ValueType getSystemVar(const EERIE_SCRIPT * es, Entity * entity, const std::string & name, std::string& txtcontent, float * fcontent,long * lcontent) { arx_assert(!name.empty() && name[0] == '^', "bad system variable: \"%s\"", name.c_str()); char c = (name.length() < 2) ? '\0' : name[1]; switch(c) { case '$': { if(name == "^$param1") { txtcontent = SSEPARAMS[0]; return TYPE_TEXT; } if(name == "^$param2") { txtcontent = SSEPARAMS[1]; return TYPE_TEXT; } if(name == "^$param3") { txtcontent = SSEPARAMS[2]; return TYPE_TEXT; } if(name == "^$objontop") { txtcontent = "none"; if(entity) { MakeTopObjString(entity, txtcontent); } return TYPE_TEXT; } break; } case '&': { if(name == "^¶m1") { *fcontent = (float)atof(SSEPARAMS[0]); return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(name == "^¶m2") { *fcontent = (float)atof(SSEPARAMS[1]); return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(name == "^¶m3") { *fcontent = (float)atof(SSEPARAMS[2]); return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(name == "^&playerdist") { if(entity) { *fcontent = fdist(player.pos, entity->pos); return TYPE_FLOAT; } } break; } case '#': { if(name == "^#playerdist") { if(entity) { *lcontent = (long)fdist(player.pos, entity->pos); return TYPE_LONG; } } if(name == "^#param1") { *lcontent = atol(SSEPARAMS[0]); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^#param2") { *lcontent = atol(SSEPARAMS[1]); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^#param3") { *lcontent = atol(SSEPARAMS[2]); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^#timer1") { if(!entity || entity->script.timers[0] == 0) { *lcontent = 0; } else { *lcontent = long((unsigned long)(arxtime) - es->timers[0]); } return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^#timer2") { if(!entity || entity->script.timers[1] == 0) { *lcontent = 0; } else { *lcontent = long((unsigned long)(arxtime) - es->timers[1]); } return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^#timer3") { if(!entity || entity->script.timers[2] == 0) { *lcontent = 0; } else { *lcontent = long((unsigned long)(arxtime) - es->timers[2]); } return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^#timer4") { if(!entity || entity->script.timers[3] == 0) { *lcontent = 0; } else { *lcontent = long((unsigned long)(arxtime) - es->timers[3]); } return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'g': { if(name == "^gore") { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^gamedays") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 86400000); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^gamehours") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 3600000); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^gameminutes") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 60000); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^gameseconds") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 1000); return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'a': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^amount")) { if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_ITEM)) { *fcontent = entity->_itemdata->count; } else { *fcontent = 0; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(name == "^arxdays") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 7200000); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^arxhours") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 600000); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^arxminutes") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 10000); return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^arxseconds") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 1000) * 6; return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^arxtime_hours") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 600000); while(*lcontent > 12) { *lcontent -= 12; } return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^arxtime_minutes") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) / 10000); while(*lcontent > 60) { *lcontent -= 60; } return TYPE_LONG; } if(name == "^arxtime_seconds") { *lcontent = static_cast<long>(float(arxtime) * 6 / 1000); while(*lcontent > 60) { *lcontent -= 60; } return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'r': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^realdist_")) { if(entity) { const char * obj = name.c_str() + 10; if(!strcmp(obj, "player")) { if(entity->requestRoomUpdate) { UpdateIORoom(entity); } long Player_Room = ARX_PORTALS_GetRoomNumForPosition(player.pos, 1); *fcontent = SP_GetRoomDist(entity->pos, player.pos, entity->room, Player_Room); return TYPE_FLOAT; } EntityHandle t = entities.getById(obj); if(ValidIONum(t)) { if((entity->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE || entity->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY) && (entities[t]->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE || entities[t]->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY)) { Vec3f pos = GetItemWorldPosition(entity); Vec3f pos2 = GetItemWorldPosition(entities[t]); if(entity->requestRoomUpdate) { UpdateIORoom(entity); } if(entities[t]->requestRoomUpdate) { UpdateIORoom(entities[t]); } *fcontent = SP_GetRoomDist(pos, pos2, entity->room, entities[t]->room); } else { // Out of this world item *fcontent = 99999999999.f; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } *fcontent = 99999999999.f; return TYPE_FLOAT; } } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^repairprice_")) { EntityHandle t = entities.getById(name.substr(13)); if(ValidIONum(t)) { *fcontent = ARX_DAMAGES_ComputeRepairPrice(entities[t], entity); } else { *fcontent = 0; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^rnd_")) { const char * max = name.c_str() + 5; // TODO should max be inclusive or exclusive? // if inclusive, use proper integer random, otherwise fix rnd()? if(max[0]) { float t = (float)atof(max); *fcontent = Random::getf(0.f, t); return TYPE_FLOAT; } *fcontent = 0; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^rune_")) { std::string temp = name.substr(6); *lcontent = 0; if(temp == "aam") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_AAM; } else if(temp == "cetrius") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_CETRIUS; } else if(temp == "comunicatum") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_COMUNICATUM; } else if(temp == "cosum") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_COSUM; } else if(temp == "folgora") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_FOLGORA; } else if(temp == "fridd") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_FRIDD; } else if(temp == "kaom") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_KAOM; } else if(temp == "mega") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_MEGA; } else if(temp == "morte") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_MORTE; } else if(temp == "movis") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_MOVIS; } else if(temp == "nhi") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_NHI; } else if(temp == "rhaa") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_RHAA; } else if(temp == "spacium") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_SPACIUM; } else if(temp == "stregum") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_STREGUM; } else if(temp == "taar") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_TAAR; } else if(temp == "tempus") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_TEMPUS; } else if(temp == "tera") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_TERA; } else if(temp == "vista") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_VISTA; } else if(temp == "vitae") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_VITAE; } else if(temp == "yok") { *lcontent = player.rune_flags & FLAG_YOK; } return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'i': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^inzone_")) { const char * zone = name.c_str() + 8; ARX_PATH * ap = ARX_PATH_GetAddressByName(zone); *lcontent = 0; if(entity && ap) { if(ARX_PATH_IsPosInZone(ap, entity->pos)) { *lcontent = 1; } } return TYPE_LONG; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^ininitpos")) { *lcontent = 0; if(entity) { Vec3f pos = GetItemWorldPosition(entity); if(pos == entity->initpos) *lcontent = 1; } return TYPE_LONG; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^inplayerinventory")) { *lcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_ITEM) && IsInPlayerInventory(entity)) { *lcontent = 1; } return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'b': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^behavior")) { txtcontent = ""; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_NPC)) { if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_LOOK_AROUND) { txtcontent += "l"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_SNEAK) { txtcontent += "s"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_DISTANT) { txtcontent += "d"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_MAGIC) { txtcontent += "m"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_FIGHT) { txtcontent += "f"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_GO_HOME) { txtcontent += "h"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_FRIENDLY) { txtcontent += "r"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_MOVE_TO) { txtcontent += "t"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_FLEE) { txtcontent += "e"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_LOOK_FOR) { txtcontent += "o"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_HIDE) { txtcontent += "i"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_WANDER_AROUND) { txtcontent += "w"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_GUARD) { txtcontent += "u"; } if(entity->_npcdata->behavior & BEHAVIOUR_STARE_AT) { txtcontent += "a"; } } return TYPE_TEXT; } break; } case 's': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^sender")) { if(!EVENT_SENDER) { txtcontent = "none"; } else if(EVENT_SENDER == entities.player()) { txtcontent = "player"; } else { txtcontent = EVENT_SENDER->idString(); } return TYPE_TEXT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^scale")) { *fcontent = (entity) ? entity->scale * 100.f : 0.f; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^speaking")) { if(entity) { for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ASPEECH; i++) { if(aspeech[i].exist && entity == aspeech[i].io) { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } } } *lcontent = 0; return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'm': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^me")) { if(!entity) { txtcontent = "none"; } else if(entity == entities.player()) { txtcontent = "player"; } else { txtcontent = entity->idString(); } return TYPE_TEXT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^maxlife")) { *fcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_NPC)) { *fcontent = entity->_npcdata->lifePool.max; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^mana")) { *fcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_NPC)) { *fcontent = entity->_npcdata->manaPool.current; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^maxmana")) { *fcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_NPC)) { *fcontent = entity->_npcdata->manaPool.max; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^myspell_")) { SpellType id = GetSpellId(name.substr(9)); if(id != SPELL_NONE) { if(spells.ExistAnyInstanceForThisCaster(id, entity->index())) { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } } *lcontent = 0; return TYPE_LONG; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^maxdurability")) { *fcontent = (entity) ? entity->max_durability : 0.f; return TYPE_FLOAT; } break; } case 'l': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^life")) { *fcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_NPC)) { *fcontent = entity->_npcdata->lifePool.current; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^last_spawned")) { txtcontent = (LASTSPAWNED) ? LASTSPAWNED->idString() : "none"; return TYPE_TEXT; } break; } case 'd': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^dist_")) { if(entity) { const char * obj = name.c_str() + 6; if(!strcmp(obj, "player")) { *fcontent = fdist(player.pos, entity->pos); return TYPE_FLOAT; } EntityHandle t = entities.getById(obj); if(ValidIONum(t)) { if((entity->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE || entity->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY) && (entities[t]->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE || entities[t]->show == SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY)) { Vec3f pos = GetItemWorldPosition(entity); Vec3f pos2 = GetItemWorldPosition(entities[t]); *fcontent = fdist(pos, pos2); return TYPE_FLOAT; } } *fcontent = 99999999999.f; return TYPE_FLOAT; } } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^demo")) { *lcontent = (resources->getReleaseType() & PakReader::Demo) ? 1 : 0; return TYPE_LONG; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^durability")) { *fcontent = (entity) ? entity->durability : 0.f; return TYPE_FLOAT; } break; } case 'p': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^price")) { *fcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_ITEM)) { *fcontent = static_cast<float>(entity->_itemdata->price); } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_zone")) { txtcontent = (player.inzone) ? player.inzone->name : "none"; return TYPE_TEXT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_life")) { *fcontent = player.Full_life; // TODO why not like everywhere else? return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^poisoned")) { *fcontent = 0; if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_NPC)) { *fcontent = entity->_npcdata->poisonned; } return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^poisonous")) { *fcontent = (entity) ? entity->poisonous : 0.f; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^possess_")) { EntityHandle t = entities.getById(name.substr(9)); if(ValidIONum(t)) { if(IsInPlayerInventory(entities[t])) { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } for(long i = 0; i < MAX_EQUIPED; i++) { if(ValidIONum(player.equiped[i]) && player.equiped[i] == t) { *lcontent = 2; return TYPE_LONG; } } } *lcontent = 0; return TYPE_LONG; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_gold")) { *fcontent = static_cast<float>(; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_maxlife")) { *fcontent = player.Full_maxlife; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_attribute_strength")) { *fcontent = player.m_attributeFull.strength; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_attribute_dexterity")) { *fcontent = player.m_attributeFull.dexterity; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_attribute_constitution")) { *fcontent = player.m_attributeFull.constitution; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_attribute_mind")) { *fcontent = player.m_attributeFull.mind; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_stealth")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.stealth; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_mecanism")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.mecanism; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_intuition")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.intuition; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_etheral_link")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.etheralLink; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_object_knowledge")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.objectKnowledge; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_casting")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.casting; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_projectile")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.projectile; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_close_combat")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.closeCombat; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_skill_defense")) { *fcontent = player.m_skillFull.defense; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_hunger")) { *fcontent = player.hunger; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^player_poison")) { *fcontent = player.poison; return TYPE_FLOAT; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^playercasting")) { for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_SPELLS; i++) { const SpellBase * spell = spells[SpellHandle(i)]; if(spell && spell->m_caster == PlayerEntityHandle) { if( spell->m_type == SPELL_LIFE_DRAIN || spell->m_type == SPELL_HARM || spell->m_type == SPELL_FIRE_FIELD || spell->m_type == SPELL_ICE_FIELD || spell->m_type == SPELL_LIGHTNING_STRIKE || spell->m_type == SPELL_MASS_LIGHTNING_STRIKE ) { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } } } *lcontent = 0; return TYPE_LONG; } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^playerspell_")) { std::string temp = name.substr(13); SpellType id = GetSpellId(temp); if(id != SPELL_NONE) { if(spells.ExistAnyInstanceForThisCaster(id, PlayerEntityHandle)) { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } } if(temp == "invisibility" && entities.player()->invisibility > 0.3f) { *lcontent = 1; return TYPE_LONG; } *lcontent = 0; return TYPE_LONG; } break; } case 'n': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^npcinsight")) { Entity * ioo = ARX_NPC_GetFirstNPCInSight(entity); if(!ioo) { txtcontent = "none"; } else if(ioo == entities.player()) { txtcontent = "player"; } else { txtcontent = ioo->idString(); } return TYPE_TEXT; } break; } case 't': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^target")) { if(!entity) { txtcontent = "none"; } else if(entity->targetinfo == PlayerEntityHandle) { txtcontent = "player"; } else if(!ValidIONum(entity->targetinfo)) { txtcontent = "none"; } else { txtcontent = entities[entity->targetinfo]->idString(); } return TYPE_TEXT; } break; } case 'f': { if(boost::starts_with(name, "^focal")) { if(entity && (entity->ioflags & IO_CAMERA)) { *fcontent = entity->_camdata->cam.focal; return TYPE_FLOAT; } } if(boost::starts_with(name, "^fighting")) { *lcontent = long(ARX_PLAYER_IsInFightMode()); return TYPE_LONG; } break; } } *lcontent = 0; return TYPE_LONG; }
void CDC::converteStringParaMinuscula(std::string &str) { for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<str.length(); pos++) { if(str[pos]>=65 && str[pos]<=90) str[pos]+=32; } }
bool TimeUtils::convert8601TimeStringToUnix(const std::string& timeString, int64_t* convertedTime) { // TODO : Use std::get_time once we only support compilers that implement this function (GCC 5.1+ / Clang 3.3+) if (!convertedTime) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("convertedTime parameter was nullptr.")); return false; } std::tm timeInfo; if (timeString.length() != ENCODED_TIME_STRING_EXPECTED_LENGTH) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").d("unexpected time string length:", timeString.length())); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_year))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing year. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_mon))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing month. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_mday))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing day. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_hour))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing hour. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_min))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing minute. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_sec))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing second. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } // adjust for C struct tm standard timeInfo.tm_isdst = 0; timeInfo.tm_year -= 1900; timeInfo.tm_mon -= 1; std::time_t convertedTimeT; bool ok = convertToUtcTimeT(&timeInfo, &convertedTimeT); if (!ok) { return false; } *convertedTime = static_cast<int64_t>(convertedTimeT); return true; }
bool cTIFFFile::Load(GLCD::cImage & image, const std::string & fileName) { FILE *fIN; TIFFTAG tifftag; unsigned int tiff_header, tiff_anztags, tiff_data; unsigned char cl,ch,y,i; unsigned char height, width, strip, invert; unsigned char fLittleEndian=0; int j; int t; unsigned char *bitmap = NULL; bool bInvert = false; if (fileName.length() > 0) { fIN = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "rb"); if (fIN) { // isyslog("graphlcd plugin: try to load logo %s.", szFileName); if (fseek(fIN, 0, SEEK_SET)==EOF) { fclose(fIN); return false; } GETANDCHECK; cl=(unsigned char)t; GETANDCHECK; ch=(unsigned char)t; if ((cl==0x49) && (ch==0x49)) { fLittleEndian=1; } if (fseek(fIN, 4, SEEK_SET)==EOF) { fclose(fIN); return false; } GETANDCHECK; cl=(unsigned char)t; GETANDCHECK; ch=(unsigned char)t; tiff_header = cl+256*ch; //printf("tiff_header:%d %x\n", tiff_header, tiff_header); if (fseek(fIN, tiff_header, SEEK_SET)==EOF) { fclose(fIN); return false; } GETANDCHECK; cl=(unsigned char)t; GETANDCHECK; ch=(unsigned char)t; tiff_anztags = cl+256*ch; //printf("tiff_anztags:%d %x\n", tiff_anztags, tiff_anztags); height=0; width=0; strip=0; invert=0; for (i=0; (i<tiff_anztags)&&(!height||!width||!strip||!invert); i++) { if (fread(&tifftag, sizeof(tifftag), 1, fIN)!=1) { fclose(fIN); return false; } if (tifftag.tag==0x0100) width=tifftag.off_val; if (tifftag.tag==0x0101) height=tifftag.off_val; if (tifftag.tag==0x0111) strip=tifftag.off_val; if (tifftag.tag==0x0106) invert=tifftag.off_val+1; //printf("tag%d: %d %d %ld %ld\n", i,tifftag.tag, tifftag.type, tifftag.length, tifftag.off_val ); } if (fseek(fIN,strip, SEEK_SET)==EOF) { fclose(fIN); return false; } GETANDCHECK; cl=(unsigned char)t; GETANDCHECK; ch=(unsigned char)t; tiff_data = cl+256*ch; //printf("tiff_data:%d %x\n", tiff_data, tiff_data); if (fseek(fIN, tiff_data, SEEK_SET)==EOF) { fclose(fIN); return false; } image.Clear(); image.SetWidth(width); image.SetHeight(height); image.SetDelay(100); bitmap = new unsigned char[height * ((width + 7) / 8)]; if (bitmap) { if (fread(bitmap, height*((width+7)/8), 1, fIN)!=1) { delete [] bitmap; fclose(fIN); image.Clear(); return false; } if (invert-1==1) bInvert = !bInvert; // 'Black is zero' if (bInvert) { for (j=0; j < height * ((width+7)/8); j++) { (*(bitmap+j)) = (*(bitmap+j))^0xff; } } // cut the rest of the line if (width%8) { for (y=1; y<=height; y++) { j=y*((width+7)/8)-1; (*(bitmap+j)) = ((*(bitmap+j))>>(8-width%8))<<(8-width%8); } } image.AddBitmap(new GLCD::cBitmap(width, height, bitmap)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot allocate memory\n"); } fclose(fIN); }
void RPCClient::net_process(const std::function<void(std::string)>& disconnect) { connected = true; uint8_t count = 0; while (true) { int content_length = -2; bool close_after_read = false; int max_read; char buf[2048]; std::string line; while (true) { std::string::size_type line_break; while ((line_break = line.find("\r\n")) == std::string::npos) { if (line.find("\r") != std::string::npos) max_read = 1; else max_read = 2; if (read_all(buf, max_read, std::chrono::seconds(10)) != max_read) return disconnect("Failed to read server response"); line.append(buf, buf + max_read); if (line.length() > 16384) return disconnect("Got header longer than 16k!"); } std::string current_line(line.substr(0, line_break)); line = line.substr(line_break + 2); if (content_length == -2) { if (current_line != std::string("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")) return disconnect("Got HTTP error message: " + asciifyString(current_line)); content_length++; } else if (current_line.length()) { std::string::size_type colon(current_line.find(':')); if (colon == std::string::npos) return disconnect("Got Bad HTTP header line: " + asciifyString(current_line)); if (, strlen("Connection: "), "Connection: ") == 0) { if ("Connection: "), strlen("close"), "close") == 0) close_after_read = true; else if ("Connection: "), strlen("keep-alive"), "keep-alive") != 0) return disconnect("Got Bad HTTP Connection header line: " + asciifyString(current_line)); } else if (, strlen("Content-Length: "), "Content-Length: ") == 0) { try { size_t endpos; content_length = std::stoi(&(current_line.c_str())[strlen("Content-Length: ")], &endpos); if (content_length < 0 || endpos != current_line.length() - strlen("Content-Length: ")) return disconnect("Got Bad HTTP Content-Length header line: " + asciifyString(current_line)); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("Got Bad HTTP Content-Length header line: " + asciifyString(current_line)); } } } else if (content_length < 0) return disconnect("Got to end of HTTP headers without a Content-Length"); else break; } if (content_length < 0 || content_length > 1024*1024*100) return disconnect("Got unreasonably large response size"); //Dumb JSON parser that mostly assumes valid (minimal-size) JSON... static const std::string expected_start("{\"result\":{"); { char resp[expected_start.length()]; if (read_all(resp, expected_start.length()) != (ssize_t)expected_start.length()) return disconnect("Failed to read response"); if (memcmp(resp, &expected_start[0], expected_start.length()) != 0) return disconnect("Got result which was not an object"); } std::vector<unsigned char> resp(content_length - expected_start.length()); if (read_all((char*)&resp[0], content_length - expected_start.length()) != content_length - (ssize_t)expected_start.length()) return disconnect("Failed to read response"); auto it = resp.begin(); //These do not move std::list<CTxMemPoolEntry> txn; //These index into txn std::vector<CTxMemPoolEntry*> vectorToSort; std::unordered_map<std::string, CTxMemPoolEntry*> hashToEntry; std::unordered_multimap<std::string, CTxMemPoolEntry*> txnWaitingOnDeps; // These are values/flags about the current status of the parser int32_t stringStart = -1, fieldValueStart = -1; std::string txHash, fieldString; long tx_size = -1; uint64_t tx_fee = -1; double tx_prio = -1; bool inTx = false, inFieldString = false, inFieldValue = false; std::unordered_set<std::string> txDeps; static const std::string expected_end("},\"error\":null,\"id\":1}\n"); while (it < resp.end() - expected_end.length()) { while ((*it == ' ') && it < resp.end() - 1) it++; switch(*it) { case '"': if (stringStart != -1) { if (!inTx) txHash = std::string(resp.begin() + stringStart, it); else if (inFieldString) fieldString = std::string(resp.begin() + stringStart, it); else if (inFieldValue) return disconnect("got string as a field value"); stringStart = -1; } else stringStart = it - resp.begin() + 1; break; case ':': if (stringStart != -1) return disconnect("Got : in a string (all strings should have been hex"); if (inFieldString) { inFieldValue = true; inFieldString = false; fieldValueStart = it - resp.begin() + 1; } else if (inFieldValue) return disconnect("Got : in an unexpected place"); break; case ',': if (stringStart != -1) return disconnect("Got , in a string (all strings should have been hex"); if (inFieldValue) { inFieldValue = false; inFieldString = true; if (fieldString == "size") { try { tx_size = std::stol(std::string(resp.begin() + fieldValueStart, it)); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("transaction size could not be parsed"); } } else if (fieldString == "fee") { try { tx_fee = uint64_t(std::stod(std::string(resp.begin() + fieldValueStart, it)) * 100000000); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("transaction value could not be parsed"); } } else if (fieldString == "currentpriority") { try { tx_prio = std::stod(std::string(resp.begin() + fieldValueStart, it)); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("transaction prio could not be parsed"); } } } else if (inTx) return disconnect("Got unexpected ,"); break; case '[': { it++; int32_t depStringStart = -1; while (*it != ']' && it < resp.end() - 1) { if (*it == '"') { if (depStringStart != -1) { txDeps.insert(std::string(resp.begin() + depStringStart, it)); depStringStart = -1; } else depStringStart = it - resp.begin() + 1; } it++; } if (*it != ']' || depStringStart != -1) return disconnect("Missing array end character (])"); break; } case '{': if (stringStart != -1) return disconnect("Got { in a string (all strings should have been hex"); else if (!inTx) { inTx = true; inFieldString = true; } else return disconnect("Got JSON object start when we weren't expecting one"); break; case '}': if (inTx) { if (inFieldValue) { inFieldValue = false; if (fieldString == "size") { try { tx_size = std::stol(std::string(resp.begin() + fieldValueStart, it)); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("transaction size could not be parsed"); } } else if (fieldString == "fee") { try { tx_fee = uint64_t(std::stod(std::string(resp.begin() + fieldValueStart, it)) * 100000000); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("transaction value could not be parsed"); } } else if (fieldString == "currentpriority") { try { tx_prio = std::stod(std::string(resp.begin() + fieldValueStart, it)); } catch (std::exception& e) { return disconnect("transaction prio could not be parsed"); } } } else return disconnect("Got unepxecpted }"); if (tx_size < 0) return disconnect("Did not get transaction size"); else if (tx_fee < 0) return disconnect("Did not get transaction fee"); else if (tx_prio < 0) return disconnect("Did not get transaction prio"); std::vector<unsigned char> hash; if (!hex_str_to_reverse_vector(txHash, hash) || hash.size() != 32) return disconnect("got bad hash"); txn.emplace_back(tx_fee, tx_size, tx_prio, hash, txDeps.size()); if (!hashToEntry.insert(std::make_pair(txHash, &txn.back())).second) return disconnect("Duplicate transaction"); if (txDeps.empty()) vectorToSort.push_back(&txn.back()); else { for (const std::string& dep : txDeps) { auto depIt = hashToEntry.find(dep); if (depIt == hashToEntry.end()) txnWaitingOnDeps.insert(std::make_pair(dep, &txn.back())); else depIt->second->setDeps.insert(&txn.back()); } } auto waitingIts = txnWaitingOnDeps.equal_range(txHash); for (auto waitingIt = waitingIts.first; waitingIt != waitingIts.second; waitingIt++) txn.back().setDeps.insert(waitingIt->second); txnWaitingOnDeps.erase(txHash); inTx = false; tx_size = -1; tx_fee = -1; txDeps.clear(); } else return disconnect("Global JSON object closed before the end"); break; } it++; } if (it != resp.end() - expected_end.length() || memcmp(&(*it), &expected_end[0], expected_end.length()) != 0) return disconnect("JSON object was not closed at the end"); if (!txnWaitingOnDeps.empty()) return disconnect("Tx depended on another one which did not exist"); std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<unsigned char>, size_t> > txn_selected; std::function<bool (const CTxMemPoolEntry* a, const CTxMemPoolEntry* b)> comp = [](const CTxMemPoolEntry* a, const CTxMemPoolEntry* b) { return a->feePerKb < b->feePerKb || (a->feePerKb == b->feePerKb && a->prio < b->prio); }; std::make_heap(vectorToSort.begin(), vectorToSort.end(), comp); uint64_t minFeePerKbSelected = 4000000000; unsigned minFeePerKbTxnCount = 0; uint64_t totalSizeSelected = 0; while (totalSizeSelected < 9*MAX_FAS_TOTAL_SIZE/10 && vectorToSort.size()) { std::pop_heap(vectorToSort.begin(), vectorToSort.end(), comp); CTxMemPoolEntry* e = vectorToSort.back(); vectorToSort.pop_back(); if (e->size <= MAX_RELAY_TRANSACTION_BYTES) { for (CTxMemPoolEntry* dep : e->setDeps) if ((--dep->reqCount) == 0) { vectorToSort.push_back(dep); std::push_heap(vectorToSort.begin(), vectorToSort.end(), comp); } txn_selected.push_back(std::make_pair(e->hash, e->size)); totalSizeSelected += e->size; if (e->feePerKb == minFeePerKbSelected) minFeePerKbTxnCount++; else if (e->feePerKb < minFeePerKbSelected) { minFeePerKbSelected = e->feePerKb; minFeePerKbTxnCount = 1; } } } unsigned minFeePerKbTxnSkipped = 0; while (vectorToSort.size()) { std::pop_heap(vectorToSort.begin(), vectorToSort.end(), comp); CTxMemPoolEntry* e = vectorToSort.back(); vectorToSort.pop_back(); if (e->feePerKb != minFeePerKbSelected) break; minFeePerKbTxnSkipped++; } if (++count == 0 && minFeePerKbTxnSkipped > 1 && minFeePerKbTxnCount > 1) printf("WARNING: Skipped %u txn while accepting %u identical-fee txn\n", minFeePerKbTxnSkipped, minFeePerKbTxnCount); txn_for_block_func(txn_selected, txn.size()); awaiting_response = false; if (close_after_read) return disconnect("Got Connection: close"); } }
/** Convert regular argument into the network-specific setting */ static inline std::string NetworkArg(const ArgsManager& am, const std::string& arg) { assert(arg.length() > 1 && arg[0] == '-'); return "-" + am.m_network + "." + arg.substr(1); }
} BLOCK_END("ChatHandler::handleMessage") } void ChatHandler::talk(const std::string &restrict text, const std::string &restrict channel A_UNUSED) const { if (!localPlayer) return; const std::string mes = std::string(localPlayer->getName()).append( " : ").append(text); createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE); // Added + 1 in order to let eAthena parse admin commands correctly outMsg.writeInt16(static_cast<int16_t>(mes.length() + 4 + 1), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, static_cast<int>(mes.length() + 1), "message"); } void ChatHandler::talkRaw(const std::string &mes) const { createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_MESSAGE); outMsg.writeInt16(static_cast<int16_t>(mes.length() + 4), "len"); outMsg.writeString(mes, static_cast<int>(mes.length()), "message"); } void ChatHandler::privateMessage(const std::string &restrict recipient, const std::string &restrict text) { createOutPacket(CMSG_CHAT_WHISPER); outMsg.writeInt16(static_cast<int16_t>(text.length() + 28), "len");
int64_t rsg::RsgCommHandler::send_async(const int64_t sender, const int64_t dest, const std::string& data, const int64_t size, const int64_t simulatedByteAmount) { s4u::MailboxPtr mbox =; std::string *strData = new std::string(, data.length()); return (int64_t) &s4u::Comm::send_async(mbox, (void*) strData, simulatedByteAmount); }
void rsg::RsgCommHandler::setSrcData(const int64_t addr, const std::string& buff) { s4u::Comm *comm = (s4u::Comm*) addr; std::string *payload = new std::string(, buff.length()); comm->setSrcData((void*)payload, sizeof(void*)); }
void NCursesIOManager::removeCharFromOrder(std::string & input) { input.resize(input.length() == 0 ? 0 : input.length() - 1); }
bool StringUtils::istarts_with(const std::string &string, const std::string &prefix) { return starts_with_internal(string.c_str(), string.size(), prefix.c_str(), prefix.length(), true); }
void writeOutput(const std::string& filename, const std::string& output) { std::ofstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary); file.write(output.c_str(), output.length()); }
void RemoveApostrophes(std::string &s) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) if(s[i] == '\'') s[i] = '_'; }
//================================================================= bool TileAssembler::readRawFile(std::string& pModelFilename, ModelPosition& pModelPosition, AABSPTree<SubModel *> *pMainTree) { bool result = false; std::string filename = iSrcDir; if(filename.length() >0) filename.append("/"); filename.append(pModelFilename); FILE *rf = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if(!rf) { // depending on the extractor version, the data could be located in the root dir std::string baseModelFilename = pModelFilename.substr((pModelFilename.find_first_of("/")+1),pModelFilename.length()); filename = iSrcDir; if(filename.length() >0) filename.append("/"); filename.append(baseModelFilename); rf = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); } char ident[8]; int trianglecount =0; #ifdef _ASSEMBLER_DEBUG int startgroup = 0; //2; int endgroup = INT_MAX; //2; fprintf(::g_df,"-------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(::g_df,"%s\n", pModelFilename.c_str()); fprintf(::g_df,"-------------------------------------------------\n"); #else int startgroup = 0; int endgroup = INT_MAX; #endif if(rf) { if(fread(&ident, 8, 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(strcmp(ident, "VMAP001") == 0) { // OK, do nothing } else if(strcmp(ident, "VMAP002") == 0) { // we have to read one int. This is needed during the export and we have to skip it here int tempNVectors; if(fread(&tempNVectors, sizeof(int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } } else { // wrong version fclose(rf); return(false); } unsigned int groups; char blockId[5]; blockId[4] = 0; int blocksize; if(fread(&groups, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } for(int g=0;g<(int)groups;g++) { // group MUST NOT have more then 65536 indexes !! Array will have a problem with that !! (strange ...) Array<int> tempIndexArray; Array<Vector3> tempVertexArray; AABSPTree<Triangle> *gtree = new AABSPTree<Triangle>(); unsigned int flags; if(fread(&flags, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } unsigned int branches; if(fread(&blockId, 4, 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(strcmp(blockId, "GRP ") != 0) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(fread(&blocksize, sizeof(int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(fread(&branches, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } for(int b=0;b<(int)branches; b++) { unsigned int indexes; // indexes for each branch (not used jet) if(fread(&indexes, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } } // ---- indexes if(fread(&blockId, 4, 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(strcmp(blockId, "INDX") != 0) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(fread(&blocksize, sizeof(int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } unsigned int nindexes; if(fread(&nindexes, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(nindexes >0) { unsigned short *indexarray = new unsigned short[nindexes*sizeof(unsigned short)]; if(fread(indexarray, sizeof(unsigned short), nindexes, rf) != nindexes) { fclose(rf); return(false); } for(int i=0;i<(int)nindexes; i++) { unsigned short val = indexarray[i]; tempIndexArray.append(val); } delete indexarray; } // ---- vectors if(fread(&blockId, 4, 1, rf) != 1) {fclose(rf); return(false); } if(strcmp(blockId, "VERT") != 0) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(fread(&blocksize, sizeof(int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } unsigned int nvectors; if(fread(&nvectors, sizeof(int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } float *vectorarray = 0; if(nvectors >0) { vectorarray = new float[nvectors*sizeof(float)*3]; if(fread(vectorarray, sizeof(float)*3, nvectors, rf) != nvectors) { fclose(rf); return(false); } } // ----- liquit if(flags & 1) { // we have liquit -> not handled yet ... skip if(fread(&blockId, 4, 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(strcmp(blockId, "LIQU") != 0) { fclose(rf); return(false); } if(fread(&blocksize, sizeof(int), 1, rf) != 1) { fclose(rf); return(false); } fseek(rf, blocksize, SEEK_CUR); } for(unsigned int i=0, indexNo=0; indexNo<nvectors; indexNo++) { Vector3 v = Vector3(vectorarray[i+2], vectorarray[i+1], vectorarray[i+0]); i+=3; v = pModelPosition.transform(v); float swapy = v.y; v.y = v.x; v.x = swapy; tempVertexArray.append(v); } // ---- calculate triangles int rest = nindexes%3; if(rest != 0) { nindexes -= rest; } for(unsigned int i=0;i<(nindexes);) { Triangle t = Triangle(tempVertexArray[tempIndexArray[i+2]], tempVertexArray[tempIndexArray[i+1]], tempVertexArray[tempIndexArray[i+0]] ); i+=3; trianglecount++; if(g>= startgroup && g <= endgroup) { gtree->insert(t); } } if(vectorarray != 0) { delete vectorarray; } if(gtree->size() >0) { gtree->balance(); SubModel *sm = new SubModel(gtree); #ifdef _ASSEMBLER_DEBUG if(::g_df) fprintf(::g_df,"group trianglies: %d, Tris: %d, Nodes: %d, gtree.triangles: %d\n", g, sm->getNTriangles(), sm->getNNodes(), gtree->memberTable.size()); if(sm->getNTriangles() != gtree->memberTable.size()) { if(::g_df) fprintf(::g_df,"ERROR !!!! group trianglies: %d, Tris: %d, Nodes: %d, gtree.triangles: %d\n", g, sm->getNTriangles(), sm->getNNodes(), gtree->memberTable.size()); } #endif sm->setBasePosition(pModelPosition.iPos); pMainTree->insert(sm); } delete gtree; } fclose(rf); result = true; } return(result); }
// // CheckIWAD // // Tries to find an IWAD from a set of know IWAD names, and checks the first // one found's contents to determine whether registered/commercial features // should be executed (notably loading PWAD's). // static bool CheckIWAD (std::string suggestion, std::string &titlestring) { static const char *doomwadnames[] = { "doom2f.wad", "doom2.wad", "plutonia.wad", "tnt.wad", "doomu.wad", // Hack from original Linux version. Not necessary, but I threw it in anyway. "doom.wad", "doom1.wad", "freedoom.wad", "freedm.wad", "chex.wad", // [ML] 1/7/10: Hello Chex Quest! NULL }; std::string iwad; std::string iwad_file; int i; if(suggestion.length()) { std::string found = BaseFileSearch(suggestion, ".WAD"); if(found.length()) iwad = found; else { if(M_FileExists(suggestion.c_str())) iwad = suggestion; } /* [ML] Removed 1/13/10: we can trust the user to provide an iwad if(iwad.length()) { FILE *f; if ( (f = fopen (iwad.c_str(), "rb")) ) { wadinfo_t header; fread (&header, sizeof(header), 1, f); header.identification = LONG(header.identification); if (header.identification != IWAD_ID) { if(header.identification == PWAD_ID) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Suggested file is a PWAD, not an IWAD: %s \n", iwad.c_str()); } else { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Suggested file is not an IWAD: %s \n", iwad.c_str()); } iwad = ""; } fclose(f); } } */ } if(!iwad.length()) { // Search for a pre-defined IWAD from the list above for (i = 0; doomwadnames[i]; i++) { std::string found = BaseFileSearch(doomwadnames[i]); if(found.length()) { iwad = found; break; } } } // Now scan the contents of the IWAD to determine which one it is if (iwad.length()) { #define NUM_CHECKLUMPS 9 static const char checklumps[NUM_CHECKLUMPS][8] = { "E1M1", "E2M1", "E4M1", "MAP01", { 'A','N','I','M','D','E','F','S'}, "FINAL2", "REDTNT2", "CAMO1", { 'E','X','T','E','N','D','E','D'} }; int lumpsfound[NUM_CHECKLUMPS]; wadinfo_t header; FILE *f; M_ExtractFileName(iwad,iwad_file); memset (lumpsfound, 0, sizeof(lumpsfound)); if ( (f = fopen (iwad.c_str(), "rb")) ) { fread (&header, sizeof(header), 1, f); header.identification = LONG(header.identification); if (header.identification == IWAD_ID || header.identification == PWAD_ID) { header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps); if (0 == fseek (f, LONG(header.infotableofs), SEEK_SET)) { for (i = 0; i < header.numlumps; i++) { filelump_t lump; int j; if (0 == fread (&lump, sizeof(lump), 1, f)) break; for (j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKLUMPS; j++) if (!strnicmp (, checklumps[j], 8)) lumpsfound[j]++; } } } fclose (f); } gamemode = undetermined; if (lumpsfound[3]) { gamemode = commercial; gameinfo = CommercialGameInfo; if (lumpsfound[6]) { gamemission = pack_tnt; titlestring = "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution"; } else if (lumpsfound[7]) { gamemission = pack_plut; titlestring = "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment"; } else { gamemission = doom2; titlestring = "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"; } } else if (lumpsfound[0]) { gamemission = doom; if (lumpsfound[1]) { if (lumpsfound[2]) { if (!StdStringCompare(iwad_file,"chex.wad",true)) // [ML] 1/7/10: HACK - There's no unique lumps in the chex quest { // iwad. It's ultimate doom with their stuff replacing most things. gamemission = chex; gamemode = retail_chex; gameinfo = RetailGameInfo; titlestring = "Chex Quest"; } else { gamemode = retail; gameinfo = RetailGameInfo; titlestring = "The Ultimate DOOM"; } } else { gamemode = registered; gameinfo = RegisteredGameInfo; titlestring = "DOOM Registered"; } } else { gamemode = shareware; gameinfo = SharewareGameInfo; titlestring = "DOOM Shareware"; } } } if (gamemode == undetermined) { gameinfo = SharewareGameInfo; } if (iwad.length()) wadfiles.push_back(iwad); return iwad.length() ? true : false; }
bool JavaString::operator==(const std::string& str) const { jsize len = Length(); if(len != (jsize) str.length()) return false; return str == Value(); }
// // denis - BaseFileSearchDir // Check single paths for a given file with a possible extension // Case insensitive, but returns actual file name // std::string BaseFileSearchDir(std::string dir, std::string file, std::string ext, std::string hash = "") { std::string found; if(dir[dir.length() - 1] != PATHSEPCHAR) dir += PATHSEP; std::transform(hash.begin(), hash.end(), hash.begin(), toupper); std::string dothash = "."; if(hash.length()) dothash += hash; else dothash = ""; // denis - list files in the directory of interest, case-desensitize // then see if wanted wad is listed #ifdef UNIX // denis - todo -find a way to deal with dir="./" and file="DIR/DIR/FILE.WAD" struct dirent **namelist = 0; int n = scandir(dir.c_str(), &namelist, 0, alphasort); for(int i = 0; i < n && namelist[i]; i++) { std::string d_name = namelist[i]->d_name; M_Free(namelist[i]); if(!found.length()) { if(d_name == "." || d_name == "..") continue; std::string tmp = d_name; std::transform(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), toupper); if(file == tmp || (file + ext) == tmp || (file + dothash) == tmp || (file + ext + dothash) == tmp) { std::string local_file = (dir + d_name).c_str(); std::string local_hash = W_MD5(local_file.c_str()); if(!hash.length() || hash == local_hash) { found = d_name; } else if(hash.length()) { Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "WAD at %s does not match required copy\n", local_file.c_str()); Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Local MD5: %s\n", local_hash.c_str()); Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Required MD5: %s\n\n", hash.c_str()); } } } } M_Free(namelist); #else if(dir[dir.length() - 1] != PATHSEPCHAR) dir += PATHSEP; std::string all_ext = dir + "*"; //all_ext += ext; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(all_ext.c_str(), &FindFileData); DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "FindFirstFile failed for %s\n", all_ext.c_str()); Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "GetLastError: %d\n", dwError); return ""; } while (true) { if(!FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)) { dwError = GetLastError(); if(dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "FindNextFile failed. GetLastError: %d\n", dwError); break; } if(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; std::string tmp = FindFileData.cFileName; std::transform(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), toupper); if(file == tmp || (file + ext) == tmp || (file + dothash) == tmp || (file + ext + dothash) == tmp) { std::string local_file = (dir + FindFileData.cFileName).c_str(); std::string local_hash = W_MD5(local_file.c_str()); if(!hash.length() || hash == local_hash) { found = FindFileData.cFileName; break; } else if(hash.length()) { Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "WAD at %s does not match required copy\n", local_file.c_str()); Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Local MD5: %s\n", local_hash.c_str()); Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Required MD5: %s\n\n", hash.c_str()); } } } FindClose(hFind); #endif return found; }
bool isOperation(const std::string &item) { char c = item[0]; return (item.length() == 1) && (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '^'); }
void CIFData::ExtractSpacegroup(const bool verbose) { map<ci_string,string>::const_iterator positem; bool found = false; positem=mvItem.find("_space_group_IT_number"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupNumberIT=CIFNumeric2Int(positem->second); found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup IT number:"<<mSpacegroupNumberIT<<endl; } else { positem=mvItem.find("_symmetry_Int_Tables_number"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupNumberIT=CIFNumeric2Int(positem->second); found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup IT number (with OBSOLETE CIF #1.0 TAG):"<<mSpacegroupNumberIT<<endl; } else { positem=mvItem.find("_symmetry_group_IT_number"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupNumberIT=CIFNumeric2Int(positem->second); found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup IT number (with NON-STANDARD CIF TAG):"<<mSpacegroupNumberIT<<endl; } else mSpacegroupNumberIT=0; } } positem=mvItem.find("_space_group_name_Hall"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupSymbolHall=positem->second; found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup Hall symbol:"<<mSpacegroupSymbolHall<<endl; } else { positem=mvItem.find("_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupSymbolHall=positem->second; found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup Hall symbol (with OBSOLETE CIF #1.0 TAG):"<<mSpacegroupSymbolHall<<endl; } } positem=mvItem.find("_space_group_name_H-M_alt"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupHermannMauguin=positem->second; found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup Hermann-Mauguin symbol:"<<mSpacegroupHermannMauguin<<endl; } else { positem=mvItem.find("_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { mSpacegroupHermannMauguin=positem->second; found = true; if(verbose) cout<<"Found spacegroup Hermann-Mauguin symbol (with OBSOLETE CIF #1.0 TAG):"<<mSpacegroupHermannMauguin<<endl; } } mSpaceGroup=NULL; if (mSpacegroupNumberIT != 0) { mSpaceGroup = SpaceGroup::GetSpaceGroup(mSpacegroupNumberIT); } else if (mSpacegroupSymbolHall.length() > 0) { mSpaceGroup = SpaceGroup::GetSpaceGroup(mSpacegroupSymbolHall); } else if (mSpacegroupHermannMauguin.length() > 0) { mSpaceGroup = SpaceGroup::GetSpaceGroup(mSpacegroupHermannMauguin); } else { SpaceGroup *sg = new SpaceGroup(); positem=mvItem.find("_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz"); if(positem!=mvItem.end()) { sg->AddTransform (positem->second); found = true; } else { for(map<set<ci_string>,map<ci_string,vector<string> > >::const_iterator loop=mvLoop.begin(); loop!=mvLoop.end();++loop) { map<ci_string,vector<string> >::const_iterator pos; unsigned i, nb; pos=loop->second.find("_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz"); if (pos!=loop->second.end()) { nb=pos->second.size(); found = true; for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) sg->AddTransform(pos->second[i]); break; // found the transforms, so we have done with them } } if (found) mSpaceGroup = SpaceGroup::Find(sg); delete sg; } } if (mSpaceGroup != NULL) // set the space group name to Hall symbol mSpacegroupSymbolHall = mSpaceGroup->GetHallName(); }
void MBConnection::createPreparedStatements() { this->_insPlayerRowStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_insWordRowStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_insConvRowStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getRandomStartingWordStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getRandomNextWordStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getProperCaseStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getBigramCountStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getPlayerLineCountStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getPlayerNameStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_insTextRowStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); this->_getRandomChatMessageStatement = mysql_stmt_init(this->_conn); if (!this->_insPlayerRowStatement || !this->_insWordRowStatement || !this->_insConvRowStatement || !this->_getRandomStartingWordStatement || !this->_getRandomNextWordStatement || !this->_getProperCaseStatement || !this->_getBigramCountStatement || !this->_getPlayerLineCountStatement || !this->_getPlayerNameStatement || !this->_insTextRowStatement || !this->_getRandomChatMessageStatement) { std::cout << "Initializating prepared statements failed" << std::endl; throw 0; } static const std::string INSERT_PLAYER_ROW_SQL("INSERT INTO markovsbot.player_names (id,name) VALUES (?,?)"); static const std::string INSERT_WORD_ROW_SQL("INSERT INTO markovsbot.words (id,word) VALUES (?,?)"); static const std::string INSERT_CONV_ROW_SQL("INSERT INTO markovsbot.conversations (name_id, word_a, word_b, is_starting) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); static const std::string GET_RANDOM_STARTING_WORD_SQL("SELECT, markovsbot.words.word FROM (" "(SELECT markovsbot.conversations.word_a FROM markovsbot.player_names INNER JOIN markovsbot.conversations " "ON " "WHERE AND markovsbot.conversations.is_starting=1) " "AS t1) " "INNER JOIN markovsbot.words ON ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); static const std::string GET_RANDOM_NEXT_WORD_SQL("SELECT, markovsbot.words.word FROM (" "(SELECT markovsbot.conversations.word_b FROM markovsbot.player_names INNER JOIN markovsbot.conversations " "ON " "WHERE AND markovsbot.conversations.word_a=?) " "AS t1) " "INNER JOIN markovsbot.words ON ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); static const std::string GET_PROPER_CASE_SQL("SELECT FROM markovsbot.player_names WHERE name=? LIMIT 1"); static const std::string GET_BIGRAM_COUNT_SQL("SELECT name_id, COUNT(*) AS c FROM (" "SELECT * FROM markovsbot.words WHERE word=?" ") AS t1, (" "SELECT * FROM markovsbot.words WHERE word=?" ") AS t2 INNER JOIN markovsbot.conversations WHERE AND " " GROUP BY markovsbot.conversations.name_id ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 20"); static const std::string GET_PLAYER_LINE_COUNT_SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM markovsbot.conversations WHERE name_id=? GROUP BY name_id"); static const std::string GET_PLAYER_NAME_SQL("SELECT name FROM markovsbot.player_names WHERE id=?"); static const std::string INSERT_TEXT_SQL("INSERT INTO markovsbot.fulltext_log (name, `text`) VALUES (?, ?)"); static const std::string GET_RANDOM_CHAT_MESSAGE_SQL("SELECT `name`,`text` FROM markovsbot.fulltext_log WHERE MATCH(`text`) AGAINST (CONCAT('\"', ?, '\"') IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY RAND() DESC LIMIT 1"); int r1 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_insPlayerRowStatement, INSERT_PLAYER_ROW_SQL.c_str(), INSERT_PLAYER_ROW_SQL.length()); int r2 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_insWordRowStatement, INSERT_WORD_ROW_SQL.c_str(), INSERT_WORD_ROW_SQL.length()); int r3 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_insConvRowStatement, INSERT_CONV_ROW_SQL.c_str(), INSERT_CONV_ROW_SQL.length()); int r4 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getRandomStartingWordStatement, GET_RANDOM_STARTING_WORD_SQL.c_str(), GET_RANDOM_STARTING_WORD_SQL.length()); int r5 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getRandomNextWordStatement, GET_RANDOM_NEXT_WORD_SQL.c_str(), GET_RANDOM_NEXT_WORD_SQL.length()); int r6 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getProperCaseStatement, GET_PROPER_CASE_SQL.c_str(), GET_PROPER_CASE_SQL.length()); int r7 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getBigramCountStatement, GET_BIGRAM_COUNT_SQL.c_str(), GET_BIGRAM_COUNT_SQL.length()); int r8 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getPlayerLineCountStatement, GET_PLAYER_LINE_COUNT_SQL.c_str(), GET_PLAYER_LINE_COUNT_SQL.length()); int r9 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getPlayerNameStatement, GET_PLAYER_NAME_SQL.c_str(), GET_PLAYER_NAME_SQL.length()); int r10 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_insTextRowStatement, INSERT_TEXT_SQL.c_str(), INSERT_TEXT_SQL.length()); int r11 = mysql_stmt_prepare(this->_getRandomChatMessageStatement, GET_RANDOM_CHAT_MESSAGE_SQL.c_str(), GET_RANDOM_CHAT_MESSAGE_SQL.length()); if (r1 || r2 || r3 || r4 || r5 || r6 || r7 || r8 || r9 || r10 || r11) { std::cout << "Creating prepared statements failed" << std::endl; throw 0; } }
Chromosome runGA(std::string target, int popSize, double mr, double cr) { // implement genetic algorithm here // use a vector<Chromosome> for the population // I recommend using STL algorithms such as std::sort // remember, the GA is a loop until you find a chromosome // of fitness 0 // on each iteration, you should be generating a new population // of twice the size of popSize, filling it with chromosomes // that have been mutated, crossed, and/or copied based on // the probabilities given by mr and cr // then sort it and keep only the best half as the population // for the next iteration // when you find a chromosome of fitness 0, you have finished and // you should return it std::vector<Chromosome> population; population = newVector(population, popSize, target.length()); Chromosome solution(population[0]); int iteration = 0; do { std::vector<Chromosome> newPopulation; for (int i = 0; i<(popSize * 2); ++i) { int randomIndex = rand() % population.size(); Chromosome aChromosome(population[randomIndex]); double randomPercentage = (rand() % 101) / 100.0; if (randomPercentage <= mr) { aChromosome = aChromosome.mutate(); } randomPercentage = (rand() % 101) / 100.0; if (randomPercentage <= cr) { randomIndex = rand() % population.size(); aChromosome = aChromosome.crossover(population[randomIndex]); } newPopulation.push_back(aChromosome); } auto lessThan = [&target](Chromosome& a, Chromosome& b)->bool { return <; }; std::sort(newPopulation.begin(), newPopulation.end(), lessThan); copyHalf(newPopulation, population); solution = population[0]; std::cout << "Iteration number: " << iteration << std::endl; std::cout << "Solution: " << solution << std::endl; ++iteration; } while (; return solution; }
static std::string getValueFromOs_release(std::string key) { FILE* os_rel = fopen("/etc/os-release", "r"); if (!os_rel) return ""; char* buf = new char[10 * 1024]; // more than enough size_t len = fread(buf, 1, 10 * 1024, os_rel); fclose(os_rel); if (len == 0) { delete[] buf; return ""; } std::string content(buf, len); delete[] buf; // find begin of value string size_t valStart = 0, seachPos; key += '='; if (, key.length(), key) == 0) valStart = key.length(); else { key = "\n" + key; seachPos = 0; do { seachPos = content.find(key, seachPos); if (seachPos == std::string::npos) return ""; if (seachPos == 0 || content[seachPos - 1] != '\\') valStart = seachPos + key.length(); else seachPos++; } while (valStart == 0); } if (content[valStart] == '\n') return ""; // find end of value string seachPos = valStart; do { seachPos = content.find('\n', seachPos + 1); } while (seachPos != std::string::npos && content[seachPos - 1] == '\\'); size_t const valEnd = seachPos; std::string value(content, valStart, valEnd - valStart); if (value.empty()) return value; // remove quotes if (value[0] == '\'' || value[0] == '"') { if (value.length() < 2) return value; size_t qEnd = value.rfind(value[0]); if (qEnd != std::string::npos) { value.erase(qEnd); value.erase(0, 1); } } // unescape characters for (size_t slashPos = value.find('\\'); slashPos < value.length() - 1; slashPos = value.find('\\', slashPos)) { if (value[slashPos + 1] == '\n') value.erase(slashPos, 2); else { value.erase(slashPos, 1); slashPos++; // skip unescaped character } } return value; }
//Helper function of parsing message list table const resource_message_list resource_message_list_reader::parse_message_list(const std::string& resource_data) { resource_message_list ret; //Check resource data length if(resource_data.length() < sizeof(message_resource_data)) throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource message table", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_message_table); const message_resource_data* message_data = reinterpret_cast<const message_resource_data*>(; //Check resource data length more carefully and some possible overflows if(message_data->NumberOfBlocks >= pe_utils::max_dword / sizeof(message_resource_block) || !pe_utils::is_sum_safe(message_data->NumberOfBlocks * sizeof(message_resource_block), sizeof(message_resource_data)) || resource_data.length() < message_data->NumberOfBlocks * sizeof(message_resource_block) + sizeof(message_resource_data)) throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource message table", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_message_table); //Iterate over all message resource blocks for(unsigned long i = 0; i != message_data->NumberOfBlocks; ++i) { //Get block const message_resource_block* block = reinterpret_cast<const message_resource_block*>( + sizeof(message_resource_data) - sizeof(message_resource_block) + sizeof(message_resource_block) * i); //Check resource data length and IDs if(resource_data.length() < block->OffsetToEntries || block->LowId > block->HighId) throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource message table", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_message_table); unsigned long current_pos = 0; static const unsigned long size_of_entry_headers = 4; //List all message resource entries in block for(uint32_t curr_id = block->LowId; curr_id <= block->HighId; curr_id++) { //Check resource data length and some possible overflows if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(block->OffsetToEntries, current_pos) || !pe_utils::is_sum_safe(block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos, size_of_entry_headers) || resource_data.length() < block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos + size_of_entry_headers) throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource message table", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_message_table); //Get entry const message_resource_entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<const message_resource_entry*>( + block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos); //Check resource data length and entry length and some possible overflows if(entry->Length < size_of_entry_headers || !pe_utils::is_sum_safe(block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos, entry->Length) || resource_data.length() < block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos + entry->Length || entry->Length < size_of_entry_headers) throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource message table", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_message_table); if(entry->Flags & message_resource_unicode) { //If string is UNICODE //Check its length if(entry->Length % 2) throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource message table", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_message_table); //Add ID and string to message table #ifdef PE_BLISS_WINDOWS ret.insert(std::make_pair(curr_id, message_table_item( std::wstring(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>( + block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos + size_of_entry_headers), (entry->Length - size_of_entry_headers) / 2) ))); #else ret.insert(std::make_pair(curr_id, message_table_item( pe_utils::from_ucs2(u16string(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>( + block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos + size_of_entry_headers), (entry->Length - size_of_entry_headers) / 2)) ))); #endif } else { //If string is ANSI //Add ID and string to message table ret.insert(std::make_pair(curr_id, message_table_item( std::string( + block->OffsetToEntries + current_pos + size_of_entry_headers, entry->Length - size_of_entry_headers) ))); } //Go to next entry current_pos += entry->Length; } } return ret; }
Nibbler::Nibbler (const std::string& input) : _input (std::make_shared <std::string> (input)) , _length (input.length ()) , _cursor (0) { }
void CDC::converteStringParaMaiuscula(std::string &str) { for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<str.length(); pos++) { if(str[pos]>=97 && str[pos]<=122) str[pos]-=32; } }
bool Nibbler::getDate (const std::string& format, time_t& t) { auto i = _cursor; int month = -1; // So we can check later. int day = -1; int year = -1; int hour = -1; int minute = -1; int second = -1; // For parsing, unused. int wday = -1; int week = -1; for (unsigned int f = 0; f < format.length (); ++f) { switch (format[f]) { case 'm': case 'M': if (! parseDigits(i, month, 2, format[f] == 'M')) return false; break; case 'd': case 'D': if (! parseDigits(i, day, 2, format[f] == 'D')) return false; break; case 'y': case 'Y': if (! parseDigits(i, year, format[f] == 'y' ? 2 : 4)) return false; if (format[f] == 'y') year += 2000; break; case 'h': case 'H': if (! parseDigits(i, hour, 2, format[f] == 'H')) return false; break; case 'n': case 'N': if (! parseDigits(i, minute, 2, format[f] == 'N')) return false; break; case 's': case 'S': if (! parseDigits(i, second, 2, format[f] == 'S')) return false; break; // Merely parse, not extract. case 'v': case 'V': if (! parseDigits(i, week, 2, format[f] == 'V')) return false; break; // Merely parse, not extract. case 'a': case 'A': if (i + 3 <= _length && ! Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i + 0]) && ! Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i + 1]) && ! Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i + 2])) { wday = ISO8601d::dayOfWeek (_input->substr (i, 3).c_str ()); i += (format[f] == 'a') ? 3 : ISO8601d::dayName (wday).size (); } else return false; break; case 'b': case 'B': if (i + 3 <= _length && ! Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i + 0]) && ! Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i + 1]) && ! Lexer::isDigit ((*_input)[i + 2])) { if (month != -1) return false; month = ISO8601d::monthOfYear (_input->substr (i, 3).c_str()); i += (format[f] == 'b') ? 3 : ISO8601d::monthName (month).size (); } else return false; break; default: if (i + 1 <= _length && (*_input)[i] == format[f]) ++i; else return false; break; } } // By default, the most global date variables that are undefined are put to // the current date (for instance, the year to the current year for formats // that lack Y/y). If even 'second' is undefined, then the date is parsed as // now. if (year == -1) { ISO8601d now; year = now.year (); if (month == -1) { month = now.month (); if (day == -1) { day = (); if (hour == -1) { hour = now.hour (); if (minute == -1) { minute = now.minute (); if (second == -1) second = now.second (); } } } } } // Put all remaining undefined date variables to their default values (0 or // 1). month = (month == -1) ? 1 : month; day = (day == -1) ? 1 : day; hour = (hour == -1) ? 0 : hour; minute = (minute == -1) ? 0 : minute; second = (second == -1) ? 0 : second; // Check that values are correct if (! ISO8601d::valid (month, day, year, hour, minute, second)) return false; // Convert to epoch. struct tm tms {}; tms.tm_isdst = -1; // Requests that mktime determine summer time effect. tms.tm_mon = month - 1; tms.tm_mday = day; tms.tm_year = year - 1900; tms.tm_hour = hour; tms.tm_min = minute; tms.tm_sec = second; t = mktime (&tms); _cursor = i; return true; }
int qwe(std::string s1, std::string s2){ int result=0; int k,n; if (s1.length() >= s2.length()){ for (int i=0; i < s1.length(); i++){ k=0; n=i; if (result > (s1.length()-i)) break; if ((s1.length()-i) >= s2.length()){ for (int j=0; j < s2.length(); j++){ if (s1[n] == s2[j]) k++; n++; } }else{ for (int j=0; j<(s1.length()-i); j++){ if (s1[n] == s2[j]) k++; n++; } } if (result < k) result = k; } } if (s2.length() > s1.length()){ for (int i=0; i < s2.length(); i++){ k=0; n=i; if (result > (s2.length()-i)) break; if ((s2.length()-i) >= s1.length()){ for (int j=0; j < s1.length(); j++){ if (s2[n] == s1[j]) k++; n++; } }else{ for (int j=0; j<(s2.length()-i); j++){ if (s2[n] == s1[j]) k++; n++; } } if (result < k) result = k; } } return result; }
static inline uint64_t Translate(std::string key) { return Hash64(key.c_str(), key.length()); }
namespace timing { using namespace avsCommon::utils::logger; using namespace avsCommon::utils::string; /// String to identify log entries originating from this file. static const std::string TAG("TimeUtils"); /** * Create a LogEntry using this file's TAG and the specified event string. * * @param The event string for this @c LogEntry. */ #define LX(event) alexaClientSDK::avsCommon::utils::logger::LogEntry(TAG, event) /// The length of the year element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_STRING_LENGTH = 4; /// The length of the month element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_STRING_LENGTH = 2; /// The length of the day element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_STRING_LENGTH = 2; /// The length of the hour element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_STRING_LENGTH = 2; /// The length of the minute element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_STRING_LENGTH = 2; /// The length of the second element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_STRING_LENGTH = 2; /// The length of the post-fix element in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const int ENCODED_TIME_STRING_POSTFIX_STRING_LENGTH = 4; /// The dash separator used in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const std::string ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DASH_SEPARATOR_STRING = "-"; /// The 'T' separator used in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const std::string ENCODED_TIME_STRING_T_SEPARATOR_STRING = "T"; /// The colon separator used in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const std::string ENCODED_TIME_STRING_COLON_SEPARATOR_STRING = ":"; /// The plus separator used in an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const std::string ENCODED_TIME_STRING_PLUS_SEPARATOR_STRING = "+"; /// The offset into an ISO-8601 formatted string where the year begins. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_OFFSET = 0; /// The offset into an ISO-8601 formatted string where the month begins. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_OFFSET = ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_OFFSET + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_STRING_LENGTH + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DASH_SEPARATOR_STRING.length(); /// The offset into an ISO-8601 formatted string where the day begins. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_OFFSET = ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_OFFSET + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_STRING_LENGTH + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DASH_SEPARATOR_STRING.length(); /// The offset into an ISO-8601 formatted string where the hour begins. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_OFFSET = ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_OFFSET + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_STRING_LENGTH + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_T_SEPARATOR_STRING.length(); /// The offset into an ISO-8601 formatted string where the minute begins. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_OFFSET = ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_OFFSET + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_STRING_LENGTH + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_COLON_SEPARATOR_STRING.length(); /// The offset into an ISO-8601 formatted string where the second begins. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_OFFSET = ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_OFFSET + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_STRING_LENGTH + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_COLON_SEPARATOR_STRING.length(); /// The total expected length of an ISO-8601 formatted string. static const unsigned long ENCODED_TIME_STRING_EXPECTED_LENGTH = ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_OFFSET + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_STRING_LENGTH + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_PLUS_SEPARATOR_STRING.length() + ENCODED_TIME_STRING_POSTFIX_STRING_LENGTH; /** * Utility function that wraps localtime conversion to std::time_t. * * This function also creates a copy of the given timeStruct since mktime can * change the object. * * @param timeStruct Required pointer to timeStruct to be converted to time_t. * @param[out] ret Required pointer to object where the result will be saved. * @return Whether the conversion was successful. */ static bool convertToLocalTimeT(const std::tm* timeStruct, std::time_t* ret) { if (timeStruct == nullptr) { return false; } std::tm tmCopy = *timeStruct; *ret = std::mktime(&tmCopy); return *ret >= 0; } TimeUtils::TimeUtils() : m_safeCTimeAccess{SafeCTimeAccess::instance()} { } bool TimeUtils::convertToUtcTimeT(const std::tm* utcTm, std::time_t* ret) { std::time_t converted; std::time_t offset; if (ret == nullptr) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convertToUtcTimeT").m("return variable is null")); return false; } if (!convertToLocalTimeT(utcTm, &converted) || !localtimeOffset(&offset)) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convertToUtcTimeT").m("failed to convert to local time")); return false; } // adjust converted time *ret = converted - offset; return true; } bool TimeUtils::convert8601TimeStringToUnix(const std::string& timeString, int64_t* convertedTime) { // TODO : Use std::get_time once we only support compilers that implement this function (GCC 5.1+ / Clang 3.3+) if (!convertedTime) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("convertedTime parameter was nullptr.")); return false; } std::tm timeInfo; if (timeString.length() != ENCODED_TIME_STRING_EXPECTED_LENGTH) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").d("unexpected time string length:", timeString.length())); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_YEAR_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_year))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing year. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MONTH_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_mon))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing month. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_DAY_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_mday))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing day. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_HOUR_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_hour))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing hour. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_MINUTE_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_min))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing minute. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } if (!stringToInt( timeString.substr(ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_OFFSET, ENCODED_TIME_STRING_SECOND_STRING_LENGTH), &(timeInfo.tm_sec))) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convert8601TimeStringToUnixFailed").m("error parsing second. Input:" + timeString)); return false; } // adjust for C struct tm standard timeInfo.tm_isdst = 0; timeInfo.tm_year -= 1900; timeInfo.tm_mon -= 1; std::time_t convertedTimeT; bool ok = convertToUtcTimeT(&timeInfo, &convertedTimeT); if (!ok) { return false; } *convertedTime = static_cast<int64_t>(convertedTimeT); return true; } bool TimeUtils::getCurrentUnixTime(int64_t* currentTime) { if (!currentTime) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("getCurrentUnixTimeFailed").m("currentTime parameter was nullptr.")); return false; } auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now()); *currentTime = static_cast<int64_t>(now); return now >= 0; } bool TimeUtils::convertTimeToUtcIso8601Rfc3339( const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point& tp, std::string* iso8601TimeString) { // The length of the RFC 3339 string for the time is maximum 28 characters, include an extra byte for the '\0' // terminator. char buf[29]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); // Need to assign it to time_t since time_t in some platforms is long long auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(tp.time_since_epoch()); auto sec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(ms); const time_t timeSecs = static_cast<time_t>(sec.count()); std::tm utcTm; if (!m_safeCTimeAccess->getGmtime(timeSecs, &utcTm)) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convertTimeToUtcIso8601Rfc3339").m("cannot retrieve tm struct")); return false; } // it's possible for std::strftime to correctly return length = 0, but not with the format string used. In this // case length == 0 is an error. #ifndef __TizenRT__ auto strftimeResult = std::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &utcTm); #else auto strftimeResult = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &utcTm); #endif if (strftimeResult == 0) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("convertTimeToUtcIso8601Rfc3339Failed").m("strftime(..) failed")); return false; } std::stringstream millisecondTrailer; millisecondTrailer << buf << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << (ms.count() % 1000) << "Z"; *iso8601TimeString = millisecondTrailer.str(); return true; } bool TimeUtils::localtimeOffset(std::time_t* ret) { static const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> timePoint{std::chrono::hours(24)}; auto fixedTime = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(timePoint); std::tm utcTm; std::time_t utc; std::tm localTm; std::time_t local; if (!m_safeCTimeAccess->getGmtime(fixedTime, &utcTm) || !convertToLocalTimeT(&utcTm, &utc) || !m_safeCTimeAccess->getLocaltime(fixedTime, &localTm) || !convertToLocalTimeT(&localTm, &local)) { ACSDK_ERROR(LX("localtimeOffset").m("cannot retrieve tm struct")); return false; } *ret = utc - local; return true; } } // namespace timing
const char* odf_average(const char* out_name, const char* const * file_names, unsigned int num_files) { static std::string error_msg,report; tessellated_icosahedron ti; float vs[3]; image::basic_image<unsigned char,3> mask; std::vector<std::vector<float> > odfs; begin_prog("averaging"); unsigned int half_vertex_count = 0; unsigned int row,col; float mni[16]={0}; for (unsigned int index = 0;check_prog(index,num_files);++index) { const char* file_name = file_names[index]; gz_mat_read reader; if(!reader.load_from_file(file_name)) { error_msg = "Cannot open file "; error_msg += file_name; check_prog(0,0); return error_msg.c_str(); } if(index == 0) { { const char* report_buf = 0; if("report",row,col,report_buf)) report = std::string(report_buf,report_buf+row*col); } const float* odf_buffer; const short* face_buffer; const unsigned short* dimension; const float* vs_ptr; const float* fa0; const float* mni_ptr; unsigned int face_num,odf_num; error_msg = ""; if(!"dimension",row,col,dimension)) error_msg = "dimension"; if(!"fa0",row,col,fa0)) error_msg = "fa0"; if(!"voxel_size",row,col,vs_ptr)) error_msg = "voxel_size"; if(!"odf_faces",row,face_num,face_buffer)) error_msg = "odf_faces"; if(!"odf_vertices",row,odf_num,odf_buffer)) error_msg = "odf_vertices"; if(!"trans",row,col,mni_ptr)) error_msg = "trans"; if(error_msg.length()) { error_msg += " missing in "; error_msg += file_name; check_prog(0,0); return error_msg.c_str(); } mask.resize(image::geometry<3>(dimension)); for(unsigned int index = 0;index < mask.size();++index) if(fa0[index] != 0.0) mask[index] = 1; std::copy(vs_ptr,vs_ptr+3,vs); ti.init(odf_num,odf_buffer,face_num,face_buffer); half_vertex_count = odf_num >> 1; std::copy(mni_ptr,mni_ptr+16,mni); } else // check odf consistency {