Esempio n. 1
func FxAttack_PanicTimer(object c, proplist fx, int time)
	// Run around in random directions
	var x = c->GetX();
	if (x < 400)
		x += 200;
	else if (x > 600)
		x -= 200;
		x += Random(2)*400 - 200;
	c->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, x, 300);
	return FX_OK;
Esempio n. 2
func FxPyritHammeringTimer(object c, proplist fx, int time)
	if (FrameCounter() < this.anim_continue_frame || c.has_sequence) return FX_OK;
	this.anim = 0;
	if (!fx.catapult) if (!(fx.catapult = FindObject(Find_ID(Catapult), Sort_Distance()))) return FX_OK;
	if ((!Random(20) && GetPlayerCount()) || this.was_walk_interrupted)
		// Move between two places (only if players are joined so Pyrit stays in place for object saving)
		var new_pos = [fx.catapult->GetX()-24, fx.catapult->GetX()+26][c->GetX() < fx.catapult->GetX()];
		c->SetCommand("MoveTo", nil, new_pos, fx.catapult->GetY());
		this.anim_continue_frame = FrameCounter() + 50;
		this.was_walk_interrupted = false;
Esempio n. 3
func FxLaraWalkingTimer(object c, proplist fx, int time)
	var speed_factor = 50;
	// Interrupted by dialogue?
	if (FrameCounter() < this.anim_continue_frame) return FX_OK;
	// No player joined? Stay in place for proper scenario saving.
	if (!GetPlayerCount()) return FX_OK;
	// Busy lifting/dropping?
	if (GetEffect("IntLiftHeavy", c)) return FX_OK;
	if (GetEffect("IntDropHeavy", c)) return FX_OK;
	// Do we have something to carry?
	if (!fx.carry_obj)
		// Relax for a random time...
		if (!Random(10))
			// ...and search new work after
			fx.carry_obj = fx.last_barrel = Lara_FindCarryObj(c, fx);
	if (fx.carry_obj)
		// need to pick it up?
		if (fx.carry_obj->Contained() != c)
			// need to walk there?
			var dist = Abs(fx.carry_obj->GetX() - c->GetX());
			if (dist < 10)
				// pick up!
				// short break - then pick up.
				if (c->GetXDir()) return FX_OK;
				// find a target
				fx.target_pos = [[220+Random(11), 311], [495+Random(51),358]][fx.carry_obj->GetX() < 350];
				// we're close. slow down.
				if (dist < 40) speed_factor = 30;