void OgreAppLogic::emptyCanvas() { Ogre::Canvas::Context* ctx = mContext; ctx->save(); ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::ColourValue::White); ctx->fillRect(0, 0, 150, 200); ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::ColourValue::Black); ctx->restore(); mTexture->uploadTexture(); }
void OgreAppLogic::updateSunCanvas() { Ogre::Canvas::Context* ctx = mCanvasTextureSun->getContext(); //ctx->globalCompositeOperation(Ogre::Canvas::DrawingOperator_DestOver); ctx->clearRect(0, 0, 300, 300); // clear canvas ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::ColourValue::Black); ctx->fillRect(0, 0, 300, 300); ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f)); ctx->strokeStyle(Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromRGBA(0, 153, 255, 102)); ctx->save(); ctx->translate(150, 150); // Earth time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm * timeinfo; timeinfo = localtime(&now); int sec = timeinfo->tm_sec; int min = timeinfo->tm_min; int hr = timeinfo->tm_hour; ctx->rotate( ((2*Ogre::Math::PI)/60)*sec);// + ((2*Math.PI)/60000)*time.getMilliseconds() ); ctx->translate(105,0); ctx->fillRect(0,-12,50,24); // Shadow ctx->drawImage(mEarth, -12.0f, -12.0f); // Moon ctx->save(); ctx->rotate( ((2*Ogre::Math::PI)/6)*sec);// + ((2*Math.PI)/6000)*time.getMilliseconds() ); ctx->translate(0.0f, 28.5f); ctx->drawImage(mMoon, -3.5f, -3.5f); ctx->restore(); ctx->restore(); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->arc(150, 150, 105, 0, Ogre::Math::PI*2, false); // Earth orbit ctx->stroke(); ctx->drawImage(mSun, 0.0f, 0.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f); mCanvasTextureSun->uploadTexture(); }
//Adapted from BetaCairo demo : http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=26987 (created by betajaen) void OgreAppLogic::updateClock2Canvas() { Chrono chrono(true); time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm * timeinfo; timeinfo = localtime(&now); float sec = (float) timeinfo->tm_sec; float min = (float) timeinfo->tm_min; float hour = (float) timeinfo->tm_hour; float clockSize = 150.0f; float clockUpdate = 0.125f; Ogre::Canvas::Context* ctx = mCanvasTextureClock2->getContext(); Ogre::ColourValue tomato = Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromHexa("#ff6347"); Ogre::ColourValue whitesmoke = Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromHexa("#f5f5f5"); // Basic bits: // Paint the Drawing with a tomatoes, this pretty much wipes over the previous drawing. ctx->fillStyle(tomato); ctx->fillRect(0, 0, clockSize, clockSize); // Draw a outline around the texture, using the whitesmoke colour and a line thickness of 1 pixel ctx->strokeStyle(whitesmoke); ctx->lineWidth(1.0f); ctx->strokeRect(0, 0, clockSize, clockSize); // Path out an arc (semi or full circle) ctx->fillStyle(whitesmoke); ctx->arc(clockSize / 2.0f, clockSize / 2.0f, clockSize / 4.0f, 0.0f, 360.0f, false); ctx->fill(); // The Hour hand: ctx->lineCap(Ogre::Canvas::LineCap_Round); ctx->strokeStyle(tomato); ctx->lineWidth(3.0f); ctx->moveTo(clockSize / 2.0f, clockSize / 2.0f); // Move to the center of the image // Using a simple bit of trig. path the hour hand from the center to the correct hour, using a length of 1/5th of the imagesize. ctx->lineTo((clockSize / 2.0f) + (Ogre::Math::Sin(hour * Ogre::Math::PI / 6.0f) * (clockSize / 5.0f)), (clockSize / 2.0f) + (-Ogre::Math::Cos(hour * Ogre::Math::PI / 6.0f) * (clockSize / 5.0f))); ctx->stroke(); // The Minute hand: ctx->beginPath(); ctx->moveTo(clockSize / 2.0f, clockSize / 2.0f); // Move to the center of the image // Now draw the hour hand, using a length of 1/6th of the imagesize. ctx->lineTo((clockSize / 2) + (Ogre::Math::Sin((min + (sec / 60.0f)) * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 6.0f)), (clockSize / 2) + (-Ogre::Math::Cos((min + (sec / 60.0f)) * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 6.0f))); ctx->stroke(); ctx->lineWidth(2.0f); ctx->strokeStyle(whitesmoke); ctx->stroke(); // The second hand, and previous seconds: ctx->lineWidth(1.5f); Ogre::ColourValue c = whitesmoke; int lastSecond = (int) Ogre::Math::Ceil(sec); float a = 1.0f / sec; // For each previous second, draw it out, with a subtle fade (alpha). The alpha decreases based how close it is to the current second. for (int i=0; i<lastSecond; i++) { ctx->strokeStyle(Ogre::ColourValue(c.r, c.g, c.b, a*i)); ctx->moveTo((clockSize / 2) + (Ogre::Math::Sin(i * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 4.0f) ), (clockSize / 2.0f) + (-Ogre::Math::Cos(i * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 4.0f))); ctx->lineTo((clockSize / 2) + (Ogre::Math::Sin(i * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 3.5f) ) , (clockSize / 2.0f) + (-Ogre::Math::Cos(i * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 3.5f))); ctx->stroke(); } // Draw the main second. ctx->strokeStyle(whitesmoke); ctx->moveTo((clockSize / 2.0f) + (Ogre::Math::Sin(sec * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 4.0f) ), (clockSize / 2.0f) + (-Ogre::Math::Cos(sec * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 4.0f))); ctx->lineTo((clockSize / 2.0f) + (Ogre::Math::Sin(sec * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 3.5f) ) , (clockSize / 2.0f) + (-Ogre::Math::Cos(sec * Ogre::Math::PI / 30.0f) * (clockSize / 3.5f))); ctx->stroke(); // Outer ring: ctx->strokeStyle(whitesmoke); ctx->arc((clockSize / 2.0f),(clockSize / 2.0f), (clockSize / 3.5f), 0.0f, 360.0f, false); // Path out an arc, from the center, for a radius of 1/3.5th of the image ctx->stroke(); // The 12: // Path and Stroke "12" ctx->fillText("12", (clockSize / 2.0f)-8, (clockSize / 5.0f)); double renderTime = chrono.getTimeElapsed(); mCanvasTextureClock2->uploadTexture(); double uploadTime = chrono.getTimeElapsed()-renderTime; std::cout << "clock2 render: " << renderTime << "ms, upload: " << uploadTime << "ms" <<std::endl; }
void OgreAppLogic::updateClock1Canvas() { Chrono chrono(true); Ogre::Canvas::Context* ctx = mCanvasTextureClock1->getContext(); ctx->save(); ctx->clearRect(0, 0, 150, 150); ctx->strokeStyle(Ogre::ColourValue::Black); ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::ColourValue::White); ctx->fillRect(0, 0, 150, 150); ctx->translate(75, 75); ctx->scale(0.4f, 0.4f); ctx->rotate(-Ogre::Math::PI/2.0f); ctx->lineWidth(8); ctx->lineCap(Ogre::Canvas::LineCap_Round); // Hour marks ctx->save(); for (float i=0; i<12; i++) { ctx->beginPath(); ctx->rotate(Ogre::Math::PI/6.0f); ctx->moveTo(100, 0); ctx->lineTo(120, 0); ctx->stroke(); } ctx->restore(); // Minute marks ctx->save(); ctx->lineWidth(5); for (int i=0; i<60; i++) { if (i%5!=0) { ctx->beginPath(); ctx->moveTo(117, 0); ctx->lineTo(120, 0); ctx->stroke(); } ctx->rotate(Ogre::Math::PI/30); } ctx->restore(); time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm * timeinfo; timeinfo = localtime(&now); int sec = timeinfo->tm_sec; int min = timeinfo->tm_min; int hr = timeinfo->tm_hour; hr = hr>=12 ? hr-12 : hr; ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::ColourValue::Black); // write Hours ctx->save(); ctx->rotate( hr*(Ogre::Math::PI/6) + (Ogre::Math::PI/360)*min + (Ogre::Math::PI/21600)*sec ); ctx->lineWidth(14); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->moveTo(-20, 0); ctx->lineTo(80, 0); ctx->stroke(); ctx->restore(); // write Minutes ctx->save(); ctx->rotate( (Ogre::Math::PI/30)*min + (Ogre::Math::PI/1800)*sec ); ctx->lineWidth(10); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->moveTo(-28, 0); ctx->lineTo(112, 0); ctx->stroke(); ctx->restore(); // Write seconds ctx->save(); ctx->rotate(sec * Ogre::Math::PI/30); ctx->strokeStyle(Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromHexa("#D40000")); //red ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromHexa("#D40000")); //red ctx->lineWidth(6); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->moveTo(-30, 0); ctx->lineTo(83, 0); ctx->stroke(); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->arc(0, 0, 10, 0, Ogre::Math::PI*2, true); ctx->fill(); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->arc(95, 0, 10, 0, Ogre::Math::PI*2, true); ctx->stroke(); ctx->fillStyle(Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromHexa("#555")); //grey dark ctx->arc(0, 0, 3, 0, Ogre::Math::PI*2, true); ctx->fill(); ctx->restore(); ctx->beginPath(); ctx->lineWidth(14); ctx->strokeStyle(Ogre::Canvas::ColourConverter::fromHexa("#325FA2")); //blue dark ctx->arc(0, 0, 142, 0, Ogre::Math::PI*2, true); ctx->stroke(); ctx->restore(); double renderTime = chrono.getTimeElapsed(); mCanvasTextureClock1->uploadTexture(); double uploadTime = chrono.getTimeElapsed()-renderTime; std::cout << "clock1 render: " << renderTime << "ms, upload: " << uploadTime << "ms" <<std::endl; }