Esempio n. 1
template <typename T, int stencil> void computeCoupling(dccrg::Dccrg<SpatialCell,dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& mpiGrid,
							const std::vector<CellID>& cells,
							FsGrid< T, stencil>& momentsGrid,
							std::map<int, std::set<CellID> >& onDccrgMapRemoteProcess,
							std::map<int, std::set<CellID> >& onFsgridMapRemoteProcess,
							std::map<CellID, std::vector<int64_t> >& onFsgridMapCells
							) {
  //sorted list of dccrg cells. cells is typicall already sorted, but just to make sure....
  std::vector<CellID> dccrgCells = cells;
  std::sort(dccrgCells.begin(), dccrgCells.end());

  //make sure the datastructures are clean
  //size of fsgrid local part
  const std::array<int, 3> gridDims(momentsGrid.getLocalSize());
  //Compute what we will receive, and where it should be stored
  for (int k=0; k<gridDims[2]; k++) {
    for (int j=0; j<gridDims[1]; j++) {
      for (int i=0; i<gridDims[0]; i++) {
	const std::array<int, 3> globalIndices = momentsGrid.getGlobalIndices(i,j,k);
	const dccrg::Types<3>::indices_t  indices = {{(uint64_t)globalIndices[0],
						      (uint64_t)globalIndices[2]}}; //cast to avoid warnings
	CellID dccrgCell = mpiGrid.get_existing_cell(indices, 0, mpiGrid.mapping.get_maximum_refinement_level());
	int process = mpiGrid.get_process(dccrgCell);
	int64_t  fsgridLid = momentsGrid.LocalIDForCoords(i,j,k);
	int64_t  fsgridGid = momentsGrid.GlobalIDForCoords(i,j,k);
	onFsgridMapRemoteProcess[process].insert(dccrgCell); //cells are ordered (sorted) in set

  // Compute where to send data and what to send
  for(int i=0; i< dccrgCells.size(); i++) {
     //compute to which processes this cell maps
     std::vector<CellID> fsCells = mapDccrgIdToFsGridGlobalID(mpiGrid, dccrgCells[i]);

     //loop over fsgrid cells which this dccrg cell maps to
     for (auto const &fsCellID : fsCells) {
       int process = momentsGrid.getTaskForGlobalID(fsCellID).first; //process on fsgrid
       onDccrgMapRemoteProcess[process].insert(dccrgCells[i]); //add to map
Esempio n. 2
> void solve(
	const std::vector<uint64_t>& cell_ids,
	dccrg::Dccrg<Cell_T, dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& game_grid
) {
	for (auto cell_id: cell_ids) {

		Cell_T* current_data = game_grid[cell_id];
		if (current_data == NULL) {
			std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;

		const std::vector<uint64_t>* const neighbors
			= game_grid.get_neighbors_of(cell_id);

		for (auto neighbor_id: *neighbors) {

			if (neighbor_id == dccrg::error_cell) {

			Cell_T* neighbor_data = game_grid[neighbor_id];
			if (neighbor_data == NULL) {
				std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;

			if ((*neighbor_data)[Is_Alive_T()]) {
Esempio n. 3
void createTargetMesh(dccrg::Dccrg<SpatialCell,dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& mpiGrid,CellID cellID,int dim,
                      bool isRemoteCell) {
   const size_t popID = 0;

   // Get the immediate spatial face neighbors of this cell 
   // in the direction of propagation
   CellID cells[3];
   switch (dim) {
    case 0:
      cells[0] = get_spatial_neighbor(mpiGrid,cellID,true,-1,0,0);
      cells[1] = cellID;
      cells[2] = get_spatial_neighbor(mpiGrid,cellID,true,+1,0,0);
    case 1:
      cells[0] = get_spatial_neighbor(mpiGrid,cellID,true,0,-1,0);
      cells[1] = cellID;
      cells[2] = get_spatial_neighbor(mpiGrid,cellID,true,0,+1,0);
    case 2:
      cells[0] = get_spatial_neighbor(mpiGrid,cellID,true,0,0,-1);
      cells[1] = cellID;
      cells[2] = get_spatial_neighbor(mpiGrid,cellID,true,0,0,+1);
      std::cerr << "create error" << std::endl;

   // Remote (buffered) cells do not consider other remote cells as source cells,
   // i.e., only cells local to this process are translated
   if (isRemoteCell == true) {
      if (mpiGrid.is_local(cells[0]) == false) cells[0] = INVALID_CELLID;
      if (mpiGrid.is_local(cells[2]) == false) cells[2] = INVALID_CELLID;

   SpatialCell* spatial_cell = mpiGrid[cellID];
   vmesh::VelocityMesh<vmesh::GlobalID,vmesh::LocalID>& vmesh    = spatial_cell->get_velocity_mesh_temporary();
   vmesh::VelocityBlockContainer<vmesh::LocalID>& blockContainer = spatial_cell->get_velocity_blocks_temporary();

   // At minimum the target mesh will be an identical copy of the existing mesh
   if (isRemoteCell == false) vmesh = spatial_cell->get_velocity_mesh(popID);
   else vmesh.clear();
   // Add or refine blocks arriving from the upstream

   // Target mesh generated, set block parameters
   for (size_t b=0; b<vmesh.size(); ++b) {
      vmesh::GlobalID blockGID = vmesh.getGlobalID(b);
      Real* blockParams = blockContainer.getParameters(b);
      blockParams[BlockParams::VXCRD] = spatial_cell->get_velocity_block_vx_min(blockGID);
      blockParams[BlockParams::VYCRD] = spatial_cell->get_velocity_block_vy_min(blockGID);
      blockParams[BlockParams::VZCRD] = spatial_cell->get_velocity_block_vz_min(blockGID);
Esempio n. 4
Calculate the number of cells on the maximum refinement level overlapping the list of dccrg cells in cells.
int getNumberOfCellsOnMaxRefLvl(dccrg::Dccrg<SpatialCell,dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& mpiGrid, const std::vector<CellID>& cells) {

   int nCells = 0;
   auto maxRefLvl = mpiGrid.mapping.get_maximum_refinement_level();
   for (auto cellid : cells) {
      auto refLvl = mpiGrid.get_refinement_level(cellid);
      nCells += pow(pow(2,maxRefLvl-refLvl),3);

   return nCells;
Esempio n. 5
std::vector<CellID> mapDccrgIdToFsGridGlobalID(dccrg::Dccrg<SpatialCell,dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& mpiGrid,
					       CellID dccrgID) {
   const auto maxRefLvl  = mpiGrid.get_maximum_refinement_level();
   const auto refLvl = mpiGrid.get_refinement_level(dccrgID);
   const auto cellLength = pow(2,maxRefLvl-refLvl);
   const auto topLeftIndices = mpiGrid.mapping.get_indices(dccrgID);
   std::array<int,3> fsgridDims;
   fsgridDims[0] = P::xcells_ini * pow(2,mpiGrid.get_maximum_refinement_level());
   fsgridDims[1] = P::ycells_ini * pow(2,mpiGrid.get_maximum_refinement_level());
   fsgridDims[2] = P::zcells_ini * pow(2,mpiGrid.get_maximum_refinement_level());

   std::vector<CellID> fsgridIDs(cellLength * cellLength * cellLength);
   for (uint k = 0; k < cellLength; ++k) {
      for (uint j = 0; j < cellLength; ++j) {
         for (uint i = 0; i < cellLength; ++i) {
	   const std::array<uint64_t,3> indices = {{topLeftIndices[0] + i,topLeftIndices[1] + j,topLeftIndices[2] + k}};
	   fsgridIDs[k*cellLength*cellLength + j*cellLength + i] = indices[0] + indices[1] * fsgridDims[0] + indices[2] * fsgridDims[1] * fsgridDims[0];
   return fsgridIDs;
Esempio n. 6
\brief Read in state from a vlsv file in order to restart simulations
\param mpiGrid Vlasiator's grid
\param name Name of the restart file e.g. "restart.00052.vlsv"
 \return Returns true if the operation was successful
 \sa readGrid
bool exec_readGrid(dccrg::Dccrg<SpatialCell,dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& mpiGrid,
      FsGrid< std::array<Real, fsgrids::bfield::N_BFIELD>, 2>& perBGrid,
      FsGrid< std::array<Real, fsgrids::efield::N_EFIELD>, 2>& EGrid,
      FsGrid< fsgrids::technical, 2>& technicalGrid,
                   const std::string& name) {
   vector<CellID> fileCells; /*< CellIds for all cells in file*/
   vector<size_t> nBlocks;/*< Number of blocks for all cells in file*/
   bool success=true;
   int myRank,processes;

#warning Spatial grid name hard-coded here
   const string meshName = "SpatialGrid";
   // Attempt to open VLSV file for reading:


   vlsv::ParallelReader file;
   MPI_Info mpiInfo = MPI_INFO_NULL;

   if (,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MASTER_RANK,mpiInfo) == false) {
   exitOnError(success,"(RESTART) Could not open file",MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   // Around May 2015 time was renamed from "t" to "time", we try to read both, 
   // new way is read first
   if (readScalarParameter(file,"time",P::t,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD) == false)
     if (readScalarParameter(file,"t", P::t,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD) == false) 

   // Around May 2015 timestep was renamed from "tstep" to "timestep", we to read
   // both, new way is read first
   if (readScalarParameter(file,"timestep",P::tstep,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD) == false)
     if (readScalarParameter(file,"tstep", P::tstep,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD) ==false) 
       success = false;

   if(readScalarParameter(file,"dt",P::dt,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD) ==false) success=false;

   if(readScalarParameter(file,"fieldSolverSubcycles",P::fieldSolverSubcycles,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD) ==false) {
      // Legacy restarts do not have this field, it "should" be safe for one or two steps...
      P::fieldSolverSubcycles = 1.0;
      cout << " No P::fieldSolverSubcycles found in restart, setting 1." << endl;


   if (success == true) success = readCellIds(file,fileCells,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   // Check that the cellID lists are identical in file and grid
   if (myRank==0){
      vector<CellID> allGridCells=mpiGrid.get_all_cells();
      if (fileCells.size() != allGridCells.size()){
   exitOnError(success,"(RESTART) Wrong number of cells in restart file",MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   // Read the total number of velocity blocks in each spatial cell.
   // Note that this is a sum over all existing particle species.
   if (success == true) {
      success = readNBlocks(file,meshName,nBlocks,MASTER_RANK,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   //make sure all cells are empty, we will anyway overwrite everything and 
   // in that case moving cells is easier...
        const vector<CellID>& gridCells = getLocalCells();
        for (size_t i=0; i<gridCells.size(); i++) {
           for (uint popID=0; popID<getObjectWrapper().particleSpecies.size(); ++popID)

   uint64_t totalNumberOfBlocks=0;
   unsigned int numberOfBlocksPerProcess;
   for(uint i=0; i<nBlocks.size(); ++i){
      totalNumberOfBlocks += nBlocks[i];
   numberOfBlocksPerProcess= 1 + totalNumberOfBlocks/processes;

   uint64_t localCellStartOffset=0; // This is where local cells start in file-list after migration.
   uint64_t localCells=0;
   uint64_t numberOfBlocksCount=0;
   // Pin local cells to remote processes, we try to balance number of blocks so that 
   // each process has the same amount of blocks, more or less.
   for (size_t i=0; i<fileCells.size(); ++i) {
      numberOfBlocksCount += nBlocks[i];
      int newCellProcess = numberOfBlocksCount/numberOfBlocksPerProcess;
      if (newCellProcess == myRank) {
         if (localCells == 0)
            localCellStartOffset=i; //here local cells start
      if (mpiGrid.is_local(fileCells[i])) {[i],newCellProcess);


   //Do initial load balance based on pins. Need to transfer at least sysboundaryflags

   //update list of local gridcells

   //get new list of local gridcells
   const vector<CellID>& gridCells = getLocalCells();

   // Unpin cells, otherwise we will never change this initial bad balance
   for (size_t i=0; i<gridCells.size(); ++i) {

   // Check for errors, has migration succeeded
   if (localCells != gridCells.size() ) {

   if (success == true) {
      for (uint64_t i=localCellStartOffset; i<localCellStartOffset+localCells; ++i) {
         if(mpiGrid.is_local(fileCells[i]) == false) {
            success = false;

   exitOnError(success,"(RESTART) Cell migration failed",MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   // Set cell coordinates based on cfg (mpigrid) information
   for (size_t i=0; i<gridCells.size(); ++i) {
      array<double, 3> cell_min = mpiGrid.geometry.get_min(gridCells[i]);
      array<double, 3> cell_length = mpiGrid.geometry.get_length(gridCells[i]);

      mpiGrid[gridCells[i]]->parameters[CellParams::XCRD] = cell_min[0];
      mpiGrid[gridCells[i]]->parameters[CellParams::YCRD] = cell_min[1];
      mpiGrid[gridCells[i]]->parameters[CellParams::ZCRD] = cell_min[2];
      mpiGrid[gridCells[i]]->parameters[CellParams::DX  ] = cell_length[0];
      mpiGrid[gridCells[i]]->parameters[CellParams::DY  ] = cell_length[1];
      mpiGrid[gridCells[i]]->parameters[CellParams::DZ  ] = cell_length[2];

   // Where local data start in the blocklists
   //uint64_t localBlocks=0;
   //for(uint64_t i=localCellStartOffset; i<localCellStartOffset+localCells; ++i) {
   //  localBlocks += nBlocks[i];

   //todo, check file datatype, and do not just use double
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"moments",CellParams::RHOM,5,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"moments_dt2",CellParams::RHOM_DT2,5,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"moments_r",CellParams::RHOM_R,5,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"moments_v",CellParams::RHOM_V,5,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"pressure",CellParams::P_11,3,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"pressure_dt2",CellParams::P_11_DT2,3,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"pressure_r",CellParams::P_11_R,3,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"pressure_v",CellParams::P_11_V,3,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"LB_weight",CellParams::LBWEIGHTCOUNTER,1,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"max_v_dt",CellParams::MAXVDT,1,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"max_r_dt",CellParams::MAXRDT,1,mpiGrid); }
   if(success) { success=readCellParamsVariable(file,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,"max_fields_dt",CellParams::MAXFDT,1,mpiGrid); }
// Backround B has to be set, there are also the derivatives that should be written/read if we wanted to only read in background field

   if (success == true) {
      success = readBlockData(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,mpiGrid); 

   // Read fsgrid data back in
   int fsgridInputRanks=0;
   if(readScalarParameter(file,"numWritingRanks",fsgridInputRanks, MASTER_RANK, MPI_COMM_WORLD) == false) {
      exitOnError(false, "(RESTART) FSGrid writing rank number not found in restart file", MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   success = readFsGridVariable(file, "fg_PERB", fsgridInputRanks, perBGrid);
   success = readFsGridVariable(file, "fg_E", fsgridInputRanks, EGrid);
   success = file.close();

   exitOnError(success,"(RESTART) Other failure",MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   return success;
Esempio n. 7
/** Read velocity block data of all existing particle species.
 * @param file VLSV reader.
 * @param meshName Name of the spatial mesh.
 * @param fileCells Vector containing spatial cell IDs.
 * @param localCellStartOffset Offset into fileCells, determines where the cells belonging 
 * to this process start.
 * @param localCells Number of spatial cells assigned to this process.
 * @param mpiGrid Parallel grid library.
 * @return If true, velocity block data was read successfully.*/
bool readBlockData(
        vlsv::ParallelReader& file,
        const string& meshName,
        const vector<CellID>& fileCells,
        const uint64_t localCellStartOffset,
        const uint64_t localCells,
        dccrg::Dccrg<SpatialCell,dccrg::Cartesian_Geometry>& mpiGrid
   ) {
   bool success = true;

   const uint64_t bytesReadStart = file.getBytesRead();
   int N_processes;

   uint64_t arraySize;
   uint64_t vectorSize;
   vlsv::datatype::type dataType;
   uint64_t byteSize;
   uint64_t* offsetArray = new uint64_t[N_processes];

   for (uint popID=0; popID<getObjectWrapper().particleSpecies.size(); ++popID) {
      const string& popName = getObjectWrapper().particleSpecies[popID].name;

      // Create a cellID remapping lambda that can renumber our velocity space, should it's size have changed.
      // By default, this is a no-op that keeps the blockIDs untouched.
      std::function<vmesh::GlobalID(vmesh::GlobalID)> blockIDremapper = [](vmesh::GlobalID oldID) -> vmesh::GlobalID {return oldID;};

      // Check that velocity space extents and DV matches the grids we have created
      list<pair<string,string> > attribs;
      std::array<unsigned int, 6> fileMeshBBox;
      unsigned int* bufferpointer = &fileMeshBBox[0];
      if ("MESH_BBOX",attribs,0,6,bufferpointer,false) == false) {
         logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Failed to read MESH_BBOX at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl << write;
         success = false;

      const size_t meshID = getObjectWrapper().particleSpecies[popID].velocityMesh;
      const vmesh::MeshParameters& ourMeshParams = getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID];
      if(fileMeshBBox[0] != ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] ||
            fileMeshBBox[1] != ourMeshParams.gridLength[1] ||
            fileMeshBBox[2] != ourMeshParams.gridLength[2]) {

         logFile << "(RESTART) INFO: velocity mesh sizes don't match:" << endl
                 << "    restart file has " << fileMeshBBox[0] << " x " << fileMeshBBox[1] << " x " << fileMeshBBox[2] << "," << endl
                 << "    config specifies " << ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] << " x " <<  ourMeshParams.gridLength[1] << " x " <<  ourMeshParams.gridLength[2] << endl << write;

         if(ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] < fileMeshBBox[0] ||
               ourMeshParams.gridLength[1] < fileMeshBBox[1] ||
               ourMeshParams.gridLength[2] < fileMeshBBox[2]) {
            logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: trying to shrink velocity space." << endl << write;

         // If we are mismatched, we have to iterate through the velocity coords to see if we have a
         // chance at renumbering.
         std::vector<Real> fileVelCoordsX(fileMeshBBox[0]*fileMeshBBox[3]+1);
         std::vector<Real> fileVelCoordsY(fileMeshBBox[1]*fileMeshBBox[4]+1);
         std::vector<Real> fileVelCoordsZ(fileMeshBBox[2]*fileMeshBBox[5]+1);

         Real* tempPointer =;
         if ("MESH_NODE_CRDS_X",attribs,0,fileMeshBBox[0]*fileMeshBBox[3]+1,tempPointer,false) == false) {
            logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Failed to read MESH_NODE_CRDS_X at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl << write;
            success = false;
         tempPointer =;
         if ("MESH_NODE_CRDS_Y",attribs,0,fileMeshBBox[1]*fileMeshBBox[4]+1,tempPointer,false) == false) {
            logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Failed to read MESH_NODE_CRDS_X at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl << write;
            success = false;
         tempPointer =;
         if ("MESH_NODE_CRDS_Z",attribs,0,fileMeshBBox[2]*fileMeshBBox[5]+1,tempPointer,false) == false) {
            logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Failed to read MESH_NODE_CRDS_X at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl << write;
            success = false;

         const Real dVx = getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].cellSize[0];
         for(const auto& c : fileVelCoordsX) {
            Real cellindex = (c - getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[0]) / dVx;
            if(fabs(nearbyint(cellindex) - cellindex) > 1./10000.) {
               logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Can't resize velocity space as cell coordinates don't match." << endl
                  << "          (X coordinate " << c << " = " << cellindex <<" * " << dVx << " + " << getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[0] << endl
                  << "           coordinate  = cellindex *   dV  +  meshMinLimits)" << endl << write;

         const Real dVy = getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].cellSize[1];
         for(const auto& c : fileVelCoordsY) {
            Real cellindex = (c - getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[1]) / dVy;
            if(fabs(nearbyint(cellindex) - cellindex) > 1./10000.) {
               logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Can't resize velocity space as cell coordinates don't match." << endl
                  << "           (Y coordinate " << c << " = " << cellindex <<" * " << dVy << " + " << getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[1] << endl
                  << "           coordinate  = cellindex *   dV  +  meshMinLimits)" << endl << write;

         const Real dVz = getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].cellSize[2];
         for(const auto& c : fileVelCoordsY) {
            Real cellindex = (c - getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[2]) / dVz;
            if(fabs(nearbyint(cellindex) - cellindex) > 1./10000.) {
               logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Can't resize velocity space as cell coordinates don't match." << endl
                  << "           (Z coordinate " << c << " = " << cellindex <<" * " << dVz << " + " << getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[2] << endl
                  << "           coordinate  = cellindex *   dV  +  meshMinLimits)" << endl << write;

         // If we haven't aborted above, we can apparently renumber our
         // cellIDs. Build an approprita blockIDremapper lambda for this purpose.
         std::array<int, 3> velGridOffset;
         velGridOffset[0] = (fileVelCoordsX[0] - getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[0]) / dVx;
         velGridOffset[1] = (fileVelCoordsY[0] - getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[1]) / dVy;
         velGridOffset[2] = (fileVelCoordsZ[0] - getObjectWrapper().velocityMeshes[meshID].meshMinLimits[2]) / dVz;

         if((velGridOffset[0] % ourMeshParams.blockLength[0] != 0) ||
               (velGridOffset[1] % ourMeshParams.blockLength[1] != 0) ||
               (velGridOffset[2] % ourMeshParams.blockLength[2] != 0)) {
            logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: resizing velocity space on restart must end up with the old velocity space" << endl
                    << "                 at a block boundary of the new space!" << endl
                    << "                 (It now starts at cell [" << velGridOffset[0] << ", " << velGridOffset[1] << "," << velGridOffset[2] << "])" << endl << write;

         velGridOffset[0] /= ourMeshParams.blockLength[0];
         velGridOffset[1] /= ourMeshParams.blockLength[1];
         velGridOffset[2] /= ourMeshParams.blockLength[2];

         blockIDremapper = [fileMeshBBox,velGridOffset,ourMeshParams](vmesh::GlobalID oldID) -> vmesh::GlobalID {
            unsigned int x,y,z;
            x = oldID % fileMeshBBox[0];
            y = (oldID / fileMeshBBox[0]) % fileMeshBBox[1];
            z = oldID / (fileMeshBBox[0] * fileMeshBBox[1]);

            x += velGridOffset[0];
            y += velGridOffset[1];
            z += velGridOffset[2];

            //logFile << " Remapping " << oldID << "(" << x << "," << y << "," << z << ") to " << x + y * ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] + z* ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] * ourMeshParams.gridLength[1] << endl << write;
            return x + y * ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] + z* ourMeshParams.gridLength[0] * ourMeshParams.gridLength[1];

         logFile << "    => Resizing velocity space by renumbering GlobalIDs." << endl << endl << write;

      // In restart files each spatial cell has an entry in CELLSWITHBLOCKS. 
      // Each process calculates how many velocity blocks it has for this species.
      vmesh::LocalID* blocksPerCell = NULL;
      if ("BLOCKSPERCELL",attribs,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,true) == false) {
         logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Failed to read BLOCKSPERCELL at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl << write;
         success = false;

      // Count how many velocity blocks this process gets
      uint64_t blockSum = 0;
      for (uint64_t i=0; i<localCells; ++i){
         blockSum += blocksPerCell[i];
      // Gather all block sums to master process who will them broadcast 
      // the values to everyone
      // Calculate the offset from which this process starts reading block data
      uint64_t myOffset = 0;
      for (int64_t i=0; i<mpiGrid.get_rank(); ++i) myOffset += offsetArray[i];
      if (file.getArrayInfo("BLOCKVARIABLE",attribs,arraySize,vectorSize,dataType,byteSize) == false) {
         logFile << "(RESTART)  ERROR: Failed to read BLOCKVARIABLE INFO" << endl << write;
         return false;

      // Call _readBlockData
      if (dataType == vlsv::datatype::type::FLOAT) {
         switch (byteSize) {
            case sizeof(double):
               if (_readBlockData<double>(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,
                                          myOffset,blockSum,mpiGrid,blockIDremapper,popID) == false) success = false;
            case sizeof(float):
               if (_readBlockData<float>(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,
                                         myOffset,blockSum,mpiGrid,blockIDremapper,popID) == false) success = false;
      } else if (dataType == vlsv::datatype::type::UINT) {
         switch (byteSize) {
            case sizeof(uint32_t):
               if (_readBlockData<uint32_t>(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,
                                            myOffset,blockSum,mpiGrid,blockIDremapper,popID) == false) success = false;
            case sizeof(uint64_t):
               if (_readBlockData<uint64_t>(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,
                                            myOffset,blockSum,mpiGrid,blockIDremapper,popID) == false) success = false;
      } else if (dataType == vlsv::datatype::type::INT) {
         switch (byteSize) {
            case sizeof(int32_t):
               if (_readBlockData<int32_t>(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,
                                           myOffset,blockSum,mpiGrid,blockIDremapper,popID) == false) success = false;
            case sizeof(int64_t):
               if (_readBlockData<int64_t>(file,meshName,fileCells,localCellStartOffset,localCells,blocksPerCell,
                                           myOffset,blockSum,mpiGrid,blockIDremapper,popID) == false) success = false;
      } else {
         logFile << "(RESTART) ERROR: Failed to read data type at readCellParamsVariable" << endl << write;
         success = false;
      delete [] blocksPerCell; blocksPerCell = NULL;
   } // for-loop over particle species

   delete [] offsetArray; offsetArray = NULL;
   const uint64_t bytesReadEnd = file.getBytesRead() - bytesReadStart;
   logFile << "Velocity meshes and data read, approximate data rate is ";
   logFile << vlsv::printDataRate(bytesReadEnd,file.getReadTime()) << endl << write;

   return success;
Esempio n. 8
setOfPencils buildPencils( dccrg::Dccrg<grid_data> grid,
			   setOfPencils &pencils, vector<CellID> idsOut,
			   vector<CellID> idsIn, int dimension, 
			   vector<pair<bool,bool>> path) {

  // Not necessary since c++ passes a copy by default.
  // Copy the input ids to a working set of ids
  // vector<int> ids( idsIn );
  // Copy the already computed pencil to the output list
  // vector<int> idsOut( idsInPencil );
  uint i = 0;
  uint length = idsIn.size();
  // Walk along the input pencil. Initially length is equal to the length of the
  // Unrefined pencil. When refined cells are encountered, the length is increased
  // accordingly to go through the entire pencil.
  while (i < length) {

    uint i1 = i + 1;
    uint id = idsIn[i];

    vector<CellID> children = grid.get_all_children(id);
    bool hasChildren = ( grid.get_parent(children[0]) == id );
    // Check if the current cell contains refined cells
    if (hasChildren) {
      // Check if we have encountered this refinement level before and stored
      // the path this builder followed
      if (path.size() > grid.get_refinement_level(id)) {

	// Get children using the stored path	
	vector<CellID> myChildren = getMyChildren(children,dimension,
	// Add the children to the working set at index i1

	length += myChildren.size();	
      } else {

	// Spawn new builders to construct pencils at the new refinement level
	for (bool left : { true, false }) {	
	  for (bool up : { true, false }) {
	    // Store the path this builder has chosen
	    vector < pair <bool,bool>> myPath = path;
	    myPath.push_back(pair<bool, bool>(up,left));
	    // Get children along my path.
	    vector<CellID> myChildren = getMyChildren(children,dimension,up,left);
	    // Get the ids that have not been processed yet.
	    vector<CellID> remainingIds(idsIn.begin() + i1, idsIn.end());
	    // The current builder continues along the bottom-right path.
	    // Other paths will spawn a new builder.
	    if (!up && !left) {
	      // Add the children to the working set. Next iteration of the
	      // main loop (over idsIn) will start on the first child

	      // Add the children to the working set at index i1
	      length += myChildren.size();
	      path = myPath;
	    } else {
	      // Create a new working set by adding the remainder of the old
	      // working set to the end of the current children list


    } else {

      // Add unrefined cells to the pencil directly

    }; // closes if(isRefined)

    // Move to the next cell
  }; // closes loop over ids

  return pencils;
} // closes function
Esempio n. 9
    > void initialize(
        const Geometries& geometries,
        Init_Cond& initial_conditions,
        const Background_Magnetic_Field& bg_B,
        dccrg::Dccrg<Cell, Geometry>& grid,
        const std::vector<uint64_t>& cells,
        const double time,
        const double adiabatic_index,
        const double vacuum_permeability,
        const double proton_mass,
        const bool verbose,
        const Mass_Density_Getter Mas,
        const Momentum_Density_Getter Mom,
        const Total_Energy_Density_Getter Nrj,
        const Magnetic_Field_Getter Mag,
        const Background_Magnetic_Field_Pos_X_Getter Bg_B_Pos_X,
        const Background_Magnetic_Field_Pos_Y_Getter Bg_B_Pos_Y,
        const Background_Magnetic_Field_Pos_Z_Getter Bg_B_Pos_Z,
        const Mass_Density_Flux_Getter Mas_f,
        const Momentum_Density_Flux_Getter Mom_f,
        const Total_Energy_Density_Flux_Getter Nrj_f,
        const Magnetic_Field_Flux_Getter Mag_f
    ) {
    if (verbose and grid.get_rank() == 0) {
        std::cout << "Setting default MHD state... ";
    // set default state
    for (const auto cell_id: cells) {
        auto* const cell_data = grid[cell_id];
        if (cell_data == nullptr) {
            std::cerr <<  __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << ") No data for cell: "
                      << cell_id
                      << std::endl;

        // zero fluxes and background fields
        Mas_f(*cell_data)         =
            Nrj_f(*cell_data)         =
                Mom_f(*cell_data)[0]      =
                    Mom_f(*cell_data)[1]      =
                        Mom_f(*cell_data)[2]      =
                            Mag_f(*cell_data)[0]      =
                                Mag_f(*cell_data)[1]      =
                                    Mag_f(*cell_data)[2]      = 0;

        const auto c = grid.geometry.get_center(cell_id);
        const auto r = sqrt(c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
        const auto
        lat = asin(c[2] / r),
        lon = atan2(c[1], c[0]);

        const auto mass_density
            = proton_mass
              * initial_conditions.get_default_data(
                  c[0], c[1], c[2],
                  r, lat, lon
        const auto velocity
            = initial_conditions.get_default_data(
                  c[0], c[1], c[2],
                  r, lat, lon
        const auto pressure
            = initial_conditions.get_default_data(
                  c[0], c[1], c[2],
                  r, lat, lon
        const auto magnetic_field
            = initial_conditions.get_default_data(
                  c[0], c[1], c[2],
                  r, lat, lon

        Mas(*cell_data) = mass_density;
        Mom(*cell_data) = mass_density * velocity;
        Mag(*cell_data) = magnetic_field;
        Nrj(*cell_data) = get_total_energy_density(

        const auto cell_end = grid.geometry.get_max(cell_id);
        Bg_B_Pos_X(*cell_data) = bg_B.get_background_field(
        {cell_end[0], c[1], c[2]},
        Bg_B_Pos_Y(*cell_data) = bg_B.get_background_field(
        {c[0], cell_end[1], c[2]},
        Bg_B_Pos_Z(*cell_data) = bg_B.get_background_field(
        {c[0], c[1], cell_end[2]},

    // set non-default initial conditions
    if (verbose and grid.get_rank() == 0) {
        std::cout << "done\nSetting non-default initial MHD state... ";

    Set non-default initial conditions

    // mass density
    for (
        size_t i = 0;
        i < initial_conditions.get_number_of_regions(Number_Density());
    ) {
        const auto& init_cond = initial_conditions.get_initial_condition(Number_Density(), i);
        const auto& geometry_id = init_cond.get_geometry_id();
        const auto& cells = geometries.get_cells(geometry_id);
        for (const auto& cell: cells) {
            const auto c = grid.geometry.get_center(cell);
            const auto r = sqrt(c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
            const auto
            lat = asin(c[2] / r),
            lon = atan2(c[1], c[0]);

            const auto mass_density
                = proton_mass
                  * initial_conditions.get_data(
                      c[0], c[1], c[2],
                      r, lat, lon

            auto* const cell_data = grid[cell];
            if (cell_data == NULL) {
                std::cerr <<  __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << std::endl;

            Mas(*cell_data) = mass_density;

    // velocity
    for (
        size_t i = 0;
        i < initial_conditions.get_number_of_regions(Velocity());
    ) {
        const auto& init_cond = initial_conditions.get_initial_condition(Velocity(), i);
        const auto& geometry_id = init_cond.get_geometry_id();
        const auto& cells = geometries.get_cells(geometry_id);
        for (const auto& cell: cells) {
            const auto c = grid.geometry.get_center(cell);
            const auto r = sqrt(c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
            const auto
            lat = asin(c[2] / r),
            lon = atan2(c[1], c[0]);

            const auto velocity = initial_conditions.get_data(
                                      c[0], c[1], c[2],
                                      r, lat, lon

            auto* const cell_data = grid[cell];
            if (cell_data == NULL) {
                std::cerr <<  __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__
                          << ") No data for cell: " << cell
                          << std::endl;

            Mom(*cell_data) = Mas(*cell_data) * velocity;

    // magnetic field
    for (
        size_t i = 0;
        i < initial_conditions.get_number_of_regions(Magnetic_Field());
    ) {
        const auto& init_cond = initial_conditions.get_initial_condition(Magnetic_Field(), i);
        const auto& geometry_id = init_cond.get_geometry_id();
        const auto& cells = geometries.get_cells(geometry_id);
        for (const auto& cell: cells) {
            const auto c = grid.geometry.get_center(cell);
            const auto r = sqrt(c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
            const auto
            lat = asin(c[2] / r),
            lon = atan2(c[1], c[0]);

            const auto magnetic_field = initial_conditions.get_data(
                                            c[0], c[1], c[2],
                                            r, lat, lon

            auto* const cell_data = grid[cell];
            if (cell_data == NULL) {
                std::cerr <<  __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__
                          << ") No data for cell: " << cell
                          << std::endl;

            Mag(*cell_data) = magnetic_field;

    // pressure
    for (
        size_t i = 0;
        i < initial_conditions.get_number_of_regions(Pressure());
    ) {
        std::cout << std::endl;
        const auto& init_cond = initial_conditions.get_initial_condition(Pressure(), i);
        const auto& geometry_id = init_cond.get_geometry_id();
        std::cout << geometry_id << std::endl;
        const auto& cells = geometries.get_cells(geometry_id);
        std::cout << cells.size() << std::endl;
        for (const auto& cell: cells) {
            const auto c = grid.geometry.get_center(cell);
            const auto r = sqrt(c[0]*c[0] + c[1]*c[1] + c[2]*c[2]);
            const auto
            lat = asin(c[2] / r),
            lon = atan2(c[1], c[0]);

            const auto pressure = initial_conditions.get_data(
                                      c[0], c[1], c[2],
                                      r, lat, lon

            auto* const cell_data = grid[cell];
            if (cell_data == NULL) {
                std::cerr <<  __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__
                          << ") No data for cell: " << cell
                          << std::endl;

            Nrj(*cell_data) = get_total_energy_density(
                                  Mom(*cell_data) / Mas(*cell_data),

    if (verbose and grid.get_rank() == 0) {
        std::cout << "done" << std::endl;