void UK2Node_GetArrayItem::PropagatePinType(FEdGraphPinType& InType)
	UClass const* CallingContext = NULL;
	if (UBlueprint const* Blueprint = GetBlueprint())
		CallingContext = Blueprint->GeneratedClass;
		if (CallingContext == NULL)
			CallingContext = Blueprint->ParentClass;

	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
	UEdGraphPin* ArrayPin = Pins[0];
	UEdGraphPin* ResultPin = Pins[2];

	ArrayPin->PinType = InType;
	ArrayPin->PinType.bIsArray = true;
	ArrayPin->PinType.bIsReference = false;

	ResultPin->PinType = InType;
	ResultPin->PinType.bIsArray = false;
	ResultPin->PinType.bIsReference = !(ResultPin->PinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Object || ResultPin->PinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Class || ResultPin->PinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Asset || ResultPin->PinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_AssetClass || ResultPin->PinType.PinCategory == Schema->PC_Interface);
	ResultPin->PinType.bIsConst = false;

	// Verify that all previous connections to this pin are still valid with the new type
	for (TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator ConnectionIt(ArrayPin->LinkedTo); ConnectionIt; ++ConnectionIt)
		UEdGraphPin* ConnectedPin = *ConnectionIt;
		if (!Schema->ArePinsCompatible(ArrayPin, ConnectedPin, CallingContext))

	// Verify that all previous connections to this pin are still valid with the new type
	for (TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator ConnectionIt(ResultPin->LinkedTo); ConnectionIt; ++ConnectionIt)
		UEdGraphPin* ConnectedPin = *ConnectionIt;
		if (!Schema->ArePinsCompatible(ResultPin, ConnectedPin, CallingContext))
FReply FKismetVariableDragDropAction::DroppedOnNode(FVector2D ScreenPosition, FVector2D GraphPosition)
	UK2Node_Variable* TargetNode = Cast<UK2Node_Variable>(GetHoveredNode());

	if (TargetNode && (VariableName != TargetNode->GetVarName()))
		const FScopedTransaction Transaction( LOCTEXT("ReplacePinVariable", "Replace Pin Variable") );

		UProperty* VariableProperty = GetVariableProperty();

		if(CanVariableBeDropped(VariableProperty, *TargetNode->GetGraph()))
			const FString OldVarName = TargetNode->GetVarNameString();
			const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = Cast<const UEdGraphSchema_K2>(TargetNode->GetSchema());

			TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> BadLinks;

			// Change the variable name and context
			UBlueprint* DropOnBlueprint = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraph(TargetNode->GetGraph());
			UEdGraphPin* Pin = TargetNode->FindPin(OldVarName);

			if (Pin != NULL)

			UEdGraphSchema_K2::ConfigureVarNode(TargetNode, VariableName, VariableSource.Get(), DropOnBlueprint);

			if ((Pin == NULL) || (Pin->LinkedTo.Num() == BadLinks.Num()) || (Schema == NULL))
				FEdGraphPinType NewPinType;

				Pin->PinName = VariableName.ToString();
				Pin->PinType = NewPinType;

				//break bad links
				for(TArray<class UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator OtherPinIt(BadLinks);OtherPinIt;)

			return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Unhandled();
Esempio n. 3
void UK2Node_MakeArray::PropagatePinType()
	const UEdGraphPin* OutputPin = GetOutputPin();

	if (OutputPin)
		UClass const* CallingContext = NULL;
		if (UBlueprint const* Blueprint = GetBlueprint())
			CallingContext = Blueprint->GeneratedClass;
			if (CallingContext == NULL)
				CallingContext = Blueprint->ParentClass;

		const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
		bool bWantRefresh = false;
		// Propagate pin type info (except for array info!) to pins with dependent types
		for (TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator it(Pins); it; ++it)
			UEdGraphPin* CurrentPin = *it;

			if (CurrentPin != OutputPin)
				bWantRefresh = true;
				CurrentPin->PinType.PinCategory = OutputPin->PinType.PinCategory;
				CurrentPin->PinType.PinSubCategory = OutputPin->PinType.PinSubCategory;
				CurrentPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject = OutputPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject;

				// Verify that all previous connections to this pin are still valid with the new type
				for (TArray<UEdGraphPin*>::TIterator ConnectionIt(CurrentPin->LinkedTo); ConnectionIt; ++ConnectionIt)
					UEdGraphPin* ConnectedPin = *ConnectionIt;
					if (!Schema->ArePinsCompatible(CurrentPin, ConnectedPin, CallingContext))
		// If we have a valid graph we should refresh it now to refelect any changes we made
		if( (bWantRefresh == true ) && ( OutputPin->GetOwningNode() != NULL ) && ( OutputPin->GetOwningNode()->GetGraph() != NULL ) )
Esempio n. 4
bool UK2Node_DynamicCast::ReconnectPureExecPins(TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& OldPins)
	if (bIsPureCast)
		// look for an old exec pin
		const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
		UEdGraphPin* PinExec = nullptr;
		for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : OldPins)
			if (Pin->PinName == K2Schema->PN_Execute)
				PinExec = Pin;
		if (PinExec)
			// look for old then pin
			UEdGraphPin* PinThen = nullptr;
			for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : OldPins)
				if (Pin->PinName == K2Schema->PN_Then)
					PinThen = Pin;
			if (PinThen)
				// reconnect all incoming links to old exec pin to the far end of the old then pin.
				if (PinThen->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
					UEdGraphPin* PinThenLinked = PinThen->LinkedTo[0];
					while (PinExec->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
						UEdGraphPin* PinExecLinked = PinExec->LinkedTo[0];
					return true;
	return false;