Esempio n. 1
double EEMS::test_prior(const MatrixXd &mSeeds, const VectorXd &mEffcts, const double mrateMu,
			const MatrixXd &qSeeds, const VectorXd &qEffcts,
			const double df, const double sigma2, const double mrateS2, const double qrateS2) const {
  bool inrange = true;
  int qtiles = qEffcts.size();
  int mtiles = mEffcts.size();
  // First check that all parameters fall into their support range
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < qtiles ; i++ ) {
    if (!habitat.in_point(qSeeds(i,0),qSeeds(i,1))) { inrange = false; }
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < mtiles ; i++ ) {
    if (!habitat.in_point(mSeeds(i,0),mSeeds(i,1))) { inrange = false; }
  if (qEffcts.cwiseAbs().minCoeff()>params.qEffctHalfInterval) { inrange = false; }
  if (mEffcts.cwiseAbs().minCoeff()>params.mEffctHalfInterval) { inrange = false; }
  if (abs(mrateMu)>params.mrateMuHalfInterval) { inrange = false; }
  if ((df<params.dfmin) || (df>params.dfmax)) { inrange = false; }
  if (!inrange) { return (-Inf); }
  // Then compute the prior, on the log scale
  double logpi = - log(df)
    + dnegbinln(mtiles,params.negBiSize,params.negBiProb)
    + dnegbinln(qtiles,params.negBiSize,params.negBiProb)
    + dinvgamln(mrateS2,params.mrateShape_2,params.mrateScale_2)
    + dinvgamln(qrateS2,params.qrateShape_2,params.qrateScale_2)
    + dmvnormln(mEffcts,VectorXd::Zero(mtiles),mrateS2*MatrixXd::Identity(mtiles,mtiles))
    + dmvnormln(qEffcts,VectorXd::Zero(qtiles),qrateS2*MatrixXd::Identity(qtiles,qtiles))
    + dinvgamln(sigma2,params.sigmaShape_2,params.sigmaScale_2);
  return (logpi);
double computeMerit(double& delta, StdVectorX& X, StdVectorU& U, double penalty_coeff) {
	double merit = computeObjective(delta, X, U);
	for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
		VectorXd hval = dynamics_difference(continuous_cartpole_dynamics, X[t], X[t+1], U[t], delta);
		merit += penalty_coeff*(hval.cwiseAbs()).sum();
	return merit;
void CostCalculator_eigen::calculateCost(const real_1d_array &xWeight, double &func, real_1d_array &grad) {
    for (int i = 0; i < variableNumber_; ++i) xReal_(i) = xWeight[i];

    // risk grad
    VectorXd riskGrad = varMatrix_ * xReal_;

    // weight change
    VectorXd weightChange = xReal_ - currentWeight_;

    func = 0.5 * + weightChange.cwiseAbs().dot(tradingCost_) -;
    VectorXd tmp = riskGrad + weightChange.cwiseSign().cwiseProduct(tradingCost_) - expectReturn_;

    for (int i = 0; i < variableNumber_; ++i) grad(i) = tmp(i);
Esempio n. 4
void coxph_reg::estimate(const coxph_data &cdatain,
                         const int model,
                         const std::vector<std::string> &modelNames,
                         const int interaction, const int ngpreds,
                         const bool iscox, const int nullmodel,
                         const mlinfo &snpinfo, const int cursnp)
    coxph_data cdata = cdatain.get_unmasked_data();

    mematrix<double> X = t_apply_model(cdata.X, model, interaction, ngpreds,
                                       iscox, nullmodel);

    int length_beta = X.nrow;
    beta.reinit(length_beta, 1);
    sebeta.reinit(length_beta, 1);
    mematrix<double> newoffset = cdata.offset -
    mematrix<double> means(X.nrow, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < X.nrow; i++)
        beta[i] = 0.;

    mematrix<double> u(X.nrow, 1);
    mematrix<double> imat(X.nrow, X.nrow);

    double *work = new double[X.ncol * 2 +
                              2 * (X.nrow) * (X.nrow) +
                              3 * (X.nrow)];
    double loglik_int[2];
    int flag;

    // Use Efron method of handling ties (for Breslow: 0.0), like in
    // R's coxph()
    double sctest = 1.0;

    // Set the maximum number of iterations that coxfit2() will run to
    // the default value from the class definition.
    int maxiterinput = MAXITER;
    // Make separate variables epsinput and tolcholinput that are not
    // const to send to coxfit2(), this way we won't have to alter
    // that function (which is a good thing: we want to keep it as
    // pristine as possible because it is copied from the R survival
    // package).
    double epsinput = EPS;
    double tolcholinput = CHOLTOL;

    coxfit2(&maxiterinput, &cdata.nids, &X.nrow,,
  , loglik_int, &flag, work, &epsinput,
            &tolcholinput, &sctest);

    // After coxfit2() maxiterinput contains the actual number of
    // iterations that were used. Store it in niter.
    niter = maxiterinput;

    // Check the results of the Cox fit; mirrored from the same checks
    // in and coxph.R from the R survival package.

    // A vector to indicate for which covariates the betas/se_betas
    // should be set to NAN.
    std::vector<bool> setToNAN = std::vector<bool>(X.nrow, false);

    // Based on lines with 'which.sing' and coxph.R line
    // with if(any(is.NA(coefficients))). These lines set coefficients
    // to NA if flag < nvar (with nvar = ncol(x)) and MAXITER >
    // 0. coxph.R then checks for any NAs in the coefficients and
    // outputs the warning message if NAs were found.
    if (flag < X.nrow)
        int which_sing = 0;
        MatrixXd imateigen =;
        VectorXd imatdiag = imateigen.diagonal();

        for (int i = 0; i < imatdiag.size(); i++)
            if (imatdiag[i] == 0)
                which_sing = i;
                setToNAN[which_sing] = true;
                if (i != 0) {
                    // Don't warn for i=0 to exclude the beta
                    // coefficient for the (constant) mean from the
                    // check. For Cox regression the constant terms
                    // are ignored. However, we leave it in the
                    // calculations because otherwise the null model
                    // calculation will fail in case there are no
                    // other covariates than the SNP.
                    std::cerr << "Warning for " <<[cursnp]
                              << ", model " << modelNames[model]
                              << ": X matrix deemed to be singular (variable "
                              << which_sing + 1 << ")" << std::endl;

    if (niter >= MAXITER)
        cerr << "Warning for " <<[cursnp]
             << ", model " << modelNames[model]
             << ": nr of iterations > the maximum (" << MAXITER << "): "
             << niter << endl;

    if (flag == 1000)
        cerr << "Warning for " <<[cursnp]
             << ", model " << modelNames[model]
             << ": Cox regression ran out of iterations and did not converge,"
             << " setting beta and se to 'NaN'\n";

        std::fill(setToNAN.begin(), setToNAN.end(), true);
    } else {
        VectorXd ueigen =;
        MatrixXd imateigen =;
        VectorXd infs = ueigen.transpose() * imateigen;
        infs = infs.cwiseAbs();
        VectorXd betaeigen =;

        assert(betaeigen.size() == infs.size());

        // We check the beta's for all coefficients
        // (incl. covariates), maybe stick to only checking the SNP
        // coefficient?
        for (int i = 0; i < infs.size(); i++) {
            if (infs[i] > EPS &&
                infs[i] > sqrt(EPS) * abs(betaeigen[i])) {
                setToNAN[i] = true;
                cerr << "Warning for " <<[cursnp]
                     << ", model " << modelNames[model]
                     << ": beta for covariate " << i + 1 << " may be infinite,"
                     << " setting beta and se to 'NaN'\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < X.nrow; i++)
        if (setToNAN[i])
            // Cox regression failed somewhere, set results to NAN for
            // this X row (covariate or SNP)
            sebeta[i] = NAN;
            beta[i]   = NAN;
            loglik    = NAN;
        } else {
            sebeta[i] = sqrt(imat.get(i, i));
            loglik = loglik_int[1];

    delete[] work;
Esempio n. 5
size_t UPGMpp::messagesLBP(CGraph &graph,
                            TInferenceOptions &options,
                            vector<vector<VectorXd> > &messages ,
                            bool maximize,                            
                            const vector<size_t> &tree)

    const vector<CNodePtr> nodes = graph.getNodes();
    const vector<CEdgePtr> edges = graph.getEdges();
    multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr> edges_f = graph.getEdgesF();

    size_t N_nodes = nodes.size();
    size_t N_edges = edges.size();

    bool is_tree = (tree.size()>0) ? true : false;


    // Build the messages structure

    double totalSumOfMsgs = 0;

    if ( !messages.size() )
        messages.resize( N_edges);

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < N_edges; i++ )
        if ( !messages[i].size() )

            size_t ID1, ID2;

            // Messages from first node of the edge to the second one, so the size of
            // the message has to be the same as the number of classes of the second node.
            double N_classes = graph.getNodeWithID( ID2 )->getPotentials( options.considerNodeFixedValues ).rows();
            messages[i][0].resize( N_classes );
            // Just the opposite as before.
            N_classes = graph.getNodeWithID( ID1 )->getPotentials( options.considerNodeFixedValues ).rows();
            messages[i][1].resize( N_classes );

        totalSumOfMsgs += messages[i][0].rows() + messages[i][1].rows();


//    cout << "Initial Messages:" << endl;

//    for ( size_t i=0; i < messages.size(); i++)
//        for ( size_t j=0; j < messages[i].size(); j++)
//            for ( size_t k=0; k < messages[i][j].size(); k++ )
//                cout << messages[i][j][k] << " ";

    vector<vector<VectorXd> > previousMessages;

    if ( options.particularS["order"] == "RBP" )
        previousMessages = messages;
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < previousMessages.size(); i++ )

    // Iterate until convergence or a certain maximum number of iterations is reached

    size_t iteration;
//    cout << endl;

    for ( iteration = 0; iteration < options.maxIterations; iteration++ )
//        cout << "Messages " << iteration << ":" << endl;

//        for ( size_t i=0; i < messages.size(); i++)
//            for ( size_t j=0; j < messages[i].size(); j++)
//                for ( size_t k=0; k < messages[i][j].size(); k++ )
//                    cout << messages[i][j][k] << " ";

//        cout << endl;

        // Variables used by Residual Belief Propagation
        int edgeWithMaxDiffIndex = -1;
        VectorXd associatedMessage;
        bool from1to2;
        double maxDifference = -1;

        // Iterate over all the nodes
        for ( size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < N_nodes; nodeIndex++ )
            const CNodePtr nodePtr = graph.getNode( nodeIndex );
            size_t nodeID          = nodePtr->getID();

            // Check if we are calibrating a tree, and so if the node is not member of the tree,
            // so we dont have to update its messages
            if ( is_tree && ( std::find(tree.begin(), tree.end(), nodeID ) == tree.end() ) )

            NEIGHBORS_IT neighbors;

            neighbors = edges_f.equal_range(nodeID);

            //cout << "  Sending messages ... " << endl;

            // Send a message to each neighbor
            for ( multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr>::iterator itNeigbhor = neighbors.first;
                  itNeigbhor != neighbors.second;
                  itNeigbhor++ )
//                cout << "sending msg to neighbor..." << endl;
                VectorXd nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePtr->getPotentials( options.considerNodeFixedValues );
//                cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Orig: " << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl;
                size_t neighborID;
                size_t ID1, ID2;
                CEdgePtr edgePtr( (*itNeigbhor).second );
                ( ID1 == nodeID ) ? neighborID = ID2 : neighborID = ID1;

//                cout << "all ready" << endl;

                // Check if we are calibrating a tree, and so if the neighbor node
                // is not member of the tree, so we dont have to update its messages
                if ( is_tree && ( std::find(tree.begin(), tree.end(), neighborID ) == tree.end() ))

                // Compute the message from current node as a product of all the
                // incoming messages less the one from the current neighbor
                // plus the node potential of the current node.
                for ( multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr>::iterator itNeigbhor2 = neighbors.first;
                      itNeigbhor2 != neighbors.second;
                      itNeigbhor2++ )
                    size_t ID11, ID12;
                    CEdgePtr edgePtr2( (*itNeigbhor2).second );
                    size_t edgeIndex = graph.getEdgeIndex( edgePtr2->getID() );
//                    cout << "Edge index: " << edgeIndex << endl << "node pot" <<  nodePotPlusIncMsg << endl;
//                    cout << "Node ID: " << nodeID << " node11 " << ID11 << " node12 " << ID12 << endl;
                    CNodePtr n1,n2;
//                    cout << "Node 1 type: " << n1->getType()->getID() << " label " << n1->getType()->getLabel() << endl;
//                    cout << "Node 2 type: " << n2->getType()->getID() << " label " << n2->getType()->getLabel() << endl;
                    // Check if the current neighbor appears in the edge
                    if ( ( neighborID != ID11 ) && ( neighborID != ID12 ) )
                        if ( nodeID == ID11 )
//                            cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod: " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ].transpose() << endl;
//                            cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Bis : " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ].transpose() << endl;
                            nodePotPlusIncMsg =
                                    nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ]);
//                            cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod2: " << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl;
                        else // nodeID == ID2
//                            cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod: " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ].transpose() << endl;
//                            cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Bis : " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ].transpose() << endl;
                            nodePotPlusIncMsg =
                                    nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ]);
//                            cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod2: " << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl;

//                cout << "Node pot" << endl;

                //cout << "Node pot" << nodePotPlusIncMsg << endl;

                // Take also the potential between the two nodes
                MatrixXd edgePotentials;

                if ( nodeID != ID1 )
                    edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials();
                    edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials().transpose();

                VectorXd newMessage;
                size_t edgeIndex = graph.getEdgeIndex( edgePtr->getID() );

//                cout << "get new message" << endl;

                if ( !maximize )
                    // Multiply both, and update the potential

//                    cout << "Edge potentials:" << edgePotentials.transpose() << endl;
//                    cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg:" << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl;
                    newMessage = edgePotentials * nodePotPlusIncMsg;

                    // Normalize new message
                    if (newMessage.sum())
                        newMessage = newMessage / newMessage.sum();

                    //cout << "New message 3:" << newMessage.transpose() << endl;
                    if ( nodeID == ID1 )
                        newMessage.resize(messages[ edgeIndex ][0].rows());
                        newMessage.resize(messages[ edgeIndex ][1].rows());

                    for ( size_t row = 0; row < edgePotentials.rows(); row++ )
                        double maxRowValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();

                        for ( size_t col = 0; col < edgePotentials.cols(); col++ )
                            double value = edgePotentials(row,col)*nodePotPlusIncMsg(col);
                            if ( value > maxRowValue )
                                maxRowValue = value;
                        newMessage(row) = maxRowValue;

                    // Normalize new message
                    if (newMessage.sum())
                        newMessage = newMessage / newMessage.sum();

                    //cout << "New message: " << endl << newMessage << endl;

                // Set the message!

                VectorXd smoothedOldMessage(newMessage.rows());

                double smoothing = options.particularD["smoothing"];

                if ( smoothing != 0 )
                    if ( nodeID == ID1 )
                        newMessage = newMessage + (1-smoothing) * messages[ edgeIndex ][0];
                        newMessage = newMessage + (1-smoothing) * messages[ edgeIndex ][1];

                //cout << "New message:" << endl << newMessage << endl << "Smoothed" << endl << smoothedOldMessage << endl;

                // If residual belief propagation is activated, just check if the
                // newMessage is the one with the higest residual till the
                // moment. Otherwise, set the new message as the current one
                if ( options.particularS["order"] == "RBP" )
                    if ( nodeID == ID1 )
                        VectorXd differences = messages[edgeIndex][0] - newMessage;
                        double difference = differences.cwiseAbs().sum();

                        if ( difference > maxDifference )
                            from1to2 = true;
                            edgeWithMaxDiffIndex = edgeIndex;
                            maxDifference = difference;
                            associatedMessage = newMessage;
                        VectorXd differences = messages[edgeIndex][1] - newMessage;
                        double difference = differences.cwiseAbs().sum();

                        if ( difference > maxDifference )
                            from1to2 = false;
                            edgeWithMaxDiffIndex = edgeIndex;
                            maxDifference = difference;
                            associatedMessage = newMessage;
//                    cout << newMessage.cols() << " " << newMessage.rows() << endl;
//                    cout << "edgeIndex" << edgeIndex << endl;
                    if ( nodeID == ID1 )
//                        cout << messages[ edgeIndex ][0].cols() << " " << messages[ edgeIndex ][0].rows() << endl;
                        messages[ edgeIndex ][0] = newMessage;
//                        cout << messages[ edgeIndex ][1].cols() << " " << messages[ edgeIndex ][1].rows() << endl;
                        messages[ edgeIndex ][1] = newMessage;

//                        cout << "Wop " << endl;

        } // Nodes

        if ( options.particularS["order"] == "RBP" && ( edgeWithMaxDiffIndex =! -1 ))
            if ( from1to2 )
                messages[ edgeWithMaxDiffIndex ][0] = associatedMessage;
                messages[ edgeWithMaxDiffIndex ][1] = associatedMessage;

        // Check convergency!!

        double newTotalSumOfMsgs = 0;
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < N_edges; i++ )
            newTotalSumOfMsgs += messages[i][0].sum() + messages[i][1].sum();

        //printf("%4.10f\n",std::abs( totalSumOfMsgs - newTotalSumOfMsgs ));

        if ( std::abs( totalSumOfMsgs - newTotalSumOfMsgs ) <
             options.convergency )

        totalSumOfMsgs = newTotalSumOfMsgs;

        // Show messages
        /*cout << "Iteration:" << iteration << endl;

        for ( size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++ )
            cout <<  messages[i][0] << " " << messages[i][1] << endl;

    } // Iterations

    return 1;