void ApiListener::SendConfigUpdate(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = aclient->GetEndpoint(); ASSERT(endpoint); Zone::Ptr azone = endpoint->GetZone(); Zone::Ptr lzone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); /* don't try to send config updates to our master */ if (!azone->IsChildOf(lzone)) return; Dictionary::Ptr configUpdateV1 = new Dictionary(); Dictionary::Ptr configUpdateV2 = new Dictionary(); String zonesDir = Configuration::DataDir + "/api/zones"; for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) { String zoneDir = zonesDir + "/" + zone->GetName(); if (!zone->IsChildOf(azone) && !zone->IsGlobal()) continue; if (!Utility::PathExists(zoneDir)) continue; Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Syncing configuration files for " << (zone->IsGlobal() ? "global " : "") << "zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' to endpoint '" << endpoint->GetName() << "'."; ConfigDirInformation config = LoadConfigDir(zonesDir + "/" + zone->GetName()); configUpdateV1->Set(zone->GetName(), config.UpdateV1); configUpdateV2->Set(zone->GetName(), config.UpdateV2); } Dictionary::Ptr message = new Dictionary({ { "jsonrpc", "2.0" }, { "method", "config::Update" }, { "params", new Dictionary({ { "update", configUpdateV1 }, { "update_v2", configUpdateV2 } }) } }); aclient->SendMessage(message); }
void ApiListener::SendConfigUpdate(const ApiClient::Ptr& aclient) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = aclient->GetEndpoint(); ASSERT(endpoint); Zone::Ptr azone = endpoint->GetZone(); Zone::Ptr lzone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); /* don't try to send config updates to our master */ if (!azone->IsChildOf(lzone)) return; Dictionary::Ptr configUpdate = make_shared<Dictionary>(); String zonesDir = Application::GetLocalStateDir() + "/lib/icinga2/api/zones"; BOOST_FOREACH(const Zone::Ptr& zone, DynamicType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) { String zoneDir = zonesDir + "/" + zone->GetName(); if (!zone->IsChildOf(azone) && !zone->IsGlobal()) { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Skipping sync for '" << zone->GetName() << "'. Not a child of zone '" << azone->GetName() << "'."; continue; } if (!Utility::PathExists(zoneDir)) { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Ignoring sync for '" << zone->GetName() << "'. Zone directory '" << zoneDir << "' does not exist."; continue; } if (zone->IsGlobal()) Log(LogInformation, "ApiListener") << "Syncing global zone '" << zone->GetName() << "'."; configUpdate->Set(zone->GetName(), LoadConfigDir(zonesDir + "/" + zone->GetName())); }