void mitk::ConnectomicsNetworkCreator::LinearExtensionUntilGreyMatter(
  std::vector<int> & indexVectorOfPointsToUse,
  TractType::Pointer singleTract,
  int & label,
  itk::Index<3> & mitkIndex )
  if( indexVectorOfPointsToUse.size() > singleTract->Size() )

  if( indexVectorOfPointsToUse.size() < 2 )
    MBI_WARN << mitk::ConnectomicsConstantsManager::CONNECTOMICS_WARNING_ESTIMATING_LESS_THAN_2;

  for( unsigned int index( 0 ); index < indexVectorOfPointsToUse.size(); index++ )
    if( indexVectorOfPointsToUse[ index ] < 0 )
    if( (unsigned int)indexVectorOfPointsToUse[ index ] > singleTract->Size() )
      MBI_WARN << mitk::ConnectomicsConstantsManager::CONNECTOMICS_WARNING_ESTIMATING_BEYOND_END;

  mitk::Point3D startPoint, endPoint;
  std::vector< double > differenceVector;
  differenceVector.resize( singleTract->front().Size() );

    // which points to use, currently only last two //TODO correct using all points
    int endPointIndex = indexVectorOfPointsToUse.size() - 1;
    int startPointIndex = indexVectorOfPointsToUse.size() - 2;

    // convert to segmentation coords
    mitk::Point3D startFiber, endFiber;
    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
      endFiber.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( indexVectorOfPointsToUse[ endPointIndex ] ).GetElement( index ) );
      startFiber.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( indexVectorOfPointsToUse[ startPointIndex ] ).GetElement( index ) );

    FiberToSegmentationCoords( endFiber, endPoint );
    FiberToSegmentationCoords( startFiber, startPoint );

    // calculate straight line

    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
      differenceVector[ index ] = endPoint.GetElement( index ) - startPoint.GetElement( index );

    // normalizing direction vector

    double length( 0.0 );
    double sum( 0.0 );

    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < differenceVector.size() ; index++ )
      sum = sum + differenceVector[ index ] * differenceVector[ index ];

    length = std::sqrt( sum );

    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < differenceVector.size() ; index++ )
      differenceVector[ index ] = differenceVector[ index ] / length;

    // follow line until first non white matter label
    itk::Index<3> tempIndex;
    int tempLabel( label );

    bool keepOn( true );

    itk::ImageRegion<3> itkRegion = m_SegmentationItk->GetLargestPossibleRegion();

    for( int parameter( 0 ) ; keepOn ; parameter++ )
      if( parameter > 1000 )
        MBI_WARN << mitk::ConnectomicsConstantsManager::CONNECTOMICS_WARNING_DID_NOT_FIND_WHITE;

      for( int index( 0 ); index < 3; index++ )
        tempIndex.SetElement( index, endPoint.GetElement( index ) + parameter * differenceVector[ index ] );

      if( itkRegion.IsInside( tempIndex ) )
        tempLabel = m_SegmentationItk->GetPixel( tempIndex );
        tempLabel = -1;

      if( IsNonWhiteMatterLabel( tempLabel ) )
        if( tempLabel < 1 )
          keepOn = false;
          //MBI_WARN << mitk::ConnectomicsConstantsManager::CONNECTOMICS_WARNING_NOT_EXTEND_TO_WHITE;
          label = tempLabel;
          mitkIndex = tempIndex;
          keepOn = false;

void mitk::ConnectomicsNetworkCreator::RetractionUntilBrainMatter( bool retractFront, TractType::Pointer singleTract,
                                                                  int & label, itk::Index<3> & mitkIndex )
  int retractionStartIndex( singleTract->Size() - 1 );
  int retractionStepIndexSize( -1 );
  int retractionTerminationIndex( 0 );

  if( retractFront )
    retractionStartIndex = 0;
    retractionStepIndexSize = 1;
    retractionTerminationIndex = singleTract->Size() - 1;

  int currentRetractionIndex = retractionStartIndex;

  bool keepRetracting( true );

  mitk::Point3D currentPoint, nextPoint;
  std::vector< double > differenceVector;
  differenceVector.resize( singleTract->front().Size() );

  while( keepRetracting && ( currentRetractionIndex != retractionTerminationIndex ) )
    // convert to segmentation coords
    mitk::Point3D currentPointFiberCoord, nextPointFiberCoord;
    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
      currentPointFiberCoord.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( currentRetractionIndex ).GetElement( index ) );
      nextPointFiberCoord.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( currentRetractionIndex + retractionStepIndexSize ).GetElement( index ) );

    FiberToSegmentationCoords( currentPointFiberCoord, currentPoint );
    FiberToSegmentationCoords( nextPointFiberCoord, nextPoint );

    // calculate straight line

    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
      differenceVector[ index ] = nextPoint.GetElement( index ) - currentPoint.GetElement( index );

    // calculate length of direction vector

    double length( 0.0 );
    double sum( 0.0 );

    for( unsigned int index = 0; index < differenceVector.size() ; index++ )
      sum = sum + differenceVector[ index ] * differenceVector[ index ];

    length = std::sqrt( sum );

    // retract
    itk::Index<3> tempIndex;
    int tempLabel( label );

    for( int parameter( 0 ) ; parameter < length ; parameter++ )

      for( int index( 0 ); index < 3; index++ )
        tempIndex.SetElement( index,
          currentPoint.GetElement( index ) + ( 1.0 + parameter ) / ( 1.0 + length ) * differenceVector[ index ] );

      tempLabel = m_SegmentationItk->GetPixel( tempIndex );

      if( !IsBackgroundLabel( tempLabel ) )
        // check whether result is within the search space
          mitk::Point3D endPoint, foundPointSegmentation, foundPointFiber;
          for( unsigned int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
            // this is in fiber (world) coordinates
            endPoint.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( retractionStartIndex ).GetElement( index ) );

          for( int index( 0 ); index < 3; index++ )
            foundPointSegmentation.SetElement( index,
              currentPoint.GetElement( index ) + ( 1.0 + parameter ) / ( 1.0 + length ) * differenceVector[ index ] );

          SegmentationToFiberCoords( foundPointSegmentation, foundPointFiber );

          std::vector< double > finalDistance;
          finalDistance.resize( singleTract->front().Size() );
          for( unsigned int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
            finalDistance[ index ] = foundPointFiber.GetElement( index ) - endPoint.GetElement( index );

          // calculate length of direction vector

          double finalLength( 0.0 );
          double finalSum( 0.0 );

          for( unsigned int index = 0; index < finalDistance.size() ; index++ )
            finalSum = finalSum + finalDistance[ index ] * finalDistance[ index ];
          finalLength = std::sqrt( finalSum );

          if( finalLength > m_EndPointSearchRadius )
            // the found point was not within the search space

        label = tempLabel;
        mitkIndex = tempIndex;
      // hit next point without finding brain matter
      currentRetractionIndex = currentRetractionIndex + retractionStepIndexSize;
      if( ( currentRetractionIndex < 1 ) || ( (unsigned int)currentRetractionIndex > ( singleTract->Size() - 2 ) ) )
        keepRetracting = false;
void mitk::ConnectomicsNetworkCreator::RetractionUntilBrainMatter( bool retractFront, TractType::Pointer singleTract, 
                                                                  int & label, mitk::Index3D & mitkIndex )
  int retractionStartIndex( singleTract->Size() - 1 );
  int retractionStepIndexSize( -1 );
  int retractionTerminationIndex( 0 );

  if( retractFront )
    retractionStartIndex = 0;
    retractionStepIndexSize = 1;
    retractionTerminationIndex = singleTract->Size() - 1;

  int currentRetractionIndex = retractionStartIndex;

  bool keepRetracting( true );

  mitk::Point3D currentPoint, nextPoint;
  std::vector< double > differenceVector;
  differenceVector.resize( singleTract->front().Size() );

  while( keepRetracting && ( currentRetractionIndex != retractionTerminationIndex ) )
    // convert to segmentation coords
    mitk::Point3D currentPointFiberCoord, nextPointFiberCoord;
    for( int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
      currentPointFiberCoord.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( currentRetractionIndex ).GetElement( index ) );
      nextPointFiberCoord.SetElement( index, singleTract->GetElement( currentRetractionIndex + retractionStepIndexSize ).GetElement( index ) );

    FiberToSegmentationCoords( currentPointFiberCoord, currentPoint );
    FiberToSegmentationCoords( nextPointFiberCoord, nextPoint );

    // calculate straight line

    for( int index = 0; index < singleTract->front().Size(); index++ )
      differenceVector[ index ] = nextPoint.GetElement( index ) - currentPoint.GetElement( index );

    // calculate length of direction vector

    double length( 0.0 );
    double sum( 0.0 );

    for( int index = 0; index < differenceVector.size() ; index++ )
      sum = sum + differenceVector[ index ] * differenceVector[ index ];

    length = std::sqrt( sum );

    // retract
    mitk::Index3D tempIndex;
    int tempLabel( label );

    for( int parameter( 0 ) ; parameter < length ; parameter++ )

      for( int index( 0 ); index < 3; index++ )
        tempIndex.SetElement( index, 
          currentPoint.GetElement( index ) + ( 1.0 + parameter ) / ( 1.0 + length ) * differenceVector[ index ] );

      tempLabel = m_Segmentation->GetPixelValueByIndex( tempIndex );

      if( !IsBackgroundLabel( tempLabel ) )
        label = tempLabel;
        mitkIndex = tempIndex;
      // hit next point without finding brain matter
      currentRetractionIndex = currentRetractionIndex + retractionStepIndexSize;
      if( ( currentRetractionIndex < 1 ) || ( currentRetractionIndex > ( singleTract->Size() - 2 ) ) )
        keepRetracting = false;