FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::FilterTargetData(FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle TargetDataHandle, FGameplayTargetDataFilterHandle FilterHandle)
	FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle ReturnDataHandle;
	for (int32 i = 0; TargetDataHandle.IsValid(i); ++i)
		FGameplayAbilityTargetData* UnfilteredData = TargetDataHandle.Get(i);
		if (UnfilteredData->GetActors().Num() > 0)
			TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>> FilteredActors = UnfilteredData->GetActors().FilterByPredicate(FilterHandle);
			if (FilteredActors.Num() > 0)
				//Copy the data first, since we don't understand the internals of it
				UScriptStruct* ScriptStruct = UnfilteredData->GetScriptStruct();
				FGameplayAbilityTargetData* NewData = (FGameplayAbilityTargetData*)FMemory::Malloc(ScriptStruct->GetCppStructOps()->GetSize());
				ScriptStruct->CopyScriptStruct(NewData, UnfilteredData);
				if (FilteredActors.Num() < UnfilteredData->GetActors().Num())
					//We have lost some, but not all, of our actors, so replace the array. This should only be possible with targeting types that permit actor-array setting.
					if (!NewData->SetActors(FilteredActors))
						//This is an error, though we could ignore it. We somehow filtered out part of a list, but the class doesn't support changing the list, so now it's all or nothing.

	return ReturnDataHandle;
bool UDataTableFunctionLibrary::Generic_GetDataTableRowFromName(UDataTable* Table, FName RowName, void* OutRowPtr)
	bool bFoundRow = false;

	if (OutRowPtr && Table)
		void* RowPtr = Table->FindRowUnchecked(RowName);

		if (RowPtr != NULL)
			UScriptStruct* StructType = Table->RowStruct;

			if (StructType != NULL)
				StructType->CopyScriptStruct(OutRowPtr, RowPtr);
				bFoundRow = true;

	return bFoundRow;