bool transaction::fetch_inputs( db_tx & dbtx, const std::map<sha256, transaction_index> & test_pool, const bool & best_block, const bool & create_block, transaction::previous_t & inputs, bool & invalid ) { /** * If the transaction is invalid this will be set to true. */ invalid = false; /** * Coinbase transactions have no inputs to fetch. */ if (is_coin_base()) { return true; } for (auto i = 0; i < m_transactions_in.size(); i++) { auto previous_out = m_transactions_in[i].previous_out(); if (inputs.count(previous_out.get_hash()) > 0) { continue; } /** * Read the transaction index. */ auto & tx_index = inputs[previous_out.get_hash()].first; bool found = true; if ( (best_block || create_block) && test_pool.count(previous_out.get_hash()) > 0 ) { /** * Get the transaction index from the current proposed changes. */ tx_index = test_pool.find(previous_out.get_hash())->second; } else { /** * Read transaction index from transaction database. */ found = dbtx.read_transaction_index( previous_out.get_hash(), tx_index ); } if (found == false && (best_block || create_block)) { if (create_block) { return false; } else { log_error( "Transaction " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " previous transaction " << previous_out.get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " index entry not found." ); return false; } } /** * Read previous transaction. */ auto & tx_prev = inputs[previous_out.get_hash()].second; if ( found == false || tx_index.get_transaction_position() == transaction_position(1, 1, 1) ) { if ( transaction_pool::instance().exists( previous_out.get_hash()) == false ) { log_debug( "Transaction failed to fetch inputs, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " pool previous transaction not found " << previous_out.get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << "." ); return false; } tx_prev = transaction_pool::instance().lookup( previous_out.get_hash() ); if (found == false) { tx_index.spent().resize(tx_prev.transactions_out().size()); } } else { /** * Read previous transaction from disk. */ if ( tx_prev.read_from_disk( tx_index.get_transaction_position()) == false ) { log_error( "Transaction " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " failed to read previous transaction " << previous_out.get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " from disk." ); return false; } } } /** * Check that all previous out's n indexes are valid. */ for (auto i = 0; i < m_transactions_in.size(); i++) { const auto & previous_out = m_transactions_in[i].previous_out(); assert(inputs.count(previous_out.get_hash()) != 0); auto & tx_index = inputs[previous_out.get_hash()].first; auto & tx_prev = inputs[previous_out.get_hash()].second; if ( previous_out.n() >= tx_prev.transactions_out().size() || previous_out.n() >= tx_index.spent().size() ) { /** * Revisit this if/when transaction replacement is implemented * and allows adding inputs. */ invalid = true; log_error( "Transaction " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " previous out n out of range " << previous_out.n() << ":" << tx_prev.transactions_out().size() << ":" << tx_index.spent().size() << " previous transaction " << previous_out.get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << "\n" << tx_prev.to_string() << "." ); return false; } } return true; }
/// Microsoft helper function for getting the contents of a registry key void queryKey(const std::string& hive, const std::string& key, QueryData& results) { if (kRegistryHives.count(hive) != 1) { return; } HKEY hRegistryHandle; auto ret = RegOpenKeyEx(, TEXT(key.c_str()), 0, KEY_READ, &hRegistryHandle); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } const DWORD maxKeyLength = 255; const DWORD maxValueName = 16383; TCHAR achClass[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); DWORD cchClassName = MAX_PATH; DWORD cSubKeys = 0; DWORD cbMaxSubKey; DWORD cchMaxClass; DWORD cValues; DWORD cchMaxValueName; DWORD cbMaxValueData; DWORD cbSecurityDescriptor; DWORD retCode; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; retCode = RegQueryInfoKey(hRegistryHandle, achClass, &cchClassName, nullptr, &cSubKeys, &cbMaxSubKey, &cchMaxClass, &cValues, &cchMaxValueName, &cbMaxValueData, &cbSecurityDescriptor, &ftLastWriteTime); TCHAR achKey[maxKeyLength]; DWORD cbName; // Process registry subkeys if (cSubKeys > 0) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < cSubKeys; i++) { cbName = maxKeyLength; retCode = RegEnumKeyEx(hRegistryHandle, i, achKey, &cbName, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ftLastWriteTime); if (retCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; } Row r; fs::path keyPath(key); r["hive"] = hive; r["key"] = keyPath.string(); r["subkey"] = (keyPath / achKey).string(); r["name"] = "(Default)"; r["type"] = "REG_SZ"; r["data"] = "(value not set)"; r["mtime"] = std::to_string(filetimeToUnixtime(ftLastWriteTime)); results.push_back(r); } } if (cValues <= 0) { return; } BYTE* bpDataBuff = new BYTE[cbMaxValueData]; DWORD cchValue = maxKeyLength; TCHAR achValue[maxValueName]; // Process registry values for (size_t i = 0, retCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; i < cValues; i++) { size_t cnt = 0; ZeroMemory(bpDataBuff, cbMaxValueData); cchValue = maxValueName; achValue[0] = '\0'; retCode = RegEnumValue(hRegistryHandle, static_cast<DWORD>(i), achValue, &cchValue, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (retCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; } DWORD lpData = cbMaxValueData; DWORD lpType; retCode = RegQueryValueEx( hRegistryHandle, achValue, 0, &lpType, bpDataBuff, &lpData); if (retCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; } Row r; fs::path keyPath(key); r["hive"] = hive; r["key"] = keyPath.string(); r["subkey"] = keyPath.string(); r["name"] = achValue; if (kRegistryTypes.count(lpType) > 0) { r["type"] =; } else { r["type"] = "UNKNOWN"; } r["mtime"] = std::to_string(filetimeToUnixtime(ftLastWriteTime)); bpDataBuff[cbMaxValueData - 1] = 0x00; /// REG_LINK is a Unicode string, which in Windows is wchar_t char* regLinkStr = nullptr; if (lpType == REG_LINK) { regLinkStr = new char[cbMaxValueData]; const size_t newSize = cbMaxValueData; size_t convertedChars = 0; wcstombs_s(&convertedChars, regLinkStr, newSize, (wchar_t*)bpDataBuff, _TRUNCATE); } BYTE* bpDataBuffTmp = bpDataBuff; std::vector<std::string> multiSzStrs; std::vector<char> regBinary; std::string data; switch (lpType) { case REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR: case REG_RESOURCE_LIST: case REG_BINARY: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cbMaxValueData; i++) { regBinary.push_back((char)bpDataBuff[i]); } boost::algorithm::hex( regBinary.begin(), regBinary.end(), std::back_inserter(data)); r["data"] = data; break; case REG_DWORD: r["data"] = std::to_string(*((int*)bpDataBuff)); break; case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: r["data"] = std::to_string(_byteswap_ulong(*((int*)bpDataBuff))); break; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: r["data"] = std::string((char*)bpDataBuff); break; case REG_LINK: r["data"] = std::string(regLinkStr); break; case REG_MULTI_SZ: while (*bpDataBuffTmp != 0x00) { std::string s((char*)bpDataBuffTmp); bpDataBuffTmp += s.size() + 1; multiSzStrs.push_back(s); } r["data"] = boost::algorithm::join(multiSzStrs, ","); break; case REG_NONE: r["data"] = std::string((char*)bpDataBuff); break; case REG_QWORD: r["data"] = std::to_string(*((unsigned long long*)bpDataBuff)); break; case REG_SZ: r["data"] = std::string((char*)bpDataBuff); break; default: r["data"] = ""; break; } results.push_back(r); if (regLinkStr != nullptr) { delete (regLinkStr); } } delete (bpDataBuff); RegCloseKey(hRegistryHandle); };
const char* conTCPObjectConnect(Linker::SimObject *obj, S32 argc, const char *argv[]) { if (sRunningTCPObjects.count(obj->mId) >= 1) TCPObject_Disconnect(sRunningTCPObjects[obj->mId].get()); DX::TCPObject *operand = new DX::TCPObject((unsigned int)obj); // Copy the hostname over char *desired_hostname = (char*)malloc(strlen(argv[2]) + 1); memcpy(desired_hostname, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]) + 1); // Create the connection info ConnectionInformation *connection = new ConnectionInformation; connection->target_hostname = desired_hostname; connection->buffer_length = 0; connection->is_connected = false; connection->socket = 0; // Hack: Store the Ptr to our connection information struct in the old unused state value operand->state = (unsigned int)connection; //ConnectionInformation *connection = (ConnectionInformation*)parameters; char *target_hostname = strlwr(connection->target_hostname); // Is it an IP we got? if (strstr(target_hostname, "ip:")) target_hostname += 3; // Chop off the 'ip:' segment // Did we get a port #? unsigned int desired_port = 0; char *port_delineator = strstr(target_hostname, ":"); if (port_delineator) { port_delineator[0] = 0x00; // NULL Terminate the IP Segment port_delineator += 1; desired_port = atoi(port_delineator); } else { Con::errorf(0, "No Port"); operand->CallMethod("onConnectFailed", 1, S32ToCharPtr(1)); return "NO_PORT"; } // Perform a DNS Lookup wchar_t hostname_dns[128]; std::mbstowcs(hostname_dns, target_hostname, strlen(target_hostname) + 1); PDNS_RECORD dns_record; if (DnsQuery(hostname_dns, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, NULL, &dns_record, NULL)) { Con::errorf(0, "DNS Resolution Failed"); operand->CallMethod("onDNSFailed", 0); return "FAILED_DNS"; } IN_ADDR result_address; result_address.S_un.S_addr = dns_record->Data.A.IpAddress; DNS_FREE_TYPE freetype; DnsRecordListFree(dns_record, freetype); target_hostname = inet_ntoa(result_address); SOCKADDR_IN target_host; target_host.sin_family = AF_INET; target_host.sin_port = htons(desired_port); target_host.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(target_hostname); Con::errorf(0, "Target %s on port %u SimID %u", target_hostname, desired_port, operand->identifier); // Create the Socket connection->socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (connection->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Con::errorf(0, "Failed to create Socket!"); operand->CallMethod("onConnectFailed", 2, S32ToCharPtr(2), S32ToCharPtr(WSAGetLastError())); return "FAILED_SOCKET_CREATION"; } // Set Blocking Mode (a non-zero for imode = non-blocking) u_long imode = 1; ioctlsocket(connection->socket, FIONBIO, &imode); sRunningTCPObjects[obj->mId] = std::unique_ptr<DX::TCPObject>(operand); // Attempt the Connection connect(connection->socket, (SOCKADDR*)&target_host, sizeof(target_host)); if (getsockopt(connection->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, NULL, NULL) < 0) { operand->CallMethod("onConnectFailed", 2, S32ToCharPtr(3), S32ToCharPtr(WSAGetLastError())); return "CANNOT_CONNECT"; } else { operand->CallMethod("onConnected", 0); return "SUCCESS"; } return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; }
void Analyze(ControlCenter* Data) { while(!Library.empty()) { Information Tem=GetInformation(); bool Reflesh=false; if(Tem.Target==RegeditID) { switch(Tem.Category1) { case VIEWLOCATION: Location.X=Tem.Data1.f; Location.Y=Tem.Data2.f; Location.Z=Tem.Data3.f; Reflesh=true; break; case VIEWANGLE: AngleUp=Tem.Data1; AngleRight=Tem.Data2; Front.Set(cos(AngleUp)*sin(AngleRight),sin(AngleUp),-cos(AngleUp)*cos(AngleRight)); Up.Set(-sin(AngleUp)*sin(AngleRight),cos(AngleUp),sin(AngleUp)*cos(AngleRight)); Reflesh=true; break; } if(Reflesh) { Information Tr=Tem; Tr.Target=Tem.Resource; Tr.Resource=Tem.Target; Out(Tr); } } if(OwnKey) { if(Tem.Target==INFALL&&Tem.Category1==INFEVENT) { if(Tem.Category2==INFKEY) { if(Tem.Category3==INFKEYDOWN) { if(Key.count(Tem.Data1)>0) { Key[Tem.Data1]=true; } }else if(Tem.Category3==INFKEYUP) { if(Key.count(Tem.Data1)>0) { Key[Tem.Data1]=false; } } } } } } if(Key['w']) { Location=Location+Front.Uint(MOVESPEED); } if(Key['s']) { Location=Location-Front.Uint(MOVESPEED); } if(Key['a']) { AngleRight-=MOVESPEEDANGLE; Front.Set(cos(AngleUp)*sin(AngleRight),sin(AngleUp),-cos(AngleUp)*cos(AngleRight)); } if(Key['d']) { AngleRight+=MOVESPEEDANGLE; Front.Set(cos(AngleUp)*sin(AngleRight),sin(AngleUp),-cos(AngleUp)*cos(AngleRight)); } if(Key['q']) { Location=Location+(Up&Front).Uint(MOVESPEED); } if(Key['e']) { Location=Location-(Up&Front).Uint(MOVESPEED); } if(Key['r']) { Location=Location+Up.Uint(MOVESPEED); } if(Key['f']) { Location=Location-Up.Uint(MOVESPEED); } }
/** *Works through cached vehicle definitions and creates vehicle objects from them. */ void game::finalize_vehicles() { int part_x = 0, part_y = 0; std::string part_id = ""; vehicle *next_vehicle; std::map<point, bool> cargo_spots; while (!vehprototypes.empty()) { cargo_spots.clear(); vehicle_prototype *proto = vehprototypes.front(); vehprototypes.pop(); next_vehicle = new vehicle(proto->id.c_str()); next_vehicle->name = _(proto->name.c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < proto->parts.size(); ++i) { point p = proto->parts[i].first; part_x = p.x; part_y = p.y; part_id = proto->parts[i].second; if (vehicle_part_types.count(part_id) == 0) { debugmsg("unknown vehicle part %s in %s", part_id.c_str(), proto->id.c_str()); continue; } if(next_vehicle->install_part(part_x, part_y, part_id) < 0) { debugmsg("init_vehicles: '%s' part '%s'(%d) can't be installed to %d,%d", next_vehicle->name.c_str(), part_id.c_str(), next_vehicle->parts.size(), part_x, part_y); } if ( vehicle_part_types[part_id].has_flag("CARGO") ) { cargo_spots[p] = true; } } for (auto &i : proto->item_spawns) { if (cargo_spots.find(point(i.x, i.y)) == cargo_spots.end()) { debugmsg("Invalid spawn location (no CARGO vpart) in %s (%d, %d): %d%%", proto->name.c_str(), i.x, i.y, i.chance); } for (auto &j : i.item_ids) { if( !item::type_is_defined( j ) ) { debugmsg("unknown item %s in spawn list of %s", j.c_str(), proto->id.c_str()); } } for (auto &j : i.item_groups) { if (!item_group::group_is_defined(j)) { debugmsg("unknown item group %s in spawn list of %s", j.c_str(), proto->id.c_str()); } } } next_vehicle->item_spawns = proto->item_spawns; if (vtypes.count(next_vehicle->type) > 0) { delete vtypes[next_vehicle->type]; } vtypes[next_vehicle->type] = next_vehicle; delete proto; } }
void IfcPPModel::collectDependentEntities( shared_ptr<IfcPPEntity>& entity, std::map<IfcPPEntity*, shared_ptr<IfcPPEntity> >& target_map ) { if( !entity ) { return; } //if( entity->m_id < 0 ) //{ // entity->setId( next_entity_id ); // ++next_entity_id; //} auto ele_assembly = dynamic_pointer_cast<IfcElementAssembly>( entity ); if( ele_assembly ) { int assembly_id = ele_assembly->m_id; std::vector<weak_ptr<IfcRelAggregates> >& vec_is_decomposed_by = ele_assembly->m_IsDecomposedBy_inverse; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < vec_is_decomposed_by.size(); ++ii ) { const weak_ptr<IfcRelAggregates>& is_decomposed_weak_ptr = vec_is_decomposed_by[ii]; if( auto is_decomposed_ptr = is_decomposed_weak_ptr.lock() ) { int rel_aggregates_id = is_decomposed_ptr->m_id; shared_ptr<IfcPPEntity> as_ifcpp_entity = is_decomposed_ptr; collectDependentEntities( as_ifcpp_entity, target_map ); } } } std::vector<std::pair<std::string, shared_ptr<IfcPPObject> > > vec_attributes; entity->getAttributes( vec_attributes ); for( size_t ii = 0; ii < vec_attributes.size(); ++ii ) { shared_ptr<IfcPPObject>& attribute = vec_attributes[ii].second; if( !attribute ) { // empty attribute continue; } shared_ptr<IfcPPEntity> attribute_entity = dynamic_pointer_cast<IfcPPEntity>( attribute ); if( attribute_entity ) { if( target_map.count( attribute_entity.get() ) == 0 ) { target_map[attribute_entity.get()] = attribute_entity; collectDependentEntities( attribute_entity, target_map ); } continue; } auto attribute_object_vector = dynamic_pointer_cast<IfcPPAttributeObjectVector>( attribute ); if( attribute_object_vector ) { std::vector<shared_ptr<IfcPPObject> >& vec_of_attributes = attribute_object_vector->m_vec; for( size_t jj = 0; jj < vec_of_attributes.size(); ++jj ) { shared_ptr<IfcPPObject>& attribute_object = vec_of_attributes[jj]; auto attribute_entity = dynamic_pointer_cast<IfcPPEntity>( attribute_object ); if( attribute_entity ) { if( target_map.count( attribute_entity.get() ) == 0 ) { target_map[attribute_entity.get()] = attribute_entity; collectDependentEntities( attribute_entity, target_map ); } } } } } if( target_map.count( entity.get() ) == 0 ) { target_map[entity.get()] = entity; } }
/** * Create a VG grpah from a pinch thread set. */ vg::VG pinchToVG(stPinchThreadSet* threadSet, std::map<int64_t, std::string>& threadSequences) { // Make an empty graph vg::VG graph; // Remember what nodes have been created for what segments. Only the first // segment in a block (the "leader") gets a node. Segments without blocks // are also themselves leaders and get nodes. std::map<stPinchSegment*, vg::Node*> nodeForLeader; std::cerr << "Making pinch graph into vg graph with " << threadSequences.size() << " relevant threads" << std::endl; // This is the cleverest way to loop over Benedict's iterators. auto segmentIterator = stPinchThreadSet_getSegmentIt(threadSet); while(auto segment = stPinchThreadSetSegmentIt_getNext(&segmentIterator)) { // For every segment, we need to make a VG node for it or its block (if // it has one). #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Found segment " << segment << std::endl; #endif // See if the segment is in a block auto block = stPinchSegment_getBlock(segment); // Get the leader segment: first in the block, or this segment if no block auto leader = getLeader(segment); if(nodeForLeader.count(leader)) { // A node has already been made for this block. continue; } // Otherwise, we need the sequence std::string sequence; if(block) { // Get the sequence by scanning through the block for the first sequence // that isn't all Ns, if any. auto segmentIterator = stPinchBlock_getSegmentIterator(block); while(auto sequenceSegment = stPinchBlockIt_getNext(&segmentIterator)) { if(!threadSequences.count(stPinchSegment_getName(sequenceSegment))) { // This segment is part of a staple. Pass it up continue; } // Go get the sequence of the thread, and clip out the part relevant to this segment. sequence = stPinchSegment_getStart(sequenceSegment), stPinchSegment_getLength(sequenceSegment)); // If necessary, flip the segment around if(getOrientation(sequenceSegment)) { sequence = vg::reverse_complement(sequence); } if(std::count(sequence.begin(), sequence.end(), 'N') + std::count(sequence.begin(), sequence.end(), 'n') < sequence.size()) {\ // The sequence has some non-N characters // If it's not all Ns, break break; } // Otherwise try the next segment } } else { // Just pull the sequence from the lone segment sequence = stPinchSegment_getStart(segment), stPinchSegment_getLength(segment)); // It doesn't need to flip, since it can't be backwards in a block } // Make a node in the graph to represent the block vg::Node* node = graph.create_node(sequence); // Remember it nodeForLeader[leader] = node; #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Made node: " << pb2json(*node) << std::endl; #endif } // Now go through the segments again and wire them up. segmentIterator = stPinchThreadSet_getSegmentIt(threadSet); while(auto segment = stPinchThreadSetSegmentIt_getNext(&segmentIterator)) { // See if the segment is in a block auto block = stPinchSegment_getBlock(segment); // Get the leader segment: first in the block, or this segment if no block auto leader = getLeader(segment); // We know we have a node already auto node =; // What orientation is this node in for the purposes of this edge // TODO: ought to always be false if the segment isn't in a block. Is this true? auto orientation = getOrientation(segment); #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Revisited segment: " << segment << " for node " << node->id() << " in orientation " << (orientation ? "reverse" : "forward") << std::endl; #endif // Look at the segment 5' of here. We know it's not a staple and // thus has a vg node. auto prevSegment = stPinchSegment_get5Prime(segment); if(prevSegment) { // Get the node IDs and orientations auto prevNode =; auto prevOrientation = getOrientation(prevSegment); #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Found prev node " << prevNode->id() << " in orientation " << (prevOrientation ? "reverse" : "forward") << std::endl; #endif // Make an edge vg::Edge prevEdge; prevEdge.set_from(prevNode->id()); prevEdge.set_from_start(prevOrientation); prevEdge.set_to(node->id()); prevEdge.set_to_end(orientation); // Add it in. vg::VG deduplicates for us graph.add_edge(prevEdge); #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Made edge: " << pb2json(prevEdge) << std::endl; #endif } // Now do the same thing for the 3' side auto nextSegment = stPinchSegment_get3Prime(segment); if(nextSegment) { // Get the node IDs and orientations auto nextNode =; auto nextOrientation = getOrientation(nextSegment); #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Found next node " << nextNode->id() << " in orientation " << (nextOrientation ? "reverse" : "forward") << std::endl; #endif // Make an edge vg::Edge nextEdge; nextEdge.set_from(node->id()); nextEdge.set_from_start(orientation); nextEdge.set_to(nextNode->id()); nextEdge.set_to_end(nextOrientation); // Add it in. vg::VG deduplicates for us graph.add_edge(nextEdge); #ifdef debug std::cerr << "Made edge: " << pb2json(nextEdge) << std::endl; #endif } } // Spit out the graph. return graph; }
bool kernel::select_block_from_candidates( std::vector<std::pair<std::int64_t, sha256> > & sorted_by_timestamp, std::map<sha256, block_index *> & selected_blocks, const std::int64_t & selection_interval_stop, const std::uint64_t & previous_stake_modifier, const block_index ** index_selected ) { bool selected = false; sha256 hash_best = 0; *index_selected = 0; for (auto & item : sorted_by_timestamp) { if (globals::instance().block_indexes().count(item.second) == 0) { log_error( "Kernel, select block from candidates failed to find block " "index for candidate block " << item.second.to_string() << "." ); return false; } const auto & index = globals::instance().block_indexes()[item.second]; if (selected && index->time() > selection_interval_stop) { break; } if (selected_blocks.count(index->get_block_hash()) > 0) { continue; } /* * Compute the selection hash by hashing its proof-hash and the * previous proof-of-stake modifier. */ sha256 hash_proof = index->is_proof_of_stake() ? index->hash_proof_of_stake() : index->get_block_hash() ; /** * Allocate the buffer to calculate the hash of the * selection. */ data_buffer buffer; /** * Write the hash of the proof. */ buffer.write_sha256(hash_proof); /** * Write the previous stake modifier. */ buffer.write_uint64(previous_stake_modifier); /** * Calculate the sha256d hash of the hash of the proof and * the previous stake modifier. */ auto hash_selection = sha256::from_digest(&hash::sha256d( reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(, buffer.size())[0] ); /** * Divide by 2**32 so that Proof-of-Stake blocks are favored over * Proof-of-Work blocks. */ if (index->is_proof_of_stake()) { hash_selection >>= 32; } if (selected && hash_selection < hash_best) { hash_best = hash_selection; *index_selected = reinterpret_cast<const block_index *> (index); } else if (selected == false) { selected = true; hash_best = hash_selection; *index_selected = reinterpret_cast<const block_index *> (index); } }
bool has_map_type(const std::string& map_type_name) const { return m_callbacks.count(map_type_name) != 0; }
void WorldServer::Process(){ WorldConnection::Process(); if (!Connected()) return; ServerPacket *pack = nullptr; while((pack = tcpc.PopPacket())){ Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Netcode, "Received Opcode: %4X", pack->opcode); //DumpPacket(pack); switch(pack->opcode) { case 0: { break; } case ServerOP_KeepAlive: { break; } case ServerOP_WIRemoteCallResponse: { char *id = nullptr; char *session_id = nullptr; char *error = nullptr; id = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(id); session_id = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(session_id); error = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(error); uint32 param_count = pack->ReadUInt32(); std::map<std::string, std::string> params; for(uint32 i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { char *first = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(first); char *second = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(second); params[first] = second; safe_delete_array(first); safe_delete_array(second); } //send the response to client... rapidjson::StringBuffer s; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(s); writer.StartObject(); writer.String("id"); if(strlen(id) == 0) { writer.Null(); } else { writer.String(id); } if(strlen(error) != 0) { writer.String("error"); writer.Bool(true); writer.String("result"); writer.String(error); } else { writer.String("error"); writer.Null(); writer.String("result"); writer.StartObject(); auto iter = params.begin(); while(iter != params.end()) { writer.String(iter->first.c_str()); writer.String(iter->second.c_str()); ++iter; } writer.EndObject(); } writer.EndObject(); if(sessions.count(session_id) != 0) { per_session_data_eqemu *session = sessions[session_id]; session->send_queue->push_back(s.GetString()); } safe_delete_array(id); safe_delete_array(session_id); safe_delete_array(error); break; } case ServerOP_WIRemoteCallToClient: { char *session_id = nullptr; char *method = nullptr; session_id = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(session_id); method = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(method); uint32 param_count = pack->ReadUInt32(); std::vector<std::string> params(param_count); for(uint32 i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { char *p = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(p); params[i] = p; safe_delete_array(p); } rapidjson::StringBuffer s; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(s); writer.StartObject(); writer.String("id"); writer.Null(); writer.String("method"); writer.String(method); writer.String("params"); writer.StartArray(); for(uint32 i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { writer.String(params[i].c_str()); } writer.EndArray(); writer.EndObject(); if(sessions.count(session_id) != 0) { per_session_data_eqemu *session = sessions[session_id]; session->send_queue->push_back(s.GetString()); } safe_delete_array(session_id); safe_delete_array(method); break; } case ServerOP_WIRemoteOpcodeToClient: { char *session_id = nullptr; session_id = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(session_id); char *method = nullptr; method = new char[pack->ReadUInt32() + 1]; pack->ReadString(method); uint32 zone_id = pack->ReadUInt32(); uint32 instance_id = pack->ReadUInt32(); uint32 opcode = pack->ReadUInt32(); uint32 datasize = pack->ReadUInt32(); char *p = new char[datasize]; pack->ReadData(p, datasize); rapidjson::StringBuffer s; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(s); writer.StartObject(); writer.String("id"); writer.Null(); writer.String("method"); writer.String(method); writer.String("zoneid"); writer.Uint(zone_id); writer.String("instance_id"); writer.Uint(instance_id); writer.String("opcode"); writer.Uint(opcode); writer.String("datasize"); writer.Uint(datasize); std::string enc; Base64::encode(p, datasize, enc, false); writer.String("data"); writer.String(enc.c_str()); writer.EndObject(); if(sessions.count(session_id) != 0) { per_session_data_eqemu *session = sessions[session_id]; session->send_queue->push_back(s.GetString()); } safe_delete_array(session_id); safe_delete_array(method); safe_delete_array(p); break; } } } safe_delete(pack); return; }
bool string_id<requirement_data>::is_valid() const { return requirements_all.count( *this ); }
static tree build_common_decl (gfc_common_head *com, tree union_type, bool is_init) { tree decl, identifier; identifier = gfc_sym_mangled_common_id (com); decl = gfc_map_of_all_commons.count(identifier) ? gfc_map_of_all_commons[identifier] : NULL_TREE; /* Update the size of this common block as needed. */ if (decl != NULL_TREE) { tree size = TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (union_type); /* Named common blocks of the same name shall be of the same size in all scoping units of a program in which they appear, but blank common blocks may be of different sizes. */ if (!tree_int_cst_equal (DECL_SIZE_UNIT (decl), size) && strcmp (com->name, BLANK_COMMON_NAME)) gfc_warning ("Named COMMON block '%s' at %L shall be of the " "same size as elsewhere (%lu vs %lu bytes)", com->name, &com->where, (unsigned long) TREE_INT_CST_LOW (size), (unsigned long) TREE_INT_CST_LOW (DECL_SIZE_UNIT (decl))); if (tree_int_cst_lt (DECL_SIZE_UNIT (decl), size)) { DECL_SIZE (decl) = TYPE_SIZE (union_type); DECL_SIZE_UNIT (decl) = size; DECL_MODE (decl) = TYPE_MODE (union_type); TREE_TYPE (decl) = union_type; layout_decl (decl, 0); } } /* If this common block has been declared in a previous program unit, and either it is already initialized or there is no new initialization for it, just return. */ if ((decl != NULL_TREE) && (!is_init || DECL_INITIAL (decl))) return decl; /* If there is no backend_decl for the common block, build it. */ if (decl == NULL_TREE) { if (com->is_bind_c == 1 && com->binding_label) decl = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, identifier, union_type); else { decl = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, get_identifier (com->name), union_type); gfc_set_decl_assembler_name (decl, identifier); } TREE_PUBLIC (decl) = 1; TREE_STATIC (decl) = 1; DECL_IGNORED_P (decl) = 1; if (!com->is_bind_c) DECL_ALIGN (decl) = BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT; else { /* Do not set the alignment for bind(c) common blocks to BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT because that won't match what C does. Also, for common blocks with one element, the alignment must be that of the field within the common block in order to match what C will do. */ tree field = NULL_TREE; field = TYPE_FIELDS (TREE_TYPE (decl)); if (DECL_CHAIN (field) == NULL_TREE) DECL_ALIGN (decl) = TYPE_ALIGN (TREE_TYPE (field)); } DECL_USER_ALIGN (decl) = 0; GFC_DECL_COMMON_OR_EQUIV (decl) = 1; gfc_set_decl_location (decl, &com->where); if (com->threadprivate) DECL_TLS_MODEL (decl) = decl_default_tls_model (decl); /* Place the back end declaration for this common block in GLOBAL_BINDING_LEVEL. */ gfc_map_of_all_commons[identifier] = pushdecl_top_level (decl); } /* Has no initial values. */ if (!is_init) { DECL_INITIAL (decl) = NULL_TREE; DECL_COMMON (decl) = 1; DECL_DEFER_OUTPUT (decl) = 1; } else { DECL_INITIAL (decl) = error_mark_node; DECL_COMMON (decl) = 0; DECL_DEFER_OUTPUT (decl) = 0; } return decl; }
bool ZoneDatabase::LoadTributes() { char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; TributeData t; memset(&t.tiers, 0, sizeof(t.tiers)); t.tier_count = 0; tribute_list.clear(); const char *query = "SELECT id,name,descr,unknown,isguild FROM tributes"; if (RunQuery(query, strlen(query), errbuf, &result)) { int r; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { r = 0; uint32 id = atoul(row[r++]); = row[r++]; t.description = row[r++]; t.unknown = strtoul(row[r++], nullptr, 10); t.is_guild = atol(row[r++])==0?false:true; tribute_list[id] = t; } mysql_free_result(result); } else { LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Error in LoadTributes first query '%s': %s", query, errbuf); return false; } const char *query2 = "SELECT tribute_id,level,cost,item_id FROM tribute_levels ORDER BY tribute_id,level"; if (RunQuery(query2, strlen(query2), errbuf, &result)) { int r; while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { r = 0; uint32 id = atoul(row[r++]); if(tribute_list.count(id) != 1) { LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Error in LoadTributes: unknown tribute %lu in tribute_levels", (unsigned long)id); continue; } TributeData &cur = tribute_list[id]; if(cur.tier_count >= MAX_TRIBUTE_TIERS) { LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Error in LoadTributes: on tribute %lu: more tiers defined than permitted", (unsigned long)id); continue; } TributeLevel_Struct &s = cur.tiers[cur.tier_count]; s.level = atoul(row[r++]); s.cost = atoul(row[r++]); s.tribute_item_id = atoul(row[r++]); cur.tier_count++; } mysql_free_result(result); } else { LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Error in LoadTributes level query '%s': %s", query, errbuf); return false; } return true; }
bool transaction::connect_inputs( db_tx & tx_db, std::map<sha256, std::pair<transaction_index, transaction> > & inputs, std::map<sha256, transaction_index> & test_pool, const transaction_position & position_tx_this, const block_index * ptr_block_index, const bool & connect_block, const bool & create_new_block, const bool & strict_pay_to_script_hash, const bool & check_signature, std::vector<script_checker> * script_checker_checks ) { if (is_coin_base() == false) { std::int64_t value_in = 0; std::int64_t fees = 0; for (auto i = 0; i < m_transactions_in.size(); i++) { auto & prev_out = m_transactions_in[i].previous_out(); assert(inputs.count(prev_out.get_hash()) > 0); auto & tx_index = inputs[prev_out.get_hash()].first; auto & tx_previous = inputs[prev_out.get_hash()].second; if ( prev_out.n() >= tx_previous.transactions_out().size() || prev_out.n() >= tx_index.spent().size() ) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " previous out n is out of range [" << prev_out.n() << "-" << tx_previous.transactions_out().size() << "]" << " previous transaction " << prev_out.get_hash().to_string() << "\n" << tx_previous.to_string() ); return false; } /** * If previous is coinbase or coinstake, check that it's matured. */ if (tx_previous.is_coin_base() || tx_previous.is_coin_stake()) { for ( auto pindex = ptr_block_index; pindex && ptr_block_index->height() - pindex->height() < (constants::test_net ? static_cast<std::int32_t> (constants::coinbase_maturity_test_network) : static_cast<std::int32_t> (constants::coinbase_maturity)); pindex = pindex->block_index_previous() ) { if ( pindex->block_position() == tx_index.get_transaction_position().block_position() && pindex->file() == tx_index.get_transaction_position().file_index() ) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, tried to " "spend " << (tx_previous.is_coin_base() ? "coinbase" : "coinstake") << " at depth " << pindex->height() << "." ); return false; } } } /** * Check the transaction timestamp (ppcoin). */ if (tx_previous.time() > m_time) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, timestamp is earlier " "than the input transaction." ); return false; } /** * Check for negative or overflow input values. */ value_in += tx_previous.transactions_out()[prev_out.n()].value(); if ( utility::money_range( tx_previous.transactions_out()[prev_out.n()].value()) == false || utility::money_range(value_in) == false ) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, transaction in " "values out of range." ); return false; } } /** * Reserve memory for the script_checker's. */ if (script_checker_checks) { script_checker_checks->reserve(m_transactions_in.size()); } /** * Only if all inputs pass do we perform expensive ECDSA signature * checks. This may help prevent CPU exhaustion attacks. */ for (auto i = 0; i < m_transactions_in.size(); i++) { auto & prev_out = m_transactions_in[i].previous_out(); assert(inputs.count(prev_out.get_hash()) > 0); auto & tx_index = inputs[prev_out.get_hash()].first; auto & tx_previous = inputs[prev_out.get_hash()].second; /** * Check for conflicts (double-spend). */ if (tx_index.spent()[prev_out.n()].is_null() == false) { if (create_new_block) { return false; } else { log_debug( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " previous transaction already used at " << tx_index.spent()[prev_out.n()].to_string() << "." ); return false; } } /** * Skip ECDSA signature verification when connecting blocks before * the last blockchain checkpoint. This is safe because block * merkle hashes are still computed and checked, and any change * will be caught at the next checkpoint. */ if ( (connect_block && (globals::instance().best_block_height() < checkpoints::instance().get_total_blocks_estimate())) == false ) { if (check_signature == true) { /** * Allocate the script_checker. */ script_checker checker( tx_previous, *this, i, strict_pay_to_script_hash, 0 ); /** * If we were passsed a script_checker array use it. */ if (script_checker_checks) { script_checker_checks->push_back(checker); } else if (checker.check() == false) { if (strict_pay_to_script_hash == true) { /** * Allocate the script_checker. */ script_checker checker( tx_previous, *this, i, false, 0 ); /** * Only during transition phase for P2SH. * @note true means failure here. */ if (checker.check() == true) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " P2SH signature verification vailed." ); return false; } } log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " signature verification failed." ); return false; } } } /** * Mark outpoints as spent. */ tx_index.spent()[prev_out.n()] = position_tx_this; /** * Write back. */ if (connect_block || create_new_block) { test_pool[prev_out.get_hash()] = tx_index; } } if (is_coin_stake()) { /** * Coin stake transactions earn reward instead of paying fee * (ppcoin). */ std::uint64_t coin_age; if (get_coin_age(tx_db, coin_age) == false) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " unable to get " << "coin age for coin stake." ); return false; } std::int64_t stake_reward = get_value_out() - value_in; if ( stake_reward > reward::get_proof_of_stake(coin_age, ptr_block_index->bits(), m_time, ptr_block_index->height()) - get_minimum_fee() + constants::min_tx_fee ) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " stake reward exceeded." ); return false; } } else { if (value_in < get_value_out()) { log_error( "Transaction connect inputs failed, " << get_hash().to_string().substr(0, 10) << " value in is less than value out." ); return false; } } } return true; }
void ProcessMessageInstantX(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv) { if(fLiteMode) return; //disable all sandstorm/stormnode related functionality if(!IsSporkActive(SPORK_2_INSTANTX)) return; if(!stormnodeSync.IsBlockchainSynced()) return; if (strCommand == "ix") { //LogPrintf("ProcessMessageInstantX::ix\n"); CDataStream vMsg(vRecv); CTransaction tx; vRecv >> tx; CInv inv(MSG_TXLOCK_REQUEST, tx.GetHash()); pfrom->AddInventoryKnown(inv); if(mapTxLockReq.count(tx.GetHash()) || mapTxLockReqRejected.count(tx.GetHash())){ return; } if(!IsIXTXValid(tx)){ return; } BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut o, tx.vout){ // IX supports normal scripts and unspendable scripts (used in SS collateral and Budget collateral). // TODO: Look into other script types that are normal and can be included if(!o.scriptPubKey.IsNormalPaymentScript() && !o.scriptPubKey.IsUnspendable()){ LogPrintf("ProcessMessageInstantX::ix - Invalid Script %s\n", tx.ToString().c_str()); return; } } int nBlockHeight = CreateNewLock(tx); bool fMissingInputs = false; //CValidationState state; bool fAccepted = false; { LOCK(cs_main); //TODO (Amir): Pass state to AcceptToMemoryPool fAccepted = AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, tx, true, &fMissingInputs); } if (fAccepted) { RelayInv(inv); DoConsensusVote(tx, nBlockHeight); mapTxLockReq.insert(make_pair(tx.GetHash(), tx)); LogPrintf("ProcessMessageInstantX::ix - Transaction Lock Request: %s %s : accepted %s\n", pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), pfrom->cleanSubVer.c_str(), tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str() ); return; } else { mapTxLockReqRejected.insert(make_pair(tx.GetHash(), tx)); // can we get the conflicting transaction as proof? LogPrintf("ProcessMessageInstantX::ix - Transaction Lock Request: %s %s : rejected %s\n", pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str(), pfrom->cleanSubVer.c_str(), tx.GetHash().ToString().c_str() ); BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& in,{ if(!mapLockedInputs.count(in.prevout)){ mapLockedInputs.insert(make_pair(in.prevout, tx.GetHash())); } } // resolve conflicts std::map<uint256, CTransactionLock>::iterator i = mapTxLocks.find(tx.GetHash()); if (i != mapTxLocks.end()){ //we only care if we have a complete tx lock if((*i).second.CountSignatures() >= INSTANTX_SIGNATURES_REQUIRED){ if(!CheckForConflictingLocks(tx)){ LogPrintf("ProcessMessageInstantX::ix - Found Existing Complete IX Lock\n"); //reprocess the last 15 blocks ReprocessBlocks(15); mapTxLockReq.insert(make_pair(tx.GetHash(), tx)); } } } return; } }
/// Check if a grid function is part of the collection bool HasField(const char *name) { return field_map.count(name) == 1; }
void Client::DoTributeUpdate() { EQApplicationPacket outapp(OP_TributeUpdate, sizeof(TributeInfo_Struct)); TributeInfo_Struct *tis = (TributeInfo_Struct *) outapp.pBuffer; tis->active = m_pp.tribute_active ? 1 : 0; tis->tribute_master_id = tribute_master_id; //Dont know what this is for int r; for (r = 0; r < EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_SIZE; r++) { if(m_pp.tributes[r].tribute != TRIBUTE_NONE) { tis->tributes[r] = m_pp.tributes[r].tribute; tis->tiers[r] = m_pp.tributes[r].tier; } else { tis->tributes[r] = TRIBUTE_NONE; tis->tiers[r] = 0; } } QueuePacket(&outapp); SendTributeTimer(); if(m_pp.tribute_active) { //send and equip tribute items... for (r = 0; r < EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_SIZE; r++) { uint32 tid = m_pp.tributes[r].tribute; if(tid == TRIBUTE_NONE) { if (m_inv[EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r]) DeleteItemInInventory(EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r, 0, false); continue; } if(tribute_list.count(tid) != 1) { if (m_inv[EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r]) DeleteItemInInventory(EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r, 0, false); continue; } //sanity check if(m_pp.tributes[r].tier >= MAX_TRIBUTE_TIERS) { if (m_inv[EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r]) DeleteItemInInventory(EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r, 0, false); m_pp.tributes[r].tier = 0; continue; } TributeData &d = tribute_list[tid]; TributeLevel_Struct &tier = d.tiers[m_pp.tributes[r].tier]; uint32 item_id = tier.tribute_item_id; //summon the item for them const ItemInst* inst = database.CreateItem(item_id, 1); if(inst == nullptr) continue; PutItemInInventory(EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r, *inst, false); SendItemPacket(EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r, inst, ItemPacketTributeItem); safe_delete(inst); } } else { //unequip tribute items... for (r = 0; r < EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_SIZE; r++) { if (m_inv[EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r]) DeleteItemInInventory(EQEmu::legacy::TRIBUTE_BEGIN + r, 0, false); } } CalcBonuses(); }
int input_evdev_init(EvdevController* controller, const char* device, const char* custom_mapping_fname = NULL) { load_libevdev(); char name[256] = "Unknown"; printf("evdev: Trying to open device at '%s'\n", device); int fd = open(device, O_RDWR); if (fd >= 0) { fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if(ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(name)), name) < 0) { perror("evdev: ioctl"); return -2; } else { printf("evdev: Found '%s' at '%s'\n", name, device); controller->fd = fd; const char* mapping_fname; if(custom_mapping_fname != NULL) { mapping_fname = custom_mapping_fname; } else { #if defined(TARGET_PANDORA) mapping_fname = "controller_pandora.cfg"; #elif defined(TARGET_GCW0) mapping_fname = "controller_gcwz.cfg"; #else if (strcmp(name, "Microsoft X-Box 360 pad") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver (XBOX)") == 0) { mapping_fname = "controller_xpad.cfg"; } else if (strstr(name, "Xbox Gamepad (userspace driver)") != NULL) { mapping_fname = "controller_xboxdrv.cfg"; } else if (strstr(name, "keyboard") != NULL || strstr(name, "Keyboard") != NULL) { mapping_fname = "keyboard.cfg"; } else { mapping_fname = "controller_generic.cfg"; } #endif } if(loaded_mappings.count(string(mapping_fname)) == 0) { FILE* mapping_fd = NULL; if(mapping_fname[0] == '/') { // Absolute mapping mapping_fd = fopen(mapping_fname, "r"); } else { // Mapping from ~/.reicast/mappings/ size_t size_needed = snprintf(NULL, 0, EVDEV_MAPPING_PATH, mapping_fname) + 1; char* mapping_path = (char*)malloc(size_needed); sprintf(mapping_path, EVDEV_MAPPING_PATH, mapping_fname); mapping_fd = fopen(get_readonly_data_path(mapping_path).c_str(), "r"); free(mapping_path); } if(mapping_fd != NULL) { printf("evdev: reading mapping file: '%s'\n", mapping_fname); loaded_mappings.insert(std::make_pair(string(mapping_fname), load_mapping(mapping_fd))); fclose(mapping_fd); } else { printf("evdev: unable to open mapping file '%s'\n", mapping_fname); perror("evdev"); return -3; } } controller->mapping = &loaded_mappings.find(string(mapping_fname))->second; printf("evdev: Using '%s' mapping\n", controller->mapping->name); controller->init(); return 0; } } else { perror("evdev: open"); return -1; } }
static void KMCount(const char *s) { Kmer::k = 31; KmerIterator iter(s), end; // Number of k-mers that are sequins unsigned isSeq = 0; // Number of k-mers that are genome unsigned isGen = 0; for (int i = 0; iter != end; ++i, ++iter) { auto k = iter->first.rep().toString(); /* * Does the k-mer span sequin variants? */ if (__span__.count(k)) { __span__[k]++; } /* * Is this one of the reference k-mers? */ if (__all__.count(k)) { std::vector<std::pair<KmerEntry, int> > v; __seqsIndex__->match(k.c_str(), 31, v); if (v.empty()) { assert(false); } else { // std::cout << "GOOD" << std::endl; } __all__[k]++; isSeq++; } else { isGen++; } #ifdef DEBUG __debug__[k]++; #endif } if (isSeq > isGen) { __nSeq__++; } else { __nGen__++; } }
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments programData opcodeify(Node node, programAux aux=Aux(), int height=0, std::map<std::string, int> dupvars= std::map<std::string, int>()) { std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken(); Metadata m = node.metadata; // Numbers if (node.type == TOKEN) { return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1); } else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") { std::string varname = node.args[0].val; if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) { aux.vars[varname] = unsignedToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32); } std::cout << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << " " << node.val << "\n"; if (varname == "'") aux.calldataUsed = true; // Set variable if (node.val == "set") { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars); if (!sub.outs) err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m); if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) { int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val]; if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m); Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m), token("POP", m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0); } Node nodelist[] = { sub.code, token(sub.aux.vars[varname], m), token("MSTORE", m), }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0); } // Get variable else if (node.val == "get") { if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) { int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val]; if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m); return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1); } Node nodelist[] = { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) }; std::cout << "<--- " << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << "\n"; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1); } // Refer variable else { if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m); return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m), 1); } } // Code blocks if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) { if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> o; o.push_back(finalize(opcodeify(node.args[0]))); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars); Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m); Node nodelist[] = { token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m), token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m), token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m) }; return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), 1); } // Stack variables if (node.val == "with") { std::map<std::string, int> dupvars2 = dupvars; dupvars2[node.args[0].val] = height; programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars); if (!initial.outs) err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, height + 1, dupvars2); Node nodelist[] = { initial.code, sub.code }; programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs); if (sub.outs) o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m)); o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m)); return o; } // Seq of multiple statements if (node.val == "seq") { std::vector<Node> children; int lastOut = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height, dupvars); aux = sub.aux; if (sub.outs == 1) { if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code); else lastOut = 1; } children.push_back(sub.code); } return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut); } // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites) else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) { programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars); aux = action.aux; if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m); if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code); Node nodelist[] = { cond.code, token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), action.code, token("~endif"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m), 0); } // 3-part conditional else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) { programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, height, dupvars); programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, height, dupvars); aux = elsed.aux; if (!ifd.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m); // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something // and the other does not int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0; if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code); if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code); Node nodelist[] = { ifd.code, token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), thend.code, token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m), elsed.code, token("~endif"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), outs); } // While (rewritten to this in rewrites) else if (node.val == "until") { programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars); aux = action.aux; if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m); if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code); Node nodelist[] = { token("~beg"+symb, m), cond.code, token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m), action.code, token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m)); } // Memory allocations else if (node.val == "alloc") { programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars); aux = bytez.aux; if (!bytez.outs) err("Alloc input has arity 0", m); aux.allocUsed = true; Node nodelist[] = { bytez.code, token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m), token("ADD", m), token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m) }; return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1); } // Array literals else if (node.val == "array_lit") { aux.allocUsed = true; std::vector<Node> nodes; if (!node.args.size()) { nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m)); } nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); nodes.push_back(token("0", m)); nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m)); nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size() * 32 - 1), m)); nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m)); nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) { Metadata m2 = node.args[i].metadata; nodes.push_back(token("DUP1", m2)); programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height + 2, dupvars); if (!sub.outs) err("Array_lit item " + unsignedToDecimal(i) + " has zero arity", m2); aux = sub.aux; nodes.push_back(sub.code); nodes.push_back(token("SWAP1", m2)); if (i > 0) { nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(i * 32), m2)); nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m2)); } nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m2)); } return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m), 1); } // All other functions/operators else { std::vector<Node> subs2; int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val)); if (node.val != "debug") { if (depth == -1) err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m); if ((int)node.args.size() != depth) err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m); } for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height - i - 1 + node.args.size(), dupvars); aux = sub.aux; if (!sub.outs) err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata); subs2.push_back(sub.code); } if (node.val == "debug") { subs2.push_back(token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size()), m)); for (int i = 0; i <= (int)node.args.size(); i++) subs2.push_back(token("POP", m)); } else subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m)); int outdepth = node.val == "debug" ? 0 : opoutputs(upperCase(node.val)); return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth); } }
void event_msg_callback(const trigger_sync::EventConstPtr& event_msg) { ros::Time t = ros::Time::now(); trigger_sync::Event new_event_msg = *event_msg; // Check for time request if ( event_msg->local_clock_id != clock_name // Event was not sent by us && event_msg->local_request_time != ros::Time(0) // Request time is defined && event_msg->device_time == ros::Time(0) // Device time is undefined && event_msg->local_receive_time == ros::Time(0) // Recieve time is undefined ) { // Fill out the device time with our local time and republish new_event_msg.device_clock_id = clock_name; new_event_msg.device_time = t; event_pub->publish(new_event_msg); return; } // Check for time request if ( event_msg->local_clock_id == clock_name // Event was sent by us && event_msg->local_request_time != ros::Time(0) // Request time is defined && event_msg->device_time != ros::Time(0) // Device time is defined && event_msg->local_receive_time == ros::Time(0) // Recieve time is undefined ) { // Fill out the local recive time field of the messge new_event_msg.local_receive_time = t; // Add event to the appropriate clock estimator if (sync_map.count(event_msg->device_clock_id) == 0 ) { sync_map[event_msg->device_clock_id].reset(new TriggerSync(event_msg->device_clock_id,event_msg->local_clock_id)); double switch_period; ros::NodeHandle local_nh("~"); local_nh.param("switch_period", switch_period, 30.0); sync_map[event_msg->device_clock_id]->setSwitchPeriod(ros::Duration(30.0)); } // Add the event to the TriggerSync estimator new_event_msg.corrected_local_time = sync_map[event_msg->device_clock_id]->updateTwoWay( new_event_msg.local_request_time, new_event_msg.device_time, new_event_msg.local_receive_time); // Publish the event with the event_pub->publish(new_event_msg); printf(" offset_lb = %+15.1fus , offset_ub = %+15.1fus , offset_estimate = %+15.1fus \r", (new_event_msg.local_request_time - new_event_msg.device_time ).toSec()*1.0e6, (new_event_msg.local_receive_time - new_event_msg.device_time ).toSec()*1.0e6, (new_event_msg.corrected_local_time - new_event_msg.device_time ).toSec()*1.0e6 ) ; fflush(stdout); } }
void processImage(cv::Mat& image) { if (image.empty()) return; #ifdef _OPENCV3 pMOG->apply(image, fgMaskMOG, 0.05); #else pMOG->operator()(image, fgMaskMOG, 0.05); #endif cv::dilate(fgMaskMOG,fgMaskMOG,cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,cv::Size(15,15))); bin = new IplImage(fgMaskMOG); frame = new IplImage(image); labelImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.cols,image.rows),IPL_DEPTH_LABEL,1); unsigned int result = cvLabel(bin, labelImg, blobs); cvRenderBlobs(labelImg, blobs, frame, frame, CV_BLOB_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX|CV_BLOB_RENDER_CENTROID|CV_BLOB_RENDER_ANGLE); cvFilterByArea(blobs, 1500, 40000); cvUpdateTracks(blobs, tracks, 200., 5); cvRenderTracks(tracks, frame, frame, CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID); for (std::map<CvID, CvTrack*>::iterator track_it = tracks.begin(); track_it!=tracks.end(); track_it++) { CvID id = (*track_it).first; CvTrack* track = (*track_it).second; cur_pos = track->centroid; if (track->inactive == 0) { if (last_poses.count(id)) { std::map<CvID, CvPoint2D64f>::iterator pose_it = last_poses.find(id); last_pos = pose_it -> second; last_poses.erase(pose_it); } last_poses.insert(std::pair<CvID, CvPoint2D64f>(id, cur_pos)); if (line_pos+25>cur_pos.y && cur_pos.y>line_pos && line_pos-25<last_pos.y && last_pos.y<line_pos) { count++; countUD++; } if (line_pos-25<cur_pos.y && cur_pos.y<line_pos && line_pos+25>last_pos.y && last_pos.y>line_pos) { count++; countDU++; } if ( cur_pos.y<line_pos+50 && cur_pos.y>line_pos-50) { avg_vel += abs(cur_pos.y-last_pos.y); count_active++; } //update heatmapfg heat_mapfg = cv::Mat::zeros(FR_H, FR_W, CV_8UC3); count_arr[lmindex] = count; avg_vel_arr[lmindex] = avg_vel/count_active ; for (int i=0; i<landmarks.size(); i++) { cv::circle(heat_mapfg, cv::Point((landmarks[i].y + 50)*2.4, (landmarks[i].x + 50)*2.4), count_arr[i]*3, cv::Scalar(0, 16*avg_vel_arr[i], 255 - 16*avg_vel_arr[i]), -1); } cv::GaussianBlur(heat_mapfg, heat_mapfg, cv::Size(15, 15), 5); } else { if (last_poses.count(id)) { last_poses.erase(last_poses.find(id)); } } } cv::line(image, cv::Point(0, line_pos), cv::Point(FR_W, line_pos), cv::Scalar(0,255,0),2); cv::putText(image, "COUNT: "+to_string(count), cv::Point(10, 15), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); cv::putText(image, "UP->DOWN: "+to_string(countUD), cv::Point(10, 30), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); cv::putText(image, "DOWN->UP: "+to_string(countDU), cv::Point(10, 45), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); cv::imshow("BLOBS", image); cv::imshow("HEATMAP", heat_map + heat_mapfg); cv::waitKey(33); }
int verify_ascanf_Address( void *p, ascanf_Function_type type ) { return( (ascanf_AddressMap.count((unsigned long)p) && ascanf_AddressMap[(unsigned long)p]==type)? 1 : 0 ); }
bool has(const char a){ return transitions.count(a); }
/** * Reads in a vehicle part from a JsonObject. */ void game::load_vehiclepart(JsonObject &jo) { vpart_info next_part; = jo.get_string("id"); = _(jo.get_string("name").c_str()); next_part.sym = jo.get_string("symbol")[0]; next_part.color = color_from_string(jo.get_string("color")); next_part.sym_broken = jo.get_string("broken_symbol")[0]; next_part.color_broken = color_from_string(jo.get_string("broken_color")); next_part.dmg_mod = jo.has_member("damage_modifier") ? jo.get_int("damage_modifier") : 100; next_part.durability = jo.get_int("durability"); next_part.power = jo.get_int("power", 0); next_part.epower = jo.get_int("epower", 0); next_part.folded_volume = jo.get_int("folded_volume", 0); //Handle the par1 union as best we can by accepting any ONE of its elements int element_count = (jo.has_member("par1") ? 1 : 0) + (jo.has_member("size") ? 1 : 0) + (jo.has_member("wheel_width") ? 1 : 0) + (jo.has_member("bonus") ? 1 : 0); if(element_count == 0) { //If not specified, assume 0 next_part.par1 = 0; } else if(element_count == 1) { if(jo.has_member("par1")) { next_part.par1 = jo.get_int("par1"); } else if(jo.has_member("size")) { next_part.par1 = jo.get_int("size"); } else if(jo.has_member("wheel_width")) { next_part.par1 = jo.get_int("wheel_width"); } else { //bonus next_part.par1 = jo.get_int("bonus"); } } else { //Too many debugmsg("Error parsing vehicle part '%s': \ Use AT MOST one of: par1, power, size, wheel_width, bonus",; //Keep going to produce more messages if other parts are wrong next_part.par1 = 0; } next_part.fuel_type = jo.has_member("fuel_type") ? jo.get_string("fuel_type") : "NULL"; next_part.item = jo.get_string("item"); next_part.difficulty = jo.get_int("difficulty"); next_part.location = jo.has_member("location") ? jo.get_string("location") : ""; next_part.bitflags = 0; JsonArray jarr = jo.get_array("flags"); std::string nstring = ""; while (jarr.has_more()) { nstring = jarr.next_string(); next_part.flags.insert(nstring); if ( vpart_bitflag_map.find(nstring) != vpart_bitflag_map.end() ) { next_part.bitflags |= mfb( vpart_bitflag_map.find(nstring)->second ); } } if (jo.has_member("FOLDABLE") && next_part.folded_volume == 0){ debugmsg("Error: folded part %s has a volume of 0!",; } JsonArray breaks_into = jo.get_array("breaks_into"); while(breaks_into.has_more()) { JsonObject next_entry = breaks_into.next_object(); break_entry next_break_entry; next_break_entry.item_id = next_entry.get_string("item"); next_break_entry.min = next_entry.get_int("min"); next_break_entry.max = next_entry.get_int("max"); //Sanity check if(next_break_entry.max < next_break_entry.min) { debugmsg("For vehicle part %s: breaks_into item '%s' has min (%d) > max (%d)!",, next_break_entry.item_id.c_str(), next_break_entry.min, next_break_entry.max); } next_part.breaks_into.push_back(next_break_entry); } //Calculate and cache z-ordering based off of location // list_order is used when inspecting the vehicle if(next_part.location == "on_roof") { next_part.z_order = 9; next_part.list_order = 3; } else if(next_part.location == "on_cargo") { next_part.z_order = 8; next_part.list_order = 6; } else if(next_part.location == "center") { next_part.z_order = 7; next_part.list_order = 7; } else if(next_part.location == "under") { //Have wheels show up over frames next_part.z_order = 6; next_part.list_order = 10; } else if(next_part.location == "structure") { next_part.z_order = 5; next_part.list_order = 1; } else if(next_part.location == "engine_block") { //Should be hidden by frames next_part.z_order = 4; next_part.list_order = 8 ; } else if (next_part.location == "on_battery_mount"){ //Should be hidden by frames next_part.z_order = 3; next_part.list_order = 10; } else if(next_part.location == "fuel_source") { //Should be hidden by frames next_part.z_order = 3; next_part.list_order = 9; } else if(next_part.location == "roof") { //Shouldn't be displayed next_part.z_order = -1; next_part.list_order = 4; } else if(next_part.location == "armor") { //Shouldn't be displayed (the color is used, but not the symbol) next_part.z_order = -2; next_part.list_order = 2; } else { //Everything else next_part.z_order = 0; next_part.list_order = 5; } if (vehicle_part_types.count( > 0) { next_part.loadid = vehicle_part_types[].loadid; vehicle_part_int_types[next_part.loadid] = next_part; } else { next_part.loadid = vehicle_part_int_types.size(); vehicle_part_int_types.push_back(next_part); } vehicle_part_types[] = next_part; }
MetadataElement::Type enumFromString(std::string strType) { if ( m_stringToEnum.count(strType)==0 ) { MR4C_THROW(std::invalid_argument, "No metadata element type named [" << strType << "]"); } return m_stringToEnum[strType]; }
std::string searchAbbreviations(std::string in) // searches abbreviations, returns expansion if so, returns original if not { if(abbreviations.count(in) > 0) return abbreviations[in]; return in; };
std::string enumToString(MetadataElement::Type type) { if ( m_enumToString.count(type)==0 ) { MR4C_THROW(std::invalid_argument, "No metadata element type enum = " << type); } return m_enumToString[type]; }
bool ProductManager::addRequest(pioneer_control::ProductManagerAddRequest::Request &req, pioneer_control::ProductManagerAddRequest::Response &res) { std::string pickUp = req.pickUp; std::string deliver = req.deliver; res.status = false; bool isTransportValid = true; if(!productAreasInformation.count(pickUp)) { ROS_INFO("ERROR! Product Area name \"%s\" is not valid.", pickUp.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; } if(!productAreasInformation.count(deliver)) { ROS_INFO("ERROR! Product Area name \"%s\" is not valid.", deliver.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; } if(!isTransportValid) return false; PAInformation* pickUpPAInfo = &productAreasInformation[pickUp]; PAInformation* deliverPAInfo = &productAreasInformation[deliver]; switch(pickUpPAInfo->status) { case PAStatus_PickUp: ROS_INFO("Pick Up PA (%s): ERROR! Product in this PA already to be picked up.", pickUp.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; break; case PAStatus_Deliver: ROS_INFO("Pick Up PA (%s): ERROR! PA to be occupied.", pickUp.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; break; case PAStatus_Empty: ROS_INFO("Pick Up PA (%s): ERROR! PA empty, no product here.", pickUp.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; break; case PAStatus_Idle: ROS_INFO("Pick Up PA (%s): OK! Product waiting to be transported!.", pickUp.c_str()); break; } switch(deliverPAInfo->status) { case PAStatus_PickUp: ROS_INFO("Deliver PA (%s): ERROR! Product in this PA already to be picked up.", deliver.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; break; case PAStatus_Deliver: ROS_INFO("Deliver PA (%s): ERROR! PA to be occupied.", deliver.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; break; case PAStatus_Empty: ROS_INFO("Deliver PA (%s): OK! PA empty, product can be delivered here!.", deliver.c_str()); break; case PAStatus_Idle: ROS_INFO("Deliver PA (%s): ERROR! Product here, can't deliver here!.", deliver.c_str()); isTransportValid = false; break; } if(!isTransportValid) return false; TransportInformation* transportInfo; transportInfo = new TransportInformation(transportCount, pickUpPAInfo, deliverPAInfo); transportsWaitingAccept.push_back(transportInfo); ROS_INFO("Product Manager: Transport request %d (%s to %s) added to request queue.", transportCount, pickUp.c_str(), deliver.c_str()); // = transportInfo->id; //transportRequestMsg.pickUpPA.x = transportInfo->pickUpPA->pos.x; //transportRequestMsg.pickUpPA.y = transportInfo->pickUpPA->pos.y; //transportRequestMsg.deliverPA.x = transportInfo->deliverPA->pos.x; //transportRequestMsg.deliverPA.y = transportInfo->deliverPA->pos.y; //printf("Product Manager: Request %d pick up from (%d, %d) ", transportCount, transportRequestMsg.pickUpPA.x, transportRequestMsg.pickUpPA.y); //printf("deliver to (%d, %d) published\n", transportRequestMsg.deliverPA.x, transportRequestMsg.deliverPA.y); //transportRequestPub.publish(transportRequestMsg); transportCount++; res.status = true; return true; }
void compile(const std::string bf_program, std::vector<std::string> &asm_program, const std::map<std::string,std::string> &options) { std::stack<int> jump_label_nums; //stack for [ and ] instructions //auto curr_inst = bf_program.begin(); //iterator over instructions auto label_num = 1; //counter for label numbers to avoid conflicts //data register option if(options.count("data_reg")) { asm_program.push_back("clr " +"data_reg") + "\n"); } else { asm_program.push_back("clr r16\n"); } if(options.count("memory_addr")) { asm_program.push_back("ldi r26, " +"memory_addr") + "\n"); } else { asm_program.push_back("ldi r26, 0x60\n"); } asm_program.push_back("main:\n"); for(const auto &curr_inst : bf_program) { switch(curr_inst) { case inc_ptr: asm_program.push_back(asm_inc_ptr); break; case dec_ptr: asm_program.push_back(asm_dec_ptr); break; case inc_deref: asm_program.push_back(asm_inc_deref); break; case dec_deref: asm_program.push_back(asm_dec_deref); break; case beg_loop: { const auto end_label = "loop_label_end" + std::to_string(label_num); const auto beg_label = "loop_label" + std::to_string(label_num); asm_program.push_back("cpi r16,0\nbreq " + end_label + "\n"); asm_program.push_back(beg_label + ":\n\n"); jump_label_nums.push(label_num); ++label_num; } break; case end_loop: { const auto curr_label_num =; jump_label_nums.pop(); const auto beg_label = "loop_label" + std::to_string(curr_label_num); const auto end_label = "loop_label_end" + std::to_string(curr_label_num); asm_program.push_back("cpi r16, 0\nbrne " + beg_label + "\n"); asm_program.push_back(end_label + ":\n"); } break; case read_char: asm_program.push_back(asm_read_char); break; case put_char: asm_program.push_back(asm_put_char); break; } } }