Reader::Reader(::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr dp, int history_depth, int max_samples_per_instance) : max_samples_per_instance_(max_samples_per_instance), dp_(::DDS::DomainParticipant::_duplicate (dp)) { sub_ = dp->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, ::DDS::SubscriberListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_subscriber failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } ::DDS::TopicDescription_var description = dp->lookup_topicdescription(MY_TOPIC); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) lookup_topicdescription failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } ::DDS::DataReaderQos dr_qos; sub_->get_default_datareader_qos (dr_qos); dr_qos.history.depth = history_depth ; dr_qos.resource_limits.max_samples_per_instance = max_samples_per_instance ; dr_qos.liveliness.lease_duration.sec = static_cast<CORBA::Long> (max_blocking_time.sec ()); dr_qos.liveliness.lease_duration.nanosec = 0 ; ::DDS::DataReaderListener_var drl (new DataReaderListenerImpl); ::DDS::DataReader_var dr = sub_->create_datareader( (), dr_qos, // ::DDS::DataReaderListener::_nil() (), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_datareader failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } }
DDS::DataReader_ptr create_data_reader(DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, DDS::Subscriber_ptr subscriber, const char* type_name, const char* topic_name, const DDS::DataReaderQos& dr_qos, DDS::DataReaderListener_ptr drl) { DDS::Topic_var topic = participant->create_topic(topic_name, type_name, TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, DDS::TopicListener::_nil(), OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil(topic)) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "create_data_reader(): Failed to create topic, name = %s\n", topic_name)); } DDS::DataReader_var reader = subscriber->create_datareader(, dr_qos, drl, OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil(reader)) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "create_data_reader(): Failed to create data reader\n")); } return reader._retn(); }
void DDS_Base_Connector_T<CCM_TYPE>::remove_subscriber ( ::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, ::DDS::Subscriber_ptr subscriber) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_subscriber"); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_subscriber - " "Going to delete subscriber " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " from participant" DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER "\n", DDS_ENTITY_LOG (subscriber), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant))); DDS::ReturnCode_t const retval = participant->delete_subscriber (subscriber); if (retval != ::DDS::RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_subscriber - " "Unable to delete subscriber: <%C>\n", ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retval))); throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL (); } else { DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_STATUS, (LM_INFO, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_subscriber - " "Deleted subscriber\n")); } }
DDS::DataWriter_ptr MonitorFactoryImpl::create_data_writer(DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, DDS::Publisher_ptr publisher, const char* type_name, const char* topic_name, const DDS::DataWriterQos& dw_qos) { DDS::Topic_var topic = participant->create_topic(topic_name, type_name, TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, DDS::TopicListener::_nil(), OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil(topic)) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "MonitorFactoryImpl::create_data_writer(): Failed to create topic, name = %s\n", topic_name)); } DDS::DataWriter_var writer = publisher->create_datawriter(, dw_qos, DDS::DataWriterListener::_nil(), OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil(writer)) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, "MonitorFactoryImpl::create_data_writer(): Failed to create data writer\n")); } return writer._retn(); }
Writer::Writer(::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr dp, ::DDS::Topic_ptr topic, int history_depth, int max_samples_per_instance) : dp_(::DDS::DomainParticipant::_duplicate (dp)) { // Create the publisher pub_ = dp->create_publisher(PUBLISHER_QOS_DEFAULT, ::DDS::PublisherListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_publisher failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } // Create the datawriter ::DDS::DataWriterQos dw_qos; pub_->get_default_datawriter_qos (dw_qos); dw_qos.history.depth = history_depth ; dw_qos.resource_limits.max_samples_per_instance = max_samples_per_instance ; dw_qos.liveliness.lease_duration.sec = static_cast<CORBA::Long> (max_blocking_time.sec ()); dw_qos.liveliness.lease_duration.nanosec = 0 ; dw_ = pub_->create_datawriter(topic, dw_qos, ::DDS::DataWriterListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_datawriter failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } ::Xyz::FooDataWriter_var foo_dw = ::Xyz::FooDataWriter::_narrow( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) ::Xyz::FooDataWriter::_narrow failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } fast_dw_ = dynamic_cast< ::Xyz::FooDataWriterImpl*> ( ()); }
void DDS_Base_Connector_T<CCM_TYPE>::remove_topic ( ::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, ::DDS::Topic_ptr topic) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_topic"); CORBA::String_var name = topic->get_name (); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_topic - " "Going to delete topic <%C> " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER "from participant" DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER "\n", (), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (topic), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant))); DDS::ReturnCode_t const retcode = participant->delete_topic (topic); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_topic - " "Deleted topic <%C> " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER "from " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " return code <%C>\n", (), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (topic), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant), ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); if (retcode != ::DDS::RETCODE_OK && retcode != ::DDS::RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET) { throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode, 0); } }
void DDS_Base_Connector_T<CCM_TYPE>::init_subscriber ( ::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, ::DDS::Subscriber_ptr & subscriber) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_subscriber"); if (::CORBA::is_nil (subscriber)) { #if (CIAO_DDS4CCM_NDDS==1) if (this-> () != 0) { subscriber = participant->create_subscriber_with_profile ( this-> (), ::DDS::SubscriberListener::_nil (), 0); } else #endif { ::DDS::SubscriberQos sqos; DDS::ReturnCode_t const retcode = participant->get_default_subscriber_qos (sqos); if (retcode != DDS::RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_subscriber - " "Error: Unable to retrieve get_default_subscriber_qos: <%C>\n", ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode, 0); } if (this-> () != 0 && this->qos_xml_) { DDS::ReturnCode_t const retcode_sub_qos = this->qos_xml_->get_subscriber_qos ( sqos, this-> ()); if (retcode_sub_qos != DDS::RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_subscriber - " "Error: Unable to retrieve subscriber QOS from XML: <%C>\n", ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode_sub_qos))); throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode_sub_qos, 0); } } #if defined GEN_OSTREAM_OPS if (DDS4CCM_debug_level >= DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_STATUS) { std::stringstream output; output << sqos; std::string message = output.str(); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_STATUS, (LM_INFO, DDS4CCM_INFO ACE_TEXT ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_subscriber - ") ACE_TEXT ("Using subscriber QOS <%C>\n"), message.c_str())); } #endif subscriber = participant->create_subscriber (sqos, ::DDS::SubscriberListener::_nil (), 0); } if (!::CORBA::is_nil (subscriber)) { DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_subscriber - " "Created subscriber " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " using participant " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER "\n", DDS_ENTITY_LOG (subscriber), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant))); } else { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_NIL_RETURN, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_subscriber - " "Error: DDS returned a nil subscriber.\n")); throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (::DDS::RETCODE_ERROR, 0); } } }
void DDS_Base_Connector_T<CCM_TYPE>::init_topic ( ::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, ::DDS::Topic_ptr & topic, const char * topic_name, const char * type_name) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic"); ::DDS::Duration_t timeout; timeout.sec = 0; timeout.nanosec = 0; DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - " "Finding existing topic " "name <%C> for profile <%C> in participant " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER "\n", topic_name, this-> (), DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant))); ::DDS::Topic_var dds_tp = participant->find_topic (topic_name, timeout); if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { // Re-use topic. DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - " "Re using topic <%C> for profile <%C>\n", topic_name, this-> ())); topic = ::DDS::Topic::_duplicate (dds_tp); return; } #if (CIAO_DDS4CCM_NDDS==1) if (this-> () != 0) { // Create a new topic topic = participant->create_topic_with_profile (topic_name, type_name, this-> (), ::DDS::TopicListener::_nil (), 0); } else #endif { ::DDS::TopicQos tqos; DDS::ReturnCode_t const retcode = participant->get_default_topic_qos (tqos); if (retcode != DDS::RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - " "Error: Unable to retrieve default_topic_qos: <%C>\n", ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode, 0); } if (this-> () != 0 && this->qos_xml_) { DDS::ReturnCode_t const retcode_tp_qos = this->qos_xml_->get_topic_qos ( tqos, this-> (), topic_name); if (retcode_tp_qos != DDS::RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - " "Error: Unable to retrieve topic QOS from XML: <%C>\n", ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode_tp_qos))); throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode_tp_qos, 0); } } #if defined GEN_OSTREAM_OPS if (DDS4CCM_debug_level >= DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_STATUS) { std::stringstream output; output << tqos; std::string message = output.str(); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_STATUS, (LM_INFO, DDS4CCM_INFO ACE_TEXT ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - ") ACE_TEXT ("Using topic QOS <%C>\n"), message.c_str())); } #endif // Create a new topic topic = participant->create_topic (topic_name, type_name, tqos, ::DDS::TopicListener::_nil (), 0); } if (!::CORBA::is_nil (topic)) { DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - " "Created new topic " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " name <%C> type <%C> for profile <%C>\n", DDS_ENTITY_LOG (topic), topic_name, type_name, this-> ())); } else { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_NIL_RETURN, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T::init_topic - " "Error: unable to create new topic <%C> for profile <%C>\n", topic_name, this-> ())); throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (::DDS::RETCODE_ERROR, 0); } }
void DDS_Base_Connector_T<CCM_TYPE>::remove_domain ( ::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_Base_Connector_T::remove_domain"); DDS::ReturnCode_t retcode = DDS::RETCODE_OK; if (DPMANAGER->unregister_participant ( this->domain_id_, this-> (), participant)) { DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T" "::remove_domain - " "Going to delete contained entities of participant " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " for domain <%d> with qos <%C>.\n", DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant), this->domain_id_, this-> ())); retcode = participant->delete_contained_entities (); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T" "::remove_domain - " "Deleted contained entities for participant " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " remove_topic - Deleted topic for domain <%d> with qos <%C> " "return code <%C>\n", DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant), this->domain_id_, this-> (), ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); if (retcode != ::DDS::RETCODE_OK) { throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode, 0); } DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T" "::remove_domain - " "Going to delete participant " DDS_ENTITY_FORMAT_SPECIFIER " for domain <%d> with qos <%C>.\n", DDS_ENTITY_LOG (participant), this->domain_id_, this-> ())); retcode = this->participant_factory_->delete_participant (participant); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Base_Connector_T" "::remove_domain - " "Deleted participant for domain <%d> with qos <%C> " "return code <%C>\n", this->domain_id_, this-> (), ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); } if (retcode != ::DDS::RETCODE_OK) { throw ::CCM_DDS::InternalError (retcode, 0); } }
int run_test_instance(DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr dp) { using namespace DDS; using namespace OpenDDS::DCPS; using namespace Messenger; WaitSet_var ws = new WaitSet; MessageTypeSupport_var ts = new MessageTypeSupportImpl; ts->register_type(dp, ""); CORBA::String_var type_name = ts->get_type_name(); Topic_var topic = dp->create_topic("MyTopic", type_name, TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, 0, ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); Publisher_var pub = dp->create_publisher(PUBLISHER_QOS_DEFAULT, 0, ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); DataWriter_var dw = pub->create_datawriter(topic, DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, 0, ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); Subscriber_var sub = dp->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, 0, ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); DataReader_var dr = sub->create_datareader(topic, DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, 0, ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); StatusCondition_var dw_sc = dw->get_statuscondition(); dw_sc->set_enabled_statuses(PUBLICATION_MATCHED_STATUS); ws->attach_condition(dw_sc); Duration_t infinite = {DURATION_INFINITE_SEC, DURATION_INFINITE_NSEC}; ConditionSeq active; ReturnCode_t ret = ws->wait(active, infinite); if (ret != RETCODE_OK) return ret; ret = ws->detach_condition(dw_sc); if (ret != RETCODE_OK) return ret; MessageDataWriter_var mdw = MessageDataWriter::_narrow(dw); Message msg = {0}; for (int i(0); i < 12; ++i) { ++msg.subject_id; ret = mdw->write(msg, HANDLE_NIL); if (ret != RETCODE_OK) return ret; } ReadCondition_var dr_rc = dr->create_readcondition(NOT_READ_SAMPLE_STATE, NEW_VIEW_STATE, ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE); ReadCondition_var dr_rc2 = dr->create_readcondition(ANY_SAMPLE_STATE, ANY_VIEW_STATE, NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED_INSTANCE_STATE); ws->attach_condition(dr_rc); ws->attach_condition(dr_rc2); MessageDataReader_var mdr = MessageDataReader::_narrow(dr); bool passed = true, done = false; while (!done) { ret = ws->wait(active, infinite); if (ret != RETCODE_OK) { passed = false; break; } cout << "wait returned" << endl; for (CORBA::ULong i(0); i < active.length(); ++i) { if (active[i] == dr_rc) { // To test both take_w_condition and // take_next_instance_w_condition, we'll limit the "take" to 3 // samples and then use take_next_instance_w_condition. MessageSeq data; SampleInfoSeq info; ret = mdr->take_w_condition(data, info, 3, dr_rc); if (ret == RETCODE_NO_DATA) break; if (ret != RETCODE_OK) { cout << "ERROR: take_w_condition returned " << ret << endl; passed = false; done = true; } InstanceHandle_t handle = HANDLE_NIL; received_data(data, mdw, msg); handle = info[info.length() - 1].instance_handle; if (handle == HANDLE_NIL) { cout << "ERROR: instance handle is nil" << endl; passed = false; done = true; break; } cout << "testing take_instance_w_condition" << endl; while (true) { ret = mdr->take_instance_w_condition(data, info, 1, handle, dr_rc); if (ret == RETCODE_NO_DATA) break; if (ret != RETCODE_OK) { cout << "ERROR: take_instance_w_condition returned " << ret << endl; passed = false; done = true; break; } received_data(data, mdw, msg); } } else if (active[i] == dr_rc2) { cout << "an instance has been disposed, exiting" << endl; done = true; } } } ws->detach_condition(dr_rc); ws->detach_condition(dr_rc2); dp->delete_contained_entities(); return passed ? 0 : 1; }
Reader::Reader(::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr dp, int history_depth, int max_samples_per_instance) : max_samples_per_instance_(max_samples_per_instance), dp_(::DDS::DomainParticipant::_duplicate (dp)) { sub_ = dp->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, ::DDS::SubscriberListener::_nil()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_subscriber failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } // Initialize the transport if (0 != init_transport() ) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) init_transport failed!\n"))); throw TestException() ; } // Attach the subscriber to the transport. TAO::DCPS::SubscriberImpl* sub_impl = TAO::DCPS::reference_to_servant<TAO::DCPS::SubscriberImpl> ( ()); if (0 == sub_impl) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Failed to obtain servant ::TAO::DCPS::SubscriberImpl\n"))); throw TestException() ; } sub_impl->attach_transport(; ::DDS::TopicDescription_var description = dp->lookup_topicdescription(MY_TOPIC); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) lookup_topicdescription failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } ::DDS::DataReaderQos dr_qos; sub_->get_default_datareader_qos (dr_qos); dr_qos.history.depth = history_depth ; dr_qos.resource_limits.max_samples_per_instance = max_samples_per_instance ; dr_qos.liveliness.lease_duration.sec = static_cast<CORBA::Long> (max_blocking_time.sec ()); dr_qos.liveliness.lease_duration.nanosec = 0 ; ::DDS::DataReaderListener_var drl = ::TAO::DCPS::servant_to_reference(&drl_servant_); ::DDS::DataReader_var dr = sub_->create_datareader( (), dr_qos, // ::DDS::DataReaderListener::_nil() ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_datareader failed.\n"))); throw TestException() ; } }
::DDS::Publisher_ptr create_publisher (::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, int attach_to_udp, int attach_to_multicast, int attach_to_rtps, int attach_to_shmem) { ::DDS::Publisher_var pub; try { // Create the default publisher pub = participant->create_publisher(PUBLISHER_QOS_DEFAULT, ::DDS::PublisherListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) create_publisher failed.\n"))); return ::DDS::Publisher::_nil (); } // Attach the publisher to the transport. if (attach_to_udp) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to udp \n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("udp",; } else if (attach_to_multicast) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to multicast \n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("multicast",; } else if (attach_to_rtps) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to RTPS\n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("rtps", pub); } else if (attach_to_shmem) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to shmem\n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("shmem", pub); } else { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to tcp \n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("tcp",; } } catch (const TestException&) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) TestException caught in create_publisher(). "))); return ::DDS::Publisher::_nil () ; } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught in create_publisher()."); return ::DDS::Publisher::_nil () ; } catch (const OpenDDS::DCPS::Transport::MiscProblem &) { ACE_ERROR((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Transport::MiscProblem exception caught during processing.\n") )); return ::DDS::Publisher::_nil () ; } return pub._retn (); }
void Publication::enable( ::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, ::DDS::Topic_ptr topic ) { if( this->enabled_) { if( this->verbose_) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("already enabled, declining to process.\n"), this->name_.c_str() )); } return; } // Create the publisher. publisher_ = participant->create_publisher( this->profile_->publisherQos, ::DDS::PublisherListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK ); if( CORBA::is_nil( { ACE_ERROR((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("failed to create publisher.\n"), this->name_.c_str() )); throw BadPublisherException(); } OpenDDS::DCPS::TransportConfig_rch transport = TheTransportRegistry->get_config(this->profile_->transportConfig); if (transport.is_nil() || transport->instances_.empty()) { ACE_ERROR((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("failed to get_config() OR got empty config with name %C.\n"), this->name_.c_str(), this->profile_->transportConfig.c_str() )); throw BadTransportException(); } if (this->verbose_) { OpenDDS::DCPS::MulticastInst* mcconfig = dynamic_cast<OpenDDS::DCPS::MulticastInst*>( transport->instances_[0].in() ); bool isMcast = false; bool isReliable = false; if (mcconfig != 0) { isMcast = true; isReliable = mcconfig->reliable_; } ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("%C %C transport with config %C.\n"), this->name_.c_str(), (!isMcast? "obtained": (isReliable? "obtained reliable": "obtained best effort" )), transport->instances_[0]->transport_type_.c_str(), this->profile_->transportConfig.c_str() )); } // Attach the transport TheTransportRegistry->bind_config(transport, publisher_); if (this->verbose_) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("attached transport with config %C to publisher.\n"), this->name_.c_str(), this->profile_->transportConfig.c_str() )); } // Derive the writer Qos values. ::DDS::TopicQos topicQos; topic->get_qos( topicQos); ::DDS::DataWriterQos writerQos; publisher_->get_default_datawriter_qos( writerQos); publisher_->copy_from_topic_qos( writerQos, topicQos); this->profile_->copyToWriterQos( writerQos); // Create the writer. DDS::DataWriter_var writer = publisher_->create_datawriter( topic, writerQos, ::DDS::DataWriterListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK ); if( CORBA::is_nil( { ACE_ERROR((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("failed to create writer.\n"), this->name_.c_str() )); throw BadWriterException(); } else if( this->verbose_) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("created writer.\n"), this->name_.c_str() )); } this->writer_ = Test::DataDataWriter::_narrow(; if( CORBA::is_nil( this-> { ACE_ERROR((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("failed to narrow writer for Test::Data type.\n"), this->name_.c_str() )); throw BadWriterException(); } else if( this->verbose_) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Publication::enable() - publication %C: ") ACE_TEXT("narrowed writer for Test::Data type.\n"), this->name_.c_str() )); } // We can finally indicate successful completion. this->enabled_ = true; }
::DDS::Subscriber_ptr create_subscriber (::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, int attach_to_udp, int attach_to_multicast, int attach_to_rtps, int attach_to_shmem) { // Create the subscriber ::DDS::Subscriber_var sub; try { sub = participant->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, ::DDS::SubscriberListener::_nil(), ::OpenDDS::DCPS::DEFAULT_STATUS_MASK); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("Failed to create_subscriber."))); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } // Attach the subscriber to the transport. if (attach_to_udp) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to udp \n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("udp",; } else if (attach_to_multicast) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to multicast \n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("multicast",; } else if (attach_to_rtps) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to RTPS\n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("rtps", sub); } else if (attach_to_shmem) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to shmem\n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("shmem", sub); } else { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to tcp \n"))); TheTransportRegistry->bind_config("tcp",; } } catch (const TestException&) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) TestException caught in create_subscriber. "))); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught in create_subscriber."); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } return sub._retn (); }
::DDS::Subscriber_ptr create_subscriber (::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr participant, int attach_to_udp, int attach_to_mcast, int attach_to_reliable_multicast) { // Create the subscriber ::DDS::Subscriber_var sub; try { sub = participant->create_subscriber(SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, ::DDS::SubscriberListener::_nil()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("Failed to create_subscriber."))); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } // Attach the subscriber to the transport. ::TAO::DCPS::SubscriberImpl* sub_impl = ::TAO::DCPS::reference_to_servant< ::TAO::DCPS::SubscriberImpl, ::DDS::Subscriber_ptr> ( ()); if (0 == sub_impl) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Failed to obtain subscriber servant\n"))); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } TAO::DCPS::AttachStatus attach_status; if (attach_to_udp) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to udp \n"))); attach_status = sub_impl->attach_transport(; } else if (attach_to_mcast) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to mcast \n"))); attach_status = sub_impl->attach_transport(; } else if (attach_to_reliable_multicast) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to reliable multicast \n"))); attach_status = sub_impl->attach_transport(; } else { ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) attach to tcp \n"))); attach_status = sub_impl->attach_transport(; } if (attach_status != TAO::DCPS::ATTACH_OK) { // We failed to attach to the transport for some reason. ACE_TString status_str; switch (attach_status) { case TAO::DCPS::ATTACH_BAD_TRANSPORT: status_str = "ATTACH_BAD_TRANSPORT"; break; case TAO::DCPS::ATTACH_ERROR: status_str = "ATTACH_ERROR"; break; case TAO::DCPS::ATTACH_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS: status_str = "ATTACH_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS"; break; default: status_str = "Unknown Status"; break; } ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) Failed to attach to the transport. ") ACE_TEXT("AttachStatus == %s\n"), status_str.c_str())); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } } catch (const TestException&) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) TestException caught in create_subscriber. "))); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught in create_subscriber."); return ::DDS::Subscriber::_nil (); } return sub._retn (); }