cgID cgFMODSoundPlayerImpl::PlaySound( cgID sound , float fVolume) { FMOD::Sound * pkSound = m_pkSoundStorage->Find(sound); if (!pkSound) return CG_INVALID_ID; FMOD::Channel * pkChannel = NULL; m_pkFmodSystem->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, pkSound, true, &pkChannel); pkChannel->setVolume(fVolume); pkChannel->setPaused(false); FMOD_MODE mode; pkSound->getMode(&mode); if(mode & FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL) return m_pkChannelStorage->Add(pkChannel); return CG_INVALID_ID; }
UBOOL USwFMOD::PlayMusic( UMusic* Music, FMOD::Channel* channel, BYTE SongSection, BYTE CdTrack, EMusicTransition Transition ) { guard(USwFMOD::PlayMusic); //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s >> %s :: [%s]"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(Music), *ToStr(SongSection), *ToStr(CdTrack), *ToStr(Transition) ); FMOD_RESULT result; if( !Music ) return 0; /*if( channel ) { // there can be only one music //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s :: %s :: StopMusic %s"), SWF_PLOG, *PrintChannel(musicchannel) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( musicchannel->setUserData(NULL) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( musicchannel->stop() ); }*/ // Non-modules use one UMusic object for each SongSection if( Music->FileType == SoundType_OGG || Music->FileType == SoundType_MP2 || Music->FileType == SoundType_MP3 ) { Viewport->Actor->SongSection = 0; FString postfix = GetSongSectionPostfix(SongSection); if( postfix ) { FString objname = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s%s.%s%s"), Music->GetName(), *postfix, Music->GetName(), *postfix); UMusic* newmusic = Cast<UMusic>(StaticLoadObject( Music->GetClass(), NULL, *objname, NULL, LOAD_NoWarn | LOAD_Quiet, NULL )); if( newmusic ) { SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s :: %s :: Dynamic Music: %s"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(objname) ); Music = newmusic; Viewport->Actor->SongSection = SongSection; } } SongSection = Viewport->Actor->SongSection; } // Register sample FMOD::Sound* sample = RegisterMusicSample(Music); if( !sample ) return 0; // Sample defaults FLOAT deffrequency; FLOAT defvolume; FLOAT defpanning; INT defpriority; FMOD_MODE fmode; SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( sample->getDefaults( &deffrequency, &defvolume, &defpanning, &defpriority ) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( sample->getMode(&fmode) ); // Channel defaults FMOD::ChannelGroup* channelgroup = MusicChannels; FMOD_CHANNELINDEX channelindex = IsChannelValid(channel) ? FMOD_CHANNEL_REUSE : FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE; FLOAT frequency = deffrequency * 1.0f; FLOAT volume = defvolume * 1.0f; FLOAT panning = defpanning * 1.0f; INT priority = PriorityMusic; // Update FMOD to free finished channels guard(UpdateFMOD); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( System->update() ); unguard; // Play stream SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( System->playSound(channelindex, sample, true, &channel) ); // SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( VerifyNewChannel(channel) ); // Update channel SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setUserData(NULL) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setChannelGroup(channelgroup) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setMode(fmode) ); if( !HasFlag(fmode,FMOD_3D) ) { SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setPan(panning) ); } SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setFrequency(frequency) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setVolume(volume) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setPriority(priority) ); // restore position result = channel->setPosition(SongSection,FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MODORDER); FSwPosition pos = MusicPositions(SongSection); if( != 0 ) { channel->setPosition(,FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); } else { // TODO:: doesn't work?! result = channel->setPosition(pos.pattern,FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MODPATTERN); result = channel->setPosition(pos.row,FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MODROW); } SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setPaused(false) ); // Apply channel group's properties ApplyChannelGroup(channelgroup); // Update immediately Viewport->Actor->SongSection = SongSection; // Update FMOD to apply channel updates immediately guard(UpdateFMOD); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( System->update() ); unguard; //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s << %s :: [%s]"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(Music), *ToStr(SongSection), *ToStr(CdTrack), *ToStr(Transition) ); return 1; unguard; }
UBOOL USwFMOD::PlaySound ( AActor* Actor, INT Id, USound* Sound, FVector Location, FLOAT Volume, FLOAT Radius, FLOAT Pitch ) { guard(USwFMOD::PlaySound); //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s >> %s :: [%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s]"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(FSwSoundId(Id)), *ToStr(Actor,true), *ToStr(Sound), *ToStr(Location), *ToStr(Volume), *ToStr(Radius), *ToStr(Pitch) ); FMOD_RESULT result; if( !Viewport || !Sound ) return 0; // Sound slot rules FSwSoundId SoundId = FSwSoundId(Id); if( SoundId.GetSlot() != SLOT_None ) { for( FSwChannelEnumerator it(System); it; ++it ) { FMOD::Channel* channel = *it; if( IsChannelValid(channel) ) { FSwSoundId cid = GetChannelId(channel); // If Actor is the same and Slot is the same: // - prevent this sound from plaing if NoOverride // - stop the old sound otherwise if( cid.GetSlot() == SoundId.GetSlot() && cid.GetActor() == SoundId.GetActor() ) { if( cid.GetNoOverride() ) { //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s -- %s :: NO OVERRIDE <%s> <%s>"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(FSwSoundId(Id)), *PrintChannel(channel) ); return 0; } //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s -- %s :: STOP <%s> <%s>"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(SoundId), *PrintChannel(channel) ); SWF_FMOD_CALL( channel->setUserData(NULL) ); SWF_FMOD_CALL( channel->stop() ); } } } } // Register sample FMOD::Sound* sample = RegisterSoundSample(Sound); if( !sample ) return 0; // Sample defaults FLOAT deffrequency; FLOAT defvolume; FLOAT defpanning; INT defpriority; FMOD_MODE fmode; SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( sample->getDefaults( &deffrequency, &defvolume, &defpanning, &defpriority ) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( sample->getMode(&fmode) ); // Channel defaults FMOD::ChannelGroup* channelgroup = EffectChannels; FMOD_CHANNELINDEX channelindex = FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE; FLOAT mindist = ToFMODFloat(DistanceMin); FLOAT radius = ToFMODFloat(Radius); TSwSortMinMax( mindist, radius ); FMOD_VECTOR location = ToFMODVector(Location); FMOD_VECTOR velocity = ToFMODNormal(FVector(0,0,0)); FLOAT frequency = deffrequency * Pitch; FLOAT volume = defvolume * Volume; FLOAT panning = defpanning * 1.0f; INT priority = PrioritySound; // 2D or 3D? AActor* ViewActor = Viewport->Actor->ViewTarget ? Viewport->Actor->ViewTarget : Viewport->Actor; UBOOL bIs3D = Actor && (b3DCameraSounds || Actor != ViewActor); if( bIs3D ) { fmode &= ~FMOD_2D; fmode |= FMOD_3D | FMOD_3D_LINEARROLLOFF; // Radius, location & Velocity FMOD_VECTOR location = ToFMODVector(Actor->Location); FMOD_VECTOR velocity = ToFMODVector(Actor->Velocity); SWF_VERIFY_FLOAT( mindist ); SWF_VERIFY_FLOAT( radius ); SWF_VERIFY_FMODVECTOR( location ); SWF_VERIFY_FMODVECTOR( velocity ); } else { fmode &= ~FMOD_3D; fmode |= FMOD_2D; } // Sound effects other than WAV go into compressed group (conversations most likely) if( Sound->FileType != SoundType_WAV ) { priority = PrioritySpeech; channelgroup = CompressedChannels; //fmode |= FMOD_CREATESTREAM; } // Ambient sounds if( SoundId.GetSlot() == SLOT_Ambient ) { priority = PriorityAmbient; channelgroup = AmbientChannels; fmode &= ~FMOD_LOOP_OFF; fmode |= FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL; } // Update FMOD to free finished channels guard(UpdateFMOD); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( System->update() ); unguard; // Play sound FMOD::Channel* channel; SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( System->playSound(channelindex, sample, true, &channel) ); // SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( VerifyNewChannel(channel) ); // Update channel SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setUserData( SoundId.ToUserData() ) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setChannelGroup(channelgroup) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setMode(fmode) ); if( HasFlag(fmode,FMOD_3D) ) { SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->set3DMinMaxDistance(mindist, radius) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->set3DAttributes(&location,&velocity) ); } else { SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setPan(panning) ); } SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setFrequency(frequency) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setVolume(volume) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setPriority(priority) ); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( channel->setPaused(false) ); // Apply channel group's properties ApplyChannelGroup(channelgroup); // Update FMOD to apply channel updates immediately guard(UpdateFMOD); SWF_FMOD_RCALL0( System->update() ); unguard; //SWF_LOG( NAME_DevSound, TEXT("%s << %s :: [%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s]"), SWF_PLOG, *ToStr(Actor,true), *ToStr(Id), *ToStr(Sound), *ToStr(Location), *ToStr(Volume), *ToStr(Radius), *ToStr(Pitch) ); return 1; unguard; }