int console_init(console_rx_cb rx_cb) { struct console_tty *ct = &console_tty; struct uart_conf uc = { .uc_speed = MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_BAUD), .uc_databits = 8, .uc_stopbits = 1, .uc_parity = UART_PARITY_NONE, .uc_flow_ctl = MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_FLOW_CONTROL), .uc_tx_char = console_tx_char, .uc_rx_char = console_rx_char, .uc_cb_arg = ct }; ct->ct_rx_cb = rx_cb; if (!ct->ct_dev) { ct->ct_tx.cr_size = MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_TX_BUF_SIZE); ct->ct_tx.cr_buf = ct->ct_tx_buf; ct->ct_rx.cr_size = MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_RX_BUF_SIZE); ct->ct_rx.cr_buf = ct->ct_rx_buf; ct->ct_write_char = console_queue_char; ct->ct_dev = (struct uart_dev *)os_dev_open(CONSOLE_UART, OS_TIMEOUT_NEVER, &uc); if (!ct->ct_dev) { return -1; } ct->ct_echo_off = ! MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_ECHO); } /* must be a power of 2 */ assert(is_power_of_two(MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_RX_BUF_SIZE))); #if MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_HIST_ENABLE) console_hist_init(); #endif return 0; } void console_pkg_init(void) { int rc; /* Ensure this function only gets called by sysinit. */ SYSINIT_ASSERT_ACTIVE(); rc = console_init(NULL); SYSINIT_PANIC_ASSERT(rc == 0); }
static void task1_handler(void *arg) { struct os_task *t; /* Set the led pin for the E407 devboard */ g_led_pin = LED_BLINK_PIN; hal_gpio_init_out(g_led_pin, 1); console_printf("\nSensors Test App\n"); while (1) { t = os_sched_get_current_task(); assert(t->t_func == task1_handler); ++g_task1_loops; /* Wait one second */ os_time_delay(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC * MYNEWT_VAL(SENSOR_OIC_OBS_RATE)); /* Toggle the LED */ (void)hal_gpio_toggle(g_led_pin); /* Release semaphore to task 2 */ os_sem_release(&g_test_sem); } }
void SX1276IoInit(void) { struct hal_spi_settings spi_settings; int rc; #if MYNEWT_VAL(SX1276_HAS_ANT_SW) rc = hal_gpio_init_out(SX1276_RXTX, 0); assert(rc == 0); #endif rc = hal_gpio_init_out(RADIO_NSS, 1); assert(rc == 0); hal_spi_disable(RADIO_SPI_IDX); spi_settings.data_order = HAL_SPI_MSB_FIRST; spi_settings.data_mode = HAL_SPI_MODE0; spi_settings.baudrate = MYNEWT_VAL(SX1276_SPI_BAUDRATE); spi_settings.word_size = HAL_SPI_WORD_SIZE_8BIT; rc = hal_spi_config(RADIO_SPI_IDX, &spi_settings); assert(rc == 0); rc = hal_spi_enable(RADIO_SPI_IDX); assert(rc == 0); }
static void console_hist_add(struct console_ring *rx) { struct console_hist *ch = &console_hist; uint8_t *str = ch->ch_buf[ch->ch_head]; uint8_t tail; uint8_t empty = 1; tail = rx->cr_tail; while (tail != rx->cr_head) { *str = rx->cr_buf[tail]; if (*str != ' ' && *str != '\t' && *str != '\n') { empty = 0; } if (*str == '\n') { *str = '\0'; /* don't save empty history */ if (empty) { return; } break; } str++; tail = (tail + 1) % MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_RX_BUF_SIZE); } ch->ch_head = (ch->ch_head + 1) & (ch->ch_size - 1); ch->ch_curr = ch->ch_head; /* buffer full, start overwriting old history */ if (ch->ch_head == ch->ch_tail) { ch->ch_tail = (ch->ch_tail + 1) & (ch->ch_size - 1); } }
/** * Called when the LE HCI command read advertising channel tx power command * has been received. Returns the current advertising transmit power. * * Context: Link Layer task (HCI command parser) * * @return int */ int ble_ll_adv_read_txpwr(uint8_t *rspbuf, uint8_t *rsplen) { rspbuf[0] = MYNEWT_VAL(BLE_LL_TX_PWR_DBM); *rsplen = 1; return BLE_ERR_SUCCESS; }
void nmgr_uart_pkg_init(void) { struct nmgr_uart_state *nus = &nmgr_uart_state; int rc; struct uart_conf uc = { .uc_speed = MYNEWT_VAL(NMGR_UART_SPEED), .uc_databits = 8, .uc_stopbits = 1, .uc_parity = UART_PARITY_NONE, .uc_flow_ctl = UART_FLOW_CTL_NONE, .uc_tx_char = nmgr_uart_tx_char, .uc_rx_char = nmgr_uart_rx_char, .uc_cb_arg = nus }; rc = nmgr_transport_init(&nus->nus_transport, nmgr_uart_out, nmgr_uart_mtu); assert(rc == 0); nus->nus_dev = (struct uart_dev *)os_dev_open(MYNEWT_VAL(NMGR_UART), 0, &uc); assert(nus->nus_dev); nus->nus_cb_ev.ev_cb = nmgr_uart_rx_frame; }
void mynewt_tinycrypt_pkg_init(void) { g_trng = (struct trng_dev *)os_dev_open(MYNEWT_VAL(TINYCRYPT_UECC_RNG_TRNG_DEV_NAME), OS_WAIT_FOREVER, NULL); assert(g_trng); uECC_set_rng(uecc_rng_trng); }
void hal_bsp_init(void) { int rc; #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_0) rc = hal_timer_init(0, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_1) rc = hal_timer_init(1, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_2) rc = hal_timer_init(2, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_3) rc = hal_timer_init(3, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_4) rc = hal_timer_init(4, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif /* Set cputime to count at 1 usec increments */ rc = os_cputime_init(MYNEWT_VAL(CLOCK_FREQ)); assert(rc == 0); #if MYNEWT_VAL(I2C_0) rc = hal_i2c_init(0, (void *)&hal_i2c_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER) rc = hal_spi_init(0, (void *)&os_bsp_spi0m_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_MASTER); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_SLAVE) rc = hal_spi_init(0, (void *)&os_bsp_spi0s_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_SLAVE); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_uart0, "uart0", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_hal_init, (void *)&os_bsp_uart0_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_bitbang_uart1, "uart1", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_bitbang_init, (void *)&os_bsp_uart1_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif }
void hal_bsp_init(void) { int rc; (void)rc; /* Make sure system clocks have started */ hal_system_clock_start(); #if MYNEWT_VAL(ADC_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_adc0, "adc0", OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, nrf51_adc_dev_init, &os_bsp_adc0_config); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_uart0, "uart0", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_hal_init, (void *)&os_bsp_uart0_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_0) rc = hal_timer_init(0, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_1) rc = hal_timer_init(1, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_2) rc = hal_timer_init(2, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_3) rc = hal_timer_init(3, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if (MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_TIMER_NUM) >= 0) rc = os_cputime_init(MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_FREQ)); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER) rc = hal_spi_init(0, (void *)&os_bsp_spi0m_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_MASTER); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_1_SLAVE) rc = hal_spi_init(1, (void *)&os_bsp_spi1s_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_SLAVE); assert(rc == 0); #endif }
void console_blocking_mode(void) { struct console_tty *ct = &console_tty; int sr; OS_ENTER_CRITICAL(sr); if (ct->ct_write_char) { ct->ct_write_char = console_blocking_tx; console_tx_flush(ct, MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_TX_BUF_SIZE)); } OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(sr); }
/** * Initialises the local interrupt pin * * @param Pointer to device structure * @param interrupt handler to setup * @param Pointer to data to pass to irq * * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ static int init_intpin(struct adxl345 * adxl345, hal_gpio_irq_handler_t handler, void * arg) { struct adxl345_private_driver_data *pdd = &adxl345->pdd; hal_gpio_irq_trig_t trig; int pin = -1; int rc; int i; for (i = 0; i < MYNEWT_VAL(SENSOR_MAX_INTERRUPTS_PINS); i++){ pin = adxl345->sensor.s_itf.si_ints[i].host_pin; if (pin >= 0) { break; } } if (pin < 0) { ADXL345_LOG(ERROR, "Interrupt pin not configured\n"); return SYS_EINVAL; } pdd->int_num = i; if (adxl345->sensor.s_itf.si_ints[pdd->int_num].active) { trig = HAL_GPIO_TRIG_RISING; } else { trig = HAL_GPIO_TRIG_FALLING; } if (adxl345->sensor.s_itf.si_ints[pdd->int_num].device_pin == 1) { pdd->int_route = 0x00; } else if (adxl345->sensor.s_itf.si_ints[pdd->int_num].device_pin == 2) { pdd->int_route = 0xFF; } else { ADXL345_LOG(ERROR, "Route not configured\n"); return SYS_EINVAL; } rc = hal_gpio_irq_init(pin, handler, arg, trig, HAL_GPIO_PULL_NONE); if (rc != 0) { ADXL345_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to initialise interrupt pin %d\n", pin); return rc; } return 0; }
/** * Link Layer task. * * This is the task that runs the Link Layer. * * @param arg */ void ble_ll_task(void *arg) { /* Init ble phy */ ble_phy_init(); /* Set output power to 1mW (0 dBm) */ ble_phy_txpwr_set(MYNEWT_VAL(BLE_LL_TX_PWR_DBM)); /* Tell the host that we are ready to receive packets */ ble_ll_hci_send_noop(); ble_ll_rand_start(); while (1) { os_eventq_run(&g_ble_ll_data.ll_evq); } }
int ble_hs_pvcy_ensure_started(void) { int rc; if (ble_hs_pvcy_started) { return 0; } /* Set up the periodic change of our RPA. */ rc = ble_hs_pvcy_set_addr_timeout(MYNEWT_VAL(BLE_RPA_TIMEOUT)); if (rc != 0) { return rc; } ble_hs_pvcy_started = 1; return 0; }
/** * Read byte data from ADXL345 sensor over different interfaces * * @param The sensor interface * @param The register address to read from * @param Pointer to where the register value should be written * * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ int adxl345_read8(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *value) { int rc; rc = sensor_itf_lock(itf, MYNEWT_VAL(ADXL345_ITF_LOCK_TMO)); if (rc) { return rc; } if (itf->si_type == SENSOR_ITF_I2C) { rc = adxl345_i2c_read8(itf, reg, value); } else { rc = adxl345_spi_read8(itf, reg, value); } sensor_itf_unlock(itf); return rc; }
/** * Read local version * * @param rspbuf * @param rsplen * * @return int */ static int ble_ll_hci_rd_local_version(uint8_t *rspbuf, uint8_t *rsplen) { uint16_t hci_rev; uint16_t lmp_subver; uint16_t mfrg; hci_rev = 0; lmp_subver = 0; mfrg = MYNEWT_VAL(BLE_LL_MFRG_ID); /* Place the data packet length and number of packets in the buffer */ rspbuf[0] = BLE_HCI_VER_BCS_4_2; put_le16(rspbuf + 1, hci_rev); rspbuf[3] = BLE_LMP_VER_BCS_4_2; put_le16(rspbuf + 4, mfrg); put_le16(rspbuf + 6, lmp_subver); *rsplen = BLE_HCI_RD_LOC_VER_INFO_RSPLEN; return BLE_ERR_SUCCESS; }
static int init_intpin(struct lis2dw12 * lis2dw12, hal_gpio_irq_handler_t handler, void * arg) { struct lis2dw12_private_driver_data *pdd = &lis2dw12->pdd; hal_gpio_irq_trig_t trig; int pin = -1; int rc; int i; for (i = 0; i < MYNEWT_VAL(SENSOR_MAX_INTERRUPTS_PINS); i++){ pin = lis2dw12->sensor.s_itf.si_ints[i].host_pin; if (pin >= 0) { break; } } if (pin < 0) { LIS2DW12_ERR("Interrupt pin not configured\n"); return SYS_EINVAL; } pdd->int_num = i; if (lis2dw12->sensor.s_itf.si_ints[pdd->int_num].active) { trig = HAL_GPIO_TRIG_RISING; } else { trig = HAL_GPIO_TRIG_FALLING; } rc = hal_gpio_irq_init(pin, handler, arg, trig, HAL_GPIO_PULL_NONE); if (rc != 0) { LIS2DW12_ERR("Failed to initialise interrupt pin %d\n", pin); return rc; } return 0; }
static int console_hist_move(struct console_ring *rx, uint8_t *tx_buf, uint8_t direction) { struct console_hist *ch = &console_hist; uint8_t *str = NULL; int space = 0; int i; uint8_t limit = direction == CONSOLE_UP ? ch->ch_tail : ch->ch_head; /* no more history to return in this direction */ if (ch->ch_curr == limit) { return 0; } if (direction == CONSOLE_UP) { ch->ch_curr = (ch->ch_curr - 1) & (ch->ch_size - 1); } else { ch->ch_curr = (ch->ch_curr + 1) & (ch->ch_size - 1); } /* consume all chars */ while (console_pull_char_head(rx) == 0) { /* do nothing */ } str = ch->ch_buf[ch->ch_curr]; for (i = 0; i < MYNEWT_VAL(CONSOLE_RX_BUF_SIZE); ++i) { if (str[i] == '\0') { break; } tx_buf[i] = str[i]; console_add_char(rx, str[i]); space++; } return space; }
int imgr_core_list(struct mgmt_cbuf *cb) { const struct flash_area *fa; struct coredump_header hdr; int rc; rc = flash_area_open(MYNEWT_VAL(COREDUMP_FLASH_AREA), &fa); if (rc) { rc = MGMT_ERR_EINVAL; } else { rc = flash_area_read(fa, 0, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (rc != 0) { rc = MGMT_ERR_EINVAL; } else if (hdr.ch_magic != COREDUMP_MAGIC) { rc = MGMT_ERR_ENOENT; } else { rc = 0; } } mgmt_cbuf_setoerr(cb, rc); return 0; }
void hal_bsp_init(void) { int rc; #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_0) rc = hal_timer_init(0, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_1) rc = hal_timer_init(1, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_2) rc = hal_timer_init(2, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_3) rc = hal_timer_init(3, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_4) rc = hal_timer_init(4, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif /* Set cputime to count at 1 usec increments */ rc = os_cputime_init(MYNEWT_VAL(CLOCK_FREQ)); assert(rc == 0); #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_uart0, "uart0", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_hal_init, (void *)&os_bsp_uart0_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif }
#include "lps33hw_priv.h" #if MYNEWT_VAL(LPS33HW_CLI) #include "shell/shell.h" #include "parse/parse.h" static int lps33hw_shell_cmd(int argc, char **argv); static struct shell_cmd lps33hw_shell_cmd_struct = { .sc_cmd = "lps33hw", .sc_cmd_func = lps33hw_shell_cmd }; static struct sensor_itf g_sensor_itf = { .si_type = MYNEWT_VAL(LPS33HW_SHELL_ITF_TYPE), .si_num = MYNEWT_VAL(LPS33HW_SHELL_ITF_NUM), .si_addr = MYNEWT_VAL(LPS33HW_SHELL_ITF_ADDR) }; static int lps33hw_shell_err_too_many_args(char *cmd_name) { console_printf("Error: too many arguments for command \"%s\"\n", cmd_name); return EINVAL; } static int lps33hw_shell_err_unknown_arg(char *cmd_name) {
#include "hal/hal_bsp.h" #include "mcu/nrf52_hal.h" #include "os/os_cputime.h" #include "sysflash/sysflash.h" #include "flash_map/flash_map.h" #include "hal/hal_flash.h" #include "hal/hal_spi.h" #include "hal/hal_watchdog.h" #include "uart/uart.h" #include "uart_hal/uart_hal.h" #include "os/os_dev.h" #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) static struct uart_dev os_bsp_uart0; static const struct nrf52_uart_cfg os_bsp_uart0_cfg = { .suc_pin_tx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_TX), .suc_pin_rx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RX), .suc_pin_rts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RTS), .suc_pin_cts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_CTS), }; #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER) /* * NOTE: Our HAL expects that the SS pin, if used, is treated as a gpio line * and is handled outside the SPI routines. */ static const struct nrf52_hal_spi_cfg os_bsp_spi0m_cfg = { .sck_pin = 23, .mosi_pin = 24, .miso_pin = 25,
#if MYNEWT_VAL(ADC_0) #include <adc_nrf51/adc_nrf51.h> #include <nrfx_adc.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) || MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1) #include "uart/uart.h" #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) #include "uart_hal/uart_hal.h" #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) static struct uart_dev os_bsp_uart0; static const struct nrf51_uart_cfg os_bsp_uart0_cfg = { .suc_pin_tx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_TX), .suc_pin_rx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RX), .suc_pin_rts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RTS), .suc_pin_cts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_CTS), }; #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER) /* * NOTE: Our HAL expects that the SS pin, if used, is treated as a gpio line * and is handled outside the SPI routines. */ static const struct nrf51_hal_spi_cfg os_bsp_spi0m_cfg = { .sck_pin = MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER_PIN_SCK), .mosi_pin = MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER_PIN_MOSI), .miso_pin = MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER_PIN_MISO),
int tsl2561_write8(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t reg, uint32_t value) { int rc; uint8_t payload[2] = { reg, value & 0xFF }; struct hal_i2c_master_data data_struct = { .address = itf->si_addr, .len = 2, .buffer = payload }; rc = sensor_itf_lock(itf, MYNEWT_VAL(TSL2561_ITF_LOCK_TMO)); if (rc) { return rc; } rc = hal_i2c_master_write(itf->si_num, &data_struct, OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / 10, 1); if (rc) { TSL2561_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write 0x%02X:0x%02X with value 0x%02lX\n", data_struct.address, reg, value); STATS_INC(g_tsl2561stats, errors); } sensor_itf_unlock(itf); return rc; } int tsl2561_write16(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t reg, uint16_t value) { int rc; uint8_t payload[3] = { reg, value & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF }; struct hal_i2c_master_data data_struct = { .address = itf->si_addr, .len = 3, .buffer = payload }; rc = sensor_itf_lock(itf, MYNEWT_VAL(TSL2561_ITF_LOCK_TMO)); if (rc) { return rc; } rc = hal_i2c_master_write(itf->si_num, &data_struct, OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / 10, 1); if (rc) { TSL2561_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write @0x%02X with value 0x%02X 0x%02X\n", reg, payload[0], payload[1]); } sensor_itf_unlock(itf); return rc; } int tsl2561_read8(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *value) { int rc; uint8_t payload; struct hal_i2c_master_data data_struct = { .address = itf->si_addr, .len = 1, .buffer = &payload }; rc = sensor_itf_lock(itf, MYNEWT_VAL(TSL2561_ITF_LOCK_TMO)); if (rc) { return rc; } /* Register write */ payload = reg; rc = hal_i2c_master_write(itf->si_num, &data_struct, OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / 10, 1); if (rc) { TSL2561_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to address sensor\n"); goto err; } /* Read one byte back */ payload = 0; rc = hal_i2c_master_read(itf->si_num, &data_struct, OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / 10, 1); *value = payload; if (rc) { TSL2561_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to read @0x%02X\n", reg); } err: sensor_itf_unlock(itf); return rc; } int tsl2561_read16(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t reg, uint16_t *value) { int rc; uint8_t payload[2] = { reg, 0 }; struct hal_i2c_master_data data_struct = { .address = itf->si_addr, .len = 1, .buffer = payload }; rc = sensor_itf_lock(itf, MYNEWT_VAL(TSL2561_ITF_LOCK_TMO)); if (rc) { return rc; } /* Register write */ rc = hal_i2c_master_write(itf->si_num, &data_struct, OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / 10, 1); if (rc) { TSL2561_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to address sensor\n"); goto err; } /* Read two bytes back */ memset(payload, 0, 2); data_struct.len = 2; rc = hal_i2c_master_read(itf->si_num, &data_struct, OS_TICKS_PER_SEC / 10, 1); *value = (uint16_t)payload[0] | ((uint16_t)payload[1] << 8); if (rc) { TSL2561_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to read @0x%02X\n", reg); goto err; } err: sensor_itf_unlock(itf); return rc; } /** * Enable or disables the sensor to save power * * @param The sensor interface * @param state 1 to enable the sensor, 0 to disable it * * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ int tsl2561_enable(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t state) { /* Enable the device by setting the control bit to 0x03 */ return tsl2561_write8(itf, TSL2561_COMMAND_BIT | TSL2561_REGISTER_CONTROL, state ? TSL2561_CONTROL_POWERON : TSL2561_CONTROL_POWEROFF); } /** * Checks if the sensor in enabled or not * * @param The sensor interface * @param ptr to enabled * * @return 0 on success, non-zero on fialure */ int tsl2561_get_enable(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t *enabled) { int rc; uint8_t reg; /* Enable the device by setting the control bit to 0x03 */ rc = tsl2561_read8(itf, TSL2561_COMMAND_BIT | TSL2561_REGISTER_CONTROL, ®); if (rc) { goto err; } *enabled = reg & 0x03 ? 1 : 0; return 0; err: return rc; } /** * Sets the integration time used when sampling light values. * * @param The sensor interface * @param int_time The integration time which can be one of: * - 0x00: 13ms * - 0x01: 101ms * - 0x02: 402ms * * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ int tsl2561_set_integration_time(struct sensor_itf *itf, uint8_t int_time) { int rc; uint8_t gain; rc = tsl2561_get_gain(itf, &gain); if (rc) { goto err; } rc = tsl2561_write8(itf, TSL2561_COMMAND_BIT | TSL2561_REGISTER_TIMING, int_time | gain); if (rc) { goto err; } return 0; err: return rc; }
#include "shell/shell.h" #include "parse/parse.h" #define LIS2DW12_CLI_FIRST_REGISTER 0x0D #define LIS2DW12_CLI_LAST_REGISTER 0x3F static int lis2dw12_shell_cmd(int argc, char **argv); static struct shell_cmd lis2dw12_shell_cmd_struct = { .sc_cmd = "lis2dw12", .sc_cmd_func = lis2dw12_shell_cmd }; static struct sensor_itf g_sensor_itf = { .si_type = MYNEWT_VAL(LIS2DW12_SHELL_ITF_TYPE), .si_num = MYNEWT_VAL(LIS2DW12_SHELL_ITF_NUM), .si_cs_pin = MYNEWT_VAL(LIS2DW12_SHELL_CSPIN), .si_addr = MYNEWT_VAL(LIS2DW12_SHELL_ITF_ADDR) }; static int lis2dw12_shell_err_too_many_args(char *cmd_name) { console_printf("Error: too many arguments for command \"%s\"\n", cmd_name); return EINVAL; } static int lis2dw12_shell_err_too_few_args(char *cmd_name)
void hal_bsp_init(void) { int rc; #if MYNEWT_VAL(SOFT_PWM) int idx; #endif (void)rc; /* Make sure system clocks have started */ hal_system_clock_start(); #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_0) rc = hal_timer_init(0, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_1) rc = hal_timer_init(1, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_2) rc = hal_timer_init(2, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_3) rc = hal_timer_init(3, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_4) rc = hal_timer_init(4, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_5) rc = hal_timer_init(5, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(ADC_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_adc0, "adc0", OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, nrf52_adc_dev_init, &os_bsp_adc0_config); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_0) pwm0_idx = 0; rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_pwm0, "pwm0", OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, nrf52_pwm_dev_init, &pwm0_idx); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_1) pwm1_idx = 1; rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_pwm1, "pwm1", OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, nrf52_pwm_dev_init, &pwm1_idx); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_2) pwm2_idx = 2; rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_pwm2, "pwm2", OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, nrf52_pwm_dev_init, &pwm2_idx); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SOFT_PWM) for (idx = 0; idx < MYNEWT_VAL(SOFT_PWM_DEVS); idx++) { spwm_name[idx] = "spwm0"; spwm_name[idx][4] = '0' + idx; spwm_idx[idx] = idx; rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_spwm[idx], spwm_name[idx], OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, soft_pwm_dev_init, &spwm_idx[idx]); assert(rc == 0); } #endif #if (MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_TIMER_NUM) >= 0) rc = os_cputime_init(MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_FREQ)); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(I2C_0) rc = hal_i2c_init(0, (void *)&hal_i2c_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER) rc = hal_spi_init(0, (void *)&os_bsp_spi0m_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_MASTER); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_1_MASTER) rc = hal_spi_init(1, (void *)&os_bsp_spi1m_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_MASTER); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_1_SLAVE) rc = hal_spi_init(1, (void *)&os_bsp_spi1s_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_SLAVE); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_uart0, "uart0", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_hal_init, (void *)&os_bsp_uart0_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &os_bsp_bitbang_uart1, "uart1", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_bitbang_init, (void *)&os_bsp_uart1_cfg); assert(rc == 0); #endif }
#include "bsp.h" #if MYNEWT_VAL(ADC_0) #include <adc_nrf52/adc_nrf52.h> #include <nrfx_saadc.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_0) || MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_1) || MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_2) #include <pwm_nrf52/pwm_nrf52.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SOFT_PWM) #include <soft_pwm/soft_pwm.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) static struct uart_dev os_bsp_uart0; static const struct nrf52_uart_cfg os_bsp_uart0_cfg = { .suc_pin_tx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_TX), .suc_pin_rx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RX), .suc_pin_rts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RTS), .suc_pin_cts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_CTS), }; #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1) static struct uart_dev os_bsp_bitbang_uart1; static const struct uart_bitbang_conf os_bsp_uart1_cfg = { .ubc_txpin = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1_PIN_TX), .ubc_rxpin = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1_PIN_RX), .ubc_cputimer_freq = MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_FREQ), }; #endif
#include "os/os_dev.h" #include "bsp.h" #if MYNEWT_VAL(ADC_0) #include <adc_nrf52/adc_nrf52.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_0) || MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_1) || MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_2) #include <pwm_nrf52/pwm_nrf52.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SOFT_PWM) #include <soft_pwm/soft_pwm.h> #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) static struct uart_dev os_bsp_uart0; static const struct nrf52_uart_cfg os_bsp_uart0_cfg = { .suc_pin_tx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_TX), .suc_pin_rx = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RX), .suc_pin_rts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_RTS), .suc_pin_cts = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0_PIN_CTS), }; #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1) static struct uart_dev os_bsp_bitbang_uart1; static const struct uart_bitbang_conf os_bsp_uart1_cfg = { .ubc_txpin = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1_PIN_TX), .ubc_rxpin = MYNEWT_VAL(UART_1_PIN_RX), .ubc_cputimer_freq = MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_FREQ), }; #endif
void select_clock(const clock_config_t *cfg) { uint32_t new_qspi_div = 0; uint32_t old_qspi_div = SPI0_REG(SPI_REG_SCKDIV); /* Clock based on external escilator */ if (!cfg->xosc || cfg->pll) { /* Turn on internal oscillator */ PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFROSCCFG) = ROSC_DIV(cfg->osc_div) | ROSC_TRIM(MYNEWT_VAL(HFROSC_DEFAULT_TRIM_VAL)) | ROSC_EN(1); while ((PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFROSCCFG) & ROSC_RDY(1)) == 0) { } /* Compute CPU frequency on demand */ cpu_freq = 0; } if (cfg->xosc) { /* Turn on external oscillator if not ready yet */ if ((PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFXOSCCFG) & XOSC_RDY(1)) == 0) { PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFXOSCCFG) = XOSC_EN(1); while ((PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFXOSCCFG) & XOSC_RDY(1)) == 0) { } } cpu_freq = cfg->frq; } /* * If reqested closk is higher then FLASH_MAX_CLOCK change divider so QSPI * clock is in rage. */ if (cfg->frq >= MYNEWT_VAL(FLASH_MAX_CLOCK) * 2) { new_qspi_div = (cfg->frq + MYNEWT_VAL(FLASH_MAX_CLOCK) - 1) / (2 * MYNEWT_VAL(FLASH_MAX_CLOCK)) - 1; } /* New qspi divider is higher, reduce qspi clock before switching to higher clock */ if (new_qspi_div > old_qspi_div) { SPI0_REG(SPI_REG_SCKDIV) = new_qspi_div; } PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLDIV) = PLL_FINAL_DIV_BY_1(cfg->pll_outdiv1) | PLL_FINAL_DIV(cfg->pll_out_div); if (cfg->pll) { uint32_t now; uint32_t pllcfg = PLL_REFSEL(cfg->xosc) | PLL_R(cfg->pll_div_r) | PLL_F(cfg->pll_mul_f) | PLL_Q(cfg->pll_div_q); PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) = PLL_BYPASS(1) | pllcfg; PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) ^= PLL_BYPASS(1); /* 100us lock grace period */ now = mtime_lo(); while (mtime_lo() - now < 4) { } /* Now it is safe to check for PLL Lock */ while ((PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) & PLL_LOCK(1)) == 0) { } /* Select PLL as clock source */ PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) |= PLL_SEL(1) | pllcfg; } else { /* Select bypassed PLL as source signal, it allows to use HFXOSC */ PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) = PLL_BYPASS(1) | PLL_REFSEL(cfg->xosc) | PLL_SEL(1); } /* * Old qspi divider was higher, now it's safe to reduce divider, increasing * qspi clock for better performance */ if (new_qspi_div < old_qspi_div) { SPI0_REG(SPI_REG_SCKDIV) = new_qspi_div; } }
* * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #include <string.h> #include "mcu/cmsis_nvic.h" #include "trng/trng.h" #include "trng_nrf52/trng_nrf52.h" static uint8_t rng_cache[ MYNEWT_VAL(NRF52_TRNG_CACHE_LEN) ]; static uint16_t rng_cache_out; static uint16_t rng_cache_in; static void nrf52_rng_start(void) { os_sr_t sr; OS_ENTER_CRITICAL(sr); NRF_RNG->EVENTS_VALRDY = 0; NRF_RNG->INTENSET = 1; NRF_RNG->TASKS_START = 1; OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(sr);
void hal_bsp_init(void) { int rc; (void)rc; hal_system_clock_start(); #if MYNEWT_VAL(TRNG) rc = os_dev_create(&, "trng", OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, stm32_trng_dev_init, NULL); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(UART_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &hal_uart0, "uart0", OS_DEV_INIT_PRIMARY, 0, uart_hal_init, (void *)&uart_cfg[0]); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_MASTER) rc = hal_spi_init(0, &spi0_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_MASTER); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(SPI_0_SLAVE) rc = hal_spi_init(0, &spi0_cfg, HAL_SPI_TYPE_SLAVE); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(I2C_0) rc = hal_i2c_init(0, &i2c_cfg0); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_0) hal_timer_init(0, TIM9); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_1) hal_timer_init(1, TIM10); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(TIMER_2) hal_timer_init(2, TIM11); #endif #if (MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_TIMER_NUM) >= 0) rc = os_cputime_init(MYNEWT_VAL(OS_CPUTIME_FREQ)); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(ETH_0) stm32_eth_init(ð_cfg); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_0) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &stm32_pwm_dev_driver[PWM_0_DEV_ID], (char*)stm32_pwm_dev_name[PWM_0_DEV_ID], OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, stm32_pwm_dev_init, &stm32_pwm_config[PWM_0_DEV_ID]); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_1) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &stm32_pwm_dev_driver[PWM_1_DEV_ID], (char*)stm32_pwm_dev_name[PWM_1_DEV_ID], OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, stm32_pwm_dev_init, &stm32_pwm_config[PWM_1_DEV_ID]); assert(rc == 0); #endif #if MYNEWT_VAL(PWM_2) rc = os_dev_create((struct os_dev *) &stm32_pwm_dev_driver[PWM_2_DEV_ID], (char*)stm32_pwm_dev_name[PWM_2_DEV_ID], OS_DEV_INIT_KERNEL, OS_DEV_INIT_PRIO_DEFAULT, stm32_pwm_dev_init, &stm32_pwm_config[PWM_2_DEV_ID]); assert(rc == 0); #endif }