Esempio n. 1
bool BooleanTool::checkSegmentMatch(
        const PathObject* original,
        int coord_index,
        const ClipperLib::Path& polygon,
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type start_index,
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type end_index,
        bool& out_coords_increasing,
        bool& out_is_curve )
	const MapCoord& first = original->getCoordinate(coord_index);
	out_is_curve = first.isCurveStart();
	auto other_index = (coord_index + (out_is_curve ? 3 : 1)) % original->getCoordinateCount();
	const MapCoord& other = original->getCoordinate(other_index);
	bool found = true;
	if (first == && other ==
		out_coords_increasing = true;
	else if (first == && other ==
		out_coords_increasing = false;
		found = false;
	return found;
Esempio n. 2
void BooleanTool::rebuildCoordinate(
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type index,
        const ClipperLib::Path& polygon,
        const PolyMap& polymap,
        PathObject* object,
        bool start_new_part)
	MapCoord coord(0.001 *, 0.001 *;
	if (polymap.contains(
		PathCoordInfo info = polymap.value(;
		MapCoord& original = info.first->path->getCoordinate(info.second->index);
		if (original.isDashPoint())
	object->addCoordinate(coord, start_new_part);
Esempio n. 3
void BooleanTool::rebuildTwoIndexSegment(
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type start_index,
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type end_index,
        bool sequence_increasing,
        const ClipperLib::Path& polygon,
        const PolyMap& polymap,
        PathObject* object)
	Q_UNUSED(sequence_increasing); // only used in Q_ASSERT.
	PathCoordInfo start_info = polymap.value(;
	PathCoordInfo end_info = polymap.value(;
	PathObject* original = end_info.first->path;
	bool coords_increasing;
	bool is_curve;
	int coord_index;
	if (start_info.second->index == end_info.second->index)
		coord_index = end_info.second->index;
		bool found = checkSegmentMatch(original, coord_index, polygon, start_index, end_index, coords_increasing, is_curve);
		if (!found)
			object->getCoordinate(object->getCoordinateCount() - 1).setCurveStart(false);
			rebuildCoordinate(end_index, polygon, polymap, object);
		Q_ASSERT(coords_increasing == sequence_increasing);
		coord_index = end_info.second->index;
		bool found = checkSegmentMatch(original, coord_index, polygon, start_index, end_index, coords_increasing, is_curve);
		if (!found)
			coord_index = start_info.second->index;
			found = checkSegmentMatch(original, coord_index, polygon, start_index, end_index, coords_increasing, is_curve);
			if (!found)
				object->getCoordinate(object->getCoordinateCount() - 1).setCurveStart(false);
				rebuildCoordinate(end_index, polygon, polymap, object);
	if (!is_curve)
		object->getCoordinate(object->getCoordinateCount() - 1).setCurveStart(false);
	if (coords_increasing)
		object->addCoordinate(resetCoordinate(original->getCoordinate(coord_index + 1)));
		if (is_curve)
			object->addCoordinate(original->getCoordinate(coord_index + 2));
			object->addCoordinate(resetCoordinate(original->getCoordinate(coord_index + 3)));
		if (is_curve)
			object->addCoordinate(resetCoordinate(original->getCoordinate(coord_index + 2)));
			object->addCoordinate(original->getCoordinate(coord_index + 1));
		object->addCoordinate(resetCoordinate(original->getCoordinate(coord_index + 0)));
Esempio n. 4
void BooleanTool::rebuildSegment(
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type start_index,
        ClipperLib::Path::size_type end_index,
        bool sequence_increasing,
        const ClipperLib::Path& polygon,
        const PolyMap& polymap,
        PathObject* object)
	auto num_points = polygon.size();
	object->getCoordinate(object->getCoordinateCount() - 1).setCurveStart(true);
	if ((start_index + 1) % num_points == end_index)
		// This could happen for a straight line or a very flat curve - take coords directly from original
		rebuildTwoIndexSegment(start_index, end_index, sequence_increasing, polygon, polymap, object);

	// Get polygon point coordinates
	const auto& start_point       =;
	const auto& second_point      = + 1) % num_points);
	const auto& second_last_point = - 1) % num_points);
	const auto& end_point         =;
	// Try to find the middle coordinates in the same part
	bool found = false;
	PathCoordInfo second_info{ nullptr, nullptr };
	PathCoordInfo second_last_info{ nullptr, nullptr };
	for (auto second_it = polymap.find(second_point); second_it != polymap.end(); ++second_it)
		for (auto second_last_it = polymap.find(second_last_point);
		     second_last_it != polymap.end() && second_last_it.key() == second_last_point;
			if (second_it->first == second_last_it->first &&
			    second_it->second->index == second_last_it->second->index)
				// Same part
				found = true;
				second_info = *second_it;
				second_last_info = *second_last_it;
		if (found)
	if (!found)
		// Need unambiguous path part information to find the original object with high probability
		qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: cannot identify original object!";
		rebuildSegmentFromPathOnly(start_point, second_point, second_last_point, end_point, object);
	const PathPart* original_path = second_info.first;
	// Try to find the outer coordinates in the same part
	PathCoordInfo start_info{ nullptr, nullptr };
	for (auto start_it = polymap.find(start_point);
	     start_it != polymap.end() && start_it.key() == start_point;
		if (start_it->first == original_path)
			start_info = *start_it;
	Q_ASSERT(!start_info.first || start_info.first == second_info.first);
	PathCoordInfo end_info{ nullptr, nullptr };
	for (auto end_it = polymap.find(end_point);
	     end_it != polymap.end() && end_it.key() == end_point;
		if (end_it->first == original_path)
			end_info = *end_it;
	Q_ASSERT(!end_info.first || end_info.first == second_info.first);
	const PathObject* original = original_path->path;
	auto edge_start = second_info.second->index;
	if (edge_start == second_info.first->last_index)
		edge_start = second_info.first->first_index;
	// Find out start tangent
	auto start_param = 0.0;
	MapCoord start_coord = MapCoord(0.001 * start_point.X, 0.001 * start_point.Y);
	MapCoord start_tangent;
	MapCoord end_tangent;
	MapCoord end_coord;
	double start_error_sq, end_error_sq;
	// Maximum difference in mm from reconstructed start and end coords to the
	// intersection points returned by Clipper
	const double error_bound = 0.4;
	if (sequence_increasing)
		if ( second_info.second->param == 0.0 ||
		     ( start_info.first &&
		       start_info.second->param == 0.0 &&
		       ( start_info.second->index == edge_start ||
		         (start_info.second->index == start_info.first->last_index && start_info.first->first_index == edge_start) ) ) )
			// Take coordinates directly
			start_tangent = original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 1);
			end_tangent = original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 2);
			start_error_sq = start_coord.distanceSquaredTo(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 0));
			if (start_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: start error too high in increasing direct case: " << sqrt(start_error_sq);
			// Approximate coords
			const PathCoord* prev_coord = second_info.second - 1;
			auto dx = second_point.X - start_point.X;
			auto dy = second_point.Y - start_point.Y;
			auto point_dist = 0.001 * sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
			auto delta_start_param = (second_info.second->param - prev_coord->param) * point_dist / qMax(1e-7f, (second_info.second->clen - prev_coord->clen));
			start_param = qBound(0.0, second_info.second->param - delta_start_param, 1.0);
			MapCoordF unused, o2, o3, o4;
			PathCoord::splitBezierCurve(MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 0)), MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 1)),
			                            MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 2)), MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 3)),
			                            unused, unused, o2, o3, o4);
			start_tangent = MapCoord(o3);
			end_tangent = MapCoord(o4);
			start_error_sq = start_coord.distanceSquaredTo(MapCoord(o2));
			if (start_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: start error too high in increasing general case: " << sqrt(start_error_sq);
		// Find better end point approximation and its tangent
		if ( second_last_info.second->param == 0.0 ||
		     (end_info.first &&
		      end_info.second->param == 0.0 &&
		      ( end_info.second->index == edge_start+3 ||
		        (end_info.second->index == end_info.first->first_index && end_info.first->last_index == edge_start+3) ) ) )
			// Take coordinates directly
			end_coord = original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 3);
			auto test_x = end_point.X - end_coord.nativeX();
			auto test_y = end_point.Y - end_coord.nativeY();
			end_error_sq = 0.001 * sqrt(test_x*test_x + test_y*test_y);
			if (end_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: end error too high in increasing direct case: " << sqrt(end_error_sq);
			// Approximate coords
			const PathCoord* next_coord = second_last_info.second + 1;
			auto next_coord_param = next_coord->param;
			if (next_coord_param == 0.0)
				next_coord_param = 1.0;
			auto dx = end_point.X - second_last_point.X;
			auto dy = end_point.Y - second_last_point.Y;
			auto point_dist = 0.001 * sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
			auto delta_end_param = (next_coord_param - second_last_info.second->param) * point_dist / qMax(1e-7f, (next_coord->clen - second_last_info.second->clen));
			auto end_param = (second_last_info.second->param + delta_end_param - start_param) / (1.0 - start_param);
			MapCoordF o0, o1, o2, unused;
			PathCoord::splitBezierCurve(MapCoordF(start_coord), MapCoordF(start_tangent),
			                            MapCoordF(end_tangent), MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 3)),
			                            o0, o1, o2, unused, unused);
			start_tangent = MapCoord(o0);
			end_tangent = MapCoord(o1);
			end_coord = MapCoord(o2);
			auto test_x = end_point.X - end_coord.nativeX();
			auto test_y = end_point.Y - end_coord.nativeY();
			end_error_sq = 0.001 * sqrt(test_x*test_x + test_y*test_y);
			if (end_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: end error too high in increasing general case: " << sqrt(end_error_sq);
	else // if (!sequence_increasing)
		if ( second_info.second->param == 0.0 ||
		     ( start_info.first &&
		       start_info.second->param == 0.0 &&
		       ( start_info.second->index == edge_start+3 ||
			     (start_info.second->index == start_info.first->first_index && start_info.first->last_index == edge_start+3) ) ) )
			// Take coordinates directly
			start_tangent = original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 2);
			end_tangent = original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 1);
			start_error_sq = start_coord.distanceSquaredTo(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 3));
			if (start_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: start error too high in decreasing direct case: " << sqrt(start_error_sq);
			// Approximate coords
			const PathCoord* next_coord = second_info.second + 1;
			auto next_coord_param = next_coord->param;
			if (next_coord_param == 0.0)
				next_coord_param = 1.0;
			auto dx = second_point.X - start_point.X;
			auto dy = second_point.Y - start_point.Y;
			auto point_dist = 0.001 * sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
			auto delta_start_param = (next_coord_param - second_info.second->param) * point_dist / qMax(1e-7f, (next_coord->clen - second_info.second->clen));
			start_param = qBound(0.0, 1.0 - second_info.second->param + delta_start_param, 1.0);
			MapCoordF unused, o2, o3, o4;
			PathCoord::splitBezierCurve(MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 3)), MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 2)),
			                            MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 1)), MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 0)),
			                            unused, unused, o2, o3, o4);
			start_tangent = MapCoord(o3);
			end_tangent = MapCoord(o4);
			start_error_sq = start_coord.distanceSquaredTo(MapCoord(o2));
			if (start_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: start error too high in decreasing general case: " << sqrt(start_error_sq);
		// Find better end point approximation and its tangent
		if ( second_last_info.second->param == 0.0 ||
		     ( end_info.first &&
		       end_info.second->param == 0.0 &&
		       ( end_info.second->index == edge_start ||
		         (end_info.second->index == end_info.first->last_index && end_info.first->first_index == edge_start) ) ) )
			// Take coordinates directly
			end_coord = original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 0);
			auto test_x = end_point.X - end_coord.nativeX();
			auto test_y = end_point.Y - end_coord.nativeY();
			end_error_sq = 0.001 * sqrt(test_x*test_x + test_y*test_y);
			if (end_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: end error too high in decreasing direct case: " << sqrt(end_error_sq);
			// Approximate coords
			const PathCoord* prev_coord = second_last_info.second - 1;
			auto dx = end_point.X - second_last_point.X;
			auto dy = end_point.Y - second_last_point.Y;
			auto point_dist = 0.001 * sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
			auto delta_end_param = (second_last_info.second->param - prev_coord->param) * point_dist / qMax(1e-7f, (second_last_info.second->clen - prev_coord->clen));
			auto end_param = (1.0 - second_last_info.second->param + delta_end_param) / (1 - start_param);
			MapCoordF o0, o1, o2, unused;
			PathCoord::splitBezierCurve(MapCoordF(start_coord), MapCoordF(start_tangent),
			                            MapCoordF(end_tangent), MapCoordF(original->getCoordinate(edge_start + 0)),
			                            o0, o1, o2, unused, unused);
			start_tangent = MapCoord(o0);
			end_tangent = MapCoord(o1);
			end_coord = MapCoord(o2);
			auto test_x = end_point.X - end_coord.nativeX();
			auto test_y = end_point.Y - end_coord.nativeY();
			end_error_sq = 0.001 * sqrt(test_x*test_x + test_y*test_y);
			if (end_error_sq > error_bound)
				qDebug() << "BooleanTool::rebuildSegment: end error too high in decreasing general case: " << sqrt(end_error_sq);
	if (start_error_sq <= error_bound && end_error_sq <= error_bound)
		// Rebuild bezier curve using information from original curve
		// Rebuild bezier curve approximately using tangents derived from result polygon
		rebuildSegmentFromPathOnly(start_point, second_point, second_last_point, end_point, object);
Esempio n. 5
void BooleanTool::polygonToPathPart(const ClipperLib::Path& polygon, const PolyMap& polymap, PathObject* object)
	auto num_points = polygon.size();
	if (num_points < 3)
	// Index of first used point in polygon
	auto part_start_index = 0u;
	auto cur_info = PathCoordInfo{ nullptr, nullptr };
	// Check if we can find either an unknown intersection point
	// or a path coord with parameter 0.
	// This gives a starting point to search for curves to rebuild
	// (because we cannot start in the middle of a curve)
	for (; part_start_index < num_points; ++part_start_index)
		auto current_point =;
		if (!polymap.contains(current_point))
		if (polymap.value(current_point).second->param == 0.0)
			cur_info = polymap.value(current_point);
	if (part_start_index == num_points)
		// Did not find a valid starting point. Return the part as a polygon.
		for (auto i = 0u; i < num_points; ++i)
			object->addCoordinate(MapCoord(0.001 *, 0.001 *, (i == 0));
		object->parts().back().setClosed(true, true);
	// Add the first point to the object
	rebuildCoordinate(part_start_index, polygon, polymap, object, true);
	// Index of first segment point in polygon
	auto segment_start_index = part_start_index;
	bool have_sequence = false;
	bool sequence_increasing = false;
	bool stop_before = false;
	// Advance along the boundary and rebuild the curve for every sequence
	// of path coord pointers with the same path and index.
	auto i = part_start_index;
		if (i >= num_points)
			i = 0;
		PathCoordInfo new_info{ nullptr, nullptr };
		auto new_point =;
		if (polymap.contains(new_point))
			new_info = polymap.value(new_point);
		if (cur_info.first && cur_info.first == new_info.first)
			// Same original part
			auto cur_coord_index = cur_info.second->index;
			MapCoord& cur_coord = cur_info.first->path->getCoordinate(cur_coord_index);
			auto new_coord_index = new_info.second->index;
			MapCoord& new_coord = new_info.first->path->getCoordinate(new_coord_index);
			auto cur_coord_index_adjusted = cur_coord_index;
			if (cur_coord_index_adjusted == new_info.first->first_index)
				cur_coord_index_adjusted = new_info.first->last_index;
			auto new_coord_index_adjusted = new_coord_index;
			if (new_coord_index_adjusted == new_info.first->first_index)
				new_coord_index_adjusted = new_info.first->last_index;
			if (cur_coord_index == new_coord_index)
				// Somewhere on a curve
				bool param_increasing = new_info.second->param > cur_info.second->param;
				if (!have_sequence)
					have_sequence = true;
					sequence_increasing = param_increasing;
				else if (have_sequence && sequence_increasing != param_increasing)
					stop_before = true;
			else if (new_info.second->param == 0.0 &&
			         ( (cur_coord.isCurveStart() && new_coord_index_adjusted == cur_coord_index + 3) ||
					   (!cur_coord.isCurveStart() && new_coord_index_adjusted == cur_coord_index + 1) ) )
				// Original curve is from cur_coord_index to new_coord_index_adjusted.
				if (!have_sequence)
					have_sequence = true;
					sequence_increasing = true;
					stop_before = !sequence_increasing;
			else if (cur_info.second->param == 0.0 &&
			         ( (new_coord.isCurveStart() && new_coord_index + 3 == cur_coord_index_adjusted) ||
					   (!new_coord.isCurveStart() && new_coord_index + 1 == cur_coord_index_adjusted) ) )
				// Original curve is from new_coord_index to cur_coord_index_adjusted.
				if (!have_sequence)
					have_sequence = true;
					sequence_increasing = false;
					stop_before = sequence_increasing;
			else if ((segment_start_index + 1) % num_points != i)
				// Not immediately after segment_start_index
				stop_before = true;
		if (i == part_start_index ||
		    stop_before ||
		    (new_info.second && new_info.second->param == 0.0) ||
			(cur_info.first && (cur_info.first != new_info.first || cur_info.second->index != new_info.second->index) && i != (segment_start_index + 1) % num_points) ||
			if (stop_before)
				if (i == 0)
					i = num_points - 1;
			if (have_sequence)
				// A sequence of at least two points belonging to the same curve
				rebuildSegment(segment_start_index, i, sequence_increasing, polygon, polymap, object);
				// A single straight edge
				rebuildCoordinate(i, polygon, polymap, object);
			if (stop_before)
				if (i >= num_points)
					i = 0;
				rebuildCoordinate(i, polygon, polymap, object);
				stop_before = false;
			segment_start_index = i;
			have_sequence = false;
		cur_info = new_info;
	while  (i != part_start_index);