TouchSensorObject::TouchSensorObject() : HelperObject() { IParamBlock* pb = CreateParameterBlock(descVer0, PB_TS_LENGTH, CURRENT_VERSION); pb->SetValue(PB_TS_SIZE, 0, 0.0f); pb->SetValue(PB_TS_ENABLED, 0, TRUE); pb->SetValue(PB_TS_NUMOBJS, 0, 0); MakeRefByID(FOREVER, 0, pb); assert(pblock); previousMode = NULL; triggerObject = NULL; objects.SetCount(0); BuildObjectList(this); }
ProxSensorObject::ProxSensorObject() : HelperObject() { pblock = NULL; IParamBlock* pb = CreateParameterBlock(descVer0, PB_PS_PB_LENGTH, CURRENT_VERSION); pb->SetValue(PB_PS_LENGTH, 0, 0.0f); pb->SetValue(PB_PS_WIDTH, 0, 0.0f); pb->SetValue(PB_PS_HEIGHT, 0, 0.0f); pb->SetValue(PB_PS_ENABLED, 0, TRUE); pb->SetValue(PB_PS_NUMOBJS, 0, 0); ReplaceReference( 0, pb); assert(pblock); previousMode = NULL; objects.SetCount(0); BuildObjectList(this); }
SwitchObject::SwitchObject() : HelperObject() { pblock = NULL; IParamBlock *pb = CreateParameterBlock(descVer0, PB_S_LENGTH, CURRENT_VERSION); pb->SetValue(PB_S_SIZE, 0, 0.0f); pb->SetValue(PB_S_NUMOBJS, 0, 0); pb->SetValue(PB_S_DEFAULT, 0, -1); pb->SetValue(PB_S_ALLOW_NONE, 0, TRUE); #if MAX_PRODUCT_VERSION_MAJOR > 8 ReplaceReference(0, pb); #else MakeRefByID(FOREVER, 0, pb); #endif assert(pblock); previousMode = NULL; // triggerObject = NULL; objects.SetCount(0); BuildObjectList(this); needsScript = true; }
BOOL CALLBACK RollupDialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam , TouchSensorObject* th) { if ( !th && message != WM_INITDIALOG ) return FALSE; switch ( message ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // SetDlgFont( hDlg, th->iObjParams->GetAppHFont() ); th->TouchSensorPickButton = GetICustButton(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PICK)); th->TouchSensorPickButton->SetType(CBT_CHECK); th->TouchSensorPickButton->SetButtonDownNotify(TRUE); th->TouchSensorPickButton->SetHighlightColor(GREEN_WASH); th->TouchSensorPickButton->SetCheck(FALSE); th->ParentPickButton = GetICustButton(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_PICK_PARENT)); th->ParentPickButton->SetType(CBT_CHECK); th->ParentPickButton->SetButtonDownNotify(TRUE); th->ParentPickButton->SetHighlightColor(GREEN_WASH); th->ParentPickButton->SetCheck(FALSE); // Now we need to fill in the list box IDC_LIST th->hRollup = hDlg; BuildObjectList(th); // EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEL), // (th->objects.Count() > 0)); th->dlgPrevSel = -1; if (th->triggerObject) Static_SetText(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_TRIGGER_OBJ), th->triggerObject->GetName()); if (pickMode) SetPickMode(NULL); return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: if (pickMode) SetPickMode(NULL); // th->iObjParams->ClearPickMode(); // th->previousMode = NULL; ReleaseICustButton( th->TouchSensorPickButton ); ReleaseICustButton( th->ParentPickButton ); return FALSE; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: // th->iObjParams->RealizeParamPanel(); return FALSE; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // th->iObjParams->RollupMouseMessage(hDlg,message,wParam,lParam); return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDC_PICK: // Pick an object from the scene // Set the pickmode... switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_BUTTONDOWN: if (pickMode == PARENT_PICK_MODE) { SetPickMode(NULL); th->ParentPickButton->SetCheck(FALSE); } theTSPick.SetTouchSensor(th); SetPickMode(&theTSPick, TOUCH_PICK_MODE); /* if (th->previousMode) { // reset the command mode th->iObjParams->SetCommandMode(th->previousMode); th->previousMode = NULL; } else { th->previousMode = th->iObjParams->GetCommandMode(); thePick.SetTouchSensor(th); th->iObjParams->SetPickMode(&thePick); } */ break; } break; case IDC_PICK_PARENT: // Pick an object from the scene // Set the pickmode... switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_BUTTONDOWN: if (pickMode == TOUCH_PICK_MODE) { SetPickMode(NULL); th->TouchSensorPickButton->SetCheck(FALSE); } thePPick.SetTouchSensor(th); SetPickMode(&thePPick, PARENT_PICK_MODE); /* if (th->previousMode) { // reset the command mode th->iObjParams->SetCommandMode(th->previousMode); th->previousMode = NULL; } else { th->previousMode = th->iObjParams->GetCommandMode(); theParentPick.SetTouchSensor(th); th->iObjParams->SetPickMode(&theParentPick); } */ break; } break; case IDC_DEL: { // Delete the object from the list int index = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LIST), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (index != LB_ERR) { TouchSensorObj *obj = (TouchSensorObj *) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, index, 0); for (int i = 0; i < th->objects.Count(); i++) { if (obj == th->objects[i]) { // remove the item from the list SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM) index, 0); th->dlgPrevSel = -1; // Remove the reference to obj->node th->DeleteReference(i+2); // remove the object from the table th->objects.Delete(i, 1); th->pblock->SetValue(PB_TS_NUMOBJS, th->iObjParams->GetTime(), th->objects.Count()); break; } } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEL), (th->objects.Count() > 0)); if (th->objects.Count() <= 0) { th->iObjParams->RedrawViews(th->iObjParams->GetTime()); } } } break; case IDC_LIST: switch(HIWORD(wParam)) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: { int sel = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LIST), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (th->dlgPrevSel != -1) { // save any editing TouchSensorObj *obj = (TouchSensorObj *) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, th->dlgPrevSel, 0); obj->ResetStr(); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LIST), LB_DELETESTRING, th->dlgPrevSel, 0); int ind = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)obj->; SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LIST), LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)ind, (LPARAM)obj); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LIST), LB_SETCURSEL, sel, 0); } th->dlgPrevSel = sel; if (sel >= 0) { TouchSensorObj *obj = (TouchSensorObj *) SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, sel, 0); assert(obj); } else { } th->iObjParams->RedrawViews(th->iObjParams->GetTime()); } break; case LBN_SELCANCEL: break; } break; } return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } }