BOOL CConvertWizardSheet::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { PGPBoolean weProcessed = FALSE; PGPUInt8 vCode; PGPUInt32 activeIndex, randomIndex; switch (pMsg->message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: vCode = pMsg->wParam & 0x7F; activeIndex = GetActiveIndex(); randomIndex = GetPageIndex(&mRandomDataPage); if ((activeIndex == randomIndex) && !mRandomDataPage.mIsDoneCollecting) { // Punt key messages down for random data collection. mRandomDataPage.PostMessage(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam); weProcessed = TRUE; } break; } return (weProcessed ? TRUE : CPropertySheet::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg)); }
// Get preferences set from N samples std::vector<bm::bvector<> *> *RandomSampler::GetNSampleAndPreferenceSet(float nInlierThreshold, unsigned int nSampleN, std::vector<bm::bvector<> *> *nPrevPointsPrefSet, unsigned int nModelSpanN, std::vector<std::vector<float> *> *nPrevModels, void (*OnProgress)(float)){ // TODO: Add multithreading support to this function. // Allocate empty bit vector if(nPrevPointsPrefSet == NULL){ nPrevPointsPrefSet = new std::vector<bm::bvector<> *>(mMaxAllocablePoints); for(unsigned int i=0; i < mMaxAllocablePoints; i++) (*nPrevPointsPrefSet)[i] = new bm::bvector<>; } assert(nPrevPointsPrefSet->size() == mMaxAllocablePoints); if(this->mActivePoints < this->mMSS){ return nPrevPointsPrefSet; } // Get all the sample for(unsigned int n=0; n<nSampleN; n++){ unsigned int currentModelIndex = nModelSpanN + n; std::vector<unsigned int> nSample(mMSS); if(OnProgress != NULL) OnProgress((float)n / (float)nSampleN); #ifdef _DEBUG // If we are in debug mode, generate hypotesis in a non random way static unsigned int nCounter = 0; nCounter = nCounter % this->mActivePoints; nSample[0] = (unsigned int)GetActiveIndex(nCounter); nCounter++; #else nSample[0] = (unsigned int)RandomSampleOnCumSumHist (mNeighCustomVecFCumSum); #endif GetNonFirstSamples(&nSample); std::vector<float> *nModelParams = mGetFunction(mDataPoints, nSample); for(unsigned int i=0; i < mMaxAllocablePoints; i++) { if(mDataPoints[i]->mActive && (*mDistanceFunction)(*nModelParams, *mDataPoints[i]->mCoord) <nInlierThreshold ){ // Fill bit vector assert(!(*(*nPrevPointsPrefSet)[i])[currentModelIndex]); (*(*nPrevPointsPrefSet)[i])[currentModelIndex] = true; } } if(nPrevModels == NULL) delete (nModelParams); else (*nPrevModels)[currentModelIndex] = nModelParams; } for(unsigned int i=0; i<mMaxAllocablePoints; i++) if(mDataPoints[i]->mActive) (*nPrevPointsPrefSet)[i]->optimize(); return nPrevPointsPrefSet; }
LRESULT CPropSheet::WizardBack()//前一页面 { int nPrint = _wtoi(g_sorFileArray.reportConfig.Print); //是否为报表 int nActivePage = GetActiveIndex(); switch (nActivePage) { case REPORT_PAGE::PROP_SETTING: break; case REPORT_PAGE::PROP_FILE_SELECT: { SetActivePage(PROP_SETTING); break; } case PROP_CONFIG: { //SetActivePage(PROP_FILE_SELECT); MAIN->ShowMainSetting(TRUE); break; } case REPORT_PAGE::PROP_OUTPUT: { //MAIN->ShowMainSetting(TRUE); SetActivePage(PROP_CONFIG); break; } } return 0; }
BOOL MeaPreferences::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UINT const id = LOWORD( wParam ); if (IDOK == id || IDCANCEL ==id) { // HACK: CPropertySheet::GetActiveIndex() behaves differently depending // on whether the window exists [e.g. whether inside DoModal()]. // If window exists, it actually asks the tab control for the active // page. Otherwise it merely returns m_psh.nStartPage -- meaning that // after DoModal() returns, the value is simply what we startedwith. // This makes it impossible to bring up the sheet next time with // whatever page the user last had active -- a desirable behavior. // // To make GetActivePage() return what page the user actually had // active, stuff the value in m_psh.nStartPage here. Note that this // makes any static CGenPropertySheet instances retain the active page // automatically. Non-static instances will need to save the // GetActiveIndex() value in a static variable and call SetActivePage() // on the next creation/invocation. // m_psh.nStartPage = GetActiveIndex(); } return CPropertySheet::OnCommand(wParam, lParam); }
void CTreePropSheet::ActivatePreviousPage() { if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return; if (!IsWindow(m_pwndPageTree->GetSafeHwnd())) { // normal tab property sheet. Simply use page index int nPageIndex = GetActiveIndex(); if (nPageIndex<0 || nPageIndex>=GetPageCount()) return; int nPrevIndex = (nPageIndex==0)? GetPageCount()-1 : nPageIndex-1; SetActivePage(nPrevIndex); } else { // property sheet with page tree. // we need a more sophisticated handling here, than simply using // the page index, because we won't skip empty pages. // so we have to walk the page tree HTREEITEM hItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetSelectedItem(); ASSERT(hItem); if (!hItem) return; HTREEITEM hPrevItem = NULL; if (hPrevItem=m_pwndPageTree->GetPrevSiblingItem(hItem)) { while (m_pwndPageTree->ItemHasChildren(hPrevItem)) { hPrevItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetChildItem(hPrevItem); while (m_pwndPageTree->GetNextSiblingItem(hPrevItem)) hPrevItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetNextSiblingItem(hPrevItem); } } else hPrevItem=m_pwndPageTree->GetParentItem(hItem); if (!hPrevItem) { // no prev item, so cycle to the last item hPrevItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetRootItem(); while (TRUE) { while (m_pwndPageTree->GetNextSiblingItem(hPrevItem)) hPrevItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetNextSiblingItem(hPrevItem); if (m_pwndPageTree->ItemHasChildren(hPrevItem)) hPrevItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetChildItem(hPrevItem); else break; } } if (hPrevItem) m_pwndPageTree->SelectItem(hPrevItem); } }
void CClientWizSheet::OnHelp() { DWORD helpID=0; // TODO: might want to use the file for topic IDs in the help // file, and then call SetHelpID for each property page. Then see what // happens when OnHelp() isnt handled here.. // Currently, the app's WinHelp function always sets HELP_FINDER mode // So long as items with no help do not have help IDs, it will be // possible to have the app help function still run HELP_FINDER when // the help ID is not provided. switch(GetActiveIndex()) { case 0: helpID= INTRO_CLIENT_WORKSPACE; break; case 1: helpID= INTRO_CLIENT_WORKSPACE; break; default: ASSERT(0); } if(helpID) AfxGetApp()->WinHelp(helpID); else CPropertySheet::OnHelp(); }
void CPreferencesDlg::OnHelp() { int iCurSel = GetActiveIndex(); //Xman no crash on F1 (remark: 12 pages are official) /* if (iCurSel >= 0) */ if (iCurSel >= 0 && iCurSel<=12) //Xman end { CPropertyPage* pPage = GetPage(iCurSel); if (pPage) { HELPINFO hi = {0}; hi.cbSize = sizeof hi; hi.iContextType = HELPINFO_WINDOW; hi.iCtrlId = 0; hi.hItemHandle = pPage->m_hWnd; hi.dwContextId = 0; pPage->SendMessage(WM_HELP, 0, (LPARAM)&hi); return; } } theApp.ShowHelp(0, HELP_CONTENTS); }
inline bool OrderedTask::RunDijsktraMin(const GeoPoint &location) { const unsigned task_size = TaskSize(); if (task_size < 2) return false; if (dijkstra_min == nullptr) dijkstra_min = new TaskDijkstraMin(); TaskDijkstraMin &dijkstra = *dijkstra_min; const unsigned active_index = GetActiveIndex(); dijkstra.SetTaskSize(task_size - active_index); for (unsigned i = active_index; i != task_size; ++i) { const SearchPointVector &boundary = task_points[i]->GetSearchPoints(); dijkstra.SetBoundary(i - active_index, boundary); } SearchPoint ac(location, task_projection); if (!dijkstra.DistanceMin(ac)) return false; for (unsigned i = active_index; i != task_size; ++i) SetPointSearchMin(i, dijkstra.GetSolution(i - active_index)); return true; }
void CPreferencesDlg::OnHelp() { // who is the active page? int nSel = GetActiveIndex(); CString sHelpPage = "prefs"; switch (nSel) { case PREFPAGE_GEN: sHelpPage += "#General"; break; case PREFPAGE_MULTIUSER: sHelpPage += "#MultiUserControl"; break; case PREFPAGE_FILE: sHelpPage += "#FileActions"; break; case PREFPAGE_FILE2: sHelpPage += "#FileActionsmore"; break; case PREFPAGE_UI: sHelpPage += "#UserInterfacegtGeneral"; break; case PREFPAGE_UITASK: sHelpPage += "#UserInterfacegtTasklistgtAttributes"; break; case PREFPAGE_UIFONTCOLOR: sHelpPage += "#UserInterfacegtTasklistgtFontsandColours"; break; case PREFPAGE_TASK: sHelpPage += "#TasksgtAttributeCalculations"; break; case PREFPAGE_TASKDEF: sHelpPage += "#TasksgtDefaultTaskAttributes"; break; case PREFPAGE_TOOL: sHelpPage += "#Tools"; break; case PREFPAGE_SHORTCUT: sHelpPage += "#KeyboardShortcuts"; break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } AfxGetApp()->WinHelp((DWORD)(LPCTSTR)sHelpPage); }
BOOL CMyPropertySheet::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类 /* if(pMsg!=NULL && pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { CWnd *pWnd = (CWnd*)CPropertySheet::GetTabControl(); if(pWnd !=NULL &&pWnd->GetSafeHwnd() == pMsg->hwnd) { ::SendMessage(pMsg->hwnd, pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam); if(GetActiveIndex() == 0) { }else { } return TRUE; } } */ if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP && pMsg->wParam == VK_PRIOR) { if(GetPageCount()>1) { if(GetActiveIndex()==0) SetActivePage(GetPageCount()-1); else SetActivePage(GetActiveIndex()-1); } } if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP && pMsg->wParam == VK_NEXT) { if(GetPageCount()>1) { if(GetActiveIndex()==(GetPageCount()-1)) SetActivePage(0); else SetActivePage(GetActiveIndex()+1); } } return CPropertySheet::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
void OptionsDlg::OnDestroy() { active_page_index_ = GetActiveIndex(); position_.StoreState(*this); CPropertySheet::OnDestroy(); }
void CPreferencesDlg::OnDestroy() { CTreePropSheet::OnDestroy(); if (m_bSaveIniFile) { thePrefs.Save(); m_bSaveIniFile = false; } m_pPshStartPage = GetPage(GetActiveIndex())->m_psp.pszTemplate; }
void CMainWizard::OnInitMenuPopup(CMenu* pPopupMenu, UINT uIndex, BOOL fSysMenu) { __super::OnInitMenuPopup(pPopupMenu, uIndex, fSysMenu); if (fSysMenu) { ASSERT_VALID(pPopupMenu); UINT fuEnable = MF_BYCOMMAND | (GetActiveIndex() > 0 ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED); pPopupMenu->EnableMenuItem(IDM_SC_IMPORT_SETTINGS, fuEnable); } }
void MeaPreferences::OnApply() { if (GetActivePage()->OnKillActive()) { GetActivePage()->UpdateData(TRUE); GetParent()->SendMessage(MeaPrefsApplyMsg, 0, GetActiveIndex()); m_calibrationPrefs.SetModified(FALSE); m_rulerPrefs.SetModified(FALSE); m_toolsPrefs.SetModified(FALSE); m_precisionPrefs.SetModified(FALSE); m_customPrefs.SetModified(FALSE); m_advancedPrefs.SetModified(FALSE); } }
void CTreePropSheet::ActivateNextPage() { if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return; if (!IsWindow(m_pwndPageTree->GetSafeHwnd())) { // normal tab property sheet. Simply use page index int nPageIndex = GetActiveIndex(); if (nPageIndex<0 || nPageIndex>=GetPageCount()) return; int nNextIndex = (nPageIndex==GetPageCount()-1)? 0 : nPageIndex+1; SetActivePage(nNextIndex); } else { // property sheet with page tree. // we need a more sophisticated handling here, than simply using // the page index, because we won't skip empty pages. // so we have to walk the page tree HTREEITEM hItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetSelectedItem(); ASSERT(hItem); if (!hItem) return; HTREEITEM hNextItem = NULL; if (hNextItem=m_pwndPageTree->GetChildItem(hItem)) ; else if (hNextItem=m_pwndPageTree->GetNextSiblingItem(hItem)) ; else if (m_pwndPageTree->GetParentItem(hItem)) { while (!hNextItem) { hItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetParentItem(hItem); if (!hItem) break; hNextItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetNextSiblingItem(hItem); } } if (!hNextItem) // no next item -- so cycle to the first item hNextItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetRootItem(); if (hNextItem) m_pwndPageTree->SelectItem(hNextItem); } }
int CSheetExchMain::Apply() { int iEnd = GetPageCount(); int iRet = 0; int iActive = GetActiveIndex(); CWizPageExchBase* pPage = (CWizPageExchBase*)GetPage(iActive); if( pPage == NULL ) return -1; pPage->SetData(); pPage->SaveOption(); return 0; }
void CMainDlg::OnChatMsg(network::CChatMsg *pMsg) { AssertBotE(pMsg); switch (GetActiveIndex()) { case 1: m_pChooseRace->AddChatMsg(pMsg->GetSenderName(), pMsg->GetMessage()); break; case 2: // m_pPlayGame->AddChatMsg(pMsg); break; } }
fixed OrderedTask::scan_distance_min(const GeoPoint &location, bool full) { if (full) { if (dijkstra_min == NULL) dijkstra_min = new TaskDijkstraMin(*this); SearchPoint ac(location, task_projection); if (dijkstra_min->DistanceMin(ac)) { for (unsigned i = GetActiveIndex(), end = TaskSize(); i != end; ++i) set_tp_search_min(i, dijkstra_min->GetSolution(i)); } m_location_min_last = location; } return taskpoint_start->scan_distance_min(); }
inline fixed OrderedTask::ScanDistanceMin(const GeoPoint &location, bool full) { if (full) { if (dijkstra_min == NULL) dijkstra_min = new TaskDijkstraMin(); SearchPoint ac(location, task_projection); if (dijkstra_min->DistanceMin(*this, ac)) { for (unsigned i = GetActiveIndex(), end = TaskSize(); i != end; ++i) SetPointSearchMin(i, dijkstra_min->GetSolution(i)); } last_min_location = location; } return taskpoint_start->ScanDistanceMin(); }
void CTreePropertySheet::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting TEXTMETRIC tm; RenderCaptionBar(); m_cCaptionDC.FitInto(m_rcCaptionBar.Width(), m_rcCaptionBar.Height()); m_cCaptionDC.BitBlt(0,0,m_rcCaptionBar.Width(),m_rcCaptionBar.Height(), &m_cCaptionBarDC,0,0,SRCCOPY); CSize extent; CFont *pOldFont; int nPage=GetActiveIndex(); cPropPage& curPage=m_acPropPages[nPage]; pOldFont =m_cCaptionDC.GetCurrentFont(); m_cCaptionDC.SelectObject(m_pCaptionFont); m_cCaptionDC.GetTextMetrics(&tm); m_cCaptionDC.SetTextColor(m_clrCaptionTextLeft); m_cCaptionDC.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); m_cCaptionDC.TextOut(5,m_nCaptionHeight-tm.tmAscent-tm.tmDescent-2, curPage.sCaption); m_cCaptionDC.SelectObject(m_pCaptionDescrFont); m_cCaptionDC.GetTextMetrics(&tm); m_cCaptionDC.SetTextColor(m_clrCaptionTextRight); m_cCaptionDC.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); extent =m_cCaptionDC.GetTextExtent(curPage.sCaptionDescr); m_cCaptionDC.TextOut(m_rcCaptionBar.Width(),m_nCaptionHeight-tm.tmAscent-tm.tmDescent-4, curPage.sCaptionDescr); dc.BitBlt( m_rcCaptionBar.left,, m_rcCaptionBar.Width(), m_rcCaptionBar.Height(), &m_cCaptionDC,0,0, SRCCOPY); }
void CTreePropSheetBase::ActivatePreviousPage() { if( !IsWindow(m_hWnd) || 0 == GetPageCount() ) return; if (!IsWindow(m_pwndPageTree->GetSafeHwnd())) { // normal tab property sheet. Simply use page index int nPageIndex = GetActiveIndex(); if (nPageIndex<0 || nPageIndex>=GetPageCount()) return; int nPrevIndex = (nPageIndex==0)? GetPageCount()-1 : nPageIndex-1; SetActivePage(nPrevIndex); } else { HTREEITEM hItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetSelectedItem(); ActivatePreviousPage( hItem ); } }
void CTreePropSheetBase::ActivateNextPage() { // Window must be defined and a least one property page. if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd) || 0 == GetPageCount() ) return; if (!IsWindow(m_pwndPageTree->GetSafeHwnd())) { // normal tab property sheet. Simply use page index int nPageIndex = GetActiveIndex(); if (nPageIndex<0 || nPageIndex>=GetPageCount()) return; int nNextIndex = (nPageIndex==GetPageCount()-1)? 0 : nPageIndex+1; SetActivePage(nNextIndex); } else { HTREEITEM hItem = m_pwndPageTree->GetSelectedItem(); ActivateNextPage( hItem ); } }
//------------------------------- Function ----------------------------------- BOOL CSheetConfigGSD::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class WORD wSwitch = (WORD)wParam; switch (wSwitch) { case ID_HELP: // F1 KEY case IDHELP: // HELP BUTTON if (m_pHelpConnection) { DWORD dwIndex = GetActiveIndex(); if (dwIndex == 2 && !m_bHasExtUserPrm) dwIndex = 4; // dwIndex: 0 -> Slave Infos // 1 -> Modules // 2 -> Extended Parameters // 3 -> Error Messages // 4 -> Config and Userdata m_pHelpConnection->CallHelpWithIndex(dwIndex); } break; default: break; } return CPropertySheet::OnCommand(wParam, lParam); }
fixed OrderedTask::ScanDistanceMax() { if (task_points.empty()) // nothing to do! return fixed_zero; assert(active_task_point < task_points.size()); // for max calculations, since one can still travel further in the // sector, we pretend we are on the previous turnpoint so the // search samples will contain the full boundary const unsigned atp = active_task_point; if (atp) { active_task_point--; taskpoint_start->ScanActive(*task_points[active_task_point]); } if (dijkstra_max == NULL) dijkstra_max = new TaskDijkstraMax(*this); if (dijkstra_max->DistanceMax()) { for (unsigned i = 0, active = GetActiveIndex(), end = TaskSize(); i != end; ++i) { const SearchPoint &solution = dijkstra_max->GetSolution(i); SetPointSearchMax(i, solution); if (i <= active) set_tp_search_achieved(i, solution); } } if (atp) { active_task_point = atp; taskpoint_start->ScanActive(*task_points[active_task_point]); } return taskpoint_start->ScanDistanceMax(); }
BOOL DlgPropSheet::OnChildNotify(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pLResult) { // Save last tab m_nLastTab = GetActiveIndex(); return CPropertySheet::OnChildNotify(message, wParam, lParam, pLResult); }
void CGameOptionsPropSheet::OnHelp() { int nPageIndex = GetActiveIndex(); int nHelpContextID = DIALOG_GAME_OPTIONS_INTERFACE_PAGE + nPageIndex; WinHelp(nHelpContextID); }
void CDispOptionsPropSheet::OnHelp() { int nPageIndex = GetActiveIndex(); int nHelpContextID = DIALOG_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_SUITS_PAGE + nPageIndex; WinHelp(nHelpContextID); }
void CFileDetailDialog::OnDestroy() { if (m_uPshInvokePage == 0) m_pPshStartPage = GetPage(GetActiveIndex())->m_psp.pszTemplate; CListViewWalkerPropertySheet::OnDestroy(); }
LRESULT CPropSheet::OnDestroy(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) { lastPage = GetActiveIndex(); return 0; }
inline bool OrderedTask::RunDijsktraMax() { const unsigned task_size = TaskSize(); if (task_size < 2) return false; if (dijkstra_max == nullptr) dijkstra_max = new TaskDijkstraMax(); TaskDijkstraMax &dijkstra = *dijkstra_max; const unsigned active_index = GetActiveIndex(); dijkstra.SetTaskSize(task_size); for (unsigned i = 0; i != task_size; ++i) { const SearchPointVector &boundary = i == active_index /* since one can still travel further in the current sector, use the full boundary here */ ? task_points[i]->GetBoundaryPoints() : task_points[i]->GetSearchPoints(); dijkstra_max->SetBoundary(i, boundary); } double start_radius(-1), finish_radius(-1); if (subtract_start_finish_cylinder_radius) { /* to subtract the start/finish cylinder radius, we use only the nominal points (i.e. the cylinder's center), and later replace it with a point on the cylinder boundary */ const auto &start = *task_points.front(); start_radius = GetCylinderRadiusOrMinusOne(start); if (start_radius > 0) dijkstra.SetBoundary(0, start.GetNominalPoints()); const auto &finish = *task_points.back(); finish_radius = GetCylinderRadiusOrMinusOne(finish); if (finish_radius > 0) dijkstra.SetBoundary(task_size - 1, finish.GetNominalPoints()); } if (!dijkstra_max->DistanceMax()) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i != task_size; ++i) { SearchPoint solution = dijkstra.GetSolution(i); if (i == 0 && start_radius > 0) { /* subtract start cylinder radius by finding the intersection with the cylinder boundary */ const GeoPoint ¤t = task_points.front()->GetLocation(); const GeoPoint &neighbour = dijkstra.GetSolution(i + 1).GetLocation(); GeoPoint gp = current.IntermediatePoint(neighbour, start_radius); solution = SearchPoint(gp, task_projection); } if (i == task_size - 1 && finish_radius > 0) { /* subtract finish cylinder radius by finding the intersection with the cylinder boundary */ const GeoPoint ¤t = task_points.back()->GetLocation(); const GeoPoint &neighbour = dijkstra.GetSolution(i - 1).GetLocation(); GeoPoint gp = current.IntermediatePoint(neighbour, finish_radius); solution = SearchPoint(gp, task_projection); } SetPointSearchMax(i, solution); if (i <= active_index) set_tp_search_achieved(i, solution); } return true; }