins-i; bins->table_[i].n_part_mean = hNpartMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_part_var = hNpartSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_coll_mean = hNcollMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_coll_var = hNcollSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].b_mean = hbMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].b_var = hbSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_hard_mean = hNhardMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_hard_var = hNhardSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].bin_edge = binboundaries[ii-1]; cout<<i<<" " <<hNpartMean->GetBinContent(ii)<<" " <<hNpartSigma->GetBinContent(ii)<<" " <<hNcollMean->GetBinContent(ii)<<" " <<hNcollSigma->GetBinContent(ii)<<" " <<hbMean->GetBinContent(ii)<<" " <<hbSigma->GetBinContent(ii)<<" " <<binboundaries[ii]<<" " <<endl; } cout<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; // Save the table in output file if(onlySaveTable){ hNpart->Delete(); hNpartMean->Delete(); hNpartSigma->Delete(); hNcoll->Delete(); hNcollMean->Delete(); hNcollSigma->Delete(); hNhard->Delete(); hNhardMean->Delete(); hNhardSigma->Delete(); hb->Delete(); hbMean->Delete(); hbSigma->Delete(); } }else{ cout<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"# Bin NpartMean NpartSigma NcollMean NcollSigma bMean bSigma BinEdge"<<endl; // Enter values in table for(int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i){ int ii = nbins-i; bins->table_[i].n_part_mean = inputMCtable->NpartMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_part_var = inputMCtable->NpartSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_coll_mean = inputMCtable->NcollMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_coll_var = inputMCtable->NcollSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].b_mean = inputMCtable->bMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].b_var = inputMCtable->bSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_hard_mean = inputMCtable->NhardMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_hard_var = inputMCtable->NhardSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].bin_edge = binboundaries[ii-1]; cout<<i<<" " <<bins->table_[i].n_part_mean<<" " <<bins->table_[i].n_part_var<<" " <<bins->table_[i].n_coll_mean<<" " <<bins->table_[i].n_coll_var<<" " <<bins->table_[i].b_mean<<" " <<bins->table_[i].b_var<<" " <<bins->table_[i].n_hard_mean<<" " <<bins->table_[i].n_hard_var<<" " <<bins->table_[i].bin_edge<<" "<<endl; } cout<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; } outFile->cd(); dir->cd(); bins->SetName(Form("run%d",1)); bins->Write(); nt->Write(); bins->Delete(); outFile->Write(); }
void makeTable2(int nbins = 100, const string label = "HFtowersPlusTrunc", const char * tag = "CentralityTable_HFplus100_PA2012B_v538x01_offline", bool isMC = false, int runNum = 1) { TH1D::SetDefaultSumw2(); //Intput files with HiTrees const int nTrees = 1; //string inFileNames[nTrees] = {"/tmp/azsigmon/HiForest_pPb_Hijing_NEWFIX_v2.root"}; //string inFileNames[nTrees] = {"/tmp/azsigmon/HiForest_pPb_Epos_336800.root"}; string inFileNames[nTrees] = {"/tmp/azsigmon/PA2013_HiForest_Express_r0_pilot_minbias_v0.root"}; TChain * t = new TChain("hiEvtAnalyzer/HiTree"); for (int i = 0; i<nTrees; i++) { t->Add(inFileNames[i].data()); } //Output files and tables TFile * outFile = new TFile("out/datatables_Glauber2012B_d20130121_v5.root","recreate"); //TFile * outFile = new TFile("out/tables_Ampt_d20121115_v3.root","update"); //TFile * outFile = new TFile("out/tables_Epos_d20121115_v3.root","update"); //TFile * outFile = new TFile("out/tables_Hijing_d20130119_v4.root","update"); TDirectory* dir = outFile->mkdir(tag); dir->cd(); TNtuple * nt = new TNtuple("nt","","value:bin:b:npart:ncoll:nhard"); CentralityBins * bins = new CentralityBins(Form("run%d",runNum), tag, nbins); bins->table_.reserve(nbins); ofstream txtfile("out/output.txt"); txtfile << "First input tree: " << inFileNames[0].data() << endl; //For data extra inputfile with Glauber centrality table and efficiency file TFile * effFile; TH1F * hEff; TFile * inputMCfile; CentralityBins* inputMCtable; if(!isMC){ //effFile = new TFile("out/efficiencies_Ampt.root","read"); //effFile = new TFile("out/efficiencies_Hijing.root","read"); effFile = new TFile("out/efficiencies_EposLHC_v2.root","read"); hEff = (TH1F*)effFile->Get(Form("%s/hEff",; //inputMCfile = new TFile("out/tables_Glauber2012_AmptResponse_d20121115_v3.root","read"); //inputMCfile = new TFile("out/tables_Glauber2012_HijingResponse_d20121115_v3.root","read"); inputMCfile = new TFile("out/tables_Glauber2012B_EposLHCResponse_d20130118_v4.root","read"); inputMCtable = (CentralityBins*)inputMCfile->Get(Form("CentralityTable_%s_SmearedGlauber_v4/run1",; //txtfile << "Using AMPT efficiency and AMPT smeared Glauber table" << endl << endl; txtfile << "Using EPOS efficiency and EPOS smeared Glauber table" << endl << endl; //txtfile << "Using HIJING efficiency and HIJING smeared Glauber table" << endl << endl; } //Setting up variables and branches double binboundaries[nbins+1]; vector<float> values; TH1F * hist; if(!isMC) hist = new TH1F("hist","",hEff->GetNbinsX(),hEff->GetBinLowEdge(1),hEff->GetBinLowEdge(hEff->GetNbinsX())); float vtxZ, b, npart, ncoll, nhard, hf, hfplus, hfpluseta4, hfminuseta4, hfminus, hfhit, ee, eb; int run, npix, npixtrks, ntrks; t->SetBranchAddress("vz",&vtxZ); t->SetBranchAddress("run",&run); if(isMC){ t->SetBranchAddress("b",&b); t->SetBranchAddress("Npart", &npart); t->SetBranchAddress("Ncoll", &ncoll); t->SetBranchAddress("Nhard", &nhard); } t->SetBranchAddress("hiHF", &hf); t->SetBranchAddress("hiHFplus", &hfplus); t->SetBranchAddress("hiHFplusEta4", &hfpluseta4); t->SetBranchAddress("hiHFminus", &hfminus); t->SetBranchAddress("hiHFminusEta4", &hfminuseta4); t->SetBranchAddress("hiHFhit", &hfhit); t->SetBranchAddress("hiEE", &ee); t->SetBranchAddress("hiEB", &eb); t->SetBranchAddress("hiNpix", &npix); t->SetBranchAddress("hiNpixelTracks", &npixtrks); t->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracks", &ntrks); //t->SetBranchAddress("hiNtracksOffline", &ntrks); bool binB ="b") == 0; bool binNpart ="Npart") == 0; bool binNcoll ="Ncoll") == 0; bool binNhard ="Nhard") == 0; bool binHF ="HFtowers") == 0; bool binHFplus ="HFtowersPlus") == 0; bool binHFminus ="HFtowersMinus") == 0; bool binHFplusTrunc ="HFtowersPlusTrunc") == 0; bool binHFminusTrunc ="HFtowersMinusTrunc") == 0; bool binNpix ="PixelHits") == 0; bool binNpixTrks ="PixelTracks") == 0; bool binNtrks ="Tracks") == 0; //Event loop unsigned int Nevents = t->GetEntries(); txtfile << "Number of events = " << Nevents << endl << endl; for(unsigned int iev = 0; iev < Nevents; iev++) { if(iev%10000 == 0) cout<<"Processing event: " << iev << endl; t->GetEntry(iev); //if(run!=runNum) continue; float parameter = -1; if(binB) parameter = b; if(binNpart) parameter = npart; if(binNcoll) parameter = ncoll; if(binNhard) parameter = nhard; if(binHF) parameter = hf; if(binHFplus) parameter = hfplus; if(binHFminus) parameter = hfminus; if(binHFplusTrunc) parameter = hfpluseta4; if(binHFminusTrunc) parameter = hfminuseta4; if(binNpix) parameter = npix; if(binNpixTrks) parameter = npixtrks; if(binNtrks) parameter = ntrks; values.push_back(parameter); if(!isMC) { hist->Fill(parameter); } } //Sorting the centrality variable vector if(binB) sort(values.begin(),values.end(),descend); else sort(values.begin(),values.end()); //Finding the bin boundaries txtfile << "-------------------------------------" << endl; txtfile << << " based cuts are: " << endl; txtfile << "("; int size = values.size(); binboundaries[nbins] = values[size-1]; if(isMC) { for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { int entry = (int)(i*(size/nbins)); if(entry < 0 || i == 0) binboundaries[i] = 0; else binboundaries[i] = values[entry]; } } else { TH1F * corr = (TH1F*)hist->Clone("corr"); //TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); //c1->SetLogy(); //corr->DrawCopy("hist"); for (int j=1; j<corr->GetNbinsX(); j++) { if (hEff->GetBinContent(j) != 0) { corr->SetBinContent(j,corr->GetBinContent(j)/hEff->GetBinContent(j)); corr->SetBinError(j,corr->GetBinError(j)/hEff->GetBinContent(j)); } } //corr->SetLineColor(2); //corr->DrawCopy("hist same"); //cout << "total integral = " << corr->Integral(); float prev = 0; binboundaries[0] = 0; int j = 1; for (int i = 1; i < corr->GetNbinsX(); i++) { if(j>=nbins) continue; float a = corr->Integral(1,i,""); a = a/corr->Integral(); //if(i<100) cout << i << " bin in x fraction of total integral = " << a << " j = " << j << endl; if (a > (float)j/nbins && prev < (float)j/nbins) { binboundaries[j] = corr->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); j++; } prev = a; } } for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { if(binboundaries[i] < 0) binboundaries[i] = 0; txtfile << binboundaries[i] << ", "; } txtfile << binboundaries[nbins] << ")" << endl << "-------------------------------------" << endl; //***Determining Glauber results for MC and filling the table*** if(isMC) { dir->cd(); TH2D* hNpart = new TH2D("hNpart","",nbins,binboundaries,40,0,40); TH2D* hNcoll = new TH2D("hNcoll","",nbins,binboundaries,40,0,40); TH2D* hNhard = new TH2D("hNhard","",nbins,binboundaries,50,0,50); TH2D* hb = new TH2D("hb","",nbins,binboundaries,600,0,30); for(unsigned int iev = 0; iev < Nevents; iev++) { if( iev % 5000 == 0 ) cout<<"Processing event : " << iev << endl; t->GetEntry(iev); float parameter = -1; if(binB) parameter = b; if(binNpart) parameter = npart; if(binNcoll) parameter = ncoll; if(binNhard) parameter = nhard; if(binHF) parameter = hf; if(binHFplus) parameter = hfplus; if(binHFminus) parameter = hfminus; if(binHFplusTrunc) parameter = hfpluseta4; if(binHFminusTrunc) parameter = hfminuseta4; if(binNpix) parameter = npix; if(binNpixTrks) parameter = npixtrks; if(binNtrks) parameter = ntrks; hNpart->Fill(parameter,npart); hNcoll->Fill(parameter,ncoll); hNhard->Fill(parameter,nhard); hb->Fill(parameter,b); int bin = hNpart->GetXaxis()->FindBin(parameter) - 1; if(bin < 0) bin = 0; if(bin >= nbins) bin = nbins - 1; nt->Fill(parameter,bin,b,npart,ncoll,nhard); } TF1* fGaus = new TF1("fb","gaus(0)",0,2); fitSlices(hNpart,fGaus); fitSlices(hNcoll,fGaus); fitSlices(hNhard,fGaus); fitSlices(hb,fGaus); TH1D* hNpartMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNpart_1"); TH1D* hNpartSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNpart_2"); TH1D* hNcollMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNcoll_1"); TH1D* hNcollSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNcoll_2"); TH1D* hNhardMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNhard_1"); TH1D* hNhardSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hNhard_2"); TH1D* hbMean = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hb_1"); TH1D* hbSigma = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("hb_2"); txtfile<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; txtfile<<"# Bin NpartMean NpartSigma NcollMean NcollSigma bMean bSigma BinEdge"<<endl; for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++){ int ii = nbins-i; bins->table_[i].n_part_mean = hNpartMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_part_var = hNpartSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_coll_mean = hNcollMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_coll_var = hNcollSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].b_mean = hbMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].b_var = hbSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_hard_mean = hNhardMean->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].n_hard_var = hNhardSigma->GetBinContent(ii); bins->table_[i].bin_edge = binboundaries[ii-1]; txtfile << i << " " << hNpartMean->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hNpartSigma->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hNcollMean->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hNcollSigma->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << hbMean->GetBinContent(ii) << " " <<hbSigma->GetBinContent(ii) << " " << binboundaries[ii-1] << " " <<endl; } txtfile<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; } //***end of MC part*** else { //***Data table with inputMCtable*** txtfile<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; txtfile<<"# Bin NpartMean NpartSigma NcollMean NcollSigma bMean bSigma BinEdge"<<endl; for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++){ int ii = nbins-i; bins->table_[i].n_part_mean = inputMCtable->NpartMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_part_var = inputMCtable->NpartSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_coll_mean = inputMCtable->NcollMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_coll_var = inputMCtable->NcollSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].b_mean = inputMCtable->bMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].b_var = inputMCtable->bSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_hard_mean = inputMCtable->NhardMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].n_hard_var = inputMCtable->NhardSigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].ecc2_mean = inputMCtable->eccentricityMeanOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].ecc2_var = inputMCtable->eccentricitySigmaOfBin(i); bins->table_[i].bin_edge = binboundaries[ii-1]; txtfile << i << " " << bins->table_[i].n_part_mean << " " << bins->table_[i].n_part_var << " " << bins->table_[i].n_coll_mean << " " << bins->table_[i].n_coll_var << " " <<bins->table_[i].b_mean << " " << bins->table_[i].b_var << " " << bins->table_[i].n_hard_mean << " " << bins->table_[i].n_hard_var << " " << bins->table_[i].bin_edge << " " << endl; } txtfile<<"-------------------------------------"<<endl; } //***end of Data part*** outFile->cd(); dir->cd(); bins->Write(); nt->Write(); bins->Delete(); outFile->Write(); txtfile.close(); }