static inline int64_t next_jobid (const std::map<uint64_t, job_info_t *> &m) { int64_t jobid = -1; if (m.empty ()) jobid = 0; else if (m.rbegin ()->first < INT64_MAX) jobid = m.rbegin ()->first + 1; return jobid; }
void printMap(const std::map<T, T>& m, std::ostream& s = std::cout) { for (typename std::map<T, T>::const_reverse_iterator it = m.rbegin(); it != m.rend(); ++it) { if (it != m.rbegin()) s << " "; s << it->first << " " << it->second; } s << "\n"; }
void LanguageLatex<Base>::printStaticIndexMatrix(std::ostringstream& os, const std::string& name, const std::map<size_t, std::map<size_t, size_t> >& values) { size_t m = 0; size_t n = 0; std::map<size_t, std::map<size_t, size_t> >::const_iterator it; std::map<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator ity2z; if (!values.empty()) { m = values.rbegin()->first + 1; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.empty()) n = std::max(n, it->second.rbegin()->first + 1); } } os << name << " = \\left\\{"; size_t x = 0; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { if (it->first != x) { while (it->first != x) { os << "{},"; x++; } } os << "{"; size_t y = 0; for (ity2z = it->second.begin(); ity2z != it->second.end(); ++ity2z) { if (ity2z->first != y) { while (ity2z->first != y) { os << "0,"; y++; } } os << ity2z->second; if (ity2z->first != it->second.rbegin()->first) os << ","; y++; } os << "}"; if (it->first != values.rbegin()->first) os << ","; x++; } os << "\\right\\}" << _endEq << "% size: " << m << " x " << n << _endline; }
void LanguageC<Base>::printStaticIndexMatrix(std::ostringstream& os, const std::string& name, const std::map<size_t, std::map<size_t, size_t> >& values) { size_t m = 0; size_t n = 0; std::map<size_t, std::map<size_t, size_t> >::const_iterator it; std::map<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator ity2z; if (!values.empty()) { m = values.rbegin()->first + 1; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.empty()) n = std::max(n, it->second.rbegin()->first + 1); } } os << "static " << U_INDEX_TYPE << " const " << name << "[" << m << "][" << n << "] = {"; size_t x = 0; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { if (it->first != x) { while (it->first != x) { os << "{},"; x++; } } os << "{"; size_t y = 0; for (ity2z = it->second.begin(); ity2z != it->second.end(); ++ity2z) { if (ity2z->first != y) { while (ity2z->first != y) { os << "0,"; y++; } } os << ity2z->second; if (ity2z->first != it->second.rbegin()->first) os << ","; y++; } os << "}"; if (it->first != values.rbegin()->first) os << ","; x++; } os << "};\n"; }
void GL45Backend::derezTextures() const { if (GLTexture::getMemoryPressure() < 1.0f) { return; } Lock lock(texturesByMipCountsMutex); if (texturesByMipCounts.empty()) { // No available textures to derez return; } auto mipLevel = texturesByMipCounts.rbegin()->first; if (mipLevel <= 1) { // No mips available to remove return; } GL45Texture* targetTexture = nullptr; { auto& textures = texturesByMipCounts[mipLevel]; assert(!textures.empty()); targetTexture = *textures.begin(); } lock.unlock(); targetTexture->derez(); }
/** * Get the computed average speed * @param thr_id int (-1 for all threads) */ double stats_get_speed(int thr_id, double def_speed) { uint64_t gpu = thr_id;//device_map[thr_id]; const uint64_t keymsk = 0xffULL; // last u8 is the gpu double speed = 0.0; int records = 0; std::map<uint64_t, stats_data>::reverse_iterator i = tlastscans.rbegin(); while (i != tlastscans.rend() && records < opt_statsavg) { if (!i->second.ignored) if (thr_id == -1 || (keymsk & i->first) == gpu) { if (i->second.hashcount > 1000) { speed += i->second.hashrate; records++; // applog(LOG_BLUE, "%d %x %.1f", thr_id, i->second.thr_id, i->second.hashrate); } } ++i; } if (records) speed /= (double)(records); else speed = def_speed; if (thr_id == -1) speed *= (double)(opt_n_threads); return speed; }
uint32_t FileWriterI::close() { if (baseOutfile == NULL) { WARNING << "ops::msole::FileWriterI::close() : file already closed"; return RET_ERR; } // close all opened files. vector <GsfOutput*> :: iterator iter; for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < openFileHandler.size() ; i++) { GsfOutput * output = openFileHandler[i]; if (output != NULL) { gsf_output_close (GSF_OUTPUT (output)); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (output)); } } openFileHandler.clear(); // close all opened directories. map <std::string, GsfOutput*> :: reverse_iterator rIter; for ( rIter = openDirList.rbegin( ) ; rIter != openDirList.rend( ) ; rIter++) { GsfOutput * output = openDirList[rIter->first]; gsf_output_close (GSF_OUTPUT (output)); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (output)); } openDirList.clear(); baseOutfile = NULL; DEBUG << "ops::msole::FileWriterI::close() : file closed"; return RET_OK; }
void OKSocialPluginAndroid::getMyProfile(int preferedPictureSize, void *userData, const std::vector<std::string> &additionalFields) { if (!isLoggedIn()) { if (_delegate) _delegate->onGetMyProfile({SocialPluginDelegate::Error::Type::NO_LOGIN, 0, ""}, userData, _emptyProfile); return; } std::string fields = "uid,first_name,last_name,email,birthday,gender"; for (const auto &field : additionalFields) fields += "," + field; auto picturesMapIterator = _picturesMap.lower_bound(preferedPictureSize); const auto &pictureField = (picturesMapIterator == _picturesMap.end()) ? _picturesMap.rbegin()->second : picturesMapIterator->second; fields += "," + _pictureIDKey + "," + pictureField; cocos2d::JniMethodInfo methodInfo; if (cocos2d::JniHelper::getStaticMethodInfo(methodInfo, HELPER_CLASS_NAME, "getMyProfile", "(Ljava/lang/String;JLjava/lang/String;Z)V")) { jstring jFields = methodInfo.env->NewStringUTF(fields.c_str()); jstring jPictureField = methodInfo.env->NewStringUTF(pictureField.c_str()); methodInfo.env->CallStaticVoidMethod(methodInfo.classID, methodInfo.methodID, jFields, (jlong)userData, jPictureField, (jboolean)_debug); methodInfo.env->DeleteLocalRef(methodInfo.classID); // methodInfo.env->DeleteLocalRef(jFields); // TODO // methodInfo.env->DeleteLocalRef(jPictureField); // TODO } }
inline std::pair<double, double> GetISInterval(double quantile, const std::map<int, size_t> &is_hist) { // First, obtain the sum of the values double S = 0; for (auto iter : is_hist) S += (double) iter.second; double lval = S * (1 - quantile) / 2, rval = S * (1 + quantile) / 2; double is_min, is_max; // Now, find the quantiles double cS = 0; is_min = is_hist.begin()->first; is_max = is_hist.rbegin()->first; for (auto iter : is_hist) { if (cS <= lval) is_min = iter.first; else if (cS <= rval) is_max = iter.first; cS += (double) iter.second; } return std::make_pair(is_min, is_max); }
int solve(const int x, std::map<int, std::vector<int> >& dataset) { int result = 1; std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::reverse_iterator it = dataset.rbegin(); for(; it != dataset.rend(); ++it) { bool isIncludeF = false; // each vecotr element for (int j = 0; j < (*it).second.size(); ++j) { // std::cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second[j] << std::endl; if (((*it).second)[j] == x) { isIncludeF = true; break; } } if (isIncludeF) { break; } ++result; } return result; }
void inventory_selector::remove_dropping_items( player &u ) const { // We iterate backwards because deletion will invalidate later indices. for( auto a = dropping.rbegin(); a != dropping.rend(); ++a ) { if( a->first < 0 ) { // weapon or armor, handled separately continue; } const int count = a->second; item &tmpit = u.inv.find_item( a->first ); if( tmpit.count_by_charges() ) { long charges = tmpit.charges; if( count != -1 && count < charges ) { tmpit.charges -= count; } else { u.inv.remove_item( a->first ); } } else { size_t max_count = u.inv.const_stack( a->first ).size(); if( count != -1 && ( size_t )count < max_count ) { max_count = count; } for( size_t i = 0; i < max_count; i++ ) { u.inv.remove_item( a->first ); } } } }
string replace_map( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &replacements ) const { string out; for( size_t i = 0; i < this->size(); ) { bool found = false; size_t match_length = 0; std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_reverse_iterator it; for( it = replacements.rbegin(); !found && it != replacements.rend(); ++it ) { const std::string &target = it->first; const std::string &replacement = it->second; if( match_length != target.size() ) match_length = target.size(); if( this->size() - i >= target.size() ) if( !std::memcmp( &this->at(int(i)), &, (int)match_length ) ) { i += target.size(); out += replacement; found = true; } } if( !found ) out += this->at(int(i++)); } return out; }
std::map<u32,DisassemblyEntry*>::iterator findDisassemblyEntry(std::map<u32,DisassemblyEntry*>& entries, u32 address, bool exact) { if (exact) return entries.find(address); if (entries.size() == 0) return entries.end(); // find first elem that's >= address auto it = entries.lower_bound(address); if (it != entries.end()) { // it may be an exact match if (isInInterval(it->second->getLineAddress(0),it->second->getTotalSize(),address)) return it; // otherwise it may point to the next if (it != entries.begin()) { it--; if (isInInterval(it->second->getLineAddress(0),it->second->getTotalSize(),address)) return it; } } // check last entry manually auto rit = entries.rbegin(); if (isInInterval(rit->second->getLineAddress(0),rit->second->getTotalSize(),address)) { return (++rit).base(); } // no match otherwise return entries.end(); }
cv::Mat MapsManager::generateGridMap( const std::map<int, rtabmap::Transform> & poses, float & xMin, float & yMin, float & gridCellSize) { gridCellSize = gridCellSize_; cv::Mat map = util3d::create2DMapFromOccupancyLocalMaps( poses, gridMaps_, gridCellSize_, xMin, yMin, gridSize_, gridEroded_); // Fill unknown space around the last pose if(!map.empty() && laserScanMaxRange_ && laserScanMinAngle_ < laserScanMaxAngle_ && laserScanIncrement_ && poses.size()) { const Transform & pose = poses.rbegin()->second; float roll, pitch, yaw; pose.getEulerAngles(roll, pitch, yaw); cv::Point2i start((pose.x()-xMin)/gridCellSize_ + 0.5f, (pose.y()-yMin)/gridCellSize_ + 0.5f); //rotate counterclockwise 180 degrees at the computed step "a" degrees cv::Mat rotation = (cv::Mat_<float>(2,2) << cos(laserScanIncrement_), -sin(laserScanIncrement_), sin(laserScanIncrement_), cos(laserScanIncrement_)); cv::Mat origin(2,1,CV_32F), endFirst(2,1,CV_32F);<float>(0) = pose.x();<float>(1) = pose.y();<float>(0) = laserScanMaxRange_;<float>(1) = 0; yaw += laserScanMinAngle_; cv::Mat initRotation = (cv::Mat_<float>(2,2) << cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), sin(yaw), cos(yaw)); cv::Mat endCurrent = initRotation*endFirst + origin; for(float a=laserScanMinAngle_; a<=laserScanMaxAngle_; a+=laserScanIncrement_) { cv::Point2i end((<float>(0)-xMin)/gridCellSize_ + 0.5f, (<float>(1)-yMin)/gridCellSize_ + 0.5f); //end must be inside the grid end.x = end.x < 0?0:end.x; end.x = end.x >= map.cols?map.cols-1:end.x; end.y = end.y < 0?0:end.y; end.y = end.y >= map.rows?map.rows-1:end.y; util3d::rayTrace(start, end, map, true); // trace free space // next point endCurrent = rotation*(endCurrent - origin) + origin; } } return map; }
static uint64_t addPipeHandler(SignalHandler * handler) { lock.lock(); uint64_t const id = sigpipehandlers.size() ? (sigpipehandlers.rbegin()->first+1) : 0; sigpipehandlers[id] = handler; lock.unlock(); return id; }
void find_sector(const std::map<int, double>& m, int s, int& begin, int & end) { begin = s; while (begin >= m.begin()->first and m.find(begin) == m.end()) --begin; if (begin < m.begin()->first) begin = m.begin()->first; else ++begin; end = s + 1; while (end <= m.rbegin()->first and m.find(end) == m.end()) ++end; if (end >= m.rbegin()->first) end = m.rbegin()->first + 1; }
bool RogersGuiApp::removeFromList( MouseEvent event ) { if (valueLabels.size()) { valueLabels.erase( valueLabels.rbegin()->first ); theListControl->update( valueLabels ); theDropDownControl->update( valueLabels ); } return false; }
static uint64_t addAllHandler(SignalHandler * handler) { lock.lock(); uint64_t const pipeid = sigpipehandlers.size() ? (sigpipehandlers.rbegin()->first+1) : 0; uint64_t const hupid = sighuphandlers.size() ? (sighuphandlers.rbegin()->first+1) : 0; uint64_t const termid = sigtermhandlers.size() ? (sigtermhandlers.rbegin()->first+1) : 0; uint64_t const intid = siginthandlers.size() ? (siginthandlers.rbegin()->first+1) : 0; uint64_t const allid = std::max(std::max(pipeid,hupid),std::max(termid,intid)); siginthandlers[allid] = handler; sigtermhandlers[allid] = handler; sighuphandlers[allid] = handler; sigpipehandlers[allid] = handler; lock.unlock(); return allid; }
static inline void coeffsToDescendingWeights(std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>& multiSet, unsigned int weights[][2]) { std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::reverse_iterator rit; int i = 0; for ( rit=multiSet.rbegin() ; rit != multiSet.rend(); rit++ ) { weights[i][0] = (*rit).first; weights[i][1] = (*rit).second; if(i>0) assert(weights[i-1][0]>weights[i][0]); //For debuging prpous only i++; } }
bool thread_pool::get_free_queue(queue_ptr* out_queue) const { auto finded = std::find_if(queues.rbegin(), queues.rend(), [](const std::pair<queue::priority, queue_ptr>& iterator) { return !iterator.second->is_running; }); bool is_free_queue_exist = (finded != queues.rend()); if (is_free_queue_exist) *out_queue = finded->second; return is_free_queue_exist; }
/** * Export data for api calls */ int hashlog_get_history(struct hashlog_data *data, int max_records) { int records = 0; std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::reverse_iterator it = tlastshares.rbegin(); while (it != tlastshares.rend() && records < max_records) { memcpy(&data[records], &(it->second), sizeof(struct hashlog_data)); data[records].nonce = LO_DWORD(it->first); data[records].njobid = (uint32_t) HI_DWORD(it->first); records++; ++it; } return records; }
void LockMythXDisplays(bool lock) { if (lock) { std::map<Display*, MythXDisplay*>::iterator it; for (it = xdisplays.begin(); it != xdisplays.end(); ++it) it->second->Lock(); } else { std::map<Display*, MythXDisplay*>::reverse_iterator it; for (it = xdisplays.rbegin(); it != xdisplays.rend(); ++it) it->second->Unlock(); } }
u32 MapBlock_HeapLinear(u32 size, u32 operation, u32 permissions) { MemoryBlock block; block.base_address = LINEAR_HEAP_VADDR; block.size = size; block.operation = operation; block.permissions = permissions; if (heap_linear_map.size() > 0) { const MemoryBlock last_block = heap_linear_map.rbegin()->second; block.address = last_block.address + last_block.size; } heap_linear_map[block.GetVirtualAddress()] = block; return block.GetVirtualAddress(); }
std::string map2String(std::map<std::string, double> map) { std::string mapToString = "{"; for(std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { mapToString += ("\"" + it->first + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + d2String(it->second) + "\""); if(it->first != map.rbegin()->first) { mapToString += ","; } } mapToString += "}"; return mapToString; }
iterator alloc_oid() { OID x; if (free_oids.empty()) { x = 1 + records.rbegin()->first; } else { auto it = free_oids.begin(); x = *it; free_oids.erase(it); } auto v = null_entry(); auto rval = records.insert(std::make_pair(x, v)); ASSERT(rval.second); // inserted (not already present) return rval.first; }
/** * Export data for api calls */ int stats_get_history(int thr_id, struct stats_data *data, int max_records) { const uint64_t gpu = device_map[thr_id]; const uint64_t keymsk = 0xffULL; // last u8 is the gpu int records = 0; std::map<uint64_t, stats_data>::reverse_iterator i = tlastscans.rbegin(); while (i != tlastscans.rend() && records < max_records) { if (!i->second.ignored) if (thr_id == -1 || (keymsk & i->first) == gpu) { memcpy(&data[records], &(i->second), sizeof(struct stats_data)); records++; } ++i; } return records; }
void f_map() { std::map<int, int> C; std::map<int, int>::iterator MapI1 = C.begin(); // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use auto when declaring iterators // CHECK-FIXES: auto MapI1 = C.begin(); std::map<int, int>::reverse_iterator MapI2 = C.rbegin(); // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use auto when declaring iterators // CHECK-FIXES: auto MapI2 = C.rbegin(); const std::map<int, int> D; std::map<int, int>::const_iterator MapI3 = D.begin(); // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use auto when declaring iterators // CHECK-FIXES: auto MapI3 = D.begin(); std::map<int, int>::const_reverse_iterator MapI4 = D.rbegin(); // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use auto when declaring iterators // CHECK-FIXES: auto MapI4 = D.rbegin(); }
unsigned int CBRepSurface::GetFreeKey(const std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>& map) { if( map.empty() ) return 1; //////////////// { std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>::const_reverse_iterator ritr = map.rbegin(); const unsigned int max_id = ritr->first; if( max_id < map.size() * 2 ){ return max_id+1; } } //////////////// unsigned int cand = 1; std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>::const_iterator itr = map.begin(); for(;itr!=map.end();itr++){ const unsigned int key = itr->first; if( key > cand ) return cand; cand++; } return cand; }
void EmployeeListDialog::ShowEmployeeList( std::map<int, Employee*> &itsEmployees ) { QTableWidget *tableWidget = this->ui->tableWidgetEmployeeList; int count = 0; for ( std::map<int, Employee *>::reverse_iterator it = itsEmployees.rbegin(); it != itsEmployees.rend(); ++it ) { Employee *e = it->second; QString strID; tableWidget->setItem(count,0,new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(e->GetEmpId(), 10))); tableWidget->setItem(count,1,new QTableWidgetItem(e->GetName().c_str())); tableWidget->setItem(count,2,new QTableWidgetItem(e->GetAddress().c_str())); tableWidget->setItem(count,3,new QTableWidgetItem("null")); ++count; } tableWidget->show(); }
void CanvasLayout::insertObjects( const std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<IObject>>& objects) { if (objects.empty()) return; if (m_objects.empty()) { m_objects = objects; } else { m_objects.insert(objects.begin(), objects.end()); } m_nextID = std::max(m_nextID, objects.rbegin()->first + 1); refill(); if (m_box->isValid()) { for (auto it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) loadIfNeededNoCheck(m_box, it->second.get()); } updateBox(); }