TEST( XmlTest, MetaDescription) { const char* input_strs[] = { // valid "totally valid description", "“inside special quotes” and outside", // invalid "my \"invalid\" double quote description", "\"someone has quotes\", and nobody else has it" "'my 'invalid' single quote description'", "it's a description", "what is this quote \" doing here?" }; const char* format_strs[] = { "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\">", "<meta name=\"description\" content='%s'>", "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\" ng-attr-content=\"{{meta.description}}\">", "<meta name=\"description\" content='%s' ng-attr-content=\"{{meta.description}}\" >", "<meta name=\"description\" ng-attr-content=\"{{meta.description}}\" content=\"%s\">", "<meta name=\"description\" ng-attr-content=\"{{meta.description}}\" content='%s'>", "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\" other-content=\"%s\">", "<meta name=\"description\" content='%s' other-content='%s'>", "<meta content=\"%s\" name=\"description\">", "<meta content='%s' name=\"description\">", "<meta name=\"description\" other-content=\"%s\" content=\"%s\">", "<meta name=\"description\" other-content='%s' content='%s'>" }; size_t len = sizeof( input_strs ) / sizeof( input_strs[0] ); size_t format_len = sizeof( format_strs ) / sizeof( format_strs[0] ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { for (size_t j = 0; j < format_len; j++) { const char *input_str = input_strs[i]; char desc[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; std::sprintf(desc, format_strs[j], input_str, input_str); char input[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; std::sprintf(input, HTML_HEAD_FORMAT, desc); Xml xml; ASSERT_TRUE(xml.set(input, strlen(input), 0, CT_HTML)); char buf[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; int32_t bufLen = MAX_BUF_SIZE; int32_t contentLen = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(xml.getTagContent("name", "description", buf, bufLen, 0, bufLen, &contentLen, false, TAG_META)); EXPECT_EQ(strlen(input_str), contentLen); EXPECT_STREQ(input_str, buf); } } }
TEST( XmlTest, MetaDescriptionStripTags) { const char* input_strs[] = { "my title<br> my <b>very important</b> text", "Lesser than (<) and greater than (>).", "We shouldn't strip <3 out", "123 < 1234; 1234 > 123", "<p style='text-align: center;'>A color cartoon drawing of a clapping cod fish ( rebus in the danish language for klaptorsk )</p>" }; const char* expected_outputs[] = { "my title. my very important text", "Lesser than (<) and greater than (>).", "We shouldn't strip <3 out", "123 < 1234; 1234 > 123", "A color cartoon drawing of a clapping cod fish ( rebus in the danish language for klaptorsk ). " }; const char* format_str = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\">"; size_t len = sizeof( input_strs ) / sizeof( input_strs[0] ); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(input_strs)/sizeof(input_strs[0]), sizeof(expected_outputs)/sizeof(expected_outputs[0])); for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { const char *input_str = input_strs[i]; const char *output_str = expected_outputs[i]; char desc[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; std::sprintf(desc, format_str, input_str, input_str); char input[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; std::sprintf(input, HTML_HEAD_FORMAT, desc); Xml xml; ASSERT_TRUE(xml.set(input, strlen(input), 0, CT_HTML)); char buf[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; int32_t bufLen = MAX_BUF_SIZE; int32_t contentLen = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(xml.getTagContent("name", "description", buf, bufLen, 0, bufLen, &contentLen, false, TAG_META)); EXPECT_EQ(strlen(output_str), contentLen); EXPECT_STREQ(output_str, buf); } }