MatrixXd infer(const VectorXd& input) { auto sigmod = [&](double& elem) { return 1/(1 + exp(-elem)); }; MatrixXd output = input.transpose(); for(auto layer=0; layer<weights.size(); ++layer) { output = output * weights[layer]; for(auto i=0; i<output.size(); ++i) { output(i) = sigmod(output(i)); } } return output; }
void UKF::PredictMeasurement(int n_z, const MatrixXd &Zsig, VectorXd &z_pred, MatrixXd &S, MatrixXd &R) { // predict measurement mean z_pred.fill(0.0); for (int i=0; i < 2 * n_aug_ + 1; i++) { z_pred += weights_(i) * Zsig.col(i); } // measurement covariance matrix S S.fill(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n_aug_ + 1; i++) { VectorXd z_diff = Zsig.col(i) - z_pred; while (z_diff(1) > M_PI) z_diff(1) -= 2. * M_PI; while (z_diff(1) < -M_PI) z_diff(1) += 2. * M_PI; S += weights_(i) * z_diff * z_diff.transpose(); } S += R; }
int contactPhi(const RigidBodyTree<double>& r, const KinematicsCache<double>& cache, // TODO(#2274) Fix NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references). SupportStateElement& supp, VectorXd& phi) { int nc = static_cast<int>(supp.contact_pts.size()); phi.resize(nc); if (nc < 1) return nc; int i = 0; for (auto pt_iter = supp.contact_pts.begin(); pt_iter != supp.contact_pts.end(); pt_iter++) { Vector3d contact_pos = r.transformPoints(cache, *pt_iter, supp.body_idx, 0); phi(i) = supp.support_surface.head<3>().dot(contact_pos) + supp.support_surface(3); i++; } return nc; }
double Ebend(const vector<vector<int>> &springpairs, const vector<spring> &springlist, const VectorXd &XY, const double g11, const double g12, const double g22, const double kappa) { double Energy=0; int num=XY.size()/2; double l1,l2,costh; double x1,y1,x21,y21,x23,y23,x3,y3; for(int i=0;i<springpairs.size();i++){ int springone=springpairs[i][0]; int springtwo=springpairs[i][1]; int coordNRone=springlist[springone].one; int coordNRtwo=springlist[springone].two; int coordNRthree=springlist[springtwo].two; x1=XY(coordNRone); y1=XY(coordNRone+num); x21=XY(coordNRtwo)+springlist[springone].wlr; //version of (x2,y2) that lies in on spring 1, so possibly outside of the box y21=XY(coordNRtwo+num)+springlist[springone].wud; x23=XY(coordNRtwo); //version of (x2,y2) that is on spring 2, so MUST be inside the box y23=XY(coordNRtwo+num); x3=XY(coordNRthree)+springlist[springtwo].wlr; y3=XY(coordNRthree+num)+springlist[springtwo].wud; l1=Dist(x1,y1,x21,y21,g11,g12,g22); l2=Dist(x23,y23,x3,y3,g11,g12,g22); costh=(g11*(x21-x1)*(x3-x23)+g12*(x21-x1)*(y3-y23)+g12*(y21-y1)*(x3-x23)+g22*(y21-y1)*(y3-y23))/(l1*l2); if(costh>1.0) costh=1.0; if(costh<-1.0) costh=-1.0; Energy=Energy+kappa*pow(pi-acos(costh),2)/(l1+l2); } return Energy; }
SparseMatrix<double> spmtimesd(const SparseMatrix<double>& m, const VectorXd& d1, const VectorXd& d2) { assert(m.rows() == d1.rows() || d1.rows() == 0); assert(m.cols() == d2.rows() || d2.rows() == 0); SparseMatrix<double> result(m.rows(), m.cols()); result = m; if(d1.rows() > 0) result = sparseFromDiag(d1) * result; if(d2.rows() > 0) result = result * sparseFromDiag(d2); return result; }
void CGppe::Make_Predictions_New_User(const VectorXd & theta_x, const VectorXd& theta_t, double& sigma, const MatrixXd& train_t, const MatrixXd &x, const TypePair & train_pairs, const VectorXd & idx_global, const VectorXd& idx_global_1, const VectorXd& idx_global_2, const VectorXd& ind_t, const VectorXd& ind_x, const MatrixXd & test_t, const MatrixXd& idx_pairs, const VectorXd& ftrue, const VectorXd& ytrue) { int N = x.rows(); int Mtrain = train_t.rows(); int Npairs = idx_pairs.rows(); VectorXd fstar; MatrixXd pair; VectorXd P = VectorXd::Zero(Npairs); VectorXd ypred = VectorXd::Zero(Npairs); VectorXd sum = VectorXd::Zero(N); VectorXd count = VectorXd::Zero(N); Approx_CGppe_Laplace( theta_x, theta_t, sigma, train_t, x, train_pairs, idx_global, idx_global_1, idx_global_2, ind_t, ind_x, Mtrain, N); for (int i = 0;i < Npairs;i++) { pair = idx_pairs.row(i); Predict_CGppe_Laplace(sigma, train_t, x, idx_global, ind_t, ind_x, test_t, pair); P(i) = p; sum(pair(0)) += mustar(0); count(pair(0)) += 1; sum(pair(1)) += mustar(1); count(pair(1)) += 1; } for (int i = 0;i < P.rows();i++) { if (P(i) > 0.5000001) ypred(i) = 1; else ypred(i)=0; } fstar = sum.array() / count.array(); dsp(fstar,"fstar"); cout << endl << endl << "error = " << (GetDiff(ytrue, ypred)).sum() / ytrue.rows()<<endl; // need for a plot function here ? }
void generateBezierCurve() { ts = VectorXd::LinSpaced ( 21,0,1. ); t_x.resize ( ts.size() ); t_y.resize ( ts.size() ); t_z.resize ( ts.size() ); for ( int idx=0; idx< ts.size(); ++idx ) { t_x ( idx ) = getValue ( ts ( idx ), pt_x ); t_y ( idx ) = getValue ( ts ( idx ), pt_y ); t_z ( idx ) = getValue ( ts ( idx ), pt_z ); } }
VectorXd build_l_mode_a1etaa3(const VectorXd x_l, double H_l, double fc_l, double f_s, double eta, double a3, double asym, double gamma_l, const int l, VectorXd V){ /* * This model includes: * - Asymetry of Lorentzian asym * - splitting a1 * - an Asphericity parameter eta * - latitudinal effect a3 */ const long Nxl=x_l.size(); VectorXd profile(Nxl), tmp(Nxl), tmp2(Nxl), result(Nxl), asymetry(Nxl); double Qlm, clm; result.setZero(); for(int m=-l; m<=l; m++){ if(l != 0){ Qlm=(l*(l+1) - 3*pow(m,2))/((2*l - 1)*(2*l + 3)); // accounting for eta if(l == 1){ clm=m; // a3 for l=1 } if(l == 2){ clm=(5*pow(m,3) - 17*m)/3.; // a3 for l=2 } if(l == 3){ clm=0; // a3 NOT YET IMPLEMENTED FOR l=3 } profile=(x_l - tmp.setConstant(fc_l*(1. + eta*Qlm) + m*f_s + clm*a3)).array().square(); profile=4*profile/pow(gamma_l,2); } else{ profile=(x_l - tmp.setConstant(fc_l)).array().square(); profile=4*profile/pow(gamma_l,2); } if(asym == 0){ //Model with no asymetry result=result+ H_l*V(m+l)* ((tmp.setConstant(1) + profile)).cwiseInverse(); } else{ tmp.setConstant(1); asymetry=(tmp + asym*(x_l/fc_l - tmp)).array().square() + (tmp2.setConstant(0.5*gamma_l*asym/fc_l)).array().square(); result=result+ H_l*V(m+l)*asymetry.cwiseProduct(((tmp.setConstant(1) + profile)).cwiseInverse()); } } return result; }
MultivariateFNormalSufficient::MultivariateFNormalSufficient( const VectorXd& Fbar, double JF, const VectorXd& FM, int Nobs, const MatrixXd& W, const MatrixXd& Sigma, double factor) { reset_flags(); N_=Nobs; M_=Fbar.rows(); LOG( "MVN: sufficient statistics init with N=" << N_ << " and M=" << M_ << std::endl); CHECK( N_ > 0, "please provide at least one observation per dimension"); CHECK( M_ > 0, "please provide at least one variable"); set_factor(factor); set_FM(FM); set_Fbar(Fbar); set_W(W); set_jacobian(JF); set_Sigma(Sigma); }
static void writeMesh(const char *filename, const VectorXd &verts, const Matrix3Xi &faces) { ofstream ofs(filename); for(int i=0; i<verts.size()/3; i++) { ofs << "v "; for(int j=0; j<3; j++) ofs << verts[3*i+j] << " "; ofs << endl; } for(int i=0; i<faces.cols(); i++) { ofs << "f "; for(int j=0; j<3; j++) ofs << faces.coeff(j, i)+1 << " "; ofs << endl; } }
MatrixXd MotionModel::dqomegadt_by_domega(VectorXd omega, double delta_t) { // This function calculates dq((w_k^C + omega^C) * delta_t)/domega_k^C. Javier book P130. A.17 // omega Modulus double omega_norm = 0; size_t omega_size = omega.size(), i; MatrixXd dqomegadt_by_domegaRES(4,3); for (i = 0; i < omega_size; ++i) { omega_norm += omega(i) * omega(i); } omega_norm = sqrt(omega_norm); // Use generic ancillary functions to calculate components of Jacobian dqomegadt_by_domegaRES << dq0_by_domegaA(omega(0), omega_norm, delta_t), dq0_by_domegaA(omega(1), omega_norm, delta_t), dq0_by_domegaA(omega(2), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaA(omega(0), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaB(omega(0), omega(1), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaB(omega(0), omega(2), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaB(omega(1), omega(0), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaA(omega(1), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaB(omega(1), omega(2), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaB(omega(2), omega(0), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaB(omega(2), omega(1), omega_norm, delta_t), dqA_by_domegaA(omega(2), omega_norm, delta_t); return dqomegadt_by_domegaRES; }
double line_search(fcn_Rn_to_R f, VectorXd x0, VectorXd v0, VectorXd Dfx0 ) { // Performs a line search. Takes in a function (f), initial point (x), and a // direction (v). Tries to find a scalar value (a) such that f(x + av) is // minimized. // double alpha = 1; double beta = 0.2; double tau = 0.5; double fval = f(x0); double stepsize = beta *; while ( f(x0 + alpha*v0) > fval + alpha*stepsize ) { alpha = tau*alpha; //cout << "Step size : " << alpha << endl; } return alpha; }
pair<MatrixXd*,MatrixXd*> CutbySphere(MatrixXd &Atoms, double Radius, double x0,double y0,double z0 ){ //return ; VectorXd Dx = Atoms.col(0).array() - x0; VectorXd Dy = Atoms.col(1).array() - y0; VectorXd Dz = Atoms.col(2).array() - z0; //d2space=Dx.^2+Dy.^2+Dz.^2; MatrixXd d2space = Dx.cwiseAbs2()+ Dy.cwiseAbs2() + Dz.cwiseAbs2(); MatrixXd D2space = d2space.array() - Radius*Radius; MatrixXd d2plane = Dx.cwiseAbs2() + Dy.cwiseAbs2(); MatrixXd D2plane = d2plane.array() - Radius*Radius; int range=Atoms.rows(); int j = 0, k = 0; //need to improve here MatrixXd* PickedAtoms = new MatrixXd(range,Atoms.cols()); MatrixXd* Unpicked = new MatrixXd(range,Atoms.cols()); for ( int i = 0 ; i < range; i ++){ //cout<<i<<" "<<Atoms(i,2)<<" "<<" "<<D2space(i,0)<<endl; if (Atoms(i,2) > z0 && D2space(i,0) <= 0){ PickedAtoms->row(j) = Atoms.row(i); j++; }else if (Atoms(i,2) <= z0 && D2plane(i,0) <= 0){ PickedAtoms->row(j) = Atoms.row(i); j++; }else{ Unpicked->row(k) = Atoms.row(i); k++; } } PickedAtoms->conservativeResize(j,Atoms.cols()); Unpicked->conservativeResize(k,Atoms.cols()); return pair<MatrixXd*,MatrixXd*> (PickedAtoms,Unpicked); }
void addJointSoftLimits(const JointSoftLimitParams ¶ms, const DrakeRobotState &robot_state, const VectorXd &q_des, std::vector<SupportStateElement,Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>> &supports, std::vector<drake::lcmt_joint_pd_override> &joint_pd_override) { Matrix<bool, Dynamic, 1> has_joint_override = Matrix<bool, Dynamic, 1>::Zero(q_des.size()); for (std::vector<drake::lcmt_joint_pd_override>::iterator it = joint_pd_override.begin(); it != joint_pd_override.end(); ++it) { has_joint_override(it->position_ind - 1) = true; } for (int i=0; i <; i++) { if (!has_joint_override(i) && params.enabled(i)) { int disable_body_1idx = params.disable_when_body_in_support(i); if (disable_body_1idx == 0 || !inSupport(supports, disable_body_1idx - 1)) { double w_lb = 0; double w_ub = 0; if (!std::isinf( { w_lb = logisticSigmoid(params.weight(i), params.k_logistic(i),, robot_state.q(i)); } if (!std::isinf(params.ub(i))) { w_ub = logisticSigmoid(params.weight(i), params.k_logistic(i), robot_state.q(i), params.ub(i)); } double weight = std::max(w_ub, w_lb); drake::lcmt_joint_pd_override override; override.position_ind = i + 1; override.qi_des = q_des(i);
int contactPhi(RigidBodyManipulator* r, SupportStateElement& supp, void *map_ptr, VectorXd &phi, double terrain_height) { int nc = static_cast<int>(supp.contact_pts.size()); phi.resize(nc); if (nc<1) return nc; Vector3d contact_pos,pos,normal; int i=0; for (std::vector<Vector4d,aligned_allocator<Vector4d>>::iterator pt_iter=supp.contact_pts.begin(); pt_iter!=supp.contact_pts.end(); pt_iter++) { r->forwardKin(supp.body_idx,*pt_iter,0,contact_pos); collisionDetect(map_ptr,contact_pos,pos,&normal,terrain_height); pos -= contact_pos; // now -rel_pos in matlab version phi(i) = pos.norm(); if (>0) phi(i)=-phi(i); i++; } return nc; }
void Dmp::statesAsTrajectory(const VectorXd& ts, const MatrixXd& x_in, const MatrixXd& xd_in, Trajectory& trajectory) const { int n_time_steps = ts.rows(); int n_dims = x_in.cols(); assert(n_time_steps==x_in.rows()); assert(n_time_steps==xd_in.rows()); assert(n_dims==xd_in.cols()); // Left column is time Trajectory new_trajectory( ts, // y_out (see function above) x_in.SPRINGM_Y(n_time_steps), // yd_out (see function above) xd_in.SPRINGM_Y(n_time_steps), // ydd_out (see function above) xd_in.SPRINGM_Z(n_time_steps)/tau() ); trajectory = new_trajectory; }
void cRBLayer::plotVector(VectorXd& x, const char *name){ FILE* fout=fopen("tmpdata.dat","w"); int size = sqrt(x.size()); int k=0; for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ for(int j=0;j<size;j++,k++){ fprintf(fout,"%f ",x(k)); } fprintf(fout,"\n"); } fclose(fout); string plotscript("set terminal png size 400,250\nset output "); plotscript+=string("'")+string(name)+string("'")+string("\n"); plotscript+=string("set palette gray\nunset colorbox\nset cbrange[0:1.0]\n"); plotscript+=string("plot 'tmpdata.dat' matrix with image"); ofstream sfout("vectorplotscript.gnu",ios::out); sfout<<plotscript; sfout.close(); system("gnuplot vectorplotscript.gnu"); system("rm tmpdata.dat"); }
void ImplicitEuler::ImplicitTVtoX(VectorXd& x_tv, MatrixXd& TVk){ x_tv.setZero(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < M.tets.size(); i++){ Vector4i indices = M.tets[i].verticesIndex; x_tv(3*indices(0)) = TVk.row(indices(0))[0]; x_tv(3*indices(0)+1) = TVk.row(indices(0))[1]; x_tv(3*indices(0)+2) = TVk.row(indices(0))[2]; x_tv(3*indices(1)) = TVk.row(indices(1))[0]; x_tv(3*indices(1)+1) = TVk.row(indices(1))[1]; x_tv(3*indices(1)+2) = TVk.row(indices(1))[2]; x_tv(3*indices(2)) = TVk.row(indices(2))[0]; x_tv(3*indices(2)+1) = TVk.row(indices(2))[1]; x_tv(3*indices(2)+2) = TVk.row(indices(2))[2]; x_tv(3*indices(3)) = TVk.row(indices(3))[0]; x_tv(3*indices(3)+1) = TVk.row(indices(3))[1]; x_tv(3*indices(3)+2) = TVk.row(indices(3))[2]; } }
double HmcSampler::_verifyConstraints(const VectorXd & b){ double r =0; for (int i=0; i != quadraticConstraints.size(); i++ ){ QuadraticConstraint qc = quadraticConstraints[i]; double check = ((b.transpose())*(qc.A))*b + (qc.B).dot(b) + qc.C; if (i==0 || check < r) { r = check; } } for (int i=0; i != linearConstraints.size(); i++ ){ LinearConstraint lc = linearConstraints[i]; double check = (lc.f).dot(b) + lc.g; if (i==0 || check < r) { r = check; } } return r; }
/* ******************************************************************************************** */ void printResult (State& s, VectorXd& X, VectorXd& Y) { ofstream res ("res"); res << obj0 << "\n0" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < X.rows(); i++) { if(s.order[i] < 0) { int stick_id = (-s.order[i]) / 10; int gear_id = (-s.order[i]) % 10; res << -abs(X(i)) << "\n" << Y(i) << "\n" << radii[gear_id] << "\n"; if(X(i) < 0) res << -lengths[stick_id] << endl; else res << lengths[stick_id] << endl; } else res << X(i) << "\n" << Y(i) << "\n" << radii[s.order[i]] << "\n0" << endl; } res << objn << "\n0" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) res << obs[i](0) << "\n" << obs[i](1) << "\n" << -obs[i](2) << "\n0" << endl; res.close(); }
MultivariateFNormalSufficient::MultivariateFNormalSufficient( const VectorXd& Fbar, double JF, const VectorXd& FM, int Nobs, const MatrixXd& W, const MatrixXd& Sigma, double factor) : base::Object("Multivariate Normal distribution %1%") { reset_flags(); N_=Nobs; M_=Fbar.rows(); IMP_LOG_TERSE( "MVN: sufficient statistics init with N=" << N_ << " and M=" << M_ << std::endl); IMP_USAGE_CHECK( N_ > 0, "please provide at least one observation per dimension"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK( M_ > 0, "please provide at least one variable"); set_factor(factor); set_FM(FM); set_Fbar(Fbar); set_W(W); set_jacobian(JF); set_Sigma(Sigma); use_cg_=false; }
double CostFromErrFunc::value(const vector<double>& xin) { VectorXd x = getVec(xin, vars_); VectorXd err = f_->call(x); if (coeffs_.size()>0) err.array() *= coeffs_.array(); switch (pen_type_) { case SQUARED: return err.array().square().sum(); case ABS: return err.array().abs().sum(); case HINGE: return err.cwiseMax(VectorXd::Zero(err.size())).sum(); default: assert(0 && "unreachable"); } return 0; // avoid compiler warning }
Trajectory getDemoTrajectory(const VectorXd& ts) { bool use_viapoint_traj= false; Trajectory trajectory; int n_dims=0; if (use_viapoint_traj) { n_dims = 1; VectorXd y_first = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims); VectorXd y_last = VectorXd::Ones(n_dims); double viapoint_time = 0.25; double viapoint_location = 0.5; VectorXd y_yd_ydd_viapoint = VectorXd::Zero(3*n_dims); y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(0*n_dims,n_dims).fill(viapoint_location); // y trajectory = Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectoryThroughViapoint(ts,y_first,y_yd_ydd_viapoint,viapoint_time,y_last); } else { n_dims = 2; VectorXd y_first = VectorXd::LinSpaced(n_dims,0.0,0.7); // Initial state VectorXd y_last = VectorXd::LinSpaced(n_dims,0.4,0.5); // Final state trajectory = Trajectory::generateMinJerkTrajectory(ts, y_first, y_last); } // Generated trajectory, now generate extra dimensions in width MatrixXd misc(ts.rows(),n_dims); for (int ii=0; ii<misc.rows(); ii++) { misc(ii,0) = (1.0*ii)/misc.rows(); if (n_dims>1) misc(ii,1) = sin((8.0*ii)/misc.rows()); } trajectory.set_misc(misc); return trajectory; }
void CstepPrep( const MatrixXd& x, const VectorXd& y, const VectorXi& dIn, VectorXd& dP, const int& h0 ){ const int n=x.rows(),p=x.cols(); double w1,w0; int w2=1,i,j=0; MatrixXd xSub(h0,p); VectorXd ySub(h0); for(i=0;i<h0;i++) xSub.row(i)=x.row(dIn(i)); for(i=0;i<h0;i++) ySub(i)=y(dIn(i)); MatrixXd Sig(p,p); //Sig=xSub.adjoint()*xSub; //LDLT<MatrixXd> chol=Sig.ldlt(); Sig.setZero().selfadjointView<Lower>().rankUpdate(xSub.transpose()); LLT<MatrixXd> chol=Sig.llt(); VectorXd m_cf(p); m_cf=chol.solve(xSub.adjoint()*ySub); dP=((x*m_cf).array()-y.array()).abs(); }
void RotationMatrix::compute(const VectorXd &u, SparseMatrix<double>& R)const{ // compute rs coordinates of each element VectorXd RS_u; _warper->computeRSCoord(u, RS_u, false); // compute the rotational vector of each node. const int node_num = u.size()/3; vector<Vector3d> w(node_num); vector<int> neighbor_ele_of_node(node_num); for (int i = 0; i < node_num; ++i){ w[i].setZero(); neighbor_ele_of_node[i] = 0; } for (int ei = 0; ei < _tet_mesh->tets().size(); ++ei){ const Vector4i ele = _tet_mesh->tets()[ei]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j){ const int vi = ele[j]; w[vi][0] += RS_u[ei*9+0]; w[vi][1] += RS_u[ei*9+1]; w[vi][2] += RS_u[ei*9+2]; neighbor_ele_of_node[vi] ++; } } for (int i = 0; i < node_num; ++i){ w[i] = w[i]/(double)(neighbor_ele_of_node[i]); } // compute the rotational matrix of each node mat3r Ri; vector<mat3r> R_vec; R_vec.reserve(node_num); for (int i = 0; i < node_num; ++i){ R_vec.push_back(ComputeBj::compute_exp(w[i],Ri)); } EIGEN3EXT::eye(R,R_vec); }
GTEST_TEST(TestConvexHull, testRandomConvexCombinations) { // Generate a set of points, then find a random convex combination of those // points, and verify that it's correctly reported as being inside the // convex hull for (int i = 2; i < 50; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j) { MatrixXd pts = MatrixXd::Random(2, i); VectorXd weights = VectorXd::Random(i); if (weights.minCoeff() < 0) { weights = weights.array() - weights.minCoeff(); // make sure they're all nonnegative } weights = weights.array() / weights.sum(); Vector2d q = pts * weights; EXPECT_TRUE(inConvexHull(pts, q, 1e-8)); } } }
void World::setStateForJacobian(VectorXd& world_state) { int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { VectorXd state; state = world_state.segment(ind, world_state(ind)); threads[i]->setState(state); ind += state.size(); } for (int i = 0; i < cursors.size(); i++) { if(cursors[i]->isAttached()) { VectorXd state; state = world_state.segment(ind, world_state(ind)); cursors[i]->setState(state); cursors[i]->end_eff->setState(state); ind += state.size(); } } assert(ind == world_state.size()); }
// Plots the mesh with an N-RoSy field and its singularities on top // The constrained faces (b) are colored in red. void plot_mesh_nrosy(igl::Viewer& viewer, MatrixXd& V, MatrixXi& F, int N, MatrixXd& PD1, VectorXd& S, VectorXi& b) { // Clear the mesh;,F); // Expand the representative vectors in the full vector set and plot them as lines double avg = igl::avg_edge_length(V, F); MatrixXd Y; representative_to_nrosy(V, F, PD1, N, Y); MatrixXd B; igl::barycenter(V,F,B); MatrixXd Be(B.rows()*N,3); for(unsigned i=0; i<B.rows();++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<N; ++j) Be.row(i*N+j) = B.row(i);,Be+Y*(avg/2),RowVector3d(0,0,1)); // Plot the singularities as colored dots (red for negative, blue for positive) for (unsigned i=0; i<S.size();++i) { if (S(i) < -0.001),RowVector3d(1,0,0)); else if (S(i) > 0.001),RowVector3d(0,1,0)); } // Highlight in red the constrained faces MatrixXd C = MatrixXd::Constant(F.rows(),3,1); for (unsigned i=0; i<b.size();++i) C.row(b(i)) << 1, 0, 0;; }
/** \todo Document FunctionApproximatorGMR::normalPDFDamped */ double FunctionApproximatorGMR::normalPDFDamped(const VectorXd& mu, const MatrixXd& covar, const VectorXd& input) { if(covar.determinant() > 0) // It is invertible { MatrixXd covar_inverse = covar.inverse(); double output = exp(-0.5*(input-mu).transpose()*covar_inverse*(input-mu)); // Check that: // if output == 0.0 // return 0.0; // For invertible matrices (which covar apparently was), det(A^-1) = 1/det(A) // Hence the 1.0/covar_inverse.determinant() below // ( (2\pi)^N*|\Sigma| )^(-1/2) output *= pow(pow(2*M_PI,mu.size())/(covar_inverse.determinant()),-0.5); return output; } else { //cerr << "WARNING: FunctionApproximatorGMR::normalPDFDamped output close to singularity..." << endl; return std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); } }
void OMNI::subsequenceQuery(VectorXd qs, double epsilon) { double low, up; MatrixXd qsMatrix; qsMatrix.resize(1,qs.size()); qsMatrix.row(0) = qs; qsdf.resize(data.fociNum); for(int i = 0; i < data.fociNum; ++i) { qsdf = data.fociTS.rowwise().operator-(qsMatrix.row(0)).array().square().matrix().rowwise().sum(); } tsCount.resize(data.tsNum, data.totalLen - data.tsLen + 1); tsCount.setZero(); for(int a = 0; a < data.fociNum; ++a) { low = qsdf[a] - epsilon; up = qsdf[a] + epsilon; forest[a].rangeQuery(low, up, &tsCount); } queryResult.resize(0); for(int x = 0; x < data.tsNum; ++x) { for(int y = 0; y < data.totalLen - data.tsLen + 1; ++y) { if(tsCount(x,y) == data.fociNum) { queryResult.push_back(x*1000+y); } } } }