int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FMOD::System *system; FMOD::Sound *sound; FMOD_RESULT result; unsigned int version; /* Create a System object and initialize. */ result = FMOD::System_Create(&system); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->getVersion(&version); ERRCHECK(result); if (version < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error! You are using an old version of FMOD %08x. This program requires %08x\n", version, FMOD_VERSION); return 0; } result = system->init(1, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createStream("../media/wave.mp3", FMOD_OPENONLY | FMOD_ACCURATETIME, 0, &sound); ERRCHECK(result); printf("==========================================================================\n"); printf("Offline Decoding Example. Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies 2004-2011.\n"); printf("==========================================================================\n"); printf("\n"); printf("This program will open wave.mp3 and decode it into wave.raw using the\n"); printf("Sound::readData function.\n"); printf("\n"); /* Decode the sound and write it to a .raw file. */ { void *data; unsigned int length = 0, read; unsigned int bytesread; FILE *outfp; #define CHUNKSIZE 4096 result = sound->getLength(&length, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_PCMBYTES); ERRCHECK(result); outfp = fopen("output.raw", "wb"); if (!outfp) { printf("Error! Could not open output.raw output file.\n"); return 0; } data = malloc(CHUNKSIZE); if (!data) { printf("Error! Failed to allocate %d bytes.\n", CHUNKSIZE); return 0; } bytesread = 0; do { result = sound->readData((char *)data, CHUNKSIZE, &read); fwrite((char *)data, read, 1, outfp); bytesread += read; printf("writing %d bytes of %d to output.raw\r", bytesread, length); } while (result == FMOD_OK && read == CHUNKSIZE); /* Loop terminates when either 1. the read function returns an error. (ie FMOD_ERR_FILE_EOF etc). 2. the amount requested was different to the amount returned. (somehow got an EOF without the file error, maybe a non stream file format like mod/s3m/xm/it/midi). If 'bytesread' is bigger than 'length' then it just means that FMOD miscalculated the size, but this will not usually happen if FMOD_ACCURATETIME is used. (this will give the correct length for VBR formats) */ printf("\n"); if (outfp) { fclose(outfp); } } printf("\n"); /* Shut down */ result = sound->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->close(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->release(); ERRCHECK(result); return 0; }
int FMOD_Main() { void *extradriverdata = 0; Common_Init(&extradriverdata); /* Create a System object and initialize */ FMOD_RESULT result; FMOD::System* system; result = FMOD::System_Create(&system); ERRCHECK(result); unsigned int version; result = system->getVersion(&version); ERRCHECK(result); if (version < FMOD_VERSION) { Common_Fatal("FMOD lib version %08x doesn't match header version %08x", version, FMOD_VERSION); } result = system->init(32, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, extradriverdata); ERRCHECK(result); /* Create a new channel group to hold the convolution DSP unit */ FMOD::ChannelGroup* reverbGroup; result = system->createChannelGroup("reverb", &reverbGroup); ERRCHECK(result); /* Create a new channel group to hold all the channels and process the dry path */ FMOD::ChannelGroup* mainGroup; result = system->createChannelGroup("main", &mainGroup); ERRCHECK(result); /* Create the convultion DSP unit and set it as the tail of the channel group */ FMOD::DSP* reverbUnit; result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_CONVOLUTIONREVERB, &reverbUnit); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbGroup->addDSP(FMOD_CHANNELCONTROL_DSP_TAIL, reverbUnit); ERRCHECK(result); /* Open the impulse response wav file, but use FMOD_OPENONLY as we want to read the data into a seperate buffer */ FMOD::Sound* irSound; result = system->createSound(Common_MediaPath("standrews.wav"), FMOD_DEFAULT | FMOD_OPENONLY, NULL, &irSound); ERRCHECK(result); /* Retrieve the sound information for the Impulse Response input file */ FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT irSoundFormat; FMOD_SOUND_TYPE irSoundType; int irSoundBits, irSoundChannels; result = irSound->getFormat(&irSoundType, &irSoundFormat, &irSoundChannels, &irSoundBits); ERRCHECK(result); unsigned int irSoundLength; result = irSound->getLength(&irSoundLength, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_PCM); ERRCHECK(result); if (irSoundFormat != FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16) { /* For simplicity of the example, if the impulse response is the wrong format just display an error */ Common_Fatal("Impulse Response file is the wrong audio format"); } /* The reverb unit expects a block of data containing a single 16 bit int containing the number of channels in the impulse response, followed by PCM 16 data */ unsigned int irDataLength = sizeof(short) * (irSoundLength * irSoundChannels + 1); short* irData = (short*)malloc(irDataLength); irData[0] = irSoundChannels; unsigned int irDataRead; result = irSound->readData(&irData[1], irDataLength - sizeof(short), &irDataRead); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbUnit->setParameterData(FMOD_DSP_CONVOLUTION_REVERB_PARAM_IR, irData, irDataLength); ERRCHECK(result); /* Don't pass any dry signal from the reverb unit, instead take the dry part of the mix from the main signal path */ result = reverbUnit->setParameterFloat(FMOD_DSP_CONVOLUTION_REVERB_PARAM_DRY, -80.0f); ERRCHECK(result); /* We can now free our copy of the IR data and release the sound object, the reverb unit has created it's internal data */ free(irData); result = irSound->release(); ERRCHECK(result); /* Load up and play a sample clip recorded in an anechoic chamber */ FMOD::Sound* sound; system->createSound(Common_MediaPath("singing.wav"), FMOD_3D | FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL, NULL, &sound); ERRCHECK(result); FMOD::Channel* channel; system->playSound(sound, mainGroup, true, &channel); ERRCHECK(result); /* Create a send connection between the channel head and the reverb unit */ FMOD::DSP* channelHead; channel->getDSP(FMOD_CHANNELCONTROL_DSP_HEAD, &channelHead); ERRCHECK(result); FMOD::DSPConnection* reverbConnection; result = reverbUnit->addInput(channelHead, &reverbConnection, FMOD_DSPCONNECTION_TYPE_SEND); ERRCHECK(result); result = channel->setPaused(false); ERRCHECK(result); float wetVolume = 1.0; float dryVolume = 1.0; /* Main loop */ do { Common_Update(); if (Common_BtnPress(BTN_LEFT)) { wetVolume = (wetVolume <= 0.0f) ? wetVolume : wetVolume - 0.05; } if (Common_BtnPress(BTN_RIGHT)) { wetVolume = (wetVolume >= 1.0f) ? wetVolume : wetVolume + 0.05f; } if (Common_BtnPress(BTN_DOWN)) { dryVolume = (dryVolume <= 0.0f) ? dryVolume : dryVolume - 0.05f; } if (Common_BtnPress(BTN_UP)) { dryVolume = (dryVolume >= 1.0f) ? dryVolume : dryVolume + 0.05f; } result = system->update(); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbConnection->setMix(wetVolume); ERRCHECK(result); result = mainGroup->setVolume(dryVolume); ERRCHECK(result); Common_Draw("=================================================="); Common_Draw("Convolution Example."); Common_Draw("Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies 2004-2015."); Common_Draw("=================================================="); Common_Draw("Press %s and %s to change dry mix", Common_BtnStr(BTN_UP), Common_BtnStr(BTN_DOWN)); Common_Draw("Press %s and %s to change wet mix", Common_BtnStr(BTN_LEFT), Common_BtnStr(BTN_RIGHT)); Common_Draw("wet mix [%.2f] dry mix [%.2f]", wetVolume, dryVolume); Common_Draw("Press %s to quit", Common_BtnStr(BTN_QUIT)); Common_Draw(""); Common_Sleep(50); } while (!Common_BtnPress(BTN_QUIT)); /* Shut down */ result = sound->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = mainGroup->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbGroup->removeDSP(reverbUnit); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbUnit->disconnectAll(true, true); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbUnit->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = reverbGroup->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->close(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->release(); ERRCHECK(result); Common_Close(); return 0; }