コード例 #1
bool PFOperatorSimpleSpeed::Proceed(IObject* pCont, 
									 PreciseTimeValue timeStart, 
									 PreciseTimeValue& timeEnd,
									 Object* pSystem,
									 INode* pNode,
									 INode* actionNode,
									 IPFIntegrator* integrator)
	// acquire all necessary channels, create additional if needed
	IParticleChannelNewR* chNew = GetParticleChannelNewRInterface(pCont);
	if(chNew == NULL) return false;
	IParticleChannelPTVR* chTime = GetParticleChannelTimeRInterface(pCont);
	if(chTime == NULL) return false;
	IParticleChannelAmountR* chAmount = GetParticleChannelAmountRInterface(pCont);
	if(chAmount == NULL) return false;
	// the position channel may not be present. For some option configurations it is okay
	IParticleChannelPoint3R* chPos = GetParticleChannelPositionRInterface(pCont);
	int iDir = _pblock()->GetInt(kSimpleSpeed_direction, timeStart);
	if ((chPos == NULL) && ((iDir == kSS_Icon_Center_Out) || (iDir == kSS_Icon_Arrow_Out)))
		return false;

	IChannelContainer* chCont;
	chCont = GetChannelContainerInterface(pCont);
	if (chCont == NULL) return false;

	// the channel of interest
	bool initSpeed = false;
	IParticleChannelPoint3W* chSpeed = (IParticleChannelPoint3W*)chCont->EnsureInterface(PARTICLECHANNELSPEEDW_INTERFACE,
																			actionNode, (Object*)NULL, &initSpeed);
	IParticleChannelPoint3R* chSpeedR = GetParticleChannelSpeedRInterface(pCont);
	if ((chSpeed == NULL) || (chSpeedR == NULL)) return false;

	// there are no new particles
	if (chNew->IsAllOld()) return true;

	float fUPFScale = 1.0f/TIME_TICKSPERSEC; // conversion units per seconds to units per tick
	Point3 pt3SpeedVec;
	RandGenerator* prg = randLinker().GetRandGenerator(pCont);
	int iQuant = chAmount->Count();
	bool wasIgnoringEmitterTMChange = IsIgnoringEmitterTMChange();
	if (!wasIgnoringEmitterTMChange) SetIgnoreEmitterTMChange();
	for(int i = 0; i < iQuant; i++) {
		if(chNew->IsNew(i)) { // apply only to new particles
			TimeValue tv = chTime->GetValue(i).TimeValue();
			Matrix3 nodeTM = pNode->GetObjectTM(tv);
			float fSpeedParam = fUPFScale * GetPFFloat(pblock(), kSimpleSpeed_speed, tv);
			// change speed in user selected direction
			switch(iDir) {
				case kSS_Along_Icon_Arrow: {
						// icon arrow appears to be in the negative z direction
						pt3SpeedVec = -Normalize(nodeTM.GetRow(2));
				case kSS_Icon_Center_Out: {
						Point3 pt3IconCenter = nodeTM.GetTrans();
						Point3 pt3PartPos = chPos->GetValue(i);
						pt3SpeedVec = Normalize(pt3PartPos - pt3IconCenter);
				case kSS_Icon_Arrow_Out: {
						Point3 pt3PartPos = chPos->GetValue(i);
						Point3 pt3ArrowVec = nodeTM.GetRow(2);
						Point3 pt3Tmp = CrossProd(pt3PartPos - nodeTM.GetTrans(), pt3ArrowVec);
						pt3SpeedVec = Normalize(CrossProd(pt3ArrowVec, pt3Tmp));
				case kSS_Rand_3D: {
						pt3SpeedVec = RandSphereSurface(prg);
				case kSS_Rand_Horiz: {
						float fAng = TWOPI * prg->Rand01();
						// establish x, y coordinates of random angle, z component zero
						float x = cos(fAng); float y = sin(fAng); float z = 0.0f;
						pt3SpeedVec = Point3(x, y, z);
				case kSS_Inherit_Prev: {
						if (initSpeed) 
							pt3SpeedVec = Point3::Origin;
							pt3SpeedVec = Normalize(chSpeedR->GetValue(i));
			// account for reverse check box
			int iRev = _pblock()->GetInt(kSimpleSpeed_reverse, 0);
			float fDirMult = iRev > 0 ? -1.f : 1.f;
			// calculate variation
			float fVar = fUPFScale * GetPFFloat(pblock(), kSimpleSpeed_variation, tv);
			if(fVar > 0.f)
				fSpeedParam = fSpeedParam + fVar * prg->Rand11();
			pt3SpeedVec = fDirMult * fSpeedParam * pt3SpeedVec;
			// calculate divergence
			float fDiv = GetPFFloat(pblock(), kSimpleSpeed_divergence, tv);
			pt3SpeedVec = DivergeVectorRandom(pt3SpeedVec, prg, fDiv);

			chSpeed->SetValue(i, pt3SpeedVec);
	if (!wasIgnoringEmitterTMChange) ClearIgnoreEmitterTMChange();

	return true;
コード例 #2
bool PFOperatorForceSpaceWarp::Proceed(IObject* pCont, 
									 PreciseTimeValue timeStart, 
									 PreciseTimeValue& timeEnd,
									 Object* pSystem,
									 INode* pNode,
									 INode* actionNode,
									 IPFIntegrator* integrator)
	// acquire all necessary channels, create additional if needed

	IChannelContainer* chCont;
	chCont = GetChannelContainerInterface(pCont);
	if (chCont == NULL) return false;

	IParticleChannelAmountR* chAmount = GetParticleChannelAmountRInterface(pCont);
	if(chAmount == NULL) return false;
	int iQuant = chAmount->Count();
	if (iQuant < 1) return true; // no particles to proceed

	IParticleChannelNewR* chNew = GetParticleChannelNewRInterface(pCont);
	if (chNew == NULL) return false; 

	IParticleChannelIDR* chID = GetParticleChannelIDRInterface(pCont);
	if (chID == NULL) return false;

	IParticleChannelPTVR* chTime = GetParticleChannelTimeRInterface(pCont);
	if(chTime == NULL) return false;

	IParticleChannelPTVR* chAge = GetParticleChannelBirthTimeRInterface(pCont);
	if(chAge == NULL) return false;

// the channel of interest speed
	bool initSpeed = false;
//channel does not exist so make it and note that we have to fill it out
	IParticleChannelPoint3W* chSpeedW = (IParticleChannelPoint3W*)chCont->EnsureInterface(PARTICLECHANNELSPEEDW_INTERFACE,
																			actionNode, NULL, &initSpeed);
	IParticleChannelPoint3R* chSpeed = GetParticleChannelSpeedRInterface(pCont);
	if ((chSpeedW == NULL) || (chSpeed == NULL)) return false;

	bool initPosition = false;
	IParticleChannelPoint3W* chPosW = (IParticleChannelPoint3W*)chCont->EnsureInterface(PARTICLECHANNELPOSITIONW_INTERFACE,
																			actionNode, NULL, &initPosition);
	IParticleChannelPoint3R* chPos = GetParticleChannelPositionRInterface(pCont);
	if ((chPosW == NULL) || (chPos == NULL)) return false;

	bool useScript = ((scriptPBlock()->GetInt(kForceSpaceWarp_useScriptWiring, 0) != 0)
						&& (scriptPBlock()->GetInt(kForceSpaceWarp_useFloat, 0) == kForceSpaceWarp_useFloat_influence));
	IParticleChannelFloatR* chFloat = NULL;
	if (useScript) {
		chFloat = GetParticleChannelMXSFloatRInterface(pCont);
		if (chFloat == NULL) return false;

	int timeType = kAbsoluteTime;
	_pblock()->GetValue(kForceSpaceWarp_Sync,0, timeType, FOREVER);

	IParticleChannelPTVR* chEventStart = NULL;
	IParticleChannelPTVW* chEventStartW = NULL;
	bool initEventStart = false;
	if (timeType == kEventDuration)
		chEventStartW = (IParticleChannelPTVW*) chCont->EnsureInterface(PARTICLECHANNELEVENTSTARTW_INTERFACE,
								  actionNode, NULL, &initEventStart);

		chEventStart = GetParticleChannelEventStartRInterface(pCont);
		if ((chEventStart == NULL) || (chEventStartW == NULL)) return false;

	int overlapping = pblock()->GetInt(kForceSpaceWarp_Overlapping, 0);
	// collecting force fields
	Tab<ForceField*> ff;
	ForceField* curFF;
	int i, j;
	for(i=0; i<pblock()->Count(kForceSpaceWarp_ForceNodeList); i++) {
		INode* node = pblock()->GetINode(kForceSpaceWarp_ForceNodeList, 0, i);
		if (node == NULL) continue;
		Object* ob = GetPFObject(node->GetObjectRef());
		if (ob == NULL) continue;
		if (ob->SuperClassID() == WSM_OBJECT_CLASS_ID) {
			WSMObject* obref = (WSMObject*)ob;
			curFF = obref->GetForceField(node);
			if (curFF != NULL) {
				if (ob->ClassID() == CS_VFIELDOBJECT_CLASS_ID) {
					// CS VectorField SW doesn't init properly partobj on GetForceField
					// this is a quick fix for that (bayboro 3/6/2003)
					CS_VectorField* vf = (CS_VectorField*)curFF;
					vf->partobj = GetParticleInterface(pSystem);
				ff.Append(1, &curFF);
	if (ff.Count() == 0) return true; // no force fields

	// some calls for a reference node TM may initiate REFMSG_CHANGE notification
	// we have to ignore that while processing the particles
	bool wasIgnoring = IsIgnoringRefNodeChange();
	if (!wasIgnoring) SetIgnoreRefNodeChange();

	float influence = 0.0f;
	for(i = 0; i < iQuant; i++) 
		TimeValue t = 0;
		if (timeType == kAbsoluteTime)
			t = chTime->GetValue(i).TimeValue();
		else if (timeType == kParticleAge)
			t = chTime->GetValue(i).TimeValue() - chAge->GetValue(i).TimeValue();
			if (initEventStart && chNew->IsNew(i))
				chEventStartW->SetValue(i, chTime->GetValue(i));
			t = chTime->GetValue(i).TimeValue() - chEventStart->GetValue(i).TimeValue();

		if (useScript) {
			influence = chFloat->GetValue(i);
		} else {
			influence = GetPFFloat(pblock(), kForceSpaceWarp_Influence, t);

		Point3 v(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
		if (!initSpeed || !chNew->IsNew(i)) //if we created a speed channel the channel incoming is bogus so just use 0,0,0 ad default
			v = chSpeed->GetValue(i);

		Point3 p(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
		if (!initPosition || !chNew->IsNew(i)) //if we created a pos channel the channel incoming is bogus so just use 0,0,0 ad default
			p = chPos->GetValue(i);

		Point3 force = Point3::Origin;
		for(j=0; j<ff.Count(); j++) {
			// buffer vectors to guard true position and speed from malicious force
			Point3 pp = p;
			Point3 vv = v;
			Point3 nextForce = ff[j]->Force(t,pp,vv,chID->GetParticleBorn(i)) * influence;
			float lenSq = LengthSquared(nextForce);
			if (lenSq <= 0.0f) continue; // not a valid force
			if (overlapping == kForceSpaceWarp_Overlapping_additive) {
				force += nextForce;
			} else {
				if (lenSq > LengthSquared(force))
					force = nextForce;
//			p = pp;
//			v = vv;

		v += force * float(timeEnd - chTime->GetValue(i));
		chPosW->SetValue(i, p);
		chSpeedW->SetValue(i, v);

	for(i=0; i<ff.Count(); i++)
		if (ff[i] != NULL) ff[i]->DeleteThis();

	if (!wasIgnoring) ClearIgnoreRefNodeChange();
	return true;