void CMainFrame::OnFileOpen(int id) { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { showWarning(_T("No active view")); return; } CFileDialog dlg(TRUE); dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFilter = getFileDialogExtension().cstr(); dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Open files"); dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex = getOptions().m_defaultExtensionIndex; dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; TCHAR fileNames[1024]; fileNames[0] = 0; dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile = fileNames; dlg.m_ofn.nMaxFile = ARRAYSIZE(fileNames); if((dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) || (_tcsclen(fileNames) == 0)) { return; } getOptions().m_defaultExtensionIndex = dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex; TCHAR *files[3]; getFileNames(files,fileNames); CWinDiffDoc *doc = view->getDocument(); if(_tcsclen(files[1]) == 0) { // only one selected doc->setDoc(id, DIFFDOC_FILE, files[0]); } else { const String f1 = FileNameSplitter::getChildName(files[0],files[1]); const String f2 = FileNameSplitter::getChildName(files[0],files[2]); doc->setDocs(f1, f2); } Invalidate(FALSE); }
void LogScreen::UpdateLog() { using namespace UI; RingbufferLogListener *ring = LogManager::GetInstance()->GetRingbufferListener(); if (!ring) return; vert_->Clear(); for (int i = ring->GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TextView *v = vert_->Add(new TextView(ring->TextAt(i), FLAG_DYNAMIC_ASCII, false)); uint32_t color = 0xFFFFFF; switch (ring->LevelAt(i)) { case LogTypes::LDEBUG: color = 0xE0E0E0; break; case LogTypes::LWARNING: color = 0x50FFFF; break; case LogTypes::LERROR: color = 0x5050FF; break; case LogTypes::LNOTICE: color = 0x30FF30; break; case LogTypes::LINFO: color = 0xFFFFFF; break; case LogTypes::LVERBOSE: color = 0xC0C0C0; break; } v->SetTextColor(0xFF000000 | color); } toBottom_ = true; }
void init_home_screen() { //strcpy(CommandText, "connect to, Robot, show me the accuracy of your positioning. Show me a histogram for right leg positions.\ // Lift your left leg. Raise both arms. Go to the bedroom and get my shoes." ); strcpy (CommandText, "what time?"); ClientInputEdit.set_text ( CommandText ); ClientInputEdit.set_text_size ( 16.0 ); ClientInputEdit.set_return_key_listener( send_to_viki, &ClientInputEdit ); //printf("init_home_screen() ClientInput text setup\n"); RobotResponse.set_text ( "Not Connected" ); // ConnectionStatus if (ipc_memory_client) { //printf("init_home_screen() RobotResponse text %s\n", ipc_memory_client->Sentence ); RobotResponse.set_text ( ipc_memory_client->Sentence ); // ConnectionStatus } RobotResponse.set_text_size ( 16.0 ); RobotResponse.set_text_color ( 0xCFFF0000 ); RobotResponse.set_background_color ( 0xFFFFFf00 ); // This should be hidden until asked for via voice. //AvailClients.move_to( 20, 75 ); // Add to display manager: MainDisplay.remove_all_objects( ); MainDisplay.add_object( &ClientInputEdit); MainDisplay.add_object( &RobotResponse ); MainDisplay.add_object( &AvailClients ); // MainDisplay.add_object( &adren_board_list ); // MainDisplay.load_resources(); }
void CMainFrame::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view) { view->refreshBoth(); } }
int main() { Sphere sphere(50); TextView textView; GraphicsView graphicsView; GraphicsController graphicsController(&sphere); TextController textController(&sphere); sphere.addObserver(&textView); sphere.addObserver(&graphicsView); textView.update(&sphere); graphicsView.update(&sphere); int i=0; double r,x,y; while(i!=3) { cout<<"1.更改textview半径"<<endl; cout<<"2.更改Graphicsview半径"<<endl; cout<<"3.退出"<<endl; cin>>i; if(i==1) { cout<<"输入半径"<<endl; cin>>r; textController.actionPerformed(r); } if(i==2) { cout<<"输入坐标x,y"<<endl; cin>>x>>y; graphicsController.mouseDragged(x,y) ; }
static void UtcDaliPushButtonSetLabelText() { ToolkitTestApplication application; tet_infoline(" UtcDaliPushButtonSetLabelText"); const std::string STR( "Hola!" ); PushButton pushButton = PushButton::New(); application.SendNotification(); application.Render(); TextView textView; pushButton.SetLabelText( STR ); textView = TextView::DownCast( pushButton.GetLabelText() ); DALI_TEST_CHECK( STR == textView.GetText() ); TextView text = TextView::New( STR ); pushButton.SetLabelText( text ); textView = TextView::DownCast( pushButton.GetLabelText() ); DALI_TEST_CHECK( STR == textView.GetText() ); }
void TextShape2::BoundingBox(Point& bottemLeft, Point& topRight) const { Coord bottem , left , width , height; m_pText->GetOrigin(bottem, left); m_pText->GetExtent(width, height); bottemLeft = Point(bottem , left); topRight = Point(bottem+height, left+width); }
KTextEditor::View *PartController::activeView() { TextView* textView = dynamic_cast<TextView*>(Core::self()->uiController()->activeArea()->activeView()); if (textView) { return textView->textView(); } return 0; }
BYTE CMainFrame::getFocusFlags() { BYTE result; if(m_hasFocus) result |= MAINHASFOCUS; TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view) { result |= (view->getId() == 0) ? PANEL0ACTIVE : PANEL1ACTIVE; } return result; }
void CMainFrame::activateOptions() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } view->setOptions(getOptions()); setWindowSize(this, getOptions().m_windowSize); updateCheckedMenuItems(); }
MainWindow :: MainWindow(HINSTANCE instance, const wchar_t* caption, _Controller* controller, Model* model) : SDIWindow(instance, caption), _windowList(10, IDM_WINDOW_WINDOWS), _recentFiles(10, IDM_FILE_FILES), _recentProjects(10, IDM_FILE_PROJECTS), _contextBrowser(model) { _controller = controller; _model = model; _tabTTHandle = NULL; _controlCount = 14; _controls = (_BaseControl**)malloc(_controlCount << 2); _controls[0] = NULL; _controls[CTRL_MENU] = new Menu(instance, IDR_IDE_ACCELERATORS, ::GetMenu(getHandle())); _controls[CTRL_CONTEXTMENU] = new ContextMenu(); _windowList.assign((Menu*)_controls[CTRL_MENU]); _recentFiles.assign((Menu*)_controls[CTRL_MENU]); _recentProjects.assign((Menu*)_controls[CTRL_MENU]); ContextMenu* contextMenu = (ContextMenu*)_controls[CTRL_CONTEXTMENU]; contextMenu->create(8, contextMenuInfo); _controls[CTRL_STATUSBAR] = new StatusBar(this, 5, StatusBarWidths); _controls[CTRL_TOOLBAR] = new ToolBar(this, 16, AppToolBarButtonNumber, AppToolBarButtons); _controls[CTRL_EDITFRAME] = new EditFrame(this, true, contextMenu, model); _controls[CTRL_TABBAR] = new TabBar(this, _model->tabWithAboveScore); _controls[CTRL_OUTPUT] = new Output((Control*)_controls[CTRL_TABBAR], this); _controls[CTRL_MESSAGELIST] = new MessageLog((Control*)_controls[CTRL_TABBAR]); _controls[CTRL_CALLLIST] = new CallStackLog((Control*)_controls[CTRL_TABBAR]); _controls[CTRL_BSPLITTER] = new Splitter(this, (Control*)_controls[CTRL_TABBAR], false, IDM_LAYOUT_CHANGED); _controls[CTRL_CONTEXTBOWSER] = new TreeView((Control*)_controls[CTRL_TABBAR], true); _controls[CTRL_PROJECTVIEW] = new TreeView(this, false); _controls[CTRL_HSPLITTER] = new Splitter(this, (Control*)_controls[CTRL_PROJECTVIEW], true, IDM_LAYOUT_CHANGED); ((Control*)_controls[CTRL_TABBAR])->_setHeight(120); ((Control*)_controls[CTRL_BSPLITTER])->_setConstraint(60, 100); ((Control*)_controls[CTRL_PROJECTVIEW])->_setWidth(200); _statusBar = (StatusBar*)_controls[CTRL_STATUSBAR]; EditFrame* frame = (EditFrame*)_controls[CTRL_EDITFRAME]; TextView* textView = new TextView(frame, 5, 28, 400, 400); frame->populate(textView); textView->setReceptor(this); _contextBrowser.assign((Control*)_controls[CTRL_CONTEXTBOWSER]); setLeft(CTRL_HSPLITTER); setTop(CTRL_TOOLBAR); setClient(CTRL_EDITFRAME); setBottom(CTRL_BSPLITTER); frame->init(model); showControls(CTRL_STATUSBAR, CTRL_EDITFRAME); showControls(CTRL_PROJECTVIEW, CTRL_PROJECTVIEW); }
void MainView::Update(void) { cout << "Updating textOutputView" << endl; // First we get the infomation taken from the IRC server and put into "buf" is added to the textOutputView // We then check the incoming data to see if it contains the PING command from the server. int i; string bufstring; bufstring = buf; i = bufstring.find("PING"); cout << "Ping?\n" << endl; cout << i << endl; cout << bufstring << endl; if (i == -1) { cout << "No Ping" << endl; } // If it does we return the message "Pong nick\n", The Ping is sent from the server to check that // we are still receiving messages // However due Ping being mentioned in the MOTD from freenode here is a dirty hack to get round this, // it only checks if the PING command is not equal to -1 (-1 is returned when Ping isn't mentioned) // and less then 80. (80 not 10 as it allows you to test the function by sending a PRIVMSG with Ping // embedded. else if (i !=-1) { if (i < 80) { cout << "Yes Ping" << endl; sendmessage = "PONG " + nick + end; messagetosend = 1; } else { cout << "No Ping" << endl; } } // Once the Ping command is done we now need to cut down the message to contain just the nick // of the sender and also the message itself. Now this gets a little stuck with the MOTD from // the server so we only turn it on once we have joined a channel. (when erase = 1) if (erase ==1){ string bufstring1; string bufstring2; string bufstring3; bufstring1 = buf; string find1 = "!"; string::size_type pos = bufstring1.find (find1,0); string find2 = "#"; string::size_type pos1 = bufstring1.find (find2,0); int pos2, totallength; pos2 = pos1 - pos; bufstring2 = bufstring1.erase (pos, pos2); const char* bufchar; bufchar = bufstring2.c_str(); textOutputView->Insert(bufchar, true); } else { textOutputView->Insert(buf, true); } if( m_CommThread ) m_CommThread->PostMessage( MSG_TOLOOPER_START, m_CommThread, m_CommThread ); }
void DocManager::gotoTextLine( const KURL &url, int line ) { TextDocument * doc = dynamic_cast<TextDocument*>( openURL(url) ); TextView * tv = doc ? doc->textView() : 0; if ( !tv ) return; tv->gotoLine(line); tv->setFocus(); }
void CMainFrame::OnEditPaste() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } const String t = getClipboardText(); CWinDiffDoc *doc = view->getDocument(); doc->setDoc(view->getId(),DIFFDOC_BUF,t); view->refreshBoth(); }
void CMainFrame::refreshDoc(bool recomp) { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } CWinDiffDoc *doc = view->getDocument(); if(recomp) { doc->recompare(); } view->savePositionState(); view->refreshBoth(); }
void CMainFrame::OnOptionsDefineRegex() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } RegexFilter param = getOptions().m_regexFilter; CRegexDlg dlg(param); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { getOptions().m_regexFilter = param; if(isMenuItemChecked(this, ID_OPTIONS_IGNOREREGEX)) { view->setIgnoreRegex(true); } } }
void MainView::SendMsg (void) { textfrominput = textInputView->GetBuffer()[0].const_str(); cout << "Text from input: " << textfrominput << endl; messagetosend = 1; sendmessage = priv + channel + " :" + textfrominput + end; Message *msg1 = new Message(MSG_TOLOOPER_START); Mail("Commthread", msg1); string printinputmessage = nick + channel + " : " + textfrominput + end; cout << printinputmessage << endl; const char* msgupdate; msgupdate = printinputmessage.c_str(); textOutputView->Insert(msgupdate, true); textInputView->Clear(true); }
void CMainFrame::OnViewTabSize() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } CWinDiffDoc *doc = view->getDocument(); const int tabSize = doc->m_diff.getTabSize(); CTabSizeDlg dlg(tabSize); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { if(dlg.m_tabSize != doc->m_diff.getTabSize()) { view->setTabSize(dlg.m_tabSize, true); } } }
void CMainFrame::ajourMenuItems() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); bool hasView = view != NULL; CWinDiffDoc *doc = getDoc(); const Diff &diff = doc->m_diff; if(!hasView) { enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_COPY , false); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_SELECTALL , false); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND , false); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND_NEXT , false); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND_PREV , false); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_PREV_DIFF , false); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_GOTO , false); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_REFRESHFILES , false); enableMenuItem(this, ID_VIEW_HIGHLIGHTCOMPAREEQUAL , false); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_NEXT_DIFF , false); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_SHOWDETAILS , false); showStatusBarPanes(false); } else { const bool hasText = !diff.getDoc(view->getId()).isEmpty(); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_COPY , !view->getSelectedRange().isEmpty()); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_SELECTALL , hasText); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND , hasText); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND_NEXT , hasText); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND_NEXT , hasText); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND_PREV , hasText); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem(ID_EDIT_FIND_PREV , hasText); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_GOTO , hasText); enableMenuItem(this, ID_EDIT_REFRESHFILES , diff.hasFileDoc()); enableMenuItem(this, ID_VIEW_HIGHLIGHTCOMPAREEQUAL , doc->m_filter.hasLineFilter()); if(!doc->m_filter.hasLineFilter()) { checkMenuItem(this, ID_VIEW_HIGHLIGHTCOMPAREEQUAL, false); } enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem( ID_EDIT_SHOWDETAILS , !diff.isEmpty() && !diff.getDiffLines()[view->getCurrentLine()].linesAreEqual()); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem( ID_EDIT_PREV_DIFF , !diff.isEmpty() && (view->getCurrentLine() > diff.getFirstDiffLine())); enableToolbarButtonAndMenuItem( ID_EDIT_NEXT_DIFF , !diff.isEmpty() && (view->getCurrentLine() < diff.getLastDiffLine())); showStatusBarPanes(!diff.isEmpty()); } updateNameFontSizeMenuItems(getOptions().m_nameFontSizePct); }
void CMainFrame::OnOptionsDefineColumns() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } FileFormat param = getOptions().m_fileFormat; CDefineFileFormatDlg dlg(param,view->getCurrentOrigString()); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { getOptions().m_fileFormat = param; if(isMenuItemChecked(this, ID_OPTIONS_IGNORECOLUMNS)) { view->setIgnoreColumns(true); } } }
void CMainFrame::OnOptionsIgnoreRegex() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } if(!isMenuItemChecked(this, ID_OPTIONS_IGNOREREGEX)) { const Options &options = getOptions(); if(options.m_regexFilter.isEmpty()) { OnOptionsDefineRegex(); } if(options.m_regexFilter.isEmpty()) { return; } } view->setIgnoreRegex(toggleMenuItem(this, ID_OPTIONS_IGNOREREGEX)); }
void MainView::AttachedToWindow() { //ensure messages are sent to the view and not the window LayoutView::AttachedToWindow(); textInputView->SetTarget(this); m_pcStart->SetTarget(this); mainMenuBar->SetTargetForItems( this ); }
void CMainFrame::OnOptionsIgnoreColumns() { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) { return; } if(!isMenuItemChecked(this, ID_OPTIONS_IGNORECOLUMNS)) { const Options &options = getOptions(); if(options.m_fileFormat.isEmpty()) { OnOptionsDefineColumns(); } if(options.m_fileFormat.isEmpty()) { return; } } view->setIgnoreColumns(toggleMenuItem(this,ID_OPTIONS_IGNORECOLUMNS)); }
void send_to_viki( void* mEditBoxPtr ) { printf("send_to_viki() callback reached!\n"); EditBox* eb = (EditBox*)mEditBoxPtr; char* str = eb->get_text(); if (is_client_ipc_memory_available()==false) RobotResponse.set_text("Viki is down."); cli_ipc_write_sentence( str ); }
//@Override ECode DateTimeSuggestionListAdapter::GetView( /* [in] */ Int32 position, /* [in] */ IView* convertView, /* [in] */ IViewGroup* parent, /* [out] */ IView** outView) { VALIDATE_NOT_NULL(outView); View layout = convertView; if (convertView == null) { LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.date_time_suggestion, parent, false); } TextView labelView = (TextView) layout.findViewById(R.id.date_time_suggestion_value); TextView sublabelView = (TextView) layout.findViewById(R.id.date_time_suggestion_label); if (position == getCount() - 1) { labelView.setText(mContext.getText(R.string.date_picker_dialog_other_button_label)); sublabelView.setText(""); } else { labelView.setText(getItem(position).localizedValue()); sublabelView.setText(getItem(position).label()); } return layout; }
WIN32IDE :: WIN32IDE(HINSTANCE instance, AppDebugController* debugController) : IDE(debugController), controls(NULL, _ELENA_::freeobj) { this->instance = instance; // create main window & menu _appWindow = new MainWindow(instance, _T("IDE"), this); _appMenu = new Menu(instance, IDR_IDE_ACCELERATORS, ::GetMenu(_appWindow->getHandle())); contextMenu.create(8, contextMenuInfo); _appToolBar = new ToolBar(_appWindow, 16, AppToolBarButtonNumber, AppToolBarButtons); _statusBar = new StatusBar(_appWindow, 5, StatusBarWidths); _outputBar = createOutputBar(); _contextBrowser = createContextBrowser(); _mainFrame = new EditFrame(_appWindow, true, &contextMenu); TextView* textView = new TextView(_mainFrame, 5, 28, 400, 400); _mainFrame->populate(textView); textView->setReceptor(_appWindow); _mainFrame->show(); _appToolBar->show(); _statusBar->show(); _appWindow->_getLayoutManager()->setAsTop(_appToolBar); _appWindow->_setStatusBar(_statusBar); _appWindow->_getLayoutManager()->setAsClient(_mainFrame); controls.add(_mainFrame); controls.add(textView); controls.add(_statusBar); controls.add(_appToolBar); controls.add(_appMenu); controls.add(_appWindow); // initialize recent files / projects / windows manager _recentFiles.assign(_appMenu); _recentProjects.assign(_appMenu); _windowList.assign(_appMenu); }
void CMainFrame::onFileMruFile(int index) { TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) return; try { const String fname = theApp.getRecentFile(index); if(ACCESS(fname, 4) < 0) { const int errorCode = errno; showWarning(getErrnoText()); if(errorCode == ENOENT) { theApp.removeFromRecentFiles(index); } return; } CWinDiffDoc *doc = view->getDocument(); doc->setDoc(view->getId(),DIFFDOC_FILE, fname); Invalidate(FALSE); //view->refreshBoth(); } catch(Exception e) { showException(e); } }
//Document* EditFrame :: getDocument(int index) //{ //// if (index != -1) { //// TextView* textView = (TextView*)_getTabControl(index); //// //// return textView ? textView->getDocument() : NULL; //// } //// else return _currentDoc; // // return NULL; // !!temporal //} // int EditFrame :: newDocument(const char* name, Document* document) { TextView* textView = new _GUI_::TextView(); textView->setStyles(STYLE_MAX + 1, _schemes[_scheme], 15, 20); textView->applySettings(_model->tabSize, _model->tabCharUsing, _model->lineNumberVisible, _model->highlightSyntax); textView->setDocument(document); textView->show(); // !! temporal? // g_signal_connect(textView->getWidgetHandle(), "editor-changed", // G_CALLBACK(editor_changed), _owner); // // g_signal_connect(textView->getWidgetHandle(), "ctrl-tab-pressed", // G_CALLBACK(ctrl_tab_pressed), _owner); addTab(name, textView); show(); setFocus(); }
void FBReader::ScrollingAction::run() { int delay = myFBReader.myLastScrollingTime.millisecondsTo(ZLTime()); TextView *textView = (TextView*)myFBReader.currentView(); if ((textView != 0) && ((delay < 0) || (delay >= myOptions.DelayOption.value()))) { TextView::ScrollingMode oType = (TextView::ScrollingMode)myOptions.ModeOption.value(); unsigned int oValue = 0; switch (oType) { case TextView::KEEP_LINES: oValue = myOptions.LinesToKeepOption.value(); break; case TextView::SCROLL_LINES: oValue = myOptions.LinesToScrollOption.value(); break; case TextView::SCROLL_PERCENTAGE: oValue = myOptions.PercentToScrollOption.value(); break; default: break; } textView->scrollPage(myForward, oType, oValue); myFBReader.refreshWindow(); myFBReader.myLastScrollingTime = ZLTime(); } }
BOOL CMainFrame::doPreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg) { const BOOL ret = __super::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); TextView *view = getActiveTextView(); if(view == NULL) return ret; const TextPosition pos = view->getCurrentPos(); m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(4, format(_T("Ln %d, Col %d"), pos.m_line+1, pos.m_column+1).cstr()); const TCHAR *msgStr = NULL; switch(pMsg->message) { case WM_PAINT : msgStr = _T("WM_PAINT") ; break; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: msgStr = _T("WM_NCMOUSEMOVE"); break; case WM_SIZING : msgStr = _T("WM_SIZING") ; break; case WM_SIZE : msgStr = _T("WM_SIZE") ; break; case 118 : msgStr = _T("msg(118)") ; break; } if(m_statusPanesVisible && msgStr) { CRect rect; m_wndStatusBar.GetItemRect(1,&rect); CStatusBarCtrl &statusBar = m_wndStatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl(); CClientDC dc(&statusBar); m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(1,EMPTYSTRING); textOutTransparentBackground(dc, rect.TopLeft()+CSize(2,1), _T("Deleted lines"), *statusBar.GetFont(), BLUE); m_wndStatusBar.GetItemRect(2,&rect); m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(2,EMPTYSTRING); textOutTransparentBackground(dc, rect.TopLeft()+CSize(2,1), _T("Changed lines"), *statusBar.GetFont(), RED); m_wndStatusBar.GetItemRect(3,&rect); m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(3,EMPTYSTRING); textOutTransparentBackground(dc, rect.TopLeft()+CSize(2,1), _T("Inserted lines"), *statusBar.GetFont(), GREEN); } return ret; }