Esempio n. 1
/* Provide a helper function for zone origin name. */
String ApiListener::GetFromZoneName(const Zone::Ptr& fromZone)
	String fromZoneName;

	if (fromZone) {
		fromZoneName = fromZone->GetName();
	} else {
		Zone::Ptr lzone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

		if (lzone)
			fromZoneName = lzone->GetName();

	return fromZoneName;
Esempio n. 2
void ApiListener::SyncZoneDir(const Zone::Ptr& zone) const
	Dictionary::Ptr newConfig = new Dictionary();
	BOOST_FOREACH(const ZoneFragment& zf, ConfigCompiler::GetZoneDirs(zone->GetName())) {
		Dictionary::Ptr newConfigPart = LoadConfigDir(zf.Path);

		ObjectLock olock(newConfigPart);
		BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, newConfigPart) {
			newConfig->Set("/" + zf.Tag + kv.first, kv.second);
Esempio n. 3
Dictionary::Ptr ZoneDbObject::GetStatusFields() const
	Zone::Ptr zone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(GetObject());

	Log(LogDebug, "ZoneDbObject")
		<< "update status for zone '" << zone->GetName() << "'";

	return new Dictionary({
		{ "parent_zone_object_id", zone->GetParent() }
Esempio n. 4
void ApiListener::SyncZoneDir(const Zone::Ptr& zone) const
	ConfigDirInformation newConfigInfo;
	newConfigInfo.UpdateV1 = new Dictionary();
	newConfigInfo.UpdateV2 = new Dictionary();

	for (const ZoneFragment& zf : ConfigCompiler::GetZoneDirs(zone->GetName())) {
		ConfigDirInformation newConfigPart = LoadConfigDir(zf.Path);

			ObjectLock olock(newConfigPart.UpdateV1);
			for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : newConfigPart.UpdateV1) {
				newConfigInfo.UpdateV1->Set("/" + zf.Tag + kv.first, kv.second);

			ObjectLock olock(newConfigPart.UpdateV2);
			for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : newConfigPart.UpdateV2) {
				newConfigInfo.UpdateV2->Set("/" + zf.Tag + kv.first, kv.second);

	int sumUpdates = newConfigInfo.UpdateV1->GetLength() + newConfigInfo.UpdateV2->GetLength();

	if (sumUpdates == 0)

	String oldDir = Configuration::DataDir + "/api/zones/" + zone->GetName();

	Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
		<< "Copying " << sumUpdates << " zone configuration files for zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' to '" << oldDir << "'.";

	Utility::MkDirP(oldDir, 0700);

	ConfigDirInformation oldConfigInfo = LoadConfigDir(oldDir);

	UpdateConfigDir(oldConfigInfo, newConfigInfo, oldDir, true);
Esempio n. 5
void ApiListener::SyncZoneDir(const Zone::Ptr& zone) const
	String newDir = Application::GetZonesDir() + "/" + zone->GetName();
	String oldDir = Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/lib/icinga2/api/zones/" + zone->GetName();

	Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
	    << "Copying zone configuration files from '" << newDir << "' to  '" << oldDir << "'.";

	if (!Utility::MkDir(oldDir, 0700)) {
		Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener")
		    << "mkdir() for path '" << oldDir << "'failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";

			<< boost::errinfo_api_function("mkdir")
			<< boost::errinfo_errno(errno)
			<< boost::errinfo_file_name(oldDir));

	Dictionary::Ptr newConfig = LoadConfigDir(newDir);
	Dictionary::Ptr oldConfig = LoadConfigDir(oldDir);

	UpdateConfigDir(oldConfig, newConfig, oldDir);
Esempio n. 6
Value EndpointsTable::ZoneAccessor(const Value& row)
	Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = static_cast<Endpoint::Ptr>(row);

	if (!endpoint)
		return Empty;

	Zone::Ptr zone = endpoint->GetZone();

	if (!zone)
		return Empty;

	return zone->GetName();
Esempio n. 7
	BOOST_FOREACH(const Zone::Ptr& zone, ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
		/* don't connect to global zones */
		if (zone->GetGlobal())

		/* only connect to endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */
		if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) {
			Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
			    << "Not connecting to Zone '" << zone->GetName()
			    << "' because it's not in the same zone, a parent or a child zone.";

		BOOST_FOREACH(const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, zone->GetEndpoints()) {
			/* don't connect to ourselves */
			if (endpoint == GetLocalEndpoint()) {
				Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
				    << "Not connecting to Endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' because that's us.";

			/* don't try to connect to endpoints which don't have a host and port */
			if (endpoint->GetHost().IsEmpty() || endpoint->GetPort().IsEmpty()) {
				Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
				    << "Not connecting to Endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName()
				    << "' because the host/port attributes are missing.";

			/* don't try to connect if there's already a connection attempt */
			if (endpoint->GetConnecting()) {
				Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
				    << "Not connecting to Endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName()
				    << "' because we're already trying to connect to it.";

			/* don't try to connect if we're already connected */
			if (endpoint->GetConnected()) {
				Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
				    << "Not connecting to Endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName()
				    << "' because we're already connected to it.";

			boost::thread thread(boost::bind(&ApiListener::AddConnection, this, endpoint));
Esempio n. 8
void Checkable::OnAllConfigLoaded(void)

	Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = GetCommandEndpoint();

	if (endpoint) {
		Zone::Ptr checkableZone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(GetZone());

		if (!checkableZone)
			checkableZone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

		Zone::Ptr cmdZone = endpoint->GetZone();

		if (checkableZone && cmdZone != checkableZone && cmdZone->GetParent() != checkableZone) {
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, boost::assign::list_of("command_endpoint"),
			    "Command endpoint must be in zone '" + checkableZone->GetName() + "' or in a direct child zone thereof."));
Esempio n. 9
void Checkable::OnAllConfigLoaded()

	Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = GetCommandEndpoint();

	if (endpoint) {
		Zone::Ptr checkableZone = static_pointer_cast<Zone>(GetZone());

		if (checkableZone) {
			Zone::Ptr cmdZone = endpoint->GetZone();

			if (cmdZone != checkableZone && cmdZone->GetParent() != checkableZone) {
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "command_endpoint" },
					"Command endpoint must be in zone '" + checkableZone->GetName() + "' or in a direct child zone thereof."));
		} else {
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "command_endpoint" },
				"Command endpoint must not be set."));
Esempio n. 10
void ApiListener::SendConfigUpdate(const ApiClient::Ptr& aclient)
	Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = aclient->GetEndpoint();

	Zone::Ptr azone = endpoint->GetZone();
	Zone::Ptr lzone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

	/* don't try to send config updates to our master */
	if (!azone->IsChildOf(lzone))

	Dictionary::Ptr configUpdate = make_shared<Dictionary>();

	String zonesDir = Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/lib/icinga2/api/zones";

	BOOST_FOREACH(const Zone::Ptr& zone, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
		String zoneDir = zonesDir + "/" + zone->GetName();

		if (!zone->IsChildOf(azone) && !zone->IsGlobal()) {
			Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener")
			    << "Skipping sync for '" << zone->GetName() << "'. Not a child of zone '" << azone->GetName() << "'.";
		if (!Utility::PathExists(zoneDir)) {
			Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener")
			    << "Ignoring sync for '" << zone->GetName() << "'. Zone directory '" << zoneDir << "' does not exist.";

		if (zone->IsGlobal())
			Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
			    << "Syncing global zone '" << zone->GetName() << "'.";

		configUpdate->Set(zone->GetName(), LoadConfigDir(zonesDir + "/" + zone->GetName()));
Esempio n. 11
bool ApiListener::IsConfigMaster(const Zone::Ptr& zone)
	String path = Application::GetZonesDir() + "/" + zone->GetName();
	return Utility::PathExists(path);
Esempio n. 12
Value ApiListener::ConfigUpdateHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params)
	if (!origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint() || (origin->FromZone && !Zone::GetLocalZone()->IsChildOf(origin->FromZone)))
		return Empty;

	ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();

	if (!listener) {
		Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener", "No instance available.");
		return Empty;

	if (!listener->GetAcceptConfig()) {
		Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener")
			<< "Ignoring config update. '" << listener->GetName() << "' does not accept config.";
		return Empty;

	Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
		<< "Applying config update from endpoint '" << origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint()->GetName()
		<< "' of zone '" << GetFromZoneName(origin->FromZone) << "'.";

	Dictionary::Ptr updateV1 = params->Get("update");
	Dictionary::Ptr updateV2 = params->Get("update_v2");

	bool configChange = false;

	ObjectLock olock(updateV1);
	for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : updateV1) {
		Zone::Ptr zone = Zone::GetByName(kv.first);

		if (!zone) {
			Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener")
				<< "Ignoring config update for unknown zone '" << kv.first << "'.";

		if (ConfigCompiler::HasZoneConfigAuthority(kv.first)) {
			Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener")
				<< "Ignoring config update for zone '" << kv.first << "' because we have an authoritative version of the zone's config.";

		String oldDir = Configuration::DataDir + "/api/zones/" + zone->GetName();

		Utility::MkDirP(oldDir, 0700);

		ConfigDirInformation newConfigInfo;
		newConfigInfo.UpdateV1 = kv.second;

		if (updateV2)
			newConfigInfo.UpdateV2 = updateV2->Get(kv.first);

		Dictionary::Ptr newConfig = kv.second;
		ConfigDirInformation oldConfigInfo = LoadConfigDir(oldDir);

		if (UpdateConfigDir(oldConfigInfo, newConfigInfo, oldDir, false))
			configChange = true;

	if (configChange) {
		Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener", "Restarting after configuration change.");

	return Empty;
Esempio n. 13
std::pair<Dictionary::Ptr, Dictionary::Ptr> ApiListener::GetStatus(void)
	Dictionary::Ptr status = new Dictionary();
	Dictionary::Ptr perfdata = new Dictionary();

	/* cluster stats */
	status->Set("identity", GetIdentity());

	double allEndpoints = 0;
	Array::Ptr allNotConnectedEndpoints = new Array();
	Array::Ptr allConnectedEndpoints = new Array();

	Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

	Dictionary::Ptr connectedZones = new Dictionary();

	for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
		/* only check endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */
		if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) {
			Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
			    << "Not checking connection to Zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' because it's not in the same zone, a parent or a child zone.";

		bool zoneConnected = false;
		int countZoneEndpoints = 0;
		double zoneLag = 0;

		Array::Ptr zoneEndpoints = new Array();

		for (const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint : zone->GetEndpoints()) {

			if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity())

			double eplag = CalculateZoneLag(endpoint);

			if (eplag > 0 && eplag > zoneLag)
				zoneLag = eplag;


			if (!endpoint->GetConnected()) {
			} else {
				zoneConnected = true;

		/* if there's only one endpoint inside the zone, we're not connected - that's us, fake it */
		if (zone->GetEndpoints().size() == 1 && countZoneEndpoints == 0)
			zoneConnected = true;

		Dictionary::Ptr zoneStats = new Dictionary();
		zoneStats->Set("connected", zoneConnected);
		zoneStats->Set("client_log_lag", zoneLag);
		zoneStats->Set("endpoints", zoneEndpoints);

		String parentZoneName;
		Zone::Ptr parentZone = zone->GetParent();
		if (parentZone)
			parentZoneName = parentZone->GetName();

		zoneStats->Set("parent_zone", parentZoneName);

		connectedZones->Set(zone->GetName(), zoneStats);

	status->Set("num_endpoints", allEndpoints);
	status->Set("num_conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength());
	status->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength());
	status->Set("conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints);
	status->Set("not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints);

	status->Set("zones", connectedZones);

	perfdata->Set("num_endpoints", allEndpoints);
	perfdata->Set("num_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));
	perfdata->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));

	return std::make_pair(status, perfdata);
Esempio n. 14
void ApiListener::SyncClient(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient, const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, bool needSync)
	Zone::Ptr eZone = endpoint->GetZone();

	try {
			ObjectLock olock(endpoint);


		Zone::Ptr myZone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

		if (myZone->GetParent() == eZone) {
			Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
				<< "Requesting new certificate for this Icinga instance from endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'.";

			JsonRpcConnection::SendCertificateRequest(aclient, nullptr, String());

			if (Utility::PathExists(ApiListener::GetCertificateRequestsDir()))
				Utility::Glob(ApiListener::GetCertificateRequestsDir() + "/*.json", std::bind(&JsonRpcConnection::SendCertificateRequest, aclient, nullptr, _1), GlobFile);

		/* Make sure that the config updates are synced
		 * before the logs are replayed.

		Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
			<< "Sending config updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'.";

		/* sync zone file config */

		Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
			<< "Finished sending config file updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'.";

		/* sync runtime config */

		Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
			<< "Finished sending runtime config updates for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'.";

		if (!needSync) {
			ObjectLock olock2(endpoint);

		Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
			<< "Sending replay log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'.";


		if (eZone == Zone::GetLocalZone())

		Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
			<< "Finished sending replay log for endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'.";
	} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
			ObjectLock olock2(endpoint);

		Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener")
			<< "Error while syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex, false);

		Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
			<< "Error while syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "': " << DiagnosticInformation(ex);

	Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener")
		<< "Finished syncing endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "' in zone '" << eZone->GetName() << "'.";
Esempio n. 15
std::pair<Dictionary::Ptr, Dictionary::Ptr> ApiListener::GetStatus()
	Dictionary::Ptr perfdata = new Dictionary();

	/* cluster stats */

	double allEndpoints = 0;
	Array::Ptr allNotConnectedEndpoints = new Array();
	Array::Ptr allConnectedEndpoints = new Array();

	Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

	Dictionary::Ptr connectedZones = new Dictionary();

	for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
		/* only check endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */
		if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) {
			Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
				<< "Not checking connection to Zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' because it's not in the same zone, a parent or a child zone.";

		bool zoneConnected = false;
		int countZoneEndpoints = 0;
		double zoneLag = 0;

		ArrayData zoneEndpoints;

		for (const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint : zone->GetEndpoints()) {

			if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity())

			double eplag = CalculateZoneLag(endpoint);

			if (eplag > 0 && eplag > zoneLag)
				zoneLag = eplag;


			if (!endpoint->GetConnected()) {
			} else {
				zoneConnected = true;

		/* if there's only one endpoint inside the zone, we're not connected - that's us, fake it */
		if (zone->GetEndpoints().size() == 1 && countZoneEndpoints == 0)
			zoneConnected = true;

		String parentZoneName;
		Zone::Ptr parentZone = zone->GetParent();
		if (parentZone)
			parentZoneName = parentZone->GetName();

		Dictionary::Ptr zoneStats = new Dictionary({
			{ "connected", zoneConnected },
			{ "client_log_lag", zoneLag },
			{ "endpoints", new Array(std::move(zoneEndpoints)) },
			{ "parent_zone", parentZoneName }

		connectedZones->Set(zone->GetName(), zoneStats);

	/* connection stats */
	size_t jsonRpcClients = GetAnonymousClients().size();
	size_t httpClients = GetHttpClients().size();
	size_t workQueueItems = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueLength();
	size_t workQueueCount = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueCount();
	size_t syncQueueItems = m_SyncQueue.GetLength();
	size_t relayQueueItems = m_RelayQueue.GetLength();
	double workQueueItemRate = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueRate();
	double syncQueueItemRate = m_SyncQueue.GetTaskCount(60) / 60.0;
	double relayQueueItemRate = m_RelayQueue.GetTaskCount(60) / 60.0;

	Dictionary::Ptr status = new Dictionary({
		{ "identity", GetIdentity() },
		{ "num_endpoints", allEndpoints },
		{ "num_conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength() },
		{ "num_not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength() },
		{ "conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints },
		{ "not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints },

		{ "zones", connectedZones },

		{ "json_rpc", new Dictionary({
			{ "clients", jsonRpcClients },
			{ "work_queue_items", workQueueItems },
			{ "work_queue_count", workQueueCount },
			{ "sync_queue_items", syncQueueItems },
			{ "relay_queue_items", relayQueueItems },
			{ "work_queue_item_rate", workQueueItemRate },
			{ "sync_queue_item_rate", syncQueueItemRate },
			{ "relay_queue_item_rate", relayQueueItemRate }
		}) },

		{ "http", new Dictionary({
			{ "clients", httpClients }
		}) }

	/* performance data */
	perfdata->Set("num_endpoints", allEndpoints);
	perfdata->Set("num_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));
	perfdata->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));

	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_clients", jsonRpcClients);
	perfdata->Set("num_http_clients", httpClients);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_work_queue_items", workQueueItems);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_work_queue_count", workQueueCount);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_sync_queue_items", syncQueueItems);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_relay_queue_items", relayQueueItems);

	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_work_queue_item_rate", workQueueItemRate);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_sync_queue_item_rate", syncQueueItemRate);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_relay_queue_item_rate", relayQueueItemRate);

	return std::make_pair(status, perfdata);