Esempio n. 1
     * Write a floating point 2D image containing the Voltage-Sensitive Dye
     * projection, using a Beer-Lambert projection filter. The projection filter
     * computes the output using the real value of the data, i.e. not limited by
     * the precision of the final image
     * @param input 3d volume used as input  to generate the 2D projection
     * @param filename name of the output image file
    void projectVSD( VolumePtr input, const std::string& filename )
        typedef BeerLambertProjectionImageFilter
            < fivox::FloatVolume, FloatImageType > FilterType;
        FilterType::Pointer projection = FilterType::New();
        projection->SetInput( input );
        projection->SetProjectionDimension( 1 ); // projection along Y-axis
        projection->SetPixelSize( input->GetSpacing( ).GetElement( 0 ));
        const double sigma = _vm["sigma"].as< double >();
        projection->SetSigma( sigma );

        // Write output image
        typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< FloatImageType > ImageWriter;
        ImageWriter::Pointer imageWriter = ImageWriter::New();
        imageWriter->SetInput( projection->GetOutput( ));

        const std::string& imageFile = filename + ".vtk";
        imageWriter->SetFileName( imageFile );
        LBINFO << "VSD projection written as '" << imageFile
               << "' using a sigma value of " << sigma << std::endl;