ElevationLayerVector::populateHeightFieldAndNormalMap(osg::HeightField*      hf,
                                                      NormalMap*             normalMap,
                                                      const TileKey&         key,
                                                      const Profile*         haeProfile,
                                                      ElevationInterpolation interpolation,
                                                      ProgressCallback*      progress ) const
    // heightfield must already exist.
    if ( !hf )
        return false;


    // if the caller provided an "HAE map profile", he wants an HAE elevation grid even if
    // the map profile has a vertical datum. This is the usual case when building the 3D
    // terrain, for example. Construct a temporary key that doesn't have the vertical
    // datum info and use that to query the elevation data.
    TileKey keyToUse = key;
    if ( haeProfile )
        keyToUse = TileKey(key.getLOD(), key.getTileX(), key.getTileY(), haeProfile );
    // Collect the valid layers for this tile.
    LayerDataVector contenders;
    LayerDataVector offsets;

#ifdef ANALYZE
    struct LayerAnalysis {
        LayerAnalysis() : samples(0), used(false), failed(false), fallback(false), actualKeyValid(true) { }
        int samples; bool used; bool failed; bool fallback; bool actualKeyValid; std::string message;
    std::map<ElevationLayer*, LayerAnalysis> layerAnalysis;

    // Track the number of layers that would return fallback data.
    unsigned numFallbackLayers = 0;

    // Check them in reverse order since the highest priority is last.
    for (int i = size()-1; i>=0; --i)
    //for(ElevationLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = this->rbegin(); i != this->rend(); ++i)
        ElevationLayer* layer = (*this)[i].get(); //i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->getVisible() )
            // calculate the resolution-mapped key (adjusted for tile resolution differential).            
            TileKey mappedKey = keyToUse.mapResolution(
                layer->getTileSize() );

            bool useLayer = true;
            TileKey bestKey( mappedKey );

            // Check whether the non-mapped key is valid according to the user's min/max level settings:
            if ( !layer->isKeyInLegalRange(key) )
                useLayer = false;
            // Find the "best available" mapped key from the tile source:
                bestKey = layer->getBestAvailableTileKey(mappedKey);
                if (bestKey.valid())
                    // If the bestKey is not the mappedKey, this layer is providing
                    // fallback data (data at a lower resolution than requested)
                    if ( mappedKey != bestKey )
                    useLayer = false;

            if ( useLayer )
                if ( layer->isOffset() )
                    LayerData& ld = offsets.back();
                    ld.layer = layer;
                    ld.key = bestKey;
                    ld.index = i;
                    LayerData& ld = contenders.back();
                    ld.layer = layer;
                    ld.key = bestKey;
                    ld.index = i;

#ifdef ANALYZE
                layerAnalysis[layer].used = true;

    // nothing? bail out.
    if ( contenders.empty() && offsets.empty() )
        return false;

    // if everything is fallback data, bail out.
    if ( contenders.size() + offsets.size() == numFallbackLayers )
        return false;
    // Sample the layers into our target.
    unsigned numColumns = hf->getNumColumns();
    unsigned numRows    = hf->getNumRows();    
    double   xmin       = key.getExtent().xMin();
    double   ymin       = key.getExtent().yMin();
    double   dx         = key.getExtent().width() / (double)(numColumns-1);
    double   dy         = key.getExtent().height() / (double)(numRows-1);
    // We will load the actual heightfields on demand. We might not need them all.
    GeoHeightFieldVector heightFields(contenders.size());
    GeoHeightFieldVector offsetFields(offsets.size());
    std::vector<bool>    heightFallback(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    heightFailed(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    offsetFailed(offsets.size(), false);

    // The maximum number of heightfields to keep in this local cache
    const unsigned maxHeightFields = 50;
    unsigned numHeightFieldsInCache = 0;

    const SpatialReference* keySRS = keyToUse.getProfile()->getSRS();

    bool realData = false;

    unsigned int total = numColumns * numRows;

    // query resolution interval (x, y) of each sample.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::ShortArray> deltaLOD = new osg::ShortArray(total);
    int nodataCount = 0;

    TileKey scratchKey; // Storage if a new key needs to be constructed

    bool requiresResample = true;

    // If we only have a single contender layer, and the tile is the same size as the requested 
    // heightfield then we just use it directly and avoid having to resample it
    if (contenders.size() == 1 && offsets.empty())
        ElevationLayer* layer = contenders[0].layer.get();
        TileKey& contenderKey = contenders[0].key;

        GeoHeightField layerHF = layer->createHeightField(contenderKey, 0);
        if (layerHF.valid())
            if (layerHF.getHeightField()->getNumColumns() == hf->getNumColumns() &&
                layerHF.getHeightField()->getNumRows() == hf->getNumRows())
                requiresResample = false;
                    sizeof(float) * hf->getFloatArray()->size()
                deltaLOD->resize(hf->getFloatArray()->size(), 0);
                realData = true;

    // If we need to mosaic multiple layers or resample it to a new output tilesize go through a resampling loop.
    if (requiresResample)
        for (unsigned c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c)
            double x = xmin + (dx * (double)c);

            // periodically check for cancelation
            if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
                return false;

            for (unsigned r = 0; r < numRows; ++r)
                double y = ymin + (dy * (double)r);

                // Collect elevations from each layer as necessary.
                int resolvedIndex = -1;

                osg::Vec3 normal_sum(0, 0, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < contenders.size() && resolvedIndex < 0; ++i)
                    ElevationLayer* layer = contenders[i].layer.get();
                    TileKey& contenderKey = contenders[i].key;
                    int index = contenders[i].index;

                    if (heightFailed[i])

                    TileKey* actualKey = &contenderKey;

                    GeoHeightField& layerHF = heightFields[i];

                    if (!layerHF.valid())
                        // We couldn't get the heightfield from the cache, so try to create it.
                        // We also fallback on parent layers to make sure that we have data at the location even if it's fallback.
                        while (!layerHF.valid() && actualKey->valid() && layer->isKeyInLegalRange(*actualKey))
                            layerHF = layer->createHeightField(*actualKey, progress);
                            if (!layerHF.valid())
                                if (actualKey != &scratchKey)
                                    scratchKey = *actualKey;
                                    actualKey = &scratchKey;
                                *actualKey = actualKey->createParentKey();

                        // Mark this layer as fallback if necessary.
                        if (layerHF.valid())
                            heightFallback[i] = (*actualKey != contenderKey); // actualKey != contenders[i].second;
                            heightFailed[i] = true;
#ifdef ANALYZE
                            layerAnalysis[layer].failed = true;
                            layerAnalysis[layer].actualKeyValid = actualKey->valid();
                            if (progress) layerAnalysis[layer].message = progress->message();

                    if (layerHF.valid())
                        bool isFallback = heightFallback[i];
#ifdef ANALYZE
                        layerAnalysis[layer].fallback = isFallback;

                        // We only have real data if this is not a fallback heightfield.
                        if (!isFallback)
                            realData = true;

                        float elevation;
                        if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation))
                            if (elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                                // remember the index so we can only apply offset layers that
                                // sit on TOP of this layer.
                                resolvedIndex = index;

                                hf->setHeight(c, r, elevation);

#ifdef ANALYZE

                                if (deltaLOD)
                                    (*deltaLOD)[r*numColumns + c] = key.getLOD() - actualKey->getLOD();

                    // Clear the heightfield cache if we have too many heightfields in the cache.
                    if (numHeightFieldsInCache >= maxHeightFields)
                        //OE_NOTICE << "Clearing cache" << std::endl;
                        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < heightFields.size(); k++)
                            heightFields[k] = GeoHeightField::INVALID;
                            heightFallback[k] = false;
                        numHeightFieldsInCache = 0;

                for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    // Only apply an offset layer if it sits on top of the resolved layer
                    // (or if there was no resolved layer).
                    if (resolvedIndex >= 0 && offsets[i].index < resolvedIndex)

                    TileKey &contenderKey = offsets[i].key;

                    if (offsetFailed[i] == true)

                    GeoHeightField& layerHF = offsetFields[i];
                    if (!layerHF.valid())
                        ElevationLayer* offset = offsets[i].layer.get();

                        layerHF = offset->createHeightField(contenderKey, progress);
                        if (!layerHF.valid())
                            offsetFailed[i] = true;

                    // If we actually got a layer then we have real data
                    realData = true;

                    float elevation = 0.0f;
                    if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation) &&
                        elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                        hf->getHeight(c, r) += elevation;

                        // Update the resolution tracker to account for the offset. Sadly this
                        // will wipe out the resolution of the actual data, and might result in 
                        // normal faceting. See the comments on "createNormalMap" for more info
                        if (deltaLOD)
                            (*deltaLOD)[r*numColumns + c] = key.getLOD() - contenderKey.getLOD();

    if (normalMap)
        // periodically check for cancelation
        if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
            return false;

        createNormalMap(key.getExtent(), hf, deltaLOD.get(), normalMap);

#ifdef ANALYZE
        static Threading::Mutex m;
        Threading::ScopedMutexLock lock(m);
        std::cout << key.str() << ": ";
        for (std::map<ElevationLayer*, LayerAnalysis>::const_iterator i = layerAnalysis.begin();
            i != layerAnalysis.end(); ++i)
            std::cout << i->first->getName() 
                << " used=" << i->second.used
                << " failed=" << i->second.failed
                << " akv=" << i->second.actualKeyValid
                << " fallback=" << i->second.fallback
                << " samples=" << i->second.samples
                << " msg=" << i->second.message
                << "; ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
        return false;

    // Return whether or not we actually read any real data
    return realData;
Esempio n. 2
ElevationLayerVector::populateHeightField(osg::HeightField*      hf,
                                          const TileKey&         key,
                                          const Profile*         haeProfile,
                                          ElevationInterpolation interpolation,
                                          ProgressCallback*      progress ) const
    //osg::Timer_t startTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    // heightfield must already exist.
    if ( !hf )
        return false;

    // if the caller provided an "HAE map profile", he wants an HAE elevation grid even if
    // the map profile has a vertical datum. This is the usual case when building the 3D
    // terrain, for example. Construct a temporary key that doesn't have the vertical
    // datum info and use that to query the elevation data.
    TileKey keyToUse = key;
    if ( haeProfile )
        keyToUse = TileKey(key.getLOD(), key.getTileX(), key.getTileY(), haeProfile );
    // Collect the valid layers for this tile.
    LayerAndKeyVector contenders;
    LayerAndKeyVector offsets;

    // Track the number of layers that would return fallback data.
    unsigned numFallbackLayers = 0;

    // Check them in reverse order since the highest priority is last.
    for(ElevationLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = this->rbegin(); i != this->rend(); ++i)
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->getVisible() )
            // calculate the resolution-mapped key (adjusted for tile resolution differential).            
            TileKey mappedKey = keyToUse.mapResolution(
                layer->getTileSize() );

            bool useLayer = true;
            TileKey bestKey( mappedKey );

            // Is there a tilesource? If not we are cache-only and cannot reject the layer.
            if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                // Check whether the non-mapped key is valid according to the user's min/max level settings:
                if ( !layer->isKeyInRange(key) )
                    useLayer = false;

                // Find the "best available" mapped key from the tile source:
                    if ( layer->getTileSource()->getBestAvailableTileKey(mappedKey, bestKey) )
                        // If the bestKey is not the mappedKey, this layer is providing
                        // fallback data (data at a lower resolution than requested)
                        if ( mappedKey != bestKey )
                        useLayer = false;

            if ( useLayer )
                if ( layer->isOffset() )
                    offsets.push_back( std::make_pair(layer, bestKey) );
                    contenders.push_back( std::make_pair(layer, bestKey) );

    // nothing? bail out.
    if ( contenders.empty() && offsets.empty() )
        return false;

    // if everything is fallback data, bail out.
    if ( contenders.size() + offsets.size() == numFallbackLayers )
        return false;
    // Sample the layers into our target.
    unsigned numColumns = hf->getNumColumns();
    unsigned numRows    = hf->getNumRows();    
    double   xmin       = key.getExtent().xMin();
    double   ymin       = key.getExtent().yMin();
    double   dx         = key.getExtent().width() / (double)(numColumns-1);
    double   dy         = key.getExtent().height() / (double)(numRows-1);
    // We will load the actual heightfields on demand. We might not need them all.
    GeoHeightFieldVector heightFields(contenders.size());
    GeoHeightFieldVector offsetFields(offsets.size());
    std::vector<bool>    heightFailed(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    offsetFailed(offsets.size(), false);

    // The maximum number of heightfields to keep in this local cache
    unsigned int maxHeightFields = 50;
    unsigned numHeightFieldsInCache = 0;

    //double fallBackTime = 0;

    const SpatialReference* keySRS = keyToUse.getProfile()->getSRS();

    bool realData = false;

    //unsigned int numFallback = 0;

    unsigned int total = numColumns * numRows;
    unsigned int completed = 0;

    for (unsigned c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c)
        double x = xmin + (dx * (double)c);
        for (unsigned r = 0; r < numRows; ++r)
            double y = ymin + (dy * (double)r);

            // Collect elevations from each layer as necessary.
            bool resolved = false;

            for(int i=0; i<contenders.size() && !resolved; ++i)
                if ( heightFailed[i] )

                ElevationLayer* layer = contenders[i].first.get();

                GeoHeightField& layerHF = heightFields[i];
                if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                    layerHF = layer->createHeightField(contenders[i].second, progress);
                    if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                        // This layer potentially has data or it wouldn't have ended up in the contendors list, so try falling back on the parent
                        TileKey parentKey = contenders[i].second.createParentKey();
                        while (!layerHF.valid() && parentKey.valid())
                            //osg::Timer_t fbStartTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
                            GeoHeightField parentHF = layer->createHeightField(parentKey, progress);
                            //osg::Timer_t fbEndTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

                            // Only penalize time wasted actually falling back.
                            //if (!parentHF.valid())
                            // {
                            //    fallBackTime += osg::Timer::instance()->delta_m(fbStartTime, fbEndTime);

                            if (parentHF.valid())
                                layerHF = parentHF;
                                parentKey = parentKey.createParentKey();


                        if (!layerHF.valid())
                            heightFailed[i] = true;

                // If we actually got a layer then we have real data
                realData = true;

                float elevation;
                if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation) &&
                    elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                    resolved = true;                    
                    hf->setHeight(c, r, elevation);

                // Clear the heightfield cache if we have too many heightfields in the cache.
                if (numHeightFieldsInCache >= maxHeightFields)
                    //OE_NOTICE << "Clearing cache" << std::endl;
                    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < heightFields.size(); k++)
                        heightFields[k] = GeoHeightField::INVALID;
                    numHeightFieldsInCache = 0;

            for(int i=offsets.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
                if ( offsetFailed[i] )

                GeoHeightField& layerHF = offsetFields[i];
                if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                    ElevationLayer* offset = offsets[i].first.get();

                    layerHF = offset->createHeightField(offsets[i].second, progress);
                    if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                        offsetFailed[i] = true;

                // If we actually got a layer then we have real data
                realData = true;

                float elevation = 0.0f;
                if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation) &&
                    elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                    hf->getHeight(c, r) += elevation;

            //OE_NOTICE << "Completed " << completed << " of " << total << std::endl;

    //osg::Timer_t endTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    //double totalTime = osg::Timer::instance()->delta_m(startTime, endTime);
   // double fallbackPercentage = fallBackTime / totalTime;
    //if (fallBackTime > 0)
    //    OE_NOTICE << "populateHeightField took " << totalTime << "ms fallbacktime=" << fallBackTime << "ms count=" << numFallback << " percentage=" << fallbackPercentage << std::endl;
    //    OE_NOTICE << "populateHeightField took " << totalTime << "ms" << std::endl;

    // Return whether or not we actually read any real data
    return realData;
Esempio n. 3
ElevationLayerVector::populateHeightField(osg::HeightField*      hf,
                                          const TileKey&         key,
                                          const Profile*         haeProfile,
                                          ElevationInterpolation interpolation,
                                          ProgressCallback*      progress ) const
    // heightfield must already exist.
    if ( !hf )
        return false;

    // if the caller provided an "HAE map profile", he wants an HAE elevation grid even if
    // the map profile has a vertical datum. This is the usual case when building the 3D
    // terrain, for example. Construct a temporary key that doesn't have the vertical
    // datum info and use that to query the elevation data.
    TileKey keyToUse = key;
    if ( haeProfile )
        keyToUse = TileKey(key.getLOD(), key.getTileX(), key.getTileY(), haeProfile );
    // Collect the valid layers for this tile.
    ElevationLayerVector contenders;
    ElevationLayerVector offsets;
    for(ElevationLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = this->rbegin(); i != this->rend(); ++i)
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->getVisible() )
            // calculate the resolution-mapped key (adjusted for tile resolution differential).            
            TileKey mappedKey = 
                keyToUse.mapResolution(hf->getNumColumns(), layer->getTileSize());

            // Note: isKeyInRange tests the key, but haData tests the mapped key.
            // I think that's right!
            if ((layer->getTileSource() == 0L) || 
                (layer->isKeyInRange(key) && layer->getTileSource()->hasData(mappedKey)))
                if (layer->isOffset())

    // nothing? bail out.
    if ( contenders.empty() && offsets.empty() )
        return false;

    // Sample the layers into our target.
    unsigned numColumns = hf->getNumColumns();
    unsigned numRows    = hf->getNumRows();    
    double   xmin       = key.getExtent().xMin();
    double   ymin       = key.getExtent().yMin();
    double   dx         = key.getExtent().width() / (double)(numColumns-1);
    double   dy         = key.getExtent().height() / (double)(numRows-1);
    // We will load the actual heightfields on demand. We might not need them all.
    GeoHeightFieldVector heightFields(contenders.size());
    GeoHeightFieldVector offsetFields(offsets.size());
    std::vector<bool>    heightFailed (contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    offsetFailed(offsets.size(), false);

    const SpatialReference* keySRS = keyToUse.getProfile()->getSRS();

    bool realData = false;

    for (unsigned c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c)
        double x = xmin + (dx * (double)c);
        for (unsigned r = 0; r < numRows; ++r)
            double y = ymin + (dy * (double)r);

            // Collect elevations from each layer as necessary.
            bool resolved = false;

            for(int i=0; i<contenders.size() && !resolved; ++i)
                if ( heightFailed[i] )

                GeoHeightField& layerHF = heightFields[i];
                if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                    TileKey mappedKey = 
                        keyToUse.mapResolution(hf->getNumColumns(), contenders[i]->getTileSize());

                    layerHF = contenders[i]->createHeightField(mappedKey, progress);
                    if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                        heightFailed[i] = true;

                // If we actually got a layer then we have real data
                realData = true;

                float elevation;
                if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation) &&
                    elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                    resolved = true;                    
                    hf->setHeight(c, r, elevation);

            for(int i=offsets.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
                if ( offsetFailed[i] )

                GeoHeightField& layerHF = offsetFields[i];
                if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                    TileKey mappedKey = 
                        keyToUse.mapResolution(hf->getNumColumns(), offsets[i]->getTileSize());

                    layerHF = offsets[i]->createHeightField(mappedKey, progress);
                    if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                        offsetFailed[i] = true;

                // If we actually got a layer then we have real data
                realData = true;

                float elevation = 0.0f;
                if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation) &&
                    elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                    hf->getHeight(c, r) += elevation;

    // Return whether or not we actually read any real data
    return realData;
Esempio n. 4
ElevationLayerVector::populateHeightField(osg::HeightField*      hf,
                                          const TileKey&         key,
                                          const Profile*         haeProfile,
                                          ElevationInterpolation interpolation,
                                          ProgressCallback*      progress ) const
    // heightfield must already exist.
    if ( !hf )
        return false;

    // if the caller provided an "HAE map profile", he wants an HAE elevation grid even if
    // the map profile has a vertical datum. This is the usual case when building the 3D
    // terrain, for example. Construct a temporary key that doesn't have the vertical
    // datum info and use that to query the elevation data.
    TileKey keyToUse = key;
    if ( haeProfile )
        keyToUse = TileKey(key.getLOD(), key.getTileX(), key.getTileY(), haeProfile );
    // Collect the valid layers for this tile.
    LayerAndKeyVector contenders;
    LayerAndKeyVector offsets;

    // Track the number of layers that would return fallback data.
    unsigned numFallbackLayers = 0;

    // Check them in reverse order since the highest priority is last.
    for(ElevationLayerVector::const_reverse_iterator i = this->rbegin(); i != this->rend(); ++i)
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->getVisible() )
            // calculate the resolution-mapped key (adjusted for tile resolution differential).            
            TileKey mappedKey = keyToUse.mapResolution(
                layer->getTileSize() );

            bool useLayer = true;
            TileKey bestKey( mappedKey );

            // Is there a tilesource? If not we are cache-only and cannot reject the layer.
            if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                // Check whether the non-mapped key is valid according to the user's min/max level settings:
                if ( !layer->isKeyInRange(key) )
                    useLayer = false;

                // Find the "best available" mapped key from the tile source:
                    if ( layer->getTileSource()->getBestAvailableTileKey(mappedKey, bestKey) )
                        // If the bestKey is not the mappedKey, this layer is providing
                        // fallback data (data at a lower resolution than requested)
                        if ( mappedKey != bestKey )
                        useLayer = false;

            if ( useLayer )
                if ( layer->isOffset() )
                    offsets.push_back( std::make_pair(layer, bestKey) );
                    contenders.push_back( std::make_pair(layer, bestKey) );

    // nothing? bail out.
    if ( contenders.empty() && offsets.empty() )
        return false;

    // if everything is fallback data, bail out.
    if ( contenders.size() + offsets.size() == numFallbackLayers )
        return false;
    // Sample the layers into our target.
    unsigned numColumns = hf->getNumColumns();
    unsigned numRows    = hf->getNumRows();    
    double   xmin       = key.getExtent().xMin();
    double   ymin       = key.getExtent().yMin();
    double   dx         = key.getExtent().width() / (double)(numColumns-1);
    double   dy         = key.getExtent().height() / (double)(numRows-1);

    // If the incoming heightfield requests a positive border width, 
    // we need to adjust the extents so that we request data outside the
    // extent of the tile key:
    unsigned border = hf->getBorderWidth();
    if (border > 0u)
        dx = key.getExtent().width() / (double)(numColumns - (border*2+1));
        dy = key.getExtent().height() / (double)(numRows - (border*2+1));
        xmin -= dx * (double)border;
        ymin -= dy * (double)border;
    // We will load the actual heightfields on demand. We might not need them all.
#if 0
    GeoHeightFieldVector heightFields(contenders.size());
    GeoHeightFieldVector offsetFields(offsets.size());
    std::vector<bool>    heightFallback(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    heightFailed(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    offsetFailed(offsets.size(), false);
    GeoHeightFieldVector heightFields[9];
    GeoHeightFieldVector offsetFields[9]; //(offsets.size());
    std::vector<bool>    heightFallback[9]; //(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    heightFailed[9]; //(contenders.size(), false);
    std::vector<bool>    offsetFailed[9]; //(offsets.size(), false);

    for (int n = 0; n < 9; ++n)
        heightFallback[n].assign(9, false);
        heightFailed[n].assign(9, false);
        offsetFailed[n].assign(9, false);

    // The maximum number of heightfields to keep in this local cache
    unsigned int maxHeightFields = 50;
    unsigned numHeightFieldsInCache = 0;

    const SpatialReference* keySRS = keyToUse.getProfile()->getSRS();

    bool realData = false;

    unsigned int total = numColumns * numRows;
    unsigned int completed = 0;
    int nodataCount = 0;

    for (unsigned c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c)
        double x = xmin + (dx * (double)c);
        for (unsigned r = 0; r < numRows; ++r)
            double y = ymin + (dy * (double)r);

            // Collect elevations from each layer as necessary.
            bool resolved = false;

            for(int i=0; i<contenders.size() && !resolved; ++i)
                ElevationLayer* layer = contenders[i].first.get();                
                TileKey contenderKey = contenders[i].second;

                // If there is a border, the edge points may not fall within the key extents 
                // and we may need to fetch a neighboring key.

                int n = 4; // index 4 is the center/default tile

                if (border > 0u && !contenderKey.getExtent().contains(x, y))
                    int dTx = x < contenderKey.getExtent().xMin() ? -1 : x > contenderKey.getExtent().xMax() ? +1 : 0;
                    int dTy = y < contenderKey.getExtent().yMin() ? +1 : y > contenderKey.getExtent().yMax() ? -1 : 0;
                    contenderKey = contenderKey.createNeighborKey(dTx, dTy);
                    n = (dTy+1)*3 + (dTx+1);

                if ( heightFailed[n][i] )

                TileKey actualKey = contenderKey;

                GeoHeightField& layerHF = heightFields[n][i];

                if (!layerHF.valid())
                    // We couldn't get the heightfield from the cache, so try to create it.
                    // We also fallback on parent layers to make sure that we have data at the location even if it's fallback.
                    while (!layerHF.valid() && actualKey.valid())
                        layerHF = layer->createHeightField(actualKey, progress);
                        if (!layerHF.valid())
                            actualKey = actualKey.createParentKey();

                    // Mark this layer as fallback if necessary.
                    if (layerHF.valid())
                        heightFallback[n][i] = (actualKey != contenderKey); // actualKey != contenders[i].second;
                        heightFailed[n][i] = true;

                if (layerHF.valid())
                    bool isFallback = heightFallback[n][i];

                    // We only have real data if this is not a fallback heightfield.
                    if (!isFallback)
                        realData = true;

                    float elevation;
                    if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation))
                        if ( elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE )
                            resolved = true;                    
                            hf->setHeight(c, r, elevation);

                // Clear the heightfield cache if we have too many heightfields in the cache.
                if (numHeightFieldsInCache >= maxHeightFields)
                    //OE_NOTICE << "Clearing cache" << std::endl;
                    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
                        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < heightFields[j].size(); k++)
                            heightFields[j][k] = GeoHeightField::INVALID;
                            heightFallback[j][k] = false;
                    numHeightFieldsInCache = 0;

            for(int i=offsets.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
                TileKey contenderKey = offsets[i].second;

                // If there is a border, the edge points may not fall within the key extents 
                // and we may need to fetch a neighboring key.

                int n = 4; // index 4 is the center/default tile

                if (border > 0u && !contenderKey.getExtent().contains(x, y))
                    int dTx = x < contenderKey.getExtent().xMin() ? -1 : x > contenderKey.getExtent().xMax() ? +1 : 0;
                    int dTy = y < contenderKey.getExtent().yMin() ? +1 : x > contenderKey.getExtent().yMax() ? -1 : 0;
                    contenderKey = contenderKey.createNeighborKey(dTx, dTy);
                    n = (dTy+1)*3 + (dTx+1);
                if ( offsetFailed[n][i] == true )

                GeoHeightField& layerHF = offsetFields[n][i];
                if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                    ElevationLayer* offset = offsets[i].first.get();

                    layerHF = offset->createHeightField(contenderKey, progress);
                    if ( !layerHF.valid() )
                        offsetFailed[n][i] = true;

                // If we actually got a layer then we have real data
                realData = true;

                float elevation = 0.0f;
                if (layerHF.getElevation(keySRS, x, y, interpolation, keySRS, elevation) &&
                    elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                    hf->getHeight(c, r) += elevation;

    // Return whether or not we actually read any real data
    return realData;