bool TeSQLite::generateLabelPositions(TeTheme *theme, const std::string& objectId) { string geomTable, upd; string collTable = theme->collectionTable(); if((collTable.empty()) || (!tableExist(collTable))) return false; if( theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TeCELLS) ) { geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TeCELLS); upd= "UPDATE " + collTable + " SET "; upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(lower_x + (upper_x - lower_x)/2) "; upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id), "; upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(lower_y + (upper_y - lower_y)/2) "; upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id) "; upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL"; } if( theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TePOLYGONS) ) { geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TePOLYGONS); upd= "UPDATE " + collTable + " SET "; upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(lower_x + (upper_x - lower_x)/2) "; upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id), "; upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(lower_y + (upper_y - lower_y)/2) "; upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id) "; upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL"; } if( theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TeLINES) ) { geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TeLINES); upd= "UPDATE " + collTable + " SET "; upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(lower_x + (upper_x - lower_x)/2) "; upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id), "; upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(lower_y + (upper_y - lower_y)/2) "; upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id) "; upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL"; } if(theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TePOINTS)) { geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TePOINTS); upd= " UPDATE " + collTable + " SET "; upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(x) "; upd += " FROM " + geomTable + " p WHERE object_id = c_object_id), "; upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(y) "; upd += " FROM " + geomTable + " p WHERE object_id = c_object_id) "; upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL"; } if (!upd.empty()) { if (!objectId.empty()) { upd += " AND c_object_id='"+objectId+"'"; } if(!execute(upd)) return false; } return true; }
bool ParseDouble(const std::string& string, double& value) { return swri_string_util::ToDouble(string, value) || string.empty(); }
bool ParseUInt32(const std::string& string, uint32_t& value, int32_t base) { return swri_string_util::ToUInt32(string, value, base) || string.empty(); }
bool Parser::parseLine(std::string &ErrStr) { switch (CurTok.K) { case Token::Ident: if (CurTok.str() == "cand") { if (RK == ReplacementKind::ParseLHS) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("Not expecting 'cand' when parsing LHS"); return false; } if (RK == ReplacementKind::ParseRHS) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("Not expecting 'cand' when parsing RHS"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; InstMapping Cand = parseInstMapping(ErrStr); if (!ErrStr.empty()) return false; Reps.push_back(ParsedReplacement{Cand, std::move(PCs), std::move(BPCs)}); nextReplacement(); return true; } else if (CurTok.str() == "infer") { if (RK == ReplacementKind::ParseRHS) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("Not expecting 'infer' when parsing RHS"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (LHS) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("Not expecting a second 'infer'"); return false; } LHS = parseInst(ErrStr); if (!LHS) return false; if (RK == ReplacementKind::ParseLHS) { Reps.push_back(ParsedReplacement{InstMapping(LHS, 0), std::move(PCs), std::move(BPCs)}); nextReplacement(); } return true; } else if (CurTok.str() == "result") { if (RK == ReplacementKind::ParseLHS) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("Not expecting 'result' when parsing LHS"); return false; } if (RK != ReplacementKind::ParseRHS && !LHS) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("Not expecting 'result' before 'infer'"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; Inst *RHS = parseInst(ErrStr); if (!RHS) return false; InstMapping Cand = InstMapping(LHS, RHS); Reps.push_back(ParsedReplacement{Cand, std::move(PCs), std::move(BPCs)}); nextReplacement(); return true; } else if (CurTok.str() == "pc") { if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; InstMapping PC = parseInstMapping(ErrStr); if (!ErrStr.empty()) return false; PCs.push_back(PC); return true; } else if (CurTok.str() == "blockpc") { if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (CurTok.K != Token::ValName) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("expected block var"); return false; } StringRef InstName = CurTok.Name; unsigned InstWidth = CurTok.Width; if (InstWidth != 0) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("blocks may not have a width"); return false; } if (Context.getInst(CurTok.Name)) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("%") + InstName.str() + " is declared as an inst"); return false; } Block *B = Context.getBlock(InstName); if (B == 0) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("block %") + InstName.str() + " is undeclared"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (CurTok.K != Token::UntypedInt) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("expected block number")); return false; } unsigned CurrIdx = CurTok.Val.getLimitedValue(); if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; InstMapping PC = parseInstMapping(ErrStr); if (!ErrStr.empty()) return false; std::map<Block *, unsigned>::iterator IdxIt = BlockPCIdxMap.find(B); if (IdxIt == BlockPCIdxMap.end()) { BlockPCIdxMap[B] = CurrIdx; } else { assert(BPCs.size() && "Empty BlockPCs!"); if (CurrIdx > IdxIt->second) BlockPCIdxMap[B] = CurrIdx; } BPCs.emplace_back(B, CurrIdx, PC); return true; } else { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("unexpected identifier: '") + CurTok.str().str() + "'"); return false; } case Token::ValName: { StringRef InstName = CurTok.Name; unsigned InstWidth = CurTok.Width; if (Context.getInst(InstName)) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("%") + InstName.str() + " already declared as an inst"); return false; } if (Context.getBlock(InstName)) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("%") + InstName.str() + " already declared as a block"); return false; } TokenPos TP = L.getTokenPos(CurTok); if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (CurTok.K != Token::Eq) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("expected '='"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (CurTok.K != Token::Ident) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("expected identifier"); return false; } Inst::Kind IK = Inst::getKind(CurTok.str()); if (IK == Inst::BSwap) { if (InstWidth != 16 && InstWidth != 32 && InstWidth != 64) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, CurTok.str().str() + " doesn't support " + std::to_string(InstWidth) + " bits"); return false; } } if ((IK == Inst::CtPop) || (IK == Inst::Ctlz) || (IK == Inst::Cttz)) { if (InstWidth !=8 && InstWidth != 16 && InstWidth != 32 && InstWidth != 64 && InstWidth != 256) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, CurTok.str().str() + " doesn't support " + std::to_string(InstWidth) + " bits"); return false; } } if (IK == Inst::Kind(~0)) { if (CurTok.str() == "block") { if (InstWidth != 0) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "blocks may not have a width"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (CurTok.K != Token::UntypedInt) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "block must be followed by number of preds"); return false; } unsigned Preds = CurTok.Val.getLimitedValue(); Context.setBlock(InstName, IC.createBlock(Preds)); return consumeToken(ErrStr); } else { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("unexpected inst kind: '") + CurTok.str().str() + "'"); return false; } } if (IK == Inst::Var && InstWidth == 0) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "var must have a width"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; Block *B = 0; if (IK == Inst::Var) { llvm::APInt Zero(InstWidth, 0, false), One(InstWidth, 0, false), ConstOne(InstWidth, 1, false); bool NonZero = false, NonNegative = false, PowOfTwo = false; unsigned SignBits = 0; while (CurTok.K != Token::ValName && CurTok.K != Token::Ident && CurTok.K != Token::Eof) { if (CurTok.K == Token::KnownBits) { if (InstWidth != CurTok.PatternString.length()) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "knownbits pattern must be of same length as var width"); return false; } for (unsigned i=0; i<InstWidth; ++i) { if (CurTok.PatternString[i] == '0') Zero += ConstOne.shl(CurTok.PatternString.length()-1-i); else if (CurTok.PatternString[i] == '1') One += ConstOne.shl(CurTok.PatternString.length()-1-i); } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; } if (CurTok.K == Token::MoreKnownBits) { for (unsigned i=0; i<CurTok.PatternString.length(); ++i) { if (CurTok.PatternString[i] == 'z') { if (NonZero) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "repeated 'z' flag"); return false; } NonZero = true; } else if (CurTok.PatternString[i] == 'n') { if (NonNegative) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "repeated 'n' flag"); return false; } NonNegative = true; } else if (CurTok.PatternString[i] == 'p') { if (PowOfTwo) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, "repeated 'p' flag"); return false; } PowOfTwo = true; } else { llvm_unreachable("nzp should have been checked earlier"); } } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; } } Inst *I = IC.createVar(InstWidth, InstName, Zero, One, NonZero, NonNegative, PowOfTwo); Context.setInst(InstName, I); return true; } if (IK == Inst::Phi) { if (CurTok.K != Token::ValName) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("expected block number"); return false; } if (CurTok.Width != 0) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("blocks may not have a width"); return false; } if (!(B = Context.getBlock(CurTok.Name))) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(std::string("%") + InstName.str() + " is not a block"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; if (CurTok.K != Token::Comma) { ErrStr = makeErrStr("expected ','"); return false; } if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; } std::vector<Inst *> Ops; while (1) { Inst *I = parseInst(ErrStr); if (!I) return false; Ops.push_back(I); if (CurTok.K != Token::Comma) break; if (!consumeToken(ErrStr)) return false; } Inst *I; if (IK == Inst::Phi) { assert(B); if (!typeCheckPhi(InstWidth, B, Ops, ErrStr)) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, ErrStr); return false; } I = IC.getPhi(B, Ops); } else { if (!typeCheckInst(IK, InstWidth, Ops, ErrStr)) { ErrStr = makeErrStr(TP, ErrStr); return false; } switch (IK) { case Inst::SAddWithOverflow: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, {IC.getInst(Inst::Add, Ops[0]->Width, Ops), IC.getInst(Inst::SAddO, 1, Ops) }); break; case Inst::UAddWithOverflow: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, {IC.getInst(Inst::Add, Ops[0]->Width, Ops), IC.getInst(Inst::UAddO, 1, Ops) }); break; case Inst::SSubWithOverflow: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, {IC.getInst(Inst::Sub, Ops[0]->Width, Ops), IC.getInst(Inst::SSubO, 1, Ops) }); break; case Inst::USubWithOverflow: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, {IC.getInst(Inst::Sub, Ops[0]->Width, Ops), IC.getInst(Inst::USubO, 1, Ops) }); break; case Inst::SMulWithOverflow: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, {IC.getInst(Inst::Mul, Ops[0]->Width, Ops), IC.getInst(Inst::SMulO, 1, Ops) }); break; case Inst::UMulWithOverflow: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, {IC.getInst(Inst::Mul, Ops[0]->Width, Ops), IC.getInst(Inst::UMulO, 1, Ops) }); break; default: I = IC.getInst(IK, InstWidth, Ops); break; } } Context.setInst(InstName, I); return true; } default: ErrStr = makeErrStr("expected inst, block, cand, infer, result, pc, or blockpc"); return false; } }
void file_server::main(std::string file_name) { std::string path; if(!check_in_document_root(file_name,path)) { show404(); return; } int s=file_mode(path); if((s & S_IFDIR)) { std::string path2; int mode_2=0; bool have_index = check_in_document_root(file_name+"/" + index_file_ ,path2); if(have_index) { mode_2 = file_mode(path2); have_index = (mode_2 & S_IFREG) != 0; } if( !file_name.empty() && file_name[file_name.size()-1]!='/' // not ending with "/" as should && (have_index || list_directories_) ) { response().set_redirect_header(file_name + "/"); response().out()<<std::flush; return; } if(have_index) { path = path2; s=mode_2; } else { if(list_directories_) list_dir(file_name,path); else show404(); return; } } if(!(s & S_IFREG)) { show404(); return; } std::string ext; size_t pos = path.rfind('.'); if(pos != std::string::npos) ext=path.substr(pos); mime_type::const_iterator p=mime_.find(ext); if(p!=mime_.end()) response().content_type(p->second); else response().content_type("application/octet-stream"); if(!allow_deflate_) { response().io_mode(http::response::nogzip); } booster::nowide::ifstream file(path.c_str(),std::ios_base::binary); if(!file) { show404(); return; } response().out()<<file.rdbuf(); // write stream to stream }
bool hasLookupURL() { return !sLookupURL.empty(); }
void addCustomFunctionSource(const std::string& filename, const std::string& source) { CPPADCG_ASSERT_KNOWN(!filename.empty(), "The filename name cannot be empty"); _customSource[filename] = source; }
void FUGNetzteil::setError(std::string command, std::string error) { if (error=="E0") return; lastError =""; lastError += boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time()); lastError +=" "; lastError += command; lastError += " ; "; error.erase( std::remove(error.begin(), error.end(), '\n'), error.end() ); lastError += error; lastError += ": "; std::string discription; int errorNum; error.erase( std::remove(error.begin(), error.end(), 'E'), error.end() ); if(!error.empty()) errorNum = std::stoi (error); else errorNum = -1; if (errorNum == 1) { discription="keine Daten verfügbar"; } else if (errorNum == 2) { discription="unbekannter Register-Typ"; } else if (errorNum == 4) { discription="ungültiges Argument"; } else if (errorNum == 5) { discription="Bereich überschritten"; } else if (errorNum == 6) { discription="Register darf nur gelesen werden"; } else if (errorNum == 7) { discription="Receive Overflow"; } else if (errorNum ==8 ) { discription="EEPROM ist schreibgeschützt"; } else if (errorNum == 9) { discription="Adressfehler"; } else if (errorNum ==10 ) { discription="unbekannter SCPI Befehl"; } else if (errorNum ==11 ) { discription="Trigger on Talk Fehler"; } else if (errorNum ==12 ) { discription="~Tn Befehl hatte ungültiges Argument"; } else if (errorNum ==13 ) { discription="ungültiger N-Wert"; } else if (errorNum == 14) { discription="Register darf nurbeschrieben werden"; } else if (errorNum == 15) { discription="String zu lang"; } else if (errorNum == 101||errorNum == 102||errorNum == 103) { discription="Checksumme falsch"; } else { discription="unbekannter Fehler"; } lastError += discription; return; }
void XMLSocket_as::checkForIncomingData() { assert(ready()); std::vector<std::string> msgs; const int bufSize = 10000; boost::scoped_array<char> buf(new char[bufSize]); const size_t bytesRead = _socket.readNonBlocking(buf.get(), bufSize - 1); // Return if there's no data. if (!bytesRead) return; if (buf[bytesRead - 1] != 0) { // We received a partial message, so bung // a null-terminator on the end. buf[bytesRead] = 0; } char* ptr = buf.get(); while (static_cast<size_t>(ptr - buf.get()) < bytesRead) { #ifdef GNASH_XMLSOCKET_DEBUG log_debug ("read: %d, this string ends: %d", bytesRead, ptr + std::strlen(ptr) - buf.get()); #endif std::string msg(ptr); // If the string reaches to the final byte read, it's // incomplete. Store it and continue. The buffer is // NULL-terminated, so this cannot read past the end. if (static_cast<size_t>( ptr + std::strlen(ptr) - buf.get()) == bytesRead) { _remainder += msg; break; } if (!_remainder.empty()) { msgs.push_back(_remainder + msg); ptr += msg.size() + 1; _remainder.clear(); continue; } // Don't do anything if nothing is received. msgs.push_back(msg); ptr += msg.size() + 1; } if (msgs.empty()) return; #ifdef GNASH_XMLSOCKET_DEBUG for (size_t i = 0, e = msgs.size(); i != e; ++i) { log_debug(_(" Message %d: %s "), i, msgs[i]); } #endif for (XMLSocket_as::MessageList::const_iterator it=msgs.begin(), itEnd=msgs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { callMethod(&owner(), NSV::PROP_ON_DATA, *it); } if (_socket.bad()) { callMethod(&owner(), NSV::PROP_ON_CLOSE); close(); return; } }
SmartPtrCLogicalRelationshipDoc LogicalRelationshipXml::parse( const SmartPtrCXmlElement thisXml) { CAF_CM_STATIC_FUNC_VALIDATE("LogicalRelationshipXml", "parse"); SmartPtrCLogicalRelationshipDoc logicalRelationshipDoc; CAF_CM_ENTER { CAF_CM_VALIDATE_SMARTPTR(thisXml); const std::string namespaceValStrVal = thisXml->findRequiredAttribute("namespace"); const std::string namespaceValVal = namespaceValStrVal; const std::string nameStrVal = thisXml->findRequiredAttribute("name"); const std::string nameVal = nameStrVal; const std::string versionStrVal = thisXml->findRequiredAttribute("version"); const std::string versionVal = versionStrVal; const std::string arityStrVal = thisXml->findRequiredAttribute("arity"); ARITY_TYPE arityVal = ARITY_NONE; if (! arityStrVal.empty()) { arityVal = EnumConvertersXml::convertStringToArityType(arityStrVal); } const SmartPtrCXmlElement dataClassLeftXml = thisXml->findRequiredChild("dataClassLeft"); SmartPtrCClassCardinalityDoc dataClassLeftVal; if (! dataClassLeftXml.IsNull()) { dataClassLeftVal = ClassCardinalityXml::parse(dataClassLeftXml); } const SmartPtrCXmlElement dataClassRightXml = thisXml->findRequiredChild("dataClassRight"); SmartPtrCClassCardinalityDoc dataClassRightVal; if (! dataClassRightXml.IsNull()) { dataClassRightVal = ClassCardinalityXml::parse(dataClassRightXml); } const CXmlElement::SmartPtrCElementCollection joinChildrenXml = thisXml->findRequiredChildren("join"); std::deque<SmartPtrCJoinTypeDoc> joinVal; if (! joinChildrenXml.IsNull() && ! joinChildrenXml->empty()) { for (TConstIterator<CXmlElement::CElementCollection> joinXmlIter(*joinChildrenXml); joinXmlIter; joinXmlIter++) { const SmartPtrCXmlElement joinXml = joinXmlIter->second; const SmartPtrCJoinTypeDoc joinDoc = JoinTypeXml::parse(joinXml); joinVal.push_back(joinDoc); } } const std::string descriptionStrVal = thisXml->findOptionalAttribute("description"); const std::string descriptionVal = descriptionStrVal; logicalRelationshipDoc.CreateInstance(); logicalRelationshipDoc->initialize( namespaceValVal, nameVal, versionVal, arityVal, dataClassLeftVal, dataClassRightVal, joinVal, descriptionVal); } CAF_CM_EXIT; return logicalRelationshipDoc; }
/* **************************************************************************** * * httpRequestSendWithCurl - * * The waitForResponse arguments specifies if the method has to wait for response * before return. If this argument is false, the return string is "" * * NOTE * We are using a hybrid approach, consisting in a static thread-local buffer of a * small size that copes with most notifications to avoid expensive * calloc/free syscalls if the notification payload is not very large. * * RETURN VALUES * httpRequestSendWithCurl returns 0 on success and a negative number on failure: * -1: Invalid port * -2: Invalid IP * -3: Invalid verb * -4: Invalid resource * -5: No Content-Type BUT content present * -6: Content-Type present but there is no content * -7: Total outgoing message size is too big * -9: Error making HTTP request */ int httpRequestSendWithCurl ( CURL *curl, const std::string& _ip, unsigned short port, const std::string& protocol, const std::string& verb, const std::string& tenant, const std::string& servicePath, const std::string& xauthToken, const std::string& resource, const std::string& orig_content_type, const std::string& content, bool useRush, bool waitForResponse, std::string* outP, const std::string& acceptFormat, long timeoutInMilliseconds ) { char portAsString[STRING_SIZE_FOR_INT]; static unsigned long long callNo = 0; std::string result; std::string ip = _ip; struct curl_slist* headers = NULL; MemoryStruct* httpResponse = NULL; CURLcode res; int outgoingMsgSize = 0; std::string content_type(orig_content_type); ++callNo; // For content-type application/json we add charset=utf-8 if (orig_content_type == "application/json") { content_type += "; charset=utf-8"; } if (timeoutInMilliseconds == -1) { timeoutInMilliseconds = defaultTimeout; } lmTransactionStart("to", ip.c_str(), port, resource.c_str()); // Preconditions check if (port == 0) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (port is ZERO)")); lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -1; } if (ip.empty()) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (ip is empty)")); lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -2; } if (verb.empty()) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (verb is empty)")); lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -3; } if (resource.empty()) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (resource is empty)")); lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -4; } if ((content_type.empty()) && (!content.empty())) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (Content-Type is empty but there is actual content)")); lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -5; } if ((!content_type.empty()) && (content.empty())) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (Content-Type non-empty but there is no content)")); lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -6; } // Allocate to hold HTTP response httpResponse = new MemoryStruct; httpResponse->memory = (char*) malloc(1); // will grow as needed httpResponse->size = 0; // no data at this point // // Rush // Every call to httpRequestSend specifies whether RUSH should be used or not. // But, this depends also on how the broker was started, so here the 'useRush' // parameter is cancelled in case the broker was started without rush. // // If rush is to be used, the IP/port is stored in rushHeaderIP/rushHeaderPort and // after that, the host and port of rush is set as ip/port for the message, that is // now sent to rush instead of to its final destination. // Also, a few HTTP headers for rush must be setup. // if ((rushPort == 0) || (rushHost == "")) { useRush = false; } if (useRush) { char rushHeaderPortAsString[STRING_SIZE_FOR_INT]; uint16_t rushHeaderPort = port; std::string rushHeaderIP = ip; std::string headerRushHttp; ip = rushHost; port = rushPort; snprintf(rushHeaderPortAsString, sizeof(rushHeaderPortAsString), "%d", rushHeaderPort); headerRushHttp = "X-relayer-host: " + rushHeaderIP + ":" + rushHeaderPortAsString; LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerRushHttp.c_str())); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerRushHttp.c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += headerRushHttp.size(); if (protocol == "https:") { headerRushHttp = "X-relayer-protocol: https"; LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerRushHttp.c_str())); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerRushHttp.c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += headerRushHttp.size(); } } snprintf(portAsString, sizeof(portAsString), "%u", port); // ----- User Agent char cvBuf[CURL_VERSION_MAX_LENGTH]; char headerUserAgent[HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT_MAX_LENGTH]; snprintf(headerUserAgent, sizeof(headerUserAgent), "User-Agent: orion/%s libcurl/%s", versionGet(), curlVersionGet(cvBuf, sizeof(cvBuf))); LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerUserAgent)); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerUserAgent); outgoingMsgSize += strlen(headerUserAgent) + 1; // ----- Host char headerHost[HTTP_HEADER_HOST_MAX_LENGTH]; snprintf(headerHost, sizeof(headerHost), "Host: %s:%d", ip.c_str(), (int) port); LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerHost)); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerHost); outgoingMsgSize += strlen(headerHost) + 1; // ----- Tenant if (tenant != "") { headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("fiware-service: " + tenant).c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += tenant.size() + 16; // "fiware-service: " } // ----- Service-Path if (servicePath != "") { headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("Fiware-ServicePath: " + servicePath).c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += servicePath.size() + strlen("Fiware-ServicePath: "); } // ----- X-Auth-Token if (xauthToken != "") { headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("X-Auth-Token: " + xauthToken).c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += xauthToken.size() + strlen("X-Auth-Token: "); } // ----- Accept std::string acceptedFormats = "application/xml, application/json"; if (acceptFormat != "") { acceptedFormats = acceptFormat; } std::string acceptString = "Accept: " + acceptedFormats; headers = curl_slist_append(headers, acceptString.c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += acceptString.size(); // ----- Expect headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Expect: "); outgoingMsgSize += 8; // from "Expect: " // ----- Content-length std::stringstream contentLengthStringStream; contentLengthStringStream << content.size(); std::string headerContentLength = "Content-length: " + contentLengthStringStream.str(); LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerContentLength.c_str())); headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerContentLength.c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += contentLengthStringStream.str().size() + 16; // from "Content-length: " outgoingMsgSize += content.size(); // ----- Content-type headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("Content-type: " + content_type).c_str()); outgoingMsgSize += content_type.size() + 14; // from "Content-type: " // Check if total outgoing message size is too big if (outgoingMsgSize > MAX_DYN_MSG_SIZE) { LM_E(("Runtime Error (HTTP request to send is too large: %d bytes)", outgoingMsgSize)); curl_slist_free_all(headers); free(httpResponse->memory); delete httpResponse; lmTransactionEnd(); *outP = "error"; return -7; } // Contents const char* payload = content.c_str(); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, (u_int8_t*) payload); // Set up URL std::string url; if (isIPv6(ip)) url = "[" + ip + "]"; else url = ip; url = url + ":" + portAsString + ( == '/'? "" : "/") + resource; // Prepare CURL handle with obtained options curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, verb.c_str()); // Set HTTP verb curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); // Allow redirection (?) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // Activate include the header in the body output curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); // Put headers in place curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &writeMemoryCallback); // Send data here curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void*) httpResponse); // Custom data for response handling // // There is a known problem in libcurl (see // which is solved using CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL. If we update some day from libcurl 7.19 (the one that comes with CentOS 6.x) to a newer version // (there are some reports about the bug is no longer in libcurl 7.32), using CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL could be not necessary and this be removed). // See issue #1016 for more details. // curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); // // Timeout // // The parameter timeoutInMilliseconds holds the timeout time in milliseconds. // If the timeout time requested is 0, then no timeuot is used. // if (timeoutInMilliseconds != 0) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, timeoutInMilliseconds); } // Synchronous HTTP request LM_T(LmtClientOutputPayload, ("Sending message %lu to HTTP server: sending message of %d bytes to HTTP server", callNo, outgoingMsgSize)); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); if (res != CURLE_OK) { // // NOTE: This log line is used by the functional tests in cases/880_timeout_for_forward_and_notifications/ // So, this line should not be removed/altered, at least not without also modifying the functests. // alarmMgr.notificationError(url, "(curl_easy_perform failed: " + std::string(curl_easy_strerror(res)) + ")"); *outP = "notification failure"; } else { // The Response is here LM_I(("Notification Successfully Sent to %s", url.c_str())); outP->assign(httpResponse->memory, httpResponse->size); } // Cleanup curl environment curl_slist_free_all(headers); free(httpResponse->memory); delete httpResponse; lmTransactionEnd(); return res == CURLE_OK ? 0 : -9; }
void LogicalRelationshipXml::add( const SmartPtrCLogicalRelationshipDoc logicalRelationshipDoc, const SmartPtrCXmlElement thisXml) { CAF_CM_STATIC_FUNC_VALIDATE("LogicalRelationshipXml", "add"); CAF_CM_ENTER { CAF_CM_VALIDATE_SMARTPTR(logicalRelationshipDoc); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_SMARTPTR(thisXml); const std::string namespaceValVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getNamespaceVal(); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_STRING(namespaceValVal); thisXml->addAttribute("namespace", namespaceValVal); const std::string nameVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getName(); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_STRING(nameVal); thisXml->addAttribute("name", nameVal); const std::string versionVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getVersion(); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_STRING(versionVal); thisXml->addAttribute("version", versionVal); const std::string arityVal = EnumConvertersXml::convertArityTypeToString(logicalRelationshipDoc->getArity()); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_STRING(arityVal); thisXml->addAttribute("arity", arityVal); const SmartPtrCClassCardinalityDoc dataClassLeftVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getDataClassLeft(); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_SMARTPTR(dataClassLeftVal); const SmartPtrCXmlElement dataClassLeftXml = thisXml->createAndAddElement("dataClassLeft"); ClassCardinalityXml::add(dataClassLeftVal, dataClassLeftXml); const SmartPtrCClassCardinalityDoc dataClassRightVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getDataClassRight(); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_SMARTPTR(dataClassRightVal); const SmartPtrCXmlElement dataClassRightXml = thisXml->createAndAddElement("dataClassRight"); ClassCardinalityXml::add(dataClassRightVal, dataClassRightXml); const std::deque<SmartPtrCJoinTypeDoc> joinVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getJoinCollection(); CAF_CM_VALIDATE_STL(joinVal); if (! joinVal.empty()) { for (TConstIterator<std::deque<SmartPtrCJoinTypeDoc> > joinIter(joinVal); joinIter; joinIter++) { const SmartPtrCXmlElement joinXml = thisXml->createAndAddElement("join"); JoinTypeXml::add(*joinIter, joinXml); } } const std::string descriptionVal = logicalRelationshipDoc->getDescription(); if (! descriptionVal.empty()) { thisXml->addAttribute("description", descriptionVal); } } CAF_CM_EXIT; }
static bool table_info(std::string & key_field, bool detected_types, std::string & field, std::string & table, mapnik::layer_descriptor & desc, boost::shared_ptr<sqlite_connection> ds) { // // use pragma table_info to detect primary key // and to detect types if no subquery is used or // if the subquery-based type detection failed std::ostringstream s; s << "PRAGMA table_info(" << table << ")"; boost::shared_ptr<sqlite_resultset> rs(ds->execute_query(s.str())); bool found_table = false; bool found_pk = false; while (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { found_table = true; const char* fld_name = rs->column_text(1); std::string fld_type(rs->column_text(2)); int fld_pk = rs->column_integer(5); boost::algorithm::to_lower(fld_type); // TODO - how to handle primary keys on multiple columns ? if (key_field.empty() && ! found_pk && fld_pk != 0) { key_field = fld_name; found_pk = true; } if (! detected_types) { // see 2.1 "Column Affinity" at // TODO - refactor this somehow ? if (field.empty() && ((boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "geom") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "point") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "linestring") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "polygon")) || (boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "geom") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "point") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "linestring") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "polygon"))) ) { field = std::string(fld_name); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "int")) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer)); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "text") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "char") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "clob")) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "real") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "float") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "double")) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Double)); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "blob")) { if (! field.empty()) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); } } #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG else { // "Column Affinity" says default to "Numeric" but for now we pass.. //desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Double)); // TODO - this should not fail when we specify geometry_field in XML file std::clog << "Sqlite Plugin: column '" << std::string(fld_name) << "' unhandled due to unknown type: " << fld_type << std::endl; } #endif } } return found_table; }
bool CGUIWindowAddonBrowser::GetDirectory(const std::string& strDirectory, CFileItemList& items) { bool result; if (URIUtils::PathEquals(strDirectory, "addons://downloading/")) { VECADDONS addons; CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().GetInstallList(addons); CURL url(strDirectory); CAddonsDirectory::GenerateAddonListing(url, addons, items, g_localizeStrings.Get(24067)); result = true; items.SetPath(strDirectory); if (m_guiState.get() && !m_guiState->HideParentDirItems()) { CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem("..")); pItem->SetPath(m_history.GetParentPath()); pItem->m_bIsFolder = true; pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive = false; items.AddFront(pItem, 0); } } else { result = CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(strDirectory, items); if (result && CAddonsDirectory::IsRepoDirectory(CURL(strDirectory))) { if (CSettings::GetInstance().GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_GENERAL_ADDONFOREIGNFILTER)) { int i = 0; while (i < items.Size()) { auto prop = items[i]->GetProperty("Addon.Language"); if (!prop.isNull() && IsForeign(prop.asString())) items.Remove(i); else ++i; } } if (CSettings::GetInstance().GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_GENERAL_ADDONBROKENFILTER)) { for (int i = items.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!items[i]->GetProperty("Addon.Broken").empty()) { //check if it's installed AddonPtr addon; if (!CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetAddon(items[i]->GetProperty("Addon.ID").asString(), addon)) items.Remove(i); } } } } } if (strDirectory.empty() && CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().IsDownloading()) { CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem("addons://downloading/", true)); item->SetLabel(g_localizeStrings.Get(24067)); item->SetLabelPreformated(true); item->SetIconImage("DefaultNetwork.png"); items.Add(item); } items.SetContent("addons"); for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i) SetItemLabel2(items[i]); return result; }
void WfutSession::startUpdate(const std::string &serverRoot, const std::string &channelName, const std::string &localPath, const std::string &systemPath ) { S_LOG_VERBOSE("Channel name: " << channelName); // This is the base path for all files that will be downloaded const std::string local_root = localPath + "/" + channelName + "/"; std::string channel(channelName); std::string channel_file = "wfut.xml"; std::string tmpfile = "tempwfut.xml"; // Look for mLocal mWfutClient file. mLocalWfut = std::string(localPath + "/" + channelName + "/" + channel_file); S_LOG_VERBOSE("Local wfut: " << mLocalWfut); if (fileExists(mLocalWfut)) { if (mWfutClient.getLocalList(mLocalWfut, mLocal)) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error reading local wfut.xml file."); } } // Look for tmpwfut file. If it exists, update the mLocal files list. const std::string tmp_wfut = localPath + "/" + tmpfile; S_LOG_VERBOSE("Tmp wfut: " << tmp_wfut); if (fileExists(tmp_wfut)) { if (mWfutClient.getLocalList(tmp_wfut, mTmplist)) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error reading local tmpwfut.xml file."); } else { const FileMap &fm = mTmplist.getFiles(); FileMap::const_iterator I = fm.begin(); FileMap::const_iterator Iend = fm.end(); for (; I != Iend; ++I) { mLocal.addFile(I->second); } } } // Look for a mSystem mWfutClient file if (!systemPath.empty()) { const std::string system_wfut = systemPath + "/" + channel + "/" + channel_file; S_LOG_VERBOSE("System wfut: " << system_wfut); if (fileExists(system_wfut)) { if (mWfutClient.getLocalList(system_wfut, mSystem)) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error reading system wfut.xml file."); } } } // By now we should have a proper channel name. If not, then there is nothing // we can do to find the mServer mUpdates. if (channel.empty() || channel == ".") { S_LOG_WARNING("Unable to determine channel name."); return; } const std::string server_wfut = serverRoot + "/" + channel + "/" + channel_file; S_LOG_VERBOSE("Server wfut: " << server_wfut); mServerListDownloadingSlot(server_wfut); if (mWfutClient.getFileList(server_wfut, mServer)) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error downloading server channel file."); return; } S_LOG_VERBOSE("Local Root: " << local_root); S_LOG_INFO("Updating Channel: " << channel); // Now we have loaded all our data files, lets find out what we really need // to download if (mWfutClient.calculateUpdates(mServer, mSystem, mLocal, mUpdates, local_root)) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error determining file to update."); return; } mUpdatesCalculatedSlot(mUpdates.getFiles().size()); // Make sure the mLocal file has the correct channel name mLocal.setName(mServer.getName()); // Queue the list of files to download mWfutClient.updateChannel(mUpdates, serverRoot + "/" + channel, local_root); }
int create_listener ( listener*& new_listener, unsigned short port, const std::string& ip ) { // ensure that WSAStartup has been called and WSACleanup will eventually // be called when program ends sockets_startup(); sockaddr_in sa; // local socket structure ZeroMemory(&sa,sizeof(sockaddr_in)); // initialize sa SOCKET sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // get a new socket // if socket() returned an error then return OTHER_ERROR if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return OTHER_ERROR; } // set the local socket structure sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons(port); if (ip.empty()) { // if the listener should listen on any IP sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htons(INADDR_ANY); } else { // if there is a specific ip to listen on sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str()); // if inet_addr cound't convert the ip then return an error if ( sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_NONE ) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } } // set the SO_REUSEADDR option int flag_value = 1; setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&flag_value),sizeof(int)); // bind the new socket to the requested port and ip if (bind(sock,reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&sa),sizeof(sockaddr_in))==SOCKET_ERROR) { // if there was an error closesocket(sock); // if the port is already bound then return PORTINUSE if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEADDRINUSE) return PORTINUSE; else return OTHER_ERROR; } // tell the new socket to listen if ( listen(sock,SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR) { // if there was an error return OTHER_ERROR closesocket(sock); // if the port is already bound then return PORTINUSE if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEADDRINUSE) return PORTINUSE; else return OTHER_ERROR; } // determine the port used if necessary if (port == 0) { sockaddr_in local_info; int length = sizeof(sockaddr_in); if ( getsockname ( sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&local_info), &length ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } port = ntohs(local_info.sin_port); } // initialize a listener object on the heap with the new socket try { new_listener = new listener(sock,port,ip); } catch(...) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } return 0; }
bool BasicModem::processInput(std::string& str) { bool got_line = false; while (!m_chars.empty()) { char c = m_chars.front(); m_chars.pop(); m_line.push_back(c); //!@fixme: concurrency hazard. if (c == m_line_term_in[m_line_term_idx]) { ++m_line_term_idx; if (m_line_term_idx == m_line_term_in.size()) { m_line_term_idx = 0; got_line = true; break; } } else { } } if (isFragment(m_line)) { getTask()->inf(DTR("fragment: %s"), Streams::sanitize(m_line).c_str()); return false; } // No complete line is available. if (!got_line) return false; if (m_line.size() <= m_line_term_in.size()) { str = ""; return true; } // Remove termination characters. str = m_line; str.resize(m_line.size() - m_line_term_in.size()); if (m_line_trim) str = Utils::String::trim(str); // Got a complete line, but it's empty. if (str.empty()) return true; m_task->spew("recv: %s", Streams::sanitize(str).c_str()); m_line.clear(); if (!m_skip_line.empty()) { if (m_skip_line == str) { str.clear(); m_skip_line.clear(); } } return true; }
int create_connection ( connection*& new_connection, unsigned short foreign_port, const std::string& foreign_ip, unsigned short local_port, const std::string& local_ip ) { // ensure that WSAStartup has been called and WSACleanup // will eventually be called when program ends sockets_startup(); sockaddr_in local_sa; // local socket structure sockaddr_in foreign_sa; // foreign socket structure ZeroMemory(&local_sa,sizeof(sockaddr_in)); // initialize local_sa ZeroMemory(&foreign_sa,sizeof(sockaddr_in)); // initialize foreign_sa int length; SOCKET sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // get a new socket // if socket() returned an error then return OTHER_ERROR if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return OTHER_ERROR; } // set the foreign socket structure foreign_sa.sin_family = AF_INET; foreign_sa.sin_port = htons(foreign_port); foreign_sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(foreign_ip.c_str()); // if inet_addr cound't convert the ip then return an error if ( foreign_sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_NONE ) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } // set up the local socket structure local_sa.sin_family = AF_INET; // set the local ip if (local_ip.empty()) { // if the listener should listen on any IP local_sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htons(INADDR_ANY); } else { // if there is a specific ip to listen on local_sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(local_ip.c_str()); // if inet_addr couldn't convert the ip then return an error if (local_sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == INADDR_NONE) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } } // set the local port local_sa.sin_port = htons(local_port); // bind the new socket to the requested local port and local ip if ( bind ( sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&local_sa), sizeof(sockaddr_in) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { // if there was an error closesocket(sock); // if the port is already bound then return PORTINUSE if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEADDRINUSE) return PORTINUSE; else return OTHER_ERROR; } // connect the socket if (connect ( sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&foreign_sa), sizeof(sockaddr_in) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(sock); // if the port is already bound then return PORTINUSE if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEADDRINUSE) return PORTINUSE; else return OTHER_ERROR; } // determine the local port and IP and store them in used_local_ip // and used_local_port int used_local_port; std::string used_local_ip; sockaddr_in local_info; if (local_port == 0) { length = sizeof(sockaddr_in); if (getsockname ( sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&local_info), &length ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } used_local_port = ntohs(local_info.sin_port); } else { used_local_port = local_port; } // determine real local ip if (local_ip.empty()) { // if local_port is not 0 then we must fill the local_info structure if (local_port != 0) { length = sizeof(sockaddr_in); if ( getsockname ( sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&local_info), &length ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } } char* temp = inet_ntoa(local_info.sin_addr); // check if inet_ntoa returned an error if (temp == NULL) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } used_local_ip.assign(temp); } else { used_local_ip = local_ip; } // set the SO_OOBINLINE option int flag_value = 1; if (setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_OOBINLINE,reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&flag_value),sizeof(int)) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } // initialize a connection object on the heap with the new socket try { new_connection = new connection ( sock, foreign_port, foreign_ip, used_local_port, used_local_ip ); } catch(...) {closesocket(sock); return OTHER_ERROR; } return 0; }
int main( int ac, char** av ) { try { comma::command_line_options options( ac, av ); verbose = options.exists( "--verbose,-v" ); debug = options.exists( "--debug" ); append = options.exists( "--append,-a" ); if( options.exists( "--help,-h" ) ) { usage( verbose ); } if( options.exists( "--input-fields" ) ) { std::cout << comma::join( comma::csv::names< interval_t< double > >(), ',' ) << std::endl; return 0; } if( options.exists( "--output-fields" ) ) { std::cout << comma::join( comma::csv::names< interval_t< double > >(), ',' ) << std::endl; return 0; } comma::csv::options csv( options ); if( csv.fields.empty() ) { csv.fields = comma::join( comma::csv::names< interval_t< double > >(), ',' ); } if( !csv.has_field( "from,to" ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected from and to fields" ); } options.assert_mutually_exclusive( "--binary,--format" ); if( options.exists( "--binary,-b" ) ) {} else if( options.exists( "--format" ) ) { csv.format( options.value< std::string >( "--format" ) ); } else { while( std::cin.good() && first_line.empty() ) { std::getline( std::cin, first_line ); } if( first_line.empty() ) { return 0; } csv.format( comma::csv::impl::unstructured::guess_format( first_line, csv.delimiter ) ); if( verbose ) { std::cerr << app_name << ": guessed format: " << csv.format().string() << std::endl;; } } const std::vector< std::string >& fields = comma::split( csv.fields, ',' ); unsigned int from_index = 0; unsigned int to_index = 1; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i ) { if( fields[i] == "from" ) { from_index = i; break; } } for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i ) { if( fields[i] == "to" ) { to_index = i; break; } } const comma::csv::format::types_enum from_type = csv.format().offset( from_index ).type; const comma::csv::format::types_enum to_type = csv.format().offset( to_index ).type; if( ( ( from_type == comma::csv::format::time || from_type == comma::csv::format::long_time ) && ( to_type != comma::csv::format::time && to_type != comma::csv::format::long_time ) ) || ( ( ( from_type != comma::csv::format::time && from_type != comma::csv::format::long_time ) && ( to_type == comma::csv::format::time || to_type == comma::csv::format::long_time ) ) ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "from/to type mismatch; time" ); } if( ( from_type == comma::csv::format::fixed_string || to_type == comma::csv::format::fixed_string ) && from_type != to_type ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "from/to type mismatch; string" ); } // switch( from_type ) // { // case comma::csv::format::int8: run< char >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::uint8: run< unsigned char >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::int16: run< comma::int16 >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::uint16: run< comma::uint16 >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::int32: run< comma::int32 >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::uint32: run< comma::uint32 >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::int64: run< comma::int64 >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::uint64: run< comma::uint64 >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::char_t: run< char >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::float_t: run< float >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::double_t: run< double >( options, to_type ); break; // case comma::csv::format::time: // case comma::csv::format::long_time: intervals< boost::posix_time::ptime >( options ).run(); break; // case comma::csv::format::fixed_string: intervals< std::string >( options ).run(); break; // default: COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "unknown type" ); break; // } if( from_type != to_type ) { std::cerr << app_name << ": support only from and to of the same type, got from: " << comma::csv::format::to_format( from_type ) << ", to: " << comma::csv::format::to_format( to_type ) << std::endl; return 1; } switch( to_type ) { case comma::csv::format::int8: intervals< char >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::uint8: intervals< unsigned char >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::int16: intervals< comma::int16 >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::uint16: intervals< comma::uint16 >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::int32: intervals< comma::int32 >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::uint32: intervals< comma::uint32 >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::int64: intervals< comma::int64 >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::uint64: intervals< comma::uint64 >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::char_t: intervals< char >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::float_t: intervals< float >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::double_t: intervals< double >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::time: case comma::csv::format::long_time: intervals< boost::posix_time::ptime >( options ).run(); break; case comma::csv::format::fixed_string: intervals< std::string >( options ).run(); break; default: COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "from/to type mismatch" ); break; } return 0; } catch( std::exception& ex ) { std::cerr << app_name << ": " << ex.what() << std::endl; } catch( ... ) { std::cerr << app_name << ": unknown exception" << std::endl; } return 1; }
FEELPP_EXPORT void ginacBuildLibrary( GiNaC::lst const& exprs, GiNaC::lst const& syml, std::string const& exprDesc, std::string const& filename, WorldComm const& world, std::shared_ptr<GiNaC::FUNCP_CUBA>& cfun ) { // register the GinacExprManager into Feel::Environment so that it gets the // GinacExprManager is cleared up when the Environment is deleted static bool observed = false; if ( !observed ) { Environment::addDeleteObserver( GinacExprManagerDefaultFileNameDeleter::instance() ); Environment::addDeleteObserver( GinacExprManagerDeleter::instance() ); observed = true; } std::string keyExprManager = exprDesc; if ( exprDesc.empty() && !filename.empty() ) keyExprManager = filename; bool hasLinked = ( GinacExprManager::instance().find( keyExprManager /*exprDesc*/ /*filename*/ ) != GinacExprManager::instance().end() ) ? true : false; if ( hasLinked ) { cfun = GinacExprManager::instance().find( keyExprManager /*exprDesc*/ /*filename*/ )->second; } else { std::string filenameDescExpr = filename + ".desc"; std::string filenameWithSuffix = filename + ".so"; if ( !fs::path(filename).is_absolute() ) { filenameDescExpr = Environment::exprRepository() + filename + ".desc"; filenameWithSuffix = Environment::exprRepository() + filename + ".so"; } bool doRebuildGinacLib = true; // load .desc file and compare if both expr are identical if ( world.isMasterRank() && !filename.empty() && fs::exists( filenameDescExpr ) && fs::exists( filenameWithSuffix ) ) { std::string exprInFile; std::ifstream file( filenameDescExpr, std::ios::in ); std::getline( file, exprInFile ); file.close(); // if equal else not rebuild ginac if ( exprInFile == exprDesc ) doRebuildGinacLib = false; } // master rank check if the lib exist and compile this one if not done if ( ( world.isMasterRank() && doRebuildGinacLib ) || filename.empty() ) { if ( !filename.empty() && fs::path( filename ).is_absolute() ) { if ( !fs::exists( fs::path( filename ).parent_path() ) ) fs::create_directories( fs::path( filename ).parent_path() ); DVLOG( 2 ) << "GiNaC::compile_ex with filenameWithSuffix " << filenameWithSuffix << "\n"; GiNaC::compile_ex( exprs, syml, *cfun, filename ); } else if ( !filename.empty() ) { DVLOG( 2 ) << "GiNaC::compile_ex with filenameWithSuffix " << filenameWithSuffix << "\n"; GiNaC::compile_ex( exprs, syml, *cfun, Environment::exprRepository() + "/" + filename ); } else { DVLOG( 2 ) << "GiNaC::compile_ex with filenameWithSuffix " << filenameWithSuffix << "\n"; GiNaC::compile_ex( exprs, syml, *cfun, filename ); } hasLinked = true; if ( !filename.empty() ) { GinacExprManager::instance().operator[]( keyExprManager /*exprDesc*/ /*filename*/ ) = cfun; if ( !exprDesc.empty() ) { std::ofstream file( filenameDescExpr, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc ); file << exprDesc; file.close(); } } } // wait the lib compilation if ( !filename.empty() ) world.barrier(); // link with other process if ( !hasLinked ) { DVLOG( 2 ) << "GiNaC::link_ex with filenameWithSuffix " << filenameWithSuffix << "\n"; GiNaC::link_ex( filenameWithSuffix, *cfun ); if ( !filename.empty() ) GinacExprManager::instance().operator[]( keyExprManager /*exprDesc*/ /*filename*/ ) = cfun; } } }
bool p2p::isLocalHostAddress(std::string const& _addressToCheck) { return _addressToCheck.empty() ? false : isLocalHostAddress(bi::address::from_string(_addressToCheck)); }
/// \brief When the source code line we want to print is too long for /// the terminal, select the "interesting" region. static void selectInterestingSourceRegion(std::string &SourceLine, std::string &CaretLine, std::string &FixItInsertionLine, unsigned Columns, const SourceColumnMap &map) { unsigned MaxColumns = std::max<unsigned>(map.columns(), std::max(CaretLine.size(), FixItInsertionLine.size())); // if the number of columns is less than the desired number we're done if (MaxColumns <= Columns) return; // No special characters are allowed in CaretLine. assert(CaretLine.end() == std::find_if(CaretLine.begin(), CaretLine.end(), [](char c) { return c < ' ' || '~' < c; })); // Find the slice that we need to display the full caret line // correctly. unsigned CaretStart = 0, CaretEnd = CaretLine.size(); for (; CaretStart != CaretEnd; ++CaretStart) if (!isWhitespace(CaretLine[CaretStart])) break; for (; CaretEnd != CaretStart; --CaretEnd) if (!isWhitespace(CaretLine[CaretEnd - 1])) break; // caret has already been inserted into CaretLine so the above whitespace // check is guaranteed to include the caret // If we have a fix-it line, make sure the slice includes all of the // fix-it information. if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) { unsigned FixItStart = 0, FixItEnd = FixItInsertionLine.size(); for (; FixItStart != FixItEnd; ++FixItStart) if (!isWhitespace(FixItInsertionLine[FixItStart])) break; for (; FixItEnd != FixItStart; --FixItEnd) if (!isWhitespace(FixItInsertionLine[FixItEnd - 1])) break; // We can safely use the byte offset FixItStart as the column offset // because the characters up until FixItStart are all ASCII whitespace // characters. unsigned FixItStartCol = FixItStart; unsigned FixItEndCol = llvm::sys::locale::columnWidth(FixItInsertionLine.substr(0, FixItEnd)); CaretStart = std::min(FixItStartCol, CaretStart); CaretEnd = std::max(FixItEndCol, CaretEnd); } // CaretEnd may have been set at the middle of a character // If it's not at a character's first column then advance it past the current // character. while (static_cast<int>(CaretEnd) < map.columns() && -1 == map.columnToByte(CaretEnd)) ++CaretEnd; assert((static_cast<int>(CaretStart) > map.columns() || -1!=map.columnToByte(CaretStart)) && "CaretStart must not point to a column in the middle of a source" " line character"); assert((static_cast<int>(CaretEnd) > map.columns() || -1!=map.columnToByte(CaretEnd)) && "CaretEnd must not point to a column in the middle of a source line" " character"); // CaretLine[CaretStart, CaretEnd) contains all of the interesting // parts of the caret line. While this slice is smaller than the // number of columns we have, try to grow the slice to encompass // more context. unsigned SourceStart = map.columnToByte(std::min<unsigned>(CaretStart, map.columns())); unsigned SourceEnd = map.columnToByte(std::min<unsigned>(CaretEnd, map.columns())); unsigned CaretColumnsOutsideSource = CaretEnd-CaretStart - (map.byteToColumn(SourceEnd)-map.byteToColumn(SourceStart)); char const *front_ellipse = " ..."; char const *front_space = " "; char const *back_ellipse = "..."; unsigned ellipses_space = strlen(front_ellipse) + strlen(back_ellipse); unsigned TargetColumns = Columns; // Give us extra room for the ellipses // and any of the caret line that extends past the source if (TargetColumns > ellipses_space+CaretColumnsOutsideSource) TargetColumns -= ellipses_space+CaretColumnsOutsideSource; while (SourceStart>0 || SourceEnd<SourceLine.size()) { bool ExpandedRegion = false; if (SourceStart>0) { unsigned NewStart = map.startOfPreviousColumn(SourceStart); // Skip over any whitespace we see here; we're looking for // another bit of interesting text. // FIXME: Detect non-ASCII whitespace characters too. while (NewStart && isWhitespace(SourceLine[NewStart])) NewStart = map.startOfPreviousColumn(NewStart); // Skip over this bit of "interesting" text. while (NewStart) { unsigned Prev = map.startOfPreviousColumn(NewStart); if (isWhitespace(SourceLine[Prev])) break; NewStart = Prev; } assert(map.byteToColumn(NewStart) != -1); unsigned NewColumns = map.byteToColumn(SourceEnd) - map.byteToColumn(NewStart); if (NewColumns <= TargetColumns) { SourceStart = NewStart; ExpandedRegion = true; } } if (SourceEnd<SourceLine.size()) { unsigned NewEnd = map.startOfNextColumn(SourceEnd); // Skip over any whitespace we see here; we're looking for // another bit of interesting text. // FIXME: Detect non-ASCII whitespace characters too. while (NewEnd < SourceLine.size() && isWhitespace(SourceLine[NewEnd])) NewEnd = map.startOfNextColumn(NewEnd); // Skip over this bit of "interesting" text. while (NewEnd < SourceLine.size() && isWhitespace(SourceLine[NewEnd])) NewEnd = map.startOfNextColumn(NewEnd); assert(map.byteToColumn(NewEnd) != -1); unsigned NewColumns = map.byteToColumn(NewEnd) - map.byteToColumn(SourceStart); if (NewColumns <= TargetColumns) { SourceEnd = NewEnd; ExpandedRegion = true; } } if (!ExpandedRegion) break; } CaretStart = map.byteToColumn(SourceStart); CaretEnd = map.byteToColumn(SourceEnd) + CaretColumnsOutsideSource; // [CaretStart, CaretEnd) is the slice we want. Update the various // output lines to show only this slice, with two-space padding // before the lines so that it looks nicer. assert(CaretStart!=(unsigned)-1 && CaretEnd!=(unsigned)-1 && SourceStart!=(unsigned)-1 && SourceEnd!=(unsigned)-1); assert(SourceStart <= SourceEnd); assert(CaretStart <= CaretEnd); unsigned BackColumnsRemoved = map.byteToColumn(SourceLine.size())-map.byteToColumn(SourceEnd); unsigned FrontColumnsRemoved = CaretStart; unsigned ColumnsKept = CaretEnd-CaretStart; // We checked up front that the line needed truncation assert(FrontColumnsRemoved+ColumnsKept+BackColumnsRemoved > Columns); // The line needs some trunctiona, and we'd prefer to keep the front // if possible, so remove the back if (BackColumnsRemoved > strlen(back_ellipse)) SourceLine.replace(SourceEnd, std::string::npos, back_ellipse); // If that's enough then we're done if (FrontColumnsRemoved+ColumnsKept <= Columns) return; // Otherwise remove the front as well if (FrontColumnsRemoved > strlen(front_ellipse)) { SourceLine.replace(0, SourceStart, front_ellipse); CaretLine.replace(0, CaretStart, front_space); if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) FixItInsertionLine.replace(0, CaretStart, front_space); } }
// virtual BOOL LLPreviewGesture::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void* cargo_data, EAcceptance* accept, std::string& tooltip_msg) { BOOL handled = TRUE; switch(cargo_type) { case DAD_ANIMATION: case DAD_SOUND: { // TODO: Don't allow this if you can't transfer the sound/animation // make a script step LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem*)cargo_data; if (item && gInventory.getItem(item->getUUID())) { LLPermissions perm = item->getPermissions(); if (!((perm.getMaskBase() & PERM_ITEM_UNRESTRICTED) == PERM_ITEM_UNRESTRICTED)) { *accept = ACCEPT_NO; if (tooltip_msg.empty()) { tooltip_msg.assign("Only animations and sounds\n" "with unrestricted permissions\n" "can be added to a gesture."); } break; } else if (drop) { LLScrollListItem* line = NULL; if (cargo_type == DAD_ANIMATION) { line = addStep( STEP_ANIMATION ); LLGestureStepAnimation* anim = (LLGestureStepAnimation*)line->getUserdata(); anim->mAnimAssetID = item->getAssetUUID(); anim->mAnimName = item->getName(); } else if (cargo_type == DAD_SOUND) { line = addStep( STEP_SOUND ); LLGestureStepSound* sound = (LLGestureStepSound*)line->getUserdata(); sound->mSoundAssetID = item->getAssetUUID(); sound->mSoundName = item->getName(); } updateLabel(line); mDirty = TRUE; refresh(); } *accept = ACCEPT_YES_COPY_MULTI; } else { // Not in user's inventory means it was in object inventory *accept = ACCEPT_NO; } break; } default: *accept = ACCEPT_NO; if (tooltip_msg.empty()) { tooltip_msg.assign("Only animations and sounds\n" "can be added to a gesture."); } break; } return handled; }
void Text::init(RCPtr<Font> fnt, const std::string &str, bool use_kerning) { assert(fnt.get()); assert(! str.empty()); mFont = fnt; mVerts.reset(new VertexBuffer((unsigned int)str.size() * 4, kFontVertexFormat, GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB, false)); VertexBufferLock lock(*mVerts); float *v = lock.get<float>(); float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f; mWidth = 0.0f; mHeight = 0.0f; mNumVerts = 0; char prev_char = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { char c = str[i]; if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { ++i; if (i < str.size() && str[i] == '\r' || str[i] == '\n') ++i; if (i == str.size()) break; // newline breaks up kerning pairs prev_char = 0; mWidth = std::max(mWidth, x); x = 0.0f; y += mFont->getLineHeight(); continue; } // Get the normal character information const Font::CharInfo &ci = mFont->getCharInfo(c); // Get the kerning pair offset, if there is one float kerning_offset = 0.0f; if (use_kerning && (prev_char != 0)) kerning_offset = mFont->getKerningOffset(prev_char, c); prev_char = c; x += kerning_offset; if (! ci.draw) { x += ci.advance; continue; } // Add the vertices // TopLeft *v++ = ci.texTopLeft[0]; // u *v++ = ci.texTopLeft[1]; // v *v++ = x + ci.posTopLeft[0]; // x *v++ = y + ci.posTopLeft[1]; // y // BottomLeft *v++ = ci.texTopLeft[0]; // u *v++ = ci.texBottomRight[1]; // v *v++ = x + ci.posTopLeft[0]; // x *v++ = y + ci.posBottomRight[1]; // y // BottomRight *v++ = ci.texBottomRight[0]; // u *v++ = ci.texBottomRight[1]; // v *v++ = x + ci.posBottomRight[0]; // x *v++ = y + ci.posBottomRight[1]; // y // TopRight *v++ = ci.texBottomRight[0]; // u *v++ = ci.texTopLeft[1]; // v *v++ = x + ci.posBottomRight[0]; // x *v++ = y + ci.posTopLeft[1]; // y x += ci.advance; mNumVerts += 4; } lock.reset(); mWidth = std::max(x, mWidth); mHeight = y + mFont->getLineHeight(); }
Path Path::appendExt(const std::string &ext) const { if (ext.empty()) return Path(*this); else if (ext[0] == '.') return Path(data + ext); else return Path(data + "." + ext); }
void TlsOptions::setOption( tls_option opt, const std::string& value ) const { checkOpt(opt, STRING); this->setOption( opt, value.empty() ? NULL : (void*) value.c_str() ); }
bool ParseFloat(const std::string& string, float& value) { return swri_string_util::ToFloat(string, value) || string.empty(); }
void Browser::getDirectory(std::string directory) { m_scroll_beginning = 0; w.clear(); // reset the position if we change directories if (m_current_directory != directory) w.reset(); // check if it's a parent directory if (isStringParentDirectory(directory)) { directory.resize(directory.length()-3); directory = getParentDirectory(directory); } // when we go down to root, it can be empty if (directory.empty()) directory = "/"; std::vector<MPD::Item> items; if (m_local_browser) getLocalDirectory(items, directory); else { std::copy( std::make_move_iterator(Mpd.GetDirectory(directory)), std::make_move_iterator(MPD::ItemIterator()), std::back_inserter(items) ); } // sort items if (Config.browser_sort_mode != SortMode::NoOp) { std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), LocaleBasedItemSorting(std::locale(), Config.ignore_leading_the, Config.browser_sort_mode) ); } // if the requested directory is not root, add parent directory if (!isRootDirectory(directory)) { // make it so that display function doesn't have to handle special cases w.addItem(MPD::Directory(directory + "/.."), NC::List::Properties::None); } for (const auto &item : items) { switch (item.type()) { case MPD::Item::Type::Playlist: { w.addItem(std::move(item)); break; } case MPD::Item::Type::Directory: { bool is_current = == m_current_directory; w.addItem(std::move(item)); if (is_current) w.highlight(w.size()-1); break; } case MPD::Item::Type::Song: { auto properties = NC::List::Properties::Selectable; if (myPlaylist->checkForSong( properties |= NC::List::Properties::Bold; w.addItem(std::move(item), properties); break; } } } m_current_directory = directory; }
// Main entry point int main (int argc, char** argv) { std::string pathToThisFile=__FILE__; if(gDataPath.empty()) gDataPath=rt::Math::getParentDirectoryFromFilePath(pathToThisFile); std::cerr<<"Using data path: "<<gDataPath<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Use your mouse to rotate,pan and zoom the camera"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"left mouse button + drag -> rotate"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"middle mouse button + drag -> pan"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"scroll wheel up / down -> zoom in / out"<<std::endl; if( !glfwInit() ) { std::cerr<<"Failed to initialize GLFW\n"<<std::endl; return -1; } glfwSetErrorCallback(glfwErrorCallback); // Create the OpenGL window glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DEPTH_BITS, 16); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4); //Those stop GLFW from initializing successfully? glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_TRUE); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); // Open OpenGL fullscreen window gGLFWWindow = glfwCreateWindow(gWidth,gHeight,"GLFW OpenGL Window",nullptr,nullptr); //// Open OpenGL fullscreen window //if( !glfwOpenWindow( gWidth, gHeight, 0,0,0,0, 16,0, GLFW_WINDOW ) ) //{ // fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window\n" ); // glfwTerminate(); // exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); //} if(!gGLFWWindow) { std::cerr<<"Failed to open GLFW window\n"<<std::endl; glfwTerminate(); return -1; } // Disable VSync (we want to get as high FPS as possible!) glfwMakeContextCurrent(gGLFWWindow); glfwSwapInterval( 1 ); // Setting this is necessary for core profile (tested with MSVC 2013 x64, Windows 7) glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; // GLEW wraps all OpenGL functions and extensions GLenum err = glewInit(); if(err != GLEW_OK) { std::cerr<<"Failed to initialize GLEW"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<(char*)glewGetErrorString(err)<<std::endl; glfwTerminate(); return -1; } glGetError(); //GLEW might cause an 'invalid enum' error, safely ignore it? // Print OpenGL context information to console ogl::printContextInformation(); // Perform our initialization (OpenGL states, shader, camera, geometry) if(!init()) return -1; // Set the appropriate callback functions // Window resize callback function glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(gGLFWWindow,resizeCB); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(gGLFWWindow,mouseCB); glfwSetScrollCallback(gGLFWWindow,wheelCB); glfwSetCursorPosCallback(gGLFWWindow,motionCB); while( !glfwWindowShouldClose(gGLFWWindow) ) { // Get the current time (in milliseconds since program start) double t0 =glfwGetTime(); // Clear frame and depth buffers glClearColor(gBackgroundColor[0],gBackgroundColor[1],gBackgroundColor[2], 1.f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Draw... displayCB(); // Hopefully there hasn't been any mistake? ogl::printOpenGLError(); // Swap the rendering target with the frame buffer shown on the monitor glfwSwapBuffers(gGLFWWindow); glfwPollEvents() ; // Compute rendering time in seconds by taking difference to current time double t1=glfwGetTime(); gLastFrameTime = float(t1-t0); } // Terminate OpenGL glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
void ConfigManager::getChildren(std::string path, std::vector<std::string> & destList) { if(path.empty()) { return; } for(int i = 0; i < _configRootList.size(); i++) { std::string pathFrag; std::string pathRemainder = path; mxml_node_t * xmlNode = _configRootList[i]->child; size_t location = pathRemainder.find_first_of('.'); if(location == std::string::npos) { pathFrag = pathRemainder; pathRemainder = ""; } else { pathFrag = pathRemainder.substr(0,location); if(location + 1 < pathRemainder.size()) { pathRemainder = pathRemainder.substr(location + 1); } else { pathRemainder = ""; } } std::stack<std::pair<mxml_node_t *,std::string> > parentStack; do { if(!parentStack.empty()) { xmlNode =>next; if(!pathRemainder.empty()) { pathRemainder = pathFrag + "." + pathRemainder; } else { pathRemainder = pathFrag; } pathFrag =; parentStack.pop(); } while(xmlNode) { if(xmlNode->type != MXML_ELEMENT) { xmlNode = xmlNode->next; continue; } std::string nodeName = xmlNode->; const char * nameAtt = mxmlElementGetAttr(xmlNode,"name"); std::string suffix = nameAtt ? nameAtt : ""; //std::cerr << "Looking at node: " << nodeName << " with suffix " << suffix << std::endl; location = pathFrag.find_first_of(':'); if((location == std::string::npos && pathFrag == nodeName) || (location != std::string::npos && pathFrag == nodeName + ":" + suffix)) { //std::cerr << "Found Fragment." << std::endl; if(pathRemainder.empty()) { if(xmlNode->child) { mxml_node_t * cnode = xmlNode->child; while(cnode) { if(cnode->type != MXML_ELEMENT) { cnode = cnode->next; continue; } // ignore comment tags if(strncmp(cnode->,"!--",3)) { destList.push_back( cnode->; } cnode = cnode->next; } } xmlNode = xmlNode->next; } else { parentStack.push( std::pair<mxml_node_t *,std::string>(xmlNode, pathFrag)); location = pathRemainder.find_first_of('.'); if(location == std::string::npos) { pathFrag = pathRemainder; pathRemainder = ""; } else { pathFrag = pathRemainder.substr(0,location); if(location + 1 < pathRemainder.size()) { pathRemainder = pathRemainder.substr( location + 1); } else { pathRemainder = ""; } } //std::cerr << "Looking for fragment: " << pathFrag << std::endl; //std::cerr << "with remainder: " << pathRemainder << std::endl; xmlNode = xmlNode->child; } } else { xmlNode = xmlNode->next; } } } while(!parentStack.empty()); } return; }