コード例 #1
qboolean CG_ViewingDraw() {
	if ( cg.mvTotalClients < 1 ) {
		return( qfalse );

	} else {
		int w, wTag;
		int tSpacing = 15;      // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
		int pID = cg.mvCurrentMainview->mvInfo & MV_PID;
		char *viewInfo = "Viewing:";

		wTag = CG_Text_Width_Ext( viewInfo, VD_SCALE_X_HDR, 0, FONT_HEADER );
		w = wTag + 3 + CG_Text_Width_Ext( cgs.clientinfo[pID].name, VD_SCALE_X_NAME, 0, FONT_TEXT );

		CG_DrawRect( VD_X - 2, VD_Y, w + 7, tSpacing + 4, 1, color_border );
		CG_FillRect( VD_X - 2, VD_Y, w + 7, tSpacing + 4, color_bg );

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext( VD_X, VD_Y + tSpacing,            // x, y
						   VD_SCALE_X_HDR, VD_SCALE_Y_HDR,  // scale_x, scale_y
						   0.0f, 0,
						   FONT_HEADER );

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext( VD_X + wTag + 5, VD_Y + tSpacing, // x, y
						   VD_SCALE_X_NAME, VD_SCALE_Y_NAME, // scale_x, scale_y
						   0.0f, 0,
						   FONT_TEXT );

		return( qtrue );
コード例 #2
ファイル: cg_camera.cpp プロジェクト: mehmehsomeone/OpenRP
//actually do camera fade
void CGCam_DoFade(void)
	if(client_camera.fade_color[0] != 0 || client_camera.fade_color[1] != 0
		|| client_camera.fade_color[2] != 0 || client_camera.fade_color[3] != 0)
		CG_DrawRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_WIDTH*SCREEN_HEIGHT, client_camera.fade_color);
コード例 #3
ファイル: cg_info.c プロジェクト: belstgut/etlegacy
void CG_DrawDemoControls(int x, int y, int w, vec4_t borderColor, vec4_t bgColor, int tSpacing, vec4_t bgColorTitle, vec4_t borderColorTitle, float hScale, float hScaleY, vec4_t hdrColor, int hStyle, fontHelper_t *hFont)
	static panel_button_text_t demoControlTxt;
	int                        i;

	demoControlTxt.scalex = hScale;
	demoControlTxt.scaley = hScaleY;
	Vector4Copy(hdrColor, demoControlTxt.colour);
	demoControlTxt.style = ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER;
	demoControlTxt.align = 0;
	demoControlTxt.font  = hFont;

	CG_FillRect(x, y, w, 50, bgColor);
	CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, 50, 1, borderColor);

	y += 1;

	// Header
	CG_FillRect(x + 1, y, w - 2, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
	CG_DrawRect(x + 1, y, w - 2, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 4, y + tSpacing, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor, CG_TranslateString("DEMO STATUS"), 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if (i)
			RectangleSet(demoControlButtons[i]->rect, (x + (i * (w / 4)) - 15), y + 30, 30, 15);
			RectangleSet(demoControlButtons[i]->rect, x + 2, y + 15, w - 4, 12);

		demoControlButtons[i]->font = &demoControlTxt;

	if (cg.time < cgs.cursorUpdate)
		// render cursor
		CG_DrawPic(cgDC.cursorx, cgDC.cursory, 32, 32, cgs.media.cursorIcon);
コード例 #4
ファイル: cg_window.c プロジェクト: GgyuB3/Enemy-Territory
void CG_demoTimescaleDraw( void ) {
    if ( cg.demoPlayback && cgs.timescaleUpdate > cg.time && demo_drawTimeScale.integer != 0 ) {
        char *s = va( "^3TimeScale: ^7%.1f", cg_timescale.value );
        int w = CG_DrawStrlen( s ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH;

        CG_FillRect( 42 - 2, 400, w + 5, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 3, colorDkGreen );
        CG_DrawRect( 42 - 2, 400, w + 5, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT + 3, 1, colorMdYellow );

        CG_DrawStringExt( 42, 400, s, colorWhite, qfalse, qtrue, SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, 0 );
コード例 #5
ファイル: cg_window.c プロジェクト: belstgut/etlegacy
void CG_demoTimescaleDraw(void)
	if (cg.demoPlayback && cgs.timescaleUpdate > cg.time && demo_drawTimeScale.integer != 0)
		vec4_t bgColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f };
		vec4_t bdColor = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };

		char *s = va("^7Time Scale: ^3%.1fx", cg_timescale.value);
		int  h  = CG_Text_Height_Ext("A", cg_fontScaleSP.value, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		int  w  = CG_Text_Width_Ext(s, cg_fontScaleSP.value, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		int  x  = Ccg_WideX(SCREEN_WIDTH) - w - 108;

		CG_FillRect(x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 21, w + 7, h * 2.5, bgColor);
		CG_DrawRect(x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 21, w + 7, h * 2.5, 1, bdColor);
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 3, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, cg_fontScaleSP.value, cg_fontScaleSP.value, colorWhite, s, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: cg_info.c プロジェクト: belstgut/etlegacy
void CG_DemoControlButtonRender(panel_button_t *button)
	if (button->data[0])
		CG_FillRect(button->rect.x, button->rect.y, button->rect.w, button->rect.h, color_bg_title);
		CG_DrawRect(button->rect.x, button->rect.y, button->rect.w, button->rect.h, 1, color_border);

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(button->rect.x + button->rect.w * 0.4f, button->rect.y + button->rect.h * 0.7f, button->font->scalex, button->font->scaley, button->font->colour, button->text, 0.0f, 0, button->font->style, button->font->font);
		float  demoStatus = ((float)(cg.time - cg.demoinfo->firstTime)) / (cg.demoinfo->lastTime - cg.demoinfo->firstTime);
		vec4_t barColor;

		Vector4Copy(colorGreen, barColor);
		barColor[3] = button->font->colour[3];

		CG_FilledBar(button->rect.x, button->rect.y, button->rect.w, button->rect.h, barColor, NULL, color_border1, demoStatus, BAR_BG);
コード例 #7
// FIXME: add more options to shorten this box
void CG_DrawFireTeamOverlay(rectDef_t *rect)
	int            x = rect->x;
	int            y = rect->y + 1;             // +1, jitter it into place in 1024 :)
	int            i;
	int            boxWidth  = 106;
	int            bestWidth = -1;
	char           buffer[64];
	float          h   = 16;                    // 12 + 2 + 2
	clientInfo_t   *ci = NULL;
	fireteamData_t *f  = NULL;
	char           *locStr[MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS];
	int            locwidth;
	int            namewidth;
	vec3_t         origin;

	int curWeap;

	// assign fireteam data, and early out if not on one
	if (!(f = CG_IsOnFireteam(cg.clientNum)))

	memset(locStr, 0, sizeof(locStr));

	// First get name and location width, also store location names
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++)
		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i);

		// Make sure it's valid
		if (!ci)

		origin[0] = ci->location[0];
		origin[1] = ci->location[1];

		locStr[i] = CG_BuildLocationString(ci->clientNum, origin, LOC_FTEAM);

		if (!locStr[i][1] || !*locStr[i])
			locStr[i] = "";

		locwidth = CG_Text_Width_Ext(locStr[i], 0.2f, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

		//if ( cg_fixedFTeamSize.integer ) {
		//	namewidth = 102;
		//else {
		namewidth = CG_Text_Width_Ext(ci->name, 0.2f, 17, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

		if (ci->health == 0)
			namewidth += 7;

		if ((locwidth + namewidth) > bestWidth)
			bestWidth = locwidth + namewidth;

		h += 12.f;

	boxWidth += bestWidth;

	CG_DrawRect(x, y, boxWidth, h, 1, borderColor);
	CG_FillRect(x + 1, y + 1, boxWidth - 2, h - 2, bgColor);

	x += 2;
	y += 2;

	CG_FillRect(x, y, boxWidth - 4, 12, clr1);

	Com_sprintf(buffer, 64, "Fireteam: %s", bg_fireteamNames[f->ident]);
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 3, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .19f, .19f, tclr, buffer, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont1);

	x += 2;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++)
		x  = rect->x + 2;

		// Grab a pointer to the current player
		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i);

		// Make sure it's valid
		if (!ci)

		// hilight selected players
		if (ci->selected)
			CG_FillRect(x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, boxWidth - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr3);
			CG_FillRect(x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, boxWidth - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr2);

		x += 4;

		// draw class icon in fireteam overlay
		CG_DrawPic(x, y, 12, 12, cgs.media.skillPics[SkillNumForClass(ci->cls)]);
		x += 14;

		// draw the mute-icon in the fireteam overlay..
		//if ( ci->muted ) {
		//	CG_DrawPic( x, y, 12, 12, cgs.media.muteIcon );
		//	x += 14;
		//} else if

		// ..or else draw objective icon (if they are carrying one) in fireteam overlay..
		if (ci->powerups & ((1 << PW_REDFLAG) | (1 << PW_BLUEFLAG)))
			CG_DrawPic(x, y, 12, 12, cgs.media.objectiveShader);
			x += 14;
		// core: ... or else draw the disguised icon in fireteam overlay..
		else if (ci->powerups & (1 << PW_OPS_DISGUISED))
			CG_DrawPic(x, y, 12, 12, ci->team == TEAM_AXIS ? cgs.media.alliedUniformShader : cgs.media.axisUniformShader);
			x += 14;
		// ..otherwise draw rank icon in fireteam overlay
		//else {
		//	if (ci->rank > 0) CG_DrawPic( x, y, 12, 12, rankicons[ ci->rank ][  ci->team == TEAM_AXIS ? 1 : 0 ][0].shader );
		//	x += 14;

		// draw the player's name
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, ci->name, 0, 17, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

		// add space
		//if ( cg_fixedFTeamSize.integer )
		//	x += 115;
		x += 14 + CG_Text_Width_Ext(ci->name, 0.2f, 17, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

		// draw the player's weapon icon
		curWeap = cg_entities[ci->clientNum].currentState.weapon;
		if (cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[0])     // jaquboss - do not try to draw nothing
			CG_DrawPic(x, y, weaponIconScale(curWeap) * 10, 10, cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[0]);
		else if (cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[1])
			CG_DrawPic(x, y, weaponIconScale(curWeap) * 10, 10, cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[1]);

		x += 24;

		if (ci->health > 80)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		else if (ci->health > 0)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorYellow, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		else if (ci->health == 0)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, ((cg.time % 500) > 250)  ? colorWhite : colorRed, "*", 0, 17, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
			x += 7;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, ((cg.time % 500) > 250)  ? colorRed : colorWhite, "0", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
			x -= 7;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorRed, "0", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		// Set hard limit on width
		x += 24;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, locStr[i], 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
コード例 #8
void CG_DrawFireTeamOverlay(rectDef_t *rect)
	int            x = rect->x;
	int            y = rect->y + 1;  // +1, jitter it into place in 1024 :)
	float          h;
	clientInfo_t   *ci = NULL;
	char           buffer[64];
	fireteamData_t *f = NULL;
	int            i;
	vec4_t         clr1        = { .16f, .2f, .17f, .8f };
	vec4_t         clr2        = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, .2f };
	vec4_t         clr3        = { 0.25f, 0.f, 0.f, 153 / 255.f };
	vec4_t         tclr        = { 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
	vec4_t         bgColor     = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f };  // window
	vec4_t         borderColor = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };  // window

	if (!(f = CG_IsOnFireteam(cg.clientNum)))

	h = 12 + 2 + 2;
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i, 6);
		if (!ci)


	CG_DrawRect(x, y, 204, h, 1, borderColor);
	CG_FillRect(x + 1, y + 1, 204 - 2, h - 2, bgColor);

	x += 2;
	y += 2;

	CG_FillRect(x, y, 204 - 4, 12, clr1);

	sprintf(buffer, "Fireteam: %s", bg_fireteamNames[f->ident]);
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 3, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .19f, .19f, tclr, buffer, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont1);

	x += 2;
	//y += 2;

	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		x  = rect->x + 2;

		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i, 6);
		if (!ci)

		if (ci->selected)
			CG_FillRect(x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, 204 - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr3);
			CG_FillRect(x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, 204 - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr2);

		x += 4;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, BG_ClassLetterForNumber(ci->cls), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		x += 10;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, ci->team == TEAM_AXIS ? miniRankNames_Axis[ci->rank] : miniRankNames_Allies[ci->rank], 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		x += 22;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, ci->name, 0, 17, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		x += 90;

/*		CG_DrawPic(x + 2, y + 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, cgs.media.movementAutonomyIcons[0]);
        x += FT_BAR_HEIGHT;

        CG_DrawPic(x + 2, y + 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, cgs.media.weaponAutonomyIcons[0]);
        x += FT_BAR_HEIGHT;
        x += 4;*/

/*		if( isLeader ) {
            CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, va("%i", i+4), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2 );
		x += 20;

		if (ci->health > 80)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		else if (ci->health > 0)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorYellow, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorRed, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
		//x += 20;

			vec2_t loc;
			char   *s;

			loc[0] = ci->location[0];
			loc[1] = ci->location[1];

			s = va("^3(%s)", BG_GetLocationString(loc));

			x = rect->x + (204 - 4 - CG_Text_Width_Ext(s, .2f, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2));

			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, va("^3(%s)", BG_GetLocationString(loc)), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
コード例 #9
ファイル: cg_fireteamoverlay.c プロジェクト: Exosum/ETrun
void CG_DrawFireTeamOverlay(rectDef_t *rect) {
	int            x = rect->x;
	int            y = rect->y + 1; // +1, jitter it into place in 1024 :)
	float          h;
	clientInfo_t   *ci = NULL;
	char           buffer[64];
	fireteamData_t *f;
	int            i;
	vec4_t         clr1        = { .16f, .2f, .17f, .8f };
	vec4_t         tclr        = { 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
	vec4_t         bgColor     = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f }; // window
	vec4_t         borderColor = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f }; // window

	f = CG_IsOnFireteam(cg.clientNum);
	if (!f) {

	h = 12 + 2 + 2;
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i, 6);
		if (!ci) {


	CG_DrawRect(x, y, FT_WIDTH, h, 1, borderColor);
	CG_FillRect(x + 1, y + 1, FT_WIDTH - 2, h - 2, bgColor);

	x += 2;
	y += 2;

	CG_FillRect(x, y, FT_WIDTH - 4, 12, clr1);

	// Nico, show if it's a private or public FT
	if (f->priv) {
		sprintf(buffer, "FT %s (Priv)", bg_fireteamNames[f->ident]);
	} else {
		sprintf(buffer, "FT %s", bg_fireteamNames[f->ident]);
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 3, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .19f, .19f, tclr, buffer, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont1);

	x += 2;

	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		x  = rect->x + 2;

		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i, 6);
		if (!ci) {

		x += 4;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, ci->name, 0, 17, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
コード例 #10
int WM_ScoreboardOverlay(int x, int y, float fade) {
	vec4_t hcolor;
	int width;
	char *s; // JPW NERVE
	int msec, mins, seconds, tens; // JPW NERVE


	VectorSet(hcolor, 0, 0, 0);
	hcolor[3] = 0.7 * fade;
	// draw background
	CG_FillRect(x - 12, y, width, 400, hcolor);
	// draw title frame
	VectorSet(hcolor, 0.0039, 0.0039, 0.2461);
	hcolor[3] = 1 * fade;
	CG_FillRect(x - 12, y, width, 30, hcolor);
	CG_DrawRect(x - 12, y, width, 400, 2, hcolor);

	if (cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION) {
		const char *s, *buf;

		s = CG_ConfigString(CS_MULTI_INFO);
		buf = Info_ValueForKey(s, "winner");

		if (atoi(buf)) {
			CG_DrawSmallString(x - 12 + 5, y, "ALLIES WIN!", fade);
		} else {
			CG_DrawSmallString(x - 12 + 5, y, "AXIS WIN!", fade);
// mission time & reinforce time
	else {
		msec = (cgs.timelimit * 60.f * 1000.f) - (cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime);

		seconds = msec / 1000;
		mins = seconds / 60;
		seconds -= mins * 60;
		tens = seconds / 10;
		seconds -= tens * 10;

		s = va("Mission time:   %2.0f:%i%i", (float)mins, tens, seconds); // float cast to line up with reinforce time
		CG_DrawSmallString(x - 7, y, s, fade);

		if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_RED) {
			msec = cg_redlimbotime.integer - (cg.time % cg_redlimbotime.integer);
		} else if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_BLUE) {
			msec = cg_bluelimbotime.integer - (cg.time % cg_bluelimbotime.integer);
		} else { // no team(spectator mode)
			msec = 0;

		if (msec) {
			seconds = msec / 1000;
			mins = seconds / 60;
			seconds -= mins * 60;
			tens = seconds / 10;
			seconds -= tens * 10;

			s = va("Reinforce time: %2.0f:%i%i", (float)mins, tens, seconds);
			CG_DrawSmallString(x - 7, y + 16, s, fade);
// 	CG_DrawSmallString(x - 12 + 5, y, "Wolfenstein Multiplayer", fade); // old one

	y = WM_DrawObjectives(x, y, width, fade);
	y += 5;
	// draw field names
	CG_DrawSmallString(x, y, "Players", fade);

	CG_DrawSmallString(x, y, "Score", fade);

	CG_DrawSmallString(x, y, "Latency", fade);

	y += 20;

	return y;
コード例 #11
void CG_TopShotsDraw(void)
	if (cgs.topshots.show == SHOW_OFF)

		int            x   = 640 + TS_X - TS_W, y = 480, h;
		topshotStats_t *ts = &cgs.topshots;

		vec4_t bgColor     = COLOR_BG;          // window
		vec4_t borderColor = COLOR_BORDER;      // window

		vec4_t bgColorTitle     = COLOR_BG_TITLE;   // titlebar
		vec4_t borderColorTitle = COLOR_BORDER_TITLE;   // titlebar

		// Main header
		int        hStyle  = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		float      hScale  = 0.16f;
		float      hScaleY = 0.21f;
		fontInfo_t *hFont  = FONT_HEADER;

		// Sub header
		int        hStyle2  = 0;
		float      hScale2  = 0.16f;
		float      hScaleY2 = 0.20f;
		fontInfo_t *hFont2  = FONT_SUBHEADER;

		vec4_t hdrColor  = COLOR_HDR;       // text
		vec4_t hdrColor2 = COLOR_HDR2;      // text

		// Text settings
		int        tStyle   = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		int        tSpacing = 9;        // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
		float      tScale   = 0.19f;
		fontInfo_t *tFont   = FONT_TEXT;
		vec4_t     tColor   = COLOR_TEXT;   // text

		float diff = cgs.topshots.fadeTime - cg.time;

		// FIXME: Should compute this beforehand
		h = 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                                  // Header
		    2 + 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                          // Stats columns
		    1 +                                             // Stats + extra
		    tSpacing * ((ts->cWeapons > 0) ? ts->cWeapons : 1) +

		// Fade-in effects
		if (diff > 0.0f)
			float scale = (diff / STATS_FADE_TIME);

			if (cgs.topshots.show == SHOW_ON)
				scale = 1.0f - scale;

			bgColor[3]          *= scale;
			bgColorTitle[3]     *= scale;
			borderColor[3]      *= scale;
			borderColorTitle[3] *= scale;
			hdrColor[3]         *= scale;
			hdrColor2[3]        *= scale;
			tColor[3]           *= scale;

			y += (TS_Y - h) * scale;

		else if (cgs.topshots.show == SHOW_SHUTDOWN)
			cgs.topshots.show = SHOW_OFF;
			y += TS_Y - h;

		CG_DrawRect(x, y, TS_W, h, 1, borderColor);
		CG_FillRect(x, y, TS_W, h, bgColor);

		// Header
		CG_FillRect(x, y, TS_W, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(x, y, TS_W, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);

		y += 1;
		y += tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 4, y, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor, "\"TOPSHOT\" ACCURACIES", 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);
		y += 4;

		// Weapon stats
		y += 2;
		CG_FillRect(x, y, TS_W, tSpacing + 3, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(x, y, TS_W, tSpacing + 3, 1, borderColorTitle);

		x += 4;
		y += 1 + tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Weapon", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 60;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Accuracy", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 53;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Hits / Shots", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 62;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Kills", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 32;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Player", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);

		x  = 640 + TS_X - TS_W + 4;
		y += 1;

		if (ts->cWeapons == 0)
			y += tSpacing;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "No qualifying weapon info available.", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < ts->cWeapons; i++)
				y += tSpacing;
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, ts->strWS[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
コード例 #12
void CG_GameStatsDraw(void)
	if (cgs.gamestats.show == SHOW_OFF)

		int         i, x = GS_X + 4, y = GS_Y, h;
		gameStats_t *gs = &cgs.gamestats;

		vec4_t bgColor     = COLOR_BG;      // window
		vec4_t borderColor = COLOR_BORDER;  // window

		vec4_t bgColorTitle     = COLOR_BG_TITLE;       // titlebar
		vec4_t borderColorTitle = COLOR_BORDER_TITLE;   // titlebar

		// Main header
		int        hStyle  = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		float      hScale  = 0.16f;
		float      hScaleY = 0.21f;
		fontInfo_t *hFont  = FONT_HEADER;

		// Sub header
		int        hStyle2  = 0;
		float      hScale2  = 0.16f;
		float      hScaleY2 = 0.20f;
		fontInfo_t *hFont2  = FONT_SUBHEADER;

		vec4_t hdrColor = COLOR_HDR;        // text
		//vec4_t hdrColor2    = COLOR_HDR2;   // text

		// Text settings
		int        tStyle   = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		int        tSpacing = 9;        // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
		float      tScale   = 0.19f;
		fontInfo_t *tFont   = FONT_TEXT;
		vec4_t     tColor   = COLOR_TEXT;   // text

		float diff = cgs.gamestats.fadeTime - cg.time;

		// FIXME: Should compute this beforehand
		h = 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                              // Header
		    2 + 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                          // Stats columns
		    1 +                                             // Stats + extra
		    tSpacing * ((gs->cWeapons > 0) ? gs->cWeapons : 1) +
		    tSpacing * ((gs->fHasStats) ? 3 : 0) +
		    ((cgs.gametype == GT_WOLF_LMS) ? 0 :
		         4 + 2 * tSpacing +                                 // Rank/XP
		         1 + tSpacing +
		         4 + 2 * tSpacing +                                 // Skill columns
		         1 +                                                // Skillz
		         tSpacing * ((gs->cSkills > 0) ? gs->cSkills : 1)
		    ) +

		// Fade-in effects
		if (diff > 0.0f)
			float scale = (diff / STATS_FADE_TIME);

			if (cgs.gamestats.show == SHOW_ON)
				scale = 1.0f - scale;

			bgColor[3]          *= scale;
			bgColorTitle[3]     *= scale;
			borderColor[3]      *= scale;
			borderColorTitle[3] *= scale;
			hdrColor[3]         *= scale;
			tColor[3]           *= scale;

			y -= h * (1.0f - scale);

		else if (cgs.gamestats.show == SHOW_SHUTDOWN)
			cgs.gamestats.show = SHOW_OFF;

		CG_DrawRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, h, 1, borderColor);
		CG_FillRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, h, bgColor);

		// Header
		CG_FillRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);

		y += 1;
		y += tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor, "PLAYER STATS", 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);
		y += 3;

		y += 2;

		// Weapon stats
		y += 2;
		CG_FillRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 3, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 3, 1, borderColorTitle);

		y += 1 + tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Weapon", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 66;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Accuracy", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 53;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Hits / Shots", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 62;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Kills", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 29;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Deaths", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 40;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Headshots", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);

		x  = GS_X + 4;
		y += 2;

		y += 1;
		if (gs->cWeapons == 0)
			y += tSpacing;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "No weapon info available.", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
			for (i = 0; i < gs->cWeapons; i++)
				y += tSpacing;
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, gs->strWS[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

			if (gs->fHasStats)
				y += tSpacing;
				for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					y += tSpacing;
					CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, gs->strExtra[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

		// No rank/xp/skill info for LMS
		if (cgs.gametype == GT_WOLF_LMS)

		// Rank/XP info
		y += tSpacing;
		y += 2;
		CG_FillRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 3, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 3, 1, borderColorTitle);

		y += 1 + tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Rank", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 82;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "XP", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);

		x = GS_X + 4;

		y += 1;
		y += tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, gs->strRank, 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

		// Skill info
		y += tSpacing;
		y += 2;
		CG_FillRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 3, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(GS_X, y, GS_W, tSpacing + 3, 1, borderColorTitle);

		y += 1 + tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Skills", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 84;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Level", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		x += 40;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "XP / Next Level", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);
		if (cgs.gametype == GT_WOLF_CAMPAIGN)
			x += 86;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale2, hScaleY2, hdrColor, "Medals", 0.0f, 0, hStyle2, hFont2);

		x = GS_X + 4;

		y += 1;
		if (gs->cSkills == 0)
			y += tSpacing;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "No skills acquired!", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
			for (i = 0; i < gs->cSkills; i++)
				y += tSpacing;
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, gs->strSkillz[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

コード例 #13
void CG_SpecHelpDraw(void)
	if (cg.spechelpWindow == SHOW_OFF)
		const helpType_t help[] =
			{ "+zoom",    "hold for pointer"   },
			{ "+attack",  "window move/resize" },
			{ "+sprint",  "hold to resize"     },
			{ "weapnext", "window on/off"      },
			{ "weapprev", "swap w/main view"   },
			{ NULL,       NULL                 },
			{ "weapalt",  "swingcam toggle"    },
			{ "spechelp", "help on/off"        }

		int  i, x, y = 480, w, h;
		int  len, maxlen = 0;
		char *lines[16];

		vec4_t bgColor     = COLOR_BG;              // window
		vec4_t borderColor = COLOR_BORDER;          // window

		vec4_t bgColorTitle     = COLOR_BG_TITLE;       // titlebar
		vec4_t borderColorTitle = COLOR_BORDER_TITLE;   // titlebar

		// Main header
		int        hStyle    = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		float      hScale    = 0.16f;
		float      hScaleY   = 0.21f;
		fontInfo_t *hFont    = FONT_HEADER;
		vec4_t     hdrColor2 = COLOR_HDR2;  // text

		// Text settings
		int        tStyle   = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		int        tSpacing = 9;        // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
		float      tScale   = 0.19f;
		fontInfo_t *tFont   = FONT_TEXT;
		vec4_t     tColor   = COLOR_TEXT;   // text

		float diff = cg.fadeTime - trap_Milliseconds();

		// FIXME: Should compute all this stuff beforehand
		// Compute required width
		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(help) / sizeof(helpType_t); i++)
			if (help[i].cmd != NULL)
				len = strlen(CG_getBindKeyName(help[i].cmd, buf, sizeof(buf)));
				if (len > maxlen)
					maxlen = len;

		Q_strncpyz(format, va("^2%%%ds ^N%%s", maxlen), sizeof(format));
		for (i = 0, maxlen = 0; i < sizeof(help) / sizeof(helpType_t); i++)
			if (help[i].cmd != NULL)
				lines[i] = va(format, CG_getBindKeyName(help[i].cmd, buf, sizeof(buf)), help[i].info);
				len      = CG_Text_Width_Ext(lines[i], tScale, 0, FONT_TEXT);
				if (len > maxlen)
					maxlen = len;
				lines[i] = NULL;

		w = maxlen + 8;
		x = SH_X;
		y = SH_Y;
		h = 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                                  // Header
		    2 + 1 +
		    tSpacing * (sizeof(help) / sizeof(helpType_t)) +

		// Fade-in effects
		if (diff > 0.0f)
			float scale = (diff / STATS_FADE_TIME);

			if (cg.spechelpWindow == SHOW_ON)
				scale = 1.0f - scale;

			bgColor[3]          *= scale;
			bgColorTitle[3]     *= scale;
			borderColor[3]      *= scale;
			borderColorTitle[3] *= scale;
			hdrColor2[3]        *= scale;
			tColor[3]           *= scale;

			x -= w * (1.0f - scale);

		else if (cg.spechelpWindow == SHOW_SHUTDOWN)
			cg.spechelpWindow = SHOW_OFF;

		CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, h, 1, borderColor);
		CG_FillRect(x, y, w, h, bgColor);

		// Header
		CG_FillRect(x, y, w, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);

		x += 4;
		y += 1;
		y += tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor2, "SPECTATOR CONTROLS", 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);
		y += 3;

		// Control info
		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(help) / sizeof(helpType_t); i++)
			y += tSpacing;
			if (lines[i] != NULL)
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, lines[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
コード例 #14
ファイル: cg_fireteamoverlay.c プロジェクト: lcfx/etet
void CG_DrawFireTeamOverlay( rectDef_t* rect ) {
	int x = rect->x;
	int y = rect->y + 1;	// +1, jitter it into place in 1024 :)
	int boxWidth = 204;
	int bestWidth = -1;
	vec2_t loc;
	float h;
	clientInfo_t* ci = NULL;
	char buffer[64];
	fireteamData_t* f = NULL;
	int i;
	vec4_t clr1 =	{ .16f,		.2f,	.17f,	.8f };
	vec4_t clr2 =	{ 0.f,		0.f,		0.f,		.2f };
	vec4_t clr3 =	{ 0.25f,		0.f,		0.f,		153/255.f };
	vec4_t tclr =	{ 0.6f,		0.6f,		0.6f,		1.0f };
	vec4_t bgColor		= { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f };		// window
	vec4_t borderColor	= { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };	// window
	centity_t*	cent;

	bgColor[3] = cg_fireteamAlpha.value;

	if(cg.hudEditor.showHudEditor) {
		//draw a fake fireteam box...
	} else 	if(!(f = CG_IsOnFireteam( cg.clientNum ))) {

	h = 12 + 2 + 2;
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++) {
		int		locwidth;
		vec3_t	origin;

		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition( i );
		if(!ci) {


		loc[0] = ci->location[0];
		loc[1] = ci->location[1];

		if(cg_locations.integer > 0) {
			qboolean locValid = qtrue;
			cent = &cg_entities[ci->clientNum];

			// Dens: use lerpOrigin for now
			origin[0] = cent->lerpOrigin[0];
			origin[1] = cent->lerpOrigin[1];
			origin[2] = cent->lerpOrigin[2];
			locStr[i] = va( "^3%s", CG_GetLocationMsg(origin));

			if (!Q_stricmp( locStr[i], "^3Unknown")){
				locStr[i] = va( "^3(%s)", BG_GetLocationString( loc ));
				locValid = qfalse;

			if(cg_locations.integer > 1 && locValid)
				Q_strcat( locStr[i], 64, va(" ^3(%s)", BG_GetLocationString( loc )) );

		} else {
			locStr[i] = va( "^3(%s)", BG_GetLocationString( loc ));

		if( !locStr[i][1] || !*locStr[i] )
			locStr[i] = " ";
		locwidth = CG_Text_Width_Ext( locStr[i], 0.2f, 0, &cgs.media.font3 );
		if(locwidth > bestWidth)
			bestWidth = locwidth;

	boxWidth += bestWidth;

	CG_DrawRect( x, y, boxWidth, h, 1, borderColor);
	CG_FillRect( x + 1, y + 1, boxWidth - 2, h - 2, bgColor);

	x += 2;
	y += 2;

	CG_FillRect( x, y, boxWidth - 4, 12, clr1 );

	Com_sprintf( buffer, 64, "Fireteam: %s", bg_fireteamNames[f->ident] );
	//sprintf( buffer, "Fireteam: %s", bg_fireteamNames[f->ident] );
	Q_strupr( buffer );
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x + 3, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .19f, .19f, tclr, buffer, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.font1 );

	x += 2;
	//y += 2;

	for(i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++) {
		x = rect->x + 2;

		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition( i );
		if(!ci) {
		if( ci->selected ) {
			CG_FillRect( x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, boxWidth - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr3 );
		} else {
			CG_FillRect( x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, boxWidth - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr2 );

		x += 4;
		//draw class
		if(cg_drawClassIcons.integer & CLASSICON_FIRETEAM){
			trap_R_SetColor( colorWhite );
			CG_DrawPic(x-2, y+2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, FT_BAR_HEIGHT,
				cgs.media.skillPics[BG_ClassSkillForClass( ci->cls )]);
			trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorWhite, BG_ClassLetterForNumber( ci->cls ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );	
		x += 10;
		// quad: draw latched class
		// pheno: not with an old server, that doesn't send the latched class
		if( ci->cls != ci->latchClass ) {
			//draw separator
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorYellow, ">", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
			x += 10;
			//draw class
			if(cg_drawClassIcons.integer & CLASSICON_FIRETEAM) {
				trap_R_SetColor( colorYellow );
				CG_DrawPic(x - 2, y + 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, FT_BAR_HEIGHT,
			} else {
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorYellow, BG_ClassLetterForNumber( ci->latchClass ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
			x += 10;
			x += 20;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, ci->team == TEAM_AXIS ? miniRankNames_Axis[ci->rank] : miniRankNames_Allies[ci->rank], 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );	
		x += 22;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, ci->name, 0, 17, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
		x += 90;

/*		CG_DrawPic(x + 2, y + 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, cgs.media.movementAutonomyIcons[0]);

		CG_DrawPic(x + 2, y + 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT - 4, cgs.media.weaponAutonomyIcons[0]);
		x += 4;*/

/*		if( isLeader ) {
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, va("%i", i+4), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
		x += 20;
		if( ci->health > 80 ) {
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT,  .2f, .2f, tclr, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
		} else if( ci->health > 0 ) {
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT,  .2f, .2f, colorYellow, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
		} else {
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT,  .2f, .2f, colorRed, va("0%s", ci->health < 0 ? "" : "*" ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
		x += 30;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT,  .2f, .2f, tclr, locStr[i], 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
コード例 #15
ファイル: cg_window.c プロジェクト: GenaSG/ET
// Main window-drawing handler
void CG_windowDraw(void)
	int h, x, y, i, j, milli, t_offset, tmp;
	cg_window_t *w;
	qboolean fCleanup = qfalse;
	// Gordon: FIXME, the limbomenu var no longer exists
	qboolean fAllowMV = (cg.snap != NULL && cg.snap->ps.pm_type != PM_INTERMISSION /*&& !cg.limboMenu*/);
	vec4_t *bg;
	vec4_t textColor, borderColor, bgColor;

	if(cg.winHandler.numActiveWindows == 0) {
		// Draw these for demoplayback no matter what

	milli = trap_Milliseconds();
	memcpy(textColor, colorWhite, sizeof(vec4_t));

	// Mouse cursor position for MV highlighting (offset for cursor pointer position)
	// Also allow for swingcam toggling
	if(cg.mvTotalClients > 0 && fAllowMV) {

	for(i=0; i<cg.winHandler.numActiveWindows; i++) {
		w = &cg.winHandler.window[cg.winHandler.activeWindows[i]];

		if(!w->inuse || w->state == WSTATE_OFF) {
			fCleanup = qtrue;

		// Multiview rendering has its own handling

		if(w->effects & WFX_MULTIVIEW) {
			if(w != cg.mvCurrentMainview && fAllowMV) CG_mvDraw(w);

		if(w->effects & WFX_TEXTSIZING) {
			w->effects &= ~WFX_TEXTSIZING;

		bg = ((w->effects & WFX_FLASH) && (milli % w->flashPeriod) > w->flashMidpoint) ? &w->colorBackground2 : &w->colorBackground;

		h = w->h;
		x = w->x;
		y = w->y;
		t_offset = milli - w->time;
		textColor[3] = 1.0f;
		memcpy(&borderColor, w->colorBorder, sizeof(vec4_t));
		memcpy(&bgColor, bg, sizeof(vec4_t));

		// TODO: Add in support for ALL scrolling effects
		if(w->state == WSTATE_START) {
			tmp = w->targetTime - t_offset;
			if(w->effects & WFX_SCROLLUP) {
				if(tmp > 0) {
					y += (480 - y) * tmp / w->targetTime;//(100 * tmp / w->targetTime) / 100;
				} else {
					w->state = WSTATE_COMPLETE;
				w->curY = y;
			if(w->effects & WFX_FADEIN) {
				if(tmp > 0) textColor[3] = (float)((float)t_offset / (float)w->targetTime);
				else w->state = WSTATE_COMPLETE;
		} else if(w->state == WSTATE_SHUTDOWN) {
			tmp = w->targetTime - t_offset;
			if(w->effects & WFX_SCROLLUP) {
				if(tmp > 0) y = w->curY + (480 - w->y) * t_offset / w->targetTime;//(100 * t_offset / w->targetTime) / 100;
				if(tmp < 0 || y >= 480) {
					w->state = WSTATE_OFF;
					fCleanup = qtrue;
			if(w->effects & WFX_FADEIN) {
				if(tmp > 0) {
					textColor[3] -= (float)((float)t_offset / (float)w->targetTime);
				} else {
					textColor[3] = 0.0f;
					w->state = WSTATE_OFF;

		borderColor[3] *= textColor[3];
		bgColor[3] *= textColor[3];

		CG_FillRect(x, y, w->w, h, bgColor);
		CG_DrawRect(x, y, w->w, h, 1, borderColor);

		x += 5;
		y -= (w->effects & WFX_TRUETYPE) ? 3 : 0;

		for(j=w->lineCount-1; j>=0; j--) {
			if(w->effects & WFX_TRUETYPE) {
//				CG_Text_Paint(x, y + h, w->fontScale, textColor, (char*)w->lineText[j], 0.0f, 0, 0);
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + h, w->fontScaleX, w->fontScaleY, textColor,
								  (char*)w->lineText[j], 0.0f, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

			h -= (w->lineHeight[j] + 3);

			if(!(w->effects & WFX_TRUETYPE)) {
				CG_DrawStringExt2(x, y + h, (char*)w->lineText[j], textColor,
								  qfalse, qtrue, w->fontWidth, w->fontHeight, 0);

	// Wedge in MV info overlay
	if(cg.mvTotalClients > 0 && fAllowMV) CG_mvOverlayDisplay();

	// Extra rate info

	// Mouse cursor lays on top of everything
	if(cg.mvTotalClients > 0 && cg.time < cgs.cursorUpdate && fAllowMV) {
		//CG_DrawPic(cgs.cursorX - CURSOR_OFFSETX, cgs.cursorY - CURSOR_OFFSETY, 32, 32, cgs.media.cursor);
		CG_DrawPic( cgDC.cursorx, cgDC.cursory, 32, 32, cgs.media.cursorIcon );

	if(fCleanup) {
コード例 #16
ファイル: cg_info.c プロジェクト: boutetnico/ETrun
void CG_DemoHelpDraw() {
	const char *help[] =
		"^nTAB       ^mscores",
		"^nF1-F5     ^mavidemo record",
		"^nF11-F12   ^mscreenshot",
		"^nKP_DOWN   ^mslow down (--)",
		"^nKP_LEFT   ^mslow down (-)",
		"^nKP_UP     ^mspeed up (++)",
		"^nKP_RIGHT  ^mspeed up (+)",
		"^nSPACE     ^mnormal speed",
		"^nENTER     ^mExternal view",
		"^nLFT/RGHT  ^mChange angle",
		"^nUP/DOWN   ^mMove in/out"
	int i, x, y = 480, w, h;

	vec4_t bgColor     = COLOR_BG;              // window
	vec4_t borderColor = COLOR_BORDER;          // window

	vec4_t bgColorTitle     = COLOR_BG_TITLE;       // titlebar
	vec4_t borderColorTitle = COLOR_BORDER_TITLE;   // titlebar

	// Main header
	int        hStyle    = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
	float      hScale    = 0.16f;
	float      hScaleY   = 0.21f;
	fontInfo_t *hFont    = FONT_HEADER;
	vec4_t     hdrColor2 = COLOR_HDR2;  // text

	// Text settings
	int        tStyle   = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
	int        tSpacing = 9;        // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
	float      tScale   = 0.19f;
	fontInfo_t *tFont   = FONT_TEXT;
	vec4_t     tColor   = COLOR_TEXT;   // text

	float diff = cg.fadeTime - trap_Milliseconds();

	if (cg.demohelpWindow == SHOW_OFF) {

	// FIXME: Should compute this beforehand
	w = DH_W;
	x = 640 + DH_X - w;
	h = 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                                  // Header
	    2 + 1 +
	    tSpacing * (2 + (sizeof (help)) / sizeof (char *)) +

	// Fade-in effects
	if (diff > 0.0f) {
		float scale = diff / STATS_FADE_TIME;

		if (cg.demohelpWindow == SHOW_ON) {
			scale = 1.0f - scale;

		bgColor[3]          *= scale;
		bgColorTitle[3]     *= scale;
		borderColor[3]      *= scale;
		borderColorTitle[3] *= scale;
		hdrColor2[3]        *= scale;
		tColor[3]           *= scale;

		y += (DH_Y - h) * scale;

	} else if (cg.demohelpWindow == SHOW_SHUTDOWN) {
		cg.demohelpWindow = SHOW_OFF;
	} else {
		y += DH_Y - h;

	CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, h, 1, borderColor);
	CG_FillRect(x, y, w, h, bgColor);

	// Header
	CG_FillRect(x, y, w, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
	CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);

	x += 4;
	y += 1;
	y += tSpacing;
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor2, "DEMO CONTROLS", 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);
	y += 3;

	// Control info
	for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof (help) / sizeof (char *)); ++i) {
		y += tSpacing;
		if (help[i] != NULL) {
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, (char *)help[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

	y += tSpacing * 2;
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "^nBACKSPACE ^mhelp on/off", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
コード例 #17
ファイル: cg_info.c プロジェクト: belstgut/etlegacy
void CG_ObjectivesDraw()
	const char *cs;
	char       color[3];

	if (cgs.objectives.show == SHOW_OFF)
		int    i, status, x = Ccg_WideX(SCREEN_WIDTH) + OBJ_X - OBJ_W, y = SCREEN_HEIGHT, h;
		int    lines = 0, count = 0;
		char   temp[1024], *s, *p;
		vec4_t bgColor          = COLOR_BG;     // window
		vec4_t borderColor      = COLOR_BORDER; // window
		vec4_t bgColorTitle     = COLOR_BG_TITLE;   // titlebar
		vec4_t borderColorTitle = COLOR_BORDER_TITLE;   // titlebar

		// Main header
		int          hStyle   = 0;
		float        hScale   = 0.19f;
		float        hScaleY  = 0.19f;
		fontHelper_t *hFont   = FONT_HEADER;
		vec4_t       hdrColor = COLOR_TEXT;       // text

		// Text settings
		int          tStyle   = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		int          tSpacing = 9;      // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
		float        tScale   = 0.19f;
		fontHelper_t *tFont   = FONT_TEXT;
		vec4_t       tColor   = COLOR_TEXT; // text

		float diff = cgs.objectives.fadeTime - cg.time;

		if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR)
			Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objMapDescription_Neutral, sizeof(temp));
			while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
				*s = '\n';
			CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 8, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
			p = temp;
			while (*p)
				if (*p == '\n')
					*p++ = '\0';
			if (temp[0])

			Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objMapDescription_Allied, sizeof(temp));
			while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
				*s = '\n';
			CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 28, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
			p = temp;
			while (*p)
				if (*p == '\n')
					*p++ = '\0';
			if (temp[0])
				lines += 1; // Allied

			Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objMapDescription_Axis, sizeof(temp));
			while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
				*s = '\n';
			CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 28, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
			p = temp;
			while (*p)
				if (*p == '\n')
					*p++ = '\0';
			if (temp[0])
				lines += 1; // Axis
		else if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_ALLIES)
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTIVES && cg.objDescription_Allied[i][0] ; i++)
				Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objDescription_Allied[i], sizeof(temp));
				// no double newlines as they make the pop up look really bad
				while ((s = strstr(temp, "**")))
					*s = ' ';
				while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
					*s = '\n';
				CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 28, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
				p = temp;
				while (*p)
					if (*p == '\n')
						*p++ = '\0';
				if (temp[0])
		else if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_AXIS)
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTIVES && cg.objDescription_Axis[i][0] ; i++)
				Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objDescription_Axis[i], sizeof(temp));
				while ((s = strstr(temp, "**")))
					*s = ' ';
				while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
					*s = '\n';
				CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 28, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
				p = temp;
				while (*p)
					if (*p == '\n')
						*p++ = '\0';
				if (temp[0])

		// FIXME: Should compute this beforehand
		h = 2 + tSpacing + 2 +                                  // Header
		    1 +
		    tSpacing * (((lines + count - 1) > 0) ? (lines + count - 1) : 1) +
		    1 + 2;

		// Fade-in effects
		if (diff > 0.0f)
			float scale = (diff / STATS_FADE_TIME);

			if (cgs.objectives.show == SHOW_ON)
				scale = 1.0f - scale;

			bgColor[3]          *= scale;
			bgColorTitle[3]     *= scale;
			borderColor[3]      *= scale;
			borderColorTitle[3] *= scale;
			hdrColor[3]         *= scale;
			tColor[3]           *= scale;

			y += (TS_Y - h) * scale;

		else if (cgs.objectives.show == SHOW_SHUTDOWN)
			cgs.objectives.show = SHOW_OFF;
			y += TS_Y - h;

		CG_FillRect(x, y, OBJ_W, h, bgColor);
		CG_DrawRect(x, y, OBJ_W, h, 1, borderColor);

		y += 1;

		// Header
		CG_FillRect(x + 1, y, OBJ_W - 2, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(x + 1, y, OBJ_W - 2, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);

		y += tSpacing;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 4, y, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor, CG_TranslateString("OBJECTIVES"), 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);

		y += 4;

		if (!count)
			y += tSpacing;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 4, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "Unable to load objectives", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

		cs = CG_ConfigString(CS_MULTI_OBJECTIVE);

		if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_SPECTATOR)
			Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objMapDescription_Neutral, sizeof(temp));
			while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
				*s = '\n';
			CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 8, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
			s = p = temp;
			while (*p)
				if (*p == '\n')
					*p++ = '\0';
					y   += tSpacing;
					CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 4, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, s, 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
					s = p;
			if (temp[0] && count > 0)
				y += tSpacing;

			Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objMapDescription_Allied, sizeof(temp));
			while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
				*s = '\n';
			CG_DrawPic(x + 4, y + 2, 18, 12, cgs.media.alliedFlag);
			CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 26, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
			y += tSpacing;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 26, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "^4Allies", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
			s = p = temp;
			while (*p)
				if (*p == '\n')
					*p++ = '\0';
					y   += tSpacing;
					CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 26, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, s, 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
					s = p;
			if (temp[0] && count > 0)
				y += tSpacing;

			Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objMapDescription_Axis, sizeof(temp));
			while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
				*s = '\n';
			CG_DrawPic(x + 4, y + 2, 18, 12, cgs.media.axisFlag);
			CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 26, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);
			y += tSpacing;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 26, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, "^1Axis", 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
			s = p = temp;
			while (*p)
				if (*p == '\n')
					*p++ = '\0';
					y   += tSpacing;
					CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 26, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, s, 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
					s = p;
			if (temp[0] && count > 0)
				y += tSpacing;
		else if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_ALLIES)
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTIVES && cg.objDescription_Allied[i][0] ; i++)
				Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objDescription_Allied[i], sizeof(temp));
				while ((s = strstr(temp, "**")))
					*s = ' ';
				while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
					*s = '\n';
				CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 26, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);

				color[0] = '\0';
				status   = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cs, va("a%i", i + 1)));
				if (status == 1)
					CG_DrawPic(x + 4, y + 3, 18, 12, cgs.media.alliedFlag);
					Q_strncpyz(color, "^2", sizeof(color));
				else if (status == 2)
					CG_DrawPic(x + 4, y + 3, 18, 12, cgs.media.axisFlag);
					Q_strncpyz(color, "^1", sizeof(color));

				s = p = temp;
				while (*p)
					if (*p == '\n')
						*p++ = '\0';
						y   += tSpacing;
						CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 26, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, va("%s%s", color[0] ? color : "", s), 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
						s = p;
				if (temp[0] && count > 0)
					y += tSpacing;
		else if (cgs.clientinfo[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].team == TEAM_AXIS)
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTIVES && cg.objDescription_Axis[i][0] ; i++)
				Q_strncpyz(temp, cg.objDescription_Axis[i], sizeof(temp));
				while ((s = strstr(temp, "**")))
					*s = ' ';
				while ((s = strchr(temp, '*')))
					*s = '\n';
				CG_FitTextToWidth_Ext(temp, tScale, OBJ_W - 26, sizeof(temp), FONT_TEXT);

				color[0] = '\0';
				status   = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(cs, va("x%i", i + 1)));
				if (status == 1)
					CG_DrawPic(x + 4, y + 3, 18, 12, cgs.media.axisFlag);
					Q_strncpyz(color, "^2", sizeof(color));
				else if (status == 2)
					CG_DrawPic(x + 4, y + 3, 18, 12, cgs.media.alliedFlag);
					Q_strncpyz(color, "^1", sizeof(color));

				s = p = temp;
				while (*p)
					if (*p == '\n')
						*p++ = '\0';
						y   += tSpacing;
						CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 26, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, va("%s%s", color[0] ? color : "", s), 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
						s = p;
				if (temp[0] && count > 0)
					y += tSpacing;
コード例 #18
ファイル: cg_info.c プロジェクト: belstgut/etlegacy
void CG_DemoHelpDraw(void)
	if (cg.demohelpWindow == SHOW_OFF)
		const char *help[] =
			"^7TAB       ^3scores",
			"^7F1-F5     ^3avidemo record",
			"^7F11-F12   ^3screenshot",
			"^7KP_DOWN   ^3slow down (--)",
			"^7KP_LEFT   ^3slow down (-)",
			"^7KP_UP     ^3speed up (++)",
			"^7KP_RIGHT  ^3speed up (+)",
			"^7SPACE     ^3normal speed",
			"^7ENTER     ^3External view",
			"^7LFT/RGHT  ^3Change angle",
			"^7UP/DOWN   ^3Move in/out"

		const char *mvhelp[] =
			"^7MOUSE1    ^3Select/move view",
			"^7MOUSE2    ^3Swap w/main view",
			"^7MOUSE3    ^3Toggle on/off",
			"^7SHIFT     ^3Hold to resize",
			"^7KP_PGUP   ^3Enable a view",
			"^7KP_PGDN   ^3Close a view"

		int i, x, y = SCREEN_HEIGHT, w, h;

		vec4_t bgColor     = COLOR_BG;              // window
		vec4_t borderColor = COLOR_BORDER;          // window

		vec4_t bgColorTitle     = COLOR_BG_TITLE;       // titlebar
		vec4_t borderColorTitle = COLOR_BORDER_TITLE;   // titlebar

		// Main header
		int          hStyle   = 0;
		float        hScale   = 0.19f;
		float        hScaleY  = 0.19f;
		fontHelper_t *hFont   = FONT_HEADER;
		vec4_t       hdrColor = COLOR_TEXT;  // text

		// Text settings
		int          tStyle   = ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED;
		int          tSpacing = 9;      // Should derive from CG_Text_Height_Ext
		float        tScale   = 0.19f;
		fontHelper_t *tFont   = FONT_TEXT;
		vec4_t       tColor   = COLOR_TEXT; // text

		float diff = cg.fadeTime - trap_Milliseconds();

		// FIXME: Should compute this beforehand
		w = DH_W + (
		    (cg.mvTotalClients > 1) ? 12 :
		x = Ccg_WideX(SCREEN_WIDTH) + 3 * DH_X - w;
		h = tSpacing + 9 +
		    tSpacing * (2 +
		                ((cg.mvTotalClients > 1) ? ARRAY_LEN(mvhelp) : ARRAY_LEN(help))

		// Fade-in effects
		if (diff > 0.0f)
			float scale = (diff / STATS_FADE_TIME);

			if (cg.demohelpWindow == SHOW_ON)
				scale = 1.0f - scale;

			bgColor[3]          *= scale;
			bgColorTitle[3]     *= scale;
			borderColor[3]      *= scale;
			borderColorTitle[3] *= scale;
			hdrColor[3]         *= scale;
			tColor[3]           *= scale;

			y += (DH_Y - h) * scale;

		else if (cg.demohelpWindow == SHOW_SHUTDOWN)
			cg.demohelpWindow = SHOW_OFF;
			y += DH_Y - h;

		if (cg.legacyClient && cg.demoinfo)
			CG_DrawDemoControls(x, y - 62, w, borderColor, bgColor, tSpacing, bgColorTitle, borderColorTitle, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor, hStyle, hFont);
			y += 10;

		CG_FillRect(x, y, w, h, bgColor);
		CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, h, 1, borderColor);

		y += 1;

		// Header
		CG_FillRect(x + 1, y, w - 2, tSpacing + 4, bgColorTitle);
		CG_DrawRect(x + 1, y, w - 2, tSpacing + 4, 1, borderColorTitle);

		x += 4;
		y += tSpacing;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, hScale, hScaleY, hdrColor, CG_TranslateString("DEMO CONTROLS"), 0.0f, 0, hStyle, hFont);

		y += 3;

		// Control info
		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(help); i++)
			y += tSpacing;
			if (help[i] != NULL)
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, (char *)help[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

		if (cg.mvTotalClients > 1)
			for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(mvhelp); i++)
				y += tSpacing;
				if (mvhelp[i] != NULL)
					CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, (char *)mvhelp[i], 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);

		y += tSpacing * 2;
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y, tScale, tScale, tColor, CG_TranslateString("^7BACKSPACE ^3help on/off"), 0.0f, 0, tStyle, tFont);
コード例 #19
ファイル: cg_window.c プロジェクト: ETrun/ETrun
// Main window-drawing handler
void CG_windowDraw(void) {
    int         h, x, y, i, j, milli, t_offset, tmp;
    cg_window_t *w;
    qboolean    fCleanup = qfalse;
    // Gordon: FIXME, the limbomenu var no longer exists
    vec4_t *bg;
    vec4_t textColor, borderColor, bgColor;

    if (cg.winHandler.numActiveWindows == 0) {
        // Draw these for demoplayback no matter what

    milli = trap_Milliseconds();
    memcpy(textColor, colorWhite, sizeof (vec4_t));

    // Mouse cursor position for MV highlighting (offset for cursor pointer position)
    // Also allow for swingcam toggling
    for (i = 0; i < cg.winHandler.numActiveWindows; ++i) {
        w = &cg.winHandler.window[cg.winHandler.activeWindows[i]];

        if (!w->inuse || w->state == WSTATE_OFF) {
            fCleanup = qtrue;

        if (w->effects & WFX_TEXTSIZING) {
            w->effects &= ~WFX_TEXTSIZING;

        bg = ((w->effects & WFX_FLASH) && (milli % w->flashPeriod) > w->flashMidpoint) ? &w->colorBackground2 : &w->colorBackground;

        h            = w->h;
        x            = w->x;
        y            = w->y;
        t_offset     = milli - w->time;
        textColor[3] = 1.0f;
        memcpy(&borderColor, w->colorBorder, sizeof (vec4_t));
        memcpy(&bgColor, bg, sizeof (vec4_t));

        // TODO: Add in support for ALL scrolling effects
        if (w->state == WSTATE_START) {
            tmp = w->targetTime - t_offset;
            if (w->effects & WFX_SCROLLUP) {
                if (tmp > 0) {
                    y += (480 - y) * tmp / w->targetTime;
                } else {
                    w->state = WSTATE_COMPLETE;

                w->curY = y;
            if (w->effects & WFX_FADEIN) {
                if (tmp > 0) {
                    textColor[3] = (float)((float)t_offset / (float)w->targetTime);
                } else {
                    w->state = WSTATE_COMPLETE;
        } else if (w->state == WSTATE_SHUTDOWN) {
            tmp = w->targetTime - t_offset;
            if (w->effects & WFX_SCROLLUP) {
                if (tmp > 0) {
                    y = w->curY + (480 - w->y) * t_offset / w->targetTime;
                if (tmp < 0 || y >= 480) {
                    w->state = WSTATE_OFF;
                    fCleanup = qtrue;
            if (w->effects & WFX_FADEIN) {
                if (tmp > 0) {
                    textColor[3] -= (float)((float)t_offset / (float)w->targetTime);
                } else {
                    textColor[3] = 0.0f;
                    w->state     = WSTATE_OFF;

        borderColor[3] *= textColor[3];
        bgColor[3]     *= textColor[3];

        CG_FillRect(x, y, w->w, h, bgColor);
        CG_DrawRect(x, y, w->w, h, 1, borderColor);

        x += 5;
        y -= (w->effects & WFX_TRUETYPE) ? 3 : 0;

        for (j = w->lineCount - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
            if (w->effects & WFX_TRUETYPE) {
                CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + h, w->fontScaleX, w->fontScaleY, textColor,
                                  (char *)w->lineText[j], 0.0f, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

            h -= (w->lineHeight[j] + 3);

            if (!(w->effects & WFX_TRUETYPE)) {
                CG_DrawStringExt2(x, y + h, (char *)w->lineText[j], textColor,
                                  qfalse, qtrue, w->fontWidth, w->fontHeight, 0);

    // Extra rate info

    if (fCleanup) {
コード例 #20
UI_DisplayContextCG::drawRect( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color )
	CG_DrawRect( x, y, w, h, size, color );
コード例 #21
 * @brief Draw FireTeam overlay
void CG_DrawFireTeamOverlay(rectDef_t *rect)
	int            x = rect->x;
	int            y = rect->y + 1;             // +1, jitter it into place
	int            i, locwidth, namewidth, puwidth, lineX;
	int            boxWidth      = 90;
	int            bestNameWidth = -1;
	int            bestLocWidth  = -1;
	char           buffer[64];
	float          h   = 16;                    // 12 + 2 + 2
	clientInfo_t   *ci = NULL;
	fireteamData_t *f  = NULL;
	char           *locStr[MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS];
	vec3_t         origin;

	int curWeap;

	// assign fireteam data, and early out if not on one
	if (!(f = CG_IsOnFireteam(cg.clientNum)))

	memset(locStr, 0, sizeof(char *) * MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS);

	// First get name and location width, also store location names
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++)
		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i);

		// Make sure it's valid
		if (!ci)

		if (cg_locations.integer & LOC_FTEAM)
			origin[0] = ci->location[0];
			origin[1] = ci->location[1];
			origin[2] = ci->location[2];

			locStr[i] = CG_BuildLocationString(ci->clientNum, origin, LOC_FTEAM);

			if (!locStr[i][1] || !*locStr[i])
				locStr[i] = "";

			locwidth = CG_Text_Width_Ext(locStr[i], 0.2f, 0, FONT_TEXT);
			locwidth = 0;

		namewidth = CG_Text_Width_Ext(ci->name, 0.2f, 0, FONT_TEXT);

		if (ci->powerups & ((1 << PW_REDFLAG) | (1 << PW_BLUEFLAG) | (1 << PW_OPS_DISGUISED)))
			namewidth += 14;

		if (namewidth > bestNameWidth)
			bestNameWidth = namewidth;

		if (locwidth > bestLocWidth)
			bestLocWidth = locwidth;

		h += 12.f;

	boxWidth += bestLocWidth + bestNameWidth;

	if (cg_fireteamLatchedClass.integer)
		boxWidth += 28;

	if ((Ccg_WideX(640) - MIN_BORDER_DISTANCE) < (x + boxWidth))
		x = x - ((x + boxWidth) - Ccg_WideX(640)) - MIN_BORDER_DISTANCE;
	else if (x < MIN_BORDER_DISTANCE)

	CG_FillRect(x, y, boxWidth, h, FT_bg2);
	CG_DrawRect(x, y, boxWidth, h, 1, FT_border);

	x += 1;
	y += 1;

	CG_FillRect(x, y, boxWidth - 2, 12, FT_bg);

	if (f->priv)
		Com_sprintf(buffer, 64, CG_TranslateString("Private Fireteam: %s"), bg_fireteamNames[f->ident]);
		Com_sprintf(buffer, 64, CG_TranslateString("Fireteam: %s"), bg_fireteamNames[f->ident]);

	CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + 4, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .19f, .19f, FT_text, buffer, 0, 0, 0, FONT_HEADER);

	lineX = x;
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++)
		x  = lineX;
		// grab a pointer to the current player
		ci = CG_SortedFireTeamPlayerForPosition(i);

		// make sure it's valid
		if (!ci)

		// hilight selected players
		if (ci->selected)
			CG_FillRect(x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, boxWidth - 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, FT_select);
			CG_FillRect(x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, boxWidth - 2, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, FT_noselect);

		x += 4;

		// draw class icon in fireteam overlay
		CG_DrawPic(x, y + 2, 12, 12, cgs.media.skillPics[SkillNumForClass(ci->cls)]);
		x += 14;

		if (cg_fireteamLatchedClass.integer && ci->cls != ci->latchedcls)
			// draw the yellow arrow
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, FT_text, "^3->", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
			x += 14;
			// draw latched class icon in fireteam overlay
			CG_DrawPic(x, y + 2, 12, 12, cgs.media.skillPics[SkillNumForClass(ci->latchedcls)]);
			x += 14;
		else if (cg_fireteamLatchedClass.integer)
			x += 28;
		// draw the mute-icon in the fireteam overlay..
		//if ( ci->muted ) {
		//	CG_DrawPic( x, y, 12, 12, cgs.media.muteIcon );
		//	x += 14;
		//} else if

		// draw objective icon (if they are carrying one) in fireteam overlay
		if (ci->powerups & ((1 << PW_REDFLAG) | (1 << PW_BLUEFLAG)))
			CG_DrawPic(x, y + 2, 12, 12, cgs.media.objectiveShader);
			x      += 14;
			puwidth = 14;
		// or else draw the disguised icon in fireteam overlay
		else if (ci->powerups & (1 << PW_OPS_DISGUISED))
			CG_DrawPic(x, y + 2, 12, 12, ci->team == TEAM_AXIS ? cgs.media.alliedUniformShader : cgs.media.axisUniformShader);
			x      += 14;
			puwidth = 14;
		// otherwise draw rank icon in fireteam overlay
			//if (ci->rank > 0) CG_DrawPic( x, y, 12, 12, rankicons[ ci->rank ][  ci->team == TEAM_AXIS ? 1 : 0 ][0].shader );
			//x += 14;
			puwidth = 0;

		// draw the player's name
		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorWhite, ci->name, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);

		// add space
		x += 14 + bestNameWidth - puwidth;

		// draw the player's weapon icon
		if (cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_MOUNTEDTANK)
			if (cg_entities[cg_entities[cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].tagParent].tankparent].currentState.density & 8)
				curWeap = WP_MOBILE_MG42;
		else if ((cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_MG42_ACTIVE) || (cg.predictedPlayerEntity.currentState.eFlags & EF_AAGUN_ACTIVE))
			curWeap = WP_MOBILE_MG42;
			curWeap = cg_entities[ci->clientNum].currentState.weapon;

		// note: WP_NONE is excluded
		if (IS_VALID_WEAPON(curWeap) && cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[0])     // do not try to draw nothing
			CG_DrawPic(x, y + 2, cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIconScale * 10, 10, cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[0]);
		else if (IS_VALID_WEAPON(curWeap) && cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[1])
			CG_DrawPic(x, y + 2, cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIconScale * 10, 10, cg_weapons[curWeap].weaponIcon[1]);

		x += 24;

		if (ci->health >= 100)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorGreen, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
			x += 12;
		else if (ci->health >= 10)
			x += 6;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, ci->health > 80 ? colorGreen : colorYellow, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
			x += 6;
		else if (ci->health > 0)
			x += 12;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorRed, va("%i", ci->health < 0 ? 0 : ci->health), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
		else if (ci->health == 0)
			x += 6;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, ((cg.time % 500) > 250)  ? colorWhite : colorRed, "*", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
			x += 6;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, ((cg.time % 500) > 250)  ? colorRed : colorWhite, "0", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
			x += 12;
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, colorRed, "0", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
		// set hard limit on width
		x += 12;
		if (cg_locations.integer & LOC_FTEAM)
			CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, FT_text, locStr[i], 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, FONT_TEXT);
コード例 #22
ファイル: cg_drawdc.c プロジェクト: brugal/wolfcamql
void CG_DrawRectDc (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color, int widescreen, rectDef_t menuRect)
    CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, h, size, color);
コード例 #23
void Menu_Draw( menuframework_s *menu )
	int				i;
	menucommon_s	*itemptr;

	// draw menu
	for (i=0; i<menu->nitems; i++)
		itemptr = (menucommon_s*)menu->items[i];

		if (itemptr->flags & QMF_HIDDEN)

		if (itemptr->ownerdraw)
			// total subclassing, owner draws everything
			itemptr->ownerdraw( itemptr );
			switch (itemptr->type)
					RadioButton_Draw( (menuradiobutton_s*)itemptr );

				case MTYPE_FIELD:
					MenuField_Draw( (menufield_s*)itemptr );
				case MTYPE_SLIDER:
					Slider_Draw( (menuslider_s*)itemptr );
					SpinControl_Draw( (menulist_s*)itemptr );
				case MTYPE_ACTION:
					Action_Draw( (menuaction_s*)itemptr );
				case MTYPE_BITMAP:
					Bitmap_Draw( (menubitmap_s*)itemptr );

				case MTYPE_TEXT:
					Text_Draw( (menutext_s*)itemptr );

					ScrollList_Draw( (menulist_s*)itemptr );
				case MTYPE_PTEXT:
					PText_Draw( (menutext_s*)itemptr );

				case MTYPE_BTEXT:
					BText_Draw( (menutext_s*)itemptr );

					trap_Error( va("Menu_Draw: unknown type %d", itemptr->type) );

		if( uis.debug ) {
			int	x;
			int	y;
			int	w;
			int	h;

			if( !( itemptr->flags & QMF_INACTIVE ) ) {
				x = itemptr->left;
				y = itemptr->top;
				w = itemptr->right - itemptr->left + 1;
				h =	itemptr->bottom - itemptr->top + 1;

				if (itemptr->flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS) {
					CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, h, 1, colorYellow );
				else {
					CG_DrawRect(x, y, w, h, 1, colorWhite );

	itemptr = Menu_ItemAtCursor( menu );
	if ( itemptr && itemptr->statusbar)
		itemptr->statusbar( ( void * ) itemptr );
コード例 #24
ファイル: cg_fireteamoverlay.c プロジェクト: lcfx/etet
void CG_DrawFakeFireTeamOverlay( rectDef_t* rect ) {
	int x = rect->x;
	int y = rect->y + 1;	// +1, jitter it into place in 1024 :)
	float h;
	char buffer[64];
	int i;
	vec4_t clr1 =	{ .16f,		.2f,	.17f,	.8f };
	vec4_t clr2 =	{ 0.f,		0.f,		0.f,		.2f };
	vec4_t tclr =	{ 0.6f,		0.6f,		0.6f,		1.0f };
	vec4_t bgColor		= { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.6f };		// window
	vec4_t borderColor	= { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };	// window

	bgColor[3] = cg_fireteamAlpha.value;

	h = 12 + 2 + 2;
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++) {

	CG_DrawRect( x, y, FT_WIDTH, h, 1, borderColor);
	CG_FillRect( x + 1, y + 1, FT_WIDTH - 2, h - 2, bgColor);

	x += 2;
	y += 2;

	CG_FillRect( x, y, FT_WIDTH - 4, 12, clr1 );

	Com_sprintf( buffer, 64, "Fireteam: %s", "Sample" );
	//sprintf( buffer, "Fireteam: %s", "Sample" );
	Q_strupr( buffer );
	CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x + 3, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .19f, .19f, tclr, buffer, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.font1 );

	x += 2;

	for(i = 0; i < MAX_FIRETEAM_MEMBERS; i++) {
		x = rect->x + 2;

		CG_FillRect( x, y + FT_BAR_YSPACING, FT_WIDTH - 4, FT_BAR_HEIGHT, clr2 );

		x += 4;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, "S", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );	
		x += 10;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, "S", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );	
		x += 22;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT, .2f, .2f, tclr, "Sample", 0, 17, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );
		x += 90;

		CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT,  .2f, .2f, tclr, "100", 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );

			char *s;

			s = va( "^3(%s)", "X,Y");

			x = rect->x + ( FT_WIDTH - 4 - CG_Text_Width_Ext( s, .2f, 0, &cgs.media.font3 ) );

			CG_Text_Paint_Ext( x, y + FT_BAR_HEIGHT,  .2f, .2f, tclr, va( "^3(%s)", "X,Y" ), 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED, &cgs.media.font3 );