Esempio n. 1
 void HandleEffectPeriodic(AuraEffect const* /*aurEff*/)
     Unit* target = GetTarget();
     Unit* victim = target->getVictim();
     if (victim && (target->GetHealthPct() > victim->GetHealthPct()))
         if (!target->HasAura(ROGUE_SPELL_PREY_ON_THE_WEAK))
             int32 bp = GetSpellInfo()->Effects[EFFECT_0].CalcValue();
             target->CastCustomSpell(target, ROGUE_SPELL_PREY_ON_THE_WEAK, &bp, 0, 0, true);
Esempio n. 2
           void HandleImprovedFreeze()
               if (!_didHit)

               Unit* owner = GetCaster()->GetOwner();
               if (!owner)

               if (AuraEffect* aurEff = owner->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_AURA_DUMMY, SPELLFAMILY_MAGE, ICON_MAGE_IMPROVED_FREEZE, EFFECT_0))
                   if (roll_chance_i(aurEff->GetAmount()))
                       owner->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_MAGE_FINGERS_OF_FROST, SPELLVALUE_AURA_STACK, 2, owner, true);
Esempio n. 3
            void HandleEffectApply(AuraEffect const* /*aurEff*/, AuraEffectHandleModes /*mode*/)
                Unit* target = GetTarget();

                // Master of Subtlety
                if (AuraEffect const* aurEff = target->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_ROGUE_MASTER_OF_SUBTLETY_PASSIVE, EFFECT_0))
                    int32 basepoints0 = aurEff->GetAmount();
                    target->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_ROGUE_MASTER_OF_SUBTLETY_DAMAGE_PERCENT, &basepoints0, NULL, NULL, true);

                // Overkill
                if (target->HasAura(SPELL_ROGUE_OVERKILL_TALENT))
                    target->CastSpell(target, SPELL_ROGUE_OVERKILL_POWER_REGEN, true);
Esempio n. 4
        void Absorb(AuraEffect* aurEff, DamageInfo & dmgInfo, uint32 & absorbAmount)
            Unit* target = GetTarget();
            if (AuraEffect* talentAurEff = target->GetAuraEffectOfRankedSpell(SPELL_MAGE_FROST_WARDING_R1, EFFECT_0))
                int32 chance = talentAurEff->GetSpellInfo()->Effects[EFFECT_1].CalcValue();

                if (roll_chance_i(chance))
                    absorbAmount = dmgInfo.GetDamage();
                    int32 bp = absorbAmount;
                    target->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_MAGE_FROST_WARDING_TRIGGERED, &bp, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, aurEff);
Esempio n. 5
 void HandleEffectApply(AuraEffect const* /*aurEff*/, AuraEffectHandleModes /*mode*/)
     Unit* caster = GetCaster();
     Unit* target = GetTarget();
     if (caster && target)
         // Glyph of Silencing Shot energize on spell interruption
         if (caster->HasAura(SPELL_HUNTER_GLYPH_OF_SILENCING_SHOT) && target->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_CASTING))
             // Fixed value
             int32 bp0 = 10;
             caster->CastCustomSpell(caster, SPELL_HUNTER_FOCUS_ENERGIZE, &bp0, NULL, NULL, true);
Esempio n. 6
            void HandleDummy(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
                Unit* caster = GetCaster();
                Unit* target = GetHitUnit();

                int32 bp0 = GetEffectValue();

                if (caster && target)
                    caster->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_WARRIOR_SLAM, &bp0, NULL, NULL, true);
                    if(Player* player = caster->ToPlayer())
                        if(AuraEffect* aurEff = caster->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_AURA_MOD_DAMAGE_PERCENT_DONE, SPELLFAMILY_WARRIOR, 4975, EFFECT_0))
                                || player->IsOneHandUsed(false))
                                caster->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_WARRIOR_SLAM_OFFHAND, &bp0, NULL, NULL, true);
Esempio n. 7
            void Trigger(AuraEffect* aurEff, DamageInfo & dmgInfo, uint32 & absorbAmount)
                Unit* target = GetTarget();
                if (dmgInfo.GetAttacker() == target)

                Unit* caster = GetCaster();
                if (!caster)

                    if (AuraEffect* talentAurEff = target->GetDummyAuraEffect(SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST, 4880, EFFECT_0)) 
                        int32 bp = CalculatePct(absorbAmount, talentAurEff->GetAmount());
                        target->CastCustomSpell(dmgInfo.GetAttacker(), SPELL_PRIEST_REFLECTIVE_SHIELD_TRIGGERED, &bp, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, aurEff);
Esempio n. 8
            void Absorb(AuraEffect* aurEff, DamageInfo& dmgInfo, uint32& absorbAmount)
                Unit* target = GetTarget();
                if (AuraEffect* talentAurEff = target->GetAuraEffectOfRankedSpell(SPELL_MAGE_FROST_WARDING_R1, EFFECT_0))
                    int32 chance = talentAurEff->GetSpellInfo()->Effects[EFFECT_1].CalcValue(); // SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY with NO_TARGET

                    if (roll_chance_i(chance))
                        int32 bp = dmgInfo.GetDamage();
                        target->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_MAGE_FROST_WARDING_TRIGGERED, &bp, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, aurEff);
                        absorbAmount = 0;
 void HandleDummy(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
     Unit* caster = GetCaster();
     if (Unit* unitTarget = GetHitUnit())
         if (unitTarget->getPowerType() == POWER_MANA)
             int32 effValue = GetEffectValue();
             // Glyph of Mana Tide
             if (Unit* owner = caster->GetOwner())
                 if (AuraEffect* dummy = owner->GetAuraEffect(SHAMAN_SPELL_GLYPH_OF_MANA_TIDE, 0))
                     effValue += dummy->GetAmount();
             // Regenerate 6% of Total Mana Every 3 secs
             int32 effBasePoints0 = int32(CalculatePctN(unitTarget->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA), effValue));
             caster->CastCustomSpell(unitTarget, SHAMAN_SPELL_MANA_TIDE_TOTEM, &effBasePoints0, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, GetOriginalCaster()->GetGUID());
        void HandleOnHit()
            if (!GetCaster())

            Unit* caster = GetCaster();

            if (!GetHitUnit())
            if (!GetSpellInfo())

            Unit* target = GetHitUnit();

            int bp = target->GetHealth() * 0.5;

            caster->CastCustomSpell(target, GetSpellInfo()->Id, &bp, NULL, NULL, true);
Esempio n. 11
            void HandleProc(AuraEffect const* aurEff, ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)

                DamageInfo* damageInfo = eventInfo.GetDamageInfo();
                if (!damageInfo || !damageInfo->GetDamage())

                SpellInfo const* spellInfo = sSpellMgr->AssertSpellInfo(SPELL_SHAMAN_LAVA_BURST_BONUS_DAMAGE);
                int32 amount = CalculatePct(static_cast<int32>(damageInfo->GetDamage()), aurEff->GetAmount());
                amount /= spellInfo->GetMaxTicks(DIFFICULTY_NONE);

                // Add remaining ticks to healing done
                Unit* caster = eventInfo.GetActor();
                Unit* target = eventInfo.GetProcTarget();
                amount += target->GetRemainingPeriodicAmount(caster->GetGUID(), SPELL_SHAMAN_LAVA_BURST_BONUS_DAMAGE, SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_DAMAGE);

                caster->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_SHAMAN_LAVA_BURST_BONUS_DAMAGE, SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, amount, target, true);
Esempio n. 12
            void HandleProc(AuraEffect const* aurEff, ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)

                HealInfo* healInfo = eventInfo.GetHealInfo();
                if (!healInfo || !healInfo->GetHeal())

                Unit* caster = eventInfo.GetActor();
                Unit* target = eventInfo.GetProcTarget();

                SpellInfo const* spellInfo = sSpellMgr->AssertSpellInfo(SPELL_PALADIN_HOLY_MENDING);
                int32 amount = CalculatePct(static_cast<int32>(healInfo->GetHeal()), aurEff->GetAmount());
                amount /= spellInfo->GetMaxTicks(DIFFICULTY_NONE);
                // Add remaining ticks to damage done
                amount += target->GetRemainingPeriodicAmount(caster->GetGUID(), SPELL_PALADIN_HOLY_MENDING, SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_HEAL);

                caster->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_PALADIN_HOLY_MENDING, SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, amount, target, true);
Esempio n. 13
            void HandleDummy(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
                int32 damage = GetEffectValue();
                Unit* caster = GetCaster();
                if (Unit* target = GetHitUnit())
                    ApplyPct(damage, 16 * GetSpellInfo()->GetRank());

                    SpellInfo const* spellInfo = sSpellMgr->EnsureSpellInfo(SPELL_WARRIOR_DEEP_WOUNDS_PERIODIC);
                    uint32 ticks = uint32(spellInfo->GetDuration()) / spellInfo->Effects[EFFECT_0].Amplitude;

                    // Add remaining ticks to damage done
                    if (AuraEffect const* aurEff = target->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_WARRIOR_DEEP_WOUNDS_PERIODIC, EFFECT_0, caster->GetGUID()))
                        damage += (aurEff->GetAmount() + aurEff->GetBonusAmount()) * aurEff->GetDonePct() * int32(ticks - aurEff->GetTickNumber());

                    damage /= int32(ticks);

                    caster->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_WARRIOR_DEEP_WOUNDS_PERIODIC, &damage, NULL, NULL, true);
Esempio n. 14
        void HandleSpikes(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
            if (Creature* marrowgar = GetCaster()->ToCreature())
                CreatureAI* marrowgarAI = marrowgar->AI();
                uint8 boneSpikeCount = uint8(GetCaster()->GetMap()->GetSpawnMode() & 1 ? 3 : 1);
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < boneSpikeCount; ++i)
                    // select any unit but not the tank
                    Unit* target = marrowgarAI->SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 1, 100.0f, true, -SPELL_IMPALED);
                    // try the tank only in first iteration
                    if (!target)
                    target->CastCustomSpell(boneSpikeSummonId[i], SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, 0, target, true);

Esempio n. 15
		void Absorb(AuraEffect * aurEff, DamageInfo & dmgInfo,
				uint32 & absorbAmount) {
			Unit * pVictim = GetTarget();
			int32 remainingHealth = pVictim->GetHealth() - dmgInfo.GetDamage();
			uint32 allowedHealth = pVictim->CountPctFromMaxHealth(35);
			// If damage kills us
			if (remainingHealth <= 0
					&& !pVictim->ToPlayer()->HasSpellCooldown(
				// Cast healing spell, completely avoid damage
				absorbAmount = dmgInfo.GetDamage();

				uint32 defenseSkillValue = pVictim->GetDefenseSkillValue();
				// Max heal when defense skill denies critical hits from raid bosses
				// Formula: max defense at level + 140 (raiting from gear)
				uint32 reqDefForMaxHeal = pVictim->getLevel() * 5 + 140;
				float pctFromDefense =
						(defenseSkillValue >= reqDefForMaxHeal) ?
								1.0f :
										/ float(reqDefForMaxHeal);

				int32 healAmount = int32(
								uint32(healPct * pctFromDefense)));
						true, NULL, aurEff);
			} else if (remainingHealth < int32(allowedHealth)) {
				// Reduce damage that brings us under 35% (or full damage if we are already under 35%) by x%
				uint32 damageToReduce =
						(pVictim->GetHealth() < allowedHealth) ?
								dmgInfo.GetDamage() :
								allowedHealth - remainingHealth;
				absorbAmount = CalculatePctN(damageToReduce, absorbPct);
Esempio n. 16
		void HandleDamage()
			Unit* caster = GetCaster();
			if (caster->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)

			Unit* target = GetHitUnit();
			int32 damage = GetHitDamage();
			// Glyph cooldown reset when target was failed to kill
			if (AuraEffect* glyph = caster->GetDummyAuraEffect(SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST, 1980, EFFECT_0))
				if (target && target->GetHealthPct() <= glyph->GetAmount() && !caster->HasAura(95652))
					if (int32(target->GetHealth()) > damage)
				caster->ToPlayer()->RemoveSpellCooldown(32379, true);
				caster->CastSpell(caster, 95652, true);

			// Pain and Suffering reduces damage
			if (AuraEffect* aurEff = caster->GetDummyAuraEffect(SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST, PRIEST_ICON_ID_PAIN_AND_SUFFERING, EFFECT_1))
				AddPct(damage, aurEff->GetAmount());

			caster->CastCustomSpell(caster, SPELL_PRIEST_SHADOW_WORD_DEATH, &damage, 0, 0, true);
Esempio n. 17
        void HandleSpikes(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
            if (Creature* marrowgar = GetCaster()->ToCreature())
                CreatureAI* marrowgarAI = marrowgar->AI();
                uint8 boneSpikeCount = uint8(GetCaster()->GetMap()->GetSpawnMode() & 1 ? 3 : 1);

                std::list<Unit*> targets;
                marrowgarAI->SelectTargetList(targets, BoneSpikeTargetSelector(marrowgarAI), boneSpikeCount, SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM);
                if (targets.empty())

                uint32 i = 0;
                for (std::list<Unit*>::const_iterator itr = targets.begin(); itr != targets.end(); ++itr, ++i)
                    Unit* target = *itr;
                    target->CastCustomSpell(BoneSpikeSummonId[i], SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, 0, target, true);

Esempio n. 18
        void Absorb(AuraEffect* aurEff, DamageInfo& dmgInfo, uint32& absorbAmount)
            Unit* caster = GetCaster();

            if (!caster)

            int32 remainingHealth = caster->GetHealth() - dmgInfo.GetDamage();
            int32 cauterizeHeal = caster->CountPctFromMaxHealth(40);

            if (caster->ToPlayer()->HasSpellCooldown(SPELL_MAGE_CAUTERIZE_DAMAGE))

            if (!roll_chance_i(absorbChance))

            if (remainingHealth <= 0)
                absorbAmount = dmgInfo.GetDamage();
                caster->CastCustomSpell(caster, SPELL_MAGE_CAUTERIZE_DAMAGE, NULL,&cauterizeHeal, NULL, true, NULL, aurEff);
                caster->ToPlayer()->AddSpellCooldown(SPELL_MAGE_CAUTERIZE_DAMAGE, 0, time(NULL) + 60);
Esempio n. 19
            void HandleScript(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
                if (Creature* marrowgar = GetCaster()->ToCreature())
                    CreatureAI* marrowgarAI = marrowgar->AI();
                    bool yell = false;
                    uint8 boneSpikeCount = GetCaster()->GetMap()->GetSpawnMode() & 1 ? 3 : 1;
                    for (uint8 i = 0; i < boneSpikeCount; ++i)
                        // select any unit but not the tank
                        Unit* target = marrowgarAI->SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 1, 100.0f, true, -SPELL_IMPALED);
                        if (!target && !i)
                            target = marrowgarAI->SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0, 100.0f, true, -SPELL_IMPALED);
                        if (!target)
                        yell = true;
                        target->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_IMPALE, SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, 0, target, true);

                    if (yell)
Esempio n. 20
 void HandleEffectApply(AuraEffect const* aurEff, AuraEffectHandleModes /*mode*/)
     Unit* target = GetTarget();
     if ((target->HasAura(SPELL_DK_BLOOD_PRESENCE) || target->HasAura(SPELL_DK_UNHOLY_PRESENCE)) && !target->HasAura(SPELL_DK_FROST_PRESENCE_TRIGGERED))
         target->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_DK_FROST_PRESENCE_TRIGGERED, SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, aurEff->GetAmount(), target, true, NULL, aurEff);
Esempio n. 21
 void TriggerHeal()
     Unit* caster = GetCaster();
     caster->CastCustomSpell(SPELL_PALADIN_DIVINE_STORM_DUMMY, SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, (GetHitDamage() * healPct) / 100, caster, true);
Esempio n. 22
        void HandleScriptEffect(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
            Unit* caster = GetCaster();
            Unit* unitTarget = GetHitUnit();
            if (!unitTarget)

            uint32 spellId = 0;
            int32 basePoint = 0;
            Unit::AuraApplicationMap& Auras = unitTarget->GetAppliedAuras();
            for (Unit::AuraApplicationMap::iterator i = Auras.begin(); i != Auras.end(); ++i)
                Aura* aura = i->second->GetBase();
                if (aura->GetCasterGUID() != caster->GetGUID())

                // Search only Serpent Sting, Viper Sting, Scorpid Sting auras
                flag96 familyFlag = aura->GetSpellProto()->SpellFamilyFlags;
                if (!(familyFlag[1] & 0x00000080 || familyFlag[0] & 0x0000C000))
                if (AuraEffect const * aurEff = aura->GetEffect(0))
                    // Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting.
                    if (familyFlag[0] & 0x4000)
                        int32 TickCount = aurEff->GetTotalTicks();
                        spellId = HUNTER_SPELL_CHIMERA_SHOT_SERPENT;
                        basePoint = caster->SpellDamageBonus(unitTarget, aura->GetSpellProto(), aurEff->GetAmount(), DOT, aura->GetStackAmount());
                        basePoint = basePoint * TickCount * 40 / 100;
                    // Viper Sting - Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting.
                    else if (familyFlag[1] & 0x00000080)
                        int32 TickCount = aura->GetEffect(0)->GetTotalTicks();
                        spellId = HUNTER_SPELL_CHIMERA_SHOT_VIPER;

                        // Amount of one aura tick
                        basePoint = aurEff->GetAmount() * unitTarget->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) / 100 ;
                        int32 casterBasePoint = aurEff->GetAmount() * unitTarget->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) / 50 ;
                        if (basePoint > casterBasePoint)
                            basePoint = casterBasePoint;
                        basePoint = basePoint * TickCount * 60 / 100;
                    // Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1 minute.
                    else if (familyFlag[0] & 0x00008000)
                        spellId = HUNTER_SPELL_CHIMERA_SHOT_SCORPID;
                    // ?? nothing say in spell desc (possibly need addition check)
                    //if (familyFlag & 0x0000010000000000LL || // dot
                    //    familyFlag & 0x0000100000000000LL)   // stun
                    //    spellId = 53366; // 53366 Chimera Shot - Wyvern

                    // Refresh aura duration
            if (spellId)
                caster->CastCustomSpell(unitTarget, spellId, &basePoint, 0, 0, true);
            if (spellId == HUNTER_SPELL_CHIMERA_SHOT_SCORPID && caster->ToPlayer()) // Scorpid Sting - Add 1 minute cooldown
                caster->ToPlayer()->AddSpellCooldown(spellId,0,uint32(time(NULL) + 60));
Esempio n. 23
		void HandleEffectApply(AuraEffect const* /*aurEff*/, AuraEffectHandleModes /*mode*/)
			Unit* target = GetTarget();
			if (AuraEffect* aurEff = target->GetDummyAuraEffect(SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST, 51, EFFECT_0))
				target->CastCustomSpell(91724, SPELLVALUE_BASE_POINT0, aurEff->GetAmount(), target, true);
Esempio n. 24
            void HandleScriptEffect(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
                Unit* caster = GetCaster();
                if (Unit* unitTarget = GetHitUnit())
                    uint32 spellId = 0;
                    int32 basePoint = 0;
                    Unit::AuraApplicationMap& Auras = unitTarget->GetAppliedAuras();
                    for (Unit::AuraApplicationMap::iterator i = Auras.begin(); i != Auras.end(); ++i)
                        Aura* aura = i->second->GetBase();
                        if (aura->GetCasterGUID() != caster->GetGUID())

                        // Search only Serpent Sting, Viper Sting, Scorpid Sting auras
                        flag96 familyFlag = aura->GetSpellInfo()->SpellFamilyFlags;
                        if (!(familyFlag[1] & 0x00000080 || familyFlag[0] & 0x0000C000))
                        if (AuraEffect* aurEff = aura->GetEffect(0))
                            // Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting.
                            if (familyFlag[0] & 0x4000)
                                int32 TickCount = aurEff->GetTotalTicks();
                                spellId = SPELL_HUNTER_CHIMERA_SHOT_SERPENT;
                                basePoint = (aurEff->GetAmount() + aurEff->GetBonusAmount()) * aurEff->GetDonePct();
                                ApplyPct(basePoint, TickCount * 40);
                                basePoint = unitTarget->SpellDamageBonusTaken(caster, aura->GetSpellInfo(), basePoint, DOT, aura->GetStackAmount());
                                if (Player* modOwner = caster->GetSpellModOwner())
                                    modOwner->ApplySpellMod(aura->GetSpellInfo()->Id, SPELLMOD_DOT, basePoint);

                                aurEff->SetBonusAmount(caster->SpellDamageBonusDone(unitTarget, aurEff->GetSpellInfo(), 0, DOT));
                            // Viper Sting - Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting.
                            else if (familyFlag[1] & 0x00000080)
                                int32 TickCount = aura->GetEffect(0)->GetTotalTicks();
                                spellId = SPELL_HUNTER_CHIMERA_SHOT_VIPER;

                                // Amount of one aura tick
                                basePoint = int32(CalculatePct(unitTarget->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA), aurEff->GetAmount()));
                                int32 casterBasePoint = aurEff->GetAmount() * unitTarget->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) / 50; /// @todo WTF? caster uses unitTarget?
                                if (basePoint > casterBasePoint)
                                    basePoint = casterBasePoint;
                                ApplyPct(basePoint, TickCount * 60);
                            // Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1 minute.
                            else if (familyFlag[0] & 0x00008000)
                                spellId = SPELL_HUNTER_CHIMERA_SHOT_SCORPID;
                            // ?? nothing say in spell desc (possibly need addition check)
                            //if (familyFlag & 0x0000010000000000LL || // dot
                            //    familyFlag & 0x0000100000000000LL)   // stun
                            //    spellId = 53366; // 53366 Chimera Shot - Wyvern

                            // Refresh aura duration
                    if (spellId)
                        caster->CastCustomSpell(unitTarget, spellId, &basePoint, 0, 0, true);
                    if (spellId == SPELL_HUNTER_CHIMERA_SHOT_SCORPID && caster->ToPlayer()) // Scorpid Sting - Add 1 minute cooldown
                        caster->GetSpellHistory()->AddCooldown(spellId, 0, std::chrono::minutes(1));
Esempio n. 25
 void HandleDummy(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
     Unit* caster = GetCaster();
     int32 healthModSpellBasePoints0 = int32(caster->CountPctFromMaxHealth(30));
     caster->CastCustomSpell(caster, SPELL_HUNTER_PET_LAST_STAND_TRIGGERED, &healthModSpellBasePoints0, NULL, NULL, true, NULL);
Esempio n. 26
        void Absorb(AuraEffect* aurEff, DamageInfo & dmgInfo, uint32 & absorbAmount)
            Unit* victim = GetTarget();
            int32 remainingHealth = victim->GetHealth() - dmgInfo.GetDamage();
            uint32 allowedHealth = victim->CountPctFromMaxHealth(35);

            //npcbot - calc for bots
            if (victim->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT/* && victim->ToCreature()->IsNPCBot()*/)
                if (remainingHealth <= 0 && !victim->ToCreature()->GetSpellHistory()->HasCooldown(PAL_SPELL_ARDENT_DEFENDER_HEAL))
                    // Cast healing spell, completely avoid damage
                    absorbAmount = dmgInfo.GetDamage();

                    uint32 defenseSkillValue = victim->GetDefenseSkillValue();
                    // Max heal when defense skill denies critical hits from raid bosses
                    // Formula: max defense at level + 140 (raiting from gear)
                    uint32 reqDefForMaxHeal  = victim->getLevel() * 5 + 140;
                    float pctFromDefense = (defenseSkillValue >= reqDefForMaxHeal)
                                           ? 1.0f
                                           : float(defenseSkillValue) / float(reqDefForMaxHeal);

                    int32 healAmount = int32(victim->CountPctFromMaxHealth(int32(healPct * pctFromDefense)));
                    victim->CastCustomSpell(victim, PAL_SPELL_ARDENT_DEFENDER_HEAL, &healAmount, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, aurEff);
                    victim->ToCreature()->AddBotSpellCooldown(PAL_SPELL_ARDENT_DEFENDER_HEAL, 120 * IN_MILLISECONDS);
                else if (remainingHealth < int32(allowedHealth))
                    // Reduce damage that brings us under 35% (or full damage if we are already under 35%) by x%
                    uint32 damageToReduce = (victim->GetHealth() < allowedHealth)
                                            ? dmgInfo.GetDamage()
                                            : allowedHealth - remainingHealth;
                    absorbAmount = CalculatePct(damageToReduce, absorbPct);

            //end npcbot

            // If damage kills us
            if (remainingHealth <= 0 && !victim->GetSpellHistory()->HasCooldown(PAL_SPELL_ARDENT_DEFENDER_HEAL))
                // Cast healing spell, completely avoid damage
                absorbAmount = dmgInfo.GetDamage();

                uint32 defenseSkillValue = victim->GetDefenseSkillValue();
                // Max heal when defense skill denies critical hits from raid bosses
                // Formula: max defense at level + 140 (raiting from gear)
                uint32 reqDefForMaxHeal  = victim->getLevel() * 5 + 140;
                float pctFromDefense = (defenseSkillValue >= reqDefForMaxHeal)
                                       ? 1.0f
                                       : float(defenseSkillValue) / float(reqDefForMaxHeal);

                int32 healAmount = int32(victim->CountPctFromMaxHealth(uint32(healPct * pctFromDefense)));
                victim->CastCustomSpell(victim, PAL_SPELL_ARDENT_DEFENDER_HEAL, &healAmount, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, aurEff);
                victim->GetSpellHistory()->AddCooldown(PAL_SPELL_ARDENT_DEFENDER_HEAL, 0, std::chrono::minutes(2));
            else if (remainingHealth < int32(allowedHealth))
                // Reduce damage that brings us under 35% (or full damage if we are already under 35%) by x%
                uint32 damageToReduce = (victim->GetHealth() < allowedHealth)
                                        ? dmgInfo.GetDamage()
                                        : allowedHealth - remainingHealth;
                absorbAmount = CalculatePct(damageToReduce, absorbPct);
Esempio n. 27
 void AfterApply(AuraEffect const* aurEff, AuraEffectHandleModes /*mode*/)
     Unit* target = GetTarget();
     int32 bp0 = target->CountPctFromMaxHealth(aurEff->GetAmount());
     target->CastCustomSpell(target, SPELL_DRUID_SURVIVAL_INSTINCTS, &bp0, NULL, NULL, true);
Esempio n. 28
 void HandleDummy(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
     Unit *caster = GetCaster();
     int32 healthModSpellBasePoints0 = int32(caster->GetMaxHealth()*0.3);
     caster->CastCustomSpell(caster, HUNTER_PET_SPELL_LAST_STAND_TRIGGERED, &healthModSpellBasePoints0, NULL, NULL, true, NULL);