Esempio n. 1
    void sample()
        ::fivox::URI uri = getURI();

        // for compatibility
        if( _vm.count( "size" ))
            uri.addQuery( "size", std::to_string( _vm["size"].as< size_t >( )));

        const ::fivox::URIHandler params( uri );
        auto source = params.newImageSource< fivox::FloatVolume >();

        const fivox::Vector3f& extent( source->getSizeInMicrometer( ));
        const size_t size( std::ceil( source->getSizeInVoxel().find_max( )));

        const VolumeHandler volumeHandler( size, extent );
        VolumePtr output = source->GetOutput();

        output->SetRegions( volumeHandler.computeRegion( _decompose ));
        output->SetSpacing( volumeHandler.computeSpacing( ));
        const fivox::AABBf& bbox = source->getBoundingBox();
        output->SetOrigin( volumeHandler.computeOrigin( bbox.getCenter( )));

        ::fivox::EventSourcePtr loader = source->getEventSource();
        const fivox::Vector2ui frameRange( getFrameRange( loader->getDt( )));

        const std::string& datatype( _vm["datatype"].as< std::string >( ));
        if( datatype == "char" )
            LBINFO << "Sampling volume as char (uint8_t) data" << std::endl;
            _sample< uint8_t >( source, frameRange, params, _outputFile );
        else if( datatype == "short" )
            LBINFO << "Sampling volume as short (uint16_t) data" << std::endl;
            _sample< uint16_t >( source, frameRange, params, _outputFile );
        else if( datatype == "int" )
            LBINFO << "Sampling volume as int (uint32_t) data" << std::endl;
            _sample< uint32_t >( source, frameRange, params, _outputFile );
            LBINFO << "Sampling volume as floating point data" << std::endl;
            _sample< float >( source, frameRange, params, _outputFile );
Esempio n. 2
    livre::MemoryUnitPtr sample( const livre::LODNode& node,
                                 const livre::VolumeInformation& info ) const
        ::fivox::EventSourcePtr loader = source->getFunctor()->getSource();
        const uint32_t frame = node.getNodeId().getFrame();
        if( !loader->load( frame ))
            return livre::MemoryUnitPtr();

        // Alloc voxels
        const vmml::Vector3i& voxels = info.maximumBlockSize;
        ByteVolume::SizeType vSize;
        vSize[0] = voxels[0];
        vSize[1] = voxels[1];
        vSize[2] = voxels[2];

        ByteVolume::RegionType region;
        region.SetSize( vSize );

        // Real-world coordinate setup
        const ::fivox::AABBf& bbox = loader->getBoundingBox();
        const Vector3f& baseSpacing = ( bbox.getSize() + _borders )
                                      / info.voxels;
        const int32_t levelFromBottom = info.rootNode.getDepth() - 1 -
        const float spacingFactor = 1 << levelFromBottom;

        ByteVolume::SpacingType spacing;
        spacing[0] = baseSpacing.find_max() * spacingFactor;
        spacing[1] = spacing[0];
        spacing[2] = spacing[0];

        const Vector3f& offset =
            ( bbox.getMin() - _borders / 2.0f ) + node.getRelativePosition() *
            Vector3f( bbox.getSize() + _borders );

        ByteVolume::PointType origin;
        origin[0] = offset[0];
        origin[1] = offset[1];
        origin[2] = offset[2];

        // called from multiple render threads, only have one update running
        lunchbox::ScopedWrite mutex( _lock );
        VolumePtr output = source->GetOutput();
        output->SetRegions( region );
        output->SetSpacing( spacing );
        output->SetOrigin( origin );

        std::cout << "Sample " << node.getRefLevel() << ' '
                  << node.getRelativePosition() << " (" << spacing << " @ "
                  << origin << 'x'
                  << baseSpacing * spacingFactor * voxels << ")"
                  << std::endl;


        livre::AllocMemoryUnitPtr memoryUnit( new livre::AllocMemoryUnit );
        const size_t size = voxels[0] * voxels[1] * voxels[2] *
                            info.compCount * info.getBytesPerVoxel();
        memoryUnit->allocAndSetData( output->GetBufferPointer(), size );
        return memoryUnit;
Esempio n. 3
    void sample()
        ::fivox::URI uri = getURI();

        const size_t sensorRes( _vm["sensor-res"].as< size_t >( ));
        const size_t sensorDim( _vm["sensor-dim"].as< size_t >( ));
        const float resolution = (float)sensorDim / sensorRes;
        // the URI handler takes voxels/unit as resolution
        uri.addQuery( "resolution", std::to_string( 1 / resolution ));

        const ::fivox::URIHandler params( uri );
        ImageSourcePtr source = params.newImageSource< fivox::FloatVolume >();

        _eventSource = source->getEventSource();
        std::shared_ptr< fivox::VSDLoader > vsdLoader =
                std::static_pointer_cast< fivox::VSDLoader >( _eventSource );

        const float v0 = _vm["v0"].as< float >();
        const float g0 = _vm["g0"].as< float >();

        LBINFO << "VSD info: V0 = " << v0 << " mV; G0 = " << g0 << std::endl;
        vsdLoader->setRestingPotential( v0 );
        vsdLoader->setAreaMultiplier( g0 );

        if( _vm.count( "ap-threshold" ))
            vsdLoader->setSpikeFilter( true );
            const float apThreshold = _vm["ap-threshold"].as< float >();
            LBINFO << "Action potential threshold set to " << apThreshold
                   << " mV." << std::endl;
            vsdLoader->setApThreshold( apThreshold );

        if( _vm.count( "curve" ))
            const std::string& curveFile = _vm["curve"].as< std::string >();
            const float depth = _vm["depth"].as< float >();

            const bool interpolate = _vm.count( "interpolate-attenuation" );
            LBINFO << "Using '" << curveFile << "' as the dye curve file; "
                   << "depth of " << depth << " micrometers. "
                   << "Attenuation values will" << (!interpolate ? " not " :" ")
                   << "be interpolated." << std::endl;

            const fivox::AttenuationCurve dye( curveFile, depth );
            vsdLoader->setCurve( dye );
            vsdLoader->setInterpolation( interpolate );

        const size_t size( std::ceil( source->getSizeInVoxel().find_max( )));

        // crop the volume region to the specified sensor dimensions
        fivox::Vector3f extent( source->getSizeInMicrometer( ));
        extent[0] = sensorDim;
        extent[2] = sensorDim;

        const fivox::VolumeHandler volumeHandler( size, extent );
        fivox::FloatVolume::IndexType vIndex;
        fivox::FloatVolume::SizeType vSize;
        vSize[0] = extent[0] / resolution;
        vSize[1] = extent[1] / resolution;
        vSize[2] = extent[2] / resolution;

        VolumePtr output = source->GetOutput();
        output->SetRegions( fivox::FloatVolume::RegionType( vIndex, vSize ));

        fivox::AABBf bboxSomas;
        const auto& somaPositions = vsdLoader->getSomaPositions();
        for( const auto& position : somaPositions )
            bboxSomas.merge( position );

        // pixel/voxel size
        const auto spacing = volumeHandler.computeSpacing();
        // left bottom corner of the image/volume
        const auto origin = volumeHandler.computeOrigin( bboxSomas.getCenter());

        if( _vm.count( "soma-pixels" ))
            const auto& fileName = _vm["soma-pixels"].as< std::string >();
            std::ofstream file( fileName );
            if( !file.is_open( ))
                LBERROR << "File " << fileName << " could not be opened"
                        << std::endl;
                file << "# Soma position and corresponding pixel index for "
                        "each cell, in the following format:\n"
                     << "#     gid [ posX posY posZ ]: i j\n"
                     << "# File version: 1\n"
                     << "# Fivox version: " << fivox::Version::getString()
                     << std::endl;

                size_t i = 0;
                const auto& gids = vsdLoader->getGIDs();
                for( const auto& gid : gids )
                    if( file.bad( ))
                    const auto& pos = somaPositions[i++];
                    file << gid << " " << pos << ": "
                         << std::floor((pos[0] - origin[0]) / spacing[0]) << " "
                         << std::floor((pos[2] - origin[2]) / spacing[1])
                         << std::endl;
            if( file.good( ))
                LBINFO << "Soma positions written as " << fileName << std::endl;
                LBERROR << "Error while writing to " << fileName << std::endl;

        output->SetSpacing( spacing );
        output->SetOrigin( origin );

        VolumeWriter< float > writer( output, fivox::Vector2ui( ));

        const fivox::Vector2ui frameRange( getFrameRange( _eventSource->getDt( )));
        size_t numDigits = std::to_string( frameRange.y( )).length();
        if( _vm.count( "times" ))
            const float endTime = _vm["times"].as< fivox::Vector2f >()[1];
            std::ostringstream s;
            s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << endTime;
            numDigits = s.str().length();

        if( _vm.count( "export-point-sprites" ))

        for( uint32_t i = frameRange.x(); i < frameRange.y(); ++i )
            std::string filename = _outputFile;
            if( frameRange.y() - frameRange.x() > 1 )
                // append the frame number if --frames, timestamp otherwise
                std::ostringstream os;
                os << filename << std::setfill('0') << std::setw( numDigits );
                if( _vm.count( "times" ))
                    os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
                       << i * vsdLoader->getDt();
                    os << i;

                filename = os.str();

            _eventSource->setFrame( i );

            if( _vm.count( "export-volume" ))
                const std::string& volumeName = filename + ".mhd";
                writer->SetFileName( volumeName );
                writer->Update(); // Run pipeline to write volume
                LBINFO << "Volume written as " << volumeName << std::endl;

            projectVSD( output, filename );

            if( _vm.count( "export-point-sprites" ))
                _writePointSpriteIntensities( filename );